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October 04, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-04

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* *" * * ", * *

Board OK's
1953 Agenda
Long-Range Plan
Given Go-Ahead
More than 30 members of the
Development Council Board of
Directors yesterday stamped unan-
imous approval to the Council's
1953-54 Operating Plan, setting in
motion a long-range fund raising
and public relations program.
Yesterday's business meeting cli-
maxed a weekend of organization-
al activities which brought togeth-
er prominent alumni from all cor-
ners of the country and University
administrators and deans.
A PROJECTED organziation
s since the Michigan - Memorial
Phoenix Project campaigns came
to a close, the Development Coun-
cil has three chief aims:
1. To interest alumni in the
University's development and car-
ry on a long-range study of the
University's needs.
2. To assist in the public rela-
tions of the University and pro-
mote financial support through
r gifts, grants and bequests.
3. To coordinate the University's
special fund raising programs. y
Formal sanction to the 37-
page operating plan embodying
the above purposes gives the go-
ahead to five committees set up
to handle various aspects of the
program. The committees are:
Special Gifts, Grants and Be-
quests; Public Relations and
Promotions; Survey of Needs;
Finance; and Alumni Fund.
Coordinating the activities of
the several subgroups is a sev-
en-member executive committee
which meets monthly and is re-
sponsible to the larger Board of
Directors. Board meetings are
held four times a year.
Speakers at yesterday's confer-
ence registered enthusiastic ap-
proval of the Development Coun-
cil concept and characterized it as
a "broadly educational" rather
than strictly fund-raising project.
Second Board of Directors meet-
ing is scheduled for Jan. 17.
Sunken Ship
Causes Peril
To Waterway
Port Huron authorities are try-
ing to figure out how to remove
from the St. Clair River a sunken
German ship which constitutes a
threat to the shipping traffic.
Victim of a collision it was sunk
a when it was rammed and cracked
open by a large American freight-
THE COLLISION ocurred Fri-
day night when the Pioneer, an
American ore boat, smashed into
the Wallschiff; a smaller German
motor vessel.
According to reliable news
sources, the seventeen crewmen
of the German ship were res-
cued,, but a veteran of the
Great Lakes area, Capt. Harold
Patterson, was killed in the.
crash. None of the crew of the
freighter were hurt and dam-
age to it was slight.
The radar devices and the bridge
are all that remain above 62 foot
deep water. River traffic continues
r to work past the sunken ship
which rocks slowly and is report-
ed in danger of shifting.

SEARCHLIGHTS were played
on the German vessel last night to
prevent any further collisions,
James Bulford, chief boatswain's
mate and commander of the Port
Huron Coast Guard Station said.
Canadian and United States au-
thorities are debating on who will
make an official inquiry into the
crash that took the life of one
seaman and left five others in-

Knight, president of the Inter-
American Press Assn. said yes-
terday "with regret" that press
censorship seems to be on
the increase"throughout Latin
Knight, publisher of the
Chicago Daily News, Detroit
Free Press, Akron Beacou-
Journal and Miami Herald, is
here for the annual meeting
of the .association.
Stass en Set
For Quizzes
On Firintgs
WASHINGTON -(A) - Chair-
man Bridges (R-NH) said yester-
day the Senate Appropriations
Committee plans to call Harold E.
Stassen to explain what it says
may have been "capricious" fir-
ings in the Foreign Operations
Stassen, who heads the agency
has been engaged in an overturn
of personnel Which so angered
some employes that they hung
crepe on FOA filing cases and
said they were being "Stassinated."

Dock Hearing
Airs Proof
Of Rivalry
' T-H Injunction
May Be Used
NEW YORK - (A) - President
Eisenhower's inquiry board heard
evidence yesterday of "tremendous
losses" and bitter union rivalry in
the East Coast longshoremen's
The three-man board conducted
the first of its open hearings to
determine whether the walkout of
60,000 dockers menaces the na-
tional health and welfare.
** *
IT IS SCHEDULED to report to
Eisenhower by tomorrow, after
which he could seek an anti-
strike injunction to get the men
back to work for an 80-day cool-
ing off period under the Taft-
Hartley law.
The strikers have agreed to
comply with such an order, in-
dicating the strike may end early
next week. The walkout began at
midnight Wednesday.

Branoff Counters
Twice in 27-6 WIn
Topp Blocks Punt to Star on Defense;
Kress Runs 62 Yards for Last Tally
Associate Sports Editor
The Green Wave wasn't much more than a trickle yesterday as
the 1953 edition of the Michigan gridiron machine ground out its
second straight win, dropping the Tulane eleven, 26-7.
Coach Raymond "Bear" Wolf's club has now lost two in a row
after winning its opener from The Citadel by a 54-6 score. Once
again it was Tony Branoff, square-hewn sophomore wingback who
paced Michigan's scoring attack.
* * * *
BRANOFF got the Wolverines off on a winning stride with two

Joseph M
Ne~w York

AS CHAIRMAN of the commit- s -v'a con"
tee which will have to pass on woud acas
FOA personnel funds in the next would caus
sessionsofaCongress, Bridges said eral public
in a statement that his group
wants to look into "complaints al-'
leging that inept handling of the THE ASS
dismissals had worked inequities 170 shipping
on personnel and had impaired the tracting ste
efficiency of the organization." "ayper
"The committee has received had bargai
reports which indicate, if true, the Inter
that in some cases the dismissals men's Ass(
were administered in a capri- It has hadc
cious fashion," Bridges said. But he sa
Democrats h a v e complained unfairly bee
about what they called indiscrimi- of a situatio
nate firings of career employes in no control"
what are designated as "reduction had becom
in force" orders. But Bridges was cult."
the first Republican to speak up. 'One facto
Before he ordered dismissals, from the A
Stassen arranged for FOA em- Labor, whic
ployes to take an, aptitude test, ILA as rack
although he said grades on the tended to c
test would not determine whether right to rer
they were retained. men.
Bridges noted that Congress Another f
gave Stassen broad authority to need to ma
"disregard the normal civil ser- conform to
vice procedure in order to ef- cently creat
feet a reduction' of personnel sey Bi-State
so that a more streamlined and sion, which
workable organization would re- fective unti
sult." Robert Sn
The New Hampshire senator said John Aler,c
the Senate committee had been in- representati
formed that one employe who sub- the AFL ha(
mitted. his resignation rather than in "all theF
take the examination was retain- it intended
ed anyway. shoremen a:
4t . ]9

ayper, counsel for the
Shipping Association,
inuation of the strike
e "tremendous losses"{
of New York, the gen-,
and the longshoremen.
OCIATION represents
g companies and con-
said the employers
ined in good faith with
national Longshore-
ociati m, with which
contracts for 35 years.
id the employers "have
n placed in the middle
n over which they have
and that bargaining
e "increasingly diffi-
r, he said, was notice
merican Federation of
:h recently expelled the
ket ridden, that it in-
ontest the ILA for the
present the longshore-
actor, he said, was the
ake any agreement to
regulations of the re-
ed New York-New Jer-
e Waterfront Commis-
does not become ef-
l Dec. 1.
middy, of Boston, and
of Baltimor6, employer
yves, told the board that
d notifed shipping men
East Coast ports" that
Sto represent lo -
lalong the cost.


-Daily-Don Campbell
PILE UP-Bob Hurley (head encircled) stopped on Tulane's three-yard line by a Green Wave of
tacklers after a short gain. Just before, Hurley h ad reeled off successive gains of 26 and '12 yards to
place the'ball inside Tulane's five-yard line. Two plays after this picture was taken, Tony Branoff
darted around left-end on the ancient Statue-of- Liberty play for Michigan's second touchdown.
'U' Rooters Win Honors by Storm

" Daily Associate Editor
An unexpected downpour addeda
impetus to the school spirit of
Michigan rooters yesterday after-
noon, allowing them to come froma
behind in the second half and
sweep cheering honors by at least
two touchdowns and x "Varsity"
from 6,500 high school bandsmen.
New faces, bright colors and a:
host of cheers-new to the Univer-
sity stadium-but with a familiar
ring-dominated the first half of
grandstanding. When rain clouds
threatened in the third quarter,
the end zones became suddenly
quiet. Raindrops, the fourth quar-
ter and a rush for the gates came
simultaneously, leaving the field
open for University students to
make a comeback.
'With an unfamiliar drive ofI
team support, the Wdtverine sup-"
porters, almost to a man, stayed,
glued in their seats throughout
the downpour. Although they
cheered with undampened hearti-
ness at Wolverine activities, the
biggest roar of the day came when
the sun broke through again seven
minutes before the game was over.
BEFORE THEY forsook the
stadium, the high school bands-
men turned in a 'creditable half-
time performance. They filled the3
field to capacity with sound andI
color. Contrary to previous years,
the dominant colors were not
maize and blue.
Selections rendered included,
two Sousa marches, Paul Yoder's
"The Locomotive," Henry Fill-
more's "Ha, Ha, Ha" and Rich-
ard Rodgers' "Some Enchanted
Although no single high school
majorette attracted the attention
given Sally Geier last year (which
resulted in Miss Geier's being ask -
ed to leave the field), a trio of
girls from Bentley high school at
Livonia was enthusiastically sup-
ported by near-by grandstanders.
Immediately after the half, a small
procession of University men filed
over to, the Livonia group, presum-
ably in search of dates.
Marching Band was crowded pret-
ty much off the field during the
half-time activities. While the

stadium was filliig, however, the
band rendered its usual sparkling
performance of University songs
and gave out with its newest dance
step, the Charleston. Appearing
even more ambitious than the
band's former maneuvers, the
Charleston seems destined to be-
come as much a Michigan Band
classic as "Alexander's Ragtime
Another bright spot of the pre-
g ame festivities was the featured

interrupted play and was abruptly
removed from the field, was iden-
tified as Major, belonging to Lam-
bda Chi Alpha fraternity.
After the game, everyone's out-
lOok was cheerful. Everyone's,
that is, except for a number of
Tulane rooters and the convertible
owners who had been caught withi
their tops down. They were lastf
seen along the streets, dolefully

appearance of the Hastings high A
school drum major, giving an ex-A sk e+ O g d
cellent twirling demonstration.
The afternoon was marked by On ersonnel
"firsts." Tulane scored the first _
touchdown of the season against! WASHINGTON-(A)-The De-
Michigan, the first Michigan gameW fense Department let it be known
for many high school students, and yeserdatma t it st nwth
thefirt dg o th yer apeaedyesterday that it is studying the
the first dog of the year appeared touchy problem of how to reduce.
Ion the field. The dog, who once:the number of armed forces per-
sonnel and dependents employed
Record Run "I think there are some soft3
spots we can tighten up," said
THERMAL, Calif. - (P)- A Dep. Secretary of Defense Roger
Navy combat hero piloted the M. Kyes in reference to the size
flying wing Douglas jet F4D of U. S. military cadres abroad.
Skyray an average of 753.4 * *
miles an hour to win back the HE DID NOT pinpoint any "soft
world measured course speed spots" but predicted "some good
r f t n d l results" would come from a sur-

touchdowns and a pair of extra poin
a thorn in the side of the Tulane
passing offensive, accounting for
half of Michigan's four intercep-
Bob Topp also turned in some
stalwart work on defense and it
was his job of blocking Greenie
halfback Les Kennedy's punt
early in the fourth quarter that
cinched the game for the Wol-
verines win column. Gene Knut-
son pounced on the ball that
Topp had deflected in the Tu-
lane end zone for a touchdown
that put Michigan in front by a
20-7 score.
Up to then it was anybody's ball
game; the Wolverines holding ada
14-7 advantage after Tulane had
converted a Ted Kress fumble into
its only score of the afternoon.
THE KRESS fumble was an act
of turnabout, just after Michigan I
substitute center John Morrow had
recovered Max McGee's fumble onI
the Wolverine eight yard line. Be-
See p. 5, 6 and 7 for more pictures°
fore that, Tulane had driven from
its own 44 with fullback Ronnie°
Kent, sub quarter Ray Weiden-
bacher and half Jim . Partridge]
showing the way.
Just three plays later, Kress
tried to skirt his own right end
and a host of green-clad Tulane
tacklers hit him. The ball flew
loose and bounced into the end
zone where Tulane end Eddie
Bravo recovered for the only
score against Michigan in itsq
first two games-a gift at that.
After Knutson and Topp col-
laborated to give Michigan a two-
touchdown bulge again, Kress vin-
dicated his fumble with a 62 yard
run off right guard for the long-
est single gain of the day, and the
Wolverines' final six points. Kress
set up his touchdown jaunt with
a timely interception of Clement's
pass to back Wayne Wall on the
Maize and Blue 41.
* * *
perform with the weather against
their southern opponents. In the
opening half, with the sun beam-
ing strongly from the southeast,
Michigan completely dominated
the play. In first downs the dif-
ference was 13 to three, rushing
yardage was 130 to 59 and pass-
ing yardage stood 87 to five-Tu-
lane at the short end every time.
But the minute the dazzling
display of high. school band tal-
ent left the field after the half
time ceremonies, the sun crept
behind the clouds and the Wolver-
C. of F. Group
Ends Meeting
OMAHA-(A')-A "Declaration
of Purpose" calling for protection
of America from "international ex-
ploitation" and reduction of the
"enormous power now concentrat-
ed in the federal government"
ended the three-day Congress of
Freedom here last last night.
The 600 delegates representing
150 conservative groups ended
their convention by signing this
"Declaration of Purpose" and
naming Arnold Kruckman, Wash-
ington, D. C., head of a commit-
tee to arrange a second meeting

ts for a 14-0 halftime Jead and was
No Russian
Unrest Seen
By Hollander
Convinced "we have made some
impression on the Soviet people,"
former Daily feature editor Zan-
der Hollander and two other
American college editors prepar-
ed yesterday to leave the Soviet
Union after a 10-day stay.
Their trip included a visit to
Kiev University', where students
"swarmed around us like bobby-
soxers with Frank Sinatra," they
pointed out.
EXPLAINING they had come to
the Soviet Union primarily to ob-
serve rather than to take up the
cudgels for the American view-
point, the student editors found
themselves "forced into the role
of preachers by questions that the
Russians fired at us."
Other editors accompaniying
Hollander on the tour are Dan-
iel Berger, editor of the Ober-
lin College Review and former
'University of Colorado editor
Mark Emond.
They explained they had niot
seen any signs of unrest or lack
of sympathy with the Soviet re-
gime in the Ukraine.
The students said they had
found that Ukrainian collective
farmers took the Government's
new farm program very serious-
ly. "Ukrainian farms looked good
to us. We didn't think the Rus-
sian farms we saw from the train
windows were so hot, though,"
Hollander reported.
According to the New York
Times, the editors were asked
whether they could tell the truth
about their impressions whet they
went back to the United States
without being put in jail. "We told
them that we could say whatever
we pleased when we went back to
America," Hollander remarked.
"But I don't think they quite be-
lieved us."
Labor Pa-rty
On Ownership
MARGATE, England-(P)-The
labor party has abandoned its tra-
ditional socialist" belief that state
ownership of all industry would
bring on a workers' paradise.
Instead, the dissension-ridden
party decided at a conference here
this week to work fpr a welfare
EVERYONE agreed on such
things as larger old age pensions
and sick benefits and better tax-
supported schools. But the manual
workers' delegates killed leftist pro-
posals for wholesale nationaliza-
tion of industry and of land.
' If the attitude of the trade
union leaders is an accuratere-
flectiot of rank-and-file senti-
ment, great numbers of work-
ers with cloth caps and toil-
worn hands have lost their be-

recora ior e e 11 a C.
Lt. Cmdr. James B. Verdin
sent the new white Navy inter-
ceptor through four all out
passes over a three-kilometer
1,863-mile distance as the tem-
perature read 98.5 degrees dn
the shore of Southern Cali-
fornia's Salton Sea.

vey of the problem, of which he
said American commnanders over-
seas were "very aware."
He. made his comments to. re-
porters upon 'his return from a
month-long inspection visit to Eu-
ropean, Mediterranean and Green-
land bases. His tour included a
study of the personnel question.

-1 -- - -

3 tate n anas r etea

rWIF.orld News Roundup.'
By The Associated Press
FRANKFURT, Germany-A former German army officer, newly
repatriated from the Soviet Union, said yesterday Russian tanks
were rushed to the Ukraine early last July to quell uprisings after
the purge of Laventry P. Beria.
Soviet army troops took over control of all key bridges, roads
and rail centers in Russia for about three weeks after the ouster of
the police boss, he said. in an interview.

India Complicates
Repatriation Task


OTTAWA - The Canadian
government charged yesterday
there is renewed religious perse-
cution in Poland and said it
contradicts professed Communist
interest -in easing international
* * *
BERLIN-Ernst Reuter, cham-
pion of liberty, was buried yes-

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-The
Yugoslav official news agency
Tanjug said last night a So-
viet-type Yak fighter plan from
Bulgaria flew into Yugoslavia
today and landed at Skopje
The agency reported a second
Yak crossed the frontier with
the first but then disappeared
and there were no reports of the

PANMUNJOM-(P)-South Ko- i


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