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October 17, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-17

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__________________________________________ I I

Cooling Of f
In Trieste
Associated Press News Analyst
rHE TRIESTE situation, fanned to the ig-
nition point by the Anglo-American an-
nouncement on plans to withdraw from their
occupation zone, has gotten so hot that all
sides now seem determined to cool it off...
Italy, especially, which showed signs for
several days of sticking doggedly to the
Anglo-American plan to give her Zone A,
including the port city, has now begun to
talk again about the prospects of further
The foreign ministers of France, Britain
and the United States, conferring in Lon-
don, are intent on working out something
that will remove the Yugoslav threat to
fight if the Italians attempt to put their
troops in.
The first hope of the original move, over
and above the fact that it was designed to
get Italy's approval of the European De-
fense Community, was to bring the Italians
and Yugoslavs face to face with the necessi-
ty of a practical agreement which the Big
Two hoped would make permanent the pres-
ent temporary zonal boundary.
The actual result was to create a situation
which if carried through would place Ital-
ian and Yugoslav troops face to face in a
highly explosive atmosphere.
It is now very likely that this move will
bedelayed, if not entirely abandoned, in
favor of renewed negotiations between
Belgrade and Rome, or a four- or five-
power conference to attempt an agreed
There is a feeling in some quarters that
a settlement might be reached if the big
powers were to formally repudiate their 1948
policy of giving all of Trieste territory back
to Italy, coupled with a promise by Italy
that, in return for Zone A, she would com-
pletely renounce her claims on Zone B.
The trouble with that is that both the
Yugoslav and Italian governments, having
stirred up the animals of public opinion
at home, are now in the position of having,
the animals turn on them if they show any
signs of compromise.
It seemed more likely that Tito's sugges-
tioh for a general conference of the most
closely involved powers would be accepted,
in the hope that, even if it could not pro72
duce a definitive settlement, it at least would
give the two parties, a chance to cool off.
At any rate, the possibility that a clash j
between Italy and Yugoslavia would set
off a general war made everyone under-k
stand that "face" has become a minor mat-j
ter in the dispute.
The Allies, and everyone else, will just
have to cut their cloth to fit the case, re-
gardless of who is embarrassed.
Claire BootheLuce, ambassador to Rome,
has been both credited with and accused of
producing the Trieste idea originally. Wheth-
er that is true, no one person will get credit
or blame for it in the long run. It was
handled at top levels in the State Depart-
ment amid a secrecy unusual even for those
soundproof walls.
At the Orpheuin . . .
BELLISSIMIA, with Anna Magnani
BELLISSIMA'S real value as a film lies not
in the plot or technical construction, but
rather in the performance of Italy's out-
standing actress, Anna Magnani. As the as-
sertive mother whose hopes are projected into
her child's life, Miss Magnani undertakes to
portray all the various emotional patterns
that entei' into the complex structure of the

family unit.
The story revolves around a mother's
desire to see her daughter achieve fame
and fortune in the movies. Through an
old American trick of a movie contest
opportunity raises its ugly head. During
the life of the contest the mother finds
that the world is not quite as interested
in her child as she thinks they should be.
The real meaning of life and its realization
in the child comes through at the end,
leading to a rather melodramatic ending
which makes its point too crudely.
Miss Magnani occupys the screen almost
every moment during which time she com-
pletely dominates the action. She is alter-
nately the violently passionate female de-
fending her brood from its enemies and then
the gentle wife and mother. Almost animal-
like in her intense desire to secure fame
and fortune for her child, she argues, con-
joles, screams, and rages at obstacles put in
her way by unsympathetic outsiders. Through
all this emotion shines the eternal image of
the mother whose life finds fulfilment in her
Tina Apicella, who plays- Maria., the
daughter, is the only one able to direct
any attention from Miss Magnani's per-
formance. Her naturalness is refreshing,
and forms a point of stability in a picture
as violent as this one. She seems destined,
however, to fade away due to the Italian's
propensity to use a performer for only
one picture.
As a general impression, one might say
that but for the two fine acting performances,
this movie is quite trivial and unworthy of


. . LettePJ to e fi .

SEOUL--The airfield is not Kimpo now,
where Sam Jaskilka's little band of
weary Marines reached the high ground
above the airstrip as dusk was falling and
marched through the sunset to the bivouac
by the redoubt, where the attack came in
the night. But Seoul City Airport as they
call it, is across the river just as Kimpo was.
The sandy bluffs are there along the
river too where the lumbering train of
troop-laden ducks stalled for a nervous
hour. The Han is the same shallow, silt-
laden streami that the ducks seemed to
take an eternity to cross, while the Ma-
rines speculated on what sort of opposi-
tion the outfit would meet on the other
side, and Jaskilka quietly talked about
what his country meant to him.
But now there is a bridge and one rolls
easily across in a friend's car, observing the
speed limit of the M.P.'s.
The last time, after the river was crossed,
there were long days in the hills above the
city, with the Marines grimly fighting their
way forward through the enemy defenses.
And after that there was the city in flames,
and the triumphal entry of Douglas Mac-
Arthur and Syngman Rhee, and the cere-
mony of celebration, with MacArthur-mag-
niloquent yet somehow so stirring, in the
grand hall of the hideous, half-ruined cap-
ital, where the smoke stink leaked through
the broken roof and a couple of North Ko-
rean corpses had only been half tucked out
of sight by the entrance.
But now there are squalid suburbs. and
then the brisk, busy, almost idotically cheer-
ful new city of Seoul which is enjoying the
peace while it lasts.
The contrast between then and now is
not inspiring. Then, at any rate, the Amer-
icans in Korea and in a considerable meas-
ure their government in Washington were
showing a courage that made one proud.
But now the drama of Seoul is a comedy-
the American government anxiously shuf-
fling its feet and making appeasing ges-
tures, before the embarassing, the really
too upsetting, the half lunatic but still
altogether too convincing displays of the
courage. of Syngman Rhee.
The situation here after the truce can be
simply if unpalatably summarized. The
truce has settled nothing. And there is not
a single inhabitant of Seoul who has thought
about the matter for more than five min-
utes who expects the political conference
to settle anything either, if it occurs at all.
North of the line, the enemy is strength-
ening his position and desperately work-
ing to rebuild the North Korean army,
from what manpower in that depopulat-

ed land, no one can tell. South of the
line, we have withdrawn to defensive po-
sitions, and the buildup of the ROK
army continues at high speed and at
great expense. On the truce line, mean-
while, the prisoners we fought for are in
obvious jeopardy.
Here in South Korea the best rice harvest
in decades is gleaming golden in the paddy
fields, and the hope of the harvest and the
almost equally golden hope of American aid
serve as it were to guild the ruins that are
South Korea. With $1,000,000,000 of aid
promised, the Korean government, whose
strong suit is not economics, is a bit like a
kid in a toy store. But this country has al-
most no resources except people, -rice arid
scenery, and the Mutual Security Admin-
istrator has a tough job ahead. -
UCH IS the small talk, so to speak, of
the current situation. The grand item of
discussiornthe irrepressible King Charles
head of every conversation in Seoul, can be
summed up in one question. What will Syng-
man Rhee do?
As to what the old man can do, there
is no need for argument. He has his army,
which he absolutely controls. The smart
young commanders of the ROK divisions
do not want to renew the attack on the
enemy, but they will do so if ordered to,
in the opinion of all competent authori-
ties here. They have been put on short sup-
ply rations by the Americans, just in case,
but they have plenty of ammunition and
fuel for the initial move. That is all Rhee
cares about if he means what he says.
The old man can breach the truce, can
start the war again, if he so decides.
As to what Rhee will decide, in the al-
most certain event that the political con-
ference does not give him what he wants,
literally no one seems to have the faintest
notion. In Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor and Am-
bassador Ellis Briggs the American govern-
ment has two representatives here who are
a credit to the U.S. But these two experi-
enced and judicious men seem to be just as
puzzled as everyone else.
Briggs and Taylor, it can be said on good
authority, have formally wiarned Washington
that although the outcome is doubtful, we
must be ready for Rihee to renew the war,
and we must have our policy prepared in
advance for the crisis this will produce. In
iresponse the Washington authorities have
somewhat frantically ordered Mutual Securi-
ty Administrator Wood to pour out his
blessings with a lavish hand, in the hope
that a sense of the comforts of peace will
make the South Koreans peaceable.
iCopyrigbt, 1953. New York Herald Tribune. Inc.)

A Correction . . .

World Series

To the Editor:

HE ISSUE of October 15 car-
erid the statement "the Dean
of Women invited Student Legis-
lature to submit the names of stu-
dents to sit on the University sub-
committee on Regents - Alumni
scholarships." My authority con-
sisted in extending an invitation
coming from that subcommittee,
of which I am one member.
-Deborah Bacon
Dean of Women
* * *
Nonsense . . .
To the Editor:
NUMEROUS invitations from the
Young Republicans and Young
Democrats have appeared in the
Letters column during the last
few weeks. They all carry the same
theme-join our club and save the
world from total disastef.
This is nonsense. With political
apathy at its peak on this campus.
the YR's and YD's have difficilty
enough saving themselves from to-
tal disaster, let alone the rest of
the world. One of the major ac-
complishments these clubs can
claim is self-perpetuation.
However, campus politiciansj
often feel dejected by their inca-
pacity to influence national and
campus issues. "Why have club
meetings at all?" they ask. They
fail to see thevother needawhich
the clubs can very adequately fill
-the need for self-expression.
They should realize that half
the pleasure comes from learning
political "truths" and half comes
-from telling these "truths" to oth-
ers. Political clubs bring together
students who have discovered the
"right" way. and gives each, mem-
ber an opportunity to show oth-
ers how his own views are "right"
while their views are "wrong."
This satisfies everyone because,
whether or not anyone else has
been convinced, each member
feels he has at least given the oth-
ers a chance to learn the "truth."c
Although discussion among its
members remains the only real;
accomplishment of political clubs,
it may yet be necessary that mem-
bers imagine their clubs can ac-
complish political objectives of
far-reaching significance. Politi-r
cians consider it somewhat degrad-e
ing to admit they attend clubc
meetings just to have an audience
for their views. They would rath-
er believe their own attendance is
required by "a devotion to the gen-_
eral welfare." What they believec
is really irrelevant. Imagination
merely masks their true objective1
behind a glorified ideal.
-Bernie Backhaut
Todd Jones, . .
To the Editor
IHE DEATH of Todd Jones in
an automobile accident has
come as a great blow to all of us.
Aside from his work in business,
he was active for years in the
church. community projects, thec
Civic Theater, and over the radio.
Most recently he appeared as an
actor on "They Fought Alone," a -
series produced by the University1
station under a grant from the
Ford Foundation. He gave his
talents freely and generously to 1

- - - - '" -,, ' , - ' " ,, . - a-'a
volves the definite act of combin- Speech Departments
ing for a purpose which is speci-
fied. Before these defendents can Purpose . ..
be convicted, they must be found To the Editors:
to have done such an act. s it not possible that the Sp
-Gene Alkema Department's purpose in its
James I. Beatty quired assemblies is simply to

s re-
o ac-

Sober Saul-.
To the Editor:

quaint its students with a number
of the types of oratory currently
practised in the United States?
-Robina Quale



'oncerning the last paragraph,
recently brought to the atten- Billy (rfthtm . . .
tion of your humble servant, of To the Editor:
that piece which treated of ad- It is too bad that there was any
ministrative matters in our faintly ill-feeling about the speech de-
Saint-Simonian. assembly. I am partment's lecturer, Billy Graham.
taking the opportunity to elucidate I believe that for a man with such
your suggestive lines on deposed a vital message burning within
magistrate Davis, and to further Jhim, he was exceedingly composed
define the ontological recesses of in Wednesday's talk. Therefore,
this somewhat indelicate excipio I don't see how anyone, Christian
excipiendis of yours. The truth be- or non-Christian could possibly be
dg th'at dMr.Davis was neither offended by anything he said. In
"forced" to "drop off SL", nor, a democracy such as we are pri-
having chosen to sever all political vileged to live, there is little pres-
ties, did he eventually do so "be- sure put on us to listen to topics
cause of lack of attendance at or opinions to which we do not
meetings"-old and tired. this ven- care to listen. In a case such as
erable commentator to Verdi, Sar- Billy Graham. I earnestly believe
danapalus and pre-Sumerian Tro- this is too bad, as he could show
glodytiques, retires from the public so many how they might find
cultivation of succes de scandale, great peace and love than they
willingly, to resume his ancestral ever could have imagined existed.
seat at Lake Como. because, in his Yes, Dr. Graham is a dangerous
own words. "Forensis palls, inwit speaker in that under many cir-
is cheap, gentlemen, and I am cunstances he is able to open
for hunting." We wish him well, men's hearts and minds to salva-,
sober soul of defiance and con- tion and God. It is dangerous for
viction. people who are afraid to believe
Andiamo! on the basis of faith, but must
-Cona -l 1.('enner have scientific proof for their be-
lief. Dangerous to them ' because
Illegicity *.*. he has a. great to influence men.
I personally wish there were
To the Editor: some pill or shot we could give
people so they would take the ad-
egardin the editorial, "Oratory vice of Billy Graham and others
Lives On" which appeared in like him. Since God gave us a
The Daily Thursday, Oct. 15, it free will this will not happen.
can only be said that the tragedy When, however, He has sent a per-
of ignorance was clearly demon- son like Dr. Graham into the world
strated. The one mistake which with this urgent message, it is
Dr. Graham made was apparently unfortunate that we can not be-
his supposition that everyone there lieve and have faith rather than
possessed some degree of intelli- criticize and have doubt.
gence and logic. That so little can -Janet Smith
be known about history and the * * *

I am not a zealous disciple of
Christ, Mohammed, Abraham,
Confucius, Ghandi, Gautama Bud-
dha, or anyone else. I consider it
a great opportunity to hear an ad-
vocate of any of these tell me why
theirs is the way to truth and
light, and I hope to gain enriching
thoughts from each philosophy,
However, I have more confidence
in my own intellectual integrity
than to fear that several talks on
Christianity will blind me to all
other theologies any more than
familiarity with Marxian doc-
trines will turn me to a fanatic
Communist. I am not afraid of
ideas be they drawn from soap-
box demonstrators, radio propa-
gandists, or literary philosophers.
I am afraid for the University, for
America, and for freedom if we
close our shelves, our auditoriums,
and our minds to any idea.
As for the speech department
requiring attendance at Dr. Gra-
ham's address, it was obviously
interested in having students ob-
serve the delivery technique of
one of today's foremost orators
(regardless of subject matter). I'm
sorry the professor's faith in a
student's intellectual freedom was
not sustained.
-Wendy Coerper
Christian Principles . .
Letter to the Editor:
A soft, tender voice, and the right
chosen words said to a pros-
pective bride still carry tremendous
This example, which is re-iter-
ated over and over again by thous-
ands of young romeos, shows that
logic need not enter into a declara-
tion of love.
The article written by Phyllis
Lipsky and Pat Roelofs in the
Daily for Oct. 15, 1953, causes me
to wonder if they understand what
Billy Graham said in his address
to University students.
When dealing with personal
faith just as personal love, rea-
son and logic play a very small
part. The seemingly simple so-
lution stated by Billy Graham is
not simple at all. It calls for per-
sonal faith in Jesus Christ as the
Saviour from personal sin. To
admit sin and human iniquity and
then to live a Christian Life is not
an easy thing to do for a person
raised in this scientific era.
Nevertheless I would like to a's
our "critics" to explain or show
the "false analogies and generali-
zations without factual backing"
of -which they speak. Also I would
ask our "critics" to give us rea-
sons why they believe that this
"oratorical power" of Christian
principles is "dangerous and de-
-John Hyma Jr. Grad.
* * *
Spiritual renaissance .
To the Editor:
believe S. Laikin will find that
the reason students were requir-
ed to hear Billy Graham was not
because he is a notable Christian,
but because he is one of the na-
tion's most potent orators.
Those students like S. Laikin
that are not Christians should
bear in mind that the "Spiritual
Renaissance" that Dr. Graham
called for would include an awak-
ening of other faiths.
-N. R. Williamsen, Jr.
t Clt Y ; tI'

s 'ith 0DR1W I'AISON


- ------


SPRINGFIELD, Mo-Back in 1948 the farmI
belt thought it had won, once and for
all, the battle of government storage forI
grain. And one reason farmers today are so
sore at the Republicans is that this year
they've had to fight the storage battle all
over again.
It was in 1948 that a Republican-controll-
ed Congress passed a provision whereby the
Agriculture Department was not "permit-
ted to "own, lease or acquire" storage for
grain. As a result private grain elevatorsI
either hoisted rates or depressed the grain
prices they offered farmers, following
which an angry farm belt showed what it;
thought of the Republicans by re-electing
Harry Truman.
Last June midwest farmers, who had
voted so enthusiastically for Eisenhower,.
woke up with a shock to find that the
man they elected wasn't with them re-
garding grain storage after all. The shock
came at a Des Moines meeting of farm
leaders on June 3, when Undersecretary
of Agriculture True D. Morse announced
there would be no more government stor-
"If the government must resort to buying
bins and putting them up to store corn,"
said the Undersecretary of Agriculture, "we
will have to look at them in the future as
monuments to the failure of free enterprise."
That afternoon the pro - Eisenhower,
staunchly Republican Des Moines register
came out with headlines: "U.S. to quit stor-
ing grain." Simultaneously there was a hor-
rendous cry from farm leaders.
Later that day Undersecretary Morse went
back before the same meeting and denied
his own statement. Even though the state-
ment was in the written text of his speech,
he denied making it.
"I've heard plenty of official denials," re-
marked Jim R. Russell, farm editor of the
Des Moines Register, "But that's the first
time I've ever heard a man deny his own
statement before the same crowd to whom
he made the statement."
* *' * *
THE QUICKNESS of Morse's denial in-
dicates the wrath of farmer sentiment
on this touchy question of storage.

! the arid southwest, with special permission
from Secretary Benson. Meanwhile also,
Senator Murray of Montana was demand-
in that corn-storage bins be diverted to
Montana to talie care of its expected 113,-
000,000-bushel wheat crop.
Finally and perhaps most important. the
effect of inadequate storage was to depress
the price of wheat faster and more disas-
trously than at any time in three years. For
thet first time since 1950 wheat dropped the
full 10-cent limit allowed by the board of
trade in one day.
"Inadequacy of storage space for the large
new crop." was the reason given by the
journal of commerce on June 16.
* * *; *
HE REASON why farmers attach so much
importance to grain storage is quite sim-
ple. To the city dweller the question of grain
elevator space or corn cribs would seem ei-
ther one for free enterprise or else academ-
But the farmer cannot get the benefit of
government price supports unless he is able
to store his grain. And when he goes to the
private grain elevator, its manager can
sometimes charge him whatever he wants.
For instance, the government support
price of wheat last summer was around $2.20
a bushel, and theoretically the government
would pay any farmer that amount for his
But actually many farmers got around
$1.60 or $1.70 a bushel. In other words they
sometimes took a loss of 80 cents a bushel-
because they couldn't store their wheat.
For, first, they had to get it stored be-
fore the government would pay the price
support; and second, many private elevator
operators, knowing the farmer is in a
tight pinch, squeezed him. The operator
knows the farmer can't take his wheat or
corn anyplace else, knows that the eleva-
tor operators have all the storage space
sewed up. So he pays the farmer what the
traffic will bear-regardless of the sup-
port price.
Sometimes two elevator operators get to-
gether and buy up each other's space with-
out actually using it. So, when the farmer
tries to get-a place for his grain, both op-
- -.- .. ,


innumerable activities. Although downfall of nations; about the:
not directly connected with the menace of Communism; and even
University, his influence on stu- less of Christianity is indeed ap-
dents and faculty and his friend- palling. Somewhat appalling also,
ship with them was profound. He but very reasonably to be expected
had great creative talents and was is that such ignorance would ex-
a warm friend. pose its inability to differentiate
-E. G. Burrows, sincerity, wisdom and reality from
Program Director, WUOM emotion, illogicity and absurdity.
* * -Lewis F. Finkel
Scored ..
To the Editor:f 11lAllIT I1'I PJ

Intolerance .. .
To the Editor:
Miss Laikin's comments on Dr.
Graham's sermon were an in-
teresting example of the very in-
tolerance he so vehemently op-
poses. Intolerance is the result of
poor understanding, fear, and a
closed mind.

A I it 11I I UrIPIA1

I've been wondering whether it's
you or I who should be credited
with the neatest trick of the week.
According to the Daily of October


4 r The Daily Official Bulletin is an game. Fresh Air Camp. Return Sunday
14, I "scored" the Senate resolu- ;j official publication of the University p~m. Call reservations to Unv. Ext. it-orhYa
tions (for which I had voted) "as of Michigan for which the Michigan 2851. All foreign and American students Six!y-Fouth Year
a gain . . . " Daily assumes no editorial responsi- welcome. Edited and managed by students of
-Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb bility. Publication in it is construc- HFn n____ the University of Michigan under the-
t . ive notice to all members of the Hillel Foundation activities for the authority of the Board in Control of
University. Notices should be sent in week end: Student Publications.
Conspiracy , .TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Sat., Oct. 17-9 am.. Community
Administration Building before 3 p.m. vices; 4-6 p.m., Football open house Ed i Sta
To the Editor: the day preceding publication (before followed by a Havdalah service.Hayinoriaan d
11 a.m. on Saturday). I Sun., Oct. 18-5 p.m., Hillel Chorus HryLn ..... aaigEio
In a letter of October 14, Mike meets; 6 p.m., Supper Club; 8 p.m., IZFA Eric vetter .,,......... City Editor
Sharpe wrote, "Six communists .LX O R 17, 1953 movie; 8:30 p.m., Game night. Virginia Voss....... Editorial Director
in Detroit are not charged with Vlunker's Hour, sponsored by theie Wlr. ssoc City ditor
Dunkr'sHou, sonsi~e bytheAlice B3. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director
doing anything nor even teaching I otices Newman Club, will be held in the Fa- Diane Decker._......Associate Editor
or advocating anything. They are Late permission for women students ther Richard Center today after the Helene Simon........Associate Editor
charged with conspiracy to teach who atter sthe Chew st we l- football game. Coee andoghnus Ivan Kaye............Sports Editor
chared ithconpiray t tech whoattnde th CheterBowes ec-will be served and everyone is wel- Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
and advocate." ture on Thurs., Oct. 15, will be no lat- come to attend. Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
That is a fallacy. There is a er than 10:50 p.m. Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
substantive ci-ime involved, the Roger Williams Guild. Open House Don Campbell.....Head Photographer
cm f n ri otcesat the Guild House following the foot-
crime of conspiracy."Conspiracy.isic ball game. Cider and doughnuts.
a combination or an agreementta. , Bring your friends. Business Staf
between two or more pel'sons for' Geometry Seminar, RMon., Oct. 19, 7 a rn orfins hmsTegr Bsns aae
ewenwo rmrepsnsorp.m., 3001 Angell Hall. There will be Thomas Treeger. .....Business Manager
accomplishing an unlawful end, ofa discussion of "Straight Line as an C in g Events William Kaufman Advertising Manager
a lawful end by unlawful means." Element of Three-Space." icEuinCOHarlean Hankin..Ass . Business Mgr.
Black's Law Dictionary, p. 383, 4th Music Education Club, Tues., Oct. 20, WilliamSeiden......Finance Manager
ed.. 1951. The Mathematics Orientation Semi- 7:15 to 8:30, Michigan Union Rooms 3 James Sharp.... Circulation Manager
-nar will meet Mon., Oct. 19, at 3 p.m. R&S. Student group of Music Educators
Persons charged with the sub- in 3001 Angell Hal.t Mr. Joseph Manogue National Conference. Miss Hood will
stantive crime of conspiracy are will speak on "A Student Views Analv- tell about her trip to Europe. Refresh- Telephone 23-24-I
charged with having done some- sis: The Case of One and Several Com- ments.
+hing- thir p 'haroPr4 -with h a_ plex Variables."-



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