ENG INEER ING CENTENNIAL See Page 4 iii: Sir 4361 ~IaiI4 + ; . . I '~ Latest Deadline in the State WARM, CLOUDY VOL. LXIV, No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1953 SIX PAGES Wilson Address Slated for Today Centennial Celebration To Begin This Morning With Open House t By FRAN SHELDON Highlighting festi'ities at the College of Engineering Centennial celebration today will be an address by Secretary of Defense Charles E.Wilson. Secretary Wilson will be featured speaker at the Hill Auditorium convocation proceedings slated for 2:30 p.m. The topic of his speech will be "The Continuing Frontier" the future of engineering. Presi- dent Harlan Hatcher will preside. THE AWARDING of 240 citations to University graduates who have achieved success in their various fields and the granting of 10 Few Cuts-Humphrey; One Defense Bill Seen ---- North Korea Strike May End Today PANMUNJOM -- (P) - Defiant North Korean prisoners may de- cide today whether to end a sit- down against Communist expla- nation teams-a decision on which the fate of the armistice may rest. After a week of silent brooding, the stubborn Korean anti-Reds were believed ready to tell their Indian guards whether they were willing to listen to Communists trying to return them to Red rule. * * * IF THE answer is "yes," it will be a resounding triumph for In- dian patience and will go far to- ward a peaceful completion late in December of the explanation period. If the answer is "no," it could lead to a breakup of the 'Neutral Nations Repatriation Commis- sion, a mass breakout - of the prisoners, and to a new and unfathomable military-political crisis. The Communists yesterday end- ed their boycott of the commis- sion, but not their demand that the prisoners be forced to listen. And their propaganda outlet showed nervousness over the sit- uation. One Peiping broadcast assert- ed that President Syngman Rhee "has called up powerful forces, including tanks, planes and artillery" to rescue the pris- oners if they are compelled to attend explanations. Another broadcast said the "cru- cial 'question" was whether Indian guards "will takegup the challenge thrown down by ringleaders in the prison camps." It was an implied call to India to use force. Peiping repeated its familiar charge that South Korean and Na- tionalist Chinese "agents" in the camps were using terrors tactics. rBiochemists Awarded Two Nobel Prizes STOCKHOLM, Sweden - (A) -- Two German-born biochemists, one an American and the other a Briton, were awarded the 19531 . Nobel prize for medicine and phy- siology jointly yesterday for their honorary degrees will conclude the afternoon gathering. Also on today's schedule will be an engineering college open house in the morning and a banquet at the Union at 6:30 p.m. Featured speaker at the banquet will be Robert Moses; NewYork City Commissioner of Parks. The topic of his speech will be "The Contribution of Modern Engineering to Our Civ- ilization." Students in the engineering col- lege will be excused from classes for the two days of the Centen- nial, and will act as guides for the open house. REPRESENTATIVES of Vulcan and Triangles, engineering hon- orary societies, and' class officers will also participate in the con- vocation procession. Commemorating a hundred years of engineering education, the two-day celebration will in- augurate proceedings scheduled to continue throughout the 1953- 54 academic year. During this time the college plans to pay tribute to its 25,000 graduates for their service to society, gov- ernment, education and indus- try. Ike May Ask U S., Foreign Fund Fusion Move To Avoid CongressFight WASHINGTON-(P)-The Ad- ministration was reported yester- day seriously considering a single budget request to Congress next January covering both U.S. de- fense needs and foreign military aid. The main objective of a con- solidated home-and-abroad de- fense budget, officials said, would be to overcome congressional re- sistance to a separate military aid bill in an election year. A SECOND and longer-range goal, these officials said, would be to establish- the overlapping and interlocking connection between strictly U. S. defense needs and the defense of the whole free wofld, particularly Western Europe. One high official said the de- cision to wrap up military aid in the regular defense money bill had all but been made. Another said such a move is still being discussed. The two officials, interviewed separately, declined use of their names.4 The United States today Is' spending at the monthly rate of 300 to 350 million dollars for mili- Deadline Deadline for returning peti- tions for the 23 elective Student Legislature seats open during November campus elections is noon tomorrow. Petitions are still available from 1to 5 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. to noon tomorrow for students who want to run for the 21 full-year terms and two one-semester positions available. AEC Plans Full Scale' Plans of the Atomic Energy Commission to build the first full- scale atomic power plant in his- tory were, announced yesterday by Commissioner Thomas E. Murray in Chicago. Murray called the prospect "America's answer to the progress of Russia in developing a hydro- gen bomib." Manuf acturers Hear Secretary PEBBLE BEACH, Calif.- P)M- Secretary of the Treasury Hum- phrey yesterday declared the ad- ministration "can make no prom- ises of any tax reductions at all" next year except the corporation excess profits and individual in- come taxes. Humphrey told reporters that the federal budget cannot be bal- anced, even in fiscal 1955, unless there are "very substantial"t cuts in national defense outlays. * * * THE Treasury secretary spoke' 1at the opening of a three-day, closed meeting here of the Com- merce Department's Business Ad- visory Council, made up of many of the nation's biggest industrial leaders. His words to corporation chiefs were off the recor4, but he Large Drops In Defense Seen Needed -Daily-Don Campbell MAN OF SCIENCE-Edgar M. Flowers sits beside his unified field theory experiment. The inside aerial is attached to the set and the outside aerial is in the foreground. *G d a O f*i*n* * *f U' Graduate Of fers Einstein Proof By j gar M. Flowers, '25, used a tele- MIKE WOLFF and HARRY LUNN vision set and a series of magnets With only a few simple instru- to prove the extremely compli- cated hy nothesis -- - -- -~ tary goods, most of which are "I know this was Impossible made in this country and shipped according' to our theory," the abroad. su-vioc cetitrit sun-visored scientist related. t --- .. At the same time an attempt will be made to report to centennial guests on the activities of the col- lege today, and to inform them of plans and needs for the future. TOMORROW'S schedule includ- es a showing of sections of the en- gineering college produced film, "'The.First Hundred" at a morn- ing session in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Harvey M. Merker of Parke, Davis and Company, Dean George G. Brown of the engineer- ing college and James W. Parker, past president of the Detroit Edi- son Company will also speak. An exhibit of Veteran cars of the Huron Valley Chapter of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America to be held on the Mall will be highlighted by a par- ade of the old automobiles through town in the afternoon. After a luncheon in the League, the Mortimer E. Cooley Building, engineering research laboratory on the new North Campus will be ded- icated. The celebration will conclude with class dinners. Germans Use ments, a grizzled University journ- alism graduate last night claimed a successful physical proof of Ein- stein's unified field theory. - Conducting' the unprecedented tests in an E. Kingsley St. room- ing house which he manages, Ed- . Explaining his complex theory of ions, Flowers told how they areI A STUDENT living in the house separated into four groups: high-I told how her television set would trons, two types of mediatrons and not work until Flowers applied his lowtrons. special aerial-an elaborate net- "Uranium is a high voltage work of pans and a teakettle wired dominantly electric atom," he to the aerials with copper and iron added. wire. lii hi 1 ti1 1h 01 f11 Teamster Head Relates Plans For UnificationI James Hoffa, Teamsters Union vice-president, who gained power yesterday by taking over ousted local unions of Detroit and Pon- tiac, told of union reorganization, plans here last night.I Hoffa told the Industrial Rela- tions Club of the proposed plans Flowers was not unaware of the industrial potential of his findings-a large sign on the Developing ns thesis of the life force, he postulated his rea- coning in three basic steps: television set warned all visitors 1) The essence of life is motion. that both earth and planetary 2) The essence of motion is rights were reserved. conflict. Then he proceeded to a second 3) The most violent conflict is test with the magnets to prove his when substance matter meets at associate Eduarde De Nusi's cos- right angles or "on the square." mic science hypothesis that P- "Are you on the square, gentle- larity of a magnet's north and men, the bespectacled cosmic sci- south poles are positive. entist asked his startled audience. From this they derived the basic Relating this to his lunar equation of the unified field theory, Flowers said the sun theory: SPEPFQ plus LPMAPQ charges the sodium' of salt equals MEE, he said. water during the day, and when The verbal equation translating "Mother Luna 'comes out at the initials is: solar polarity elec- night she acts as a magnet and -. I. v.ittra.tc the, odium' Aeetrieal The balance, manufactured in friendly foreign nations, is call- ed .the off-shore procurement program and consists of mili- tary items made with U. S. dol- lars in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other friendly nations. An important part of the pro- posed new plan, it was reported, might involve a system which would permit the transfer of mili- tary aid dollars directly into treas- ures of NATO countries to be ex- changed for local currencies such as French francs. The francs would be used f'or specific purposes, such as a- tenance of troops. The dollars would be used to finance im- ports from the United States. Despite almost certain congres- sional resistance to this kind of a program, Administration officials thing Congress might eventually like it. Proofs. The 'Ensian has announced that today 'is the absolute deadline for seniors to return picture proofs. Proofs may be brought to the Publications Building from 10 a.m. to noon and from 12:30 to 6 p.m. *ENHL, nAnAr* h later told newsmen that the task MEANWHILE, in Ann Arbor the of paring the 68 billion "dollar American Bar Association's Spec- f bug ha proed "ver ial Committee on Atomic Energy tog bsy concluded its two-day session yes- "We will have another deficit in terday by recommending broad- 1955 unless we can very substan- ening of the Atomic Energy Act tially reduce ourmilitary expendi- of 1946. tures," he said Murray cited the AEC's sever- m * * al - million - dollar project of "THE REASON it is tough is building an industrial power re- that at least 75 per cent of the ex- actor as "America's answer to penditures of government are in Russian progress in atomic bomb the realm of security-that is, mil- development. It should show the itary, foreign operations and atom- world that America's eyes are is energy. still on the peaceful future." "In addition, half the remain- With a minimum production of der is in fixed items like inter- 60,000 kilowatts of electrical en- est on the national debt and ergy, enough to supply a city of long term programs like aid to 50,000, the plant may be located veterans." "at or near" AEC facilities for What remains, in the form of ,separating natural uranium from current government expenditures, Uranium-235, called the' "paydirt subject to pruning in the econo- of atomic power." { my drive, is "a small part of the Westinghouse Electric Corpora- total." tion will be principal contractor * * * for the new plant. MAKING heavy cuts in the na- The Bar Association's Com- tional security program, he em- mittee recommendations result- phasized, raises "a - very serious ed from diseussion around fif- problem," the problem of provid- teen different phases of the ing just as much security with Atomic Energy Act of 1946 which less money. need amendment, in order to Hlumphrey said that Presi- open the door to atomic energy dent Eisenhower's request last applications in private industry. May for extension of the pres- Dean E. Blythe Stason of the ent 52 per cent corporation tax Law School will present the Com-'rate still stands, although the mittee's report to the Association's law calls for a 5 point reduction Board of Governors on Oct. 31. by- April 1. After another committee meet- -Under questioning, Humphrey ing in early November scheduled ' said he also could not promise to review the document, the re- any cuts in the high emergency port will be presented to the excise tax rates. Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy. Druids Brew Johnston Barred Magic Potion BAGHDAD, Iraq -- (R) -- The newspaper Al Jarida said yester- day Iraq has refused to grant per- From the Stonehenge circle mission for entry into this country Aided by the witches cauldron of Eric Johnston, President Ei- Mystic plans were brewed in dark- senhower's special envoy to the ness, middle East. Many twigs were examined Many rocks were overturned Subjected to heat from blazing R i L r k F a for reorganizing the 1,001 localI unions into an international un- 1tro-propulsion. force quality plus ions fo cnloserconation nlunar polarity magnetic attraction throughout thecountrd n power quality, equals magnetic electro-energy.- discoveries concerning the basic T actics life processes carried on within * human cells. i n Camsrpatgn Dr. Fritz Albert Lipmann, 54, E U' professor of biochemistry at the Harvard Medical School, Cam- bridge, Mass.,,and Dr. Hans Ad- olph Krebs, 54, professor of biochemistry at Sheffield Uni- versity, Sheffield, England, share the honors and a prize of 175,- 292 Swedish crowns ($33,840). Dr. Lipmann has devoted much of his career to studying the mech- anisms of biosynthesis-how the body builds and renews itself out of the basic factors in food. FromI this came his discovery of co-en- zyme A, an organic substance that plays an important part in nearly every biological process. Dr. Krebs was cited for his ex- planation-variously called the Krebs cycle, the citric acid cycle and the wheel of fortune-of how food becomes energy in living tis- sue. This explanation provides a general background for the study of many problems of metabolic Conrad Adenauer's Christian Democratic Party used some of the methods of American politi- cal parties in achieving its re- cent sweeping victory in the West German elections, three Univers- ity scholars who observed the elec. tion reported last night. Profs. James K. Pollock and Frank Grace, and Henry L. Bret- ton, all of the political science department, discussed their find- ings at a meeting of the Political Science Round Table. THE CHRISTIAN Democrats, Bretton explained, offered a broad, flexible program which would at- tract voters of varying views, in- stead of adhering to a narrow par- ty line. ON ORDERS from Teamster International President Dave Beck, trusteeships of Detroit local 247 and Pontiac local 614 were given Hoffa yesterday. Hoffa as trustee is investigat- ing extortion charges against five local officers of these un-- ions. He had previously recom- mented suspension of the offi- cers. By combining the four major conferences (Western, Southern, Central and Eastern). the inter- national. union will be able "to get a better understanding of the local unions," Hoffa told the club members. With a 'clearer view of the local unions, Hoffa added "a uniform wage scale" can be set up, and there will be an easier access for contracts with large construction companies. Hoffa said the main objective of union politics in Washington will be trying to get more "liberal peo- ple in office so a possible depres- sion may be reduced." Arts Theater Club To Initiate - INSPIRATION for the discovery came from the Sanders mercy kill- ing case in 1950 where 40 c.c. of oxygen injected in the veins of a cancer case killed the patient. 1 'DESIRE': "Desire Under the Elms," the initial play of this year's Arts Theater Season, will open at 8:30 p.m. today at the Arts Theater Club, 2092 Washington. A study of moral processes of a society, the play, by Eugene O'Neill, depicts the life of a farm family in Puritan New England. Relationships existing within the family are those of aging Eph- raim Cabot, his much youngerj third wife, Abbie and his youngest son, Eben, - * * * aI~2LL sue suuul s e1U1U charge thus causing tides. This is contrary to the popular belief that tides are caused by gravity, he indicated, "and if this were realized, you could cut down the number of tubes used in a television set by a factor of two." Einstein was not available for 1 comment last night. I torches Observed by men of knowledge and magic. easo'Most decayed, were burned, were Finally from the murky grove " ' From the cave where Fingal lin- Abbie and Jerry Richards as gered Eben. Others in the cast include The Order of the Mighty Oak Ted Heusal and John Bennes. emerged Causing the earth to shake and The play will be presented in shiver the usual theater-in-the-round Causing nations and cities to style of Arts Theater. The three cower sided set, designed by Roy Staf- All to bend the twig and sapling ford consists of a four room house And to capture the sturdy awends: with- a porch and gate area and Go-Getting Ginkgo Golten, Hard is present in its entirity in the Hitting Hollyhock Hurley,.- playing area throughout the play. Redecorating Rhododendron Rice Director of "Desire Under the and Yielding Yucca Yirkoski. Elms" is Strowan Robertson who has been with Arts Theater for McCarthy Tells the past several years. Tickets are available to theater Of Stolen Data members for the production at Arts Theater. Memberships may be FT. MONMOUTH, N.J. - (M - obtained for the semester or the U.S. Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) season at the theater or by call- said yesterday he had information 4 Churchill Upheld On Guiana Move THE SITUATION in the family becomes tense when Eben's rebel- ling against his tyrannical father is met by sympathy from his step- mother, Abbie. v "Te t'alked out of more _ 'I'-' I