ENG INEERING CENTENNIAL ISSUE Sirtgn Dad A& 1853 - 1953 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1953 H Famous Engineers Scheduled To Talk C. E. Wilson, Merker, Parker, Moses To Speak on Contributions, Future Featured speakers for the College of Engineering's Centennial celebration will include Charles E. Wilson, Harvey Milton Merker, James Wentworth Parker and Robert Moses. Secretary of Defense, Charles E. Wilson, scheduled to speak on "The Continuing Frontier," has worked with several large corpora- tions in positions ranging from chief engineer to president.j * * * *l WILSON, A GRADUATE in electrical engineering in 1909 from , i Two Day Campus CelebrationSlated Attendance Estimate Reaches 500; Alumni, Faculty Accept Invitations In observation of its hundredth year of existence, the College of Engineering has scheduled a two-day celebration ."Century of Progress" Friday and Saturday. In memory of its century of-history now. completed, the engineer- ing college has invited to the Centennial celebration all living alumni of the college as well .as its current staff, leading industrialists, mem- bers of the State Legislature and students now errolled. AN ESTIMATED 500 will attend proceedings. According to Prof. Stephen S. Attwood of the chemical engineering department, general chairman of the celebration, the affair com- Carnegie Institute of Technology, Development Council Aids 'U' Research Three-hundred industrial cor- porations have allocated funds for scholarships and fundamental re- search in the engineering college. Because of the correlation be- tween work done in the engineer- ing college and in a majority of these corporations, the funds are given to aid in further research which will ultimately aid the pro- gress of the industry. * * * THE DEVELOPMENT Council aids the departments of the en- gineering college in securing fin- ancial support for this research. Acting as an intermediary, the Council answers both monetary and technical needs of the de- partments by matching them with corporation interests. This is accomplished by the preparation of a report by each department stating the needs in equipment and research-funds which is then submitted to the Development Council. The Council then contacts a corporation who may benefit by the research to be done in the particular department. It re- ports the aims of the college in- volved in an attempt to receive a monetary grant with which the research may proceed. THOMAS L. DICKINSON, as- sistant director of the Develop- ment Council, pointed out that in addition to the research interest corporations have in engineers, they are also interested in the universities as a source of corpora- tion personnel. In addition to the financial support received by the en- gineering college from corpora- tions, occasional donations of laboratory equipment are re- ceived as a further means of encouraging research projects. Dickinson reported that most department-corporation contracts are renewed when further study or program expansion is deemed necessary. College Holds Entoineer Rally In an effort to pull the engineer- ing college together into a single group the Engineers Rally Com- mittee is sponsoring a series of: all-college meetings designed to unite the students into a unified whole. The first rally, held Sept. 30 fea- tured Regent Leland L. Doan of the Dow Chemical Co. Regent Doan discussed the chemical in- dustry past, present and future and its connection with our na- tional economy. received an honorary degree in >1949 from Columbia University. Harvey Milton Merker, now inventory control director and consultant on manufacturing for a prominant chemical con- cern will speak on "Centennial History." Merker received a de- gree in chemical engineering fromthe University in 1909 and an honorary master's degree in engineering in 1940. He also holds a doctor of science degree from Wayne University. "Engineering the Future" is the subject of James Wentworth Parker's address. In the past Park- er has served as Chairman of the Industrial Advisory Group to .the Atomic Energy Commission. * * * IN 1949 he went to Germany at the request of General Lucius Clay, military governor, to investi- gate the German utility system and to make recommendations for its reorganization. Parker has also served as a trustee of the Rackham En- gineering Foundation and as re- presentative for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers of the Engineers Council for Pro- fessional Development in 1950. Recently Parker has taken an interest in the University's auto- motive laboratory organizing to- ward provisions for adequate and modern space and equipment in the area of mechanical engineer- ing. Widely known as City Park Commissioner of New York, Robert Moses, speaking on "The Contri- bution of Modern Engineering To Our Society," has also served on many commissions relating to parks, highways, public improve- ments, bridges and regional plan- ning. He has degrees from Yale, 1909; Oxford, 1911 and 1913; Co- lumbia, 1914 and has honorary degrees from Syracuse, Union Bates, Princeton, Hofstra and New York University. He also has re- ceived many medals and awards in recognition of his work. CHIEF PLANNER: k 1 1 k t i { 1 1 Z THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS AT IT APPEARED ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO * * * * * * * * * * * * College of Engineering Celebrates Centennial A history of most of the present School and Rensselaer Polytech- Following the resolution Woode universities in the midwest must nic Institute. asked a question which has never properly credit their origins to Tappan, who was temporarily been satisfactorily answered bys in -need of an instructor decided engineering educators when hec the promulgation of the North-~f to hire Wood who eventually suc- said:k west Oirdinance of 1787 which pro- ceeded to the position of Professor * * * vided for the establishment of of Physics and Civil Engineering "SHOULD the{ entire (engineer-i educational institutions in a rela- when William Guy Peck resigned ing) course be included, in point the position in favor of a job at of time within the present under- tive wilderness. Columbia University. graduate course of four years, or Fifty years after this an act to * * * should a fifth or University year provide for the organization and l be added to complete the course?" government of the University of IMMEDIATELY upon getting Michigan passed the state legisla- fthe post, Wood proposed the first During the next fourteen years Mich n pfour-year curriculum in engineer- Wood developed and offered engineering department which would be distinct from the Liter- ary College but an estimated cost of $373,000 to do this deterred both state and private endowers from putting Wood's suggestion into practice. In the meantime, the engi- neering curricular continued to expand. A course in mining en- gineering was first offered in memorates "a hundred years of' engineering education." The two-day convocation will inaugurate proceedings schedul- ed to continue throughout the academic year of 1953-54. The college will pay tribute to the 25,000 graduates for their service to society, government, educa- tion and industry. An attempt will be made to re- port to guests activities of the college today, and to inform them of the plans and needs of the future. ; x t i i_ Engineering Centennial' Program * * * ODDLY ENOUGH the founding fathers of the University solemnly provided for a professor of civil engineering only if the new school should happen to "require" his services, And two years later Univer- sity President Henry P. Tappan established "a Scientific course parallel to the classical course" containing "besides other branches, Civil Engineering ..." ing and the following year the' Department of Engineering was formally established by the Re-1 gents who said: "An Engineering Course shall be added to the present curricu- lum of the Uiniversit . . and courses on bridge construction, hydraulic motors and the dis- tribution of water in cities. Along with these studies went training in the more basic dis- ciplines of surveying, drawing, descriptive geometry and me- c I' 3 ; .,. t' 1865 and between 1875 and '76 ON THE faculty central plan- an appropriation was granted ning committee, in addition to for creating professorships in Prof. Attwood will be Prof. Ernest mining engineering, metallurgy F. Brater and Prof. Leo. M. Legat- and chemical technology, ski of the civil engineering de- partment; Prof. Jay A. Bolt, Prof. The year 1872 marked the resig- R. Clay Porter and Prof. Wilbert nation of Wood from his position Steffy of the mechanical en- and for .thirty years engineering gineering department and Prof. instruction at the University was Alan B. Macnee, Prof. Jack F. conducted by. a triumvirate con- Cline and Prof. Richard K. Brown sisting of Charles Ezra Greene, of the electrical engineering de= Joseph Baker Davis and Charles partment. Simeon Denison. Sul i o1 ~lV y51 . . ". a11 , G7i1)14 GaIGU } Mla 1C the degree of Civil Engineer be chanical engineering. conferred upon those who may pursue the Engineering Course Most of these courses, like those and pass the approved examina- of the present era, were based on tion the needs of the day and so it was quite properly expected by the governors of the University that ( , D 1o }d- the engineering student be able U'TO Dedictateto ans"e"'ouest"on."""que"h a ' I And so the antecedents of the A i" ""rn nreset Collegof nf Zeinerin~y hadi IVT . if !-+ - 1/Li a,.!+U . '11 *.J. .jULAt'JV1JJ I.UII 41,4. +k * * been laid in a cautious and not N rt1 a---PUS AT WHAT season of the year altogether visionary manner. :[can our earthen roads be worked The impetus for the solid foun- M em orial Lab most advantageously." and " In grading a- hill, is it more econom- dation of the College of Engineer- icad t cu t mote epth ing did not ge#newa ni ical to cut at once to the depth s ing ddno get underway until a By GENE HARTWIG required and to fill at once to the young man from the East decided#hegtrqidorodo'sby to risk his future career in the Dedication of the Cooley Me- height required or to do so by growing city of Chicago. morial Laboratory on the North partial cuttings and fillings? Campus Saturday will bring to The early classes in engineer- IN 1857 DeVolson Wood made completion the first phase of a Tig instruction were conducted up his mind to take a hazardous huge development program en- in the South Wing of Univer- train ride to the city but when he visioned by the University to meet Hall, in rooms once used to reached Detroit he suddenly dis- the demands of expanding re- house registered students. Dur-.o covered that his financial re- search and increased enrollment hg the '60's Wood handled most sources were spent. in future years. I of the teaching burden himself. Leaving his baggage in De- Completion of the $1,150,000 re- troit, Wood hikedintoAnn Ar- search center is only a beginning Classrooms at that time were bor and introduced himself to of the proposed campus which will stoked by either a teacher or an President Tappan as a practic- have 20 or more buildings includ- obliging student. ing teacher, having received de- ing all the housing,' recreational grees from the Albany Normal ' and dining facilities of a full- * * * fledged educational unit . IN 1781 WOOD first suggested *the establishment of a separate * * * UNDER THE tutelage of these professors a separate department of engineering was established in 1895 and 331 students enrolled in the department during its first official operating semester'. At that time serial numbers were assigned to each student- a system which has been con- tinued to the present time. ! When the cornerstone of the! West Engineering Bldg: was laid in 1902 nearly half a century of engineering building on campus had preceded it Also on the Centennial com- mittee are Prof. G. Brymer Wil- liams and Prof. William P. Wood of the chemical engineering de- partment; Prof. Harry B. Ben- ford of the marine engineering department; Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson and Prof. Robert M. Howe of the aeronautical en- gineering department; Prof. William W. Gilbert and Prof. Richard Flynn of the production engineering department and Prof. W. W. Hagerty, Prof. Thomas A. Hunter and Prof. Ed- ward A. Yates on the engineer- ing mechanics department. The list concludes with Prof. 1.W.:Earl Britton and Prof. Edmund * * P. Dandridge of 'the English de- THE FIRST engineering build-'!partment and Prof. Robert H. ing, situated on the southeast cor- Hoisington of the drawing de- ner of the campus was a mechani- partment, cal laboratory and was equippedI The committee expressed theI with a foundry, forge shop, en- feeling that by thus bringing to gine room, patter sho and' ma-the alumni information concern- chine shop. ing the functioning of the col- lege, interest in the word done In 1885 additional laboratory here might be stimulated and in-I See CENTURY, Page 4 creased. 0 E* *N Es Thursday, October 22 4-9 p.m.: Registration, Lobby, Michigan Union; Departmental Ci- tation group meetings as arranged. Friday, October 23 9 a.m.-9 p.m.: Registration, Lob- by, Michigan Union. 9-12 a.m.: Open House-Engineer- ing College, but in addition labora- tories open for inspection all day Friday and Saturday. Noon: Luncheon, Ballroom, Michigan Union, Dean Brown and President-Emeritus Ruthven 2 p.m.: Robing for Academic Procession, Rear Rooms, Hill Au- ditorium. * * * 2:30 p.m.: Convocation, Hill Au- ditorium. (Open to the public); Carillon and Organ; President Hatcher presiding; Invocation and Benediction - Rev. Henry Lewis; Honorable Charles E. Wilson-Ad- diress "The Continuing Frontier"; Conferring of Honorary Degrees; Citation of Distinguished Alumni. 4 p.m.: Reception for Alumni guests to meet friends and faculty of the College, Michigan League. 6:30 p.m. Banquet, Ballroom, Michigan Union; Toastmaster, Mr. L. R. Crandall, President, George A. Fuller Company; Uni- versity of Michigan Glee Club; .Announcements, Dean Brown; Dr. Robert Moses, Commission- er of Parks, N.Y.-Address "The Contribution of Modern Engi- neering to Our Civilization." Saturday, Oct. 24 9-12 a.m.: Registration, Rack- ham Building. 9:30 a.m.: Rackham Lecture Sijall; Regent Eckert presiding; Dr. H. M. Merker, "Centennial History"; "The First Hundred"- color film of the College; Dean Brown, "The College Today and Tomorrow"; Mr. J. W. Parker, Past President, Detroit Edison Company "Engineering the Fu- ture." 10:30-2:30 p.m.:Veteran 'cars of the Huron Valley Chapter of the Veteran Motor Car Club of Amer- ica will be on exhibition in the Mall, and end with a parade thrqugh town. 12:30 p.m.: Luncheon, Ballroom, Michigan League; Regent Boni- steel presiding: Vice President Pierpont. "The North Campus De- velopment"; Mr. M. Blanchard, "The Origin of the Engineering Research Institute"; Mr. W. L. Cisler, President, The Detroit Edi- son Company, Dedication of The Mortimer E. Cooley Building; Dr. R. G. Folsom, "The Engineering Research Institute." 2:30 p.m.: Opening of The Mor- timer E. Cooley Building; Buses will be in the Mall to transport - guests to the North Campus. 7 p.m.: Class dinners as ar- ranged. Engineers Plan Citation Awards At Friday afternoon's convoca- Centennial Chairman Teaching. 33 Years. Prof. Stephen S. Attwood, chairman of the Faculty Centen- nial Committee, has had a long and colorful career in the field of engineering. The chairman of the electrical engineering department received his B.S.E. degree here in mechani- cal engineering. When he joined the Naval Re- serve as an ensign in 1918, he serv- gineering in 1920. He received his master's degree in that field in 1923 and a full professorship was awarded him in 1938. Working for private companies during the summers of his early teaching years, Prof. Attwood did research on distribution and research problems, electrical in- sulation and lightning. During the last war, Prof. Att- wood was director of Columbia University's Wave Propagation group for national defense, which was sponsored by the Office of Scientific Research and Develop- ment. In 1945 he was consultant for the Committee on Wave Pro- pagation. ' AMONG THE many committees he has served on here have been LOCATED ACROSS the Huron River on a site of mud flats and' rolling brush covered hills, the Cooley lab will be the University's; center for engineering research. Dedication ceremonies for the new building will be held, in Rackham Lecture Hall. Follow- ing the dedication there will be a tour of the new lab and north campus site by those attending the Engineering centennial cele- bration. Guest speakers at the dedica- tioh ceremonies will include Mur- ray Blanchard, '98, one of the originators of the Engineering Re- search Institute idea in 1916, Walker L. Cisler, president of the Detroit Edison Company, and Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-president of the University. PROF. RICHARD G. Folsom, director of the institute will also speak on the program with Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel scheduled to preside over the dedication cere- 'monies. Announcement of the huge 17 E -: riast engineering Bilding Also at the rally was Dean George Granger Brown of the College of Engineering and Presi- dent Harlan H. Hatcher. Engineerinci Fil ig the Executive Committee of the 'a graduate school, Executive Com- mittee of the engineering college and the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls. . A fellow of the American In- I stitute of Electrical Engineers,j Prnf & Atnnd wn,c a n it.V(nm,- I: North Campus development was first made in January 1952. At that time the 267 acre tract of rolling land north of the Huron River was designated as a home for the University's rapidly ex- panding research program and as .........__________