PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4.,195!. TEM H AN AI %d AN- - -2 A- %.P %I-AWA a, aV o j7Uj :p The Expanding West EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a se- ries of weekly editorials on the West, in its national rather than international sense. To- day's column deals with the motives behind Western expansion. Future editorials will exam- ine the problems confronting Western states.) THROUGHOUT the cold season the roads leading out to the West Coast are al- most denuded of traffic. Occasionally, a car loaded with baggage, family sandwiched be- tween, speeds by and disappears into the never-ending horizon of telephone poles. Wait an hour and the same sight will be repeated. When spring comes and the first traces of heat and sun sneak out upon the land the scene changes. The tempo of cars in- crease. The family procession is repeated every minute and becomes familiar. The confusion of license plates bewilders the eye. From Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri - the cars roll. From Texas and the Southlands- more cars. And even more from the civilized East{ They stream by unceasingly. You are witnessing a new settlement of the West. On the West Coast, a proud people ex- pect the new arrivals-few of whom will return to their native states. California is the main objective of the exodus. Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Utah and Nevada follow. With the resettlement come the problems. More people. Need-land. More people. Need-food. More people. Need-industry. More people. Need-roads. More people. Need-homes. The need for land, food, industry, roads and homes brings politics. * * * * SINCE THE WEST was first opened by the lure of gold in 1849 adventures, dissatis- fled farmers, and religious groups have been attracted by the promise of a new and better life. In our own time economic depression and natural calamities brought mass move- ments into the farthest parts of the land. This, however, does not explain the sud- den upsurge in population growth in these areas following the second world war. Why, for example, does Los Angeles grow at the rate of 400 -persons per day? Sev- eral reasons may be advanced in answer to this phenomenon. During the global conflict the West Coast was the scene of furious military activity. Servicemen who had never been outside of their own states while in civilian life were suddenly thrown into training bases out on the coast. The Pacific war brought even more men to the Western shores. They did not stay long before being shipped into battle but part of the charm and natural beauty re- mained in their minds. Industry was reborn and expanded at this time. Boeing, Kaiser and other industrial giants needed skilled laborers and non-train- ed factory workers. Wages were high, living conditions promising over a long period of time and so even those few left in civilian, lif e were lured to the West. After the war the servicemen returned but not to their original homelands. Many of the workers remained where they had found employment and some degree of se- curity. But even for those who did return to their pre-war status in life things did not appear too promising. The East seemed somehow to be cramped, tired and closed to the man who wanted to build new worlds. The South had changed but little and marginal land existence appeared ridiculous after the lush fertility of the soil promised by California. The international strain also added to the already complex motives. With major cities subject to destruction at the fall of a single A-bomb, "'get out while the get- ting is good" philosoihy made itself felt. Industry slowly recognized the need for dispersal and was building a few new plants away from the staid East. Employ- ment looked promising away from the Eastern cities, which had no fresh oppor- tunities to offer. So another factor entered and made its mark. Draughts continued in the South (and have continued until now-witness the Tex- as disaster.) They brought even more people away from their homes and are continuing to do so. But whatever the reasons for the shift in population one fact remained in back of the minds of the people who went West-the promise of a new life. -Mark Reader New Books at 'Library Cronin, A. J.-Beyond This Place: Bos- ton: Little Brown & Co., 1953 Creekmore, Hubert-The Chain in the Heart: New York; Random House, 1953 Hass, Hans-Manta; Chicago; Rand Mc- Nahy & Co., 1953 Kinsey, Alfred C., et. al.-Sexual Behavior in the Human Female: Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1953 Lindbergh, Charles A.-The Spirit of St. Louis: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley-Willa Cath- er, A Memoir: Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott, 1953 PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S choice of Gov. Earl Warren of California to be Chief Justice of the United States seems cer- tain to meet with widespread approval. Gov- ftrnnr Wa.e nn- - I, The Week on Campus 3-D Glasses N INDIAN SUMMER combination of rarified air, falling leaves, lazy house flies and autumnal head colds produced a week both pleasant and routine for the student buckling down to a year of text- books and term papers. Fraternity men pushed away from din- ner tables at 44 campus houses early Sun- day afternoon and officially began their two-week fall rushing period. Close to 900 first year men together with a num- ber of their upper class contemporaries launched into two weeks of handshaking, questions, counter-questions and free meals, better than any they had ever had. According to Interfraternity Council fig- ures the tally of this year's rushees num- bers 887, more than in any recent year. Sororities wound up their two week rush session with final deserts Friday night. Announcement Monday of plans to locate the Educational Television and Radio Cen- ter here under H. K. Newburn, former presi- dent of the University of Oregon, cast an encouraging light on future TV development along educational lines. The research center which received an initial $1,500,000 grant from the Ford Foundation one year ago has as its goal "to keep track of the main sources of educational television progirams and to arrange with these sources for na- tional distribution of some of the best pro- grams." If okayed by the center's board of directors Oct. 8 and 9, the TV group will establish headquarters in a former residence on Washtenaw near Baldwin. Bespectacled Howard Nemerovski, '54E, future engineer and author of last year's Union Opera, "No Cover Charge," was back at it last week with the announcement that this year's show would bear his autograph also. As yet no name for the all male musi- cal has been chosen. * * * * Last week also proved that more students could be more uncomfortable in the Natural Science Auditorium than ever before. Seats seemed even closer together and air condi- tioning a thing unheard of in the remodelled lecture hall formally opened last week. * * * * Most talked about student of the week was University physics major Milo J. Radu- lovich, under fire by the Air Force as a "security risk" because of Communist affilia- tion charges against his father and sister. Final hearing on the case was held Friday with announcement of the outcome due to be held up at. least a week-standard Air Force procedure in cases of this nature. * * * * In a meeting largely confined to filling empty seats left vacant by non-returning members, Student Legislature made seven appointments and named Steve Jelin, '55, to the cabinet as treasurer replacing Fred Hicks, '54, who had resigned. The Legislature accepted the plan for the new executive wing structure to re- place the now defunct administrative wing and discussed policy changes relat- ing to the distribution of Cinema Guild profits. Election of Lee Fiber, '54, to head the newly reorganized Joint Judiciary Council Wednesday stirred up a teapot tempest over the issue of whether a woman judic chairman should be allowed to sit on the Student Affairs Committee thereby giving women the edge on the SAC. A change made in the Regents' by-laws on SAC mem- bership at their last meeting automatically made Jim Smith, '55L, who had been elected vice-chairman of the Judic, the student representative to the SAC. Under the revised by-law the chairman of Joint Judic shall sit on SAC unless the chairman is a woman as in the present case. At the same time Reudi Gingrass, '54, was elected secretary of the Judic. About 50 members of the Development Council including deans, administrators and members of the Board of Directors from all parts of the country met yesterday and ap- proved operating plans for 1953-54. Long range aims of the council are to stimulate further interest of alumni and friends of the University in its development, to assist in the public relations of the University and to coordinate the University's special fund raising program. When it came to drawing the term lengths of members of the Board of Directors, some- one suggested that Edgar N. Eisenhower, Tacoma, Wash., attorney and brother of the President, would probably draw a four year stretch if there was one. Results of the drawing placed Eisenhower on the board with a three year term. -Gene Hartwig loo AA SKY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ON THE WASHINGTON MERREY=GO=EOUND WITH DREW PEARSON L CURRIEN T MAOVI/1 - mmmumom At the State... THE CADDY, with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. HOLLYWOOD'S ANSWER to the demand for comedy results in a Martin and Lewis show about once every six months. Now as regular as the swallows of Capistrano they'- re back again. Their latest episode follows the usual pat- tern. This time Jerry Lewis is the son of a famous old golf pro. But unlike his father he is unable to face the crowds that follow the tournaments. Hooking up with Dean Martin his prospective brother-in-law, Lew- is acts as his caddy. Together they burn up the golf trails, eventually entering high so- ciety through the back door, and achieving final glory as a nightclub act. Lewis provides several extremely good slapstick scenes. In one he completely de- molishes the inside of a department store, while in another he serves as an enibriated butler at a very upper crust dinner. Mar- tin gives out with his usual quota of songs. Actually this film and others like it can- not be judged by the ordinary standards of plot construction, dialogue, and acting abil- ity simply because they don't exist. The pic- ture really consists of a nightclub act trans- posed to the screen. As nightclub enter- tainers Martin and Lewis are fine, but they are not fit material for the movie camera. To film such acts is a perversion of the camera as an art medium. No matter how many Martins and Lewis' crowd a picture, the real star is the camera. But instead of attempting to mold the camera to the same old acts, why can't the film-makers use their imagination to create something new to fit the tremendous versatility of the movie cam- era? Despite numerous technical improve- mepts the film still remains only as good as the subject material it presents Martin and Lewis do provide better than average comedy, but why be satisfied with this when such an area of improvement re- mains to be exploited? -Dick Wolf LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY sees now that we have been very busy disinfecting our religious practices of every trace of what science might call superstition and now we find that we pannot live on disinfectant. Just as it is possible to prune a tree with a knife, but it is not possible to grow a tree with a knife, so it is possible (and good) to criticize relgon by the methods of science and reason, but it is impossible to create and A4rchitectitre Auditorium' FLESH AND FANTASY THE THREE short and serious-minded episodes which comprise this movie are hitched together for the light they try to shed on the subject of dreams, compulsion and the like. The light is rather dim-any psychology-for-the-layman handbook pro- vides the same answers to the same ques- tions-but in the shedding process some amusing situations and fairly tight drama are created. Betty Field stars in the first, and weak- est, episode, a Mardi Gras tale with all the trimmings. An ugly seamstress who has no boy for the ball, Miss Field is on the verge of suicide when a kindly and mysterious old man stops her. Also, he is kind enough to tip her off on the true nature of ugliness. Seems it's only skin deep, just like beauty, and is caused by being mean and selfish inside. She goes to the ball and performs a truly selfless act in persuading Robert Cummings not to throw away his career. And when she takes off her mask at the end of the even- ing, Lo and Behold! Admittedly, this is thin stuff to be masquerading as drama,' and the gimmick at the end doesn't really redeem it. Julien Duvivier's direction al- most does, however. This episode and the others have the great virtue of staying in motion. These are not obese dramatic structures; each incident is rendered economically and effectively. In the second story Edward G. Robinson plays a man with an obsession. Told by a palm-reader that there is a murder in his near future, he doesn't get a minute of peace of soul until the deed is done. The contrast between the comic inner dialogues which lead up to the event and the grue- some intensity of its realization is an ef- fective one. But the manner in which the dialogues are rendered-by having Robin- son's reflection play his evil other half-is unattractively naive. In the finale, Charles Boyer and Bar- bara Stanwyck illustrate the proposition that man's still the captain of his fate ;n spite of all the hocus-pocus about dreams and such. Both have roles which they've handled expertly many times before and since: the debonair but passionate lover, and the Shady Lady. The progression of this little drama tends to get jumbled, but holds one's interest for most of the course. Robert Benchley in his appearances be- tween sections perhaps unwittingly illus- trates the attitude one is likely to take to- ward this production: a bit amused with its rilnnn , mVin in iiif lO illi to+ -ha A , rl na W ASHINGTON - The following is not pleasant news; however, it somthing the American people had best know about now rathe than later. The unpleasant news is that the Russians are now ahead of th United States in at least one phase of hydrogen research. American atomic scientists came to this shocking conclusion after analyzing air samples picked up after the Soviet H-bomb explosion. The new Russian development is an important one, but because it might reveal secrets to a potential enemy, the nature of the development will not be discussed in this column. However, chief result of the discovery is that the Atomic Energ Commission has drastically revised its previous estimate that Russi is two years behind the U.S.A. in developing atomic-hydrogen weap ons. It is now evident that the Russians are not merely relying on stol en secrets and retracing American steps, but are rushing ahead oi their own scientific steam. Commented one high official privately: "The United States coul use a Klaus Fuchs of its own to swipe Soviet atomic-hydrogen secrets. On the other hand, American physicists, spurred on by the So viet development, have discovered a new, cheaper way to produce th H-bomb, to "trigger" its explosion, to drop the H-bomb, and to ge an airplane out of the explosion path after the bomb is dropped i time to save the plane from destruction. This means the next H-bomb will probably be dropped from a B-36, rather than exploded inside an H-house, as in the case of th explosion that sank an island near Eniwetok last November. The Ai: Force is now training a B-36 crew for this delicate mission. * * * * -WHITE HOUSE DEBATES- THE WHITE HOUSE is still debating how much of the H-bomb stor to tell the public. Obviously the Kremlin already knows all about the effects of H-bomb warfare, so there is no danger of leaking secrets to the en- emy. However, despite the President's recent announcement that he would proceed with "Operation Candor," some of his advisers warn against telling the public the terrible facts about the H-bomb without offering some kind of solution to reassure them. As a result, the President's speech on the H-bomb has alread been rewritten more than 25 times, and the latest draft still soft- pedals the threat of an atomic-hydrogen war. Among other things presidential speech writers haven't figured out how Ike is going to ex. plain cutting the Air Force at a time the nation is in definite dange of H-bomb attack. * * * * DURKIN'S LAST LUNCHEON- FOLLOWING Vice President Nixon's recent speech in St. Louis h was given a luncheon by top A. F. of L. leaders. Though the recep tion of his speech had been frosty, the luncheon was cordial. In fact, the Vice President oozed charm. Turning to the forme Secretary of Labor, with whom he had sat in Eisenhower's cabine during many meetings, he said: "I can't tell you how much Pat and I will miss you and Mrs. Durkin. We have just begun to know you. I hope when you are in Washington in the future you will let us know so that we can get together." "That is very nice of you, Mr. Vice President," replied ex-Secre- tary Durkin, "but I have been living in Washington for about 20 year and I am still living there." * * * * SHADING A DESERT- A SCHEME TO COVER part of the sun-baked desert of Saud Arabia with aluminum foil was unfolded to foreign operation administrator Harold Stassen the other day, and he fell for it. The plan was put forward by the Reynolds Metals Company whic manufactures aluminum and aluminum foil and which conceived the idea of spreading foil over certain areas in Saudi Arabia to re- fiect the blazing sun and reduce the ground temperature. The Rey- nolds company also wanted to install an aluminum sprinkler syste to water part of the Arabian desert. Also important, the Reynolds Company proposed that the U.S. Gov- ernment finance this desert daydream as part of the Point 4 program Hitherto the Point 4 program has been chiefly one of educat- ing foreign countries to adopt new techniques, rather than spend- ing large amouts of money sending machinery abroad. Neverthe- less, Stassen agreed to finance the Reynolds project with govern- ment money. Later, his engineers persuaded him to change his mind. They pointed out that the salt content of the water in Saudi Arabia was sc high that it would soon corrode and clog aluminum pipes in the sprinkling system. They also warned that the saline content of the desert would make the spreading of aluminum foil impractical. In the end, Stassen backed down. The taxpayers were saved a lot of money. Note-Those inside the Point 4 program complain that their new boss has been spending the taxpayers' money to promote American business, rather than train personnel in underdeveloped countries. Stassen seems willing to back almost any business venture that comes along. This means that private business takes the profit, the taxpayers stand the risk. * * * * -FARM CHAFF- THE PUBLIC'S recent loss of interest in odor-killing chlorophyll Is a blow to some farmers who planted heavy stnds of alfalfa It (continued from Page 2) Michigan State College, will speak on "Cross Diagrams." Fencing Class. All men interested in learning to fence are urged to attend the first meeting of a class on Mon., Oct. 5, at 4 p.m. in the boxing room of the Intramural Building. Those de- siring advanced instruction in the sport should call 2-2400 for informa- tion. Health Lectures. The remaining lec- tures of the present series will be giv- en in the Health Service Lecture Room instead of Natural Science Auditorium as previousy announced. The hours remain the same with lectures being repeated at 3, 4, 5, and 7:30 p.m. The remainder of the schedule is as follows: Tues., Oct. 6: Health Hazards of Ci- vilization. Thurs., Oct. 8: Injuries, First Atten- tions and Points of Sanitation. Tues., Oct. 13: Communicable Diseases. Thurs., Oct. 15: Physical Defects, Or- gan and Tissue Malfunction, The examination for those students who are deficient in the requirement will be given in half-hour intervals from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. On Fri., Oct. 16, in the Health Service Lecture Room. Logic Seminar will meet on Tues., Oct. 6, at 4 p.m., in 414 Mason Hall. Mr. O. Losey will speak on Kleene's treatment of recursive functions. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will meet on alternate Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m., in 3201 Angel Hall. The general subject will be Sequential Analysis, The first meeting will be Tues., Oct. 6. Prof. C. C. Craig will Speak. STheeUniversity Extension Service an- nounces Human Relations in Industry. Human factors associated with morale and productivity in business and industry. The student is givensan overview of the scope of human problems in social organizations of various kinds, with particular emphasis on industry and business. He is also introduced to ap- plications of social science in the hu- man problems of such organizations. He gains some familiarity with scien- tific method in 'general, with psychol- ogy and sociology, and with current, theories of supervision and manage- ment in industry. Sixteen weeks. $18.00. Instructor: Dr. Gerald M. Mahoney. Next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7:30 in Room 69 of the School of Business Administration. The Madrigal Singers. Those electing this course will comprise a choral group whose primary purpose is the singing of small choral works, with special em- phasis on the madrigals of various periods. No specialized musical back- ground is required. The enjoyment and experience received from singing in a group such as this is unlimited. Six- teen weeks. $18.00. Instructor: Alfred R. Neumann, Student Assistant in Music. Next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7 p.m. in Auditorium D of Angell Hall. Understanding our Natural Resources -Forests, Rocks, and Waters. A look at the relationship between the plain garden variety of citizen and the nat- ural environment by which he sur- vives. Interesting consideration of lo- cations, quantities, characteristics, ownerships, management, and chances for steady flow of things that grow on the earth, that make up its crust, and that keep it beautiful fresh, and airy. Eight weeks. $8.00. Instructor: Shirley W. Allen, Professor Emeritus of Forestry. The first meeting of the class will be held Monday eveningsOct. 5, at "7:30, in Room 170 of the School of Business Administration. Registra- tion will take place during the half hour preceding the class in the same room. Design Principles in the Home. An elementary course for those interested in the design and organization of the modern home. This is a participation course in which students will be ex- pected to work out assigned elemen- tary problems illustrating basic prin- ciples of line, space, color, texture, and form that can be applied to home design decoration. Planned as a prepar- ation for the further development of living space. Sixteen weeks. $18.00. In- structor: Catherine B. Heller, Professor of Design. The next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7:30, in Room 346 of the School of Architecture. Graduate Nurses' Educational Pro- gram. The Private Duty Nurses' Sec- tion of the Ann Arbor District Nurses' Association and the University School of Nursing have cooperated with the Extension Service in setting up a course of lectures which reviews the subjects listed below. Faculty members from the Medical School and School of Nursing will discuss the following topics: Car- diac Research, Neurology, Radioactive Therapy, Nursing Review in Surgical Nursing, Nursing Review in Materia Medica, Nursing Principles in Intra- ocular Surgery, and Principles of Re- habilitation. Six weeks. $6.00. The first meeting of the class will be held Mon- day evening, Oct. 5, at 7:30 in Room 2230 of the University Hospital. Regis- tration will take place in the half hourpreceding the class in the same room. Real Estate Business I. This course is intended for those who expect to enter the real estate profession and for real estate people with general real estate experience. In addition to the regular course work, specialized infor- mation relative to many of the topics under consideration will be presented by lectures. Certificate course, sixteen weeks. $18.00. Instructor: Mr. Kenneth W. Lieber, Lecturer in Real Estate. The next meeting of thetclasstwill be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7 in Room 146 of' the School of Business Admin- istration. Concerts Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Exhibit of Swedish Textiles through Oct. 15; Eskimo Carvings (Oct. 4-25); Recent French Art Exhibition Fsters (Oct. 4-25), Open 9 am. to 5 p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m: on Sun- days. The public is invited. Events Today Roger Williams Guild. Student class: "What Students Can Believe About Man," 9:45 a.m. Discussion led by Prof. David Nanney, Zoology Department: "Don't Be Afraid to Change Your Mind," 6:45 p.m. Lutheran Student Association. Meet at six o'clock for supper in hnor of new students. Evangelical and Reformed Student Guild. Discussion: "Church and State, European vs. American Views," 7 p.m., Bethlehem Church. Guest leader: Mr. Wolfgang Fikentscher, of Germany. De- votions Leader: Mary Kay Wealch. Wesley Foundation. Student seminar, "An Insight into the Jewish Faith," 9:30 a.m. Fellowship supper, 5:30 p.m. Worship and program, 6:45 p.m. Dr. Abbey will speak on "Pathways to hd's Presence." Michigan Christian Fellowship. Mr. David Adeney, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship staff member, will lecture on "God's Provision," 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All students invited; refreshments will be served. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak on "Person- al Devotions in the Life of the Stu- dent, 7 p.m. Unitarian Student Group. Discussion: "The Relatio of the Unitarians to Po- litical Activity," 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church. Those needing or able to offer transportation meet at Lane Hall, 7:15 p.m. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent breakfast at 8:30 and 9:45 a.m., following 8:00 and 9:00 Holy Communion Service. Sunday evening Supper Club, 6 p.m. Canterbury Club,,7 p.m. Coffee hur following eight o'clock Evensong, 8:30 p.m. Westminster Guild. Mr. Fred Kassner, Psychologist at Lapeer State Home speaking on "The Problem of the Men- tally Deficient," 6:45 p.m. Graduate Outing Club meets 2 p.m. at the rear of the Rackham Building. Cars provided to take members and friends to the country for a cross-coun- try hike. Afternoon concludes with an outtOor picnic. Newcomers welcome. Coming Events The Women's Research Club meets in the West Lecture Room of the Rack- ham Building on Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu will speak on "Chi- nese Porcaln in Europe and Turkey." Science Research Club. The October meeting will be held in the Rackham Amphitheater, 7:30 l.m. Tues., Oct. 6. Program: "Low Temperature Calori- metry." Edgar F. Westrum; "Measure- ments of the Velocity of Sound in the Ocean," Richard K. Brown and Julian R. Frederich. Election of new mem- bers. Museum Movie. "Prehistoric Times: World Before Man" (color). Free mvie shown at 3 p.m. daily, including Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Museums Building, Oct, 6-13. Anthropology Club. First meeting Tues., Oct. 6, 7:45 p.m., West Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. The speaker will be Dr. Paul Heile, of the Department of Philosphy, who will speak on "Facts and Theories in ScI- ence." Refreshments will be served. La Sociedad Hispanica will have its first meeting on Mon., Oct. 5, at. 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Room of the League. Talk on Mexico, interesting program. Refreshments will be served. All members are urged to attend. Ev- eryone is welcome. "La Tertulia" of the Sociedad His- panica will meet Un Tues., Oct. 6, at 3:30 p.m. at the International Center. Re- freshments will be served. Very nfor- mal. All are welcome . Students for Democratic Action will hold their first meeting of the year Tues., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-B, Union. Speaker and Important business are on the agenda. La p'tite causette meets tomorrow from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the north room of the Michigan Union cafeteria. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric Vetter............ ..City Editor Virginia Voss........Editorial Director Mike Wolff.....Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker. . ..,... . Associate, Editor Helene Simon..........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.............. Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell..Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell ....... Head Photographer i 4 4 t Roberta Peters, sensational young col- oratura sprano of the Metropolitan Business Staff Opera Association, will open the Dia- Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager mond Jubilee season of the University William Kaufman Advertising Manager Musical Society in the Choral Union Harlean Hankin Assoc. Business Mgr. Series, Wednesday evening, Oct. 7, at William Seiden . Finance Manager 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. She will be James Sharp ... Circulation Manager assisted by Warner Bass, accompanist, and Samuel Pratt, Flutist, in a program of songs and operatic arias, which will Telephone 23-24- Ginclude: Scarlatti's Qual farfalletta I }