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November 06, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-06

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Sir~rg x

Da t 14

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Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY, COLD

VOL. LXIV, No. 40



Williams Pr
Reds Accept Plan
To End Deadlock
Demand To Interview Chinese
Instead of North Korean POW's



-Daily-Don Campbell
Cast Named for 1953 Uuion Opera

Principal cast and chorus mem-
bers and the road show schedule
of the 1953 Union Opera, "Up 'N'
Atom," were announced last night
by Dick riegel, '55, Opera general
Nearly all parts for the Howard
Nemerovski, '54E, written musical
comedy have been filled, Fiegel
said. However, a few specialty
parts, including a double for Pres-
ident Eisenhower, will pe deter-
mined within the next two weeks.
Detroit Reds'
Trial Delayed
By Objections
DETROIT-()-Sustained ob-
jections by defense attorneys yes-
terday cut heavily into testimony
by a key government witness in
the conspiracy trial of six Mich-
igan Communist leaders.
The witness, John Lautner, a
former Communist national par-
ty officer; under questioning by
° Fred W. Kaess, U. S. District At-
torney, sought to tell a Federal
Court jury of the indoctrination
procedures and party taught
classes for "Professional revolu-
ERNEST Goodman, represent-
ing three of the defendants, Mrs.
Helen Winter, William Allan, and
Philip Schatz, objected through,
,out Lautner's testimony.
Goodman termed the testi-
mony, much of which pertained
to party activities in the early
thirties "outdated and irrele-
vant to the conspiracy charges
against the defendants."
Lautner; on the stand for the
t third day as the government's first
witness, told the jury of Com-
munist party; training schools
which he attended in 1930 and
party schools which he taught up
to 1941.
s * *
A. Picard strike from the record
Lautner's testimony of his party
assignments in Canada.
He also, through sustained
objections, forced Lautnerto re-
late only what could be substan-
tiated through government evi-
Introduced in support of Laut-
ner's testimony and the govern-
ment's case were excerpts from
the Communist Manifesto, speech-
es by Joseph Stalin, and writing
of William Z. Foster, former head
of the Communist Party of the
United States.
SDA To Take
Poll on Probes
A poll to sample campus opin-
ion on the right of investigating
committees to inquire into per-
sonal religious, social, and poli-
tical beliefs will be conducted dur-
ing Academic Freedom Week by

PLAYING locally from Dec. 9
to 11, "Up 'N' Atom" is conduct-
ing an all-campus search for any
male student who can effectively
impersonate the chief executive.
Emphasis will be placed upon the
Eisenhower victory smile, facial
features and gestures, Fiegel com-
Principal parts in the musical,
which will deal with home brew
and atomic fission, will be play-
ed by Andy Cooley, '56, Herb
Drucker, '55L, Earl Sayer, '57,
Ron Poland, '56, John Geralt,
'55M, Bob Cutting, '54NR,
Gene Bohi, Grad. and ,Russ
Brown, '57.
Members of the singing chorus
will include Dick Anslow, '57, Tom
Auch, '54BAd, Marshall Blondy,
'55, Bill Baker, '57, Dick Booth,
'57, Ray Bahor, '54, John Brad-
field, '55, Milt Converse, '56, Ron
DeBouver, '56SM and Tom C. Gil-
more, '56E.
Others in the singing chorus!
will be Kevin Keane, .Grad., Pete
Kramer, '56, Don Kirkpatrick,
'55E, Paul Krueger, '54A, Eugene
Moore, '57, Don Seltz, '57, Len
Scott, '55A and Bruce Work, '56.
* * *
lights in the dancing chorus will
be Dexter Bartlett, '55, Jerry Gray,.
'56E, Greg Hooper, '55, Mike Lash-
met, '54, Gordon Mars, '56, George
McIntyre, '57 and Charles Mayer,
Also named to the dancing
chorus yesterday were Erwin
Rubenstein, '55BAd, Tom Cham-
berlin,s157E, Dave Edwards, '55E,
Ralph Glowacki, '55, Len Loren,
',55, Jim Mills, '55, Paul Rich-
man, '56, Don Rosenberg, '54,
Dean Vane, '56 and Bob Wie-
gand, '55.
Last night Fiegel announced the
performance of "Up 'N' Atom" in.
Lansing will be given Dec. 12,
the day after the last local per-
formance. Toledo will witness the
IFC Ball
Deadline for handing in peti-
tions for IFC Ball committee
positions has been extended to
5 p.m. Monday. .
The number of posts open
has been increased to eight
with the addition of music and
finance chairmanships.

all-male show on Dec. 26, and
Buffalo will view it on Dec. 28.
The next day, the show will be
given in Cleveland and will return
to Michigan the 30th for a per-
formance in Flint. Detroit will be
visited Dec. 31 and the final per-
formance of the Opera will be held
in Chicago on Jan. -2.
Road show general chairman
Dick Huff, '55BAd, said this year's
tour is the longest since the 1920's,
when "Cotton Stockings" played
in New York City's Metropolitan
Opera House and its cast met Pres-
ident Calvin Coolidge in Wash-
ington during an 11-city tour.
SL Week
Plans Set
Discussions of effects of Con-
gressional investigations on educa-
tion, addresses by prominent State
and local officials and an' all-day
conference for midwestern college
students will be featured during
Academic Freedom Week on cam-
Scheduled for November 15 to
22, the week's activities have been
planned by Student Legislature's
Academic Freedom Commission.
PHILIP HART, legal consultant
for the State, Prank Blackford,
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' legis-
lative secretary and another un-
named State official will be mem-
bers of a forum.to be held Tues-
day, Nov. 17.
Thursday, Nov. 19, Prof. Paul
G. Kauper, of the Law School,
Rev. Edward W. Redman of the
local Unitarian Church and sev-
eral students will debate the
question "Have. Congressional
investigations contributed favor-
ably or unfavorably to the wel-
fare of American education?"
An all-day conference for stu-
dents from the University and
other midwestern colleges will be
held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Satur-
day, Nov. 22 in the' Union.
After a brief welcoming cere-
mony, the conference will break
into five separate workshops to
discusstCongressional investiga-
tions, student rights, criteria for
judging teachers, American tra-
ditions in academic freedom and
security and loyalty programs.

munists yesterday accepted an Al-
lied plan to let staff officers try
breaking the deadlock that is
holding up preliminary talks on a
Korea peace conference.
But a short.distance away at an-
other meeting, the Reds made a
surprise predawn demand that
they be allowed to interview balky
Chinese POWs instead of the
North Koreans originally sched-
uled-bringing yesterday's prison-.
ers' explanations to a complete
THE preliminary peace confer-
ence talks went into indefinite re-
cess after a 20-minute session be-
tween U.S. envoy Arthur Dean andx
Communist negotiators.4
In their 11 sessions since Oct.
26 they have failed to settle an
agenda for the preliminary
The Communists want to dis-
cuss first the question of invit-
ing neutrals to the main confer-
ence. The Allies want to decide on
the time and place of the confer-
ence first, then listen to Red ideas
on the matter of who will attend.
that the talks be handed over to
staff officers or advisers, two from
each side, who could form two sub-
committees and discuss the ques-
tions simultaneously, a procedure
that was used successfully in the
long Korean armistice negotia-
The advisers will meet today
at 8 p.m. (CST).
In the prisoners' explanations,
the Reds suddenly demanded that
Chinese prisoners left over from
Wednesday's sessions be produced
for explanations. k
An Indian command spokes-
man said those Chinese not in-
terviewed Wednesday were re-
turned to their compounds along
with those who hadt refused re-
"It is difficult for us to provide
Chinese POWs this morning since
they are not separated," he said.
The latest stalling tactic came
I amidst reports the Communists,
embarrassed and frustrated by theI

futile explanations, were prepar-
ing to break off the explanation
The Reds were rebuffed Wed-
nesday by 134 of 136 Chinese pris-
oners interviewed in drawn-out
DETROIT-UP')-Dearborn may-I
or Orville L. Hubbard, at the pin-
nacle of his political career, yes-
terday was called unfit for office!
by a one-man grand jury.
Circuit Judge Miles N. Culehan,
the grand juror, asked Gov. G.
Mennen Williams to set up ousterj
proceedings against the irrepres-
sible mayor.
HUBBARD was re-elected to his

-Daily-Don Ca
TO THE VICTOR-A. B. Charlip, '54, vice-president o
Wolverine Club, presents Harry Panagos, '57E, with a ticke
the week-end trip to the Illinois-Michigan football game o
Illini Liner, as his prize for winning the "Name the Wolve
contest sponsored by the club. Panagos named, the symbolic
verine "Victor." The train leaves Ann Arbor at 12:57 toda

seventh straight term by voters
of the suburb only Tuesday. He
won a smashing victroy margin of!
two and a half to one and car-
ried his entire council slate into
office with him.


Letters Ask
Be Planned
Athletics Board's
View Still Secret
Gov. G. Mennen Williams forged
ahead yesterday with plans to pre-
sent his Michigan-Michigan State
football trophy at the Nov. 14
game, -despite a refusal to date on
the part of University athletics
board members publicly to ap.
prove or disapprove the idea.
According to Associated Press
reports the governor has written
the presidents of both institutions
asking them to arrange presenta-
tion ceremonies between halves of
the game one week from tomor.
UNIVERSITY President Harlan
H. Hatcher said last night that he
had as yet received no letter from
the Governor.
mpbenl Members of the Board in Con.
I the trol of Athletics continued to
et for cling to the fence last night in
in th the developing confusion of what
rnte" stand to take on the proposed
rine" trophy.,-
.y for A spokesman for the Governr's
office said, "because of the time
element, we found it necessary to
commence preparation of the tro
phy nearly a week ago, and as a
consequence are, unfortunately,
unable to take full advantage of
Im S any further suggestions offered."
SOME QUESTION arose over
tge whether "further suggestions" re
fers to the contents of the report
___-submitted Wednesday to the Gov-
An Ad- ernor containing recommendations
Ideas," of the joint meeting of the Univer.
sity and MSC athletic boards
ghat the Monday.
Pva Contents of the report remain
a voca- knw
ney, or ukon
s in the The same executive office spokes-
s a way man said that Gov. Williams has
ing life. commissioned a Chicago sculptor
to carve a sizable figure of Paul
f facts, Bunyan out of Michigan pine for
its and the trophy.
t-these It will carry plates of Michigan
copper for the inscription of each
law "A year's winner. Gov. Williams'
vent on name will also appear on the
s is not trophy.
learn- * * *
fe, and CONFLICTING stories of just
what action has been taken by the
a law- University athletic board cropped
dwards, up last night in comments from
dn't ad- various members.
e he has
esort." One student member of the
in the board said he knew of no meet-
Judge ingrTuesday until he read it in
can do the paper. Another member re-
ct and fused to comment on the Gov-
ernor's action and would not say
with the whether the report had been
punish- handed to Gov. Williams Wed-
eer rem- nesday,
ds. Still another board member said
definitely that a report had come
out of the joint meeting and had
been' submitted to the Governor
ge hasWednesday morning.
ren to Prof. Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler,
renowi University athletic director de
'rowingclined to say whether the board
College has taken any further action in
t night either direction on the trophy.

a tro-
aa fIWagLman Tells.

Judge Edwards Clai
Law Presents Challen

Zonal Police
In Trieste Riot1
TRIESTE -- OP) - Pro-Italan
demonstrations got out of, hand
in this disputed city yesterday and
territorial police, shooting to
break up a riotous, hostile crowd,
killed 2 persons and wounded 15.
Scores of other demonstrators
and police were injured in other
battling around the strategic
port, a part of the Trieste Free
Territory's Zone A that Britain
and the United States proposed
Oct. 8 to turn back to Italian ad-
ministration. About three dozen
were hospitalized.
THE SHOOTING came in latei
afternoon near the Roman Catho-
lic church of St. Anthony in
downtown Trieste. A priest wasI
reconsecrating the church becauseI
of blood spilled in it during a
melee between students and po-
lice earlier in the day.
As hundreds of students
crowded around the church for
the ceremony, a riot police jeep
moved into the throng. Students
began hurling paving blocks and
sticks at the occupants.
Witnesses said the police tried
to fight free of the crowd, but
failed. Before the fight ended it
was estimated 1,000 demonstra-
tors, all apparently students, and
200 police were involved.1
The crowd smashed several po-
lice jeeps and trucks.!
IT ~mI -& ~t 'T-1;.t c"-.,-u

Judge. Culehan, after a long
investigation of the Dearborn
city. administration, accused
Hubbard of malfeasance, non-
feasance and willful neglect of
His 35-page petition demanding
the mayor's removal contained 20
specific charges.
* * *
HUBBARD struck back by say-
ing he would petition for a 23-
man grand jury to investigate the
conduct of circuit court-especial-
ly the grand jury and the court's
handling of funds.
"This.petition is a confession
by Culehan that he has not been
able to find cause for indict-
ment," Hubbard asserted ang-
rily when he was presented a
copy of Judge Culehan's docu-
Gov. Williams said he could not
comment on the case until he has
had a chance to study the peti-
tion over the weekend.
COMPLICATING the picture
was - Hubbard's re-election to a
two-year term. Observers noted
that the question, of whether pos-
sible removal would apply to his
present term, the new term,. or
The 20 charges revolved main-
ly around the alleged loose purse
strings held by Hubbard's ad-
One accused him of accepting a
gift television set from a Dear-
born department store whose tax
assessment had been lowered
Fresh Air Project
Fraternity and sorority pledges
affected by yesterday's cancella-
tion of the Fresh Air Camp may
go out today or Saturday with the
assigned groups.



"Law is a profession to be proud#
of," Hon. George Edwards, judge
of probates, juvenile division, in
Wayne County, said at a meetingI
of the Michigan Crib last night.

Ills LossON THE Inportance
Judge Edwards said, "B
pieces, information, fac
Although a slight upward climb are the tools of the lawyer.
in local temperatures is predicted Judge Edwards called
for today the appearance of snow challenge to living." He v
flurries in this area yesterday and to say, "The legal process
Wednesday has given Wolverine just learning rules. It's
fans headed for Illinois this week- ing about people and lit
end cause to be wary. how to find out facts."
The memory of the Michigan Obstinacy is a virtue in
eleven going down to defeat in an yer according to Judge E
Illinois snowstorm two years ago who said, "A lawyer shoul
has not faded. ' mit defeat until he is sur
THE WEATHER bureau has in- passed the court of last re
jected a note of promise into the There is anew idea
scene, however, with warmer Edwards. Human beings
weather predicted for Champaign Ewads abeings
on Sturay.something about conduq
on Saturday.cartr.
Higher temperatures are just character.
around the corner for Ann Ar- "e ow the ot
bor residents also, but students idea of finding the proper
venturing out into the winter ment, but rather the prop
air for 8 a.m. classes today are edy," said Judge Edwar
still likely to feel like going back
The predicted high for today is
40 degrees, only three degrees An East Lansing Colle
above the high mark of 37. which University
the thermometor reached at 3 compete in a beard g
p.m. yesterday. contest.
Last night, snow ranging from The Michigan State+
a trace to a foot gave way to student government last
the coldest weather df the sea- contacted the Student L
son in the state. Heaviest of the ture here and promised
ssnowfalls was in Port Huron, phy for the winning to
where asbout 12 inches accumu- beards at the pep rallyi
laed before the sun came out Lansing a week from to
to melt some. Firmness, richness and
- Just across the St. Clair River, I-ss richnesslan
Sarnia, Ont., reported seven inches stada ds of udgm nt
of snow. I

Talking on "The Law-
venture in Facts and
Judge Edwards stressed t
legal profession offers a g
portunity, not simply as
tion, a place to make m
a means of gaining statuw
community; but rather as
to lead a full and interest
* * *

in East
X thick-
be the

Library Use

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- A mock air attack on the Nation's capital yes-
terday left the President "uninjured" as he hurried to the safety of
a secret bomb-shelter on the White House grounds.
However, some of the nation's key military leaders might have
been eliminated had a genuine raid taken place.
* * 1* * * *



r7i arsn ry+

Buses will take as many as pos-

Frederick H. Wagman, director
of the University Library, traced

SL Candidates Eye Cu

DETROIT - The wind was
cold but the reception was warm
last night as King Paul and
Queep Frederika of Greece ar-
rived in Detroit for a 22-hour

MT. CLEMENS, Mich.-Turn-
ing his disabled, rocket-laden
Sabrejet fighter from densely
populated Detroit toward Lake
St. Clair, an Air Force pilot died

'(Editor's Note: This is the fourth{
In a series of articles on major is-
sues involved in next week's Stu-
dent Legislature elections.)
If Student Legislature candl-
dates have their way, women's
hours on campus will be greatly
extended during the coming year.

have mounted during the pastI
year in spite of a half-hourt
lengthening of weekday permis-
sion for senior women on campus.
One student summed up what
seems to be majority opinion by
saying "It is ridiculous for a 21
.or 22-year-old senior woman to
be told she must come in at 11

the historical development and
modern use of the college library
at a meeting of the American As-
sociation of University Professors
last night.
r feI IChange Wagman noted' the historical
change of attitude of the librar-
Ian from that of a guardian to the
towns where formal or informal modern conception of serving the
curfews still exist, would have a pubihc.
Imore difficult time adjusting to. Whereas the modern librarian
college life if permitted to stay is happiest when he can bring the
out until midnight every night. most people to his library, Wag-
It hs aso eenarged hati man said, "the earlier librarian
It has also been argued that if was more custodial and there to
women had later hours conserva- see that the books were used as
tive-minded parents would be re- little as possible."
luctant to send their daughters toliteapsbe





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