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October 08, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-08

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C, .4c

it 4rn1
Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t I




U.S. Pushes
For Trieste
Fear of Soviet
Spurs New Move
ROME--(P)-The United States
is quietly intensifying its effort to
solve the wrangle between Italy
and Yugoslavia over Trieste,
Fear of Soviet intervention is
._ one reason for the renewed and
accelerated move to settle the
eight-year-old fight over the fu-
ture of the Adriatic seaport and
the surrounding area, reliable
sources report.
* * *
PREMIER Giuseppe Pella, who
h told Parliament Tuesday night
that Italy will not change her de-
mated that the future of Trieste
r be settled by plebiscite, called in
U. S. Ambassador Clare Boothe
Luce yesterday to explain the im-
plications of his speech.
After hearing his views in a
20-minute meeting, the blonde
U. S. ambassador was reported
to have told Pella the United
States is extremely hopeful ac-
tion toward a friendly settle-
ment on the Trieste issue will
be forthcoming soon.
Authoritative sources say Tri-
este's priority on the diplomatic
agenda of Washington, London
and Paris has been boosted for
these reasons:
* * *
(1) FEAR that Soviet Union will
ldemand inclusion of Trieste
among topics for any new Big Four
meeting. The Russians then could
demand publicly the return of
Trieste to Italy. This would slap
the face of Marshal Tito and give
Italy's two million-member Com-
munist party a tremendous do-
mestic political weapon.
(2) Trieste stands in the way
of Italian ratification of the Eur-
opean Defense Community Tre-
(3) Five thousand Allied occupa-
tion troops now are tied up in
Trieste. They could be released
for duty elsewhere with an agree-
Privately, the United States,
Britain and France already have
decided against supporting either
Italy's demand for a plebiscite or
Yugoslavia's plea that Trieste city
be internationalized and the rest
of the free territory turned over
to Tito.
Britain is reported particularly
opposed to a plebiscite, since it
would set a precedent for the
largely Greek population on the
Mediterranean islanti colony of
Opera Names
Fritz Glover, '55E, Union Opera
promotion chairman, yesterday
announced the members of the
campus, alumni, radio and tele-
vision and newspaper publicity
Jack White, '56. and Polly Kuen-
zel, '54, were named co-chairmen
of the campus publicity committee.
Chairman of the alumni publi-
city committee is Howie Boasberg.
On the radio and television com-
mittee, Opera general secretary
Dick Fiegel, '55, and Miriam Buck,
'55, are co-chairmen.

Newspaper publicity will be
handled by Carol Gaeb, '55, Jean
Williamson, '55 and Muriel Claf-
lin, '55.
New Union Office
Manageis N anlne1
Managers of the Union student
offices have been selected, staff-
man Bill Eckerman, '56, said yes-
The men have complete charge
of the office from 3 to 5 p.m. daily.
They are also in czharge of thec
tryouts who work one day each
Those named to positions were
Gerry Davis, '56. Jon Collins, '56E,
Mark Gallon, '56, Todd Lief, '56,
I S and Jack White, '56.
Kendall To Talk



Schoot Freedom
Vote Postponed
SL Cabinet Authorized To Appoint
Students to Final Exam Study Group
Once again time prevented Student Legislature from taking a
fnal vote on adoption of a policy stand concerning academic freedom.
Crux of yesterday's hour-and-a-half debate centered on whether
SL should openly censure certain methods employed by Congres-
sional committees investigating subversive influences in American
educational institutions which are contrary to methods utilized by
United States courts.
Before opening the debate, SL authorized its cabinet to appoint
five voting student members to a new Unversity committee recently

SL Seats
Petitions for the 23 elective
Student Legislature positions
which will be voted on during
November campus elections are
available from 1 to 5 p.m. Mon-
day through Saturday at the
SL Bldg.
Deadline for returning com-
pleted petitions is set for Oct.
17. Twenty-one of the seats
available are for full-year terms,
two for one semester positions.
The campus -.wide general
elections to fill these posts have
been scheduled for Nov. 11
and 12.

Ike Asked Indian Troon's Ouster
Bomb Facts
By Kefauver Demanded by Chinese
Senator Blasts 0 0
Incoordination Civilians in S.Korea
By The Associated Press
Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn.) said. . . . . . . . .
yesterday it is "high time" that
President Eisenhower or the Na-Y
tional Security Council made "a kK oan
plain restatement of the facts"ao t e - m e
autthe H-bomb menace.
Russia's atomic power potentialit
is a life a rd death matter, the Incite
Tennessee Democrat declared in


s {

> nt nn fn ctnrly thA rovicPri final

Soviet Tour
BERLIN -- Oct. 7 -- (P) --
Back from a two week tour of Rus-
sia yesterday, former Daily feature
editor Zander Hollander said the
Soviet people appeared happy with
their lot.
Warning against "wishful think-
ing" about any anti-Soviet under-,
ground existing in Russia, Hol-
lander said, "they've got a lower
standard than we do, but they're
well adjusted to it."
Hollander arrived in the Russian
sector of Berlin with Mark Ed-
Imond, one of his two college, jour-
nalist companions yesterday after-
noon. Their fellow college editor,
Daniel Berger, stayed on an extra
day in Leningrad.
RUSSIANS on the street were
"extremely glad" the Korean War
ended in a truce, taking it as a
sign that "the cold war between
East and West is lessening," Hol-
lander reported.
What had happened to depos-
ed Soviet police chief Lavrentia
Beria was a touchy question he
found. "In all places where pic-
tures of the big man Jiung, you
would see one vacant place,
sometimes with the hook still
. Guides explained that Beria be-J
lieved in the one-man system ex-
emplified by Stalin, and so "he
had to be removed." The trio found
they could wander "rather freely"
an even take some pictures on the
streetsaof Moscow, although Se-
cret Police occasionally asked for
their identity cards.
Hollander and his friends made.
the trip under special visas grant-
ed them as college newspaper edi-
tors by the Russians six weeks ago.
But with prices extremely high and
the rate of exchange of four rubles
to the dollar, so pooi', the trick
was no bargain. Their two weeks
cost Hollander and his friends
about $1,500 each.7

seup TLsua~LUy LL1e ievisu .InaiO.M - LA .L - W IV V t l
examination schedule.
AN ACADEMIC freedom stand!Educators
introduced two weeks ago by Ruth
Rossner, '55, which had been
drafted by SL's Culture and Edu- -Robert Vogeler will de
cation Committee last year was "Seventeen Months of Despo
voted down early in the debate in the first session of the Mic
favor of an entirely new motion. Education'Association's meet
9:30 a.m. today in Hill Audit
The new motion, which does not Vogeler, an International
put a blanket censureship on phone and Telegraph exe
methods of any Congressional. was held for 17 months in
committee, was drafted at the sum- gary for alleged spying.
mer National Students Association *
C n mrc h Ti failn t rra h h ._..___..

't v

air" at
ing at

* * *
"THE LACK of coordination
among high agencies and officials
of the administration in deference
to dangers created by Russia's pos-
session of the hydrogen bomb isi
leading to a confusion of the
American. public which may be >y
disastrous," he said.
Eisenhower probably will be
asked at his news conference
at 2:30 p.m. today to put the
people straight on the danger of
hydrogen bombardment. {:

ed to th

h.,avroaxue bombuament.


congress, a-ru LU IraI1 me OPENING the two day conven- Reporters undoubtedly will seek incite"
floor at any NSA session. tion, Vogeler will address approx- his assessment of the recent round
Introduced by Ned Simon, '55, imately 3,000 secondary and ele-1 of statements on Russia's posses- ABO
and amended by Leah Marks, '55L, mentary school teachers from sion of the super-weapon and her Seoul's
the statement called for protec- Washtenaw, Jackson, Monroe and ability to drop it on distant tar- rying b
tion of teachers with the words "if Lenawee counties. getstested
an educator be dismissed, it should Arrested Nov. 29, 1949, in Bud- He told his last news confer- -Daily-Betsy Smith patriot
be only for incompetence, bi'each apest, Vogeler "confessed" his ence Sept. 30 that he is turning A MOTHER'S FINAL TOUCH BEFORE PERFORMANCE TIME sIndian
of professional standards, neglect main business was spying on over in his mind how best to ap- FOR ROBERTA PETERS POWs.
of teaching obligations, moral tur- Hungarian military weapons and proach the subject. Eventually, he ; * * * Simi
pitude, violation of academic fnder atomic developments. said, he will be very frank in tell- obert staged
the law of the land, and then only He was sentenced to a 15 year ing the people the conclusions he Korea
after a fair hearing in accordance prison term but released by Hun- has reached on the relationship chon t
afetarhain nacrac gary April 28, 1951 of world tensions to the growing~ ni
with methods utilized by the Unit- y * * * 'destructiveness of armaments. U I en rt Indi a
ed States courts of law." pe a D partmentthree
ed Sate corts f lw."VOEGLER LATER said there Meanwhile Eddie Gilmore inm rae
Such wording was not strong was "some truth" in the confes- Detroit, former chief of the Asso- POW r
enough for five SL members who, sion which he said was forced out ciated Press bureau in Moscow, By BECKY CONRAD
during course of debate, introduc- of him during several sleepless j said yesterday night "it doesn'thk.t
ed seprate mendmnts wich IWith the experience of working with Prof. Josef Blatt of the mur-poe
embodied or were similar to the days of grilling by Hungarian po- make sense to underestimate your sic school when he served as metropolitan opera assistant conduc- ident I
stronger language contained in the lice. enemy, but I fear America is over- tor, Roberta Peters yesterday praised musical training in the Univers- Preside
stogrlnug otie nte Also speaking at the first ses . estimating Russia's strength." k , . h.~~a orteyug pr om
original Culture and Education sion will be Richard Barnes Speaking at the Central Metho- ity' opera department as "a good background for the young opera Comm
Committee report. Kennan and Edgar L. Grim. dist Church, Gilmore said, "It's singer.
Although four of these substi- Kennan, secretary of the Na- possible that Russia has the hyc;no- The young coloratura soprano explained that Prof. Blatt, now man of
tute amendments were soundly de- jtional Commission for the Defense gen bomb, but somehow I doubt director of opera production, has taught her Mozart's "Cosi Fantutte." deman(
feated, one lacked a single vote of Democracy through Education, it." One of the few in the' country, the opera department forms a good dian cu
of becoming part of the main mo- will discuss "Some Marks of Pro- --- foundation on which to base an operatic career she pointed out.- Whi
tion. gress." ", "Many times a young singer ar- chante
Prior to beginning the long dis- Grim, State assistant superin- riakesives in New York without any for- ost
cussion, SL President Bob Neary, tendent of public instruction, will mal training in opera and finds AF Claimis Won
'54BAd, introduced Klaus Dehio, tell why "Good Teachers Make ! himself at a loss for job experi- thatI
international vice-p1 esident of a Better Communities." iNo Com m e11t ence," the 23 year old Met singer break
German Student Union group to At the- afternoon session today said, "so the excellent practical ex- Detroit Airm an ,toners.
the legislature. Dehio, now on a Milburn P. Anderson, president 0About Troph perience givenin Ann Aibon 15 ce--
tour of America after attending of the Michigan Education Asso- ; a/ tainly an asset."Se rt Risk iEas
the NSA summer congress, praised ciation. will speak on "Lookinga Aside from the ballet, fencing, Syin ast
activities of NSA and called for Ahead." Prof. Garnet Garrison. Prof. Herbert 0. "Fritz" Crisler, language and dramatic training; Press,
more student exchange programs Donald E. P. Smith and Michael director of athletics, had no com- an opera singer needs, Miss Peters In a security case paralleling enough
as means of promoting further in- Church will also address the 2 p.m. Iment yesterday on the desirability noted "I believe in luck because Ive that of Lt. Milo Radulovich, '54, And
ternational understanding. session. i of establishing a trophy for the had some myself, but the most Rep. Thaddeus M. Machrowicz Ministr
Bernd Rissmann, the student - winner of the annual Michigan- important requisite is intense study;(D-Mich.) disclosed yesterday he no knot
whom SL brought to study at the F Michigan State College football and the love for hard work." had interceded for a Detroit Air tary m
University in a newly-initiated cul- Our Parties game, such as Gov. G. Mennen Although qualifications for the Foirce sergeant according to De- Ano
tural-student exchange program Williams has proposed. Met remain essentially the same as troit Fiee Press report . seeme'
with the Free University of Berlin, 1R ule BThe Boaid in Control of Ath- in the past, a new requirement, has Now stationed at the Moulins mistic
wase alsod nintroducedAthatn yestestrday'srequremenlhasvehicle subdepot in Bellerives -flight
was also introduced at yesterday's leuics will decide whether to ap- been added. "Singers must not only
meeting. prove the plan at its next meet- sing the role now, but must look Alier, France, M/Sgt. Victor Havjis from
BONN, Germany - 0P) - Chan- ing," he said. No. date has yet the part too. No more robust so- of Detroit, cleared of disloyalty mosa.
cellor Konrad Adenauer has de- been set for the next board meet-, pranos singing the engenue roles," charges in a 1951 Air Force in- They
cided to form a four party coali- ing. the petite brunette commented. vestigation, is again under ques- day to
tion to govern West Germany dun- * * Currently in the midst of a 20 tion as a security risk. and s
R ing the next four years, informed IT WAS reported yesterday that city tour of the country, Miss Pe- h uavan
political sources said yesterday. Ralph Young, director of athletics ters expressed a preference for E A sred W s
m igton newsmen the sergeant is
atea PressThe 77-year-old Chancellor, who at Michigan State College is en- younger audiences. Performing for scheduled for discharge Oct. 20.- THE
ent of the Indochina state of Viet won a sweepig election victory thusiastic about the plan, which college students is especially en-
ates that it will speed up creation on Sept. 6, plans to bring the Ref- has already met with the approval couraging, she said, "since they "I interceded to get him more gneral
mnmunist-led guerillas.. ugee party into his new coalition of MSC's athletics board. have such a great interest in opera time' to prepare his defense,"' Commu
m pledge In a formal note deliver- with the Free Democrats, the Ger- Proposed design for the trophy nowadays." the representative explained. ers wei
man party and his Christian Dem- includes Paul Bunyan standing on The Bronx-born singer credited "The Air Force has assured me I dent :
* * ocrats, these sources said. a map of the State of Michigan. this increased enthusiasm to the he will be granted all the time
a globulin-originally considered enauer has been ruling with The design plan, however, is still recent introduction of operas in he needs." -South
a three party coalition of Christian subject to further revision. It was English. Sgt. Havnis wrote the lawmaker arms"
eing in "surplus" a consultan~t to aSthreeapartywcoalitionlofmChristian"
Democrats, Free Democrats and also reported yesterday that Cris- A three-year veteran with the that he is regarded a risk because came
the German party. The Refugee ler will meet with the trophy's Met, Miss Peters cited her debut his father, who died in 1932, was ing o
* * prywnsathnteIisftewodein13,ws!igf
iarty won seats in the federal designer to look over the present with the Company as a last-minute accused of being a Communist. Comm
Pieck, 77, was re-elected presi- Parliament for the first time in plan at 1:30 p.m. today in Ann replacement in "Don Giavanni" The letter reported that as a Maj.
for as the high point in her career. boy 12 years old, Sgt. Havris had Commu

sie 'To Reach
'mistice Group
MUNJOM -- UP) - Chinese
s in South Korea demon-
anew yesterday for with-
of Indian troops guarding
ommunist prisoners in the
neutral zone.
Tuesday India- complain-
he UN Command that South
- government leaders had
statements "calculated to
the civilian population.
UT 1,000 Chinese rallied in
Pagoda Park yesterday car-
anners and signs which pro-
"Indian atrocities against
ic POWs," and said: "Stop
killing of anti-Communist
ilar demonstrations were
by Chinese in the South
n ports of Pusan and In-
the past two days,
an guards last week killed
prisoners in quelling two
iots in neutral zone camps.
SEOUL demonstrators ap-
messages to be sent to Pres-
Eisenhower, South Korean
nt Syngman Rhee, Allied
ander Gen. John E. Hull,
Ime, Pandit, Indian chair-,
the UN General Assembly,
ding withdrawal of the In-
ustodial forces from Korea.
ile the ralliers milled and
ed, the South Korean pro-
marshal general, Lt. Gen.
Yong Duk, denied reports
he has a plan for mass
outs of the anti-Red pris-

n if we had one," he said
atement to the Associated
"do you think I am foolish
to disclose such plans?"
a South Korean Defense
y spokesman said he had
wledge of any planned mih-
ove to free the POWs.
ther development that
-d certain to reach the Ar-
e Commission was the
of 63 Chinese ex-prisoners
Pusan to Nationalist For-
landed in Taipen Thurs-
a welcome of firecrackers
peeches and were spun
h the city's streets in a car-
f open cars.
63 ESCAPED from Allied
camps last June in the
uproar when 27,000 anti-
unist North Korean prison-
re freed on order of Presi-
yngman Rhee.


I World Ne W1
By The Asso
WASHINGTON -The governme
Nam has pledged to the United Sta
of 135 new .battalions to fight Con
The Viet Nam embassy gave th
ed to the State Department.
* *
MIAMI-Polio-fighting gamm
scarce-now has the prospect of b
the government said yesterday.
* *
BERLIN-Communist Wilhelm
dent of East Germany for another
to keep "working for the unity2
of our fatherland."
*, *


attended Communist meetings1
with his father and been enrolled

WASHINGTON - A polio-like
mystery disease which hit the "
nursing staff of a nearby sanitai- Financial Fears Block IFC Central Buying Plan
ium is baffling Public Health Ser-
vice scientists. -__
The health service announced By JON SOBELOFF buying plan because their alumni connections already get them
yesterday that the disease, first The possibility that fraternities might get stuck with a financial "good deals" on meat or other items.
reported last July, has struck again lemon seemed yesterday to be the biggest obstacle to setting up an But Zermtn pointed out that a house would not be forced to
among nurses and other personnel interfraternity cooperative food buying program. buy any kind of food it didn't want from the central buying office
of the Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium, "The fraternities want a guarantee of successful operation," In- if the plan went into effect.
a private mental institution in terfraternity Council president C. A. Mitts, '54, said. IN SPITE of the belief of some fraternity men that the food proj-
Rockville, Md. NPT fteble fsm rtriymnta h odpo-
* **vFATENMTY Cue W m Zect was dying of malnutrition, Zerman said yesterday the central buy-
* * *AE FRATERNITY Counselor William ghrZernan said failure to prro-ining program "has definitely not been abandoned."
WASHINGTON-John E. Peur- i vide for enough alumni participation and support in the plan as or- IFC president Mitts agreed it was "a possibility" that cen-
ifoy, a South Carolina Democrat, iginally proposed was another big problem. tral buying would be set up this year. "It's entirely up to the IFC
ambassador to Guatemala. e cooperative buying scheme was so seriously considered executive committee and the fraternity presidents," he said.
that a proposed constitution for "IFC Purchasers, Inc.," was mim- Mitts said the executive committee will decide whether to go
* * eographed last November and distributed to fraternity presidents ahead with the buying plan two weeks from now when it hears a coi-
WAHNGO--l~o f 32 nn.- mnAnAnea z,1.i... +, .~.,,-----,---,.,.1 -1 ..1aedwt h uyn-lntowesfo nwwe thasacm

Ini th±e Yung communii.ist ULea~gue.

NOW 32 YEARS old writh 14
years in the Air Force, Sgt. Havris
argued he had simply followed his
father "as any young boy, would
Mrs. Havris said in Detroit
thather husband, Michael, had
never been a Communist to her
"I have never been a Commun-
ist and neither has my son Vic-
tor," the mother pointed out.
"We're both loyal Americans
and intend to be as long as we
live," according to Mrs. Havris.


the der
had all
fear, sc

mmunist protests over
Korean talk of "taking up
against Indian troops
at a long and angry meet-
f the Military Armistice
Gen. Lee Sang Cho, senior
unist member of the com-
, ddclared that any inter-
by South Korea troops in
militarized zone would have
s consequences."
aceful Use
Atom Seeni
by The Associated Press
y J. Gomberg, assistant' di-
of the University's Phoenix
, said yesterday the atom
but blinded America with
o that we couldn't see the
1 possibilities of atomic en-
.king at a Rotary Club
on in Detroit, Gemberg said
ans overlook. the fact that

m IQtQ

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