PAGE FOUR University S By VIRGINIA VOSS Daily Editorial Director and ALICE B. SILVER Associate Editorial Director The Background . .. THE SEVERAL resolutions extending fac- ulty safeguards against dismissal which the University Senate adopted Monday rep- resents a concrete formulation of faculty members' concern over their precarious status as educators-a concern which has grown constructively on campus since last spring. Basically, of course, the imminence of Congressional investigations of education is and has been the prompting force be- hind this concern and action taken to make it public. It was announced last year that a subcommittee of Rep. Velde's House Un-American Activities Committee was planning an investigative trip to Michigan this fall and latest reports indicate that Detroit hearings will begin Nov. 30. The evolution of a united faculty opinion on current threats to the teaching profes- sion and actions which should be taken to safeguard that profession began publicly last March. The issue was a lengthy, compre- hensive resolution by the Association of American Universities on the rights and responsibilities of universities and their fac- ulties. While the faculty took no concerted, stand on the resolution, several professors took issue with two of the AAU's conclu- sions. They were 1) that "invocation of the Fifth Amendment places upon a professor a heavy burden of proof of his fitness to hold a teaching position and lays upon his uni- versity an obligation to reexamine his qual- ifications for membership in its society" and 2) that "membership (in the Communist Party) extinguishes the right to a univer- sity position." Two months later, the University Sen- ate met to consider the AAU statement, which had been given unqualified admin- istration endorsement. In the midst of the consideration-which never got beyond the discussion stage-another resolution on the specific topic of legislative investiga- tions was spontaneously introduced. Resolution No. 2-backed by the American Association of University Professors-won strong endorsement from the Senate. Avoid- ing specific judgment on the two most con- tested issues of the AAU provision, the less comprehensive AAUP stand expressed more of an attitude than a policy. The AAUP, it said, "does not question the power of Congress to conduct investigations for the purpose of securing factual informa- tion as a basis for legislation, but reaffirms 'and reasserts the basic principle of Amei-' can constitutional law that the function of the legislative branch of the Government is the enactment of legislation and not the prosecution of individuals ... Legislative in- vestigations which are in fact trials of in- dividuals, based on thoughts and opinions, or on personal relationships, encroach upon and discourage freedom of thought, of in- quiry, and of expression. Such investigations are, therefore, contrary to basic principles of our constitutional system and inimical to the welfare of the nation." The significance of the May Senate meeting during which the AAUP resolu- tion was backed lay not so much in the specific endorsement action as in the Senate's failure to support the more re- strictive AAU stand. And even more im- portant than the adoption of one resolu- tion and the passing over of another was the Senate's decision to set up a special THE MICHIGAN DAILY WE~DNESDAY, OCTIOBER( 14, 195,3 Mow" enate & Faculty Safeguards study committee to determine the ade- quacy of existing procedures safeguarding faculty members recommended for dis- missal. Sentiment at the time was that such procedures, particularly as they were embodied in the Regents by-laws, were in- adequate on at least one count. Thus the Senate has followed through its concern with the challenged status of fac- ulty freedom, has adopted a relatively unit- ed "attitude" on the matter and has at- tempted to make local safeguards compat- ible with this attitude. * * * * A Comnmentary. RESOLUTIONS approved Monday by the University Senate to extend present safeguards of professors cited for dismissal will, if approved by the Regents, constitute a definite improvement over the current set-up. The resolutions, however, are not without their drawbacks. Under present Regents by-law 5.10, guar- antees of hearings are assured only if action for dismissal is initiated at the department, school or college level. The Senate has incorporated the fol- lowing provisions into a proposed by-law addition: 1. The President of the University may initiate action "if he feels the good name of the University is jeopardized." 2. The number of faculty hearings are reduced to one instead of two in cases in- itiated at the University level. 3. The period of time allowed a faculty member in such cases to request a hearing may be reduced to not less than five days instead of 20, as in by-law 5.10. 4. A special hearing committee of at least five members may be appointed by the Sen- ate Advisory Committee. The positive aspect of the proposed by-law lies in the introduction of a provision for hearings if the University initiates action for dismissal. This addition is certainly a big step in the right direction but several weak points in the resolution should be recognized. As regards the first provision, there is little doube that the president of the Uni- versity has the prerogative of initiating dismissal procedures against a famulty mem- ber. However, we must take issue with the .phrase "if he feels the good name of the University is jeopardized." There is a question of values involved here. The "good name" of the University is plac- ed over and above the actual performance, reputation and character of the faculty member involved. While it is necessary to recognize that public criticism will be di- rected at the University if an alleged Com- munist or "subversive" faculty member is retained, we must ask whether public pres- sure should be the major motive for init- lating dismissal action. Perhaps a more eluitable wording of this phrase would have been-"The President of the University may initiate action ... if he feels that the edu- cational purpose of the University is jeop- ardized." The second and third proposed changes involve the number of hearings and the time allowed for requesting a hearing. Apparently these two changes were in- stituted to render the entire procedure more expeditious. Certainly cumbersome bureaucracy leads nowhere. However, we feel that efficiency should be not the prime goal of the pro- cedure. The major object of the hearings should be the careful consideration of the facts involved-preferably consideration re- moved in time from the controversy bound to occur when Congressional Committees are or have just been in the immediate locale In view of this it would seem that a longer period than five days should elapse before hearings are held. As for the number of hearings, it seems that a preliminary review by the depart- ment of the faculty member involved is both fair and constructive and should be re- tained. The department in which a man works should be the best judge of his quali- fications as a teacher and the degree to which his alleged political views subvert his academic function. If the department should approve the professor's dismissal, he would then have a final appeal in the Senate Ad- visory Committee. This method would not insure speed but it would certainly add fur- ther safeguards against unjudicious action. In the long run this seems a much more desirable goal. APART FROM the proposed by-law changes, the Senate resolved that "fac- ulty men, like any other citizens, have a duty to testify fully and freely when sub- poenaed by legal authority." The resolu- tion goes on to advise faculty men to con- sult legal consul if they feel they cannot respond fully and freely in any such in- quiries. Tpiis latter suggestion is valid and helpful but perhaps superfluous. We believe that the committee would have done better to simply leave out any statement regarding their attitude on the question of obligation to testify. This question should be left up to the con- science and principles of the person in- volved and there should be no pressure on him one way or the other. In a sense, the Senate has prejudged any case which might come before them by ex- pressing the sentiment that faculty mem- bers should testify. But, in conclusion, it should not be as- sumed that the weaknesses in the resolu- tion invalidate it. As we have observed, im- provements could have been made which would further insure faculty members against hasty and unfair action. However, we recognize the difficulties which the di- verse committee members had in formulating a resolution which would secure passage by an overly cautious Board of Regents. The provisions are certainly worthy of swift approval by the Regents. "What I Want Is A New Model City" CG C>a SE 96VW ti C~, 3u4ssbudg etaoPAItRKJMc n eprinted from Febriary 10, 1952. XetteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters *f general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Academic Freedom Bill Detroit Communist Trial I To the Editor: To the Editor: WEDNESDAY night Student TOWARDS THE END of this Legislature defeated a motion month, a new political trial to take a firm stand against the under the Smith Act is slated to abuses of Congressional Commit- open up in Detroit. One hundred tee investigations. A watered down and five people have already been bill that was substituted for the arrested under this Act-many of original bill will come for discus- them are serving prison sentences sion next Wednesday. If this sub- -because of their political views. stitute bill is pased it will be rep- The six Communists in Detroit resented as the opinion of the are not charged with doing any- students. The orginal bill that was thing, nor even with teaching or carefully prepared by the Human advocating anything. They are Relations and the Culture and charged with "conspiracy to teach Education committees represents, and advocate." What this proce- in this writer's opinion, the true dure amounts to is that a whole feelings of the majority of Mich- philosophy of life is being put on Igan students. It's about time the ytrif np members of SL began representing ' t is not coincidental that the tle views of their constituents. It trial opens up in the same period would be commendable if the in which the Un-American Com- voice of the students was consult- mittee plans to set up shop in ed before this weak bill on Aca- Detroit; the Labor Youth League demic Freedom is passed. and eleven other organizations -Willie B. Hackett have been asked to register under * * * the McCarran Act; thirteen Com- The (;liche of eadmc munists, editors and labor leaders were arrested in Philadelphia and Freedom ... Cleveland; Senator Potter urged the outlawing of the Communist To the Editor: Party; the Jenner committee found "subversion" among the ERECENT attitude of "Daily"rProtestant clergy, the press and .editorial writers and letter Ithe schools of our country; Brow- writers, SL spokesmen and repre- nell announced he will add the sentatives of numerous influential Lawyers Guild to his subversive organizations throughout the list; Professor Dunham was dis- country, all of whom have an- missed from Temple University. nounced themselves in favor of This shows that McCarthyism Is "Academic Freedom," is at best advancing on all fronts faster than superficially encouraging. In fact many people realize. McCarthy " i . ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON I /ASHINGTON-You can write it down as certain, as President Ike celebrates his 63rd birthday, that he isn't going to run again. This is not entirely due to the inexorable march of time, which would make Ike older than any other President who was ever elect- Pd ad dia thrnr hic for tn.71vU1 mnnA n of ca ana vea tn rougnn is term. Ac ually it is more aue to the tact so many people nave taken the and his allies are gaining head that the President just doesn't feel happy in the White House, trouble to become vocal partisans way in their attempt to drive the living in a goldfish bowl, and, all in all, would rather get out. of academic freedom that the Bill of Rights underground by la- He tires rather easily, gets irritated with his staff. shrinks from phrase is becoming a tedious cliche, belling the use of it "subversive." criticism, considers the job of backslapping Congressmen an unneces- It can arouse little more enthus- This drive is taking place Ater sary bore. iasm than such formerly ispir- the Korean War has ended, there Before he agreed to run. and while still in Paris, Ike told friends ing terms as "peace," "progress," is a lessening of international ten- -including this writer-that he felt he could do a useful service to his "equality," and "democracy." sions, and the possibility of peace- country by cleaning up Washington, but that it would be a one-term which are now the standard catch- ful negotiation of all differences coutr byclanig p ashngonbu tat t oul b aonetem wrd o political hacks. The rea- is becoming greater. Thus the assignment. He has made it clear since then that he intends to stick w son for this development is easily Mcrtitg catexcus the to that pledge.snfrti eeomn sesl McCarthyites cannot excuse their discernable: the same acrobatic actions on the basis of a "state of Ffeats of equivocation which have emergency." been performed on these latter It is not enough to understand THE FACT that the St. Louis police, not the FBI. captured Bobby terms, have been performed upon these facts. What is needed is Greenlease's kidnappers has caused some griping inside the FBI.' the notion of "academic freedom." action all along the front, includ- The griping has been going on beneath the surface for some time, By inserting enough "ifs," "ands" ing a campaign to abolish the and is due to the fact that the FBI has become a huge interviewing and "buts" in their definition it McCarthy - Velde - Jenner witch- agency, spending most of its time checking the loyalty of government becomes possible for people with hunting committees; to repeal the employees. every shade of opinion on the sub- Smith, McCarran and McCarran- Some FBI men, who look at their own organization frankly, say ject of the free exercise of intel- Walters Acts, which are the legis- that's one reason why the famed Boston Brinks bank robbery is still lectual inquiry to declare them-! lative embodiment of McCarthy- unsolved and why the FBI pulled a couple of boners in the, Green- selves indfavor of academic free- ism; to release all political pris- leas kidappng cse.dom, and thus deceive the true, oners, open our doors for re-entry ,ease kidnapping case., iea a oIeeteto i p to all political deportees, and to J. Edgar Hoover's office first said that Mrs. Bonnie Heady libei al as to the extent of his o to a ti o an posiion.restore the rights of all organiza- was the wife of an Oklahoma gunman with a record for prostitu- Oiti.t tions, citizens, teachers and stu- tion, then took it all back, said they had the wrong Mrs. Heady. On this campus, however, there dents who have suffered in the Hoover also rushed out with an announcement that Carl Hall had is an arganization which is not atmosphere of intolerance and in- confessed to shooting Bobbie, though Hall actually pinned the satisfied with mere verbalisms. An timidation. actuaslr.organization, to whose members, murder on Thomas 3. Marsh. the phrase "academic freedom"--Mike Sharpe, Chairman FBI men explain that their boss was so anxious to take credit calls to mind a worthy and precise- Labor Youth League for solving the crime which the St. Louis police actually solved that, ly defined ideal. An ideal to be de- understandably, he shot off too quick. fended against every encroach- THE IDEA of naming the See- NOTE-Actually it was the plan worked out by Dave Beck of the ment. This is the same organiza- I retary of Labor as the Presi- Teamsters' Union of putting taxi and truck drivers on the alert which tion that has been the liberal con- dent's staff officer on all labor 1 ArER 0EVOFACT ThneNew Senator From Ohio THE TASK of appointing a successor for the late Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio was a difficult one. It was a job made doubly difficult by the unique position of Ohio Governor Frank J. Lausche, an independent Democrat, who had to pick a successor to the foremost Republican in the nation. Chosen in Taft's stead wascontroversy over the law from politics would be all to the good. --New York Times tI k. BEFORE President Eisenhower started on his Midwest farm trip Republican congressmen had warned him that farmers were so. bitter at his Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra T. Benson, that he might have to be fired. The alternative, Ike has been told, would be a rural revolt against the Republicans and a crushing defeat in the 1954 1 Congressional elections. President Eisenhower, however, remains loyal to his hard- working, hard-praying Secretary of Agriculture. Curiously, the pulse-taking Congressmen, led by House agri- culture chairman Cliff Hope of Kansas, have found that the farmers don't blame Eisenhower for their plight but are venting their wrath on Benson. For example, the powerful Farm Bureau, which has backed Ben- son's policies, has been losing members in droves. In other areas, the! local organization has revolted against the policy line handed down OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) 1 Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., Thurs., Oct. 15, at Canterbury House. Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraterity. Open meeting for all inter- ested members, Thurs., Oct. 15, 7:25- 8:30 p.m. in Rooms 3-R and S in the Union. Members of the faculty and administration will speak. Officers of the fraternity will give information Six y-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. by the Farm Bureau in Washington and has come out against about ou giztn,our servicE Benson program, and requirements for mem- The farmers' chief omplait is that Benson will let them I bership. If you ire interested in ren- Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor T dering service on campus and have had Eric Vetter..............,..City Editor down on price supports. His speeches make them suspect that he previous membership in Scouting, come Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director and look us over. Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor will remove supports just when farm prices are skidding down - Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director and farm costs shooting up. They also argue that if the Repub- The Heiress, by Ruth and Augustus Diane Decker.......Associate Editor licans are going to start curtailing government handouts, they Goetz, as suggested by Henry James' Heiene Simon.......Associate Editor novel, Washington Square, and Eliza- Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor should begin with big business, not the farmers.-I beth The Queen, by Maxwell Anderson, Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Under the GOP, farmers point out, businessmen have been get- are the first two plays of the Depart- Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor ting more tax amortization, tax loopholes, tariff protection, and out- ment of Speech fall play series. Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor right subsidies than ever. The Heiress will be presented in the Don Campbell. Head Photographer * Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Oct. 28, 29, and 31, starting promptly at 8 p.m. The Business Staf -LISTENS TO WRONG PEOPLE- production will be under the direction ARMERS ALSO complain that Benson has been listening to the of Claribel Baird. Tickets are ,$1.20-90c- Thomas Treeger......Business Manager F 60c, with the special student rate of William Kaufman Advertising Manager big growers and marketing middlemen; paying little attention to 50 cents on Oct. 28 and 29. aIreaankin Asso. Buiness M the dirt farmer. William Seiden - - - Finance Manager BackinWashington, meanwhile, the harrassed Secretary of Elizabeth the Queen will be present- James Sharp ... Circulation Manager ed in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Agriculture is under fire from the opposite side-for running up the on Nov. 12, 13, 14, and 16 starting public debt by keeping price supports too high on butter and other promptly ath8 pm. The production will commodities. Benson had estimated last January that he could keep be under the direction of William P. ,w.- --Halstead. Tickets are A120-9c-60cj with