PAUL ~FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 195. __________________________________ I _______________________________________ U I 2 itor d7ekte Oratory. By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor PRESIDENT Harlan H. Hatcher's an- nouncement Tuesday of a special faculty committee which will study the membership composition of the Student Affairs Commit- tee may most logically be viewed as an im- portant part of the larger study of Office of Student Affairs reorganization. Like the OSA study, however the di- rection in which the President's commit- tee may move in its recommendations is a matter of conjecture. The basic OSA reorganization question centers around the widely rumored possibil- ity that within the next year or two the of- fice of vice-president in charge of student affairs may be created with the present separate offices of the Dean of Men and Dean of Women placed under this central authority. In making its study of SAC the faculty members, all of whom will be former repre- sentatives to SAC, must consider composi- tion of the group against the background of OSA realignment. Presumably President Hatcher, who is now studying the larger OSA picture, will inform the group of rec- ommendations he will transmit to the Re- gents in regard to the OSA. Even -with knowledge of the President's intentions in this regard, however, the fac- ulty committee will be confronted with a complicated situation, for SAC composition has been a subject of controversy for years. Originally a faculty committee, SAC gradually evolved to a point where rep- resentative students were given speaking rights within its meetings without a vote. Finally seven ex-officio student positions with voting power were established on the committee. The students serve as experienced mem- bers of the campus community rather than as direct representatives of the student body and this basis of selection has been the sub- ject of the most significant debate on SAC composition. On one side the Student Legislature to- gether with various other student leaders has maintained that SAC student members should be representatives of the student body at large rather than the large student organizations. This belief has led in the past to several SL proposals which would have placed appointment of SAC student members with the Legislature. On the other side an equally vociferous . group of student leaders has held to the experience argument, with several sugges tions to grant SL additional representa- tion comprising the middle ground in the controversy. The -other major argument, in which there was near uninamity of student opinion, pro- posed that the committee have a student majority. This plan more significant in phi- losophy than in practicality since there is seldom a faculty-student split within the group, was presented to the Regents several years ago by SAC but was not acted upon. THIS BRIEF discussion outlines problems which the faculty study group must face in making recommendations to the Presi- dent. Undoubtedly the experience vs. rep- - resentation controversy will be renewed. There will also probably be demands for representation from the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic, Inter-House Council and Assembly as well as other groups not now included. It must be recognized also that recom- mendations from the faculty group will have repercussions extending throughout the student affairs area of the University, particularly the student government see- tor. Last year a large committee of student leaders spent weeks studying proposals to reorganize campus student activity control, and though an impasse was reached when the group tried to make recommendations, one idea receiving strong support was the "super-body" concept. Already, it might be said, SAC is in many ways a ,'super-body" since it has vast jurisdiction over all student organizations. A recommendation to the President to in- clude leaders of the residence hall and affili- ate organizations would make the present SAC even more "super-body" in reality and would probably mean a fundamental flow of authority from the representative student government, SL, to the experience body, SAC. This analysis underlines the large influ- ence the study committee will have on student affairs and points up what we be- lieve is a major flaw in the study group: it includes no students. Though any interested student will be able to present his views to the faculty group, it is very unfortunate that several former student SAC representatives, of which there are a number on campus, -were not included by President Hatcher. As has been pointed out, there is no .stu- dent-faculty division on SAC, and there would be none in the study committee. Therefore, to disregard the student-faculty tradition of the group in setting up such an important commitee is unwise. The oversight could be easily corrected by adding several student participants to the group, preferably with full voting and THE ART of oratory is not dead. A clear ringing voice, and the ability to manipulate highly emotive words still carry tremendous impart. The example of the noted evangelist Billy Graham shows that logic need not enter into an argument at all, if yester- day's speech in Hill Auditorium can be taken as typical. Graham has attained a great reputation and wide popularity in the country, yet even when addressing a college audience he made no attempt to use reason. Unless used with care, this oratorical power can prove to be dangerous and Graham demonstrated very little caution. Because the decline in religious belief in America happened to coincide in time with the rise of modern warfare, he implied a cause and effect relationship, yet he gave Lives On not a single fact to prove that this relation- ship existed. Pointing out the horrors of Commu- nism by presenting the most atrocious ex- amples of Red conduct, the murder of four female relatives by a potential Com- munist to show his loyalty to the cause-Graham capitalized on the emo- tions of his audience. Repeated illustra- tions in a similar vein were used in an attempt to make Communism appear to be the complete antithesis of Christianity. The simplicity of Graham's solution to the 'present world dilemma' combined with .the false analogies and generalization without factual backing is evident. Yet, he has suc- ceeded in attracting millions because of the effective oratory applied. Such uncautious use of oratorical power can be not only de- ceptive but dangerous in a highly explosive world. --Phyllis Lipsky and Pat Roelofs ,0 7 r _ Ii. C j 4) N. - "We Might Clear Him For Foreign Travel If He Doesn't Take Any Books Along" wo ANT> TOTAL I PAPALYSIS DAILY OFF (Continued from Page 2) NOW. Applications and complet nouncements are available at the eau of Appointments, 3528 Admin tion Bldg. Lectures Hon. Chester Bowles will spea night, 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditori the opening number on the 1 Lecture Course. Recently returned India where he served two yea U. S. Ambassador, Mr. Bowles i qualufied to discuss "Our Best for Peace In Asia." Tickets ma purchased at the Auditorium b fice, which is open today 10 8:30 p.m. Today is the last dayt tain season tickets for the con course of seven outstandingca tions. University Lecture, auspiceso Department of Anthropology, Life of the Kuanyama Ambo,"E Loeb, Professor of Geography, U sity of California, 4:10 p.m., T Oct. 15. Rackham Amphitheater. University Lecture, auspices o Department of Conservation, "E Technical Assistance in Resource by Erwin C. Hannum, Acting+ Technical Assistance Mission toF Fri., Oct. 16, Rackham Amphith Academic Notic Zoology Seminar. Dr. Marston will speak on "The Ecology of aF Atoll," on Thurs., Oct. 15, at 8 ICIAL BULLETIN Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chap- el, 5:00-5:30 p.m. e an- Bur- Kappa Ph. supper and program at nistra- 5:15 at the Methodist Church. Actives and all girls of Methodist preference are invited to come. U. of M. Law School Stude'nt Bar As- sociation presents a special lecture on k to- The Practice of Law. Miss Rosemary um as Scott of the Grand Rapids Bar will 953-54 speak on "How to Collect a Judgment, I from Including Garnishment, Execution, ars as and Attachment," 7 p.m., tonight, 120 s well Hutchins Hall. All interested persons Hope are invited. ay be ox of- Fraternity Scholarship C h a i r m e n . a.m.- There will be a meeting of all frater- to ob- nity scholarship chairmen in Room mPlete 3MN of the Union tonight at 7:30 p.m. attrac- It is important for someone from each house to attend this meeting. of the Home International Center Weekly Tea will Edwin be held from 4:30 to 6 at the Interna- niver- tional Center. Hillel Dormitory now has 2 vacanciex for immediate occupancy. Applications f th are available 9-12 noon and 3-10 p.m. Egypt: at the Secretary's Office or by eon- Use," tacting Imre Zwiebel at Hillel. Chief, Congregational-Disciples Guild. Mid- Egypt, s Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel, heater. 5 to 5:30 p~m. -es Hillel. There will be an important meeting of the Interfaith Committee Bates today at 4 p.m. in the Hillel Music Pacific Room. Everyone interested is asked to nm attend. M ATTr r r J By JOSEPH ALSOP PANMUNJOM-Did we continue the Ko- rean War for many weary, costly months in order to avoid forcible repatriation of our prisoners, only to be confronted with some- thing very like forcible repatriation at the bitter end? The question is very insistent here in Panmunjom, among the bleak brown hills where the 23,000 prisoners nurse their fears behind barbed wire while the Indian guards march smartly to and'fro and the neutral nations repatriation commission elaborately and politely debates techni- calities. It is harder, it seems, to find out the free choice of men than one would have thought. It can even be a cruel busi- ness, deadly to some of those who must choose. Not so long before these words were writ- ten, the Indian chairman of the repatria- tion commission held his first full dress press conference. Lieut. Gen. Thimmaya is a handsome, soldierly fellow, obviously a man of good will, although one may perhaps doubt the good will of his smooth politi- cal advisers, Haksar and Chakravarti. The tent is crowded, with the Communist news- papermen looking bleakly superior on one side. and the U.N. reporters shooting ques- tions from the other. It is pretty hard to be- lieve that the only prize of so many months of long hard fighting, the principle of hu- man freedom, is here at stake. But then a question will suddenly, half indirectly raise the issue, to be dealt with by Gen. Thimmaya as best he could, in his smooth Oxford English. Have the rosters of the prisoners, given to the Indian custodial force at the time of the prisoner turn over, now been handed on to the repatriation commission as a whole? Yes, says the general, surely this was normal procedure. (So the repeated warnings of the U.N command have been ignored. The Poles and Czechs on the -commission have the lists of the prisoners by compounds. And when each compound is called up before Editorials, printed In The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and rep- ent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: GENE HARTWIG the Communist "explainers," the prisoners can be threatened with hints of reprisal to their families if they do not change their minds.) And how about this business of the "ex- planations being compulsory, and the rules of the commission requiring the prisoners to attend several explanations? Here the general is not clear about his own rules. At first he says, of course explanations will not be compulsory. Then the political advisers whisper agitatedly in his ear, and he half changes his answer. Such were the symptoms of an ugly sit- uation. If it worsens, great numbers of these unfortunate Chinese and North Ko- reans who feel themselves so helplessly the playthings of an unpredictable fate, may in the end be bullyragged into changing their minds and going home to their deaths. It does not need to happen. But the situation needs to be understood and dealt with. Partly the trouble lies in the makeup of the commission itself that the American ad- ministration agreed to in its eagerness to get a. truce. The Communists have two active advocates on the commission, the Pole and the Czech. We have none, for the Swiss and the Swede are truly neutral, and will not plead the cause of neither side. Partly too, the trouble comes from the fact that should have been understood in advance, that the Indians are not neutrals, but neutralists. Partly, one must add, the trouble also comes from our own side. Gestures were made to prepare the prisoners for their ordeal. We had to persuade them, in fact, 'to come to Panmunjom from their for- mer camps without compulsion. Indian neutralism, even Indian strong- headedness, are being made immeasurably worse by American tactlessness and "psy- war" folly. The result can be very bad. But a good result is still possible, even after all that has passed, if the calm and sensible Gen. Hull and the brillianty able American Ambassador here, Ellis Briggs, will just re- place the "psy-warriors," and try presenting the U.N. viewpoint in an orderly and friend- ly maner. Blame the repatriation commis- sion if you choose, for what has happened to date: but in the distribution of blame, do not forget those who approved such a pack- ed commission, and those who have been doing their silly best to irritate the commis- sion into wrong action. (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) i F 3 ap. tte n WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - House Speaker Joe Martin not only preaches: economy, but practices it. He's sailing today on the SS America for a private "look see" throughout Germany, Italy and France: and, as top man in the; House of Representatives, he could have found a dozen easy excuses' to make the trip "official," thus have the taxpayers foot the bill. But' he didn't. "A funny thing happened the other day," Martin told friends. "I got a call from the State Department. They'd heard about my trip to Europe and phoned to ask me to do a couple of special favors for them over there. "They told me what they wanted and I agreed to hlep them out. Then this fellow at the State Department thanked me and I said that he hoped I'd understand how much they appreciated my cooperation but that because of the economy wave they wouldn't be able to pay any of my expenses for helping them out. "I don't mind that," Speaker Martin said with a wry smile. 'However, I certainly hope this Republican economy wave isn't just going to start and stop with Joe Martin!" *, * * * THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT is working on an imposing list of in- dictments including several Democrats which, according to pres-j ent schedule, will be popped on the public about the first of-the year. The list will include a number of Democratic lawyers who once worked for the government and who have now taken cases against the government on behalf of the same clients they once prose- cuted. Also on the schedule is the trial of former Democratic Congressman Vincent Quinn of Staten Island, N.Y., who was an Assistant Attorney General under Truman and is charged with taking a case against the government while he was in Con- gress. The plan is to bring out these indictments at about the time Con- gress will be back in session and when the Democrats are expected to take a more aggressive stand against the Eisenhower administra- tion. The Republican answer will be a parade of prosecutions fea- turing former members of the Truman Administration. Among the cases the Justice Department is working on are the tanker deals in which some government-owned tankers were trans- ferred to foreign registry.' Also on the list of possible prosecutions is the author of a letter written during the last election campaign in which Vice President Nixon is referred to as the recipient of $50.000 from an oil company in 1950 when first elected to the Senate. -FORGED LETTER ON NIXON- rfHE JUSTICE Department has reason to believe that the letter is, a forgery and subordinate officials have recommended that the ithRackha Amph itheater.A The Poetry Staff of Generation will Course 401, the Interdisciplinary meet at 3 p.m. today in the Student Seminar on the Application of Mathe- Publications Building matics to the Social Sciences, will meet jon Thurs., Oct. 15, at 4 p.m. In 3409 Ev nt Mason Hall. Professor David F. Aberle, Comg Events of the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology, will speak on "Some As- Department of Astronomy, visitorx" Night, Fri., Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Free- Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Oct. 15, at 4 in 247 West Engineering. Speaker: Doctor John Carr. Topic: Solution of Algebraic Equations. M.A. Language Examination in His- tory Fri., Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m., 3615 Haven Hall. Sign list in History Office. Can jbring a dictionary. 'The Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in 319 West Medical, at 4 p.m., on Fri., Oct. 16. Dr. A. A. Christman will speak on "Some Problems of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism." Psychology Colloquium will meet on Fri., Oct. 16. at 4:15 in Auditorium "C" of Angell Hall. Prof. Russell A. Clark will speak on 'The Projective Meas- urement of Manifest and Disguised Ex- pressions of Sexuality." t Concerts Carillon Recital Postponed. The re- cltal by Sidney Giles, Assistant Uni- versity Carillonneur, previously an- nounced for 7:15 tonight, has been postponed until November 19, Other programs in the current aeries will be presented as scheduled. Exhibitions man D. Miller will speak on "The World's Great Telescopes." After the illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic obser- vation of the moon and a double star, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the telescopes and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but must be accompanied by adults. Coke-Tail Party will be held PAr.. Oct. 16, from 8-12 in the Father Rich- ard Center, sponsored by the Newman Club. All those who plan to attend Varsity Night are invited to drop in afterwards, Refreshments anddenter- tainment will be provided by the New- manites. S. R. A. Saturday Lunch Discussion. Reviews of faculty panel, "Religion Molds Society" and cf Billy Graham's lecture, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Call reserva- tions to Lane Hall. All students welcome. S. R. A .Intercultural Outing. Thai- land students sharing games, folk music, and dancing. One group leav- Ing Lane Hall at 2 p.m. Saturday; a second group leaving 30 minutes after the game. Fresh Air Camp. Return Sun- day p.m. Call reservations to Univ. Ext. 2851. All foreign and American stu- dents welcome. Lane Hall Coffee Hour. This week the Student Religious Association is ex- Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial tending a special invitation to the stu- Hali, Eskimo Carvings (Oct. 4-25), Re- dents and faculty of the School of cent French Exhibition Posters (Oct. 4- Literature, Science and the Arts, Fri- 25), 9-5 on weekdays; Sunday, 2-5. The day, 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. public is invited. Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House, Fri- Events .Today ;day, Oct. 16. Evrents Te a y R Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- Arts Chorale, A Capella Choir. Regu- terbury Club 7:30 p.m., Canterbury lar rehearsal to be held this evening House, Fri., Oct. 16. at 7 p.m. in Auditorium D, Angel Hall. Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider Open to all students. and doughnuts at Canterbury House following the game, for students and i Gilbert and Sullivan. Principal and full chorus rehearsal for Patience to- night at 7:15 in the League. Soph Cab Publicity Committee. There parents, Sat., Oct. 17. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. uppm Meet at uild os . CURRE,*NT,6 { " v .. Mee a.AG GUui1ld 11Vi~ writer of the letter be prosecuted. Higher officials so far have shied will be a meeting of Posters and Gen-- away from prosecution. It might open old wounds and public mem- eral Publicity committees today at Roger Williams Guild. awy3:30 In the League. Please be sure and Guild House at 7:30 p.n ories of the Nixon $18,000 private expense fund. attend if you are interested in work- group to Varsity Night. I Among the Democratic lawyers being scrutinized for viola- ng on publicity. Also, there is a meet- to be on time as the se tion of section 284 of the criminal code is a former assistant at- 3:30 in the League. ter 8:05 p.m. torney general who, according to an investigation by the Chelf committee, later represented some of the companies which he Soph Cab Refreshments Committee. There will be a meeting of the small [y1;'y prosecuted while in the government. committee on refreshments today at On the other hand, Democratic Senators are set to ask some em- { 4:30 in the League. Please be sure and barrassing questions of the Justice Department regarding failure to attend. aF rs .Tr ibe act on the Maryland 1950 elections. Senators Monroney of Oklahoma SeptiCabof loorshowcr ibea and Hennings of Missouri, who spent months as members of the tonight at 7 p.m. In the League. It Is Senate Elections Committee probing the McCarthy attacks on Sen- very important that all those on the ator Tydings in Maryland, are interested in knowing why there has floorshow attend. been no action on the lengthy report they sent to the Justice Depart- soph Cab stage Committee. There Meet at the m, to go as a t is important ats cannot be Architecture A uditorium THE RAZOR'S EDGE with Tyrone Power OUT OF the insecurity of today's world .arises man's search for his island of stability amidst the tides of change. These gropings assume such forms as evangelists like Billy Graham and movies like the Ra- zor's Edge. The only difference being that one tries the panacea of words while the other uses Himalayan sunrises. Somerset Maugham's attempt to por- tray a man's search for himself is not inadequate, but incomplete. Escape from reality to find reality is only meaning- ful once; constant repetition of this device leads one to suspect that such actions are not digging to find the gold, but running to capture the rainbow. Larry Darrel, Maugham's seeker of truth, does not seem the ennobled character he is supposed to be, rather his attempts to save the dissipated Sophie are more like an ex- cuse for his own shortcomings. Sophie is the symbol of the degradation that Darrel must thrust himself into before his spirit is cleansed. It is his ordeal of fire. It would seem more realistic that truth is found within one's self. It needs no matrydom to be proven. It is complete ~within itself. Working such a plot as this into a co- herent whole is a large task to ask of any film. It was done successfully in From Mere to Eternity, but the Razor's Edge misses the mark. It is too wordy. At the State . . ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET DOC- TOR JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE THE APPEAL here is mainly to the over- flow crowd from the Michigan; nothing else can account for the scattered handful of bored people who sat through this show. Out of the dim past come faint recollec- tions of idyllic Saturday afternoons spent splitting a gut over Abbott and Costello- back in the old days before Abbott (or is it Costello? the tall one, anyway) grew a mus- tache. I think they must have been funny then. Now, however, after a lapse of about five years, the thrill (as it were) is gone. Abbott and Costello are not only not funny, they are dull. In this opus they are two Americans spending more time among the London con- stabulary to learn the British System. There is a weird series of Monster-Murders, and Boris Karloff is a kindly old doctor with a beautiful young ward. He is the Monster too. There are all mannee of chases, roof- leapings, hairy-handed strangulations, and pratfalls, which have absolutely no effect. In the end Boris Karloff jumps out of a window and turns back into Boris Karloff (as all monsters do when they die), A&C make a final futile attempt for a laugh, and the ward marries the young reporter, who was the same actor who portrayed The Original Inventor of the American Folk-Song (S. Foster) in a grim short subject which preceded the "fea- ture." I 4 ment. will be a short meetingc * * * * Committee today at 51 League. Please attend if OHIO'S POWERFUL GOP Congressman Clarence Brown is furious{ work on this committee. of the Stage p.m. in the you want to about the Agriculture Department's delay in assisting drought- stricken farmers in Southern Ohio. Phoning Agriculture Undersecre- tary True Morse the other day, Brown gave him a verbal blast. "Those farmers haven't had any rain since mid-July," he stormed. "They have to truck water to their dairy herds. Their costs are mounting, they're getting less for their milk and the price has just been increased to the consumer. I want some prompt action by your department to help these farmers." Morse promised to handle the matter personally. However, he hap- pens to be the man who told Iowa farmers last summer that the gov- ernment was not going to help them with the problem of corn storage. -UNPREDICTABLE TITO- ONLY A FEW diplomats know it, but Marshal Tito was sounded out before the United States and Great Britain put forward the' Trieste settlement. And privately he agreed to it. Now the unpredict- able Tito has either changed his mind or else is barking for internal consumption. What happened backstage in the Trieste negotiations is that Ambassadress Clare Boothe Luce bombarded the State Departmentj with strongly worded messages" warning that no government in Italy could survive unless the Trieste problem was settled. The pro-American Pella government, she warned, would have to re- sign, and President Einaudi had an agreement with Pella not to appoint a new prime minister. In fact, there would 1;e no government in Italy, and Italy in effect would stage a sitdown strike until the Trieste question was solved. If, on the other hand, Trieste was solved favorably to Italy, Am- Petitions of Candidacy for Student-.. - Legislature Elections are available at - - the SL Building now. Must be return- ed by Sat., Oct. 17, at noon. Any aca- Sixth demically eligible student may peti- Edited and managed by students of tion. the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Student Publications. Fraternity. Open meeting for all in- terested members, tonight, 7:25-8:30 p.m. in Rooms 3-R and S in the Editorial Staff Union. Members of the faculty and administrationwill speak, Officers of Harry Lunn........Managing Editor the fraternity will give information Eric Vetter................ City Editor about our organization, our service Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director program, and requirements for mem- Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor bership. If you are interested in ren- Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director dering service on campus and have had Diane Decker......... Associate Editor previous membership in Scouting,acome Helene Simon.......Associate Editor and look us over. Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg... .Assoc. Sports Editor 'Freshman Engineering Council will Marilyn Campbell..... Women's Editor meet at 7 1070East Engineer- Kathy Zeisler...Assoc. Women's Editor ing Building. The public is invited, and Don Campbell.......Head Photographer the seven new members, as well as the two incumbents, must be there. Meeting Business Staff is important. Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager Christian. Science Organization. Tes- William Kaufman Advertising Manager timony meeting tonight at 7:30, Fire- Harlean Hankin. Assoc. Business Mgr. side Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. William Seiden.. Finance Manager James Sharp.,.. Circulation Manager Chess Club of the U. of M. will meet at 7:30 p.m., Room 3-K, Michigan Un- ion. All chess players welcome. U. of M. Sailing Club will hold a Member / 0