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October 13, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-13

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TUESDAY, OC .[ OBEL .13, 1953

PAGE EOUR '2WLi~DAY, OCTO~%E1L .13, 1953 '1kW MitiliGAiN DAiLY
____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I


Tito's Political Maneuvers
In Trieste

~HE U.S.-British decision last week to pull
their occupying forces out of the Trieste
afea has precipitated a minor crisis on the
European continent.
Although the move came as a surprise
to much of the American public, Mar-
shal Tito of Yugoslavia had anticipated
the action for some time.
On Sept. 13 Tito warned the Western
powers that although they were the masters
of the Trieste situation temporarily "we
(Yugoslavia) are more masterful than they."'
On that same day in a speech delivered
in Rome, the Italian Premier Giuseppe
Pella saw a conflict eventually arising over
the Trieste question and asked for a plebe-
scite to determine which nation was to guide
the future of the historically strife-ridden
After the United States government
and the British foreign office announced
their decision to move out of Trieste giv-
ing Zone A (the port city and immediate
surroundings) to Italian jurisdiction, Tito
told the world he would fight to preserve
the peace under the dictates of the Unit-
ed Nations Charter.
He maintained that Italian control over
Zone A would not only be a threat to the
peace but necessitate aried intervention by
the Yugoslav government. Immediately he
began to move troops and military supplies
to the border area which separates the two,
European nations' spheres of political in-
The Allies countered by sending tanks to
the border to preserve the peace. Tito fol-
lowed his warnings of 'war by cancelling all
military leaves in the Yugoslavian army. The
situation as it now stands is in a tremendous
state of flux and by the time this editorial
sees the light of print may have changed
. drastically.
HOWEVER, several points should be made
in connection with the incident. Histori-
cally and legally neither Italy nor Yugoslav-
ia have prior claims to Trieste. The city
itself is a mixture of both nationalities, and
has constantly been a political thorn to
the nation which was governing the area.
There is no final answer to the ques-
tion of governance of the locale. The most
practical suggestion seems to be United
Nations disposal or rule of that terri-

tory with Yugoslavian and Italian inter-
ests figuring in heavily.
Tito has expressed his willingness to let
the Italians have the city of Trieste itself
if the Yugoslavian government could be as-
sured dominance of the entire surrounding
area. This is his position at the moment and
apparently is the one which he will push
regardless of the consequences.
Any consideration of whether or not the
incident can provoke armed conflict between
Italy and Yugoslavia of course must be high-
ly speculative, particularly since ridiculous
considerations may finally decide all ac-
However, if reasonable considerations
do prevail war will not occur in this part
of Europe. It is doubtful if the Italian
government wants to fight. More import-
ant, though, is whether the government
can muster enough support to go to war
over Trieste. The Italian government will
probably be racked with internal dissen-
tion but will wait for Tito to make the
first move.
Tito feels that he has gotten a raw deal
from the big Western powers. However, his
threats of war are probably nothing more
than political maneuvering to put him in a
better position to bargain with the Western
bloc. War for Tito would be extremely dan-
gerous, for it would probably weaken his
mastery at home and leave his Eastern bor-
ders considerably open to agitation moves
from the Slavic Communistic block. Tito
realizes that the Allies are counting on his
cooperation in the event of an all-out gen-
eral war and circumstance will force him
to throw his support to the West.
He himself has proposed an immediate
conference with the Western powers to set-
tle the situation, which indicates his hesi-
tancy to fight for what he wants.
The sole remaining danger is that of
nationalistic - radicalism. Nationalistic
groups in both countries may be able to
create a highly explosive situation which
will bury all sensible political considera-
tions. This must be avoided at all costs.
In any case, the incident has shown the
world that all is not well in the Western
coalition of powers and has served the pur-
pose of weakening whatever bonds that do,
-Mark Reader

The 'Selectivity'
'HE State University of New York last
week took what is probably the strong-
est action yet taken by an school against
discriminatory membership requirements of
fraternities and sororities.
Besides withdrawing recognition from
any social group which in "policy or
practice" has a bias clause, the ruling
requires all local chapters to disaffiliate
from their national organizations. A time
limit of 1958 was set for compliance.
Making fraternities cut all national ties
is a drastic step. The underlying reasoning
is that the fraternity is a local organiza-
tion which should be responsible for its ac-
tions locally.
The president of the State University of
New York, moreover, told the trustees of
three recent instances in which national or-
ganizations had clashed with the admin-
istration of two state colleges over denying
admission of Negro and Jewish students.
Severing national connections will have
the beneficial effect of destroying any na-
tionally imposed bias clauses which were
repugnant to the New York chapters. At
least one sorority at the State University
had already disaffiliated voluntarily be-
cause of a national restrictive clause.
On the other hand, the New York fra-
ternities will lose any advantages of nation-
al affiliation because of the ruling.
Yet disaffiliation seems to be the only
answer for a local chapter which wants re-
moval of a restrictive clause, and wants it
Making all fraternities, not just those with
clauses, disaffiliate, ishan assertion of pow-
er which arises from the fact that the fra-
ternity is a campus organization. This may
be an unnecessarily strong use of the Uni-
versity's power, but it certainly does point
out forcefully that existence of fraternities
on a campus is a privilege extended by the
University, not a right, and thus is subject to
any restrictions the University may want to
impose, no matter how arbitrary.
B UT even the suggestion of disaffiliation
frightens Michigan fraternity spokes-
men, who feel a local chapter should work
"democratically" within the national organ-
ization for clause removal. They should add,
"patiently" and "indefinitely."
Their attitude implies a belief that fra-
ternity solidarity is more important than
a bias clause. If bias clause removal seems
more important on another campus, dis-
affiliation would be a logical step.
In discussing the New York State Univer-
sity action, fraternity spokesmen here
brought out another old argument which
ought to be scotched.
They claim that forcing a fraternity to
remove "selectivity" clauses is "undemo-
cratic"-it violates the traditional American
right to choose one's own friends-and
should therefore be opposed by all right-
thinking people.
This argument is pure hogwash.
The truth is that forcing removal of
bias clauses, as in the New York move last
week, does nothing like violate the free-
dom of the fraternities affected to choose
their friends. On the contrary, it insures
this freedom.
The simple fact is that members of a
fraternity with a "bias clause" in either its
constitution or its ritual are not free to
"choose their friends." Their "friends," in
this case their fraternity brothers, cannot
be Negroes, or Jews, or non-Jews, or Cath-
olics, or some other group.
No matter how much the New York chap-
ters of some bias clause-ridden fraternity
want to take in a member of one of these
groups, they are unable to-the clause re-
stricts their freedom of choice.
Now removing the clause does not force
the brothers to take anyone they don't
want to into their group. But it does al-
low them to pledge some people they
couldn't before.

Removing bias clauses won't end preju-
dice. But it will insure the freedom of choice
the "hands off, give us time" school of
clause removers say they want.
_-Jon Sobeloff

Red Balloon

The Daily welcomes communications fromits readers on matters.of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from pubication at the discretion of the

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IM Ruling .
To the Editor:
For the past three years I have
viewed with pride the Michigan
I. M. system. Under the steady
eye of Earl Risky, I, and hundreds
of other young men, have been
proud to participate in numerous
sports and facilities offered us.
The action taken by Mr. Risky
on October 8th allowing frosh
track men to participate in I. M.
track meets has rubbed the shine
off our I. M. system, and unless
the protective coating is put on
again nothing but rust and de-
cadence can result.
I. M. sports are reserved for
the boys who can't make the
teams. It does not mean that they
love their respective sports any
less or have lost the varsity com-
petitive spirit. It only signifies
that the U. of M. is able to pride
itself in an abundance of athle-
tically-minded men who, through
no lack of competitive spirit, could
not make the varsity.
They have carried that varsity
spirit into I. M. athletics. The
mass entrance of "ringers" can
only lead to the total collapse of
this spirit and the I. M. system. I
am sure that both Earl Risky and
Ddn Canham in taking this action
had only the best interests of I. M.
and varsity athletics in mind. Cer-
tainly when they realize the effect
that their action will have on I. M.
spirit, they will recognize their
mistake and rescind the ruling al-

-- Ii
W ASHINGTON-Though the Air Force is so hard up for funds
that is has been forced to cancel 955 planes and 6,000 jet engines,
it is spending money like water on free transportation and enter-
tainment for the same senators and congressmen who helped slash
their budget.
More than two dozen congressional parties are now away on
overseas junkets-from the sunny climes of South America to the
gay night life of Paris and Rome. Wherever they go, the Air Force
wines and dines them, partly in the hope they won't cut the budget
any more.

ernment. We are sorry to disap-
point the YDs, but our party just
naturally tends to call the close
ones against Government control
as it were. Then, too, the Repub-
lican Party doesn't really postpone
so much as it takes a careful look
before taking action rather than
rushing to pass laws and establish
further Government regulation
just as a matter of course.
-J. B. Reid, Jr.
* * *
IM vs. Varsity .
To the Editor:
THIS University undoubtedly
sponsors one of the most ex-
cellent Intramural Sports Pro-
grams in collegiate circles. It is
effeciently and enthusiastically
administered. Now, varsity stu-
dents and their respective houses
and halls compete thankfully and
However Friday's Daily exhibit-
ed this headline: "Frosh Cinder
Stars Eligible for I-M Track." It
means of course that Michigan's
future track greats can run away
with the., laurels in Intramural
track. Is this really an Intramural
sport then? The answer is obvious.
The purity of the Intramural
Sports Program depends on its
complete segregation of Varsity
The new ruling was said to be
brought about by the unusually
low number of freshmen who had
come out for varsity track. That
ruling is quite irrelevant to the
matter. That isn't any excuse for
purging the Intramural Depart-
ment. Now Intramural sports are
just as important as Varsity sports
to the University. Success of one
department means its complete
independence from other depart-
It is rather pathetic that such
an incident has occurred in Earl
Riskey's Department. Maybe the
fault is elsewhere. Probably from
"Upstairs." It sound logical!
If this ruling is an indication
of what's to come, the Intramural
Program is behind us. Maybe even
the gameless Freshman Football
team would like to play a littler
touch football?
-Roger Magnuson
* * *
To the Editor:
'WHAT happened to Herblock?
-Blue Carstensen


Innocents' Abroad

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a reprint of
a letter to the editor of The New York Times
Swhichappeared in Sunday's Times. Former Daily
Feature Editor Zander Hollander, one of the
three Messrs. referred to in the letter, will be
returning to Ann Arbor within a month and
will, in all probability, comment on the follow-
ing charges in these columns.)
PROFESSORS of distinguished American
' universities devote years to the study
of the Soviet enigma, and even they are
sometimes at a loss when asked to give defi-
nite answers to certain problems. The three
atudent editors who have been interviewed
on their return from visiting Soviet Russia
believe they can solve the riddle in ten days.
As a person familiar with the Soviet-Amer-
ican technique of handling foreign visitors
I wonder about the following:
Do Messrs. Berger, Emond and Holland-
er speak Russian and Ukrainian or did
they need an interpreter? Soviet interpre-
ters are usually party members or agents
of the secret police. Did the gentelmen go
wherever they liked or did they accept
suggestion and guiding? The regime pro-
vides special model farms for naive tour-
ists. Did they know the background of the
students they talked to? It is utterly ridic-
At Hill Auditorium .. .
Erica Morini, violinist, with Leon Pom-
mers, pianist.
THE RECITAL by Erica Morini was in
many respects an excellent one. It is a
'delight to hear the violi nplayed with such
virtually flawless intonation and technique,
and such consistently beautiful tone. Stylis-
tically and interpretatively, her playing was
not always ideal. The program began with
a Larghetto by Handel, performed with
exquisite tone and bowing, but marked by
an occasional burst of speed and a disturb-
ing portamento. The "Pugnani-Kreisler"
Praeludiu mand Allegro followed. I believe
this is one of the work actually composed by
Kreisler which he palmed off as the music
of other cohiposers. Miss Morini played
superbly here, and it was perhaps the most
enjoyable moment on the program.
The next work was the Concerto in G
minor by Max Bruch. This raised again
the question of whether concerti should
be played with piano accompaniment.
Unless the composer himself has prepared
two alternate versions, one with piano, the
other with orchestra (as in Debussy's
Rhapsodie for Clarinet), or unless the
music is of such exceptional quality that
performance mediu mis relatively unim-
portant, the orchestral portions are likely
to sound pallid and unconvincing when
played on the piano. This, unfortunately,


ulous to assume that a Soviet citizen
would air his sincere opinions in public or
even receive a foreigner in private, unless
he is completely trusted or the naive visit-
or insists on seeing him and cannot well
be refused (cf. the testimony of a member.
of the American diplomatic mission).
Anyone who has a brain to think with
must suspect that the questions about chess
players, etc., were framed beforehand with
the intention of embarrassing the Ameri-
cans, not to learn anything. Most probably
the questioners were Komsomol or party
Finally, what right have Messrs. Berger,
Emond and Hollander to assert that there
is no opposition toward the Sovietregime
in the Ukraine? Of course, there is no
shooting in the streets of Kiev. For an op-
ponent it would be suicide even to look at
American students.
Intellectual honesty obliges us not to
jump at hasty conclusions if the evidence
is so miserably poor. But youthful naivetd
scorns any obstacles. The Russians can con-
gratulate themselves on having found three
more innocents. --Jarosaw Bilinskij,
Cambridge, Mass.
one could. There is such an extensive,
repertoire of original music for violin and
piano (some of it, by the way, composed
in this century) that the practice of using
piano for concerti seems even more diffi-
cult to understand. Miss Morin! played
the solo part to perfection.
Brahms' Sonata No. 3 then followed. Here
Miss Morini did not seem to rise completely
to the interpretative demands of the work.
The violin seemed to ride on top of the
music, without quite capturing the drive
from first measure to last. Mr. Pommers
was entirely in rapport with the violinist,
asserting himself when the music called
for this. At least the work was not turned
into a violin solo with piano accompaniment.
The program concluded with several works
of the sort which we are accustomed to
hearing at the end of violin recitals: Can-
zonetta by Godard, Valse Caprice by Wie-
niawski, and Faust Waltz, by Sarasate. Miss
Morini played with wonderful dexterity and
fleetness which was entirely appropriate to
the character of the music. By the way,
why did the program give no credit to Gou-
nod, who actually composed the Faust
Waltz, whereas Sarasate only prepared the
souped-up violin version? There were two
-encores: Kriesler's Caprice Viennois and
something which I didn't recognize.
-Dave Tice
0UR HIGHER institutions of learning
" should emhbark upon an a ? x~rrv Dro-

For example, Air Force headquarters at Wiesbaden, Germany, .wing .flosn track men to partci-
sent the following confidential dispatch to Wheelus Air Force pate in I. M. track meets.
Base at Tripoli, Libya: David T. Goldstick
"Case subcommittee on real estate and military construction.
will visit your base on 26 September," the message read. "Length of The Next YR Meeting
stay in Wheelus probably one day. Group is composed of Chairman Will Be . .
Francis Case (S.D.), Senators James H. Duff, (Pa.), John C. Sten-
nis, (Miss.), Ralph E. Flanders, (Vt.), John S. Cooper, (Ky.), Mr. To the Editor:
Wm. H. Darden, committee counsel, Mr. Frank R. Creedon (DefenseTHREE YEARS ago Senator
Department), Col. E. V. Schuyler (Air Force), and Lt. Col. E. N. Sparkman said: "I am against
Hathaway, escort officer. . the civil rights proposals-always
"Purpose of this visit is to inspect construction progress of air ' have been and always will be ...
force installations. Maj. Gen. Colby Myers will represent this head- We know what our most import-
quarters and will accompany the group to your area. In addition, ant weapon is. It is the ability to
wives of Senators Case, Duff Stennis, Flanders and Mr. Darden, and work as Democrats. Some seem to
daughters of Senators Case and Stennis will accompany party. Request think that the Republicans are
accommodations be arranged for all members of this group for night our friends in defeating civil
of 26 September. Request also entertainment, escort on shopping and rights proposals. Such is simply
sightseeing arrangements for ladies of party be planned." not the case." If the influence of
the Southern faction is truly de-
After time out for entertainment and sightseeing around d Sining, why was Sparkman put
Tripoli, it is doubtful that this senatorial party will get much onithew1952Sticket?
. on the 1952 ticket?
inspecting done during their overnight stay at Wheelus Air Force Now there comes a letter from
Base. Their formidable escorts-one general, two colonels and a a prominent YD whose feelings'
defense department official-should be able to provide good were hurt because, minus the ad-
guide service, jectives, the Republican Admin-
NOTE-Most overseas tours are strictly vacations at the tax- istration is not carrying out the
payers' expense, but some are legitimate. For example, Senator Democratic policy of bigger Gov-
Ellender of Louisiana has just returned from a hard-working, two-
month, round-the-world mission for the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee. He went to the out-of-the-way places, rather than vacation
spots, collected 21 books of painstaking notes on what he found.
IT WASN'T SUPPOSED to leak out, but T. Coleman Andrews, the
I(Continued from Page 2)
nation's tax chief, admitted behind closed doors recently that g
"an awful lot" of innocent people have been slapped with tax-fraud "La Tertulla" of "La Sociedad His-
lti.panica" will meet today at 3:30 p.m. at
penalties. the International Center. Refreshments
This shocking admission was drawn from him by Congressman will be served. Very informal. Everyone
John Dingell, Michigan Democrat, at a secret meeting of the joint welcome.
congressional committee on taxation. Sqonare and Folk Dancing. Instruction
"Why do you slap on so many fraud cases that never hold for beginners and new dances for all.
water? Is it just to put a ring in the taxpayer's nose and hold Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m.
him close?" demanded Dingell. S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
"I am not at all happy about the situation," acknowledged An- 5:15 p.m.
drews. He explained that the practice had been to charge civil fraud
in cases where evidence for a criminal indictment was lacking. Seminar on Religion and Psychology.
Led by Mrs. Kenneth Boulding, Dr. Mil-
"I am worried about, these (civil fraud) cases," he confessed in the ton J. Rosenberg, and the Rev. Dr. Rob-
closed-door session. "I am afraid, very frankly, that there have been ert Whittaker. Sponsored by S.R.A.
an awful lot of citizens in this country who have been slapped with a Lane Hall Library, wed., Oct. 14, 7:30
fraud penalty without being uilty of anv frauid.I


(Editor's Note: Herblock is now
Europe. His cartoons will return
The Daily pages in a few weeks.)




y1aLLU .pl Vy.LUL , U ..g gJ t.y U1ally yll uu.
"I know of one case," Dingell pointed out, "where the interven- The Assembly Dormitory council
tion of a Senator, a Republican Senator, helped settle a matter on a ieets today at 4 o'clk at the League.
All representatives are required to be
basis of one-eleventh with $110,000 involved. And I know that the there.
government got more than it was entitled to in the $10,000 settle-
ment." Coming Events
Dingell also charged that tax agents had misused the net-worth The Heiress, by Ruth and Augustus
technique in trying to trap tax delinquents. The mistake had been Goetz, as suggested by Henry James'
made of adding up duplicate bank figures, he claimed, so it would novel, Washington Square, and Eliza-
appear a taxpayer had deposited twice as much money as he had beth The Queen, by Maxwell Anderson,
actully ut n th ban. jare the first two plays of the Depart-
ment of speech fall play series.
"You just count figures and never mind using your brains," snort- The Heiress will be presented in the
ed the grizzled old Michigan Democrat. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Oct. 28, 29,
and 31, starting promptly at 8 p.m. The
"The net-worth theory was adopted without, in my opinion, a production will be under the direction
proper instruction to those who have to apply it," admitted Andrews. of Claribel Baird. Tickets are $1.20-90c-
"We propose to send out a manual to include in our training, which 60c, with the special student rate of
is an up-to-date discourse on how to use the net-worth theory." 50 cents on Oct. 28 and 29.
* * IElizabeth the Queen will be present-
-HELPING TAXPAYERS- ed in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Ion Nov. 12, 13, 14, and 16 starting
CHAIRMAN DAN REED of New York then pulled out a letter, promptly at 8 p.m. The production will
which he claimed had been sent to him by a field agent. The let- astead Tickets are$.20 90 w-c wit
ter complained that all tax examiners had been taken off their cases the special student rate of 50 cents on
and assigned to helping taxpayers make out their returns during the Nov. 12.
tax-filing p d. Scenery and costumes for both plays
tx-ngperiodwill be designed and executed by Jack
"It looks like close to one-half a year's revenue through field E. Bender and Phyllis Pletcher.
examination will be lost," Reed quoted the letter. "It may be close to Mail orders for both plays are now
being received. The box office opens
$1,000,000,000, in my estimation, which is not good reading in view( 10 a.m., Oct. 26.

terested in being present at this meet.
ing is invited to attend, and the sev-
en newly elected members as well as
the two old members must be there.
Lecture on "Similarities between the
Analysis of Dynamic Systems and Prob-
lems in Structural Stability," by Mr. T.
F. O'Brien, of Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, wed., Oct. 14, 3 p.m., 1504
East Engineering Building. All inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., wed., Oct.
14, Canterbury House.
The Michigan Crib, pre-legal society,
will hold their second meeting Wed.,
Oct. 14, atrthe Michigan League at 8:30
p.m. The room will be posted on the
main bulletin board of the League. The
speaker will be Charles Joiner, nation-
ally known Professor of Law at the
University of Michigan. His topic will
be, The Trial Lawyer. Everyone is cor-
dially invited.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by &tudents of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..........Oity Editor
Virginia Voss........ Editorial Director
Mike Wolff...Associate Oity Editor
Alice B. Siiver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker........Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye,............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler...Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell......,Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seden.. Finance Manager
James Sharp.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

WASHINGTON -- One expert observer has
TT quipped that Georgi M. Malenkov real-
ly ought to be called "Warren G. Malenkov."
The little joke has a certain significance.
For it tells a good deal about the conclusions
which the most experienced Western experts
on the Soviet Union have been reaching, in
the seven months since the death of Joseph
V. Stalin.
Their first conclusion is that there is no
evidence whatsoever of the much-advertised
and long-anticipated "convulsion in the
Kremlin," which was supposed to happen
after Stalin died.
When Lavrenti Beria was purged, the
beginning of the convulsion was jubilant-
ly hailed in Washington. Yet the avail-
able evidence now clearly suggests that
Malenkov's primacy is firmly established
--he appears more firmly in the saddle
than Stalin was even some years after
Lenin's death.,
Yet although the memory of Stalin is fad-


of the President's desire to balance the budget."
The Internal Revenue Commissioner admitted that 536 man-
years of the agents' time had been spent helping taxpayers with
their returns this spring, but argued that it hadn't cost the gov-
ernment $1,000,000,000 in lost revenue. The difference between
what the agents uncovered, he said, was only $250,000,000 less
this year than last.
Andrews' biggest complaint was that "We are right now dread-
fully short of revenue agents.

Le Cercie Francais will meet tomorrow
at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Room of
the League. Ensian (Michigan Yearbook)
pictures will be taken only of members
who have paid their dues. A Musicale
of songs direct from France will high-
light the program. Everyone welcome!
Israeli Dance Group, First meeting,
Wed., Oct. 14, at 8 p.m., Hillel Build-
ing. Everyone welcome!



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