INDICTMENT AGAINST MODERN EDUCATION See Page 4 I rP SirF Latest Deadline in the State :4Iaii4 a~ WARMER VOL. LXIV, No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1953 EIGHT PAGES sc S * s s * ! # t * s * * * * Wolverine Loss First of Season Minnesota Victory faced by Giel, Gophers Take 'Little Brown Jug' By PAUL GREENBERG Associate Sports Editor Special To The Daily MINNEAPOLIS-Paul Giel put on a spectacular one-man show here today as he ran, passed and kicked Minnesota to an amazing 22-0 upset victory over a lackluster Michigan team. The Winona wonderman bucked over two touchdowns, passed to end Bob Rutford for the other Gopher six-pointer and held for Geno Cappelletti who converted on two of three- placement tries. The only points that Giel was not involved in were the two points that Minnesota was handed by Dick Balzhiser when the harried Wolverine fullback fumbled in his own end zone. * * * BLUES-Michigan rooter Wayne Cheng found little to cheer about during yesterday's listening party in the Taylor House Lounge. Gloom shrouded his face from the very beginning. In the first quarter, Minnesota got off to a roaring start as Michigan Fullback Dick Balzhiser fumbled on his own 35. From there it was a simple trick to pull a Minnesota touchdown. One of the few bright moments for local fans came near the end of the second quarter when Michigan quarterback Lou Baldacci complete a 36- yard pass play to halfback Ted Kress, who reached the Minnesota 48. With the second half, miracle-man Paul Giel again brought -Daily-Don a mpbell a touchdown to Minnesota, this time on a pass play to end Bob Rutford. With this, the Gophers clinched their bid to bring the "Little Brown Jug" to Minnesota for the first time since 1942. For Cheng it was all a bad memory. AN OVERFLOW and violently partisan crowd ,ave their hero a thunderous ovation when he left than four minutes remaining in > numbering 63,509 the field with less Radulovich Jischarge Still Pendin the final period. If the play-call- ing tailback's offensive perform- ance was not enough, Giel also in- tercepted two Wolverine passes at g crucial moments to stop' Michigan drives. When the scoreboard clock - flashed the end of -the game a i' ' i , State Streak Ends; Purdue T Hollander Tells OfSovietYouthE (EDITOR'S NOTE: Zander Hollander, former feature editor of The Daily, recently toured the Soviet Union with two other former College edi- tors. They-talked to students, teachers and youthful political leaders, visit- ed classrooms, gymnasiums, dance halls and=theaters for a close, first-hand look at Soviet youth.) By ZANDER HOLLANDER NEW YORK -(A) . Russian kids are hungry for news about life on the other side of the Iron Curtain, but when I tried to tell them about it, they wouldn't believe me. Their questions were always the same: What's it like to be a student in America? Ho'W did we ** * * Italy Offers Reports Tell Young Democrats Meet, WithdrawalOf Severity Henderson Gives Advice manage, living in such poverty How did we feel about the lack c academic freedom in the Unite States? OUR ANSWERS didn't jibe wit the twisted picture Russian stu dents get from propagandists an Communist teachers. When w came close to making an impres sion, adult supervisors or well-in doctrinate students would jum in to shift the subject. Once, in a discussion with So- viet students we felt we were getting somewhere in correcting their warped ideas of life in the West. Suddenly a buxom girl in her 20's, Raissa Ablova, who is high up in the Soviet Youth Anti-Fascist Committee, broke into the conversation. "What is your class back. ground?" she asked aggressively. She seemed bothered when said I came from !a family withE moderate income and had gon( through the University of Michi- gan on a scholarship. She was really stumped when m3 friend Mark Emond, from the Uni- versity of Colorado explained he was the son of a factory worked killed in an accident *on the job ? * * * THE ANTI-FASCIST Committee didn't like our views on the Cold War, the Iron Curtain or mind control. We got into a big ruckuw over objectivity in Soviet educa- tion, I asked some students "What do your professors teach you about errors in Marxism?" "Marx never made a mistake-- in his own time. Changes made in applying. Marx came in response to changing situations. Marx was always right." Then a graduate law student Vladimir Belazarov, brought up academic freedom in the United States. * '* "IN . THE Soviet Union," he said, "students don't have to strug- gle for academic freedom. We have all we need. No group has to Former Daily Editor Queried, On Soviet Trip Special to The Daily - NEW YORK-Moscow Univer- sity students' knowledge of Amer- ican colleges is usually limited to an awareness of names and these names are more often than not Harvard, Yale and-Michigan. This is the impression former Daily Feature Editor Zander Hol- lander brought back to this coun- try from recent visits to the Soviet college classroom. HOLLANDER found, however, that Moscow students had no re- collection of the Soviet-inspired rumor that "Michigan football players were cardied directly from the gridiron to the grave," a ru- mor which was finally denied by the Soviet radio last fall. Besieged by questions from sophisticated New Yorkers who want to clear up a main point of naivete-knowledge of "what's Russia like"--Hollander has the following answers: "The Russians we met," he says, "were cordial-formal but cor- dial. We never felt comfortable, of course, in the presence of our sev- eral 'guides,' but he had the feel-. See FORMER, Page 2 Of Forces By The Associated Press ROME-Italy offered last night to pull back the forces she moved' up to the Yugoslav-Trieste frontierI just a week ago if Yugoslavia would withdraw forces from the; Italian-Trieste frontier. The Italian government said its proposal was designed to "normal- ize" the tense situation along the border* THE FIRST public hint of It- aly's offer came from Washing- ton after conferences between Italian Ambassador Alberto Tar- chiani and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles Friday. Italy's Foreign Ministry con- firmed the proposal had been made in Washington, London and Paris, but had been kept under wraps in Rome "in order not to prejudice Yugoslavia's ac- ceptance." The Foreign Ministry, comment- ing on reports that Yugoslav Pres- ident Tito had proposed to Brit- ain's Prime Minister Churchill a withdrawal of eight miles by each side, said this "should constitute only a first step." SINCE the dispute over Trieste Free Territory flared up Oct. 8, both Yugoslavia and Italy have concentrated troops along the bor- der. Italy's big movement was last Saturday night. " "Italy informed Washington, London and Paris several . days ago that she is willing to restore the frontier section to normalcy, if Yugoslavia will agree," a For- eign Office spokesman said. The three Western Allies, Brit- ain, France and the United StatesS have all expressed concern at the massing of forces by Italy and Yu- goslavia on the frontiers, while4 Yugoslavia has told the United Nations officially that the situa- tion is a "threat to peace." Of Evidence By ARLENE LISSJ Special To The Daily DETROqT-After numerous in-state, out-state controversies hadj been ironed out in. all night caucus sessions, the- Michigan Young Democrats held a "successful" biennial convention yesterday. Debunks Charges Leon Henderson, former OPA chief, as a "veteran of politics" gave the group advice at a luncheon session of the convention. By BECKY CONRAD Henderson, whose political experience stretches back to President Wilson's campaigns, counseled the > - - - ---- University senior Milo J. Radu- delegates to be practical but also lovich yesterday declared he had to hold onto their ideals. Janitor Grug not received any official word concerning reported impending an- "WITHOUT idealism, the basic D ei nouncement by Secretary of the concept of the place of the ndi- i iehDmrcpt Air Force Harold Talbott of the would be incapable of sustaining With only a few simple instru- lieutenant's discharge as a 'poor itself," he said. ments, a shy University janitor I security risk." ! In the afternoon session, the last night conclusively disproved According to Detroit News re- convention settled down to prac- Einstein's theory of relativity. ports from Washington, Radulo- tical politics-the election of of- "My aunt Christine, she is not vich will be discharged from the ficers. In an atmosphere charg- my aunt!" was Rupert Grug's Air Force Reserve since evidence ed with excitement and amid amazing claim. "She is not even against the 26-year-old physics frequent floor caucusses, the related to me!!!!!! ! !" major is "more severe than has convention elected by acclaim been publicly revealed." Dorothy Myers, '55, former vice- AT AN inter-mural press con- chairman, as national commit- ference Grug was bombarded with CHARGES disclosed against Ra- teewoman. , questions. "Is it true," a Daily re- dulovich hold that he has been Vic Baum, who figured promi- porter asked, "that you murdered considered a bkd risk for close nently in building up the or- your grandmother for a lousy and continuing association with ganization from a moribund group three dollars?" his father alleged to have partic- to one with over a thousand mem- "Well," Grug drawled dis- ipated in communist activities. bers, was reelected chairman. armingly, "a couple of bucks The student's lawyer, Kenneth Other officers elected were Ei- here, a couple of bucks there- T' ,leen Daly, first vice-chairman; it all adds up." Sarborn, said, "The more se- Ed McGloin, second vice-chair- Another reporter ventured to ask vere charges mentioned in news man; Giacinta Piccone, recording whether Gargoyle was to be sold reports are poppycock. If the Air secretary; Joe Snyder, treasurer; on Wednesday, October 28. Force had had firmer evidence Nancy Cummings and Charles "How should I know?" Grug re- they would have submitted it at See YD'S, Page 2 plied, "I'm only three years old." the Selfridge Air Base tribunal." I________________________________ Sanborn pointed out Air Force POPE TOLEDO RATED BEST: regulations 35-62 had granted * them a 20-day period from Oct. 13 to submit a final brief to the Di- Wahnnbfre anHiald-istoric Vehicles Dispic rector of Air Force Personnel in Washington before any final de- cision on the case was to be made. * By WOODY GUERNSEY However, in an Ann Arbor news By WO GU E -uto- conference Friday, Secretary of h sea Defense Charles E. Wilson indicat- motive past huddled under menac- ed he exuected a final decision ves- ing skies yesterday on the Mall terday from Talbott. The Secre- while doting owners tended to tary pointed out that such doubt- their finishes and motors and ful security cases should be re- shooed away hordes of curious solved in favor of the nation and spectators. not the individual. n Ramblers, Johnsons, Pope To- * ledos, Northerns, Brushes, Hup-{ SANBORN predicted a decision mobiles, Locomobiles and Cases tomorrow against Radulovich "in mingled with the more familiar light of the present situation." names, and ages ranging from a 1905 Johnson to a 1953 Jaguar! Sanborn said Radulovich's that had been labled "1920 Stutz." " other lawyer, Charles C. Lock- * wood, sent a telegram yester- THE ANTIQUES belong to mem- day to the Air Force Secretary bers of the Veteran Motor Car asking to submit the brief and Club of America, and after prizes "objecting strenuously to Wil- were awarded the outstanding cars in each of 10 divisions, they They cited a portion of the Sel-fJoined in a grueling parade fridge -proceedings where the Uni- through Ann Arbor. violently happy Minnesota foot- .. .Zj.R./ - ball team lifted Coach Wes Fes- 'ler and his mealticket left half- gggglggFourt Quarter* back to its shoulders and carried Fo rh Qa re them from the field. Pe al D cie t '":"a-ot t alad Penalty Decides Minnesota blasted out to a lead early in the first quarter when Balzhiser made the first of his LAFAYETTE, Ind.-(M--A mag- three disastrous funibles, which nificent Purdue defense smashed together with Giel's interceptions down Michigan State's famous stalled the Wolverine attack all "light brigade" backfield yester- afternoon. day, intercepted five passes and It was just after Tony Branoff cut the Spartan's string of 28 had downed the opening kickoff straight victories, 6-0. in. the end zone and then hit the It was a clean-cut Purdue vic- left side of the line for 16 yards tory, with the Boilermakers mak- and a first down in two tries that ing 12 first downs to the Spartans' Balzhiser lost the pigskin on the 7 and gaining 204 yards net to Michigan 38. Gieb took his clue Michigan State's 183. and smashed the line four times* * from the single-wing. Rutford EVEN SO, Michigan State, rat- gave him a key block on the fourth ed No. 2 team in the nation behind shot and he sped into the end Notre Dame, killed a chance to zone from five yards out. jwin or tie by a fourth-quarter * 3' clipping penalty that nullified Le- THE WOLVERINES brought the roy Bolden's 94-yard kickoff re- ensuing kickoff out to their own turn after Purdue's touchdown. 38 before stalling. Branoff then Another 15-yard Michigan got off a weak 29 yard punt which State penalty, for roughing the set Gielesota off again. kicker, kept alive Purdue's scor- Big "Number Ten" cut loose ing drive that was climaxed by with a 15 yard pass to Jim Sol- fullback Dan Pobojewski's one- tau on the first play, then ran yard touchdown plunge. The four times himself to the 33. Another pass to Soltau got it to the 26, and Mel Holme took three on a plunge. Giel then carried twice, passed to Soltau on the 15, followed this with a six yard plunge to the Michigan nine and then condescended to let Bob McNamara try his luck with the big half gaining four yards. Spartans' mistake restored the ball to Purdue on its own 45 late in the third quarter and it scored 12 plays later in the final period. It was Purdue's first victory of the season, either in Big Ten or non-conference games. ' * * * MICHIGAN STATE, losing to a Big Ten team for the first time as It only took Giel two r at the Wolverine line to second score of the period See GIEL, Page6 National Roundup iyed on * * nore tries ' See UNBEATEN, Page 7 o get his at 16:06.T U.S. Moes For GI Return [allFrom Reds Dickenson Appeals To Former Buddies PANMUNJOM - 0P) -- The American command made its first moves yesterday to induce 22 ap- parently fear-stricken Americans to renounce communism and re- turn home voluntarily, just as their buddy, Cpl. Edward S. Dick enson had done. One American appeal was made in a letter by Dickenson of Big Stone Gap, Va., to his former com- rades in neutral custody. It re- assured them: "You should not Shave any fear at all of being harmed if you come back. There has not been any article printed that someone said you wrote." * ** "THE COMMUNISTS have told nothing but lies to us," Dickenson wrote.b"They only want us for L their benefit." By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Nation- al Labor Relations Board moved yesterday to prevent unions from taking part in collective bargain- ing elections if any of their officers are under indictment for not filing non-Communist affidavits. I *N *a ate Democratic policy, Sen. George (D-Ga) yesterday called for an end of economic aid for Europe. LOS ANGELES-A long strike was in prospect yesterday as a work stoppage involving about 33,000 workers completely halt- ed production of jet planes at