PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1953 '""'i!!""" SL Offers Busy Clubs Clerical Aid Campus organizations and in- dividuals interested in finding somebody to type, mail, duplicate messages and lick postage stamps can now obtain these office ser- vices at the Student Legislature Bldg. SL's newly-initiated office ser- vice staff plans to keep charges for their work to a minimum so that clubs can contact members more easily. Students wishing to have their term papers typed are also eligible to hire the services of the new SL staff, at a cost of 30 cents for each typewritten sheet. Mailing and addressing post- cards will cost 45 cents for 25 cards or 60 cents for 60 to 100 cards, plus the cost of the cards themselves. If the cards can be mailed through the campus post- al service, 60 cents will pay for purchasing and mailing 25 post- cards. Any organization or individual interested in securing the service should apply at least two days be- fore the work is needed, according to office service personnel. Established as a part of the ex- ecutive wing structure'approved by SL this fall, the office service is already open for business at the SL Bldg. DAILY OFFICIAL I BULLETIN FOR SALE The Daily Official Bulletin is an MICHIGAN DAILY official publication of the University FOR SALE-CTwoIwarm DAnter -oa-s-- of Michigan for which the Michigan Phone 23-24-1 Strook wool, perfect condition, very Daily assumes no editorial responsi- HOURS: 1 tc 5 P Ms bility. Publication in it is construe- reasonable. Other wearing apparel. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING sire 9-10. Ph. 2-2158. }3 tive notice to all members of the AiSNG )8 University. Notices should be sent in RATES ! PARAKEETS - Healthy, home raised TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 birds suitable for training. Also ca- Administration Building before 3 p.m. LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAY naries s f in . 7th. the day preceding publication (before 2 .60 1.34 1,96 11 a.m. on Saturday). 3 .70 1.78 2.94 A NEW TUXEDO-single breasted, size 1____ 4 .90 2.24 3.92 36, price $35.00, call 9720 after 10 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1953 Figure 5 verage words to a line. 90B VOL. LXIV,No. 22 _ _C1issified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. EVERGREENS: at wholesale ___Pfitzer Juniper ..... ....$2.50 to $7.50 Notces Pyramidal Arbor Vitae ..$2.00 to $5.00 Ls4. Students. Any student with the LOST AND FOUND Spreading Yew ..........$2.25to$4.50 of"Studens.oAnynstu et"LOSToANDnFODwarf Mugho Pine ......$2.50 to $4.00 grade o#$"", o n eot"o ___ his record for a course taken the last LOST-Men's brown horn-rimmed glass- Also Blue Spruce, hemlock, fir, etc.! period he was in residence, must have es. Bill Merner, Law Club, 3-4145. )8A Call Michael Lee 574 or see me at 4100 Chem. Bldg. )36B the course completed by Fri., Oct. 16, -- --°_ _.--; or the grade will lapse to an "E." Ex- FOUND-Man's GrenrautowCad whG. E. RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, 4 years tensions of time beyond this date to Birgham, 2-7082. )20A old with 78" changer and separate make up incompletes will be for ex-, . L.P. arm. Best offer over $25; China traordinary cases only. Such exten- LOST-All my keys in their red and Cabinet, $15. Call 3-4855. )87B sions may be discussed with the Chair- white plastic keyholder, 4018 Stock- WIRE RECORDER, radio, record player; man of the Faculty Counselors for well. Ph. 3-1561. )21A table model combination. Ph. 3-8698. Juniors and Seniors, or with the Chair- _______________________-Ph.3-8698 man of the Faculty Counselors for LOST - Gray Parker pencil between )86B Freshmen and Sophomores. Lloyd and Angell Hall Thursday FOR SALE-Clloand bow in excellent ROOMS FOR RENT OVERNIGHT GUEST ROOMS } Reserve rooms now for Football Week- ends. Rooms by Day or Week. Campus Tourist Homes. Ph. 3-8454. 518 E. Williams St. (near State) )3D PERSONAL ATT'N members of the Prescott Club of '52. Meeting at the Pretzel Ball to dispose of unused funds. Friday, Oct. 17 at 6:00 p.m. Peter E. Fuerst. })12F' ARE YOU enjoying Life today? 8c by subscribing through Student Periodi- cal, phone 6007. )16F HELP WANTED YOUNG LADY for part-time work at soda fountain. Swift's Drug Store. 340 S. State. Ph. 2-0534. )29H -Daily-Lon Qui AWARD-LaMar MacNutt, '55, (left) president of Reeves House, South Quad, accepts an award to Reeves House for having the highest scholastic average in the quadrangle. The award, a col- lection of books for the house library, was presented by Russ O'Brien on behalf of a local bookstore. PAINTED LADIES : Anthropologist's Film Shows 'Lipstick Red' African Wives NOW! 6:30 starring Ronald Rhonda REAGAN -FLEMING ALSO TROUBLE IS HIS GAME! By CARL ZIMMERMAN A South-West African people, whose women cover their bodies with something like lipstick and marry an average of three times, was described in a film shown yes- terday by Prof. Edwin M. Loeb, anthropologist at the University of California. The program, sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, was held in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. THE KUANYAMA Ambo, an ag- ricultural and cattle-raising peo- ple, let wives leave their husbands whenever they , feel like it. The husbands must try to woo them back, Loeb explained. Chastity, however, is import- ant for the women, who must go through a four-day ceremony be- fore marriage in which their purity is tested, he said. Red ochra on hair and bodies is standard makeup, and young wives wear non-removeable hats made with their own hair. Psych Qlub Plans First Coffee Hour The newly formed psychology club will hold a coffee hour open to the public from 3:30 to 4:30 } p.. today in the League.I The club was formed to meet the active interest of undergrad- ute students in psychology. Exper- imental work, discussions and field trips geared to the undergraduate level are being planned. Young men go out herding cat- tle and don't get married for years.t When they get to be grandfathers they win the consolation of wear- ing beards, Loeb said. Chastity used to be very well enforced among the Kuanyama Ambo, he said.j The people live in "kraals" (cor-t rals) - walled enclosures whichi contain "holy fires" supposed toI safeguard the cattle. The cattlet live there too; consequently every a few years a new kraal is built apdI gardens planted where the old one stood. lannum To Talk On Conservation Conservation problems of the delta region in Egypt will be con-, trasted to those of the American Pacific Northwest in a lecture at 4:15 today in the Rackham Am- phitheater by Erwin C. Hannum, acting chief of the Technical As- sistance Mission to Egypt. Hannum has been "on loan" to' the State Department from the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland, to direct advance planning for the development of a resource program for the delta region. The Selective Service College Qualifi-j cation Test will be given here on Thurs., Nov. 19. Application deadline Nov. 2. It is recommended that all men who have not previously taken the test make application for it at Ann Arbor Selec- tive Service Board No. 85, 208 West Washington. The Selective Service Board will then notify applicants of time and place. The result of this test is used by your local draft board for determiningj college deferment.j The test will be given again on April 22, 1954. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Hos- pital-Medical-Surgical Care Plans will be open during the period from October 5 through October 20, for new applica- tions as well as CHANGES IN CON- TRACTS NOW IN EFFECT. These new applications and changes become effec- tive December 5, with the first payroll deduction on November 30. Junior Agricultural Assistant exam- ination is announced by the U. S. Civil Service Commission to fill positions in the Dept. of Agriculture and in the Dept. of the Interior in Washington, D.C., and throughout the U.S. Applica- tion may be made for positions in the following optional fields: Bacteriology, Botany, Entomology, Fishery Biology, Forestry, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Statistics, Wildlife Biology, Zoology, and various fields in Agriculture. The exam- ination is open to graduates with bach- elor's degrees in one of these fields or to students who expect to complete their degrees by June 30, 1954. The clos- ing date for filing applications is Dec. 1, 1953. Examination will probably be given in Ann Arbor. Applications and adidtional information are available at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the i Department of Conservation, "Egypt: Technical Assistance in Resource Use," by Erwin C. Hannum, Acting Chief, Technical Assistance Mission to Egypt, Fri., Oct. 16, Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices Psychology Colloquium will meet on Fri., Oct. 16, at 4:15 in Auditorium "C" (Continued on Page 4) SOLID WALNUT GATELEG TABLE, $25. One large double coil springs, $15.00. One upholstered chair, $1.00. One large walnut veneer table and five chairs, $25. One wool rug, $35. Two large wal- nut veneer buffets, $15 each. One small steel folding cot, $10.00. Large child's coaster wagon, $4.00. Phone 2-9020. )13B ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox, 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )14B 1949 CHEV. 4 dr. DeLuxe. Heater. 2 to choose from. Huron Motor Sales. Ph. 2-3163. ---- - )75B "MOTORIZED BICYCLES"-English 3 gear Hercules with Minimotor. 1 man's and 1 woman's. Used 2 months. morning. Call 5549 Alice Lloyd. )22A FOR SALE 1936 CHEV. 2 Dr. Heater, radio. Runs perfect. Huron Motor Sales. Phone 2-3163. )74B condition. Call 3-4819. )92B '49 PLYMOUTH Suburban station wa- gon. All metal, upholstery, finish ek- cellent. New rings. Good tires. Ph. 2-6008. )81B V.M. TRI-O-MATIO Record Player -- Excellent condition. Phone 2-3179. ) 93B "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" Federal Model 240; Compact Enlarger. Folds into case 15" x 9" x 12". Price, $24.95. Purchase Camera Shop, 1116 So. University. )79B FOR RENT 3-ROOM furnished basement apart- ment. Girls only. 820 Hill St., Phone 3-5375. ) 9C GIRL to share 3 room apartment. Con- tact Ellen Hogan, 815 E. Ann, Apt. 2. )10C MALE CHEMISTRY STUDENT-Medium size manufacturer with large plating department is interested in a student who is in final year of school and has at least two years of University Chem- istry. This is a permanent job with opportunity of working part time un- til next June and a chance to learn plating business from both technicai and production standpoints. This is an' excellent opportunity for the man who is interested in an industrial career and would like to locate in the Ann Arbor area. Mrite Box 216, Saline, Michigan. )30H YOUNG MAN for part time work. Preferably mornings, to help display manage 'with Christmas trim land display. Oct. 15 - Nov. 15. Apply in person at Jacobsons. )31H FULL OR PART TIME cab drivers, male or female. Apply 113 South Ashley.. Phone 9382. )32H MALE STUDENT with mornings free for part time w6rk. Some heavy work. Drivers license necessary. Edward's Letter Shop, 711 N. Univ. )33H BUSINESS SERVICES DR. KENNETH N. WESTERMAN; Voice Development in singing and speak- ing. Member research commitee; Nat'l. Assoc. Teachers of Singing Di- rector, Walden Woods Voice Confer- ence, Author of Emergent Voice. Stu- dio, 715 Granger; phone 6584. E10I TYPEWRITERS! Portable and Standard for rent, sales and service. MORRILL$ 314 S. State St., Phone 7177 WASHING, Finished Work, and Hand Ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing, Also .ironing separately. Free pick- up and delivery. Ph. 2-9020. )2I RADIO SERVICE Auto - Home -- Portable Phono and T.V. Fast and Reasonable bervice ANN ARBOR RADIO AND T.V. "Student Service" 1215 So. Univ., Ph. 7942 1% blocks east of Fast Eng. }31 EXPERT TYPIST -- Rates reasonable. Prompt service. 914 Mary Street. 3-4449. )41 MISCELLANEOUS Don Fairbairn, West Quad John Miller, South Quad Chuck Kelsey, South Quad George Mack, Law Quad are nuthorized agents of the Student Periodical Agency and may accept subscriptions at student rates. Other dorm franchises are available. Phone 25-7843 for information. }5L WANTED TO RENT WANTED-Rooms for Medical Schoel Reunion. Single and double rooms are needed for medical alumni return- ing to Ann Arbor wishing to rent rooms for this period are urgently asked to call the Medical School Of- fice. Ph. 3-1511, ext. 413. )N ROOM WANTED by co-ed student with faculty. Call 2-9710. )2K mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I = Phone 3-0260. )51B CORONNA PORTABLE - Call 2-7326. )56B FOR SALE. English type bike. One week old; not deeded because have car. $30. Phone 2-3834 between 4 & 8 P.M. )59B 1951 CHEV. Convertible Customized. Loaded with extras. Huron Motor Sales. Ph. 2-3136. )77B FOR SALE-Used Motorbikes; Men's Used Bicycles. Whizzer Motor Sales. 654 So. Main. )78B 1948 AUSTIN 4 door. Very clean, heater. Huron Motor Sales. Phone 2-3163. )82B F READ AND USE DAILY CLASS I FIEDS Starting SUNDAY z IN ANN ARBOR it's the V.F.W. Club for DANCING Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Nites ' VIE.W. CI WU Members and Guests 314 E. Liberty St. Ph. 2-3972 You Must Be 21 DUN BAILEY Your Singing Host L HALL RENTALS & BANQUETS '11 a OV ER Mats Eves Today and Saturday Childr It will rank with the finest ever seen in Ann Arbor S. 50c . 70c en 18c COMING U - SATURDAY STARTING SATURDAY as you have never seen him before ... in a picture you'll never forget! GREGORY PECK The man of every girl's dreams . . AUDREY HEPBURN : 95 The screen's most enchanting new star. .. in W 11iam W ej' with EDDIE ALBERT A Paramount Picture isiy ro f4'CU THEIR FEUD MADE THE WHOLE BLACK-GOLD BELT EXPLODE WITH I' BLISTERING EXCITEMENT! I t, i n 4. ,aati' Produced by WILLIAM PERLBERG . Directed by GEORGE SEATON Written for the screen by GEORGE SEATON Baged upon the story "Little Boy Lost" by Marghanita Laski " NEW SONGS- Lyrics by Johnny Burke " Music by James Van Heusen . A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ,-Ab. it, Drj 0 Iselffif c'"LF)WO Ph, 3-5651 TODAY FROM ,:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 Admission 60c 1 ENDING TODAY nn n ur iik Italy's Greatest Actress in her Prize Winning Performance! r- When the Michigan holds a film over, it has to be excellent entertainment. "Roman Holiday" will be a genuine holiday for you too! "A1UR DE EDRCE [OR MA6NANI L "A tired world needs happy pictures like 'Roman Holiday'!" -Evening News, London, England I LEAVING IN FEBRUARY? I Cinema SL quild presents The Razor's Edge TYRONE POWER CLIFTON WEBB ANNE BAXTER GENE TIERNEY FRIDAY 7:00 and 9:00 JOAN CRAWFORD in RAIN ,, THE ARTS THEATER CLUB offers half-year memberships for our first four plays: Oct. 23-Nov. 1 5-"DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS" Nov. 20-Dec. 13-"MANDRAGOLA" Dec. 16-Dec. 19-"NOAH" Kf - I 1 ~ ~ I IA- '- U "lIM~~