Pledging Ceremonies onSunday
^i-fB* dRuth Bulderis, Jane E. Conboy, Nancy Jane Tomblyn, Diane E. Leona A. Macey, Peggy Mattox,
4.20 i i Rushees Receive Ids Rae Cruthers, Sally Hole, Nancy Thompson and Virginia Gail Zie- Mary Loretta Reilly, Harriet W.
C. Jaquette, Emily Jewell, Grete man. Scott, Mary Edna Selway, Janis
Jorgenson, Carol L. Kauffman, * * * Silverstone, Gaille Valentine and
A fter Conclusion of Rushing Sarah Luedders, Helen A. Luth, Margaret Weinert.
Nancy MacDonald Eileen TA. It yelt.eta WeneI
Pi Beta Phi
n _ __ _
Sunday afternoon at 2:00, 420 A p
Panhellenic pledges picked upA
their bids in the League ballroom.
This was the climax of two weeks Elissa Beigler, Mary Berinstein,
of intensive-xushing for Michigan Audrey Bigman, Nancy Blumberg,
coeds, which begin with mixers, Gail Cohen, Georgia Elin, BunnyI
three sets of parties and ended Fisher, Carol Friedman, Patricia
with final desserts. Ganulin, May Garfinkle, Gail S.
After picking up their bids, the Goldstein, JoAnn Karch, Joyce E.,
pledges then went to their respec- Lane, Janet C. Levine, Janet
tive houses to be greeted by the Maas, Cecelia E. Ostrov, Alice Pre-
actives, become acquainted with skill, Nancy L. Rovner, Lois C.
their pledge sisters and receive Saidel, Barbara Shavelson, Ber-
their pledge pins. nice Simon, Ann Steinberg, Max-
The end of rushing was viewed ine Sterling and Sandra Wald-
with mixed feelings, but almost man.'
everyone was glad that now theyt
would have time for studies again. Alpha Gamma
These sororities pledged the fol-
lowing rushees: Delta
Mooney, Emily Moulthrop, Virgin-AKappa Kappa
ia A. Mullins, Joyce Perry, PatriciaI Rebecca Ann~ Allen, Barbar'a Bit-I ap a p
Pezet, Janet S. Shehan, Laura Itner, Berkeley Elizabeth Blash-
Portz, Janet Sluyter and Sara field, Adeline Ciavola, Diana Cook, Gamma
Truesdell. Ann Ward Cordill, Carol Lee de
* * * s .Bruin, Joan Decker, Carol Ellis, Pat Arrington, Mary M. Bloe-
Sally Fisher, Phyllis E. Frank, Dee mendal, Susan Joan Chaffee, Pa-
Alpha Xi Delta Galonska, Ann Hammond, Nancy tricia Ann Cooper, Frances Crow-
Lepard, Shirley Ann Lawson, Bar- ley, Allison Everett, Pam Farley,
Susan Atherton, Balig Berber- Obara Jean McNaught, Sonya Marcia J. Highlands, Barbara Lee
ian, Ann Butterworth, Jane A. Lynn Mayberry, Bette Meagher, Ingwell, Betty Jean Kafka, Linda
Cameron, Jane Condon, P. Jeanne Mary M. Mooney, Judyth Rankin, Landsnaes, Patricia A. Likert, Kay
Derr, Elizabeth A. Doman, Carol Gertrude Erskine Reams, Noreen MacKenzie, Sue Martin, Jan
Doorn, JoAnne Gagne, Nancy I. Rupp, Sharon Arden Russell, Northway, Susan I. Seger, Pauline
Goldammer, Margaret Hammond, Katherine Ann Salo, Marilyn E. Shambes, Julia Ann. Sullivan,
Sharon K. Henry, Clarice A. Lar- Schaefer, G. Joanne Sheets, Car- Nancy T. Wilson and Peggy Zu-
sen, Judith K. McGinley, Mary J. ole June Sparkle, Sharon Straub, elch.
Meckstroth, Barbara Nadeau, Car- Rasan Sullivan, Nancie Swanwick,
olyn Orr, Diane J. Quinlan, Milli- Carolyn Ulrich, Deeon Utley, Nan-
cent Rowe, Janet A. Smith, Mari- cy Ward, JoAnne Yates and Kay
lyn Smith, Ruth A. Stuart, Louise Zitzman. }44 Gfflnpuj
T5.1 J.y et Wlfle Jj Ann Wil- * *S*
Alpha Chi Omega
M. Ann Christine Belin, Caro-
lyn Cannon, Lynne Clapp, Bar-
bara Clark, Jean Corbett, Mary C.
Dennany, Patt Drake, Sally L. En-
gel, Carolyn M. Enright, Nancy A.
Haarer, Ann Marie Brager-Larsen,
Virginia J. Lee, Joan C. Lerner,
Maral L. Molyneaux, Jeanne C.
Newell, Erina Olsson, Judy Par-
menter, Jacqueline Povenz, Vir-
ginia A. Scott, Barbara Sonregret,
Jean Supernau, Ann Titterington
and Shirley Y. Worell.
* .*
rAlpha Delta Pi
Joan Austermiller, Grace Birney,
Louise Blanchard, Gail E. Clark,
Virginia L. Cooke, Erika Erskine,
Jane Fowler, Margaret C. Goebel,
Nancy L. Johnston, Roberta R.
Johnson, Wilma Larmee, Jean C.
MacRae, Janis Ann McMahon,
Sharron L. McNeely, Joyce E.
Mendenhall, Marian Mercer, Betty
Powell, JoAnn Prindle, Carol A.
Rankin, "Judith A. Roviolo, Mar-
jorie Rout, Barbara Shilling, Mar-
garet A. Shingler, Janet J. Walter,
Barbara Whitaker, Donna Win-
stead and Martha A. Young.
- iracy, ane w tt, a y A- v
Donna Anderson, Mary Avery, liams and Paula Wilson. Delta Gamma
Nancy L. Bartholomew, Elaine J. PANHEL BALL-There will be a
Bice, Everlyn R. Button, Jane Car- C ~Omega Mary Jane Belt, Sidney Ann mass meeting for Panhel Ball
son, Margot Coupe, Helen E. Boales. Jacqueline J.,Boyer, Diana committees tonight at 7:15 p.m. in
Czarnecki, Lynne E. Edwards, Martha Bird, Se Cho g Brouse, Sue Anne Cleminson, Jane rooms D and E of the League. All
Judy HCyristine E.y, G- Georgiana L. L. Clark, Sandra L.Corregan, Mary Elizabeth de Tar, sororities are urged to send girls
erie Lamb, Christine Libby, Ger- Cook Janet Daggett Audrey Ellen E. Loveland, Mary Lovell, to this meeting.
Joanne M. McDonald, Barbara Mc- Dorstwitz, Louise A. Fonteine, Bet- Jean McCaskey, Gloria Lee Meier, * * *
Ginnis, Mary L PelevinrJon ty J. Franklin, Jane A. Griffith, Sally Ann Miller, Ann Morley, SOPH CAB-There will be a
GinndishMayL.Pelly e inmJonKE- Meredith H. Hardy, Abby Justice, Carol Murphy, Marcia E. Nelson, mass meeting of all sophomore
thryn Severance, Frances Sheldon, a Kissick, Lorraine C. LeDue, Nancy Virginia Parish, Patricia J. women interested in working on
Shirley Sikkenga Mary J. Skid- Paula Limberg, Joanne C. Main- Perigo, Gretchen Streit, Janet We- committees for Sophomore Cabar-.
more and Mary WSinn. ville, Margaret B. McGrath, Mary ber, Jean Webster, Judith A. Web- et at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Un-
men a WnM. Minier, Betty Lu Morgan, Eli- ster, Brenda Suzanne Wickett, ion Ballroom.
zabeth Muir, Katherine M. Nor- Margaret J. Williamson and Vir- *
Alpha Omicron P i man, Janet Rearick, Anne M. Rei- ginia Zinn. JGP-There will be a mass
chart, Phyllis Rinne, Marilyn S. * * meeting for all women interested
Margaret Brandt, Ellen Eliza- Rippie, Patricia Sackandy. Lin- Gamma Beta in working on JGP at 7:30 p.m.
beth Brown, Mary Sue Curry, ette Vollrath and Judy Wilson. .C1 'a Phi B Thursday at the League.
Georgiana Davidson, Mavis Bev- *,* *SEllyne BachelElane ally Beu-
erly Frs, Amea Dustman, Sue oiie i ate So ros I s thieu, Shirley Burkhart, Dorothy BALLET CLUB-The WAA Bal-
Gary, Adrienne Grochal, Donna J. Ann Cant, Mary June Eastman, let Club will hold its organization-
Hammill, Mary Kane, Irene E. Charlotte Le Hall Ma r al meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at
Kellogg, Cynthia LaFond, Kathryn Ann Avery, Barbara Gay Bar-- t eer,MarjorienG
Leo, Elaine M. Maki, Carol A. Mc- ker, Sally Jean Burke, Ruth Janet Jane Harry, Janette Helen Hickey, the Dance Studio at aBrbour Gym.
Cohen, Christine M. Crasford, De- Alice Ann Kaeff, Iseli Koenig, El- n ill be hed f the-
Mace, PameJan A.tMills. Carol lores Doll. Virginia Dolliver, Gret- len Elizabeth Lauppe, Barbara g a e
Seveeck and Judy Sweet. chen Ebling, \Ann Ellis, Suzanne Marriott, Sally McKeighan, Mary
* G. Felt, Judy Geeting, Barbara Templar Nesbit, Nancy E. Paps- BRIDGE CLASSES - Students
Grinnell, Sandra Jean Hughes, worth, Virginia L. Robertson, Su- who are interested in joining
A pha Ph i Heather Hutchins, Sandra Wells zanne Steigleder, Jane Ellen bridge classes sponsored by the
Lee, Katherine Luhn, Barbara Stoltz, Mary Louise Sullivan, Cor- League can still buy their tickets
Phyllis Abbott, Shirley Abbott, McCabe, Dietlind Nixdorf, Jo Ann nelia Von Mach and Carolyn M. when they report for classes. Les-
Jennifer Allen, Nancy J. Birney, Rohleder, Donna Mae Somers, Woolfender. sons will start at 7 p.m. tonight in
* * * the League.
Dorothy Allaben, Mary Barton,
Susan M. Boomer, Sue Brown,
Lynne Davison, Patricia Earhart,
Jane Germany, Gail L. Glover,
Mary Lue Grandbois, Jane Grath-
wohl, Nancy LaMoyne Howell, Jan;
Jewell, Barbara McGarth, Martha
Ann MacGregor, Joan E. Melges,
F. Patricia Mooney, Mary H. No-
len, Nancy Pletta, Susan l M.
Roach, Doris K. Spierling, Patricia
E. Ward, Jocelyn Ann Watt and
Sally Wilkinson.
Sigma Delta Tau
Patricia Albin, Dorothy Anne
Berg, Helen M. Cohen, Myrna Eis-
enberg, Gwynne Finkleman, Jan-
ice Glass, Arlene Gottesman, Bar-
bara Greenfield, Diane Intriliga-
tor, Laura Karp, Elaine Kozin,
Marcia Kohnstamm, Ann Kutner,
Lynn Lederman, Barbara Lewis,
Carole Lichterman, Fredrika Lo-
ewenberg, Dorothy Nevas, Betty-
Ann Rosenfeld, Ferne Roten-
streich, Nancy S. Rothman, Linda
Ruenstein, Inez Shapiro, Barbara
Sussman, Paula Swiren, Barbara
Sidenberg, Mary Stein, Lois Union,
Sue Werbelow and Marcia H. Wil-
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