i PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER Is, o56 MOLTON METAL: .arching Band Hails Foundry Provides Student college of Engineering With Smelting Experience . i F gg& l; _- On the fourth floor of the East least one laboratory course in Engineering Bldg. students wear foundry work. oversized gloves and goggles, push The student is taught differ- wheelbarrows filled with sand and ent mixtures used in producing poke at earthen blocks of gravel.; metals and for the first time in I The room in which they work is large .and looks like a partial sec- tion of a massive smelting plant.' The faint odor of molten metals climbs upward toward the high ceiling. It is here- that the Foundry is his studies can actually see the processes and results in smelting of metals. According to one instructor, the reason for the foundry course -is so that the future engineer will be given the opportunity to learn Automotive Laboratory Runs Tests No one had ever given too much thought to carsitters until the University automotive laboratory ran a series of tests shortly be- fore World War II. "We found out some very fun- damental things about people and how they like to sit," Prof. Walter E. Lay of the mechanical engi- neering department said. MORE THAN 500 experimenters of various sizes and shapes prac- ticed sitting down in a complete- ly adjustable, specially-built test seat. "All we did was turn screws and push buttons for half an hour, fitting seat to the sitter just like glasses used to be fitted to the eyes." Experimenters averaged their findings on charts and drew up plans for sample seats which Memorial Laboratory To Be Dedicated t. located. jabout the various metals he will * * be using in future designs and Aow they react in different ex- ALTHOUGH the scene is unique ternal situations. to the casual observer, the sight Partuatho s n - for most engineering students is Part of the course in foun- a familiar one. Most fields of en- dry work consists of the building gineering concentration require at f sand molds to hold the burning ________________________metals. The mold must be strong enough to hold the hot metals in the proper shape when poured from the crucible. Metals are heated inside one of the Foundry's three large fur- t paces. Research and experimentation also take place in the confines of the foundry. One of the most re- cent projects was conducted for a large company which was trying to develop molds which could be used in the casting of piston rings and valves. -Daily-Frank Barger GOALPOST THROUGH A ROD AND TRANSIr j s $5.00 per month .' n RENTAL CAN BE APPLIED : i ::; {'.' J fir, V . . x' it <"... " ':::t *- - e- -xcdM that's the word for the Centennial Celebration of .4 --Daily-Frank Barger 1 . j , .. ......-- i (: the UNIVERSITY OF WHEEL AND PISTON MICHIGAN ENGINEER- ING SCHOOL. . / / STYLES i Engineering College Societies Honor Scholastic Achievement In recognition of students who sists of dirt, firey torches and have done outstanding work in the dedication at the mythical god's Compliments of the f? College o rEngineering, two engi- neering college honoraries have been established. i Vulcans accepts into its ranks senior students and Triangles is the honorairy society for juniors. After participation in the ini- tiation process, which includes water, large dunce-like hats, and difficult to perform stunts, engi-, neering college juniors are taken; into the Triangles society.' IInitiation into the Vulcans con- forge-which is sometimes known as the network of steam tunnels of the University. Requirements for membership into the societies include leader- ship abilities as well as a degree of achievement in academic areas. Read and Use Daily Classifieds L ig $1595 i The college man "in the know" is wearing "Winthrop this fall... smart, long wearing, perfect fitting styles with high quality leather or fabric uppers and leather, rubber or crepe, soles. See these values today. MICHIGAN COLLEGE WEEK l BERMUDA April 4 to April 10, 1954 SIX FUN PACKED DAYS IN BERMUDA Round Trip by Pan American World Airways Five-Hour cruise around the Islands Calypso Entertainment Gala College Dance Party Swimming, Volley Ball, Contests Deep Sea Fishing, Horseback Riding, Bicycling LIST YOUR NAME NOW TRAVEL SERVICE. 14 Nickels Arcade Tel. 3-8597 CONGRATULATIONS to the COLLEGE of ENGINEERING for 100 years of Work Well Done from for everything photographic I -,r r I 'W~~R OP r m 6 AIr ® C4 A95 m i I