PAGE Two T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1953 New York's Dock Strike A REMARKABLE coincidence finds the contract between the International Longshoremen's Association and the New York Shipping Association expiring at ap- proximately the same time that the ILA was expelled from the AFL. Since the ILA has assumed the responsibility of obtaining an hourly rate increase for its members and initiated a strike for that purpose, the AFL recognizes an opportunity to gain control of the docks with its own longshoremen's union. The strike announcement was made by ILA executive vice-president Patrick J. Con- nolly, which indicates that the notorious Joseph P. Ryan, lifetime president of the organization, may be watching this one from the sidelines because of recent derogatory publicity. Ryan's failure to clean up his union effected its compulsory drop from the AFL which immediately substituted its own union for the longshoremen. Conspicuous about the affair was the unnecessarily long period of time the AFL consumed in reach- ing its degision of expulsion. It is neither improbable, nor laudable, that the AFL put off the action in anti- cipation of the contract's expiration. For the larger- organization's chances of re- placing the ILA are somewhat enhanced by the recentness of scandalous headlines, That the ouster and the expiration occur- red almost simultaneously is too conven- ient to be plausibly coincidental. 'That the ILA is caught in a dilemma is shown by the drop in demands for a rate increase from 50 cents to 13 cents aster it was disaffiliated. If it demands too much, its members may desert to the AFL for a quicker settlement. If it demands too little, the AFL can offer a better deal. Yet the ILA is con- cerned mainly with renewing the contract in order to retain control of the dock workers. With the support of the joint New York- New Jersey waterfront commission that ex- pects to be in full operation by Dec. 1, the AFL definitely has the upper hand. The un- popular tactics of the ILA, too, will prob- ably have home influence on the AFL's appeals for transfer to ILA locals. One interesting aspect of the sftuation is the position the AFL must take on the Taft-Hartley law. Enforcement of the 80- day injunction provided by the Aaft- Hartley Act will give the AFL almost three additional months to- steal the contract from the ILA, for the New York Shipping Association will be relieved from the pres- sure of 1x million dollars in losses per day. An injunction will also give the'AFL time to petition for a government supervised sec- ret vote of the longshoremen to decide which union is to represent the dockers. The AFL is confident of victory on such a ballot. Consequently, the AFL discovers itself in the embarrassing position of dependence on the very law which it periodically attacks. This situation is almost as intriguing'as the question of whether crime will finally be ostracized from the New York waterfront in what is actually a jurisdictional strike, which, by the way, is prohibited by the Taft-Hartley law. -Jim Dygert M A7TER OF F ACT. By JOSEPH ALSOP HONG KONG-Speculating on what might 'have been is usually fruitless. Yet it is at least worth noting that the end of the fighting in Korea almost certainly came just in time to spare the Chinese Communists. from paying heavy penalites for entering the war. From this useful vantage point of Hong Kong, one sees very clearly what was not visible in Washington-the severe strain that their effort in Korea imposed on the Chinese Communists. They were not just losing mass manpower in Korea. They were losing their best soldiers.and officers. And they were not just using Russian equipment in Korea. They were paying for that equip- ment through the nose, with exports which the Chinese economy could ill afford. Two statistics tell the story. In the last year, China's total exports of rice and other grains are known to have passed 750,000 tons a year-and this is a country which in better times normally imported upwards of 1,000,000 tons a year of rice alone. Furthermore, the rice, the soya beans, the tung oil and other products constituting China's huge export to Rus- sia were being paid for by the Russians at prices 50 per cent under the world market. Truly, Josef Stalin drove one of his cus- tomary hard bargains with Mao Tse-Tung when he agreed to re-equip and support the Chinese armed forces if China joined in the Korean fighting. To the Chinese Com- munist leader, the high price no doubt seemed well worth paying, for the immense gain of becoming the dominant military power in Asia. But it can hardly be doubt- ed either that the price began to be un- bearable as the Korean war dragged on and on. This history is plain proof of the Chinese eagerness for the truce that we were so eager to grant them. The reason for this eager- ness is suggested in turn by another set of facts concerning the Peking-Moscow rela- tionship. In August, 1952, the Chinese Communists sent to Moscow the most high powered mis- sion they could collect, to ask for more lib- eral Russian aid. Again, Stalin's rigidity seems to have been the chief stumbling block in the negotiations. At any rate, nothing solid was accom- plished until just after the old dictator's death. Malenkovthen announced a prelim- inary agreement to increase Russian aid for China as a sort of send-off for Chou En- Lai's return journey to Peking. This has now been followed by the announcement of a more detailed and complete aid agree- At the Orpheun. LAUGHTER IN PARADISE with Alastair Sim HOLDING TRUE to the standards of Alec Guiness and Ealing Studios, the English film-makers have drawn another exquisite miniature of British humor. By gently weav- ing a complexity of situations, the plot brings on a variety of laughs, varying in intensity from gentle chuckles to outright guffaws. The story, in essence, centers around the stipulations attached to the will of a famous practical jokster. In order to in- herit his estate his four heirs must per- form certain tasks antithetical to their ment that provoked Mao Tse-Tung's slavish telegram of thanks to Malenkov. The Chinese need for aid is urgent, Mao's thanks were slavish, because the Chinese Communist government is now confronting difficulties that might cause a ruthless regime to lose heart altogether. China's vital stocks of food grains have been utterly exhausted by the export pro- gram. Even by the end of last summer, farmers were leaving their fields untilled in many parts of China, in protest against cruel taxation. This year's harvests of both wheat and rice have been far below normal. There are reports of famine already from Szech- uan, China's richest agricultural province. This winter will quite probably produce a nation wide Chinese famine in the classic style, with the people eating roots, bark and even earth. And death stalking the land. The evidence is overwhelming, in fact, that the Peking government desperately wanted to bring the fighting to an end as long ago as last autumn. The outward sign of this Chinese Com- munist hankering for peace was the Indian formula for settling the prisoners of war problem. This formula was put forward by the Indian government last December, when every other obstacle to a truce agreement had already been cleared away. Peking had approved the Indian pri- soners of war formula, but Moscow had not approved. The Indians had hardly offered their proposal when it was round- ly denounced at the United Nations by Andrei Vishinsky. Stalin, surely enraged by Peking's gesture of independence, had spoken through Vishinsky's mouth. Af- ter an unhappy pause of several days, the Peking government lamely echoed the at- tack on this Indian formula that Chou En-Lai himself had helped to work out. There matters stood until Secretary of State John Foster Dulles visited New Delhi last winter. With the intention of having the warning passed on, Dulles told Pandit Nehru that the United States would have to take the offensive in Korea, even at the cost of spreading the war, if no truce could be arranged. Maybe this helped to shake Russian policy. Certainly Russian policy was finally altered by the death of the aged, rigid Stalin. Chou En-Lai hastened to Moscow for Stalin's funeral and remained there about a fortnight. He had hardly got off the plane at Peking when he again put forward the Indian formula for the prisoners, this time as his own. Thereafter, the Chinese let no obstacle stand in the way of final agree- ment on a Korean truce. (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) resulting in a happy ending for everyone de- spite an O'Henry twist at the end. The cast as a whole is excellent. Alastair Sim, however, as the genteel mystery writer turns in a superb character study. His bear- ing, each facial motion, even the merest twitch of his umbrella are so completely in harmony with the role that he must be seen in order to be appreciated. Perhaps only Fay Compton as the spin- ster is a bit out of character with the rest of the film. She seems to change almost too suddenly from a crusty old lady into a rather motherly soul. But this is due to thA script and not any lack of ability on Miss Compton's part. This movie is probably as well dressed as any recently seen here. Trieste--Center Of Old Tensions A PRETENSE THAT the problem doesn't exist has been the United States' unique approach to the problem of Trieste for five and a half years, But while the U.S. has ignored the sore- point in the Adriatic, Yugoslavia and Italy have not. The result is an increased mount- ing of tension with threats so clouding the issue that neither of the two countries can now back down without suffering a severe prestige defeat. And where the situation might have been somewhat difficult to set- tle five, three or even one year ago, it now seems to resemble the proverbial Gordian knot in complexity. Trieste is not only strategically and economically important to Italy and Yu- goslavia but also involves a matter of prestige and for Italy a major political and emotional issue. Prior to 1919 the Trieste area was a part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and was subsequently, after the treaty of Versailles, given over to Italy. During the second world war, Yugoslavian,partisans occupied Trieste and at cessation of hostiliites the area was divided into two zons; Zone Aunder joint U.S.-British administration and Zone B under Yugoslavia. This arrangement naturally pleased nei- ther the Italians nor the Yugoslavs. Both countries demanded the entire sea. In 1947, the United States, Britain and France who were at that time more immediately con- cerned with Italian friendship than that of Yugoslavia issued a tripartie agreement ad- vocating the return of Trieste to Italy. Since that declaration, however, the allies have not deigned to give Trieste more than cur- sory attention. Italy stakes her claim to Trieste on the fact that the majority of the population is Italian and also on the three power declar- ation of 1947. As an active member of NATO which has filled its defense quota 100% and has enthusiastically cooperated in Western defense plans, Italy feels aggrieved that the U.S. and Britain have thus far ignored her demands and in the case of the U.S. has even repudiated the 1947 document. Trieste is a vital issue in Italian politics. No party that did not fight for Trieste could stay in power for long. Consequently Italian res- ponse to American procrastination has been an increasingly lukewarm attitude towards this country and a lessening of interest in NATO. On the other hand, Yugoslavia also feels that her claims to Trieste are fully justified. Her main arguments are that she won the territory during the war and that the area is of more economic im- portance to her than it is to Italy. In addition, the Trieste question has be- come an important prestige matter to Tito. Undoubtedly Yugoslavia and Italy are not going to voluntarily settle this dispute by negotiation. This has been suggested but plans for negotiations never materialized. Initiative in resolving the problem must be taken by the United States and Britain, for the disputants will certainly not do any- thing constructive without strong urging from another source. Italy, especially, feels that America was largely responsible for the mess and therefore should help settle it. Various solutions to the problem have been proposed. All would entail some com- promise between Italy and Yugoslavia. Among the proposals have been declaring Trieste a United Nations trusteeship with a UN governor, having Trieste governored alternatively by an Italian and a Yugoslav, and submitting the question of who should govern the area to a plebiscite. The active friendship of both Yugoslavia and Italy is necessary for the smooth work- ing of Western defense. No doubt the Uni- ted . States would run the risk of antago- nizing one of the countries if she attempted to force any of these solutions upon them. But pressure either by way of submitting the problem to the UN or by imposing sanc- tions must be brought so that both sides are forced to come to some agreement by themselves. But unless the powers that di- vided Trieste act soon to alleviate the situ- ation it promises to become a real threat to European harmony. --Arlene Liss A Model Case ENFORCERS OF California's security pro- gram have reached a new peak of effi- ciency in enforcing loyalty oaths to insure that neither California nor the nation will be overthrown in the near future. Acting on the assumption that anyone employed in public schools is in a very strategic position to effect a coup or revo- lution, every school employee, whether teacher or janitor, is required to sign a loyalty pledge. Two years ago Miss Janet Gray modeled for art classes in a Pasadena school-a posi- tion which few will doubt is vital to the home defenses of the country. Although the exact number of hours that Miss Gray was employed in the public school building was not reported, it has been ascertained that she earned the sum of three dollars for her work. /J 'S CO.rAN- - c I t t i i 9 S t' ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Most politicians figure that the political fates take6 care of those who help themselves. The new Chief Justice of the United States is a notable exception. Never has he reached out in the political sense to help himself; yet the highest award in the Americani judiciary has just been handed him.x In 1948, friends urged Gov. Earl Warren to get out and stumpt the country, let people get better acquainted with him. "I'm not very good at that," he replied. "If I'm qualified for the presidency, I guessf people eventually will find out." They didn't find it out in 1948. Tom Dewey, who did get out and beat the hustings, was nominated but defeated. And fourt years later, in 1952, Herbert Hoover, who disagrees with WarrenE on many policies, told General MacArthur that he consideredI Warren the best-qualified candidate in the Republican party.E But again Warren refused to beat the hustings. And in Chicago last year I sat with him in his room at the Black- stone hotel as the votes piled up for the opposition GOP candidates and as it became obvious he would be snowed under. Warren was a' bit sad but also philosophic. "It takes so much money to line up delegates," he mused. "AndE when you raise all that money you put your political soul in hock forr the rest of your life. I don't think it pays." So Earl Warren went home from Chicago, back to the job of be- ing a good governor of California., And he had no idea, when he announced a few weeks ago that heI would not run again, that the highest judicial post in the U.S.A. would be offered him. Obviously he could not have known. For noI one knew that Chief Justice Vinson was to pass away tragically in his sleep. Warren merely felt, when he made his announcement, that he had been governor long enough, and that it was only fair that the people of California have time to pick a new man.{ FATHER MURDERED THE NEW Chief Justice began life as a call-boy in a locomotive roundhouse. His father was a master car-builder, and it was Earl's job to ride a bicycle to the homes of locomotive engineers and trainmen to notify them when they were called for the next trip.: One night a housebreaker entered the Warren 'home, murdered hisE father, and young Earl was left to support his niother. Possibly that explains his great sympathy for the workingman,1 his trend toward social-minded, new deal projects. His family suf- fered considerable sickness in Warren's youth, and he knew what it was to struggle to pay the doctor's bill. That was one reason he fought for a health program that aroused the doctors of California to a white-hot pitch of opposition. It may also be why Warren stood up for low-cost public housing, for rent control, and fought the big land-owners when it came to the 160-acre limitation on irrigated land under federal reclamation. Yet, despite his liberal leanings, the governor of a state which has seen the rise and fall of funny money, ham-and-eggers. and all sorts of fringe movements, never jumped on a hallelujah bandwagon. Frequently it would have seemed good politics to do so. When he was a rising young politician in Oakland, the Ku Klux Klan swept the state like wildfire and many a politician put on the pillow case. But not Warren. IKE VS. WARREN AND WHEN the rage for loyalty oaths came along, Warren failed to lead the professional patriots and put his right hand on the Bible. Asked if there would be a purge of California employees, he replied: "No, we never hired any Reds in the first place." His stand was unpopular, especially with his Republican friends on the Board of Regents of the University of California. It even in- spired some luncheon remarks by another prominent personage-no less than the man in the White House who has just appointed Warren to the Supreme Court. General Eisenhower was being wined and dined in San Francisco in 1952, and delivered two off-the-cuff talks, before the San Fran- cisco Press Club and the Bohemian Club, during which he took an indirect crack at Governor Warren by saying he didn't know of any loyalty oath that he wouldn't be willing to stand up and swear to. Naturally, the remark got back to Warren. "It's interesting," commented the governor to a friend, "that the president of Columbia University made his remark off-the- record so it would not be quoted in the East. For he and Presi- dent Conant of Harvard were the first to take a public stand against loyalty oaths. Furthermore," Warren continued, "it hap- pens that the University Ike heads has mere Communists than any other in the country." As Chief Justice of the United States, Warren will have the job of administering circuit court judges all over the country. And as governor of California, there was frequent speculation among the judiciary as to whether Warren had appointed more Democratic judges than Republicans. At one time, Judge William Denman. of San Francisco, Chief Justice of the 9th Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals, telephoned Warren7 to ask the political affiliation of ten state judges the governor had appointed. Warren appeared slightly irritated. "I don't know what political party they belong to," he replied. Judge Denman, who believes as Warren does that a judge should not be picked because of politics, was curious enough to look up the , political background of the ten California judges. He found Warren had appointed five Republicans and five Democrats. WARREN ON SEGREGATION THE MANNERF IN which the new Chief Justice is likely to vote in The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYP~EWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1953 VOL. LXIV, No. 11 Notices The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Hos- pital-Medical-surgical Care Plans will be open during the perlUd from October 5 through October 20, for new appli- cations as well as changes in contracts now in effect. These new applications and changes become effective December 5 with the first payroll deduction on November 30. University Choir. Members must pick up music for Wednesday night's re- hearsal at Auditorium D, Monday through Wednesday (Oct. 5-7) between 5 and 6 p.m. Freshman Testing Program. A make- up session for freshmen who missed the Kuder Preference Record during orientation week. Please"report to 140 Business Administration Building at 6:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 6. The Session will last until 10:30 p.m. For further information call Ext. 2297. Mechanical and Industrial Engineer- ing Seniors and Graduate Students. Many companies are sending repre- sentatives to interview graduates of 1954. beginning October 12. Please fill in your Personnel Card in the De- partmental Office, 225 West Engineer- ing Building, and watch the bulletin board for dates and time of interview. You are welcome to interview for posi- tions as posted, and also in other De- partments, if the interviews are be- ing arranged by another department. Personnel Cards, with picture and fac- ulty rating, are an important part of Interview procedure and are kept on file in the Department, also for future reference when you may desire a change of position. Notice of group meetings will be posted and announc- ed in the Daily Official Bulletin. Academic Notices Rotating Seminar in Classical Groups will meet Mon., Oct. 5, at 7:45 p.m., in 3220 Angell Hall. Professor Gilbert Robinson, from the University ofsTor- onto, who is a visiting professor at Michigan State College, will speak on "Cross Diagrams." Greek 1, 41, 101, 164, Professor Pearl: Classes will meet on schedule begin- ning Mon., Oct. 5. Mathematics Orientation Seminar will meet on Mon., Oct. 5, 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. George Murphy will speak on "A Novice's View of Current Mathe- matical Literature." Geometry Seminar will meet Mon., Oct. 5, at 7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. AM-Ohahir will present "A New Proof of the Pappus-Lesenring Theor- em in All Dimensions." Fencing Class. All men interested in learning to fence are urged to attend the first meeting of a class on Mon., Oct. 5, at 4 p.m. in the boxing room of the Intramural Building. Those de- siring advanced instruction in the sport should call 2-2400 for informa- tion. Doctoral Examination for Edwin Ben- jamins, Chemistry; thesis: "A Ther- modynamic Study of the System Am- monium Monohydrogen Difluorde- Ammonium Fluoride," Sat., Oct. 3, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 10 a.m. Chair- man, E. F. Westrum. The University Extension Service an- nounces Human Relations in Industry. Human factors associated with morale and productivity in business and industry. The student is given an overview of the scope of human problems in social organizations of various kinds, with particular emphasis on industry and business. He is also introduced to ap- plications of social science in the hu- man problems of such organizations. He gains some familiarity with scien- TT tteDT TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the wri- ter and in good taste. Letters ex- ceeding 300 words in length, defama- tory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Guilt by Relation .. . To the Editor: f E ARE among the many stu- dents who were shocked by the charges brought against Milo J. Radulovich. It seems as though the witch-hunters have progressed from guilt by association to guilt by relation. Milo must defend his Air Force reserve commission against charg- es that he is a "security risk." The Air Force'scharge is not lev- eled against Milo's own thoughts and actions, but those of his fa- ther and sister. This seems to be stretching the point of "Thy Bro- ther's Keeper" just a bit too far. A man should be judged by his own performance. The value of the individual is one of the basic tific method in general, with psychol- ogy and sociology, and with current theories of supervision and manage- ment in industry. Sixteen weeks. $18.00. Instructor: Dr. Gerald M. Mahoney. Next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5; at 7:30 in Room 69 of the School of . Business Administration. The Madrigal Singers. Those electing this course will comprise a choral group whose primary purpose is the singing of small choral works, with special em- phasis onrthe madrigals of various periods. No specialized musical back- ground is required. The enjoyment and experience received from singing in a group such as this is unlimited. Six- teen weeks. $18.00. Instructor: Alfred R. Neumann, Student Assistant in Music. Next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7 p.m. in Auditorium D of Angell Hall. Understanding our Natural Resources -Forests, Rocks, and Waters. A look at the relationship between the plain garden variety of citizen and the nat ural environment by which he sur-1 vives. Interesting consideration ,of lo- cations, quantities, characteristics, ownerships, management, and chances for steady flow of things that grow on the earth, that make up its crust, and that keep it beautiful, fresh, and airy. Eight weeks. $8.00. Instructor: Shirley W. Allen, Professor Emeritus of Forestry. The first meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7:30, in Room 170 of the School. of Business Administration. Registra- tion will take place during the half hour preceding the class in the same room. DesignPrinciples in the Home. An elementary course- for those interested in the design and organization of the modern home. This is a participation course in which students WIl be ex- pected to work out assigned elemen- tary problems Illustrating basic prin- ciples of line, space, color, texture, and form that can be applied to hone design decoration. Planned as a prepar- ation for the further development of living space. Sixteen weeks. $18.00.-In- structor: Catherine B. Heller, Professor of Design. The next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7:30, in Room 346 of the School of Architecture, Graduate Nurses' Educational Pro- gram. The Private Duty Nurses' Sec- tion of the Ann Arbor District Nurses' Association and the University School of Nursing have cooperated with 'the Extension Service in setting up a course of lectures which reviews the subjects listed below. Faculty members from the Medical School and School of Nursing will discuss the following topics: Car- diac Research, Neurology, Radioactive Therapy, -Nursing Review In Surgical Nursing, Nursing Review in Materi Medica, Nursing Principles in Intra- ocular Surgery, and Principles of Re- habilitation. Six weeks. $6.00. The first meeting of the class will be held Mon- day evening, Oct. 5, at 7:0 in Room 2230 of the University Hospital. Regis- tration will take place in the half hour preceding the class in the same room. Real Estate Business I. This course is intended for those who expect to enter the real estate profession and for real estate people with general real estate experience. In addition, to the regular course work, specialized infor- mation relative to many of the topics under consideration wi be presented by lectures. Certificate course, sixteen weeks. $18.00. Instructor: Mr. Kenneth W. Lieber, Lecturer in Real Estate. The next meeting of the class will be held Monday evening, Oct. 5, at 7 in Room 146 of the School of Business Admin- istration. Events Today S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion. Jack and Judy Brown leading discus- sion on "Work Camps in Washington, D.C." Lane Hall, 12:00 to 1:30. Call Res- ervations, Ext. 2851, Episcopal Student Foundation. After the game, cider and doughnuts at Can- terbury House. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Open house at Guild House after the game. Everybody's Birthday Party at 8:30 pm., Pilgrim Hall, Congregational Church. Coming Events The Women's Research Club meets in- the West Lecture Room of the Rack- ham Building on Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu will speak on "Chi- nese Porcelain in Europe and Turkey." Episcopal Student Foundation. Sun, Oct. 4, Student Breakfast at 8:30 and 9:45 a.m. at Canterbury Rouse. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor. Eric Vetter.............. ..Oity Editor Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff ... Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker.......Associate Editor Helene Simon.........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye ............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell ... Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler . Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.....Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger .... Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin Assoc. Business Mgr. Willtam Seiden. Finance manager James Sharp.... Circu4ation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Thar's Gold In Them Hil .' 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A I i U II U Member e.nn .e n f nir 'Ampinanm.' ..,A. I