PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1953 S S TRIBUNE FORUM: The Indictment Against Modern 'Education (EDITOR'S NOTE: Throughout last week's ses- sions of the New York Herald Tribune Forum seemed to run a consistent theme-dissatisfac- tion with the American educational system. The following commentaries are excerpts from two Forum talks which best represented this sen- timent.) The Educated Anti-Intellectuals . . . T IS A CURIOUS FACT that the Ameri- can people spent more per capita on the schooling of their children than any other people on this globe and yet they persist in proclaiming their anti-intellectualism. Con- sider the epithets of brain-trusters or egg- heads. Look at the general disdain for the very word "intellectual." Candidates for public office usually boast of how little formal education they have had, not how well their education has qualified them to govern. To admit to a Ph.D. would be tantamount to the kiss of death in a political campaign. Most newspapers are written for the adult of grammar school mind. Even a national magazine apparently fears for its circula- tion unless it amuses and debunks as it reports. This is a perilous state of affairs and can issue eventually only in national ruin. Is it any wonder that leisure activi- ties which might in some way involve ex- ercising the mind are in disrepute? It is my contention that we have corrupted our opportunities to make the whole man because our educational system has failed us in this country over the past fifty years. We cannot use our leisure creatively because we do not know how. We cannot read good books and carry on intelligent conversation because we have never acquired the art. In fact, our only escape from infinite boredom is to keep busy, to move about incessantly, and to seek entertainment which will not ax' our underdeveloped minds. Industrialization and the impact of modern science are partly to blame, for they have demanded the specialist and the technical expert. Mistakenly the col- leges and universities turned to the elec- tive system to solve their dilemma. Cur- ricular offerings were expanded to blanket in whole areas of training which are more properly the province of the trade school. In the process education of the whole man. practically disappeared. In these institutions of higher learning today there is too much specialization and too little common tradition and knowledge; too many departments and too little mutual understanding; too much memory work and too;little learning how to think; too many lectures and too little discussion and con- versation; too much condensation and dis- tillation of facts and too little first-hand acquaintance with original sources; too much football and too little education; too much preoccupation with preparing to make a liv- ing and too little concern wih the more fun- damental proposition of learning how to live. -Richard D. Welgle, President, St. John's College, Maryland Self-Education . .- DURING THE last two years, my asso- ciates and I have attemped to explore the intellectual life of America. We have talked to men and women of high and low estate, from Coast to Coast. We have tried to record what they do from the time they get up in the morning until they go to bed at night. In this study we have paid particular attention to their attitude toward books, as an imporant index of intellectual inter- est. We have sought to discover why more persons do not read more books of a ser- ious nature. We have examined many facets of this problem of intellectual in- terest. We have tried to learn something of each person's philosophy of life. This study is now nearing completion, and in a few months will appear in book form. Meanwhile, I can report some of the findings. Fewer people buy and read books in the United States than in any modern de- mocracy. Yet we boast the highest level of formal education in the world. The typical Englishman' reads nearly three times as many books as our typical citizen .. . The problem of leisure, as I see it, is the problem of restoring a proper balance between entertainment and education. To do this, I believe we must revise our whole philosophy of education. We must begin to recognize the importance of the years after graduation from grade school, high school, or college as the important years in the educational process. We must begin to realize that self-edu- cation is all important, and that formal schooling is good only to the extent to which it aids and abets self-education. Too many students cling hopefully to the belief that when they are "through" school that is to say, when they are graduated, they "have had it." And too many of our teachers, unfortunately, fail to challenge this point of view ... If an intellectual renaissance is to get under way in this counry, the natural place for it to be born is in our colleges and universities. But that, I am afraid, will never happen unless we take a more grown-up point of vew toward college education, and stop running our institutions of higher learning as if they were glorified prep schools. As a one-time college professor, and as an observer of universities both here and abroad, I have come reluctantly but inevitably to the conclusion that the enem'r of learning at the university level is the text book, the class room lecture, and the course system. In contrast to European universities, we lean heavily on text books which consist for the most part of pits and pieces of know- ledge cannibalized from other text books. Too often the professor, in his class room lecture, merely repeats the material covered by the text book. And the student, once he has memorized and then regurgitated the text book material in a true-false quiz, can promptly forget the whole dull business. American Institute of Public Opinion -George H. Gallup, Director, DREW PEARSON: Washington M errywGoRound: WASHINGTON-It may seem like a long way off to some people, but already members of the Eisenhower cabinet are con- sidering how to handle peacetime atomic energy in relation to coal and oil. Will atomic electricity put the coal mines of Pennsylvania and West Virginia out of busi- ness? Will they sut down the oil fields of the Southwest? And how should industrial atomic energy be controlled? These are questions which key mem- bers of the cabinet have been discussing backstage in connection with a bill that would regulate peacetime A-energy. In this connection, Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks has written a secret and at first surprising letter to Budget Director Joe Dodge, recommending that' electricity from atomic power be retained by the gov- ernment as a monopoly. Secretary Weeks is a Boston investment banker and a director of the Pullman Co., Gillette Razor, First National of Boston, Atlas Plywood, and various other cor- porations which naturally incline his thinking against government monopolies. Despite this, he wrote Budget Director Dodge and unpublished letter as follows: "The United States should not divest it- self of present ownership of fissionable ma- terial, or of its exclusive ownership of major production facilities, since these constitute a 'national treasure' of untold value which should be owned by all the citizens of the United States and utilized in their direct interest." However, as you read Secretary Weeks' letter further, he doesn't seem such a new dealer after all. "Respecting the relationship between gov- ernment and private industry in connec- tion with the use of atomic energy," Weeks wrote, "it is fundamental that any legisla- tion should clearly prohibit the United States government from any . . . direct com- petition with private industry" "It is clear that the installation of low- cost atomic power will tend to disrupt in- dustry," Secretary Weeks also wrote, "un- less adequately controlled (A) by elimi- nating higher-cost power plants, particu- larly in the public utility field; (B) injur- ing producers of higher cost power-pro- ducing units which could no longer com- pete in certain areas of operation; and (C) unbalancing competitive industries by creating unequal benefits to and radically changing competitive relationships be- tween them . . . as for example in reduc- ing aluminum production costs dispro- portionately to steel." (Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate) CURRENT MOVIE Architecture A udi toriu l PYGMALION, with Wendy Hiller and Les- lie Howard. BERNARD SHAW has been fertile ground for films ever since he gave Gabriel Pas- cal permission to transfer one of his plays to celluloid. "Pygmalion" was produced in 1937, and is as much a dead issue as any of the Shaw movies have been. There are the typically snide remarks about middle- class morality and the customary attitude toward the nobility, none of which seem very radical any more. Pygmalion, as the introduction to the film conveniently points out, was a Greek sculptor who created a statue of the ideal woman. He was so taken with her beauty he asked the gods to grant her life, and they obliged him. In the play Shaw pro- duces his own version of the story-mod- ernized, Fabianized, but mostly Shavian- ized. In it a professor of phonetics picks up a flowver-seller in Covent Garden and wagers he can pass her off as a duchess within six months. His statue, as it were. The story shows the professor moulding, chiselling, and chipping away at poor Eliza Doolittle until she actually does suc- cessfully appear at a proper reception. But alas, the professor has destroyed the flower-seller's soul and has neglected to re- place it with anything at all. The result is a beautifully feminine facade held together by extremely sensitive feelings. Eliza can- not go back to Covent Garden, and the pro- fessor won't have a guttersnipe around his place; the Thames offers a wet solution, but Shaw won't allow this. The sow's ear has to become a real silk purse, which seems to weaken all that widdle-class morality busi- ness and leaves us not quite sure what Mr. Shaw had in mind. The picture is very well done, with a fine group of actors carrying the phil- osophy along as best they can. Leslie How- ard is the Pygmalion-professor and Wendy Hiller his Galatea. Howard is a very in- teresting upper-class scientific man, throws fits of rather vigorous shouting, and is nicely indifferent to social custom. Miss Hiller is a little more convincing when she is just a girl of the gutters, but that may just be because the type is more exciting than the exactly proper lady she becomes. The opportunity for crisply witty dialogue is naturally exploited to its fullest-movie or no, this is still Shaw. The picture is fun- ny, funnier perhaps than the current Or- pheum showing, if only because the humor * , -- - ~:'. C.4'X.:'4.. Xette,' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. C' -Daily-Bill Hampton "Would it be a security risk, or can I say goodbye to my sister?" ~THE WEEK ON CAMPUSI THE VENERABLE PIONEERS-Engineering students took two days off from classes this week. Defense Secretary Charles E. Wilson took a few days off supervising "what's good for the country" and joined with engineering alumni assembled on campus to sound well- organized felicitations to the College of Engineering on a century "of pioneering." Balding alums, including one, vintage 1890, heard a round of speeches, were followed from one meeting to the next by a giant- sized plaster of Paris birthday cake and witnessed the dedication of the Cooley Memorial Laboratory, first building completed in the huge development program of the North Campus. Electronic brains and assorted machinery were assiduously in- spected and their complicated machinations explained by guides in a language only faintly resembling English to the laymen. Though the future was somewhat slighted in the rounds of remi- niscing, the past received vigorous plaudits, including Charlie Wilson's verbal toast to engineering as "a continuing frontier" and the hope of mankind. Unfortunately Engine Charlie managed to contradict himself rather consistently on the case of individual freedom. His speech rais- ed on high "individual rights that are above and beyond the rights that may be conferred upon .. . any other group." In our political sys- tem the state is the servant of the people, he said. Facing a group of pressmen and sans benefit of script, he commented on the case of Lt. Milo Radulovich by saying "we're going to be fair but we're going to resolve cases in favor of the government." It seems to Mr. Wilson that "we're giving the individual too much of a break," even in this land of "individualrights above and beyond ...' * * * * THE AX-In the Dexter home of Milo Radulovich and family, the stocky physics senior awaited the seemingly inevitable ax-formal notice of his ouster from the Air Force Reserve as a "security risk." If they let me get by, he told reporters, they'll have no stand for their policy of "guilt by association." Under Eisenhower's new security regulations, Radulovich is undeniably guilty. It would seem that the regulations themselves ought to be on trial rather than a man guilty of "maintaining a close and continuing association with a sister who is only AC- CUSED, not convicted or proved, to be guilty of participation in Red inspired activities. Word from Washington indicates the case is more severe against the lieutenant than has been publicly revealed, and that Secretary of the Air Force Talbot is convinced there is no choice but to rule against him. Officials say full facts cannot be publicized. The Air Force press- ed for final action, and called for announcement of the decision within a few days. * * * * ALSO RAN-ACADEMIC FREEDOM-For five weeks SL hemmed and hawed over their stand on "academic freedom," finally registered approval 29-4 to a motion calling for mild censure of some methods of investigating committees. With only one dissenting vote, the legislature also passed a mo- tion recommending the establishment of a University vice-president for student affairs. * * * * The Experiment ... I To the Editor: FOLLOWING the rather uni- luminating reports on one of, the less dignified actions of the University of Michigan student, body, my curiosity was aroused at your noncommittal use of the word 'clinical experiment.' An experi- ment usually has an aim, and the discrepancy between the probable facts and your interpretation struck me. I considered little likely that these so-called experimenters (your apt labeling, I understand) should not have had a moral to their story, since they would hard- ' ly have bothered informing you of their activities otherwise. As inadequate a 'clinical experi- ment' as this process was, its moral seems to coincide with your views upon the matter too remarkably well for your overlooking it to have been purely accidental. To avoid by subtle presentation your failing to grasp my point, I clari- fy: I do not think it is corrett for a newspaperman to "alter" facts by omission. As chance willed it, I came to know about the background of the story quite intimately, and I can- not but wonder at the inadequacy. of your presentation. In effect, this happening (which only with difficulty may be called an experi- ment, and by no stress of the imagination a 'clinical experi- ment') was nothing but a demon- stration of a small part of the workings of mass psychology. To my present knowledge, these people were attacking the same problem of gross immaturity from another vantage point than yours. Could it be that you regard your- self so much the vigilante of de- cency that you resent intrusion of your "rights" by outsiders con- cerned with the same problems? The panty-raider hides behind the veil of confused thought and. this makes his motives vulnerable when revealed; thus, by the force of the situation, he cannot but admit that he is wrong. No one is in a better position to do this than the 'leader,' whom they be- lieve embodies their ideas. When he turns against them, revealing their ineptness, they, by simple logic, cannot help giving weight to the leaders' words, even if those words be adverse to their interests. This is a more dramatic method than that pursued by the student groups who have broken up the raid, but, essentially, it is the same. Masses cannot be ruled but by their own choice-by a char- acteristic weakness such as their own, and, in my opinion, there is no more potent a weapon against such a degrading attitude of hu- man beings than the revelation of it. For every one of the would-be aventurers I am sure would have felt more than embarrassed at a true evaluation of their part in that demonstration: that is, being a little cog in a clockwork not of their own making. I can think of no more embarrassing thought for anyone than to have been a subject of a mass psychology ex- periment. -Dona Sullivan * * * be iradicated as soon as its ugly head rises upon the American scene." why don't they propose that all other political parties not fol- lowing. the Republican and Demo- cratic party lines be outlawed. Next, that all periodicals and oth- er means of communications sup- porting these political parties be banned. Then maybe one of the two major political parties could outlaw the other and we could have a fine one-party system with no subversive elements in it, just like that of Russia today. -Gilbert Friedman * * * NY Fraternities .. . To the Editor: IN VIEW of the news and discu- sion of any action taken by the State University of New York looking toward the elimination of minority discriminations by fra- ternities, it might be of interest to state the background of the ac- tion. The State University of New York is the newest of the state universities, although some of its college units are over 100 years old. It was organized inr1948 following a thorough study of higher educa- tion in New York State by a Legis- lative Commission. The public agitation for the uni- versity arose during the immediate post-war pressures for admission to college. The provision of public higher education was deemed to be insufficient to meet the demand, and many private colleges were being charged with discriminations in admissions, especially against Jews, Italian Catholics and Ne- groes. The resulting public ill will became especially acute toward the medical schools, all nine of which up to that point had been private. Within the legislature several bills were proposed and hotly debated calling for a state' university and the outlawing of discriminatory practices. As a result, Legislative Com- mission, composed of legislators, prominent citizens, and represen- tatives of the Governor, of the colleges, and of minority groups was created. The studies made by this commission confirmed the need of additional educational fa- cilities and the presence of some discriminations on grounds of race, creed, color and national origin (see Legislative documents Nos. 30 to 34, 1948). Recommendations were made to the Governor and Legislature to create a state uni- versity, including two state medi- cal schools, t provide for public community colleges, and to pass a fair education practices act. All of these recommendations were enacted into the law of the state. Initially the colleges in the state were very much on the defensive about discriminatory practices. They had become so because they had not cleaned their own houses until the public concern had grown into a major legislative storm. To their credit, they cooperated fully in the investigations and voluntar- ily took many constructive steps such as improving their admissions forms and procedures. The several actions of the state and of the colleges did not affect the status of the college fraterni- ties. However, the present action of the State University in requir- ing that the local chapters free themselves of national control is' obviously a direct result of the sit- uation that led to the establish- ment of the University and of the failure of the fraternities to clean their houses. -Algo D. Henderson, Professor of Higher Education MAT'(ER-.OF FACT By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - The authority which President Eisenhower must have, if he is to be the real leader of the Republican party, .may be at stake in the forthcoming elections in New Jersey and California. For already Republicans in Congress are begin- ning to tell each other sadly (or jubilantly, in the case of the anti-Eisenhower Republi- can underground) that "Ike's popularity is a non-transferrable asset." If this notion becomes fixed dogma, a great deal of trouble is certainly in store for the Republican administration from the already restive Republican party in Congress. If the Congressional Republi- cans conclude that it does them no good to be against Eisenhower. And as has been clear even while Eisenhower's pres- tige has been unchallengeable, being against a President-any President-is a deeply ingrained Republican habit. The idea that Eisenhower's popularity is "non-transferrable" was born, of course, in Wisconsin, where the defeated Republican candidate ran on a "support Eisenhower" platform. With the Connecticut municipal elections, the idea has taken somewhat deeper root. The Republican slogan in Con- necticut was "support Eisenhower and Lodge"-and in many towns the Republi- cans took a bad shellacking. West Haven, for example, went Democratic for the first time since 1933.' A Democratic victory in New Jersey or California or both, therefore, could send the Republicans into a panicky tailspin, and deeply undermine the President's authority. There are, moreover, remarkable similarities between the special election in Wisconsin and the forthcoming New Jersey election to fill'the vacated seat of Rep. Clifford Case. Like the late Mervyn Hull in Wisconsin, Case is an extremely popular Republican Finally, as in Wisconsin, the Democrats have a ready-made issue. In Wisconsin, this is the unpopular farm policy of Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson. In New Jersey, it is the relationship between the Republi- can gubernatorial nominee, Paul Troast, and the convicted labor. racketeer, Joseph Fay. HERE, TO BE SURE, the similarity ends. The Wisconsin district has a longPro- gressive tradition, and has often gone Demo- cratic in Presidential elections. The New Jersey district has been solidly Republican, with only one slip, since the memory of man. In 1952 for example, the district went Re- publican by a lopsided vote of almost two to one. Publicly, therefore, the Democrats are heavily discounting their chances. They are preparing to claim a psychological vic- tory if the race is close. But privately, they think Williams has an outside chance. Apparently the Republicans think so too. A Citizens for Eisenhower committee is being revived locally to help Hetfield, and a Republican National Committee trouble- shooter, Bernard Lamb, has arrived on the scene for the same purpose. The Democrats are also moderately hope- ful about the California election, where they expect to profit by a split Republican vote. All in all, indeed, the Democrats are in a remarkably hopeful mood these days. The Democratic Congressional Committee has polled state leaders on the question: Do you know of a district where Democratic strength is below 1952? The committee claims that all answers, without exception, have been in the negative. There is conversely, a noticeable at- mosphere of suppressed gloom among the Republicans. Both gloom and hopefulness are certainly premature. But an upset in New Jrseyor Clifonia. folwineo n PANTY RAIDS--Weekly score stood at one attempt, one failure. * * * j To Buchele & Wilson.. SCIENCE PROGRESSES, TOO-Physical proof of Einstein's uni- fied field theory was claimed by a 1925 journalism school grad, Edgar Flowers. Flowers employed a television set and some magnets to demon- strate his theory to the press, but his discovery was sanctimoniously ignored by national publications. Flowers, who is employed as a bar- ber in the Union, remained undaunted and warned any who might dare to infringe that all patents are pending. --Gayle Greene IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI To the Editor: THIS LETTER is a reply to Mor- ton Cash and Eugene Gordon along with anyone else who be- lieves that such men as Luther B. Buchele and Senators McCarthy and Jenner "understand and ap- preciate the meaning of true Amer- icanism and patriotism." To these misled souls, I offer my deepest sympathies. For if any men have followed the Communist technique of investigation in America today more closely than Senators McCarthy and Jenner I would like to hear about them. Through such tactics as guilt by association, quotes out of context, superimposing photos, and using the walls of Congress to shield r' T t 1 i I , i Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. (Continued from Page 2) Hillel2Foundation activities for Sun., Oct. 25-10:30 a.m.-Hiilel Student Council meeting. 5:00 p.m.-Hillel Chor- us meets. 6:00 p.m.-Supper Club. 8- 10:30-Married couples tea. Gilbert and Sullivan society. Full chorus and principle rehearsal at Lea- gue at 7. Graduate Outing Club meets at 2 p.m. today at the rear of the Rackham Build- ing. There will be a gross-country hike followed by an indoor supper at Rack- ham. Those who have cars are urged to bring them to help out with transpor- tation. Coming Events Economics Club. The first meeting of the Economics Club for 1953-54 will be held on Mon., Oct. 26. at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Professor Dan- il B. Suits will speak on "Some As- pects of Unincorporated Business Be- havior" All staff members and stu- The Russky Kruzhok will meet Mon- day night at 8 in the International Center. The program will feature a talk by Mrs. Assya Humecky, Instructor of Russian in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, on "The Russian Folk Songs." Mrs. Gumecky will, in addition to , supplying his- torical commentary, illustrate examples herself. The Malenkii Bolshio Teatr (Imeni Dostoyoevskovo) will present a dramatized adaptation of the Russian folktale "Baba Yaga." Refreshments will be served. All students interested in Russian are warmly invited to attend. Gilbert and Sullivan society. Principle rehearsal at League at' 7 on Monday. The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher Verein will meet Mon., Oct. 26. at 3:15 in the taproom of the Union. Informal 'group conversation in German. All are invited to attend these lively meetings. Museum Movie. "Holiday in Mani- toba" (Riding Mountain National Park in color) and "Grouse of the Grass- i their slander they have helped ruin the careers of such able public ser- editorial Staf vants as Senators Tydings and Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter ., . ...iyEio Benton and Owen Lattimore. The Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Radulovich incident is a fine ex- Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor ample of how American hysteria Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director is running away with itself. The Helene Simon. ........... Associate Editor loyalties of Mr. Radulovich have Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor never been questioned, only those Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor of his father and sister. Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisier....Assoc. Women's Editor It seems just Friday in Hill Aud- Don Campbell......Head Photographer itorium, I heard Mr. Wilson, our Secretary of Defense say some- Business Staf thing about the fact that "the ThomasBTreeger......Business Manager Constitution of our country was William Kaufman Advertising Manager designed in part to protect the Harlean Hankin . . .Assoc. Business Mgr. citizens against any attempt by WilliamSeden........rFinance Manager even government itself, to invade James Sharp. Circulation Manager these inalienable rights." Mr. Wil- son concluded by saying, "In ourTleoe2-41