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October 13, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-13

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Maintenance Men Pursue Fall Chore

If anyone on campus has 'seen
Men climbing up ladders leaning
against the General Library, the
warning is out not to be alarmed.
They are not breaking into the
building, just removing dead ivy.
THIS IS A routine job, carried
on by the maintenance depart-
ment each fall. After a long sum-
mer's growth, some.of the campus
buildings tend to get overstocked
on their ivy population, to such
an extent that windows and sashes
jam up. So, for a few weeks inthe
fall, 60 men climb ladders leaning
against the campus edifices, and
with what looks like an elongated
hoe, scrape the dead vines from
the walls.
The General Library has had
almost all its vines cleared, and
the next targets ahead are the
Science Buildings.
Not all buildings undergo this
process every fall. Some of them
have their vines extensively cut,
so that growth can be unimpaired
for a year or two. Rackham's North
North Wall was thoroughly cleared
last year, making it possible to
avoid any work on it this fall.
Other than keeping the vines
out of windows and sashes, this
gleaning process also helps to
maintain the general conditions of
the metal, wood and concrete of
each building.
WHEN THE IVY grows abund-
Wntly, it holds a great deal of mois-
ture, and if it is not trimmed peri-
edically, it can cause corrosion in
the metal. This necessitates either
putting in new sashes, or a repaint
job; the latter being the usual
Ivy growth on wood creates a
rough surface and the wood al-
ways has to be repainted. As for
the concrete, it just causes a
rough surface, and "pock"
marks, left by the suction cups
on the underside of the vines.
The maintenance department
employs this crew periodically,
and there is always some building
on campus that needs a "fall
- cleanng."
Sinai Explains,
Public Health
Discussing the public health
movement in terms of general so-
cial movements, Prof. Nathan Si-
nai of the School of Public Health
spoke yesterday at the Public
Health School Lecture.
Formerly connected with the
World Health Organization, Prof.
Sinai has analyzed health prob-
lems in all parts of the world. Aft-
er a year of absence he is back at
the University as director of the
Bureau of Public Health Econom-
Prof. Sinai divided health move-
ment into three fields: research,
training, and application.
Research develops more rapidly
than any other field and training
tries to keep abreast of research,
he said. However, Prof. Sinai feels
that today's significant movement
is taking place in the region of ap-
Health movements, as other so-
cial developments, begin with dis-
atisfaction. Out of this stems ef-
fective social action and inspira-
tional leadership. Prof. Sinai said
inspirational leadership gives way
to technical leadership, but new
problems are constantly arising to
give new impetus.
Oxford Physicist
To Present Talk

Sydney Chapman, visiting pro-
fessor of solar and terrestrial phy-
sics from Oxford University will
discuss "The Earth's Magnetic
Field and Its Secular Variation"
at 4 p.m. today in Room 1400 of
the Chemistry Building.
The University Departments of
Astronomy, Aeronautical Engi-
neering, Physics and Geology are
sponsoring the talk.
Joiner To Speak
Prof. Charles Joiner of the law
school will address the Michigan
Crib on "The Trial Lawyer" at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League.

* * * *

Standard Cost Color Television
May Be Produced Next Year
How would you like to see Hopa- TY CBS will cost approximately
long Cassidy, Ed Sullivan or the 61,000.
Detroit Tigers in Color? It was also felt this is defiinitely
This is not as strange as it not the end of black and white
seems, for with the announcement television. Many areas which will
by CBS-TV of the development of not be able to receive the color
a low-cost color television picture 'shows will view them in black and
tube, this innovation in the media white, on "ompatible" sets.
of TV may not be far off.
* . The world's first color broadcast
"THE MAJOR television cent- dates back to 1940. when CCBS
ers in New York, Chicago and Hol- broadcast field sequential color
lywood will most likely be trans- pictures, in New York. Since then
mitting color TV by the end of various companies have developed
next year," stated Prof. Edward other types of color transmission.
Stasheff of the speech school yes-
terday. Otober 28th Set

1 . .1



He feels, however, that the For Tlc~ s
smaller stations, although they
will be able to receive these pro- j
grams, will not be able to orig- . Unveiling its current theatre
inate color shows of their own season with a mid-19th century
for about five years. flourish, the Department of Speech
Although this new tube is a stepwill offer "The Heiress" as its first
in the right direction towards the
actuality of color television, a few The play features a cast of nine
more years of experimentation is1 that is guaranteed to rival even
needed to perfect it stated Edward the Homecoming game. "The Heir-
Baugn, manager and vice-presi- ess" . was suggested by Henry
dent of Ann Arbor's TV station, James' novel Washington Square,
WPAG-TV. I and is set in 1850 New York. Open-
Mr. Baugn feels that the 14-ing Wed., Oct. 28, it will continue
inch tubeisgnotelargeaenough toon Oct. 29 and 31. Mail orders are
apnchl t tueisonlareeougha being accepted now and the box
appeal to television viewers ac- office will open Oct. 26.
customed to 19 and 21-inch officewillopenOct._26.


-Daily-Van Otteren

Blowles' Talk.
To Inaugurate
'53-'54 Series
"The test of our times is wheth-
er or not democracy can harness
the forces of the modern world to
benefit the common man and at
the same time preserve the free-
dom of the human individual,"
says Chester A. Bowles, former
ambassador to India.
Bowles will deliver the first of
this year's Lecture series at 8:30
p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
Bowles was given his ambassa-
dorship, ponsidered by many as a
tinderbox, because of his knowl-
edge of world affairs and experi-
ence as administrator, gained by
his war-time post as director of
OPA, and the post-war position as
the American delegate to UNESCO.
The policy which he carried out
toward India included the proffer-
ind of aid with no strings attached.
This included the development of
a major point Four program which
is now playing a large role in the
building of the new Indian democ-

S ale smen'
Anyone interested in repre-
senting his house organization
as 'Ensian yearbook salesman
is invited to attend the first
sales meeting of the year at
4:30 p~m. Monday in the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg.
Representatives of men's and
women's residence halls are es-
pecially needed. Students who
sell over a certain number of
yearbooks receive a commis-
Orr To Address
Electronics Group

Both men agreed that cost is
a major factor in slowing up the
muss production of color-TV
sets. The new receiver developed





"Magnetic and Dielectric Cer-
amics and their Circuit Applica-
tion," will be discussed by Prof.
Lyman W. Orr of the engineering
college at a joint meeting of the
Science and Electronics Group and
Communications Technical Group
of Michigan, Section of American
Institute of Electrical Engineers
at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham
Dr. Or is Research Engineer for
the Electronics Defense Group of

racy. the Engineering Research Insti-
The next lecture in the series tute. He is currently doing research
is the presentation of "John involving magnetic and dielectric
Brown's Body" with Tyrone Power, ceramics.
Anne Baxter and Raymond Mas The meeting is open to the pub-
sey on Oct. 29 and 30. lic.
Ii ii-



Students to sell the 1954 Michi-
ganensian in fraternities, sor-
orities; and men and women's
dorms. If you are interested,
come to the sales meeting at
4:30 TODAY... in the Student
Publications Building.









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