Wolverines Stress Defense
In Preparation for Quakers
De its Maul Lambda Chi,
38-0, in Playoff Tilt
(hi Phi Edges Alpha Epsilon Phi, 14-13;
DU Dumps DKE; Theta Delts Nip Theta Xi
'j' Harriers Outrun Normal, 25-36
Defense came in for major at-'
tention again yesterday as the
Wolverine gridders continued their
,heavy workouts designed to put
them back in the win column in
Saturday's intersectional clash
with Pennsylvania.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan stress-
ed pass defense for reasons that
are evident when you consider both
Michigan's defeat at the hands of
Minnesota and Penn's 9-6 victory
over Navy last week.
* * *
GOPHER fireballer Paul Giel
picked the Maize and Blue pass
defense to pieces as he completed
13 of 18 tosses, with end Jim Sol-
tau snaring 11 of the passes.
On the same afternoon Quak-
er end John Lavin, whom the
Wolverines will have to stop this
Saturday, grabbed nine passes
to set a new Penn record and in-
stigate the downfall of the
mighty Middies.
With regular fullback Dick Balz-
hiser on the doubtful list with an
injured hip suffered in the Min-
nesota game, Bob Hurley got' a
thorough workout in the defen-
sive halfback slot.
* * *
IF BALZHISER'S injury keeps
him out of action Saturday the
speedy Hurley will get the call at
offensive fullback, with a couple;
of changes in the defensive align-
ment resulting.
Instead of backing up the line,
as Balzhiser does, quarterback
Lou Baldacci would take the
. . . injured hip
* * *
linebacking position with Hur-
ley moving into the defensive
halfback spot vacated by Bal-
Work on the Michigan offense,
which failed to produce a score
up at Minneapolis, wasn't neglect-
ed by Oosterbaan and his aides
who sent the regulars through a
stiff offensive scrimmage.
The Wolverines will have to be
sharp on the attack to crack the
Penn defenses which stopped a
Navy team averaging nearly 400
yards per game to 110 yards on
tpie ground> and a meager 40 yards,
through the air.
Delta Tau Delta moved one step
closer to the fraternity football
championship by decisively trounc-
ing Lambda Chi Alpha, 38-0, in
a first place playoff held at Ferry
Field yesterday.
Five men figured in the scor-
ing in the Delts' touchdown par-
ade. Al Price and end Ed Bassett
collaberated on pass plays that
netted twelve points.
. * * * -
MAX DANIELS chalked up a
6-pointer by virtue of a forty-five
yard canter through the hapless
Lambda Chi's and, after tallying
the extra marker, hit Ray Hock-
stad in the end zone with a payoff
In a second place runoff Lee
Krumbholz passed and ran Chi
Phi to a 14-13 overtime victory
over stubborn Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Krumbholz drove across for one
touchdown, passed for another,
scored the point after touchdown,
and dominated the overtime per-
* * *
THE PASSING combination of
Herb Zarrow and Mary Gershek
almost pulled the contest out of
the fire 'for A. E. Pi.
Krumbholz was responsible for
a 6-0 Chi Phi lead at the half
when he lugged a punt to the
A. E. Pi three yard stripe and
tallied two plays later.
The second half ended in a
13-13 deadlock.
In the ensuing overtime mo-
ments Krumbholz guided Chi Phi
to a triumph by running rough-
shod through the A. E. Pi defense.
Passing was the deciding factor
in the third place playoffs as Delta
Upsilon whipped Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, 21-6, and Theta Delta Chi
advanced a notch at the expence
of Theta Xi, 13-7.
* * *
FOR THE DU's Jim Laarman
was the offensive standout as he
tossed two end zone aerials to Bob
Brown and rambled fifty yards to
pay dirt.
Bill Morse, Skip Knauss, and
Nate Pierce accounted for the
victor's extra points while Jim
Riendel prevented a Theta Xi
Bill Wittingham's touchdown
bullet to Chuck Schell broke a 7-7
halftime tie and enabled ThetaI
Delta Chi to sneak past Theta Xi.
Dave Hyma notched all seven
points for the losers.
JULES Hahslosky's T.D. throw
to Tom Skretney and a goal line
stand in the fading seconds of the
game gave Sigma Nu a 6-0 win
over Phi Sigma Kappa in a fourth
place playoff encounter.
Another fourth place contest
saw Tau Kappa Epsilon nip Phi
Sigma Kappa, 12-6. Armin Tufer's
scoring aerials to Jerry Hall and'
Noel Bisel spelled the difference.
Baylor's Smith
Named A.P.
Top Lineman
NEW YORK - (P) - Because
he played one of the greatest
games in Southwest Conference
history against Texas A&M Sat-
urday, husky 215-pound Jim Smith
of Baylor was named the Associ-
ated Press' lineman of the week.
Smith, a junior tackle from West
Columbia, Tex., received some stiff
opposition from Tom Bettis, Pur-
due guard, Art Hunter, Notre
Dame tackle and Jack Shanafelt,'
Penn tackle.
* * *
By WARREN WERTIIEIMER Besides their second and third
Specia to The Iaigy place finishers, the Huron scorers
country team defeated Michigan were John Dicomandren who In-
cormntytesdterday.2M-ch.igarun ished sixth and Bob Papp and Dick
Normal yesterday. 25-36. to run!Wendt who finished twelfth and
it's undefeated string to three thirteenth respectively.
The race, run over a two mile h s.
distance, was won by the Wol-1*w *t* r
verines' Ron Wallingford in the hALL, who didn't even score in
time fthe harriers last meet ran a very
tieof 9:59.6. The course was go race to finish second among
hilly and very heavy due to recent good leris ss fin
rains adti ol con o the Wolverines. Ross finished
risand this would account foirh for the second time in a
the comparatively slow time for third fo ie contie im-
a two mile event, row while Kwiker continued to im-
a*w l ev prove as he has moved from eighth
WALLINGFORD beat Normal's to fifth to fourth among Michigan
Bob Rowland to the wire by a full runners in the last two weeks.
20 seconds as he scored his third Geoff Dooley, George Jayne
win of the season. The Hurons' and George Lynch, the three
Gerald Zitny finished third fol- other harriers who are accord-
lowed by Bob Hall and John Ross, ed a good chance of making
both of Michigan. Michigan's seven man team for
Michigan's score of 25, which the Big Ten meet, finished ninth,
is gotten from adding the fin- tenth, and eleventh.
ishes of the team's first five run- From these eight men who fin-
ners, was completed by the sev- ished in the top eleven, Coach Don
enth place finish of Lou Kwiker, Canham will choose a squad to
and the eighth place finish of try to bring home the Conference
John Moule. cross country championship. Ex-
the ideal cloth
for campus wear
made from pure, virgin Scottish Wool
cept for Wallingford, the order of
finish of these runners keeps
changing,. so it won't he until aft-
er the Michigan State meet on
Nov. 7 that Canham will announce
the team.
* * *
THE STATE meet is the only
one remaining for Michigan before
the Wolverines travel to Chicago
on Nov. 14 for the Big Ten cham-
pionships. The race with State will
be run at East Lansing over a four
mile course, the distance of the
Conference event.
Michigan has already defeat-
ed the Spartans, last years Con-
ference and National cross coun-
try champions, in a practice
Coach Canham is trying to ar-
range for the Wolverines to run
against Miami of Ohio when they
meet Michigan Normal this Sat-
urday at Normal. Miami has run
against Indiana this season and
by running against Miami, though
Michigan's score won't count in the
meet, Canham hopes to get a line
on Michigan's chances for cap-
turing the Big Ten title.
Top Linebackers Key to Grid Wins
Daily Sports Editor
After observing a little more
than half of the 1953 football sea-
son we are beginning to realize
the importance of good lineback-
ers to the success of any team.
The linebacker is the key man
in the defensive picture. He must
be an expert diagnostician of plays,
and must be strong enough to
stop even the hardest runners.
Many linebackers have the ability
to figure out the opponent's plays,
but lack the speed or strength to
make the actual tackle. Many more
have the size, but cannot outguess
the offense, and therefore are
never in position to put their
strength to good use.
* * *
was extremely fortunate in having
on its varsity two of the greatest
linebackers in the history of col-
lege football, Dick Kempthorn and
Dan Dworsky. Any team would
have been lucky to have just one
of ther caliber, and Michigan had
What made them great line-
backers was a combination of
speed, strength, and the ability
to anticipate the maneuvers of
the offense. In each were the
elements which are most sought
after in a linebacker.
When Dworsky graduated after
the 1948 season, Kempthorn re-
mained to team with Tony Mom-
Sen. Momsen had the more ex-
p perienced Kempthorn from whom
to learn the fundamentals of line-
backing. After Kempthorne left,
Momsen worked Roger Zatkoff in-
to the position, and Zatkoff in
turn taught the elements of. play
to Laurie LeClaire. In short, there
was always at least one highly ex-
perienfed linebacker to break in a
new man.
LAST YEAR, both Zatkoff and
LeClaire graduated, leaving the
varsity without a tested operative
at the vital linebacking position.
The result was to force two men
who have had almost no exper-
ience into those spots. Dick Balz-
hiser and John Morrow are learn-
ing as the season progresses. So
are Captain Dick O'Shaughnessy
and Lou Baldacci, but it takes
time to gain the valuable exper-
ience necessary to play the posi-
tion. These men all possess the
greatest spirit and competitive in-
stinct, but experience is a must
for a linebacker.
When the linebackers have a
tough afternoon, it makes the
defensive linemen look bad. The
main function of these linemen
in the theoretically perfect de-
fensive set-up is to strip the ball
carrier of his interference and
leave him easy prey for the line-
In theory, the linebacker is the
only man who is supposed to make
a tackle. The guards, tackles and
ends are supposed to take out the
blockers; the defensive halfbacks
and safetyman are supposed to
cover the passes, and the line-
backers are supposed to make the
tackles. This is, of course, the per-
fect defense. When deviations oc-
cur, as they always do, then the
offense gains and a game may be
*THE s
WHEN THE linebackers are
knocked down and unable to stop
the ball carrier, then a defensive
halfback must come up from deep
in the secondary and make the
tackle. By this time the gain is
substantial and the-whole defen-
sive position is undermined. To
the crowd it looks as though the
runners are going right through
the line, when in reality they are
going right through the lineback-
When, as is often the case,
the defensive linemen fail to
divest the runner of his block-
ers, then the linebacker is faced
with not only the ball carrier,
but also his interference. Under
these conditions, the linebacker
is usually taken out of the play
by one of these blockers and a
large gain results.
The basis of any good defense
is the co-operation and team work
between the linebacker, the de-
fensive linemen, and the halfbacks.
* * *
WHEN THE offense is running
well, the linebackers must play in
close, so as to be in position to
rush in and stop any ground at-
tack. This leaves the picture wide
open for a pass over the middle.
Minnesota used tnis play with
great effectiveness last Satur-
day, knowing that the Michigan
defense had to be on guard
against Paul Giel's running.
With the Wolverine defense
massed close to the line of
scrimmage, it was a simple mat-
ter to send an end and a half-
-back over the center to receive
a pass. Of course, when the
linebackers drop back to cover
receivers, the way is open to a
running attack.
A perfect defense will handle a
running play in the following
manner: defensive linemen take
out the blockers, and linebackers
come up and meet the ball car-
rier at or behind the line of scrim-
mage. A pass play will be handled
with the linemen rushing the
passer and the backers and half-
backs covering the receivers.
It all sounds so easy that it!
seems impossible for the offense
to score, but .. .
Chicago 6, New York 1
Night Editor
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Outer Hebrides }~
SMITH played a major role In
Baylor's 14-13 victory over the
Aggies. He was a whiz on offense
as well as defense. He threw key
blocks that made possible longj
runs by L. G. Dupre, Baylor back.j
On defense he was credited with
more tackles than. any Baylor
The, 20-year-old, 6-3 lineman
also recovered a fumble that
led to Baylor's winning touch-
down converted both extra
points, kicked off for Baylor,j
and handled the punting chores.!
Smith conversions proved the
winning difference.
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