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October 11, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-11

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The Status of Communism
Today-An I nterv ieW

The West -

They Run Together


(Editor's Note: The -following is an account
of an interview with Peter Kalinke, an "East
German who was held in Russian labor camps
from 1945 to 1950 and has since resided in West
Germany, doing sociological studies of East
German and Soviet peoples. He is presently do-
ing graduate work in the sociology department
Do you think the average American has
a clear understanding of what Russian
attitudes are?
I don't think it is possible for the typi-
cal American to have such an understand-
ing today. It is difficultofor any person to
identify himself with human beings so com-
pletely separated from us.
Most information from Soviet Russia is
too exaggerated and merely serves to satisfy
the popular urge for sensational reading. We
must differentiate between this religion
called communism and the people we are
fighting against.
M * * *
Are there any significant differences be-
tween Soviet tactics used in Russia and
those used in Eastern Germany?
Yes. The structure of Soviet society in re-
gard to culture and economy is in sharp con-
trast to that of Eastern Germany, so brain-
washing tactics are completely different in
the two places. The Soviets started in East
Germany with strict laws designed to build
up the Communist and Socialist Unity Par-
ty which soon controlled the whole zone.
They brought Russian soldiers in but kept
them completely separate from the East
German people.
For several years the East German econ-
omy worked entirely for Russia. Whole
factories along with their specialists were
taken to the USSR but the Soviets didn't
understand German psychology. The Ger-
mans were very bitter about POW treat-
The Soviets found it would not work to
arrest anti-Communists, especially those
among the middle class. They soon realized
that the standard of living of East German
workers was so high that the class would
not rebel against the middle class and weal-
thy capitalists. And, in 1952, the East Ger-
man government realized their entire sys-
tem had been wrong. Communists found a
desperate need to win the support of the
intellectuals and large middle class, a situ-
ation they ihad never faced in the USSR.
* * * *
What reasons do you see for the June 17
revolt in East Germany?
My opinion is that one country cannot
project its government and political party

system into another country. The norm sys-
tem of production will work with the Slavic
mentality but German mentality will not
accept it. German factory bosses often lie
about how much work they turn out in order
to save themselves from the ire of higher
officials. Machinery and equipment pro-
duced is roughly turned out. Even optical
equipment is now very poor. The norm sys-
tem depresses the Germans who are used
to private, small factories run on a person-
al basis. They don't like the public economy
system. Small private businesses and farms
still exist and now receive more official sup-
port than ever before.
East German Communist officials are
idealistic puppets of Moscow, not straight
politicians and they have difficulty rec-
onciling themselves to the party line.
The German people are tired of the dry,
organized, dictatorial system. They want
individuality and cannot be forced into a ste-
reotype. Czechoslavokia, Hungary and Po-
land, also industrialized before the war,
were not successful experiments either.
The island of Berlin is still by far the most
important city in Germany. For there East
Germans can compare their low living stan-
dards 'and lack of freedom with opposite
conditions existing in West Germany. There
was no organized plan for the June uprising
as Communists declared. Knowledge of it
spread through RIAS, the West German ra-
dio station, which is listened to by millions
of East Germans. The subjected people be-
lieved that the time had come and expected
their revolution to be successful. But this
was not the last uprising. It was the be-
ginning of a fresh realization of freedom's
meaning for the East Germans. Every day
makes the people there more bitter against
their government. Although officials liberal-
ized conditions temporarily, they are now
tightening up again and there is no signifi-
cant difference between conditions today and
before the June uprising.
. .
Is the deification of Soviet leaders today
as strong as it was during Stalin's life-
The deification of Stalin was and is very
strong today. However, I don't believe the
winner of the Malenkov-Molentov struggle
will be deified because there is not the same
opportunity today for seeming heroism that
there was for the leader of a revolution and
one in command during a successful war.
Today Russia is torn by struggles between
militarists, economic powers and high politi-

Behind Locked Doors --

Its Resources
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a
series of weekly articles analyzing the problems
faced by the Western section of the United
THE PEOPLE flocking to the West in
search of a new life were (and for that
matter still are) confronted with the prob-
lem of best utilizing natural resources, a
problem which must satisfactorily be solved
if this area of the nation is to continue to
flourish and grow.
To the tourist travelling over the large
tracts of land lying for miles unbroken by
any signs of population, land appears to
be the least worry in the settlement of the
West. However, this is not the case. Al-
though the natural land mileage be large
enough to house the entire American pop-
ulace, relatively little of it can support
any population whatever.
Hundreds of square miles are uselessj
wastes. Deserts and semi-parched tracts
speckled the entire area. The lack of water
makes these areas useless in supporting hu-
mans-not even marginal farming is pos-
sible in states such as Nevada, Utah, Arizona,
New Mexico and Wyoming.
As a result, the exodus from other see-
tions of the country has for the most part
been directed toward the Pacific states-Cali-
fornia, Oregon and Washington-where the
water situation is slightly better. However,
California is built on a prayer-the hope
that its underground water supplies will not
run ,out. In certain parts of this state the
settled populace watches helplessly as the
underground water supply becomes more
acute. The citrus fruit growers servicing
many parts of the nation with their produce
constantly fear the rains will not come.
But the state has done much to alleviate
this problem. Recently, a huge man-made
irrigation, power and flood control system
has been completed in the heart of this
lush area.
Water is now being pumped from the
northern part of California where rainfall
is relatively heavy to the southern and
dryer sections where most of the growing
areas are located.
Oregon and Washington are less fortu-
nate, however. Although blessed with greater
rainfalls and rivers capable of irrigating
large tracts of land and producing water
power, flash floods continue to act as a detri-
ment to any permanent progress.
The rampaging Columbia River poten-
tially can support the development of tre-
mendous industrial growth, but little fore-
sight has been exercised in this respect.
Although dams are being constructed at
present along the river, an asinine lack of
imagination and the proper amount of
political narrow-mindedness in Washing-
ton have reduced these dams to the sole
purpose of controlling floods.
Engineers have known the techniques of
building all-purpose dams for several years
now-dams which not only are capable of
contiolling floods but equally important, of
producing power.
However, the last Congress is an effort to
save money has cut appropriations on a Co-
lumbia River dam beyond the point where
it can be built to harness water power. Ac-
tion such as this saves the taxpayers money
temporarily only to waste it in the future.
Other stumbling blocks in the way of
proper development of the West are the
paucity of imaginative planning ideas at
top levels and the resitancy of govern-
ment to intervene to produce a dynamic
economy for the area.
The government seems content to let de-
velopment take its haphazard and not al-
ways certain course. It has constantly been
demonstrated that no single state in the
West is capable of financing development
projects which are sorely needed. It has also
been satisfactorily shown that the economy
of the West is an inter-economy with one
state naturally relying on other states for

its economic survival.
The government, caught in the whirl-
pool of anti-socialistic hysteria and glut-
ted on a partially eclipsed theory of "let-
business-do-it" is beginning to make less
and less of an effort to make certain the
area is developed to its fullest potentiali-
While land is plentiful and water scarce
there is no reason in the world why a higher
economic standard cannot be reached if
only the government takes the interest and
acquires the desire to exploit the potential-
ities of this promised land.
-Mark Reader
B30TH CRITICS and Congressmen could
develop more fully the art of distinguish-
ing. Congressmen must learn, for examnle,
that liberals are not Comnunists, and Com-
munists are not socialists, and all Commu-
nists are not atomic spies. They could even
train themselves to separate disagreement
or flat error from disloyalty and fundamen-
tal protest from subversion. Critics must
realize that all Congressmen probing sub-
version are not McCarthys, that legislators
can often be guided to responsible conduct
by responsible criticism, that civil liberty is
not a license to unlawful acts or deceptive
techniques, and that all Congressional in-
vestigations into political operations are not






III }} _I
~i1 )i ?",






TOSSED AROUND like a football this week, the proposed Paul Bun-
yan trophy for the winner of the annual Michigan-Michigan State
rivalry continued to receive no comment one way or the other from
director of athletics Prof. Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler. Suggested by
Governor G. Mennen Williams, the trophy would represent the figure
of Michigan's legandary Paul Bunyan standing on a map of the
State. What concern Paul Bunyan has with football remains a ques-
* * * *
Last Sunday afternoon, 420 out of 1042 women who registered




for the window-shopping process of rushing waiked into affiliated 1953-54 Lecture Course opens Thursday 7:15 p.m. V_
life. Ending a two-year trial period of fall rushing, the experiment Night. Only four more days remain to
looked successful to sororities who will probably decide to continue it. buy season tickets for the current Lee- Westminster Guild: 5:30 p.m., W.S.F.
* * * ture Course which Honorable Chester Cost Supper in the Presbyterian church
Bowles will open next Thursday, 8:30 Social Hall. 6:45 p.m., Presbyterian
In answer to the storm of protests voiced at the stepped-up exam p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Bowles Guild meeting. Speaker: Rev. Horace
schedule last spring, President Harlan H. Hatcher this week announced will be followed by many distinguished white, D.C., talking on "The Role of
the formation of a student-faculty-administration exam study group celebrities, the complete program in- the Church in Caring for the Mentally
the ormtio ofa Suden-fault-adinitraton xamstuy goupeluding: Oct. 15, Mr. Bowles, "Our Best Deficient."
headed by Assistant to the President Erich A. Walter. Later in the Hope For Peace In Asia;" Oct.30, Tyrone
week Student Legislature's cabinet appointed five student members Power, Anne Baxter, Raymond Massey Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club,
to the committee. Although the revised schedule- was intended to make and supporting cast in the exciting dra- supper-program 6 p.m., with candlelight
matization "John Brown's Body;" Nov. initiation service for new members fol-
Commencement more meaningful to seniors and graduation well- i1, Hon. Trygve Lie, "How To Meet The lowing.
wishers, many students considered the program too rigorous. Challenge Of Our Times;" Feb. 9, Han- ng.
The study group will look for a compromise between an impres- son Baldwin, "Where Do We Go From
Here?"; Feb. 18, Mrs. Alan Kirk, "Life oming Events
sive graduation program and a less pressing exam schedule. In Moscow Today;" March 2, Hon. Her-
* * *bert Brownell, Jr., "Our Internal Se- MuemMveaSor fteBe.
Once again the academic freetlom debate was brought to a stand- curity;" March 24, Agnes Moorehead Free movie shown at 3 p.m. daily, in-
still in last week's Student Legislature meeting., In an attempt to with Robert Gist in "Sorry, Wrong eluding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed.,
Number" and other dramatic selections. 4th floor movie alcove Museums Build-
reach a definite stand before the appearance of Rep. Clardy's investi- Tickets for individual performances will ing, Oct. 13-20.
gators in November, campus legislators seem to be deadlocked over be placed on sale Wednesday at 10 a.m.
the degree and kind of censure to be directed at Congressional in the Auditorium box office. Joint meeting of Science and Elec-
grs'methods of itronics Group and Communications
groups' d investigatig. University Lecture-"Religious Sym- Group of AIEE, Tues., Oct. 13, 8:00 p.m.,
The original motion which was defeated Wednesday deplores "the posium-1953"- "Religion Molds So- Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. L. W. Orr
current investigations of American educational institutions as ex- ciety," discussed by a panel consisting will speak on "Magnetic and Dielectric
motonbrogh onth florwasa a-of Professors Marvin Eisenberg, Ken', Ceramics and Their Circuit Applica-
tremely unwise." An alternative motion brought on the floor was a Na- neth Boulding, Gerhard Lenski, G. B tions."
tional Students Association-inspired stand. . Harrison and Frank L. Huntley, moder-
The NSA statement sanctioned dismissal of an educator ator. Oct. 13, 8 p.m. Rackham Lecture Michigan Actuarial Club. Organiza-
"ol o noptne raho rfsoa tnadnget Hall. Others in the series: Oct. 20, "Re- tional meeting, Mon., Oct. 12, 4:15 p.m.,
"Only for incompetence, breach of profesional standards, neglect ligion Reshapes the Community," Fa- Room 3D, Union. Election of officers.
of teaching obligations, moral turpitude, violation of academic ther Shelton Hale Bishop; Oct. 27, pan- All interested in insurance invited.
freedom of others or conviction under the law of the land, and then el of Mrs. Preston Slosson, Professors
Albert Wheeler, John Reed, Frank Cop- Varsity Debate Squad. Second meet-
only after a fair hearing in accordance with methods utilized by ley, and Frank Huntley, moderator, dis ing of the year. Tues., Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m.,
the United States courts of law." cussing "Religion Motivates Occupa- in room 4203, Angell Hall. All students
Again a compromise must be reached between the directly-worded tions;" Nov. 3, "Religion Stimulates interested in participating in Varsity
original motion and the indirect but almost equally firm NSA plan. scientific Inquiry," Dr. William G. P01- Debate activities are invited.
orignal otin an theindrectbutlard; Nov. 9, "Religion Changes the ____
* * * * Individual," Dr. Kenneth Kantzer; Nov. Young Democrats. Meeting, Tues., Oct.
Financial doubts crept into the Interfraternity buying plan this 12, "Religion Challenges the World," 113, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-S, Union. Record-
week after it had gone into a proposed constitution stage last spring. Dr. Douglas V. Steere. Sponsored by the ing of a speech by Adlai Stevenson giv-
Student Religious Association and the en at the University of Wisconsin. The
Biggest obstacle appeared to be the newness of the plan. Many fra- Campus Religious Council. setting up of a permanent committee
ternities hesitate to support it financially since there is no guarantee and the discussion of future plans ,will
against its folding, even though similar plans have worked on Ohio Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman, also be on the agenda. New members
auspices Departments of Astronomy, welcome. Everyone attend.
State and Michi an State campuses. Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and
And finally, amid the glorious rioting of autumnal colors, 200 riot- Geology. Tues., Oct. 13, 4 p.m., 1400 Young Republicans: General meeting,
ous gloriers tried to repeat their 1952 assault on the women's dormi- Chemistry Bldg. Topic, The Earth's Tues., 7:30 p.m., Rooms 3L and M, Un-
tories Friday after the Beat Iowa pep rally. Just as unexpected as the Magnetic Field and its Secular Variation. Ion.eEnrollment of new members.
infaous aidsof wo yars goSpeaker: John W. Roxborough, II, De-
infamous raids of two years ago, this explosion of fall fever ended in a A d m N, ces troit counsel for the N.A.A.C.P. Visitors
false alarm, watched closely by police and University administrators, cadeic LNotices welcome.
-Becky Conrad Logis and Foundations Seminar will
meet on Tues.. Oct. 13, at 4 p.m., Room La p'tite causette meets tomorrow
414 MH. Mr. G. O. Losey will continue from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the wing of the
his report on Kleene's treatment of re- north room of the Michigan Union
cursive functions. cafeteria. All interested students in-
,Pte' TO THE E DITOR ___d
The Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar will meet Mon. Oct. 12. at 3 nm. in! Deutscher Verein Kaffeestunde-Mon.



(Continued from Page 2)
Education, Music, and Public Health.
In the School of Natural Resources the
date is Oct. 16. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should file
a petition, addressed to the appropriate{
official in their school with 1513 Ad-
ministration Building, where it will be
School of Business Administration.
Students who received marks of I, X,
or "no reports" at the end of their last
semester or summer session of attend-
ance will receive a grade of "50" in the
course or courses unless this work is
made up by October 21. Students wish-
ing an extension of time beyond the
date in order to make up this work
should file a petition, endorsed by the
instructor and addressed to the Assist-
ant Dean, 150 Business Administration
Employment Registration. The annual
placement meeting of theBureau of
Appointments will be held at 3 p.m. on
Tues., Oct. 13, in Auditorium A of An-
geli Hall. All seniors and graduate stu-
dents who are interested in registering
with the Bureau for employment ei-
ther after graduation, after military
service, or for future promotions in
the fields of education, business, in-
dustry. government, or in the techni-
cal fields are invited to attend. Regis-
tration material will be given out at
the meeting.
Senior Men:
The Opinion Research Corporation of
{Princeton, N.J., is conducting a survey
among senior men (1954 graduates) re-
garding their future employment plans.
Interviewing will begin on Mon., Oct.
12. Men interested in participating may
I call the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, Ext. 2614, to
schedule interviews.

Events Today
Gilbert and Sullivan. "Patience" re-
hearsal tonight in the League at 7:15.
The Graduate Outing Club meets at:
2 p'm. Sunday at the rear of the Rack-
ham Building. Cross-country hike plan-
ned. Students with cars are requested
to bring them to help with transpor-
tation. In case of unfavorable weather,
the picnic supper will be held in Rack-
ham. Elections will be held this Sun-
Cultural Exchange Program. The first
program of the Cutlural Exchange Se-
ries will be held at the International
Center on Sun., Oct. 11, at 7:30 pm.
Miss Alice Russell, Secretary of the
Alumnae Council, will speak on "Know.
Your University." Her talk will be Il-
lustrated with colored slides. Foreign
and American students are invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
Roger Williams Guild: 9:45 atm., Stu-
dent Classtmeets at Guild House to
continue its discussion of "What. Stu-
dents Can Believe About God." 6:45
p.m., Regular Sunday evening Guild
program at Guild House.
Evangelical and Reformed Guild: Be-
thlehem Church, 423 S. 4th Ave., 7 p.m.
Forum; "Past, Present-and Future."
Wesley Foundation: 9:30 a.m., Student
Seminar: "Insight into the Catholic
Faith." 5:30 p.m., Fellowship supper.
6:45 p.m., Worship and progran: Stu-
dent panel will discuss "Why I Am a
Christian." 7:30 p.m., Fireside Forum
for Graduate Students, Youth Room of
Methodist Church. Mr. Arthur Gallagher,
editor of the Ann Arbor News, will speak
on "The Role of the Newspaper in the
Unitarian Student Group: 7:30 p.m.,
Unitarian Church. Discussion on "The
Proposed Action Program for Michigan
Unitarians," with the Minister, Edward
Redman. Those needing or able to
offer transportation, meet at Lane Hall.

"SOUVENIRS," shouted the men of Michi-
gan. "Open the doors."
"If they don't let off steam this way,"
said the Dean, "it might turn into some-
thing worse."
But It didn't. Unlike the panty raiders
of a year and a half ago, the little mob
of about 300 men who invaded a theater
and charged up observatory hill Friday
night didn't break a door or capture an
The police and the dean agreed that the
crowd had been fairly orderly.
What had happened to the spirited men
whose exploits in the spring of 1952 were
reviewed on front pages throughout the na-
The answer lay in the old boy scout

motto, which surprisingly proved useful
Friday night in dealing with mature Uni-
versity students.
"Be prepared" is the motto, and the Uni-
versity officials and local police were.
The alert was flashed. The mob was com-
ing. Housemothers raced to prearranged
battle stations. "Lock the doors. Close the
windows. Tell the girls to keep their heads
The quiet riot met with defeat because
the University was one step ahead of the
potential raiders nearly all the way.
It is not to the discredit of Michigan men
that no real damage was done Friday. The
spirit was there. It was just that the Uni-
versity got the doors locked in time.
-Jon Sobeloff



The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

3001,Angell Hal. Mr.GeorgePh. .
3001 Angell Hall. Mr. George Murphy

Oct. 12, at 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the

At the Michigan . ..
ROMAN HOLIDAY, with Audrey Hep-
burn and Gregory Peck
WHEN THIS FILM was shown at one of
the European film festivals this sum-
mer, some connoisseurs thought it was a
shame that Director William Wyler had
wasted his time with such standard mater-
ial. They missed the fact that Wyler had
turnedhout something which has been in-
creasingly difficult to make lately-a first-
rate comedy. "Roman Holiday" is sophisti-
cated without being completely slick; it is
warm without being "childlige"; and it con-
tains one of the most sparkling "personality"
performances seen in recent years.,
The sheer presence of Miss Audrey Hep-
burn in fact so overshadows all other con-
siderations that it is hard to think what
the film might have been like without her.
In this, her first role as a star, she is an
affection-starved princess on a 'European
tour, arriving in Rome at the end of her
youthful patience with pomp and circum-
stance. To know that Gregory Peck is an
American reporter charged with covering
the princess's visit to Rome is to know
the rest of the story. Knowing it, how-
ever, does not account for the way Miss
Hepburn, with the assistance of Peck and
Eddie Albert, is able to put it across.
From scenes of bedroom farce to motor-
cycle slapstick, she is in total command.

At the State . . .
EAST OF SUMATRA, with Jeff Chandler#
and Marilyn Maxwell.
FIRST LET it be knownthat this film was
made far, far east of Sumatra-about
California, I should judge. Further, the re-
maining components have an equal amount
of truth.
Jeff Chandler is a tin-mine manager, a
poorly adjusted Hemingway type with
past loves and future problems. His task,
as it is revealed early in the picture, is to
scrape some tin out of an insignificant is-
land in the aforementioned geographical
location. Anthony Quinn and a group of
happy natives own the island and don't
want to lose their tin.
Mr. Chandler is quite resourceful, but all
the same he gets accused of burning down
the local rice harvest, and he and his men
and Marilyn Maxwell (extraneous) spend
the rest of the picture looking into the
wrong ends of poison-dart blowguns.
The central problem thus changes per-
ceptibly from that of tin-digging to escap-
ing from the jungle. Since the suspense in-
volved-for there is no possible logical
way out-is the only attractive element in
the production, it wouldn't quite be cricket
to give it away here. But be assured, logic
or no, there is a relatively calm ending.
One disturbing factor, however, which I
noticed merely because I attended the Sat-
urday matinee with the rest of the children:

will continue his talk on current math- Tap Room of the Michigan Union. Ev-
ematical literature. erybody welcome, especially beginners.
Geometry Seminar. Mon., Oct. 12, 7 Mathematics Club will meet Tues.,
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. AiDhahir Oct. 13, 8 p.m., in West Conference
will speak on the Commutativity and Room, Rackham Building. Prof. E. E.
Line-Geometry.-I Moise will speak on "How to tell that a
simple overhand knot is really knotted."
Doctoral Examination for Robert Jan


Politics & Investigations
To the Editor:
IN HIS letter to The Daily Mr.
George Denison has expressed
an attitude which is commonj
among 2 yr. olds toward academic
I do not question the right of

government investigating commit-j
tees to exist. The key issue is theF
type of men heading the commit-
tees and the methods they use in'
their work. These chairmen should
be Americans- first and politiciansI
second. They should not try and,
make political capital out of the'
"academic freedom question." Yet,
some men have used the issue ofj
communism as a method to keep;
their names before the voters. I
refuse to support the work of a
committee (as Mr. Denison sug-
gests we should support their1
work) headed by one whose questt
for publicity overshadows his own
sense of right and wrong. Thesej
politicos have operated on the the-j
ory if you expand the truth
enough, people will believe you,j
worship you, and vote for you.
In this connection, Denison, you
charged that, "the Communist
conspiracy has spread a network
of thousands of Reds and their

eational system than the schools

themselves. Wolff, Social Psychology; thesis: "The
What we need are more politi- Value of m mber Contriboiaroupn a
cians with heads on their shoul- Mon., Oct. 12, East Council Room,
ders rather than somewhere else. Rackham Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chair-
Officials and Mr. Denison should man, A. F. Zander.4
stop shouting like politicians and
Start talking like rational people. Concerts
-Maurice Oppenheim Erica Morini, Violinist, will open the
x Extra Concert Series, Monday evening,,
SI Commission . . . Oct. 12, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium-tak-E
T WAS VERY heartening to hear sin the place of Guiomar Novaes, pre-
I , viously announced. Ticket-holders will'
of the newly formed Academic please use ticket "A," reading "Guio-
Freedom Commission organized by mar Novaes" for. admission.
the Student Legislature inviting Miss Morini will play the following
all campus groups to participate. pram on t casion Hael
aniseLarghetto; Praeludium and Allegro
The freedom to learn1in is sue (Pugnani-Kreisler); Bruch ConcertoI
which touches every student. in G minor; Brahms Sonata in D mi-
We students of the U. of M. are nor; Godard's Canzonetta; Wieniawski's
showing, through our student gov- Valse Caprice; and Sarasate's Faust
ernment, that we recognize this iTickets for the series of five concerts,
paramount concern of education. or for individual concerts, are available
If we all get behind this attempt at the office of the University Musical1
to discuss our freedom to learn, Society, Burton Memorial Tower, un-
t thoughour amps C1bS ad (til 4:30 p.m. on the day of the concert; E
through our campus clubs and and after 7 o'clock at the Hill Audi-
groups, the vicious charge of stu- torium box office on the evening of
dent "apathy" will become mean- the concert.
Organ Recital. The first in a series of
Whatever our positions on other three Sunday afternoon organ recitals
matters, no real student can deny will be presented at 4:15, Oct. 11, in Hill
his role in wanting and needing a Auditoriumn, by Robert Noehren, Uni-
free and uncoerced atmosphere in versity Organist. His first program will
which to acquire knowledge. be one which was given by Felix Men-
whih t acuir knwlege. delssohn in St. Thomas Church, Lep
If we as students fail to support zig, on August s, 1840. It will inchde the
and foster conditions of freedom following works by Johann Sebastian

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.



oial Staff


Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter............. City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff..... Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker........Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.. ............. Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.. Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell ..... Women's* Editor
Kathy Zeisier.. Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer


Business Staff
Thomas Treeger ,.. Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden .Finance Manager
James Sharp ... Circulation Manager

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Telephone 23-24-1






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