' PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1953 By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor THE TWO THWARTED panty raids with- in the last ten days have caused con- cern both to University officials and res- ponsible students who see the disasterous repercussions that these immature demon- strations have for the campus. Students and officials alike are trying to determine what causes the raids and what can be done to prevent them. Monday night's fiasco was especially disturbing since two students admitted having deliberately set about to give the mob leadership when they were merely milling around. Apparently possessed of no moral judgment, let alone common sense, the pair thought their "clinical" study a success when the mob followed their lead and harassed Chicago House residents. We were also discouraged Monday night to note the type of men in the crowd-we had always thought University students were of higher calibre than the run of hoodlums' who start high school riots at football games and take pleasure in destruction of. pro- perty. When the original panty raids swept across the nation's campuses, it was possible to take a lighter view, to say "students will be students" and to forgive one unusual dis- turbance. But the raids cease to be amus- ing when they appear with suprising fre- quency and seem run only by mob rule. Students at theUniversity are constant- ly working to gain more rights and res- ponsibilities - every student activity is aimed at increasing the University's sta- ture in some sphere and broadening com- munity respect for the student body. The raids completely negate all this work and leave a stigma on all students with the community. Probably the only way to effectively end these mob raids is to turn student opinion completely against the would-be raiders. Monday's raid proved the effectiveness of this technique for the mob was broken up by members of several honoraries who saw the trouble starting, and by a number of quad residents, particularly the men of Lloyd House, who had the good sense to re- alize the damage a full-blown panty raid would 'do. Mobilization of anti-.raid opinion depends largely on the Inter-House Council, Inter- fraternity Council, and the individual men's and women's residence governments. Posi- tive leadership on the part of house officers could insure that doors and windows would be closed' in the event of another raid, and that any organized attempt to start a riot would be squashed. University officials have been remarkably patient in dealing with the riots. They have not threaened suspension of draft defer- ments or called off mass gatherings such as pep rallies. With further trouble their pa- tience could easily come to an end. The res. ponsibility for avoiding such trouble rests almost entirely lith the students. Since they have the most to lose by starting trouble, they should be more than ready to stop it. The Union Cafeteria JtE RANKS OF customers in the Union cafeteria are steadily dwindling. One of the prime reasons for the decline is the stiff competition offered the cafeteria by the League Round-up Room, which is designed in a distinctively modern manner, as opposed to the dingy, uninspired layout of the Union cafeteria. It seems to be tra- ditional on campus to take coffee breaks in the League, although it isn't situated any closer to campus than is the Union. While the League has almost as many men as women at any given hour during the day, a typical afternoon gathering in the Union's cafeteria includes only five or 10 women. This is partly due to the fact that portions of the cafeteria have only recently been opened to women. Although many busboys are in evidence in the cafeteria, it is almost always dirty. The dark tables, carved with names and initials by past male students, are hard to keep clear. Chairs alongside them are often messy. To many students, one of the most un- pleasant facets of the cafeteria is the num- ber of unclean en Ling utensils. Frequently, cigarette ashes are found in supposedly clean glasses and dishes. Because of the cafeteria's snack bar, milk shake containers and "pop" glasses are con- stantly on nearby tables. Many students are repelled by the open kitchens of the cafeteria, as contrasted with the League's hidden kitchen. To these people, this is antequated and should be changed by cooking the food, or at least the vast majority of it, in another room. In the .near future, these defects in the cafeteria may be remedied. If this is done, the eating spot 'may once again fulfill its function as an attractive place for students to gather, The Administration's Farm Policy... THE ,UPSHOT OF last week's Democrat upset victory in a Wisconsin Congres- sional bye-election-seems to be a move for the head of Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson. Most vigorous of the axe wielders are a group of midwestern farmers who see themselves the victims of a continuing price-cost squeeze. Farm prices under the present Administration have continued to slip four per cent as against a less than two per cent decrease in farm costs during the same period. In contrast to this, during the last year of the Truman Administration farm receipts dropped 11 per cent while the prices farmers paid out for goods and service's declined by only two per cent. To farmers accustomed to 10 lush years of fixed high price supports, subsidies and destruction of surplus crops under Demo- cratic Administrations, the idea of a pro- gram of sliding-scale supports as advo- cated by Benson appears to be highly irra- tional. Essentially the program would con- sist of lowering supports in time of glut to discourage over production and increasing supports when larger production is desired. The Administration's program, which the President plans to have ready for Congress early next year, is expected to contain sup- port prices as safeguards and will probably make an attempt to realize Eisenhower's hoped for 100 per cent parity "in the mar- ket place" through "shifting patterns of production" and better marketing methods. The difficulty with the Benson program is that while it makes good sense eco- nomically it fails to appeal to the fat'mer concerned with the problem of keeping two cars in his garage. Generally the pressure for Benson's dis- missal has not centered around his personal ability and integrity in office but rather around the fact that the government has as yet formulated no concrete farm policy. tJn- easiness on this point is understandable. However, it would seem hasty to make Ben- son the scapegoat before a fully defined ag- ricultural policy has been determined. -Gene Hartwig New Books at Library Alpers, Antony-Katherine Mansfield, A Biography: New York; Alfred A. Knopf, 1953. Carr, Archie-High Jungles and Low: Gainesville; University of Florida Press, 1953. Chatterton, Ruth-The Betrayers: Bos- ton; Houghton Mifflin Co., 1953. Goudge, Elizabeth - The Heart of the Family: New York; Coward-McCann, Inc., 1953. Karmel, Ilona - Stephania: Boston; Houghton Mifflin Co., 1953. Moore, Ruth-A Fair Wind Home: New York; William Morrow and Co., 1953. Two Views THE RECENT victory of Democratic Con- gressman Johnson in Wisconsin, a state that went heavily Republican in the last election, is significant because it clearly re- veals the increasing disgruntlement of far- mers toward the Eisenhower Adniinistra- tion's singular lack of a positive farm policy. In the past two years, one under a Democratic Administration, there has been a 15 per cent drop in prices farmers receive for their goods and only a four per cent decrease in prices farmers must pay for goods they use. In spite of this severe economic pinch on farmers, Agri- culture Secretary Benson has decreased subsidies paid on many farm productsj below the maximum 90 per cent parity allowed by law. (Parity is a theoretically fair ratio between what a farmer must pay for goods and the price he receives for his produce.) But neither Mr. Benson nor the Presi- dent has given any real answers for the average-size farmer who is being squeezed out of even normal profits today by manu- facturers and middlemen. Because of rigid- ly high support prices paid by the govern- ment for many years, the United States has successfully priced itself out of the inter- national trade market. No country abroad can afford to pay America's high prices, and the Agriculture Department is not al- lowed to sell the mountains of unsold stored produce abroad at any fraction of the sup- port price. They can only give it away, after Congressional authorization. And because of the constant decrease in international trade, the government must dole out each year to maintain the parity ratio at the level of the' previous year. Meanwhile the consumer must pay twice for every subsidized farm good-once in taxes for the support prices and again in high market prices. Only one real solution has been presented in recent years as an answer to the farm problem. This was the Brannan Plan, sup- ported by little farmers throughout the. country but defeated by the top 10 per cent of growers who produce 90 per cent of the food in the country, because they. were pre- vented from getting more than $25,000 each (approx.) under the Brannan Plan. The es- sence of the Plan was that subsidies would be paid directly to farmers, while prices would be determined on the market and would ostensibly become low enough to compete with foreign goods in international trade. Unless the Republican Administration can soon pronounce an equally rational answer to the problem of chronic over-production and falling farm prices, it is probable that in the next regular Congressional elections, they will suffer a resounding defeat in farn states because of their inaction on the im- minent farm crisis in the country. -Dorothy Myers "One Of Us Is Going To Settle Things For A Long Time" f- tmetten TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Chug-A-Lug .. . To the Editor: Varsity Nig ht . To the Editor: READ WITH some amusement AS RAC GROUP OF students at theJLMiss Sarr's article on Varsity University of Minnesota is Night. I say "three cheers" to the forming a Chug-A-Lug team spe- group who planted themselves in cializing in various phases of your SO-CALLED reserved seats. quickly downing a given quantity Please show me WHERE on the of beer. We are interested in con- tickets it stated that-any seat was tacting teams of this character at reserved. Why do the fraternities other Big Ten schools, and en- and sororities have any right to couraging the formation of such block uff or RESERVE the best teams for the purpose of challeng- seats cn the main floo: and in ing them. We propose to engage the balcor.y? If in the future you, these teams in telegraphic com- the sororities, the fraternities, or petition similar to the billiard any oti-er group wart reserved tournaments and ROTC rifle jseats, then I suggest you pay for matches carried on in this man- such a privilege at say $1.O0 or ner. $1.25 not the 75c that was chaig- ed as the GENERAL admission If anyone on your campus price w'th the dupe of NON-RE- should wish to accept our chal- SERVED seats. lenge they may address corres- Being a graduate student I ar- pondence to Bob Albrecht, 44 Clar- rived with my party about forty ence Avenue 1. E., Minneapolis, minutes early and we tore up our Minnesota. In order that we may tickets for the above reasons. One exchange information concerning solution to the problem is to open rules and conduction of these ALL SEATS for such events on a meets. first come, first serve basis. -Bob Albrecht -Ralpl iJ. Barren r t R t ...,,: *. "/M s. ,~t wp. M sr, Reprinted from February 2, 1950 - - ~h ON THE WASIIINGTON (!' ' r WITU DRE'WPEARSON ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ IOFFICIAL B L E I jVTICHITA, Kans.-The people of Kansas are not prudish, but they (Continued from Page 2) Trials," 7 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 22, 120 iv Hutchins Hail. All interested persons are have a strong sense of political morals and can also be as un-us predictable as the cyclones that sweep their prairies. Both may con- ro be a d one 17th nvembR ack invited. tribute to what could be bne of the most surprising political upsets of ham Lecture Hall. Both concerts will Activity Chairmen. There will be an modern times. be open to the general public without important meeting Thurs., Oct. 22, 4 mdrtie.charge. P.m., League. Having kept a bone-dry prohibition statute on their books longer than any other state in the union, having outlawed cigar- * Baha'i Student Group. The next reg- Exhibtaulons ular Thursday night discussion group ettes for a considerable period, and having fought the slavery will be held at the League, Oct. 22. issue easier and more righteously than aiy other western state, Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial The topic of discussion will be "A Hall, Eskimo Carvings (Oct. 4-25), Re- Practical Approach to the Establishment righteous wrath rises readily among Kansans. cent French Exhibition Posters (Oct. of World Peace." Refer to the bulletin Twice in the last two decades Kansas has seen a native son be- 4-25), Purcell and Elmslie, Architects board in the lobby of the League for come chairman of the Republican National Committee, and twice folks (Oct. 18-Nov. 2). Open 9 to 5 on week the meeting place. All interested cor- days; Sundays, 2-4. The public is in- dially invited. back home have turned thumbs down on their native son when, be- vited. cause of woman trouble or lobbying trouble, he failed to observe the Attention All Orthodox Students. traditional morals of the home folks.Events Today There will be a meeting of the newly formed Orthodox Students Society on The latest Kansas boy who became national chairman, Wesley T aThurs., Oct. 22, in the Upper Room of Roberts, plus the drought, plus farm prices, plus Ezra Taft Benson, is Sigma Alpha Eta will hold a meeting Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. Rev. E. Steph- h tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Michi- anou will speak, the Constitution will what is whipping up the political cyclone in this normally rock- gan League. Dr. D. E. Morley, Asso- be rgtified, and refreshments will fo. ribbed Republican state. clate Professor of Speech, will talk on low. * , * * the opportunities in the field of Speech MATrT ER O F A CT I VENGEFUL ROBERTS T HE WES ROBERTS affair shook the Republican party in Kansas to its foundation. To the credit of Kansas leaders it should be; noted that it was they and not the White House which forced the issue, exposed the alleged lobbying of the national chairman andj caused Ike to reverse the blessing he had bestowed on the gentleman from Kansas, But Roberts, having been given the hotfoot out of Washington, is' now back in Kansas quietly seeking revenge against the Republicans who contributed to his downfall. This is one of the inside reasons for the split in the Republican party today and why the Democrats might well carry the state if elections were held tomorrow. Chief objects of Roberts' wrath are Lieut. Gov. Fred Hall; At-t torney General Harold Fatzer, the man who conducted the move against him; state chairman C. I. Moyer and Alvin McCoy, re- , porter for the Kansas City Star, who first uncovered and had the courage to write the interesting saga of Roberts' lobbying acti- vities.j Lieut. Gov. Hall is conceded the best Republican candidate to run' for governor and the best man to beat the Democrats in the general election. If he gets it, however, it will be over the dead body of Wes-4 ley Roberts. And Roberts has some powerful friends-namely Sen. Frank' Carlson, the kindly political angel who ushered him into the national chait manship, plus Gov. Ed Arn. It was Governor Arn who dragged his feet on the Roberts lobby- ing probe last winter and whose general administration of Kansas af-r fairs has contributed to the down-at-the-heel reputation of the Re- publican party. Once before, in 1930, the political cyclones that sweep the Kansas, prairies staged an upset that was indicative of things to come. Inf 1928, Herbert Hoover had defeated Al Smith in a crushing election.I Correction. All those interested are in- vited. Michigan Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration an- nounces its first social seminar on this evening at 7:30 p.m., West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Pro- fessor Arthur Bromage, who recently returned from England and Ireland, will speak on "Problems of Manage- ment in Local Governments." All stu- dents and faculty, their wives and friends are invited. Informal social hour will follow. Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office Is ac- cepting mail orders now for the De- partinent of Speech productions of Theheiress on October 28, 29, and 31 and Elizabeth the Queen on November 12, 13, 14, and 16. First sixteen rows main floor and first two rows balcony center are $1.20. Last five rows main floor, third through sixth rows bal- cony center and first six rows bal- cony sides are 90c. Last four rows bal- cony are 60c. The SPECIAL STUDENT RATE of 50c is in effect October 28, 29 and November 12. Address Play Pro- duction, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Enclose a self- stamped addressed envelope. Psychology Club. There will be a dis- cussion meeting this evening at 7:30 in the Graduate Lounge, third floor. Dr. Kelly, of the Psychology Depart- 1ment, will speak on "Opportunities and Careers in Psychology." All inter- ested are invited. American Chemicalr'Societv Lecture. By JOSEPH ALSOP SEOUL-Syngman Rhee has said it be- fore, but he is saying it now more flatly, firmly and frequently. He will renew the Korean War if his country has not been uni- fied by a political conference or other means within three months time. He has the pow- er to make good his threat, despite rather desperate American efforts to gain a hold on him. And his threat could hardly be more bluntly stated. "Whether we win or lose, we have to fight to unify our country if that is the only way. That's all there is to it." That was the Korean President's last statement, his final summing up, of a long and almost eerily dispassionate dis- cussion of the situation in Korea. There was no possibility of mistaking what he said.' The only question was whether he meant it. But the question was not easy to answer. This strange and obstinate old man has a face like a pippin, pale golden, infinitely wrinkled, with little eyes like appleseeds. He speaks unemphatically, in a thin, piping, but still musical voice. His surroundings are in the hideous false-western style that is the sure, distressing mark of executive pomp and power in the modern Orient. But in this setting, the small, garled, aged figure in an ill-fitting tweed suit seems distinctly out of place. The contrast was really too extreme be- tween the speaker, with his air of being a{ benevolent Korean professor emeritus, and his words, with their portent of war. But then one remembered how Rhee had sub- mitted to torture and exile, how he had fought by fair means and foul, how he had intrigued and bullied and defied the world, and all in this same cause. One remember- ed too how this man who ought to be a puppet had made the American Secretary of State dance like Pinnocchio on the end of a string; how seriously he has impressed theI highly astute American diplomatic and mili-[ tary representatives here in Korea; how these men have solemnly warned Wash-{ ington that the old man may mean everyI word of it. And as he talked onwards, one had to admit there was a kind of logic, lun- atic perhaps by some standards but not so held. If there is a conference he thinks it will produce no agreement "unless the Uni- ted States surrenders everything to the Com- munists, which I do not think the United States will do." But what then, was the next question. The answer came quietly and without hesi- tation. "We have to unify Korea or we shall be destroyed in the end. If we are to be destroyed in any case, why not take our stand now with courage? We have no alternative. Divided we cannot survive. Could you survive with your body cut in half? They come to us and they say sweetly, 'Please accept national death for the sake of world peace.' I say it is wrong in principle and in sentiment, and. I will not do it. It would be worse, far worse, than Munich." "I believe the American people will stand by us, whether they like it or not," he said. "The United States has a sense of honor. They started to help us. Will they drop us halfway? They will not buy a shortlived peace by sacrificing an ally. It is out of the question in my mind. For if peace is so sweet that everything is to be sacrificed to peace, the Soviets soon will have the one world which is their goal." Nor is this all. The proposal for a "uni- fied, neutralized Korea," which the State Department thinks has an off chance of acceptance at the political conference, finds no favor whatever with Syngman Rhee. On this point he would not be specific, however closely queried. Yet his objection was ob- vious enough. By all the signs. he thinks that the "neu- tralization" of Korea will at least reduce if not altogether cancel the program for arm- ing twenty Korean divisions and additional air and naval forces, which Secretary Dulles had to promise him as part of their curious bargain. He is already demanding an addi- tional air and naval buildup as specified in the contract. No doubt he wants these arm- ed forces, in part because they insure his own distinctly dictatorial rule in Korea. But also he wants these forces because he regards any kind of weakening or diminu- tion of his own or of western armed power in the Far East as intensely dangerous. The Washington tendency to think the Congregational - Disciples Guild. Breakfast devotion-discussion group meeting Thurs., 7 a.m., Guild House Chapel. Please sign up or call the Guild House by wednesday afternoon so that breakfast arrangements can be made. La p'tite causette will meet tomor- row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the north room of the Michigan Union cafeteria. All inter. ested students invited Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at 7:30 am.. Thurs.. Oct. 22, Canterbury House. The Political Science Round Table will hold its first meeting of the se- mester Thurs., Oct. 22, at 7:45 in the Rackham Amphitheater. Professors Pol- lock, Grace, and Bretton, who made an on-the-spot survey of the recent Bonn Republic election, will present a symposium report entitled "Aspects of the West German Election." All in- terested persons are invited to attend. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timony meeting Thurs., Oct. 22, at 7:30, Fireside room, Lane Hall. All are wel- come. International Center Weekly Tea, will be held Thurs., Oct. 22, from 4:30 to 6 at the International Center. The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher {Verein will meet Thurs., Oct. 22, at 3:15. in the tap-room of the Union. Informal conversation among all who are inter- ested in German. Beginning students especially invited. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup- per hike Fri., Od. 23, 5 p.m. Meet at Guild House. Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow- ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Devotional period 4, Even the solid south had split open to elect Hoover. Some said it would be tars before the Democratic party could recover. But two years later, in 1930, Kansas amazed the nation by going Democratic. Sen. Henry Allen, a close friend of Hoover's, a fine Senator, and a former governor of the state was defeated by George Magill, Democrat. AralI my< ahro f ha TTCTrfb micn irha y rircuue M v~ey c i, Meeting at 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Dr. F. A. Miller will speak on "Hindered Rotation Within Molecules.' Scimitars Club meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-L of the Union.- Both experienced and inexperienced fencers welcome. magi 1, now a member of the U . .'.arliiu ommission,n as eenf lfollowed by breakfast. surveying the Kansas situation, and he may run again. Whether he Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup- does or not, if the Democrats put up a good man and the Republicans perLESS discussion meeting at the Guild House, 7 p.m. Everyone interest-OA continue to fight among themselves, another political cyclone may ed is welcome, sweep the state. swep te*sate*?Roger Williams Guild. Mid-week Tea I E. and Chat this afternoon, 430 to 6:00, i ONE-PARTY PRESS ' at the Guild House. ANSAS NEWSPAPERS present what Democrats consider an inter- Ti esting example of the so-called one-party press. Steering Committee will hold a meet- Y Officially, at least, there is not one Democratic newspaper of any ing today at 4 p.m. in Dean Robertson's Edited and managed by students o1 office in Angell Hall. the University of Michigan under the consequence in the Sunflower State. The press has been so intertwined I"__ authority of the Board in Control *I with Republican politics that for many years the late Lacey Haines Student chapter of A.S.M.E. A meet- Student Publications. of the Kansas City Star even masterminded the state GOP. ing will be held this evening at 7:15 Repulicn pper, hwevr, uch s te Hrri grupthein Room 3-D of the Michigan Union. Many Republican papers, however, such as the Harris group, the The speaker will be Arthur F. Under- Editorial Staff papers owned by the Seaton family, the Murdoch family and others wood, Head of the Mechanical Develop- H have followed the tradition of William Allen White in turning the ment Research Laboratory Division of Erir Vetter.........ManCity Editor General Motors. His topic will be ErcVte.... ..Ciy dto spotlight on their state's fouled-up political nest. In contrast, Stewart "Bearings and Lubrication." Members Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director Newlin, editor of the Wellington News and friend of Wes Roberts and are requested to attend since the 1954 Mike Wolff.... Associate City Editor Governor Arn, plus some others, believe in a virtual blackout of GOP Michiganensian picture will be taken. Diane Decker..........Associate Editor criticism. Lutheran StudentSCenter.SCoffee and Helene simon..........Associate Editor Kansas Democrats, however, are cheered by what happened tea hour at the Lutheran Student As-van Kaye..............Sports Editor ItehouCen.theruhl StunS.AForestPaul Greenberg... . Assoc. Sports Editor last week in Wisconsin. They figure that if a Democrat could be sociation Cente, ryo eat Forest, Marilyn Campbell Women's Editor 4:0to 5:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 'aiy Cmpe.. Women's Editor elected for the first time in history in a Republican district there Kathy Zeisler,. Assoc. Women's Editor with every newspaper opposing him, the same thing could happen La Sociedad Hispanica will meet to- Don Campbe,..Head Photographer in Kansas. day at 7:30 p.m. at the League (see bul- Full details of the Wisconsin race are even more significant than with music and new songs from Mexico. Business Staf the immediate election returns. 'The Republicans, sensing defeat, All members and anyone interested is Thomas Treeger...... Business Manager poured in thousands of dollars, bought column-long ads in 53 week- welcome. You may still become a mem William Kaufman Advertising Manager pouedinthusnd o dolasbogh clun-lngad i 5 wek Iber! Harlean Hankin .Assoc. Business Mgr. lies one weep, half-page ads in the same weeklies the next week, and jWillam seiden. .. Finance Manager several full-page ads in the daily newspapers. Pershing Rifles. All actives and Army James Sharp....Circulation Manager eoe elle, ghase aishn hef se w eekliesn the next w and I Wets ameSeiden.FinancegManrser Following this more than half the weeklies in the district ran free andetAinrFreist nldgsend eargn21 i E G r r e r c r F C r N'* ... . editorials, boosting Republican candidate Arthur Padrutt, the editor- Rifles will report to the Rifle Range ials having been written by Joyce Larkin right in Padrutt's campaign at 1925 hrs. (7:25 p.m.) in uniform, headquarters. Some 10,000 reprints of a Dunn County News editorial, Bring ym shoes. blaming price drops on the Democrats, were also mailed out. Chess Club will meet today, Room 1 elepoMe 23-24-I Member cct-ittc it # r' 'f'_S I i