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October 23, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-23

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k-riliDAi, OUIO)Bk 3, 319i3

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100 Years of Progress
And a Look to the Future



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TODAY THE College of Engineering is
initiating its hundredth year of exist-
ence with a commemmoratory celebration.
Today it will pay tribute to a hundred years
of past-of discovery, teaching, invention
learning. Today the college has reached a
milestone 'of tremendous proportions.
At such a time it is customary to look
. back over the years and say something
about the progress that has been made
and achievement that has been attained.
It is customary to compare the organized
and smooth-running machine of today to
the single civil engineering course that
was all the technical college there was at
Michigan a century ago. It might be cus-
tomary to look to the past, but perhaps
it is wiser to look to the- future.
The College of Engineering has done a
lot, and it is doing a lot. It has moved for-
ward with industry as a whole and has kept
pace with its most advanced representatives.
It has produced MIDAC and remedies for
shore erosion and the capaciter motor. Atom
research and airplane study. The list could
be continued indefinitely. But what of that
which is yet .to be done?
Despite its comparatively long history,
the College of Engineering is still having
growing pains. It has its honor council, the
only one in the University, yet. lacks unity
within the student body.
At present, in an attempt to unite the
student body, a committee has been form-

ed to schedule a number of all-college
rallies to be conducted by leaders in the
field. By acquainting students with the
different areas of concentration, it is hop-
ed that the students will see the underly-
ing relationship among all fields.
The problem of including liberal arts in
the engineering curriculum is a 'current one
which to date has become continually more
complex. On the national level as well as
at the Universiy the problem has been dis-
cussed. Engineers have no time for the
humanities. Do they have a need for them.?
If so, what major program changes would
be necessary.
The college is expanding into the North
Campus. This in turn will present its prob-
lems-Problems of equipment placement,
headquarters location and class scheduling.
They must be solved.
In addition, there is the problem of sci-
entific advancement. Nuclear research will
continue at an even swifter pace than it
has in the past. Michigan will continue to
be an integral part of this research-and
of all research. Potentially, the University
of Michigan College of Engineering can con-
tinue in its role of national leadership, a
role it has developed for itself in the past
At this time of looking backward, there ii
a need to look forward as well, pausing only
to accept a few days' congratulations.
-Fran Sheldon

After Procrastinaticon, A Stand

FTER FIVE weeks of procrastination,
Student Legislature finally-and wisely
-passed a policy stand on academic free-
dom which calls for mild but deserved cen-
sureship of some methods of legislative in-
vestigating committees. Fortunately, SL, as
the supposed voice of all campus students,
has put the motion on record before the
arrival of Rep. Clardy's sub-committee of
the House Un-American activities commit-
tee in Detroit, Flint and Lansing, and the
beginning of hearings before which some
persons connected with the University may
be called,
As it has been passed. the motion reads:
"A democratic society depends upon
the free exchange of ideas. It is the func-
tion 'of the educational communityrto
provide for this exchange of ideas to pre-
pare citizens to assume their responsibili-
ties in a democratic society. Many meth-
ods employed by legislative investigating
committees tend to prevent an education-
al institution from doing its vital job by
producing an atmosphere in which what
is novel, original and unconventional may
be punished as being pernicious or wick-
edly unorthodox.
Therefore . . . Student Legislature . .
believes it especially desirable at this time
to affirm the following fundamental prin-
ciples as essential if the educational com-
munity is to continually fulfill its function
to build questioning and exploring citizens
and thus strengthen the forces of freedom.
1) The maintenance of academic freedom
is of importance both to the educational
comunity and to society as a whole.
2) The members of the educational com-
munity, as citizens, have all the constitu-
tional rights of any American citizen and no
special restrictions not imposed upon other
citizens should be imposed upon them.
3) Provided a faculty member, admin-
istrator or student speaks or writes as a
citizen, clearly indicating he does not
speak for the educational institution with

which he is connected, he should be free
from institutional or public censorship.
4) A faculty member should be free to
express in class, along with the opposing
opinions, his own opinions relevant to the
material of the course provided it is clear
that he is expressing his own opinions and
not insisting on their acceptance.
5) Students should be free to hear all
points of view on controversial subjects
fairly presented in order to aid individual
formulation of opinion.
6) Religious, racial and other non-edu-
cational considerations shall not enter
into the appointment of administraors
and faculty members or the acceptance
of students. It is understood that where
the avowed purpose of an institution is
to bring together members for a specific
religious purpose, religion may be a fac-
tor considered in hiring and acceptance.
7) Administrators, faculty members and
students should be protected against dis-
missal as well as economic, social and po-
litical pressure, because of membership in
any religious, political, racial or national
origin group.
8) Dismissal from membership in the
educational community should be only for
incompetence, neglect of obligations to
the educational community, moral turpi-
tude, violation of the academic freedom
of others or conviction under the law of
the land and then only after a fair hear-
ing in accordance' with the methods uti-
lized in the United States Cours."
Since the motion and its careful wording
have been studied for nearly a year by the
Legislature and because now it seemingly
represents the majority opinion on campus
toward the atmosphere created by commit-
tees such as the one headed by Rep. Clardy,
it is to be hoped that all University students
will take careful, consideration of the signi-
ficance of the motion and their fundamen-
tal relationship to the entire question of
academic freedom.
-Dorothy Myers

Architecture Auditori un
MOBY DICK with Joan Bennett and
John Barrymore.-
THE DIFFICULTIES of turning the im-
mense epic of Moby Dick into an hour
and a half film are certainly manifest.
Fortunately. this version has been stripped
of all unessential episodes and is narrowed
down to that concerning the character of
Captain Ahab. Unfortunately, this neces-
sary simplification destroys exactly those
qualities of the novel which give it magnifi-
cence-its nobility, its unearthly mysticism,
its supreme analysis of the passions of men
and of the sea. The elements which enabled
Melville to send Ahab and Tashtego down
with the ship "which like Satan, would not
sink to hell till she had dragged a living
part of heaven along with her" are replaced
in this instance by, of all things, a happy
ending. Inscribed in a rather banal love
affair, Moby Dick becomes the story, not
of a man driven by furies to avenge himself
on a monster of the sea, but the tale of a
lover who must, for some extraordinary
reason, get a white whale before he gets a
In spite of the distortions suffered by
the original, however, Moby Dick is worth
seeing. John Barrymore, more a name
than an actor to many of us, is an attrac-
tion in himself and does as well as can be
expected with the clipped, expurgated role
of Ahab with which he is provided. His
lady love, Joan Bennett, appropriately
lily white and lovely, is wisely given little
to say., Although the film was produced in
1931 and contains a forgivable number o
technical imperfections, there are some
excellent wh.aling scenes, a good deal of
honest to goodness tension, and a display
of not unskillful photography. Further-
more, if the spectator is interested in see-
ing the 18th century as it looked in the
1930's (centuries are so capricious) this is
an excellent opportunity. The acting, the
dialogue and the faces are all conspicu-
ously of another age; Hollywood has ob-
viously progressed a great deal since, and
it is nice to know how modern we are.
However, as history has a certain antique
charm, it is often, as in this case, amusing
to explore its cellulose past.
Accompanying the main feature is a tech-
nicolor short on The National Music Camp
at Interlochen, Michigan which, especially
for the many on campus who hold this spot
in tender veneration, is very enjoyable.
-Anne Stevenson
At the State . .
MOGAMBO, with Clark Gable and Ava
A CAREFUL PERUSAL of the ads that
whooped this picture into town reveal
that "Mogambo" means "the greatest." Al-
though it did seem longer than most movies,
there aren't many other aspects to it which
deserve superlaives. Since it was directed by
John Ford, it is especially disappointing to
find none of the usual Ford precision and
Substantially it is a remake of King
Solomon's Mines, with an unpalatable
glob of inter-personal intensity thrown
in. It may be a reactionary sentiment,
but one is inclined to point out the diffi-
culties involved in swallowing a travelogue
while trying to digest a triangle. One
yearns for the simple old days when musi-
cal comedies and African sagas gloried in
their musical and African qualities with-
out trying to be the significant drama of
the year.
The triangle in this case is actually a
square. Ava Gardner, a safe society girl
from out the streets of Brooklyn, finds her-
self stood up in the jungle by a marahajah.
She takes refuge with a white hunter, Clark
Gable, and right away there's something
electric between them. For complication,
however, an English lady with scientist

husband in tow appears on the scene. Gable a
takes his electricity and starts sparking with
her. Seems she matches the ideal of femin-
inity and decorum he's been packing off on 1
safari with him all these years.
Thus far, one can genuinely sympathize
with his position; Miss Gardner really
appears the greater of two evils in the
contrast with the Englishwoman. She a
plays her stock role with a vengeance:
the woman who has lost someone dear,
long ago, but covers up her battered heart
with a gush of patter and wisecracks.
The second-rate dialogue with which she
is furnished make the role impossible; the
brashness which she flaunts like a banner
seems only vulgar, much as the producers
would like to present it as a symptom of
American forthrightness. Nor does she
have much luck establishing her feminin-
ity; her baby talk with infant wild animals
fails to impress. With the exception of the 1
native Africans, the other characters are
equally unconvincing. 1
Africa enters only incidentally--"look atx
that bull elephant; he reminds me of Clark t
Gable." The resemblance is undeniably t
striking, but the elephant might as well be l
mounted on the wall of the lobby of the
Waldorf-Astoria. The camera often catches
grand and moving shots in Africa, but they're R
simply outsiue the human story involved,.


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WASHINGTON-Mike Di Salle, the ex-price administrator, was
talking to Adlai Stevenson, the ex-candidate for President.
"If you're seen so much with Margaret Truman," chided Di Salle,
"people are going to start talking."
"I hope they do," replied Adlai.
JOHN FOSTER DULLES outfoxed a federal judge when he flew to
London instead of going with Ike to the Mexican border. U.S.
District Judge Ben Rice had issued an order for Dulles to appear in
federal court Oct. 19-the date Eisenhower dedicated the Falcon Dam
-and "show cause why he should not be held in contempt of court
for failure to obey the order of this court of June 5, 1953." . . . . The
ordere of June 5 required to admit Kok Jon Gong, an American Chi-
nese ancestry, barred by the U.S. Consul in Hong Kong from coming
to testify at his own U.S. citizenship hearing . . . . Dulles had expect-
ed to go to Falcon Dam and aU.S.marshalexpected to serve him. But
Dulles flew to London to see Churchill instead . . . . The Kok Jon
Gong case is important because it sets a precedent for Americans of
Chinese ancestry; which was why Judge Rice took the unusual step
of citing the Secretary of State for possible conempt . . . . The 24-
room mansion in which Governor Shivers entertained the Eisenhowers
was built by the former regional public works administrator under
Roosevelt. John H. Shary, father-in-law of Governor Shivers, built

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(Continued from Page 2)
gineering Research; Director of Willow
Run Research; Presidents and Repre-
sentatives of other Educational Insti-
tutions; Alumni Secretary; Assistant to
President; Registrar.
(This group will assemble in Rooms
111 and 113, northeast corner of Hill
Auditorium at rear, where they will
Group II-Regents; Recipients of
Honorary Degrees; Vice Presidents; Di-
rector of Public Relations; Assistant
Dean of Faculties; Hooding Assistants:
Secretary; Minister; Dean of College of
Engineering; Speaker of the Day; Pres-
(This group will assemble in Rooms
112 and 114 Hill Auditorium, northwest
corner at rear, where they will robe.)
The Faculty of the College of Engi-
neering will meet in Rooms 214 and 215,
the northeast and northwest rooms, sec-
ond floor Hill Auditorium, where they
may robe.
Registered Alumni and Guests with
badge* will be admitted to the reserve
section of the Auditorium until 2:15
The line of march will be from the
rear entrances of Hill Auditorium east
along the walk to the east side of the
building, thence south along the walk
to the plaza in front of Hill Auditor-
ium, thence through the middle front
doors of Hill Auditorium.
To Occupants of All University Build-
ings Located South of the Heating
Plant: On Saturday and Sunday, Oct.
24 and 25, changes are to be made in
the University electrical distribution
system to the campus. During this time
two electrical feeders must carry the
load normally carried by three feeders,
so it is imperative that the electrical
load be kept to a minimum.
If your loads are kept to a minimum
no building will be without service.
If not, loads will have to be discon-
nected and some buildings will then
be without service.
Your cooperation is requested.
To Instructors of Engineering Fresh-
men: Five-week grades for al Engi-
neering Freshmen are due in the Sec-
retary's Office, 263 W. Engineering
Building on Mon., Oct. 26.
The Selective Service College Qualifi-
cation Test will be given here on
Thurs., Nov. 19. Application deadline
Nov. 2.
it is recommended that all men who
have not previously taken the test
make application for it at Ann Arbor
Selective Service Board No. 85, 210 West
Washington. The Selective Service Board
will then notify applicants of time and
The result of this test is used by
your local draft board for determining
college deferment.
The test will be given again on April2
22, 1954.

of the moon and a double star, if the
sky is clear, or for inspection of the
telescopes and planetarium, if the sky
is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Episcopal Student Foundation, Can-
terbury Club meeting today, 7:30
p.m., Canterbury House. Topic: "Is
Thee a God?" Pro-Professor William
Frankena, Con-Mr. Harold T. Walsh,
Chairman and Teaching Fellow, re-
spectively, Department of Philosophy.
All students welcome.
I. M. Party will be sponsored by the
Newman Club tonight from 8-12.
Those interested are to meet at the
Father Richard Center at 7:45 and from
there will go to the Intramural Build-
ing. Individual or team sports, includ-
ing swimming, volleyball, basketball,
trampoline, and shuffleboard will be of-
fered. There will be dancing and re-
freshments at the Center afterwards.
Psychology Club. There will be an
important meeting today at 3:15
in 2429 Mason Hall. All members and
anyone interested please attend.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup-
per hike, 5 p.m. Meet at the Guild
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will meet at the IM Bldg. to-
night at 7:30 for an evening of sports.
At 10 the group will go to the Center,
1511 Washtenaw, for a weiner roast.
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
men are to report in uniform to the
east side of Hill Auditorium at 1330
hrs. You will be excused from your
cadet formations,
Roger Williams Guild. IM Sports
Night. Meet at the Guild House at 7:30
to leave for the Intramural Building.
Bring tennis shoes and swim suits. Re-
freshments afterwards at the Guild
La Sociedad Hispanica. Catherine Ann
Porter will speak on Mexico tonight,
8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheaper. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Friday Afternoon Coffee Hour, Lane
Hall, 4:15-6:00 p.m. Special guests in-
clude faculty and students from the
College of Pharmacy and the School
of Public Health, and Mr. Wilmer Kit-
chen, Executive Secretary of World
University Service (WUS) in the Unit-
ed States.
Hiilel Foundation activities for the
Fri., Oct. 23-7:45 p.m.-Evening ser-
vices followed by a speaker.
Sat., Oct. 24-9 a.m.-Community ser-
vices. 2 p.m. Listening Party for Mich.
Minnesota football game.
Sun., Oct. 25-10:30 a.m.-Hilei Stu-
dent Council meeting. 5:00 p.m.-Hllsel
Chorus meets, 6:00 p.m.--Supper Club.
8-10:30-Married couples tea.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Graduate-Professional group meeting
tonight, 8 p.m. Guild House. Please
call if you are coming.
Petitions of Candidacy for Student
Legislature elections are due at the
Student Legislature building at noon
Saturday, October 24.
Coming Event
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion.
"Their Future Is Our Future," Wilmer
J. Kitchen,Executive Secretary, World
University Service, formerly W.S.S.F.
Call reservations to Lane Hall, 31511,
Ext. 2851. All students and faculty wel-
Latin-American Party sponsored by
the Newman Club will be held Sat.,
Oct. 24, from 8-12 in the Father Rich-
ard Center. Both North and South
Americans are cordially invited. South
American dancing lessons will be given
for those interested. Entertainment and
refreshments will be provided.
Faculty Sports Night. IM Building,
Sat., Oct. 24, at 7:30 p.m. All equip-
ment will be available to all famulty
families. For further information call
Mrs. W. R. Dixon, 258975.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office opens
Monday at 10 a.m. for the Department of
Speech productions of The Heiress and
Elizabeth The Queen. Tickets are $1.20-
900-60c. Student tickets are reserved
seats andtcan be obtainedafor 50cefor
The Heiress for October 28 and 29 and
for Elizabeth The Queen for Nov. 12.
Foreign Language Group. Meeting
Oct. 26, 8 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Prof. Benjamin W.
Wheeler (History) will discuss the In-
terdisciplinary Seminar on Second-
year Language Teaching Materials and

Objectives. All teachers of language and
graduate students of the various lan-
guage departments are cordially in-

the mansion to house Iowa-Nebraska prospects who came on special
Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellow-
trains to buy land. Shary was a big real-estate promoter; also spent ships in the Biological, gngineering,
millions for PWA. Some of it didn't do the Shary properties any harm. Mathematical, Medical, and Physical
Sciences, including physical anthropol-
SIGNAL CORPS LEAKS ogy, psychology (excluding clinical psy-
TOE MC CARTHY will almost drop dead when he reads this, but in chology), physical geography, and in-
S , terdisciplinary fields, are offered for.
my opinion he is absolutely right in probing the leak of Signal the next school year by the NATIONAL
Corps radar secrets at Fort Monmouth, N.J. Furthermore he is abso- SCIENCE FOUNDATION. Selection of
lutely right in saying that the leaks go back about 10 years. Actually persons for? fellowships will be made
from among citizens of the United
they go back even further. States solely on the basis of ability.
Joe has forgotten it, but three years ago I testified before a A Fellow may pursue his fellowship
Senate committee that 12 drawers of irreplaceable records giving at any accredited instituntion of high-
the dates and details of radar development mysteriously disap- any simarinistitUtion abroad approv-
peared from Fort Monmouth in 1946. The Army immediately is- ed by the National Science Foundation.
sued a denial. Stipends will range from $1,400 to $3,-
Entirely aside from the 12 drawers, there was also evidence of 400 per year, dependig on the trai-
ing and faiy olgaintohee-
leaks to Russia, however, and I personally reported this to the Army lows. Awards also include the payment
and warned that one technician born in Russia working in the Signal of tuition fees and a dependency al-
Corps bore watching. lowance. Postdoctoral applications are
due by December 15 and graduate ap-
Six years ago-Dec. 19, 1947-this column also published facts piications are due by January 4. Ap-
regarding the use of radar secrets by the Radio Corporation of Ameri- plication forms may be requested from
ca. RCA had no connection whatsoever with leaks to Soviet Russia, Department Chairmen or from the Fel-
lowship Office, National Research Coun-
and I'm sure the last thing RCA officials would do would be to con- cil, 2101 Constitution Avenue N.W.,
done use of radar patents by the Communists. However, the pre- Washington25, D.C. Further information
Pearl Harbor leak to RCA showed, first of all, sloppy security by the about these fellowships may be ob-
Signal Corps. Second, RCA proceeded to file application for radar tai.ed at the Office of the Graduate
patents in foreign countries, including prewar Japan, where they be-t
came available to 'foreign powers. At that time radar was the most Academic Notices
priceless secret the Army had.
What happened was that RCA hired one of the Signal Corps' The Department of Biological Chem-
top experts on radar, William D. Hershberger; then in 1937 pro- istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
1Medical at 4 p.m., yin Fri., Oct. 23. The
ceeded to use some of the discoveries made by Hershberger for the topic for discussion will be "Some
Army and apply for radar patents in Japan and Australia. Patents Theories of Protein Synthesis," con-
were also filed in the U.S. Patent Office-all this at a time when ducted by Mr. John Fopeano.
Hitler was invading Austria and later Czechoslovakia, and when Psychology Colloquium meets Fri.,
it was apparent to every competent newsman that war was in-i Oct. 23, at 4:15 in Auditorium C of An-
escapable. gell Hall. Prof. W. J. McKeachie will
speak on "Anxiety in the Classroom."
The Signal Corps was so flabbergasted at RCA's action in using
the Army-Hershberger secrets to file for radar patents, especially in Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., Oct. 23
Japan, then a potential enemy of the U.S.A., that some Signal Corps 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Sydney
Chapman, Visiting Professor of Solar
officers wanted to take action against RCA. It was believed, however, and Terrestrial Physics, will speak on
that such action would only serve to spotlight the importance of the "Photochemistry of Oxygen and Nitro-
sensational new discovery whereby an electronic eye could detect in- gen in the Earth's Atmosphere."
visible shapes in the distance. So the Signal Corps delayed action. Mathematics Colloquium, Fri., Oct. 23,
After the war was over, however, Maj..Gen. Harry Ingles, then at 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Profes-
chief of the Signal Corps, wrote RCA protesting that it had violated sor Donald Darling will speak on "Meas-
ythe Al'my's radar patent, but also security, by applying for e Theory in Function Spaces-Some
not onlythArysrdrptnbtasseuiybyapygfo Analytical Problems."
radar patents in foreign countries. To use the official words of the
army: Actuarial Seminar, Fri., Oct. 23, 3 p.m.,
"Gen. Ingles . . . , wrote RCA authorities expressing a belief 3s2u sngel Hall.fDr.Nesbt llopen
in government rights to the impulse generator patents; pointing The Mathematical Risk of Lump-Sum


At Hill Auditorium .
Charles Munch, Conductor.
N WRITING about a concert by the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra, some things go
without saying: the wonderful ensemble, the
precision of attack and release, the musical
integrity of even the most insignificant in-
ner part-all these were present last night.
The remarkable sound of the string section
was there, all the way down to the string
basses, which are sometimes so much aud-
ible -mush in less capable orchestras, the
curious but effective trumpet vibrato (I am
told that this is the French style of trumpet
playing) was there-it was a good, average,
Boston Symphony concert.
Mr. Munch knows exactly what he
.wants from the orchestra, and he goes
about getting it without unnecessary or
extravagant motions. The interpretations
were almost always appropriate to the
character of the music, the performances
were well paced, and the climaxes came
off magnificently.
HE GREATEST obstacle to being heroic
is the doubt whether one may not be go-
ina ton ,.rnvp'nnp' caf' n frnnl - .p.n ,.,or .n-

The first work played was the second
symphony of Brahms. Every detail was
there, and the details did not obscure the
design of the work. The slow movement was
played with almost too much intensity, but
the interpretation was consistent and made
musical sense. The audience liked it. In
fact, some of the members could not restrain
their applause until the last chord had
After the intermission, Arthur Honeg-
ger's Symphony No. 2 for String Orchestra
(with trumpets) was performed. I had
never heard the work before, and was very
much impressed. It is solidly written music,
without tricks or mannerisms. No attempt
is made to explore every last effect possible
with the strings, but the texture is rich and
very beautiful. The urgency of the slow
introduction to the first movement, with its
insistent repeated note figure, is carried
through the remainder of the movement,
through the sombre and intense slow move-
ment, to the exciting finale, with the trum-
pet chorale at the end. A very moving work,
one which I should like to hear again.
Then the orchestra played Ravel's or-
chestration of four movements from his
piano suite, "Le Tombeau de Couperin."
An extremely successful transcription, the
composition is a delight from beginning to
end. In tfl~~A'ialmoivment- Rit o',n '

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of

out that there was some question of violation of security in that
the impulse generator applications had been distributed to for-
eign affiliates of RCA, and that it appeared information contain-
ed in the impulse generator applications was similar to secret
information to which Mr. Hershberger might have had access
while working in Signal Corps laboratories."

F 'i 11vr1y v v ugau urst
Death Benefits in a Trusted Pension authority of the Board in Control of
Plan. Student Publications.

Doctoral Examination for Ruth Rie-
nier, Sociology; thesis: "Social Mobil-
ity and Mobility Aspiration in Rela-
tion to Fertility Planning and Fertil-
ity," Fri., Oct. 23, East Council Room,

But suddenly General Ingles, author of this protest, went to work Rackham Building, at 3 p.m. Chairman,
for RCA after that the protest lapsed. It had already been sent to the Ronald Freednman.
Justice Department, however, where it was mulled over by Justice Doctoral Examination for Helen Holt
Department attorneys for some years. In the end nothing happened. Sharpensteen, Botany; thesis: "Stud-
The Army has issued all sorts of alibis to condone and excuse its ies on the Wound Respiration of Po-
andh Armyill ismsutoe srsi alibis.t Howdev, te rt tato, Solanum Tuberosum L," Sat., Oct.
laxity and still seems to be issuing alibis. However, the important 4, 1139 Natural Science Building, at
point is that the Signal Corps did not crack down on an American 9 a.m. Chairman, A. S. Sussman.
corporation for sending the most priceless militarv secret we had

Editorial Staff
Harry Lunri..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.............:..City Editor
Virginia Voss..........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker..,..'. . Associate Editor
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer

I cl-ff

.jV o 1 o.G "'Wbusiness ta
to Japan before the war, and hasn't prevented the leak or secrets to oncerts Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
Russia since the war. Organ Recital. The final program in William Kaufman Advertising Manager
the fall series of organ recitals by Rob-- 1arlean Hankin.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
HIEADLINES AND FOOTNOTES ertNoehren, University Organist, will1William-Seiden......Finance Manager
7APANESE PRIME MINISTER YOSHIDA'S personal representative, be given at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Oct. James Sharp..roulatlon Manager
sent here to negotiate a military assistance pact, has been kicked 25, in Hill Auditorium. It will consist
entirely of compositions by Max Reger Telephone 23-24-1
from one minor bureaucrat to another. So far he hasn't talked to any- (1873-1916): Fantasia and Fugue in D


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