PAGE MM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ PA~ FIVE State Officer Will Appear On Program AAUW To Hear Talk On State Legislature At Pound House Today Guest speaker at today's meeting ofuthe Junior and Legislative groups of the American Association of University Women will be Mrs. Creighton Coleman, AAUW state legislative chairman, who will dis- cuss "State Legislature and the Working of AAUW on the State Level." Mrs. Coleman, a lawyer, will speak at 8 p.m. in the Madelon Found House, 1024 Hill St. The meeting will be open to the Ann Arbor general branch, and mem- bers of the junior group will con- vene at 7:30 p.m. to hold an elec- tion of officers. NO GREEN MARTIANS! Dr. Hazel Losh Explains Intricacies of Astronomy By PAM SMITH Although Dr. Hazel Losh claims to know little more about life on other planets than the ordinary. layman. she has been steering Michigan students through the in-x tricacies of astronomy for several years. Talking animatedly amidst as- sorted globes of the constellations, Dr. Losh explained that astrono- mers can know certain facts aboutI various planets, and then draw Juniors To Attend JGP Meeting Clues to the 1954 Junior Girls THE WORK expected of each Last year's production was call- Play, on the agenda for next se- committee will be outlined during ed "Vanity Flair," which was a mester, will be given to all inter- the mass meeting. Chairmen of mixture of eastern and western ested junior women at a mass committees on stage, properties, atmospheres, and featured a uke meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the costumes, make-up, ushers, pub- chorus of old favorites like "On League. yTop of Old Smokey," as well as licity, tickets, and programs will original "Vanity Flair" tunes. A resume of the play script will introduce themselves and sign up Junior coeds traveled to Detroit also be included oin the program those who wish to work on their Jent te pla to dence t committee. to present the play to an audience G E RW PLAY OFFICIALS would not say any more than that the plot is a combination of reality and fan- tasy, but they did reveal that it will include many songs and dances. Junior women who find they are unable to attend this meet- ing may join a committee by signing a list that will be posted in the League Undergraduate Office. of alumni in the Horace Rackham Auditorium. This year's JGP will join the list of 49 productions, which began in 1904 and became a campus tradi- tion. Lois Klein is general chair- man of the production. KNEES UP-Members of the Swimming Club practice -on one group has announced that any( fish may tryout at 9 p.m. today or on Tuesday, Oct. 13 or Thursd SERVING AS social chairmen W AA//\i ! \IClubs for the event will be Mrs. H. L. Smith, and Patricia ThorsbergI Lawrence. Those wishing to at- CoedGolf] tend the meeting are asked to call 1 W F e Mrs. Smith at 3-2500. The branch treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth M. Kiel, reminds AA- UW members that their $5 dues are payable at this meeting, or checks, made out to AAUW, may be mailed to her before the No- vember 15 deadline.I AAUW membership is open to graduates of any college oruni- versity on the approved AAUW list, which may be found in the Ann Arbor Public Library. Women who have completed two years of non- professional work at a school on! the approved list are eligible for associate membership. III I I 1, f 1, i j Michifish' . . Tryouts for the WAA swimming club, Michifish, will be held at 9 p.m. tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 13 and Thursday, Oct. 15 at the Intra- mural Building.I Prospective members will be judged on the way they do the crawl stroke, side stroke (both1 sides), breast stroke, back stroke, standing front dive, back dolphin, and surface dive. Results of the tryouts will be announced in The Daily Oct. 16. All new members will then meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17 at Barbour Gym to make plans for the year. Members of the synchronized swimming club work on the devel- opment and perfection of swim-I ming skills andlater perform at University functions. Michifish annually presents a show at the Union open house and r a spring concert. With the open- ing of the new women's swimming] pool scheduled for sometime inI their own conclusions about the;- possibilities of life there. Junior women with dramatic * talent will have an opportunity -Daily-Dean Morton HOWEVER, SHE stressed the Afto put it to use in the many M em berships Now O n Sale Women's Athletic Association's fact that, 3-D movies notwith- ..speaking parts. o tstanding, there are no telescopes of their many formations. The I powerful enough to see any green One member of te central com- for our 1953-54 season one interested in joining Michi- Martians wandering around even mittee said "there are lots of at Marshall's Book Store Wahr's Book Store at the Intramural Building pool Marneaneighbor. places for those who doubt their ay, Oct. 15. on stage skills. We may uncover the Music Center, and "But it would be very curious -Daily-Don Campbel some hidden talent during tryouts if earth were the only body with DR. HAZEL LOSH scheduled for the first week inTHE ARTS H EATER B l zefeonstar with planets around it," she December." 2091/2 E. Washington . . . Phone 7301 ended thoughtfully. mathematics and physics; in fact, The committee is operating on the astronomy department is oft- the theory that everyone has tal- A Professional Company - A Members' Theater" a m SelIec ted Thoughts like this about the uni-pencintseubcsthnn t I , verse around us have stimulated'en more interested in their com- ent for backstage work. --Dr. Losh since childhood, but it petency in these subjects than in was not until she was in college courses specifically 'dealing with Paula Stone serves as managerhi astronomy. of the group while Miss Phyllisj that she did any serious study in Phlpof the Woens Phyica astronomy. Most opportunities for astron- Phl fthe Women's Physical oescm ntefed fct Education Department acts as ad- Majoring in Latin at Ohio Wes-1 omersecome in the fields of co-~ T E D " dTUG Ileyan, she began studying astron- lege teaching and work in large ,11'.V.MOF KY.U u, Iq obsrvtores omy intensively in her senior year observatories. Wland then came to the University This type of work particularly Bored with the routine of CeasitJl S ire? I men's Golf Team of Michigan for her M.A. and calls for the dedicated astronomer Eight coeds have been named Ph.D. * since most observatories are lo- !members of the Women's Golf, ated on remote mountain tops Hlave you been manifesting the synptons which so often Team for thetcoming year, ac- "AND I'VE BEEN here ever where the scientists both live and cording to Dorothy Clarkson WAA since, except for one year teach- work. accompany the morbid condition brought upon by the lack ing at Smith College and two years' Golf Manager. iga mt olg n w er One of the many pleasant per-ofvre am e en adwols e working in the Solar DepartmentsIdof varied amusement and wholesome entertainment? The golfers are Mary Jane Faz-Ia h t isnOsraoyi sonal aspects of the field, Dr. Losh akerly, medalist; Margaret Smith, at the Mt. Wilson Observatory in feels, is the fact that the number Katherine Kneike, Joan Auster- Pasadena, Califoria," Di. Losh of astronomers in the country is so miller, Marilyn Mosier. Phyllis added. small that everyone knows every- If so, we have the perfect remedy-it's good for what ails you! It's a ticket Schaffner, Dorothy Clarkson, and To anyone who wonders about to THE All-Campus-Revue of 1953, VARSITY NIGHT; and these tickets for atStethe practicality of astronomy, Janet .*t* this incomparable program of outstanding talent are being sold at the As members of the women's D.Ls ilpitotta THE HISTORY of astronomy,asonigylwpce f 5 icudgtx.Tktsre nsle tth team, the coeds may playwon the nothing could be more practical in hch he ehes a astoundinglyo price of 75c including tax. Tickets are on sale at the University course free of charge. than clocks and calendars,wih one of Dr. Losh's special interests Union, League, Harris Hall, or they may be purchased from any Bandsman. The agenda for this fall also calls absedpon and her well-known infectious en- There is a special reserve section for Seniors who should purchase their or a match with the Men's Golf Furthermore, knowledge about thusiasm is particularly apparent tickets at window No. 7 in the Administration Building. One enthusiastic Team members are chosen as the interiors of stars has a great when tsheoisdiscussn the self-t upperclassman has commented on VARSITY NIGHT, and we quote: a result of a golf tournament con- deal to do with work on aomicGreeks and the astronomical revo- ducted in the spring, energy. But Dr. Losh points out that lution which Copernicus wrought. "During my first weeks at Michigan as a freshman, 1 was feeling listless and astronomy is admittedly uncom- Dr. Losh fnds tht many people Sigma Alpha Iota mercial and anyone interested in are interested in astronomy "in a rundown; I was easily fatigued and could hardly concentrate in my creative entering the field should "like it casual way" and respond very listening class. My only outside entertainment was going to the Health Iota, music honorary frater- above all things and do it in spite gratifyingly to the monthly as- Lectures and making weekly visits to my English I instructor. Then someone niywilhod bk slefrm of low salary advantages."l tronomical notes she sends to nity, will hold a bake salefrom sNewsService about the location suggested that I ought to give myself a break, get out of the rut, find some Grinnell Bros., 325 . Main St. PROSPECTIVE astronomers of various planets and constella- relaxation, take five like-see VARSITY NIGHT. That did it! I was re- need a very strong background in I tions. juvenated, refreshed; my vigor was restored and my outlook renovated. This _---- --------_ .._ -_show's the most, to say the least! It's THE show of the year-Don't miss it!" STUDENTS!ITas VARSITY NIGHT October 16, 1953 Hill Auditoriuan 8:15 P.M. Gotehertekut? Getchertielu now!! U ! I d0cn'oee Calnpu I t I l OBERLIN COLLEGE ALUMNI -Alumni of Oberlin College will] hold an informal outdoor get-to-j gether- at 4 p.m. Sunday in the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beck- er, 1715 Chandler Ave. Refresh- ments will be served, according to Charles Hubbell, president of the Oberlin Club of Ann Arbor. Jan. or Feb. the swimmers will; also perform at the opening cere- monies. During the second semester when the swimmers will practicej in the new pool, Margaret Lord, ALPaHA OMICRON PI--To mark manager, hopes to begin a second, the death of Elizabeth Heywood less advanced group, to work on Wyman this summer, members of synchronized swimming. Alpha Omicron Pi sorority areI r' wearing black ribbons beneath p their, pins this week. Club...I hAccording to Phyllis Peterson, I Camp counselors, prospective '54, the sorority president, the ones and anyone interested in ree- period of mourning was designat- reational work will gather at 7:30 ed by national headquarters. Mrs. p.m. today at the fencing room at Wyman was one of the sorority's Barbour Gym for the organization- original four founders. al meeting of the WAA Camp * * * Counselor's Club. !! WOMEN'S SENATE - Sarah Weed was appointed Tuesday by the Women's Senate to serve as, League public relations chairman. I Miss. Weed, who has been co-art* assistant on the public relations committee, will replace Phyllis Bettman, who resigned at the be- ginning of the semester. LEAGUE - UNION DANCE - P Committee chairmen of the Union- League Dance, "Gridiron Gam- bols," will meet at 4:30 p.m. to- day in the League. FORTNITE-Petitioning for theE independent women's Fortnite will close tomorrow, with interviewingt from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Among the posi- tions open for the annual skit test are general chairman, awards chairman, decorations chairman, patrons chairman, publicity chair- man, program chairman, and skits chairman. Bridal Diamond Pair in Cho 14K yellow or white gold s Because the permanent meeting date of the group will be decided at this time, any coed interested in the club is urged to attend the session. At the meetings coeds will swap ideas and learn new camping skills. Planned activities for the year include sleep-outs, cook-outs, ca- reer night, bike hikes, canoe trips, and handicraft and camp craft discussions. Try FOLLETT'S First USED BOOKS BARGAIN PRICES I Only 7 more days to buy season tickets 7 Great Attractions STUDENT RATE' Second Balcony, unreserved . . . $3.00 I I J $14950 I oice of ettings. GROWS LOVELIER For life's happiest moments ... nothing takes the place liance bespeaks the bright beauty is as eternal as lo confidence. /CI/ %' /i big part in WITH THE YEARS s... when dreams come true aof a fine diamond. Its bril- promise of the future. Its ve itself. Choose here with «i-ip F i ' s m r stWa rd ro b e . / i ' f~ The heat's on! !I I I