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October 20, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-20

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Daily Managing Editor
COLLEGE EDITORS devote considerable
thought to the function their news-
papers serve in the campus community and
to the problems of finance ard censorship
which continually crop up in most schools
to make the editor's way a difficult one.
Then they get together at conventions,
as hundreds did last weekend in Chicago
for the annual Associated Collegiate Press
Conference, their discussion synthesizes
observations about the college press in
general and permits analysis of how well
papers are fulfilling their role.
Usually the role is defined vaguely as
"serving the campus," a definition covering
anything from publications acting as glori-
fied college official bulletins to papers serv-
ing as the sole student source of informa-
tion on international and national affairs as
well as campus news.
Frequently the role is set by hard finan-
cial facts-limited space forces many papers
into microscopic campus nevs coverage at
best. In other cases, faculty sponsors or strict
censorship causes a limited outlook and an
ineffective newspaper. Better business prac-
tices with emphasis on local advertising so-
Jicitation can somnetimes improve the first
situation, but the later case of censorship is
often seemingly insoluable. .
However, tradition often cows student
editors into accepting far more censor-

ship than they would have to if they grad-
ually set about to free themselves from
watchdog administrative supervision.
One of the best things about ACP con-
ventions is the effect they have on editors
whose outlook has been circumscribed by
constant supervision, for the editors usually
have their eyes opened and return to cam-
pus with more courage and ideas on how to
reverse the censorship trend.
In many cases newspapers could be im-
proved by broadening their coverage to in-
clude news of student life outside the cam-
pus. This can be done through utilization
of National Student Association releases on
international student activities and reports
from students studying abroad.
There should be no hard and fast rule
on any college newspaper that discourages
anything but local news from appearing in
its columns. At the very least, student edi-
tors should include editorial and interpre-
ative comment on events outside the nar-
row campus sphere.
But the main thing that should be en-
couraged in the college press today, and is
too frequently neglected, is granting re-
sponsibility and freedom of expression to stu-
dent editors. Without the rights and respon-
sibilities of a free press, the college press is
little more than an administration sounding
board and is actually a disservice to the
community by presenting a distorted pic-
ture of the scene it is reporting.

. _.---- .W - I

Wsit Merry-Go-Round

s _____

WEST-There was a special reason why
President Eisenhower stopped at the Defi-
ance College in Defiance, Ohio, en route to
the Mexican border. That reason had to do
with 200 special cigars in glass containers
prepared by the American Tobacco Com-
pany and labeled "Defiance Welcomes the
Eisenhowers, September, 195'3."
Actually. Ike got there in October, so the
cigars weren't quite up to date. Neverthe-
less he got there.
And the story behind all this is that
Kevin McCann, president of The Defiance
College-Dr. McCann insists upon the
"the"-had obtained a promise from the
President last summer that he would stop
off at Defiance, O., en route home from
Denver. Dr. McCann is Ike's original
biographer and wrote the book syndicated
in many newspapers last year which help-
ed'to prepare for his nomination.
And having obtained the promise that Ike
would stop over, McCann proceeded to get
ready for him.
He spent $150 on a new cornerstone, raised
a lot of money to extend the runways of
the Defiance airport so Ike's big plane could
land, and had the special cigars made for
200 guests. Furthermore, the city of De-
fiance turned out with gala decorations--
when suddenly McCann got a wire from the
President reading:
"Sorry we won't be able to stop at Defi-
ance on way home, Kevin. We have to stop
in Chicago to pick up the kids."
Ike referred to the fact that he had to
pick up his grandchildren who were visiting
in-laws at Fort Sheridan, Ill.
McCann got a bad razzing from the folks
at Defiance, and for a time he didn't feel
much like living there. However, he went to
Washington, made a personal appeal to the
President, and Ike finally decided to stop
at Defiance in October, not September.
IF SECRETARY of Agriculture Benson had
realized the political storm that was
brewing in Wisconsin last week, he might
not have announced his reorganization of
the Agriculture Department on the date he
As it was, Benson popped his plan to lop
off a.lot of soil-conservation districts and
abolish the production and marketing ad-

ministration, just as Wisconsin farmers
were showing what they thought of Ben-
son's policies.
Next day, however, some farm groups else-
where in the nation were even more irate
than those in Wisconsin-especially the Na-
tional Association of Soil-Conservation dis-
tricts. In making its reorganization an-
nouncement, the Agriculture Department
stated that the soil-conservation association
had been consulted in advance. But that
didn't seem to quiet soil-conservation lead-
"That's a lie," said Waters Davis of
League City, Texas, president of the As-
sociation. "We were not consulted.
"I got a telegram in Providence, .R.I., in-
structing me to bring my board of directors
to Washington for a meeting at 2 p.m., Oc-
tober 12," he explained. "This meant spend-
ing $6,000 for traveling expenses for 25 di-
rectors. Instead I brought in four leading
directors, all of whom voted for Eisenhower.
But we were given no chance to discuss the
reorganization plan. The plan was all cut
and dried. We were merely shown a copy of
* * *
THE SOIL-Conservation leaders who came
to Washington included Nolan Fuqua
of Duncan, Okla.; George R. Heidrich, of
Charleston, W. Va., R. Edward Baur of Van
Meter, Iowa; and Francis Lindsay of Loom-
is, Calif. They conferred with Earl Coke of
Davis, Calif., Assistant Secretary of Agri-
culture. All these men not only voted for
Eisenhower but campaigned for him.
At the meeting, Davis, president of the
Association, asked: "Under your reor-
ganization plan for soil conservation, what
technical stations will the states have?"'
"We have not given that any study," re-
plied Assistant Secretary Coke.
"What?" gasped Davis in astonishment.
"Will you repeat that statement?"
"We have not given that any study,"
Coke replied.
Davis and his associates remarked that
this meant that 1,000 highly trained tech-
nical experts on soil conservation would be
fired, seven big regional offices would be
disbanded, and yet no provision would be
made for technical experts in the 48 states
to replace them.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)

WASHINGTON-It will be a strange turn
of events if the first Republican ad-
ministration in twenty years ends its firstJ
term in office with the heaviest deficits in'
peace-time history. Yet the logic of the
situation in which the Eisenhower admin-
istration finds itself is beginning to point
rather clearly in this direction.
Some days ago, the top government pol-
icy-making body, the National Security
Council, met to consider the level of the
national defense effort, in the light of theI
Soviet hydrogen bomb. No final decision onI
defense spending was, apparently, taken butI
the trend is suggested by the fact that the
danger implicit in the growing Soviet air-
atomic threat was officially determined to
be "absolute." Moreover, the Council agreed
at least in principle that continental de-
fense effort, stretching over a period of
several years, must be undertaken.
This meeting occurred after Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson had predict-
ed at a press conference that defense
spending in the next fiscal year-1955-
could be held to something like $2,000,-
000,000 less than' current spending. Whe-
ther this prediction is to be revised in view
of the National Security Council decision
remains to be seen. But the fact is that
even a $2,000,000,000 reduction in de-
fense spending is much less than Wilson,
Secretary of the Treasury George Hum-
phrey, and other Administration policy-
makers hoped for. It is not many weeks
since the talk in the Defense and Treas-
ury Departments was all about reducing
defense expenditures by $6,00,000,000 or
Moreover. the Security Council decision,
if it is acted upon, obviously involves a con-
tinued very heavy level of defense spending
throughout President Eisenhower's first
term. This raises the question: where is the
money to come from?
Treasury experts who have been trying to
find an answer to this question find them-
selves blocked at every turn. For a time,
they rather longingly considered a Federal
retail sales tax. But careful Congressional
soundings indicated that this was politically
impractical, and President Eisenhower has
now killed the proposal once and for all.
He has been careful not to kill an alter-
native proposal, a manufacturers' sales
tax, imposed at the source on manufactur-
ed articles. Yet this alternative, although
it may not be dead, certainly looks mori-
bund. For one thing, a manufacturers'
tax generates almost as much political
opposition as a Federal retail sales tax.
For another, such a tax simply will not
do the budget-balancing job, unless it is
set at impossibly high levels.
The budget deficit for the next fiscal year
is estimated at $7,000,000,000, or at the very
best $5,000,000,000. And even the higher fig-
ure involves a number of optimistic assump-
tions. It assumes that defense spending is
actually cut by at least $2,000,000,000. It
assumes that heavy cuts can safely be made
elsewhere, for example in foreign aid. It as-
sumes that the Administration can forestall
the reductions in excise and corporation
taxes scheduled to take place automatically
in April-no easy job. And it assumes, fin-t
ally, that there will be no fall-off whatso-
ever in the level of business activity and
national income.
The Treasury experts have concluded that
a manufacturers' sales tax will gain in re-
venue no more than $800,000,000 for each
1 per cent of tax. Thus to make up even
$5,000,000,000 in revenue, in order to bridge
the budget gap, would require a manufac-
turers' tax of upwards of 6 per cent. Be-
cause of the pyramiding effect of retailG
mark-ups, moreover, the consumer would
pay more than this, by a considerable mar-
gin. Every voter is, after all, a consumer.
It is not hard to imagine the political re-
action in Congress and the country if the
Administration proposed to hit the con-
sumer such a wallop, in an election year.
So the question-where is the money to

come from-remains unanswered, unless
the answer is to be found in further defi-
cits for a long time to come. Secretary
Humphrey deeply believes that deficit fi-
nancing, by cheapening the dollar, con-
stitutes in itself the most cruel, danger-
ous, and regressive form of taxation. He
has, nevertheless, taken the stand that
the national economy can take big defi-
cits-for a time-on an emergency basis.
But he asked for assurances from the
Joint Chiefs of Staff that, once the emer-
gency investment in defense is made, de-
fense spending will then level off, permit-
ting a soundly balanced economy.
The Joint Chiefs, however, simply can-
not give much assurances, with the pros-
pect looming on the horizon of a Soviet
ballistic missile wedded to a decisive So-
viet hydrogen-atomic stockpile. Thus the
fiscal dilemma which confronts the Eisen-
hower administration is complete, In this
dilemma, it begins to look as though theI
Administration will choose the evil of a
budget heavily unbalanced for an indefinite
period, as against the evil of threatenedI
national devastation. There is hardly, inj
fact, any other choice the Administration3
ra mal

Leftist" ..
To the Editor:
WANT TO protest The Daily's
use of the word "leftist" in last
Saturday's issue to refer to an ex-
Communist. Intentional or not,
this usage contributes to the equa-
ting of Communism with a whole
variety of political opinion with
which it has little to do.
Let us never forget what Mc-
Carthy and others whose ends he
serves want us to forget: that
whenever Communism has hopes
of seizing control or has recently
seized control, its most vicious at-
tacks are directed at the "leftists."
New Dealers in America and Ger-
man socialists were the objects of
these attacks. Roosevelt, in the
Marxian lingo of the time, was a
"social fascist;" German Social-
ists were undesirable because they
offered a humane alternative to
nazism. More recently, the fate
of Czech socialists under Com-I
munist totalitarianism is yet fresh
in our minds.
The basic smear technique of
confusingdthe basic differences
betw een democratic leftists and
totalitarian Communists is not dif-
ferent in principle from the Com-
munists' bizarre attempts to link
democratic leftists with fascism:
both try to erase the humane al-
ternatives between e x t r e m e
choices. In the thirties, the Com-
munists were hoping for a catas-
trophic upheaval in America and
a popular recoil from nazism in
Germany-it was in their interest
to perpetuate evil conditions to
enhance their appeal as a protest
Today, we might ask why the
McCarthyites are so interested in
narrowing down political choices
identifying them with Commun-
ism? What is the course they want
to force us to?
I doubt that The Daily intended
to abet this situation by its mis-
use of the term "leftist," and hope
that your style book will caution
against such unfair abuses of po-
litical terminology.
--Allan Silver, Grad.
V'(rsity i iglit . .
To the Editor:
THE NEXT TIME the University
bands plan a Varsity Night,
they can probably count this group
of disteartened girls out. Arriving
at 8:00 to sit in our "reserved"
seats, which we dutifully paid for
two weeks in advance, and roped
off and labelled this afternoon, we
were faced with a group already
"planted" in our seats. Not only
did they insult us by practically
telling us that we had no rights to
the seats but refused to move
even when asked to by a mnember
of the band. The other half of
our seats were held down by an
equally vehement bunch who
maintained that they had the row
reserved. Facing a disappointed
and disillusioned group of girls, I
told them they'd have to find a
seat anywhere they could, and
walked out.
I would like to know who is in
charge of seating arrangements.
Why was it that no one seemed to
have any authority to say that
these were our seats? Unless a
better system can be arranged
where, when we pay for a re-
served seat we get it, this is one
group that won't get fooled again
by a letter promising reserved
-Winnie Sarr
Science for War .. .
To the Editor:
/S A HOPEFUL scientist I read
the Chance Vought Aircraft

advertisement, "Horizons . . Un-
limited," appearing on the back
page of Friday's Michigan Daily
with more than just passing in-
terest. This advertisement effec-
tively posed the problem which
every would-be scientist must face
It spoke of the accomplishments
of this particular firm in perfect-
ing "guided missiles," a "new Navy
Day Fighter," and an "attack
plane." Addressing itself to people
like me it went on to state that
"these engineering accomplish-
ments offer excellent long range
employment opportunities .,
Newly giaduated engineers and
scientists . . . . will find interest-
ing futures awaiting them . ..'
Is this the kind of "interesting
future" awaiting young scientists?
Are we to use the, training we re-
ceive at the University of Michi-
gan merely for the purpose of cre-
ating weapons of destruction? Is
this the goal of science?
The history of science has been
the continuous struggle for truth.
Our scientific heritage is the story'
of this quest. Great scientists like
Galileo went to jail rather than
give np their right to search for

- - womwopsk


Sen. Burke . ..
To the Editor:
Senator From Ohio," Gene
Hartwig said that the appoint-
ment of Tom Burke to fill Taft's
position comes as a disappoint-
ment. That disappointment does-
n't approach the disgust I felt
when I read the article. Mr. Hart-;
wig is the typical close-minded
person who because he prefers the
GOP to the Democrats, believes
even the worst Republican is bet-
ter than the most qualified Demo-
crat and anything the former,
group does is unquestionably good.

zer would make an interesting ar-.
-Pvt. Mike McNerney
No Apology Ncessary
To the Editor:

what's (.ookitig

Miss Laikin has a false idea of
tolerance Because a man has de-
finite standards doesn't mean he
is intolerant. : nan was as se-
vere on unrigia. .sness as Jesus
was. Shall we cani Jesus intolerant?
Remember, Miss Laikin said tol-
erance was one of the great prin-
eiples of Christianity. Christianity
is. of course, the principles of Je-
The idea that Graham owes this
University audience an apology is
absurd. He was asked to speak on
a subject; he presented his honest
views on the matter. Graham call-
ed no one "Godless." Could it be
someone is labeling himself?
-Joe Flora, '56
Tub-Thliinper .
To the Editor:
ASIDE FROM THE naive obser-
vation that English 1 and 2
seem to have met with abject fias-
co in their divine mission, I would
like to comment briefly on the
series of votive offerings served up
to a certain evangelical anachron-
ist in, Saturday's Daily.
It was announced that Graham
would not deliver a sectarian ser-
mon, but a talk on contemporary
affairs. In fact, the lecture was
indeed a sermon, and indeed sec-
tarian. Pull back the veil, brethen;
step thru the mist of self-induced
hypnosis; and you will see that
this our post-war renouveau magi-
que aims at nothing less than the
suppression of freedom in the hu-
man spirit, that Graham and his
fellow necromancers offer us noth-

a good United States Senator, not
necessarily a Republican Senator.
Tom Burke is a sincere man who
has done much to help Cleveland
and will more than do justice to
the job he has just been given. His
interests are the people and the,
country and he won't be labeled a
leftist or strictly a party man. In
conclusion, if you want to write
about rackets in Cleveland, Selt-E

ing more than another opiate dose
of old, orthodox, tub-thumping
fundamentalism. He may rave
about tolerance, but the rigidity of
his beliefs and his disastrous me-
thods of applying them cannot
help but contribute to intolerance.
Were he a true mystic, I would not


It is time Hartwig looked at HULAMITH LAIKIN had ,just oercg mnsIuylgc U
Ti,;HUAMTH AIKN ad usbegrudge him his faulty logic; but
things more realistically and cause, no doubt, to object in he's not, he's a mystifier.
without so much prejudice You Friday's Daily to her being ire- Little more than superficial per-
didn't actually think Mr. Hart- quifed to attend the Billy Graham ception is required to see that
speech lecture. There are also Graham's brand of religious or-
wig., that the man who has been 'tooyi eeyteohrsd
elected Governo' of Ohio four speakers I would object to hear- oxy is mere e oter side
te o eor i ing. However, as long as that of the coin of that other political
tes on te Democratic tce,; . and intellectual orthodoxy which
would appoint a Republican to the peison were not a subversive toian inlul odoxyowhich
Senate. In case you didn't know, our country, I see no reason why is now being imposed on our so-
politics still dictate membe'ship 'any such person should be kept ciety. Graham may not know it,
in that body, from campus platforms. President but he is lending his golden voice
Eisenhower is the leader of a po- to a well-organized nationwide
Furthermore, two of the names litical party with definite political campaign to liquidate individual
you mentioned as "capable candi- views. That fact shouldn't keep and minority rights in America.
dates" are ridiculous, and a third him off our platforms. Neither Religious reaction and political re-
is not outstanding. No one would should definite religious convic- action run hand in glove.
appoint to any position the man tions keep a speaker away. Let him speak. Let everyone
he had defeated in the last elec- Miss Laikin was very severe and speak' But subject them all to the
tion and expect to keep any Party very unfair to Dr. Graham. Her same degree of analysis.
ties: thus, exit Charles Taft. Louis views are hardly indicative of the -Jack Danielson
Seltzner is the most reactionary frank, honest manner in which the
conservative you could name. And evangelist spoke. I would remind Grahi uc Injection
anyone familiar with Cleveland Miss Laikin that Graham made it
politics could tell you that the in- very clear that Christianity was To the Editor:
famous editor of the Cleveland the answer "in his opinion." I see
Press could challenge Nicky Mc- no danger in the type of speaker 1 5 JANET SMITH,
Bride for the position of the most which Mr. Graham represents. We Re: your letter to the editor
corrupt individual in 'Cuyahoga can hardly call a man who is (October 17) in which you state:
County. Although Bromfield is of fighting for democracy and our "I personally wish there were some
much ability, he has spent most way of life "dangerous." pill or shot we could give people
of his life writing and farming; Miss Laikin insinuated Graham so they would take the advice of
consequently, I doubt if he could was intolerant. That is certainly Billy Graham and others like
qualify under the category "force- far from the truth. Graham res- him."
ful administrator and legislator." pects the rights and views of Just watch whom you're inject-
Taft's plurality of 431,000 in others and is not a "hair splitter." ing, sister!
1950 indicates that Ohio demands He is definitely tolerant. I think --Conrad L. Teitell
:p* *


Truth Serum .. .
To the Editor:

(Continued from Page 2)

Room 3-M, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.
All chess players welcome.


Museum Movie. "Science and super- la Sociedad iispanica will meet on
sxtin" and "Adventures of Willie the Wed., Oct. 21, at 7:30 pam. at the
Skunk." Free movie shown at 3 p.m. League. There will be a "Fiesta" with
daily', including Sat. and Sun. and at ui nLsnsfo exc ilb
i neu< t 110 ove coe M music and songs from Mexico will be
12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove taught. Membership still open. All are
scums Building, Oct. 20-27, urged to attend.
S.L. Academic Freedom Sub-Commis- Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is ac-I
sioun meeting this afternoon at 4 P.m., cepting mail orders now for the De-
Room 3 K-L, Michigan Union. All or- partment of Speech productions of
ganizations invited to send a delegate. The Heiress on October 28, 29, and 31
Plans for Academic Freedom Week to and Elizabeth the Queen on November
be discussed.i12, 13, 14, and 16.rFirst sixteen roes
main floor and first two rows balcony
Phi Sigma Society, Business meeting center are $1.20. Last five rows main
at 7:30 p.m., followed by lecture at 8 floor, third through sixth rows bal-
p.m., by William J. Schull, Institute of I cony center and first six rows bal-
Human Biology, on "A Preliminary Re- cony sides are 90s. Last four rows bal-
port on the Genetic Effects of the cony are 60c. The SPECIAL STUDENT
Atomic Bomnb in Japan." Rackham Am- RATE of 50c is in effect October 28,
phitheater. 29 and November 12. Address Play Pro-
duction, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Enclose a self-
Tea at the Guild House 4:30-6:00 p.m. stamped addressed envelope.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
Music Education Club will meet from dent Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., Wed., Oct.j
7:15 to 8:30, Michigan Union Rooms 3 21, Canterbury House.
R&S Student group of Music Educators _____
National Conference. Miss Hood willa Sigma Alpha Eta will hold a meeting
tell about her trip to Europe. Refresh- Wed., Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m. at the Michi-
m~u~tI gan League. Dr. D. E. Morley, Asso-
ciate Professor of Speech, will talk on
The Deu tscher Verein will meet to- the opportunities in the field of Speech
night at 7:30 in the Union, Rooms Correction, All those interested are in-
3-K and L. Included in the program are vited.
two travelogue films of Germany: "Ro-
mance of Old German Towns," and Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup-
"Sonniger Bodensee." Refreshments will perLESS discussion meeting at the
be served. All welcome. Guild House, 7 p.m., Wed., Oct. 21. Ev-
eryone interested is welcome.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea ___

Re: your letter to the editor
I (October 17) in which you state:
"I personally wish there were some
pill or shot we could give people so
they would take the advice of Billy
Graham and others like him."
If you really have the serum, for
heaven's sake keep it quiet; would-
n't want the Communists to get
hold of it--would you?
-Richard Koichi Tanaka
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vet ter..,..........:..City Editor
virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker._...,..... Associate Editor
Helene Simon........ Associate Editor
z Ivan Kaye..,.............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell ..... Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell..,....Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeer.. Business Manarer


At the Michigan.
LITTLE BOY'LOST with Bing Crosby and
Christian Fourcade
NOW THAT the Ann Arbor theater owners
have established their policy of week-
end little-houses and ten day feature-pal-
aces, the movie-goer cannot expect a really
good film on weekdays that he hasn't al-
ready seen on the weekend. Usually, he is
driven to a choice between cowboy pictures
on cannibal isles and bottled sentimentality:
This week, though, the choice is somewhat
bet tel'
"Little Bey 'Lost" attempts amusement
without banality, honesty without grim-
ness. It tri.es to rescue from the slush of
"Dig'est" fillers a theme concerning a lonely
child and a lonely parent. It is moderately

best thing he could; he used the "point of
view" device. He presented the picture
through the father's eyes. Crosby didn't have
to act; he merely had to narrate, and he has
a fine speaking voice. Since the father's
attention was focused on the boy, he was the
one really required to act. Christian Fourcade
did a superb job. Each one of his movements
was accurate and natural.
Instead of taking the movie-goer on
the usual site-seeing tour, the director kept
to his point of view, showing Paris and the
French country-side as they would appear
to the father. As a result, Paris resembled
every Western city, the country-side any
country-side. They were backbround and
bleakness. Occasionally, the camera set-
tled on certain objects which also helped
to convey the father's attitudes and feel-



from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House. Roger Williams Guild. Mid-week 'rea
S.R.A. Electorate Meeting, Lane Hall, and Chat Wednesday afternoon, 4:30 to
7 p.m. j6:00, at the Guild House.
Square and Folk Dancing. New calls Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
for experienced dancers, instruction for ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m.
beginners, experience for those learn- in the Prayer Room. Devotional period
ing to call. Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00. followed by breakfast.
Scimita-rs.Cluh mpetne.Wed Oct 2

inmsiege..t....uim iange
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin-.Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden...... Finance Manager
James Sharp.....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1



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