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October 15, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-15

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

Da itj





Korea Talks School Freedom Radulovich
May Enlist May Appeal
Neutral Aid VTo President

'Honest Broker'
OK If Necessary
By The Associated Press
The United States will accept a
neutral nation as "honest broker"
in the Korean peace conference if
necessary, a Western .diplomatic
source said yesterday.
He said the United. States now
feels that the conference might in
its latter stages need the services
of a neutral country, such as India,
Sweden or Switzerland, to aid in
the deliberations between the UN
side and the Communist delegates.
s * *
IN ANOTHER problem concern-
ing Korean peace talks Chinese
anti-Communist prisoners refused
yesterday to attend "explanations"
} at which the Reds hoped to coax
them into returning to their Com-
munist homeland, an authoritative.
source said.
The prisoners were moved into
250-man compounds but flatly
refused to leave them for tent
booths where the Communist
'explainers" were waiting to in-
terview them, the source said.
The commander of Indian cus-
todian troops yesterday issued an
ultimatum to demonstrating anti-
Communist Chinese war prisoners
to listen to Red "explanation"
teams or he would send soldiers
into the compounds.
LT. GEN. K. S. Thimayya told
the shouting, bugle-blowing, rock-
throwing prisoners he would give
them four hours to decide whether
to attend the sessions.
Thimayya said the troops
would try to persuade the pris-
esoners to attend, but that "if
they do not emerge voluntarily
I suppose we will have to use
some force.
The prisoners were flatly re,
fusing to listen to Communist rep-
resentatives who hope to coax
them back to Communist rule.
The long-delayed explanations
to the reluctant prisoners were to
have started at 8 a.m. yesterday
but hours later the Chinese still
were loudly refusing.
When newsmen were conducted
on a tour yesterday of the expla-
nation centers, the angry. prison-
ers hurled rocks at Russian jeeps,
carrying Red visitors.
Bowles Opens
1~ t
Lectures Wit
Talk on Peace.


Substitute Motion Heavily Defeated;l
SL Puts Issue First on Next Agenda Attorneys Seek
Aid ofFerguson



For a fourth straight week time prevented Student Legislature

U~niversit~v senior Milo . Ra -

from taking a vote yesterday on an academic freedom policy stand. dulovich yesterday considered an
A complete substitute motion offered by Leah Marks, '55L, and appeal to President Dwight D.
seconded by Ruth Rossner, '55, was adopted as the main motion and Eisenhower in an attempt to re-
three attempts to amend the new motion were defeated by large ma- verse an Air Force decision which
has branded him a "doubtful se-
Byj s vote of 22-8, SL voted to take up the question of an aca- curity risk.d
demic freedom policy stand as the first item of business on next Intervention by Sen. Homer
Ferguson (R-Mich.) was also
week s agenda. sought by the attorneys in the
event the4,Secretary of the Ai
EARLIER IN THE meeting SL members who attended the recent Force fails to reverse a 10th Air
-_ _National Student Association sum- Force board's decision which ruled
AMEN: mer congress dicussed NSA's his- against Radulovich.
A~~tIEN: tort' and current activities.* *

The sixth annual congress,
BF m y which met for 10 days on OhioI
State University's campus wasI
divined into four main commis-
sions-student government, edu-
cational affairs, student affairs
and international relations.
S n NChristine Reifel, '55; Ruth Ross-
By JON SOBELOFF ner, '55; Paula Levin, '55; Treasur-.
Smiling down at her newborn er Steve Jelin, '55, and SL Presi-
fifteenth child, an Ypsilanti wom- dent Bob Neary, '54BAd., gave re-
an said yesterday, "A large fam- ports on what each commission
ily is a blessing of the Lord." had discussed and adopted.
Then she named the baby boy .*
"Amen." - AFTER THE reports, AssociateE
MRS. ALEX BOW, 43-year-old Dean of Women Sarah L. Healy,
mother 'of eight girls and seven who attended the sessions, urged

NOT ACCUSED of any disloy-
alty himself, the 26-year-old
physics major faces loss of his
reserve status for "close and con-
tinuous association" with his sis-
ter allegedly involved in Com-
munist activities.

Tour Ar(
Ike Declares
Must Testify
McCarthy Hunts
Radar Files
By The Associated Press
The government-made two ma-
jor moves yesterday to loosen
tongues of witnesses reluctant, to
testify before congressional com-
mittees "because the answer might
tend to incriminate" them.
President Eisenhower gave agen-
cy heads the right to fire any gov-
ernment employe who uses the
"incrimination" excuse.
ATTY. GEN. Brownell said the
Administration will ask Congress
next year for legislation permit-
ting him to grant immunity from
prosecution in some cases as a
means of forcing witnesses to tes-
Brownell did not go into de-
tail on the proposed immunity
legislation but said it would give
him, as attorney general, the EVANGELIST-Billy Graha
power to grant immunity per- Ealy Gra
haps in conjunction with the nearly 4,000 people yesterda
congressional committees. World Dilemma."-Unversit
duced Graham.
He said, however, that the at- *
torney general should have the AS 4,00LISTEN:
main say because, as the gov- A 4,00 IT N
ernment's chief legal officer, he
might have access to knowledge 'Spiritual I
about a witness' background notI
known to the committee.
*~~ *(~ll~2 d Fmi

mud Midwest




boys, gave birth to the nine pound SB to make more clear the close
six ounce infant at University relationship between its local pro-
Hospital Monday. jects and those of NSA.
":Chat's the last word ,in the She also discussed the recent;
Bible " Mrs. Bow told Dr A. attacks charging Communist- ,
Gordon Reynolds. And she add- domination of NSA made by Stu-
ed "Amen! That's all. Fifteen dents for America, a groupI
children is enough." which she said grew out of the
Her husband Alex, telephoned MacArthur Clubs. Mrs. Healy
at home in Ypsilanti, laughed and commented that the last meet-
said, "I just hope it is." ing of deans of women and deans
* ** of men determined that "the
THE BOWS' other children slanderous attacks made by SFA
range in age from two to 26 years. on NSA" should be reviewed, and
Th e four oldest girls are married,' that after the review NSA was
but it still takes "a lot of mik"- "entirely cleared" of the SFA
about eight to 10 quarts a day- charges.
to feed his brood, Bow said. N ed Simon, '55. urged serious
The Bows named their eighth consideration of SFA by SL be-I
child Hope. "I guess we hoped :cause, he said, "SFA's charges a',e
that would be the last, too," Bow more widely circulated than are
explained. NSA's refutation of the charges."
An $85-a-week mason's helper, A REPO *T on a Japanese-
Bow admitted the children still American seminar sponsored dur-
at home "keep him busym." ing thesummer by NSA was given
Dr. Reynolds, who delivered the by Rose Marie Hussey, Grad. Missf
infant, said Mrs. Bow's latest Hussey, who attended the Japa-
blessig was a "good healthy boy" nese conference, discussed Japa-i
and added the mother was n "fine nese student organizations and
shape." "I haven't seen a fifteenth student problems. She urged SB to
in a long time, Dr. Reynolds consider furthering plans° already
commented. initiated by NSA which would en-,
The baby's name is pronounced able Japanese students to study in
with a long "a" with the accent Alerica next year.n
on the first syllable, the doctor Herb Zimmerman, '56, and1
explained, so it's really "sort of David Grosse, '56, were named to
musical._f ill seats left vacant by the resig-
nation of Pete Dow, '55BAd., and
Student Director Gene McCracken.
OhLee Abrams, '55, was appointed
One-hundred eight Student Di- by the legislature to fill a post
rectories remain for sale at the opened by the removal of Sam
Student Publications Bldg. on Davis, '54, who was forced to drop
Maynard St. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. off SL because of lack of attend-
today. ance at meetings.

I 1
1 ,
i '
1 1
i J

Radulovich has maintained
throughout the hearing that an
adverse ruling would wreck his
future career as a physicist and
."If I'm kicked out of the Air
Force it means I have lost seven
years of my life," Radulovich
said. "I'm 26 now and that is
pretty old to start over again.
That's why I have to fight this."
Sen. Ferguson indicated earlier
in the proceedings he would take
an interest in the case if Radulo-
vich did not get a fair hearing.
Both Radulovich and his at-
torneys have claimed the hearing
held at Selfridge field was unfair
and that one of the three colonels
listening to the testimony was pre-
judiced against the defendant.
Italian Youths
Raid Trieste

-Daily-Don, Campbell
m, evangelist and lecturer, addressed
y in Hill Auditorium on "The Present
y Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel intro-
* * *
b G h NlYlik v

In New York, Sen. Joseph Mc- .aIe rU my ra V ' a m
Carthy (R-Wis) said yesterday a yI
scientist pal of atom spy Julius
----- .Rosenberg admits taking 43 secret By MARK READER
TRIESTE-1P)--A band of 200 documents from Army Signal A hushed audience listened to Evangelist Billy Graham yesterday
pro-Italian youths raided offices orps files some years ago. Army call for a "spiritual Renaissance" to save the Western World from
of the Yugoslav economic delega- agents later recovered them i a destruction and the onslaught of a "fanatical" Communist religion.
tion here yesterday, smashed win- 1946 raid on the scientist's home, Speaking before a crowd of 4,000 students and townspeople .who
dows and hurled out the furni- c ypacked Hill Auditorium, the lanky preacher accused mankind of hu-
ture. There was no evidence the se- manizing God and defying man, thus leading America into its pres-
* **crets ever got beyond the sci- ent "tqrtnented, empty, thirsty age." /
THE VIOLENCE flared after a entist, although McCarthy said * * *
week of uneasiness here about re- there was a possibility. IN R EFi ERE in the Koran War. the evano'elis tol dthe

Ike Defends
During Tour
Dispute Rages
In Farm Belt-
Dwight D. Eisenhower set out on a
five-state swing through the Mid-
west farm belt yesterday in the
face of a stormy controversy over
his administration's farm .policies.
Heavy political repercussions
rolled up as an aftermath of a sur-
prise Democratic election victory
in Wisconsin, where the predomi-
nately rural 9th District elected a
Democrat to Congress for the first
time in its history.
* * *
DEMOCRATS took pains to
point out that the Republican los-
er, State Sen. Arthur L. Padrutt,
pegged his campaign to "four
square" support of the Eisenhower
The winner, Lester R. John
son, had denounced the admin-
istration's farm policy.
Some Republican leaders brush
ed the episode aside as having
little significance in the national
political picture. Others reflected
serious misgivings and admitted
it was a "jolt."
(Democratic leaders, gleefully
cheering the outcome, hailed it as
a bellwether for Democratic vic-
tory in the 1954 congressional ele-
* *ions.
SSENESES. Kefauver (D
Tenn.), who campaigned for the
winner, said the result showed " a
j general dissatisfaction with the
farm, power and money policies of
the administration."
Sen. Olin Johnston (D-S.C.)
called for'the ouster of Secretary
of Agriculture Ezra Benson, de-
claring that farmers are "red
hot" about what he called Ben-
son's "do-nothing-ness."
"If President Eisenhower doesn't
change his secretary of agricul-
ture, and do it soon, he will sink
witlh him,"" Sen. Johnston said.
Benson, who is scheduled to
speak with Eisenhower at a meet-
ing of the Future Farmers. of
America in Kansas City sent word
to newsmen that he would have no
comment on the Wisconsin vote.
Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell, a
major GOP strategist in last year's
presidential campaign, told news-
men at a National Press Club
luncheon that the Wisconsin re-
sult did not necessarily foreshadow
GOP losses in next year's election.
Prof. Joiner
Speaksto Crib
"Poised, confident and ener-
getic," the trial lawyer, as Prof.
Charles Joiner of the Law School
describes him, "is ready for any-
thing and fears nothing."
Speaking to the Michigan Crib,
pre-legal society, yesterday, rof.
Joiner outlined the qualities of the
ideal advocate. He admitted the
merits of office law, but insisted
j that 'nothing holds quite the same
excitement as trial law.
Poised, confident and energetic
himself, Prof. Joiner described the
perfect advocate as much by his

mariner as by his speech. A 13-
year law practice has initiated him
to the unending list of practital
details that distinguish the ex-
perienced lawyer.
It takes more than hard work to
make a successful advocate, but
Prof. Joiner feels that it is one
of the ' most important factors.
Nevertheless, h advises, "Don't
mistake aspiration for inspira-
Hauser To Speak

Chester A. Bowles, former Unit-+
ed States ambassador to India, will
discuss "Our Best Hope for Peace
in Asia," at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium, opening this year's
Lecture Series.
Due to years of study in national
and international'affairs, as a bus-
iness leader and as U. S. ambassa-
dor to India,' Bowles occupies a
position of distinction on the
American scene, and is frequently
called upon to interpret the U. S.
position in national and interna-
tional affairs.
APPOINTED ambassador in
1951, Bowles served in New Delhi
and Nepal until April of this year.
During that time, he traveled rex-
Ptensively throughout Asia, and in
the past year has visited most of
the countries of the Far East.
During World War II, Bowles
was OPA administrator, a mem-
ber of the 'War Production
Board and the Economic Stabil-
ization Board. Following the
war, he was sent to Paris as
American delegate to the first
conference of UNESCO.
Following Bowles' lecture, the
India Students Association is ar-
ranging a reception to be held
at approximately 10 p.m. in Lane'
Hall. The public is invited to this
informal gathering, according to
Jagdish C. Bagai, Grad., presi-
dent of the Association.
SDA Discusses
Freedom Issue


percussions from the decision of
the United States and Britain to
withdraw their 7,000 occupation'
troops from Zone A of the Free,
Territory of Trieste, including this'
port city, and turn over the zone's
administration to Italy.
Persons of both factions in the
long dispute between Italy and
Yugoslavia over the territory's
future violated an order by Maj.
Gen. Sir John Winterton, Brit-
ish commander of the Allied oc-
cupation forces, temporarily
banning "public meetings, par-
ades and demonstrations by po-
litical parties and associations."
About 2,000-strong, Slovenes
and pro-Yugoslav Commumists
battled territorial police with fistsI
and umbrellas in an angry demon-
stration in the center of Trieste to I
back Tito's protest against the
transfer of Zone A to Italy's rule.,
"We will give our lives, but not
Trieste," they shouted, a slogan
voiced for days by Yugoslav dem-
onstrators in Belgrade, the Yugo-
slav capital. "Comrade Tito, give
us guns."

However, the senator claimed audience:
a number of top secret radar doc- -------- ------
uments-not necessarily the same1
ones the witness was talking about:
--eventually fell into CommunistF
hands in East Germany.
In Washington, the Army said a Be Halted
it had no information on the find-
ing of any such papers in Ger- _

IFC ToHold Try

2 t
s ar

11\ ~ r,.' ' A L'Pf . rUV 11C17,1 CV I YYd~le b1C v t*AZ,.lltu L'JUt4 vl

"I have asked myself,. 'Does
every generation ha've to fight
it out? Is there no end to war?'
"I think our troubles all, started
about 50 years ago," he continued,
"when we kicked God out the win-
dow" and substituted an "era

many. Then it amended this
statement to say it had "no infor-
mation to give out."
Seniors and graduates are re-
minded that Friday is the final
deadline for making Senior
Picture appointments.
Pictures for the '54 Ensian
are being taken through that
day only.
Appointments may be made
from 2 to 5:30 p.m. today and
tomorrow at the 'Ensian offices
in the Student Publications
Bldg. and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
today on the Diag.

illiams Hails Democrati

Construction of a prison camp 0f fraud, rationalism, natural-
ism, idealism and positivism."
near the National Music Camp "We have taken a moral plunge,"
at Interlochen may be abandoned, Graham charged. "We have pro-
it was learned yesterday. , gressed materially,. but morally
Joseph E. Maddy, founder of and spiritually we have not pro-
the camp, commented that con- gressed." He pointed to the in-
creasing divorce rate in the coun-
struction of the correction camp ;try as evidence of this.
must be discontinued in order to "When a home crumbles, a way
protect the young people who at- of life crumbles," he maintained.
tend Interlochen each summer. * *
Maddy obtained an injunction GRAHAM TOLD'the attentive
againyt construi nastu audience he had conferred with
against construction last Satur- Secretary of State Dulles recent-
day. ly who felt the Western World
The Corrections Commission is was in a decline-a sunset, and
expected to discuss the matter at doomed, unless a spiritual rebirth
their meeting Oct. 21 and then occured.
decide whether to dispute injunc- Viewing Communism as a
tion proceedings and obtain a test menace to Christianity, Graham
of law.. lashed into this, "fanatical re-
ligion that knows what it is
"I have seen Communists all
over the world," he went on, "and
[c V ictory I want to tell you students that
we're only going to lick them with
a stronger concept. In my opin-
I upon the dangers of the hydrogen *
bomb, she added. . THE SOUTHERN preacher saw
* three things which mankind has
"WE ARE TOLD to believe we not been able to explain. He list-
have twice as effective an Air ed them as:
'Force with one third the money 1) Human iniquity-"the tend-
scientists consider necessary, and ency to do things that are wrong"
greater national security with less and of which "we are all guilty."
defense," the former Treasurer re- 2) Human sorrow-"which the
marked. psychiatrist can only disect." "We
"They promised tax reduc- find this in rich and poor alike,"f
tion but in, effect have raised Graham said.
taxes, in addition we are threat- 3) The problem of death-"You
ened with a federal sales tax can't put it in a test-tube. You
. . . that benefits the rich and can't work it out mathematically.
hurts the poor," she claimed. It hangs in front of. us like a
She also charged the Adminis- shadow," the evangelist declared.

Hailing the Democrat congres-
I sional victory in Wisconsin as a'
definite indication that the peo-
ple are "repudiating RepublicanE
farm policy, Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams claimed last night that the
country is "profoundly disillus-1
ioned" with the Administratio'.
Speaking before a Democrat
second congressional district rally
and dinner at the Union, the gov-
ernor charged that Republicans
were surrendering to "blind eco-
nomic forces" and are "more in-
terested in maintaining the law
of supply and demand than ad-
justinsg the farmers' standard of

full employment and no creep-
ing Hooverism."
Georgia Neese Clark Gray, form-
er Treasurer of the United States,
who shared the speaker's plat-
form with Williams, accused the
Eisenhower administration of
"muddling through."
"The lack 'of leadership in
Washington" is causing much
comment in political circles Mrs.
IGray said. This indecision and
confusion is characterized by Re-'
publican leaders' failure to agreet

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
MAIL GOES OUT-IFC office manager Frank Vick (left), Mike
Lynch (center) and- Richard Little ready some publicity for'

Rea To Explain
'13 'U V C l 11 '3' -n1k' no Jb3~£


tration was openly operating in1 "There is no answer to these

! ___ _°

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