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October 29, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 33




SL Referendum
On EXams Voted
Wilcox Addresses Meeting; Group
Puts Off Radulovich Case Motion
Student Legislature last night voted approval of a referendum
to be submitted in campus-wide fall elections asking students which
of three methods of final exams they would prefer and heard an
address by former SL president Leonard Wilcox, '52.
A policy stand concerning Air Force charges against Milo Radu-
lovich, '54, was discussed but time prevented a final vote on the issue.
FINAL EXAM PLANS to be put into a referendum are:

F * * *
SL Accepts
On Sticker


1) "We should return to the
system of final exams whereby
seniors are not officially graduat-
ed at commencement, but, are
given a 'dead period' between the
end of classes and the examina-
tion period and a longer number
of days to complete their exam-'
2) "The method adopted last
spring which enables seniors to
be officially graduated at com-
mencement should be retained.
3) "In order to allow seniors to
be officially graduated at com-
* f z

Student Legislature last night
voted down an extension of the.
deadline for submitting referen-
dums for fall elections but an
eleventh-hour petition was accept-
ed late last night.
The proposal which will be plac-
ed on the November ballot asks
University students "Are you in
favor of the distribution of a
sticker of the 'Fair Play the Wol-
verine Way' type to the Ann Ar-
bor merchants?"
AN ALTERNATE possibility for
a means to check alleged discrim-
ination among local merchants
was formulated at a joint meet-
ing of the SL Human Relations
committee representative, faculty
and administration members, and
a member of Ann Arbor's chamber
of commerce yesterday.
Criticizing an original pro-
posal by the committee to place
stickers in windows of non-dis-
criminatory merchants as an
antagonistic, ineffective way of
attacking the problem, the con-
ference suggested ivpyestigation
of suspected discrimination and
approaching thi merchant in-
Attending the meeting were Lar-
ry Harris, '56, of the Human Rela-
tions committee; Assistant to the
President Erich A. Walter; Walter
B. Rea, acting dean of students;
Arthur L. Brandon, director of
University relations, and Robert
Gage, secretary of the Ann Arbor
chamber of commerce.
Harris emphasized yesterday
that the new proposal at today's
meeting was only an alternate to
the sticker program as a means
of reaching the goal program must
be approved by the committee and
discussed on the SL floor before it
can be acted on,
Panel Divided
On Drama
"Poet, bad playwright; religious,
iconoclastic," were some of the
conflicting opinions aimed at
Eugene O'Neil during a panel dis-
cussion following last night's Art
Theater performance of "Desire
Under the Elms."
Prof. Edwin A. Engel of the Eng-
lish department said the play was
full of symbols "psychological,
cultural and religious. The lead-
ing character is seen as the Old
Testament God, a God that is
somewhat false, but indestruct-
The psychologist's point of view
was taken by Prof. Milton Rosen-
berg of the psychology depart-
ment who said he does not think
any of O'Neill's plays ought to be
looked at as a "psychoanalytic
analyses. O'Neill is a poet express-
ing the culture of the times in the
symbols he uses."
Third panel member for the
English department, Prof. Arthur
M. Eastman, thought the play, was
bad in that the characters "have
no self-perception which adds up
to confusion."
Illinois Trip Ticket
Sales To Close
Friday is the deadline for mak-
ing reservations on the Illini Lin-
er, the Wolverine Club sponsored

Press Hears
Tell Plans
Israel Ban Lifted,
No Extra Session
WASHINGTON-()-At a news
conference yesterday President
Dwight D. Eisenhower announced
several courses of action to be
taken by the Administration in
the near future.
He answered questions concern-
ing action to be taken in Israel,
the probability of his calling a
special session of Congress to deal
with farm problems and the course
he expects to follow in next year's
congressional campaign.
HE DISCLOSED that yesterday
the United States ended a 34-day
ban on American aid to Israel
and allocatedr26 million dollars
to the new republic in the troubled
Middle East.
Concerning the move, he said
he was "delighted" to learn Is-
rael had decided to abide by a
ruling of a special United Na-
tions Commission in Israel's dis-
pute with Syria.
Later. Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles announced the for-
mal lifting of the ban he imposed
on Sept. 25 after Israel refused to
halt work on a Jordan River hy-
droelectric project, as requested by
the UN Commission. Syria com-
plained that the project diverted
water along the Israeli-Syrian
* * *
HE ALSO said that only a re-
newal of the drought or some
other disaster would prompt him
to call a special session of Con-
gress totdeal with troubles af-
flicting the nation's farmers.
Eisenhower made the state-
ment on the heels of demands
from some quarters that Con-
gress return to Washington and
set the legislative wheels in mo-
tion to bolster sagging farm
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.)'
said earlier the President should
call a special session unless the!
Republicans come up soon with!
plans "to meet the crisis in agri-
* . *
IN ADDITION, the President in-
dicated that he may take a liand
after all in the next year's po-
litical campaign.
Of course, the President said,
he is interested in the Republi-
can organization and in keep-
ing Congress under GOP con-
A week ago, Eisenhower said
he wasn't going to use the presi-!
dency as a campaign instrument'
in partisan elections and would
stay out of strictly local political
Yesterday he gave the impres-
sion he might take the stump in
1954 for a GOP program in Con-
gress, if not for individual party
Seniors may return 'Ensian
picture proofs from 10 a.m. to
noon and from 1 to 6 p.m.
every day except Saturdays and
Sundays through Nov. 13 to the
Student Publications Bldg.





Still Lacks
Full Jury
DETROIT - () - Prospective
jurors were subjected to a second
round of intensive questioning
yesterday as attorneys sought to
select a jury for the trial of six
Michigan Communists charged
with Smith Act violations.
Federal Judge Frank A. Picard
dismissed 16 more prospective jur-
ors after accepting pre-emptory
challenges from defense attorney
Ernest Goodman and three of the
defendants, Saul Wellman, Nat
Ganley and Thomas DeWitt Den-
nis, Jr. who are acting as their
own counsel.
* * *
THlE 16 BROUGHT to 26 the
total of prospective jurors on a 99-
member, panel who have been dis-
missed for causes or oy pre-emp-
tory challenges.
Fred W. Kaess, U.S. District
attorney handling 'the govern-
ment's case against the defend-
ants, offered no challenges yes-
Wellman, Ganley and Dennis and'
the other defendants, Mrs. Helen
Winter, Philip Schatz and Wil-
liam Allan, have a total of 30 pre-j
emptory challenges during the
questioning of the prospective
The defendants are charged
with violating the Smith Act by
conspiring to teach and advocate
the violent overthrow of the Unit-
ed States government.
* * *

' 4'




Army Photosy Tell
Red AtrocitieS
Secretary Claims Account Exposes
Program of 'Torture and Murder'
By The Associated Press
The Army, in a new and ghastly account of Communist atrocities
reported yesterday that 6,113 Americans probably were among the
multitude of persons tortured and massacred in Korea.
The new account of Communist brutality, the Army said, "ex-
poses the enemy for what he is."
* * * *
TOGETHER with the report, which Army Secretary Robert T.
Stevens said describes "the cold-blooded program of torture and

R e ort ddd




-Daily-Betsy Smith
Goodbye to Indian Summer,
Town Prepares for Winter

-Daily-Betsy Smith
** *
mencement, and to permit a 'dead
period' between classes and final!
examinations, we should attempt'
to reschedule and shorten the
Spring Recess."
WILCOX, twice president of SL
and a vice-president of the Na-
tional Student Association, spoke
on accomplishments and problems
of NSA.
Wilcox concluded his talk by
censuring SL members for loafing
on their job, saying "each of you
is going to have to work a lot
harder in the future to under-
stand what the real meaning of
SL is." He urged members to go
out every week to students to ex-
plain SL activities.
TIME prevented. the Legisla-
ture from taking a stand on the
Radulovich case. Main motion
now on the floor was proposed by
Leah Marks, '55L.
The motion censures "the
theory of guilt by relationship
recently used by an Air Force
tribunal in judging Milo Radu-
lovich a doubtful security risk."
Ned Simon, '55, submitted a
substitute claiming "evidence pre-
sented by the Air Force in the
Radulovich case was not suffi-
cient." Simon argued that since
the Air Force had specifically said
Radulovch was not personally
guilty, the main motion was not a
valid one.

UNLIKE previous Smith
trials, of which there have
seven, the proceedings here
far have been quiet.


Judge Picard has called for
no uniformed police in the Fed-
eral Courtroom during the trial.
There have been no demonstra-
tions or picket lines as were in
evidence at previous trials
Goodman said his clients have
informed him that no demonstra-
tions will be held during the trial
to their knowledge.
At previous Smith Act trials, the
selection of the juries consumed
a great deal of time because de-
fense attorneys were granted the
right to question each prospective
juror individually.
Wilson Target
Of Democrats
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Main target of'
Democrat fire against the Eisen-
hower Administration in 1954 will
be Secretary of Defense Charles
E. Wilson.
Indications from Democrats in
Washington and throughout the
nation have already been enough
to point out that their period of
kindness toward the Administra-
tion is about at an end.
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.)
will be in one of the forward posi-
tions when the 'full assault be-
gins. The former Air Force secre-
tary began his fire months ago at
the Administration in general and
Wilson in particular.
Symington's main point of at-
tack on the Secretary has been the
five-billion-dollar cut in the Air
Force appropriations. Wilson may
be forced to slice defense ex-
penses some more next year, too.
With 1954 an election year and
with control of Congress at stake
the Administration would find it
handy to have a tax cut for every-
one, expenses reduced to balance
the budget, and still enough mon-
ey spent on defense to keep the
country, amply protected.
WUS Nets $500
In Bucket Drive
More than $500 rattled into

I'm dreaming of a white Christ-
This frosty ditty played at 3
p.m. yesterday on the Burton Tow-
er carillon, accurately describes
the cool fall weather which final-
ly overtook Ann Arbor.
* * *
AFTER DAYS of ,temperatures
in the mid-80s last week, it has
gradually turned cooler, culminat-
ing in rain two days ago and in
what seemed to many students to
be freezing weather yesterday.
Lit Confab
Outlines Dual
Mutual responsibility of students
and teachers in the classroom sit-
uation was the topic of discussion
at the first literary college confer-
ence of the semester last night at
the League.
Such problems as what a stu-
dent expects to get out of a course
and what, in turn, is the instruc-
tor's prime objective in his lec-
tures were discussed.
Prof. William Willcox of the his-
tory department said his chief aim
as a lecturer was "to get students
to enlighten themselves as citi-
Many students at the meeting
said that there was a lack of stim-
ulation prevalent among lecture
courses. Countering this, the fac-
ulty said that the lecturer should
not be wholly blamed for this lack
o stimulation. The student should
make some effort himself.

With temperatures down to
near 32 degrees this morning
and an expected high of 50 or
55 degrees today, the weather-
man at Willow Run has already
expressed sad forebodings of
rain tomorrow and Saturday.
Although possible rain is fore-
cast, during the next few days,
average temperatures will hover
around 55 degrees. Yesterday wind
gusts were roaring along at up to
18 miles per hour.
* *4 *.
"NO MORE Indian summer this
fall," the weatherman said. "Tem-
peratures may possibly go into the
mid 60's before winter really hits,
but weather like we had last week
will be gone for a long time."
Just a week ago today the
thermometer was up to 75 de-
grees, one of the coolest days
during the idyllic weather.
Meanwhile, gasoline-station at-
tendants reported a sudden rush
for anti-freeze, while co-eds were
seen buying more knee-socks in
the last several days.
Only a first snowfall is needed
to make winter official.
Union Office Lists
Week-End Rooms
Rooms for weekend rental in
local homes may be obtained by
consulting a list available from 3
to 5 p.m. daily in the Union Stu-
dent Offices.
The list has been designed pri-
marily to enable students to find
rooms for their parents and friends
on weekends when the League and
Union are full. Townspeople with
rooms available have been asked
by the Union to contact the Stu-
dent Offices. ,

murder carried on by the Com-
munist enemy," the Army released
photographic evidence - pictures
of mutilated GIs, windrows of
bodies of Americans and South
Koreans, heaps of blackened
corpses of men roasted alive.
The report was compiled by
the War Crimes Division of the
Army in Korea. It covered the
period from the beginning of
the war through last June 30.
Its total figures for probable
American victims of the Com-
munist slaughter was not greatly
changed from that issued in No-
vember 1951, by Col. James M.
Hanley, then an officer charged
with gathering information about
war crimes.
The grand total of probable vic-
tims of what Stevens termed the
"calculated brutality" of the en-
emy was placed at 29,815.
* * '
THE 6,113 AMERICANS were
included among 11,622 United Na-
tions militarynvictims, 17,354 civil-
-ians and 839 others whose status
could not be determined.
Statistical charts contained in
the report showed that the
great bulk of the atrocities oc-
curred in the year beginning
with the start of the war June
25, 1950, with the high tide of
the Red blood bath coming dur-
ing the first six months of the
enemy advance.
The charts also showed that by
far the greatest number of war
crimes were committed by North
Koreans (72 per cent). Only 27.3
per cent were charged to the-Chi-
nese Communists. Blame for the
remainder was not fixed because
the Army said it was unknown.
* * *
MEANWHILE at Panmunjom
yesterday U. S. Envoy Arthur
Dean handed over to the Com-
munists a "formula" he hopes will
crack a three-day deadlock in his
mission to set up a Korean peace
Dean has been insisting that
the Communist Chinese and
North Korean delegates begin
talking about a time and place
for the conference. The original
opening date under the armis-
tice was Tuesday.
Dean gave no details. A reliable
source said however, the "for-
mula" probably would be a propo-
sition that the delegates change
the subject to the time and place
for the conference.
The argument would be that the
delegates have devoted most of
the first three days to Communist
demands that Asian neutrals take
part in the peace conference and
it is time to change the subject.

By the AssociatedPress
NEW YORK-General Motors
Corp., biggest of the world's in.
dustrial titans, sold nearly 8 bil-
lion dollars worth of its products
in the first nine months of 1953
it was revealed yesterday.
That was more than the corpor-
ation ever sold before in any full
calendar year.
Nationalist Chinese scientist urg-
ed the UN Assembly yesterday to
declare the Communist charges
that the United States used germ
warfare in Korea are false and to
condemn the Soviet Bloc "for their
deliberate, malicious fabrications."
* * *
LANSING - Michign's new
Civil Defense Advisory Council
got under way yesterday with
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' dec-
laration that civil defense "may
be the determining factor in ob-
taining peace."
NEW YORK-Mayor Vincent R.
Impellitteri prodded milk strie
peace talks yesterday as he put
off summoning deadlocked nego-
tiators to City Hall for a meeting.
The negotiators reported that
they were making progress in pri-
vate talks and asked foi a little
more time.
and Queen Frederika of Greece
arrived yesterday, voiced warm
appreciation of American aid in
war and peace, and were wel-
comed to the White House by
President and Mrs. Eisenhower.
* * *
Mennen Williams said last night
he would urge the 1954 legislature
to increase the duration of unem-
ployment compensation in Michi-
TNEW YORK-The Jenner com-
mittee delved into Soviet espion-
age of the 1930's and 40's yes-
terday, calling a number of wit-
nesses in an open, televised hear-
The star witness, a former Rus-
sian intelligence officer said there
were up to 25 Red spy rings in
this country in 1941 and "they may
have expanded considerably dur-
ing World War II."
From 'neath the heels of dusty
Within the vitals of the Arch,
The great bronze seal called loyal
In dead of night to march.
So came the men of Triangles.
Once more beneath the pointed
New faces toiled with fear;
The Seal of Triangles again shone
Cleansed with blood and tear.
So came-Bob Constant, Al Fey,
Tim Moulthrop, Dick Nyberg,
Chuck Stickels, Tom Wilcox and
Prof. Richard G. Folsom.


Crosswalk Please!

Last Month Most Costly in History

erage American paid more for his
basic living needs last month than
ever before in history.
That's what the consumer price
index for September showed when
it was released yesterday by the
Labor Department's Bureau of La-
bor Statistics.
THE INDEX-a composite ofj
average retail prices paid for basic
good and services of 46 cities--

index, dropped a fraction between
August and September.
* * *
HOWEVER, this was more than
offset by increases in the cost of
clothing, housing, medical atten-
tion, beauty shop services and oth-
er personal care, recreation and
The bureau reported a contin-
ued drop in prices of fruits and
vegetables and a moderate de-
cline in meat. nnutv.and fish

fee, fresh milk, bread, lard and.
restaurant meals.
Food prices last month were
1.4 per cent below September,
* * *
RENTS LAST month were 6.5
per cent higher than a year ago
and 15.9 per cent above June,
1950. This, the bureau said, re-
flected "continuing effects of rent
Other holigine osnts--coalp1and

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