PAGE Fokub THEW iCHIiGAA DAiLY 34 1. .:F wr.e.l: isv . a. _.. s .-.f J XVJJ The Sound-Off & an Answer By VIRGINIA VOSS Daily Editorial Director "LISTEN!. Ann Arbor Oracles Sound Off" captioned the Michigan State News over a recent letter to its editor, and looking at the content of the letter, the caption seems justified. Written by two self-appointed Univer- sity. representatives who gave their names as Arthur Durry and Wayne Thorner, the letter reads as follows: "Now that Michigan State is a normal (?) school again, perhaps some of its appropria- tions will be diverted to academic rather than athletic endeavors. "Maybe if the instructors at your school were paid more than the invincivle football players who work for Michigan State, you would attract a better class of students. After all, the University of Michigan can- not continue to take in all of the good stu- dents in the state who want an education. "We cannot do this for two reasons: our physical plant cannot accommodate all of the prospective students who want to go to a goqd school; and, we do not like to take all of the glory from our country cousin-after all, blood IS thicker than water. . "Yours for better and bigger studefit at- tendance-in classes rather tlhan in Mack- ln Field." ' In view of the profuse objections which poured into The Daily .office this morning (see Letters to the Editor column) and quite aside from the obviously puerile tone of the Durry-Thorner sound-off, a few expla- nations need to be made. A check with the Office of Student Af- fairs showed that Arthur Durry and Wayne Thorner are not registered students. The city informed us that 428 N. Ingalls, which Durry and Thorner gave as their address, is non-existent. This leaves endless room for speculation as to who the letter. writers ac- tually were. They could be University stu- dents who made their irresponsibility ap- parent in using pseudonyms; they may be Ann Arborites with misguided sympathies toward the resident University; they may be just about any irresponsible, misguided per- sons at all. Letters of this nature come up often and are shrugged off almost as often-witness past Daily letters on the MSC-Michigan rivalry. We have only one journalistic ob- jection to State's action on this matter: the identity of letter writers who represent themselves as Universiy students should be checked with this campus before pub- lication. It seems superficial to point out that opinions of the Durry-Thorner nature are not to be taken as representative of the campus as a whole, just as letters from the MSC end are not to be read as typical of State's attitudes. But it might be an op- portune time to note that the business of extending MSC-Michigan rivalry to ribal- dry on either side has long since become tedious. MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH ALSOP i 3 t } + MUSIC + VIRTUOSI DI ROMA, Renato Fasano, director CONCERTS in Ann Arbor tend to vary from mediocre programs performed beautifully, to superb programs carried off mainly by the enthusiasm of the perform- ers. There are exceptions. Last night's con- cert by the Virtuosi Di Roma, if not the finest Aver heard here, was certainly the finest since the last appearance of Myra Hess some three years ago. At first glance a program of six Vivaldi Concertos, one Corelli concerto, a Recitative for violin by Bonporti, and an anonymous concerto for oboe and strings, might seem to be overburdened with music of the 17th and 18th centuries. Not so; there was var- iety enough so that no piece became repeti- tious or monotonous, definitely not the case with a program of all late 19th century music. In addition the Virtuosi Di Roma are ev- erything their name signifies. Magnificently directed by Renato Fasano, they were so precise and skilled technically that every piece flowed spontaneously from their in- struments without the least bit of effort. Their tone, intonation, and ensemble color so richly hued with brilliant instrumental sonority that they achieved a tonal ele- gance of immense beauty. But the impressive part of the concert was the approach this group takes to music of the 17th and 18th centuries. There was no string section of thirty or forty players. Counting the conductor there were never more than fourteen play- ers on the stage. This is not music for the symphony or- chestra; it is too soloistic. Only a small en- semble could attain a clarity among the dif- ferent instrumental lines which would at the same time provide these lines with in- At the Michigan ... SO BIQ with Jane Wyman So Big in attempting to put over a theme which touches on the essential meaning in life violates its own premise. Instead of digging out the essentials, Hollywood is sat- isfied to present the unravelings of a family album replete with pressed rose petals, nos- talgic scenes, and appropriate cliches, all put together in one smooth vehicle. It is this smoothness that stifles So Big. It covers up the rough spots, the spots that would have any value. The origin- ality of Edna Ferber is lost among the slick devices that are the result of con- stant use until a standard of mediocrity is attained. It is the unoriginality of un- inspired technicians who grind out movies like this that becloud the ideas of sub- stance. After a forced beginning in which she goes from Chicago's Gold Coast to being the wife of truck farmer, Salena De Jong tries to raise the child of her widowed-marriage to be a person that knows both the rewards of the mind and the body. She fails in this, but in the end there is always a second chance. Jane Wman's performance as Salena is altogether too contrived. She meets every situation, with such serenity and complete composure that one wonders if she is human or an automan. She does not equal her work in Johnny Belinda, but this does not detract from the fact she is i The Real Artist dividuality as they are constantly pitted against each other. Likewise a small en- semble gives this music lightness leaving it free to flow naturally unhampered by the weighty sound of a full orchestra. Interpretively the Virtuosi attacked the concert with a devotion both loving and musical. They were not purists in that they tried to adhere to the performance prac- tices of Vivaldi's day; they used vibrato, retards, and tempi which are meaningful to us today. They were not so romantic as to linger unnecessarily on tender harmon- ies, but knew exactly what was proper to give a musical expression of the composer's intentions in keepinig with the musical ma- terials at hand. It was the character of the music that determined how they played. When it was an aria-like statement, like the anony- mous oboe concerto, then it was played with restraint to allow the melody to sing without the interruption of heavy beats. The largo of the Corelli concerto was so translucent that each voice came through with clarity. The A major con- certo of Vivaldi had a rhythmic vitality bringing out its dance-like mood. The soloists were truly remarkable, not only for their technical excellence but their understanding of the way this music should be phrased. Renato Zanfini played the oboe concerto flawlessly, the delicate shading he made in phrasing gave expressivity to the work's aria-like lines. Renzo Sabatini, who played the Vivaldi Concerto for Viola d'a- more, had a fine tone, and made this now almost obsolete instrument sing ex- quisitely in a difficult cadenza Also vio- linists Edmondo Malanotte, Guido Mozzato, and Renato Ruotolo were both excellent technicians and interpreters. -Donald Harris At the State.. .. VICKI, with Jean Peters and Jeanne Craine IT'S A murder mystery-and not the least mysterious thing in it is the absence of suspense. One suspects this absence is due to the hammer and anvil sensibilities of the people who produced the movie. Though one can't expect Hitchock every day, there are limits to the amount of flat police-blotter statements which can be ab- sorbed at one sitting. For instance, when the movie is making the point that Jean Peters is a bigwig in the modelling racket, we are simply bombarded with poses of her. Bill- boards, every single magazine in a drug- store rack, everything is plastered with her picture; one expects a peek at a confidential Powers report reading "Vicki breaks all pop- ularity records." In form, the movie is a series of pon- derous flashbacks, each character getting a crack at telling his story. There is a rudimentary sort of dramatic progression, but one is plagued throughout with an op- pressive sense of the arbitrariness of each scene. It's one of those movies that always seems to have either too many or too few people in front of the camera all the time. Besides being a bad mystery, "Vicki" has the distinction of being a vehicle for a very repulsive ideology. It's a switcheroo on the old line that "only the brave deserve the fair;" this one reads "only the .handsome, the well-fed, the successful, deserve the handsome, the etc." Maybe there's something in it psychologically, but this movie delivers it with an ingenuousness which is impossibly eme~ r n oft a -miia o a e ar-a s AIPEI, FORMOSA-If anyone can trace a connecting threat of logic in the cur- rent American policy on Formosa, he is a far better man than this reporter. What has been done, has served a very useful pur- pose. But what we are doing now just does not make sense. The statement may seem extreme, but it is unfortunately justified by the facts. As to the past, American aid came just in time to prevent the Generalissimo's government from collapsing from sheer economic anemia. Keeping Kormosa out of enemy hands was certainly well worth doing. But as to the present, consider for a moment what the situation really is like. First of all, American aid has now reached a level where the American tax- payer is footing more than three fifths of the annual bill for keeping Formosa go- ing. The Chinese budget is about $200,000,- 000 (U.S.), of which $90,000,000 are mir- aculously stretched to pay and maintain more than 500,000 men in uniform. Amer- ican aid to the tune of more than $300,- 000,000 pays the rest of the bill for the armed forces and provides a little eco- nomic support as well. It is a fine bargain to get twenty one divi- sions, eight air groups and other military sundries for $300,000,000, when a single American division costs $200,000,000 a year. But the purchase of bargains just because they are bargains is a short road to bank- ruptcy. In just this way, our policy makers have not troubled to think, or perhaps have not dared to think how these Chinese forces on Formosa are to be used. On the one hand, "return to the main- land" is the whole theme of the Formosa government. But if the American purpose is to use these Chinese forces offensively, there are certain painful steps that must be taken and certain unpleasant facts that have to be faced. For one thing, if we want his forces to be used offensively, we should waste no more time letting Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in on the secret. The Generalissimo has repeatedly told the American representatives here that he regards fifty to sixty divisions as the minimum force needed for a landing on the mainland. Our own planners, who' feel certain this island cannot produce fifty fighting divisions, believe the job can be done with a substantially smaller force. But here is a wide Sino-American difference of opinion on a vital matter. If left to the last minute, this difference will surely beget the kind of bitter disagree- ments that broke out between Chiang and Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell because of the Burma campaign. As the burden of the existing army is al- ready straining Formosa to the breaking point, any such expansion of the Chinese forces will require a lot more American aid. In addition, the Pentagon ought to be thinking about the American aid. naval and logistical support which will always be needed. Finally, if what is wanted here is offen- sive capability, our policymakers have got to make up their minds to launch the of- fensive before very long. On the other hand, if the purpose of these Chinese forces is simply to defend Formosa, then our program fails to make sense in quite a different way. This small island cannot conceivably con- tinue indefinitely with more than half a million men in uniform. The situation is al- together too artificial. For long range de- fense purposes, a carefully streamlined pro- gram is needed, providing a much smaller but more heavily equipped army, a some- what stronger air force, better coastal de- fenses, and fast vessels for coastal patrol. On such a program, we might save as mum as one hundred million a year, while the people of Formosa would have a better life. Again, if this is our purpose, we ought to tell the Generalissimo about it without fur- ther delay. For one thing, he will then have to base his military planning on eventual mass recruitment of Formosan soldiers which he is not doing. Such are the choices. Concerning these choices, the Generalissimo said to this reporter: "If the United States remains on the defensive in Asia for another two years, it will be needless to talk about Free China being in danger; for the Unit- ed States and the whole free world will then be in deadly danger." It must be added that every visible fact of the situa- tion in Asia appears to support and con- firm this grim forecast by the Generalis- simo. Maybe President Eisenhower, Secretary Dulles and the other American policy mak- ers know a lot of secret, invisible facts that refute the Generalissimo. That does not make the existing situation any better. It is grossly fraudulent to encourage the Ameri- can people to believe that a great Chinese force is being readied here, to hurl against the Communist flank when and if the right time comes. This is just not true at present. And it is also blatantly unfair, both to our Chinese allies and to the American tax- payer, to put off making hard, positive deci- sions about the real role and future of this Formosa government and its armed forces. The trouble is, of course, that a clear choice for Formosa cannot be made until the Administration has developed- some- thing resembling an intelligible over-all pol- icy for Asia. An intelligible Asian policy, i 3 t i c11 ~ti Ar F WASHINGTON-Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce, who can be as sharp-tongued as she is charming, had a blunt conversation with Italian Premier Pella the other day in which she told him to quit stirring up the Italian people over Trieste. If he kept on complaining about getting only half of Trieste, Mrs. Luce warned, Italy might end up provoking real trouble with Yugoslavia. Premier Pella seemed somewhat taken aback by these strong words from such a beautiful lady. However, he didn't say much in reply. Ambassador Luce, wife of the Time-Life-Fortune publisher, did not call on Premier Pella on her own. She was under specific orders from Secretary of State Dulles, who for some time has been irritated at Pella. Talking to friends the other day, Dulles said in effect: "We offered Pella half of Trieste and now he's stirring up the Italians to demand all of Trieste. He was told in advance that Zone A was all he would get. Now he's playing politics and making a final settlement much more difficult." NOTE-Mrs. Luce was in a strong position to lecture Premier Pella, for she personall'y did more than any other person to fight Italy's battle over Trieste. To a considerable extent she pushed the State Department into its present attempt to settle the dispute, which may have been why Premier Pella made little comeback when Mrs. Luce lectured him. --SENATOR KERR'S CALVES- BIBLE-QUOTING Bob Kerr, the Democratic Senator from Okla- homa, had a good time talking with members of the cattlemen's! caravan before they left Washington. Holding up two pieces of paper,! Senator Kerr said: "Do you know what those are? They're receipts for the sale of two calves. One bill of sale showed that one calf solk for $1. The other calf sold for 75 cents. "After the deducts," said Kerr, referring to the cost of marketing charges, commission, etc., "My friend got a net of 85 cents. "He told me that he got this 85 cents 'on account'," concluded the Senator from Oklahoma with a broad grin,"-on account of how he voted for Eisenhower." -IKE REPUTES WILSON- 0UR WESTERN allies were puzzled the other day when President Eisenhower and Secretary of Defense Wilson issued conflicting statement about withdrawing U.S. troops from Europe. Charley Wilson said that modern weapons would make it possible to full some of our troops home. The President, however, said no such plan was in the works.. Here is the inside story of what happened. The National Security Council had ordered the Army to cut its strength by 100,000 men, and to comply with this the Army worked out a plan to withdraw 25 to 30 per cent of our troops in Europe. The troops were to be withdrawn quietly, so our allies wouldn't get panicky. However, Wilson let the cat out of the bag with a public state- ment, following which our allies got so nervous that the Army with- drawal plan was hastily scrapped. The President himself had to counter with a public statement of his own, and it remains to be seen when and if we can go ahead with curtailing our troops in Eur- ope. NOTE-Ike was also upset at Charley Wilson's statement that there was no danger from the Russiap H-Bomb at a time when other Ike-men were saying just the opposite. (Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate) [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINj (Continued from Page 2) Wed., Oct. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium -D. Angell Hal. All interested students CANDIDATES OPEN HOUSE are urged to attend. FALL, 1953 Tues., Nov. 3- Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- 5:00-6:00-Sigma Phi, Jack Boyce dent breakfast following 7 a.m. service Yost League House, Betty l of Holy Communion, Wed., Nov. 4, at Smith I Canterbury House. 6:30-7:15-Psi Upsilon. Doug Robinson : 1 U s Chess Club of the University of Mich- Dr. William G. Pollard, Executive igan will meet Wed., Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m. Director of the Oak Ridge Institute in the Michigan Union. All chess play- for Nuclear Studies, will lecture on "Re- ers welcome. Iligion Stimulates Scientific Inquiry,", Rackham Lecture Hall, s p.m. A re- La Sociedad Hispanica will meet on ception for the speaker will be held in VWed., Nov. 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the League. the.Lane Hall Library after the lec- ENIAN picture will be taken. A pro- ture. gram of movies and guitar music has also been planeed. All members are square and Folk Dancing. Everyone ( urged to attend for the taking of the ~spit (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Michigan State Newsletter referred to in the following letters to the editor is re- printed in an editorial on the left-{ hand side of the page. It is errone- ously stated by Mr. Filipchuk that the letter in question was printed in The Daily.) An Answer . . To the Editor: WOULD like to bring to your attention a letter to the edi- tor. This letter was printed in the University of Michigan's school paper and reprinted in the Mich- igan State College paper in the editorial column. I hope that the author of this. letter is not a typical example of, what a student at the University of Michigan learns. College, in my opinion, teaches a person to look at all the facts and then draw a conclusion. Here are some facts which these so called students at the Univer- sity may have overlooked. Michi- gan State College is recognized. as having one of the best curricu- lums, nationally, in the following: Veterinary Medicine, Home Eco- nomics, Hotel Administration, Po- lice Administration, Business Ad- ministration, just to mention a few. It may also be noted that en- gineering also compares favorably with that of the University. Admitably, the University of Michigan is a great school. But let's not overlook the fact that. there are other schools which are just as good if not better than the University. The student also has overlook- ed the fact that there are many students in the state of Michigan and in the U.S. that would not even consider going to the Uni- versity. All of the students at M. S. C., in my opinion, are proud of its cur- riculums, instructors, campus, and its football teams. --Ray Filipehuk, MSC Student * * * A Fe Questions. To the Editor:3 REGARDING the letter which appeared in the Michigan State News Friday. We have a couple of questions. First of all was MSC ever abnormal? And what do you mean by abnormal? It seems to me that Arthur Durry and Wayne Thorner do not have much to contribute to such a school as the U of M has the repu- tation of being. Apparently neith- er of these boys has ever attended M.S.C. or they wouldn't run it down as they do. They has no pos- sible way of knowing what they are talking about. As a transfer student from the U. of M. to State I can truthfully say that the things that I heard concerning Michigan State were without a base. When I first came here, everybody heckled! me as coming to a good college including my two'co-signers. But before many days had passed we all realized that we here at State were the same as others, no bet- ter and no worse. It's time that more students even at the U of M realize this. We feel that it's time that this petty grudge between two great institutions of learning come to an end. Colleges are the same, wherever they are. The students may vary in name but not in nature. -Sue Reinoehl Dorris Wiley Gini Holmes MSC Students Country Cousin . . To the Editor: PLEASE enlighten us on the precedentialact for the inane letter which you submitted to the State News last week. Surely it wasn't our loss to Purdue! It hurt us, na-turally, but we took it squarely on the chip-why could- , n't you? Sounds like petty jealousy, boys. It that what a "good" school teaches you? Incidentally, can you prove your statement "if the instructors at 1 your school were paid more than the invincible football players ."? What inside information do you possess regarding academic appropriations versus athletic ap- propriations here at State? Are MS... To the Editor: A LETTER to, the editor from two University students re- cently appeared in the Michigan State News edition of October 30. This letter was very derogatory toward Michigan State and ap- peared to be in very poor taste. I am sure that it did not reflect the attitude of your entire stu- dent body. The students and faculty of Michigan State try to promote good relations, fair play, and in- tellectual learning in order that we may be better citizens and leaders in the community of which we are apart. Friendliness and a mature attitude should replace vicious rivalry between our two schools. After college days are over, we will be working side by side striving to attain similar goals in life, each respecting the actions of the other. Let us start by put- ting this into practice, now. On the weekend of November 14 Michigan State will welcome Uni- versity students to our campus. Remember that a good' loser, no matter who it may be, practicing fair sportsmanship is truly as much a champion as the victor. -Tamara Van Buskirk MSC Student DUnC . . To the Editor: W E ARE sick and tired of hear. ing people criticize Coach Oos- terbaan for keeping Dune Mc- Donald on the bench so much. Bennie has plenty of reasons for doing so and we feel that it is about time for someone to speak up in his defense. After analyzing the situation thoroughly we have decided that there are five main reasons why McDonald is not on the field more often. 1. Oosterbaan was a member of Michigan's all-time greatest pass- ing combination. He is doing his best to see that it will remain the greatest. 2. It is bad to build a team around a star player, since the team will not do.well if the star has a bad day. Therefore, don't use star players and the team will perform much more consistently. 3. Oosterbaan was an end him- self and sympathizes with the problems of his ends. He realizes that the ends have no opportunity to shine when Dunc throws passes right into their hands, whereas they can make sensational diving catches of passes thrown by other Michigan passers and never have to worry about the ball being thrown right into their hands where they will look bad if they drop it. 4. Fielding Yost ran 80% run- ning plays and won 80% of his ball games. Bennie wants to win all of his ball games. 5. If McDonald were to play regularly, Michigan , might have an undefeated season and people would come to expect more of the same. After Dune graduated, Ben- nie would probably lose his job. -Phil Spertus, '56E Charlie Carroll, '56LS&A dp'I~riI tettel TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readtrs on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 340 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. 4 f i I Sixty-Fourth Year Edited -and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric Vetter................City Editor Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker,.........Associate Editor Helene Simon........ .Associate Editor Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor L L f P R stl wi 3 7elcome, Instruction for beginners. 3 picture. 1 you naive enough o tninki ta DonCampbell. Head Photographer ane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m.o school gives special considera- Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow- tion to football players that an- Business Staf S.R.A. Executive Committee meets at- ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m. other school does not? Come, Thomas Treeger......Business Manager ane Hall, 4:30 p.m. in the church Prayer Room. come . . . William Kaufman Advertising Manager Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea Maybe you'd be Interested in Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. Roger Williams Guild. Tea and chat, Myeyudb neetdi William Seiden ........ Finance Manager rom 4 to 6 at Canterbury House. Guest Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6:00, knowing that when I made my col- James Sharp. Circulation Manager f Honor: The Reverend Dr. William G. at the Guild House. Be sure to drop in lege choice, namely Michigan lolard. Executive Director of the Ooak and help with this month's issue of! idge Institute of Nuclear Studies. All he Gilded Page." State, I was strengthened in my Telephone 23-24-1 rudents invited. __decision by an alumnus of your T Demonstration of MIDAC Computer. Alma Mater who did graduate work - La Tertulia of La Sociedad Hispanica ,Membersof the Digital Computation at my Alma Mater. I have not as Member 'ill have its weekly meeting today at Department. Willow Run Researchgy :30 p.m. at the International Center. Cntr wil ieonH1 f-th. -Pofyet regretted my choice-I Will E, sn fPdGlle.Kde ~Press I i