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October 31, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-31

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* * *


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Associate Sports Editor
Pennsylvania's upset-minded Quakers will try and make it two big
victories in a row here today as they go against embattled Michigan,
still reeling from a 22-0 blanking at the hands of Minnesota and Paul
Giel at Minneapolis last Saturday.
In the middle of its exploited "suicide schedule" the rugged Red
and Blue outfit from the City of Brotherly Love will place a potent
obstacle in the road of the Wolverines who just last week were cod-
dling fond hopes of spending their New Years Day in Pasadena's
Rose Bowl.
A HOMECOMING crowd estimated at upwards of 60,000 will wit-
ness the intersectional clash which may well be decided by the un-
certain weather picture. Ominous predictions of rain could make
Michigan, favorites at present, slight underdogs.
The vaunted Pennsylvania defense led by highly-touted tackle
Jack Shanafelt and tiny 170-pound guard John "Mighty Mouse"
Cannon, would certainly benefit by inclement weather. But even
if the sun should shine, the Quakers will be a rugged club to handle
as witness the 9-6 beating they handed Navy's powerhouse last
Coming right on the tail of a horrendous 65-7 whip-lashing that
the Midshipmen hung on Princeton, the Penn victory is all the more
significant. Coach George Munger's outfit won by controlling the ball
-much as Minnesota did to drop the Wolverines from the unbeaten
ranks in the two teams "Little Brown Jug" clash.
* * * *
IT WAS QUARTERBACK Ed Gramigna-a third stringer at the
seasons start, who supplied the winning margin against Navy with a
field goal. Gramigna, a 170-pounder teams with 185-pound Bob Felver,
165-pound Gary Scott and Big Joe Varaitis, who tips the scales at
205 to form the Philadelphia club's first-string backfield.
Penn works from the single wing, the "T" and "A" forma-
tions, with bone-crushing fullback Varaitis, tailback Felver and
wingback Scott pace the Quakers running attack, while Gramigna
and Felver take care of the aerial game.

Last week the Red and Blue went to the air 32 times, and only
one other time in their long football history have the Quakers ever
atempted more passes. Lanky John Lavin, 190-pound right end pulled
in nine passes, setting a Penn record for most receptions in one game
as his running mate, left flanker Jim Castle snared three.
* * * *
A SMALL SQUAD of 36 men made the trip to Ann Arbor, but of
the front-line opei'atives only-Captain George Bosseler, injured in the
Quakers narrow 12-6 loss to Ohio State, is expected to miss the game
with Michigan.
As for Coach Ben Oosterbaan's Wolverines, a trio of first-
stringers who were injured against Minnesota still sport scars of
their unhospitable treatment in the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes.
Sophomore quarterback Lou Baldacci will probably wear a plastic
face mask to guard eight stitches in his nose and upper lip.'
Big John Morrow, 220-pound Ann Arbor sophomore who replaced
ailing Captain Dick O'Shaughnessy at center has the eight stitches
on his cheek protected with tape, while first-sring fullback Dick Balz-
hiser may be held to limited action because of an ailing hip and
* -* * * .
BOTH BOB HURLEY and Fred Baer have worked at starting full-
back and linebacker in practice sessions this past week and Duncan
McDonald and Ray Kenaga will be available to spell Baldacci at the
signal-calling spot.
O'Shaughnessy and Art Walker, who both stayed on the bench
up at Minneapolis last weekend appear ready to move back to their
familiar roles at center and tackle respectively. Walker's ailing
knee and ankle have apparently healed and he will share the left
tackle slot with senior Dick Strozewski.
Captain O'Shaughnessy along with John Peckham will probably
see plenty of action spelling Morrow.
No big pressure is on the Wolverines, considering the three big
Western Conference clashes looming on the schedule. With Illinois,
Michigan State and Ohio State coming up, the Penn contest may be
looked upon whimsically as a "tough breather."

. . . right end

left guard ... right guard
Castle (26)................LE.................Topp (81)
Gurski (70)................LT.................Walker (77)
Haggerty (64) ..............LG................Dugger (61)
Trautman (51) ................ C................ Morrow (55)
Cannon (60) ................ RG .................Beison (64)
Shanafelt (72) .............. RT.................. Balog (72)
Lavin (85) .................. RE ................ Knutson (86)
Gramigna (40)..............QB ............Baldacci (27)
Robinson (15) .............. LH..... .... .....Kress (41)
Smith (20) ................. RH................ Branoff (17)
Varaitis (31) ................FB............... Balzhiser (38)

... left halfback

'z Z
..: :
. -.4.
r;' IZ




s i i
Latest Deadline in the State

:43 1

. . . left tackle

... Captain

I r


Suit Filed To Halt
St. Lawrence Plan
Considered Necessary Preliminary
By Lake Ontario Beach Association
WASHINGTON - (iP) - A suit seeking to halt participation by
New York State in construction of a huge -St. Lawrence River power
project ,-w sfed yeptrgy iphe U.S. Court of Appeoals.
The power project is considered a necessary preliminary to the
St. Lawrence Seaway.

Asian, Arab Delegates
Take 'Hands off' Policy
On AtrocityCharges
U.S. Offers I Wn.ntpd (Reds Refuse



A PETITION asking that th(
Federal Power Commission grantin
Canada in the 600 million dollar p
Music Group
-to Appear
On Monday
The Virtuosi di Rbma, termed
by Arturo Toscanini "the greatest
{ instrumental ensemble of this age"
will appear for the first time in
Ann Arbor as part of the Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. Monday,
in Hill Auditorium.
Composed of 14 Italian music-
ians,.each of whom is a virtuoso in
his own right, the group is under
the direction of Renato Fasano.
* * *
T H E CHAMBER orchestra,
which is composed of six violins,
two violas, two cellos, a contra-
bass, a flute and a piano chooses
a' repertoire that is notable for its
variety of approach and scope. .
Its programs is based on a col-
lection of Italian music which
extends back over many genera-
tions, especially featuring the
works of the little-known com-
poser Vivaldi.
In Europe, the Virtuoso di Roma
is known as the Collegium Musi-
cum, which is the Latin name giv-
en to groups of musical amateurs
who met to sing in the 17th and
18th centuries in Germany, Swe-
den and Switzerland before mo-
dern concerts were known.
The name has been revived in
universities where musicology
students'wish to hear rarely per-
formed music.
Tickets for the concert, which
are priced at $3, $2.50, $2 and
$1.50 will be on sale from 9 to
11:45 a.m. today and from 9 to
11:45, and 1 to 4:45 p.m. on Mon-
day in the Burton Tower offices
of the University Musical Society.

e court set aside an order by the
ng New York a license to join with
ower project was filed by the Lake
Ontario Land Development and
Beach Protective Association, Inc.
In asking the court to review
the commission's order, the as-
sociation also asked ,that it .be
modified to comply with "facts
of record," and that the associa-
tion be allowed to present new
evidence to the commission in
support of its opposition.
The association is a non-profit
organization of about 1,500 mem-
bers residing on the shores of Lake
Ontario. It seeks to protect its
members' property from "man-
made" high water in the lake.
* * *
NEW YORK has not yet formal-
ly accepted the commission's li-
cense to join in the power project
which, engineers estimate, will'
yield more than 12 billion kilo-
watt hours of energy a year.
Counsel for New York has in-
dicated that the license will be
accepted on or before Nov. 5.
..Meantime, it was understood
that further court actions to halt
the project will be filed before Nov.
5. The litigants in such an event
would be either the Public Pow-
er and Water Corp., Trenton, N.J.,
or the Pennsylvania Coal Produc-
ers Association.
Public Power, a provate firm,
was denied a license by the Pow-
er Commission to construct the
St. Lawrence project. Hearings on
its application and that' of New
York's were held simultaneously
by the commission.

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
By FRAN SHELDON During its half-time display occupy the full force. According to
Promises of warm sunny weath- the band, under the direction of one policeman, "Everybody works
er greeted the 95 campus displays Prof. William D. Revelli of the on a football week-end."

To Rearm
United States and Japan an-
nounced agreement last night on
the need for "increasing Japan's'
self-defense forces" against the
threat of possible aggression. .
The United States "offered to
assist Japan in developing the
Japanese forces by supplying ma-
jor items of military equipment
for the land, sea and air forces
which Japan raises."
ONE POINT , of assistance, a1
joint statement said, will be
through a .50 million dollar food
program for Japan.I
Surplus American farm prod-
ucts will be turned over to the
Japanese government which will
sell them to the Japanese peo-
ple and use the funds on Ja-
pan's defense program.

In demand: one moose head.
To maintain fraternal rela-
tions with their Minnesota
chapter, Alpha Rho Chi, archi-
tectural fraternity, recently
voiced this desperate plea.
The moose head tradition,
similar to that of the Little
Brown Jug, began in 1938
Michigan last gained the tro-
phy in 1943. Since then, howev-
er, the moose head has been
grossly misplaced, and follow-
ing last week's game Minnesota
A Rho Chi's have become ad-
amant about the local chapter's
debt to them.
Anyone able to supply this
means of restoring harmony
should call Elton Robinson, '55
A&D, at the Alpha Rho Chi
Notices Seized
In Dearborn
DETROIT-(P)-Police in Dear-
born confiscated thousands of
copies of political handbills and
arrested at least 30 persons in
this industrial suburb's red hot
election campaign.


erected by various residence
groups in observance of the Uni-
versity's annual Homecoming cel-
ebration, climaxing with the 2 p.m.
football game with the University
of P ns vlvania

music school will initiate an-
other Michigan first when it per-
forms the famed "Victors" as it
would be done in other parts of
the world.

No parking signs will be placed
at various intervals throughout
Ann Arbor, and will be in abund-
ance in the stadium area.
According to Homecoming

Dean's Plea
On Deadlock
Anti-Red POWs
To Face Board
By the Associated Press
Some Asian and Abar delegates
in the United Nations took a neu-
tral hands-off stand yesterday on
United States charges that Reds
in Korea committed atrocities
against American and other Allied
They also expressed fear the
charges might jeopardize the Kor-
ean peace conference.
A BRITISH spokesman express-
ed horror over the reported atroci-
ties and said his delegation would
consult as early as possible with
the United States on tactics for de-
bate on them in the U. N. Assem-
The Arabs explained that they
believe the United States show-
e poor timing in putting the
atrocitl charges up in the Unit-
ed Nations E
American sources said they did
not believe the Communists would
let debate on reported atrocities
stop them if they really wanted a
MEANWHILE in Korea, the
Communists yesterday for the se-
cond time turned down U. S. Am-
bassador Arthur Dean's plea to
break the deadlock over seating
neutral nations at the Korean
Peace Conference.
The Reds said Dean's proposal
to take up immediately and be-
fore anything else the matter
of time and place for the con-
ference was "a scheme or pre-
text to avoid discussion of com-

Working with the Block .M,' the
An estimated 43 thousand alum- ban kmn will che rom an
ni and visitors will move onto cam- English guardsman to a French
pus to observe proceedings. About En-can darmn are.It
14 hndrd Pnn tudntsareex-can-can dancer-minus garter. I
14 hundred Penn students are ex- will tango as a Spanish senorita,
pected. form a Viennese stein with, open-

chairman Jim Wills, '56, an in-
creased interest in the Homecom- It was also agreed that United
ing celebration has been shown as States military forces in Japan
evidenced by the 95 entries sub- would be withdrawn "as the Japa-
mitted this year as compared to nese forces develop the capability
last year's total of 90. to defend their country."

UNDER SKIES that will remain
sunny, at least in the early after-
noon, the University Marching
Band, cheerleaders and Block M'
flashcard section will combine to
add their contribution to the fes-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON'- A Senate group reported yesterday commu-
nism has lost a lot of ground in Western Europe, but that to under-
estimate Red strength anywhere in the world "could prove to be sui-
cidal blindness."E
The report was issued by a Senate Foreign Relations subcommit-
tee to give the American people what Sen. Gillette (D-Iowa) described
as "a factual, statistical ieasurement of the world Communist con-

ing and 'closing top and turn into a
Saharan dromedary. As an added-
attraction the men will do all their
counting in the languages of the
countries represented.
CONCLUDING the performance,
the group will leave the field play-
ing the fighting march as only the
Michigan band can.I
Judging of displays erected by
fraternities, sororities and resi-
dence halls will take. place in the
morning and results will be an-
nounced at the game. Trophies
will be awarded tonight at the
Black Cat Ball, annual Homecom-
ing Dance.
They will go to the six houses
having the best displays as
judged by a group consisting of
Jay Strickler, '54, Union presi-
dent, Sue Riggs, '54, League
president, Regent Roscoe O.
Bonisteel, Mayor William E.
Brown, Prof. Emil Weddigo and
and Philip C. Davis of the Col-

OSLO, Norway - (P) - The No-
bel Peace Prize for 1953 was
awarded yesterday to Gen. George
C. Marshall, U.S. soldier-states-
man who gave his name to the
Marshall Plan.
At the same time the prize for
1952, previously omitted, was
awarded to Dr. Albert Schweitzer,
Alsatian missionary-philosopher.
tute, a five-member board, an-
nounced the selections. In keeping
with tradition, it gave no explana-
Marshall, 72 years old was
confined to bed with a severe

Marshall Gets Nobel Prize

SCHWEITZER, 78, is to get 171,- the Arabs and the Jews in the
570 kronor (about $33,200). Fluc- Palestine War.

tuations in the funds' earnings ac-
count for' the difference.
Nobel's will specified that the
peace prize should go to the can-
didate "who has worked the
most or the best for promoting
brotherhood among people, and
for the abolition or reduction of
the standing armies, and for
the establishment and spread
of peace congresses."
Marshall won world renown as
the U.S. chief of staff in World
War II. He was called from re-
I tirement three times in the fol-

Schweitzer has been long re-
nowned as a medical missionary,
musician, philosopher and doc-
HE ENJOYED a wide reputa-
tion when he went into the Afri-
can jungles 40 years ago to serve
humanity as "man to my fellow
man." He and his wife established
a hospital at Lambarene, in
French equatorial Africa.
nSchweitzer has been called
the world's "greatest living -mis-
sionary." A group of prominent
artists. writers and musicians


VIENNA-Austria's seven mil-
lion people yesterday noted an an-
niversary in mourning, with a five-
minuite srike in factoriesand n of-

* * *
VIENNA-In defiance of the
Vatican, Communist Poland an-
nounced yesterday it has appoint-
e a Roman Catholic bishon to the

The Communists want to settle
the composition of the conference
--the- participation of neutral na-
tions-before discussing time and
The negotiators agreed, despite
the continuing deadlock, to meet


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