PAGE 970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMEER 4, 1953 F I State Heads In Education Meet Today Seven hundred parents and edu- cational leaders from throughout the state will gather in the Rack- ham Building today and tomor- row for the 24th annual meeting of the Parent Education Institute. "The Conservation of Human Resources" is the theme of the program which is open to the pub- lic. PROF. WILLIAM C. Morse, as- sociate professor of educational psychology will give a principal address. He will discuss "The Mental Health of Our Children" at the opening 'assembly at 10:30 am. today. Discussion groups and lectures will include the topics of mi- grant workers' children, the physically exceptional child, the mentally exceptional child, character and spiritual educa- tion, and home and family liv- ing. The institute is a joint project of the University Extension Ser- vice and the Michigan Congress or Parents and Teachers. Registration for the institute opens at 8:30 a.m. today in the lobby of the Rackham Building. Poll Result: No Exams For Seniors (Continued from Page 1) weeks vacation classes would re- sume with the end of the second semester coming around the first of May. * * * THIS REVISION was termed an advancement by some because "it would give seniors a jump on the job." Opponents of this proposal commented many summer jobs last until Labor Day; Christmas vacation is often used for term paper writing and general catch- ing up and climatitic conditions in September and October are not conusive to study. Of course, they added, neither are conditions in June. Concerning the proposal that instructors turn in grades before the final and give early finals for thosestudent in danger of failing, the objection of the difficulty fac- ed in grading in a large lecture session was brought forth. Dee Keith, '54, favors this plan because "those who have good gradles know the course and there is no reason for a final." Another proposal that finals be held two weeks before the end of 3shool and be followed by a com- frehensive review of the course 4rought.comment from Bea John- Jon, saying this would be fine "if students were really students." The quarter system was opposed by the majority, contacted. Some students had no feeling about the matter as long as "we are given time to study." Said one student, "When are the students going to grow up and let the Administration run the school ?" Badeau To Talk On Middle East President John S. Badeau of the Near East Foundation will lec- ture on "New Movements in the Middle East: Their Significance and Challenge" at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in the Rackham Amphi- theater. Former president of the Amer- ican University at Cairo, Egypt, Badeau has had many years of Near Eastern experience. During World War II he served as chief regional specialist for the Middle East with the United States Office of War Information. Pre-Law Society To Hear Edwards Hon. George Edwards, judge of probates, juvenile division, in Wayne County will speak on "The Law-An Adventure in Facts arid Ideas" at the meeting of Michi- gan Crib, pre-law society, at. 8 p.m. tomorrow in the League. ION" PROOF NEEDED: Search for Lung Cancer Causes Awaits Evidence aw roup To Convene m B a 4 Catches Color By JANE HOWARD Reports from the American Can- cer Society's current meeting in New York suggesting possible causes for lung cancer have been received with guarded local en- thusiasm. One statement made at the meeting attributed the increase of lung cancer to traffic jams, where exhaust fumes from motors form a "hazy blue plague" inducive to the disease. Tests have been made by injecting the engine exhausts into the skin of mice, with a re- sult to date of cancer in half the animals. DOCTORS and scientists at the symposium turned their attention to the widely popular conception that lung cancer may result from excessive smoking. Cigarettes are regarded withsuspicion chiefly because smokers are much more prone to lung cancer than non- smokers. Other reports, however, appear to lessen the effect of smoking habits in the search for the disease's cause. Again experimenting with mice, scientists have exposed an- imals to heavy cigarette smoke 40 hours a week, with no lung cancer increase. Other tests, treating embryonic mouse tis- sues with extracts from tobac- co and cigarette paper had fail- ed, at the report's release, to produce any cancer evidence. "This is all interesting," com- mented Dr. John Alexander, pro- fessor of surgery, "but ideas like these are just fads and guesses, based on incomplete evidence." Dr. Fred J. Hodges, a radiology specialist, added to medical hesi- tancy to accept any unverified proof. "LUNG CANCER is terribly im- portant," Dr. Hodges said, "and it's especially common in men, though we don't know why. The average age is around 50, but many times victims have the disease for six or more years without know- ing it." "But you're way out in left field," the doctor said, "when you question the reasons for lung cancer. The smoking cru- sade is always a strong one, but again there are no conclusive proofs. Don't be convinced of news like this," he cautioned, "until the facts are established." Dr. Carl Vernon Weller of the pathology department added the comment, "There's a big distinc- tion between the verbs 'might' and 'could' in relation to cancer'" A number of factors are known to cause the disease, he said, but opinions on tar, smoking, and motor exhaust fumes are all just guesses. "These are promising fields of investigation," he said, "but as yet nothing has been prov- ed in respect to them." Here Toda Recognizing the importance of public relations to the legal pro- fession, 100 lawyers from all over the country will gather at the University today for the first Mid- west Institute on Public Relations for the Bar. THE FIRST conference of its kind in the nation, the meeting marks an increasing awareness of professions that good public rela- tions are a definite need. The pro- gram will be tailored to fit needs of the individual lawyer. By bringing Bar officials to the meeting, Institute heads hope to impart to them essen- tials of good public relations to take back to their group and thus increase good will toward the profession. "When the pro- sion is generally well thought of," State Bar Association Secre- tary Milton E. Bachmann point- ed out, "people are not so likely to, condemn the whole group when a few bad individuals show up." Presented through the joint ef- At Homecoming Game I r, . . 7 N Engineering Honor, Society Will Meet Thirty-third annual convention 1111 y 'lll aulua gul c dllforts othe La School h ih of Pi Tau Sigma, mechanical en- fort of the uta S nd the Ch- gineering honor society, will be igan Law Institute and the Corn- held at the University tomorrow mittee onPublic Relations of the through Saturday. State Bar, the conference is a The 130 delegates, coming from step in the general public rela- more than 50 colleges and univer- tions program of the State Bar. sities, will make a tour of the cam- - pus and visit a Detroit motor com- SL Agenda pang'. a ALUMS ARRIVE: "REMEMBER WHEN?" READY, UP, FLIP, DOWN 'U' Contracts City For Policemen The University has contracted, with the city of Ann Arbor to pro- vide nine new policemen to work in the campus area although they will remain under control of the city police department it wasI learned yesterday. Two of the vacancies have been filled and applications are being taken for the remaining seven. Student Legislature will take up the following items of busi- ness when it meets at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss Dining Room of East Quad: Homecoming Dance Report Elections Report Motion on the Radulovich Case Motion on By-Law Changes Fair Play Stickers Report All interested students and faculty members have been in- vited by SL to attend the meet- ing. 4 I. Stop what you're doin', Seniors, and take your proofs to CRUNCH! NOT ALL THE SPIRIT'S ON THE FIELD ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT A Daily Photo Feature } Pictures by BETSY SMITH Edited by MARILYN CAMPBELL and KATHERINE ZEISLER the Student Publications Building,. When you know your beer A: I IT'S A TENSE MOMENT FOOTBALL ATTRACTS VARIED FANS i Sheet Music Slightly Damaged t 1 r Enjoy ' 0 Dudweiser a :$ ..... r .. .: _.._ .. ::.,...: _.: .. .. ...::.- _ .... 7:77 ..::..:.. s