UNIVERSITY SENATE AND FACULTY SAFEGUARDS See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t t f w 0 a a FAIR, WARMER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1953 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, VOL. LXIV, No. 20 SIX-PAGES S Tito Says Italy ,Violates Border, Yugoslav Mobs Besiege U.S., British Information Centers in Belgrade Yugoslavia charged Italy yesterday with "acts of provocation" along the powder keg frontier. Strong-armed demonstrations beseiged ,the American and Brit- ish information centers in Belgrade and wrecked the British read- ing room, according to Detroit Free Press reports. Nationwide indignation of Yugoslavs was near the boding point . over the Anglo-American decision to give Zone A of Trieste to Italy. IN WASHINGTON, Yugoslav Foreign Secretary Koca Popovic 'Big Three' Will Discuss SL Seats Petitions for the 23 elective Student Legislature seats which will be voted on during Novem- AF Regards 'U' Senior said after an hour's conference SAC St u dy Announced with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles that his government will "resist with all means" the Anglo- American decision. To accept the move would destroy Yugoslavia's index endance and set an "ex- tremely dangerous precedent," Popovic said. Trieste Split er campus elections are avail- rie~LrIlL Iable from 1 to 5 p.m. today through Saturday at the SL Bldg. Dulles To 'Attend Deadline for returning com- pleted petitions is set for noon London Meeting Saturday.*Twenty-one of the - g seats available are for full-year terms, two for one-semester po- WASHINGTON-(I)-The State sitions. Department announced yesterday Campus-wide general elec- Secretary of State Dulles will fly tions to fill the posts have been to London for a "Big Three" for- scheduled for Wednesday and eign ministers' conference starting Thursday, Nov. 11 and 12. Friday to discuss the explosive Trieste situation and other worldE trouble spots.S High Yugoslav officials con tin- C H g Yu ol v ofcas ni-ued to warn of serious trouble to 11 come if the United State and Brit- am go through with their decision to turn over part of disputed Tri- este to Italy. Koca Popovic, Yugo- slav foreign secretary, said after isappar a conference with Dulles that his government would resist the deci- sion "with all means." NEW YORK - U P) - Senate, S" mas subcommittee - amid hints that POPOVIC said Dulles gave no a deadly new spy plot is unfolding immeiat anwerto aYugsla -heard yesterday that a "sizeable proposal 'for a Four-Power con-nubroftpsceAmySg ference to settle the Trieste issue. nal Corps documents have disap- He quoted Dulles as saying he must peared. first "consult with other govern- Some of the missing documents ments concerned." reportedly dealt with radar, the} very heart and soul of America's Dulles will leave here today to defense against enemy atomic at-1 meet with British Foreign Min- tacks. ister Anthony Eden and French SAID SEN. Joseph R. McCarthy Foreign Minister Georges Bi- (R-Wis), whose inestigations dault. He is expected to remain subcommittee heard testimony in London until t.m-mite t hear sny that the secrets have been missing t i As Poor Risk Decision Blasted; Review Assured By MARK READER A 10th Air Force tribunal yes- terday ruled University senior Milo J. Radulovich a "doubtful security risk" and recommended his ouster from the Air Force re- sefve. The board also said there was no question of Radulovich's per- sonal loyalty but close and con- tinuous association with his fath- er and sister-alleged Communists -made him a "security risk." THE ADVERSE decision brought an immediate storm of protest from Radulovich andl his attor- neys, Kenneth Sanborn and Char- les C. Lockward. "I don't think I received a very unprejudiced decision," Radulovich stated. "I believe there was personal hostility on the part of one colonel hearing the case because of the publicity given to it." Sanborn maintained the verdict was a "travesty on justice" and flatly declared, "We're going to fight this, right through to the bitter end and take it to the Presi- dent if necessary." The 10th Air Force findings are automatically subject to review by the Director of Personnel of the Air Force and theSecretary of the j Air Force. T MDulles had given no answer to H at herYugoslavia's proposal for a four- power conference to settle the Italian-Yugoslav dispute. By HARRY LUNN At the United Nations, Russian A specil oM itteEdi former Delegate Andrei Vishinsky called faculty representatives to the Stu- on the 11-nation Security Council dent Affairs Committee will be to convene "post-haste" to set up named by President Harlan H. an international administration Hatcher to study SAC's member- for the whole Free Territory of ship composition. Trieste. Formation of the study group This would mean withdrawal of was announced in ,a letter from Anglo-American troops from Zone President Hatcher read at yes- A and Yugoslav troops from Zone terday's SAC meeting. B. The big powers have never , * , been able to agree on such an ad- APPOINTMENT of an unnamed ministration. number of Senate ranking faculty T members will occur at an early THE OFFICIAL Yugoslav new date, the letter said. agency Tanjug accused Italy of President Hatcher made no sending planes over Yugoslav ter- Pesi identHacherdmadeor ritory and of reinforcing troops in mention of including former the frontier zone. student SAC members now on campus in the committee. The accusations came soon However, the letter said the after Tito sent troops into Yu- committee "will invite to its meet- goslav-controlled ZoneyB of Tri- ings representatives from all parts este and announced they would of the University and will wel- march into Zone A the moment come anyone to its meetings who Italian soldiers did so. may have a serious interest in its More than 100,000 persons -Daily-Don Campbeli MORE THAN A PASSING FANCY-These girls may not know it, but their phones will be busy today. The Student Directory, on sale today, contains a-complete listing of every girl on campus. Other stu- dents' phone numbers may be found there too. In addition, this year's- Directory contains phone numbers and addresses of all campus organizations, residence halls, league houses, fraternities, so rorities and cooperatives. A new added feature is a yellow page classified telephone directory sec- tion in the back of the book. All this can be yours for just one dollar. The Directory may be bought from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today on the Diagonal, the Union steps, under the Engineering Arch and in front of the Women's Athletic Bldg., the League, the Business Administration Bldg. and Angell Hall. State Department officials said for two Dulles may very well see British "If t Prime Minister Churchill. Among an en other problems, the foreign min- tremel isters may also discuss the ques- try." tion of non-aggression guarantees The years: hey got into the hands of emy, they could be ex- y dangerous to this coun- subcommittee has been I- POW'S! Senate Rule Aiutes reatcit i rowziw to Soviet Russia in a move to ease probing the possibility of a Com- global-tensions. However, officials munist honeycomb at Ft. Mon- said there was no certainty this mouth, N.J., where the Signal topic would come up. ? Corps has a laboratory. Several They said the questions of top- civilian employes have been sus- level "Big Four" talks-to bring pended there in recent weeks on together President Eisenhower, So- security grounds. viet Premier Malenkov, Churchill ~-- and French Premier Laniel-could IFCReports and probably would be talked over. The idea of such talks has found" W11,hen InterviewsBegin' PANMUNJOM - (41) - A Com- mand-after weeks of wrangling- munist source said yesterday the that it had completed construc- Reds agreed to begin today the tion of the explanation centerI long-delayed and potentially-ex- where Communist teams will meet plosive "explanations" to 22,300 I the balky prisoners in the neutral anti-Communist war prisoners. zone. { Gets Suppo An attitude of agreement the University Senate domin yesterday's faculty reaction t Senate's approval of resolu etending safeguards in case faculty demotion or dism Monday. Prof. Theodore M. Newcom the sociology department sc assignment." The letter also said the commit- tee will give special consideration to the question of adequately rep- resenting in its discussions all pertinent points of view within the University faculty. COMPOSITION of the top fac- ulty-student-administration policy naking group has always been a controversial question. Originally composed only of faculty members, SAC evolved to include students as non-voting participants and finally granted them voting status. Present organization of the-com- mittee according to the Regents'' By-Laws comprises the Dean of Cuuui±±f, u+ha,.Je'diofl .LVICII 43 massed in downtown Belgrade last more favor with the British than f u teV I tl UU. Allied officers openly predicted . 1 the resolutions as "a gain to night for noisy protest meetings. with the United States. trouble would result when the Reds clearly agreed upon a mode of C. A. Mitts, '54, president of the try to persuade the reluctant Billy'G raham cedure" in these cases. NEW SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Interfraternity Council revealed North Koreans and Chinese to re- The resolutions, the firs last night at a meeting of fra- turn to Communist rule. Some of T T lk ' oda which will become Regents by ternity presidents, that there were the prisoners are violently anti- 5.101 if passed by the Boar O BGT Top osalseven violations of pledging rules Communist. Regents at their next meetin in the formal rushing period. * Billy Graham will give Ann Ar- corporated four new ideas to -, He reported these violations THE UNITED Nations Con- bor a look at a leading American i with cases of dismissal or d would be reviewed by the IFC Ex- mand notified the Neutral Nations evangelist when he speaks at 3:15 tion initiated at the Unive R ecutive Councl. Repatriation Commission it would today in Hill-Auditorium. level. As a curb to any future viola- not begin today the explanations opening the speech department Prof. Frank Grace of the p tions, the presidents' meeting to 335 South Koreans, 23 Ameri- lecture series, Graham will speak cal science department said he By DOROTHY MYERS passed a new bi-law stating that cans and one Briton who are de- on "The Present World Dilemma." in "full and complete agree Student Legislature's discussion of academic freedom will get any violators of pledging privi- scribed as refusing to return to His talk will not be a sernon, but with the action taken." underway again today with a complete substitute motion scheduled leges in the informal rushing per- their Allied homelands. a lecture. Regent Roscoe O. Boni- Other faculty members als to be proposed by Leah Marks, '55L. iod beginning Oct. 26 would be This developmenti followed an steel will introduce evangelist pressed agreement with the Under consideration last week was a motion originally prepared fined $50. announcement by the UN Com- I Graham. ate's action and indicated by the National Students Associa-n -_ very little controversy over tion but which failed to reach the PLEDGE PERCENTAGE.DROPS'_rsMony Pfloor Gt the recent NCA umGerMondy"meeting. SANBORN maintained the bur- 'den of proof throughout the hear- ing rested with the defense ili- stead of the prosecution and said with; the composition of the military hated board had been challenged "for a the cause" from the beginning of the tions hearing "because the colonels es of Were in a position of being pro- aissal secutors Lockward went along with Lb of these statements and said, "We cored simply were not able to obtain have a fair and impartial hearing, pro-1 Democratic and constitutional procedures do not exist in the t of Air Force." y-law "Our entire defense was a stab d of in the dark," Sanborn declared. g, in- "We didn't know what the'tribunal deal I had in the envelope." He was re- emo- ferring to information concerning rsity Radulovich's father and sister which was kept secret during the oliti- proceedings. was Throughout the hearing Radu- ment lovich . attempted to discredit o ex- Sen- that the the 3 the Dean of Women ex-officio as congress. well as six members of the Facul- ty Senate and seven students. h CONTROVERSY hashcentered Student representatives are the over' the question of whether SL chairman of Joint Judiciary ex- should openly censure certain cept that when this officer is a methods employed by Congression- woman, the vice-chairman (who al committees investigating subver- would be' male) serves; the Union sive influences in American educa- '. president; The Daily managing tional institutions which are con- editor; the League president; the trary to methods utilized by Unit- chairman of -Women's Judiciary ed States courts. and two members of Student Leg- NSA's motin, as amended by islature, one of whom must be SLNmade no direct charges at president and one of whom must methods of Congressional inves- be a woman. tigating committees. It stated: * *. * i irf i/ .L/ V iI i i1 i L LA i1 i i .4 i { l iJ .L! L V i L~ charges leveled at his father who. was accused of reading a pro- Communistic Serbian newspaper and spreading Soviet propaganda. The defense -produced witnesses who had known Radulovich's father for 13 years and who de- nied the allegations. Radulovich, a 26-year-old phys- ics major who has previously claimed an adverse ruling would ruin his future career noted "a bad precedent has been set. The Air Force is going to get a lot of guys on similar charges." Fraternities Pledge 478 Members Lawyer Says Ike Kept Civil' 'Rights Pledces IN OTHER business yesterday, SAC approved a Sl proposal to change distribution of Cinema Guild profits. The new plan, which will be reviewed in a year, allocates 56' per cent of the profit to spon- soring groups, 30 per cent to SL and 20 per cent to the insurance fund which covers losses on in- ! di ,.,.ul d L r J vi "If an educator be dismissed, it be only for incompetence, breach of professional stand- ards, neglect of teaching obliga- tions, moral turpitude, violation of academic freedom of others, or conviction under the law of the land and then only after a fair hearing in accordance with methods utilized in United States courts of law." Despite a record 887 rushees this fall, the Interfraternity Council, reported yesterday that formal rushing which ended Sunday pro-, duced only 478 pledges. The 478 total represents a de- crease of 28 pledges from last; year's pledge list of 506 when 815 students -rushed. * THE PROPORTION of rushee pledges fell this year from 62 per- cent to 53 per cent. C. A. Mitts, '54, president ofi the Interfraternity Council, said "the reduction in the number of pledges can be attributed to the fact that this year the houses were not in need of as many men and could be more selec- tive in their pledge choices." List of pledges is as follows: '57; Jerome +J. Schneyer, '57; Ir- Holden, '57; Paul Kaye Hood, '57; win David Solomon, '57; Kenneth John F. Huntsman, '57AD; Wil-j Frank Tucker, '57; Howard Alan liam Potter Johnson, '57; Alan Weisblat, '57; Alan Rush Willens, 1 Robinson Killeen, '57; Richard i '57; David Lewis Zager, '57. 'David Kissinger, '57; Benjamin J. Kleinstiver, '57; Stephen Kott, ArLPHIBeckma PHI:E ria '57; Dennis Proctor Larkin, '57; C. Chopp, '57E; Donald Charles William Granton Meier, Jr., '57P; Dunton, '57; James Nelson Walter White Naumer, Jr., 57E;{ Thomas Lynn Raison, '57; Don-! Fanzini, '56E; Peter S. Fuss, d '56; Richard Morse Gaskill, '57; ald Mervin Sandercock, '57; Don- Frederick Hope, Jr., '57E; JamesG ald Ottitar Schmidt, '57; Robert McCafferty, '57E; Russell B.amsc- J. Smythe, '57; George William Kpnna~n_'7' ;i._Trowbridge, '56. nis C. Beran, '57; Paul Elvidge, '57; Allen Hanselman, '57; Joseph' W. Haselby, '57E; William Robert nennan, ar; uron L. n, '57; Michael George Paradis, '57E; Roger William Park, '56; Charles Warner Travis, '57; James William Whitney, '56; Roger A. Zucchet, '57E. *~ * * CHI PHI: Frederick Lawrence; Arnet, '57E; 'John Emerson Crouse, '58A; Donald Haldus Dil-' worth, '57E; Henry George Gild- ner, Jr., '57; George Thomas Ham- Hawkins, '57M; Geoffrey C. Mac- President Eisenhower has not Glashn, '55BAd, Charles F. Mc- neglected his platform of civilAseaear Alpine, '55; Jule Miller, '57E; Wal- rights, John W. Roxborough IT ter E. Pear, '57; Edgar R. Puthuff, Detroit counsel for the National Adlai Record '57; Donald Tyler, '57; Joseph K. Association for the Advancement Varady, '56. of the Colored People, said at a ! * * * Young Republicans meeting last A recording of Adlai Stevenson's DELTA SIGMA PIl: Benjamin night. speech to University of Wiscon- K. Bean, '57E; Charles W. Heck, Ending segregation at the fed- sin students and faculty on Octo- '56; Donald R. McWatters, '57E; eral schools in Ft. Benning, Ga. in- ber-8, 1952, was the highlight of Jack M. Newman, '55A; David Al- creased immigration quotas, and the Young Democrats meeting held len Payne, '57; John E. Surbis, more action for integration in the I last night in the Union. '56E; Charles R. Walgreen, '57P; aimed forces have been accom- The members voted to hold a DELTA TAU DELTA: William plished under the new administra- dinner followed by a social meeting Raymond Booth, '57; Cai Vagn tion, Roxborough explained. on Nov. 7, 1953. Topics for dis- Christensen, '57; Donald Dean During a question-answer ses- cussion with the Young Republi- Davidson, '57E; Gary John #sion following his address, "A Con- cans will be decided upon by mem- Grenfell, 57; Richard Kline servative Looks at Civil Rights," begs of both clubs' debating com- Hartman, '57E; John Hatgis, he commented that the President mittees. '57E; Calvin Richard Haywood, is probably more liberal on civil '56; John Andrew Heald, '56; rights issues than the majority of SRA John Golden Hoos, '57E; Ken- his party. Further leadership iniDiscusses neth Courtney Johnson, '56A; the field must come from within Religious Problem James William Klausmeyer, '57; ! the party. he said. Victor Carter Krause, '57; Wil- Roxborough emphasized that the I . iviauat movies. 'Ciiiig te ivsiain LUnder the old system sponsors Criticizing the investigation .committes i more diirmet a -I ALPHA TAU OMEGA: David mond, '56E; William Martin Hes- Alan Benner. '57: Donald Charles ton. '7: John Patrick Kell '55 T7,awdL % aaaa 4r lr . 4 tTl:l1 aawalA vT;wa av' i i ul , J llratilr 1l, o got 70 per cent, SL 20 per cent { u"'bl 'ua eu l- and the insurance fund 10 per guage, Miss Marks' proposed mo- ACACIA: Norman O. Brink, '57E; cent. Ition includes the sentence: Thomas Barrie Grace, '57; Leon- Also approved was a three point "Many methods employed by leg- and M. McCalla, '55; Harold Thom- fall campaign of the World Uni- islative investigating committees as Platt, '57; Fleet Senseman, '57; versity Service group on campus. tend to prevent an educational in- Douglas Joseph Lootens, '57. I7 i3 7 j Bennett, '56; William Deane Robert Joseph Marousek, '56; Jo- I Booth, '57; James F. Braden, '57; seph Patrick McEvoy, Jr., '57;j Michael Joseph Conklin, '57: Da- Richard Cramer Menge, '57; Da-; vid Loren Critchett, '58; Richard vid Williams Schmidt, '56; Rich- Newhall Hiss, '57; Bruce F. Mac- ard J. Thompson, '55E: John E. Lean, '57; Themistocles Louis Ma- Van Blarcolm, '57E, and James'