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October 03, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-10-03

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Malan Bill
Passes Both
Non-White Vote
Further Limited
CAPETOWN, South Africa-(P)
-Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan
won the approval of both Houses
of the new Parliament on the first
reading yesterday of his new bill
to cut down voting rights of some
Five members of the United
party, chief opposition to Malan's
Nationalists, walked out of the
House when a vote was taken on
an amendment by J. G. N.
Strauss, the opposition leader.
STRAUSS' amendment, declin-
ingbto grant leave to introdue.
the bill unless the government
ave certain assurances, was then
defeated 116 to 57 at a joint sit-.
ting of the two Houses.
The bill now goes to a select
committee of 18 members of all
parties which has power to ex-
amine papers and evidence and
revise the measure.
By appearing to seek a compro-
mise solution Malan hopes to gain
some semblance of bipartisan sup-
port on the final vote.
THERE ARE indications that
he will win enough supporters
from the opposition to give him
the required two-thirds majority.
The bill seeks to validate the
Voters' Act of 1951 which was
thrown out by the courts last
year because it had not been
passed by a two-thirds majority
of both Houses.
It throws some 50,000 colored-
persons. of mixed blood in Cape
Province-off the general regis-
tration list and puts them, on a
separate voting register. They
would be allowed to cast ballots
only to select four members of
Parliament, all of them white.
Ships Collide
PORT HURON, Mich-(P)--
Two ships, a Great Lakes ore
carrier and a German freighter,
collided off Port Huron in the St.
Clair River last night.
The German ship, the Walsciess,
Police at Sarnia, Ont., said they
had removed two dead and two
survivors from the sunken freight-
er. There was no immediate con-
firmation of other casualties, but
the Port Huron Times Herald said
first unofficial reports it received
said there were "several dead."
The second ship, which anchor-
ed still afloat, tentatively was
identified as the Pioneer, of the
Cleveland-Cliffs fleet. It was load-
ed and downbound, just out of
Lake Huron.
The skipper of the German ves-
sel tried to beach his craft on the
Canadian side of the river, but it
went down before he could make

Erskine Pitches Repatriation
ir'Group Halts
Anti-Red Rio
Brooklyn Hurler Establishes New T oPrisn s
World Series Record by Fanning 14 Killed 5 Inur
BROOKLYN-OP)-Trim Carl Erskine, a handsome Hoosier right-
hander, shattered Howard Ehmke's 1929 World Series strikeout record PANMUNJOM-(G)-The Ne
yesterday by fanning 14 New York Yankees for Brooklyn's first victory, tral Nations Repatriation Comm
3-2, in a brilliant comeback. sion yesterday stamped out
The Yanks still lead in the series, 2-1. riot in two days. then engaged
Yanked from the box after a disastrous four-run first inning in an angry exchange with the
the opener, the 26-year-old Dodger bounced back to restore Dodger lies.
confidence after two shocking defeats. The exchange took place sho
* * * * ly after Indian guards killed t
ROY CAMPANELLA, playing with a painfully puffed right hand, Chinese prisoners and woun
blasted an eight-inning home run that gave the soft-spoken Erskine five others in a mass breakouto
-i his greatest triumph. tempt. A North Korean was k


Wolverines Await
Southern Visitors
Tulane Backs McGee, Clement, Kent,
Kennedy Will Lead Team in Contest

Daily Sports Editor
Michigan will bid for its second victory of the 1953 football season
this afternoon as it goes against an experienced Tulane University
team in a top intersectional clash at the Stadium.
Fair skies, eighty degree temperatures and a crowd of 55,000 in-
cluding 6,000 high school bandsmen are expected to form the back-
drop as Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's team attempts to justify its
fourth place national rating. The kickoff will be at 2 p.m.
THE GREEN WAVE, coached by former Texas Christian star
Raymond (Bear) Wolf, carries a one and one record into the game,
The Greenies blasted the Cit-
adel in their opener two weeks
ago, 54-6, but were edged last R um ors Fly
Saturday by Georgia, 16-14.
Tulane's victory hopes ride with
an all-senior backfield composed olStriking
of quarterback Pete Clement, half

GE Loses

Court Case
TRENTON, N. J. - (R) - The
General Electric Co., a giant of
American industry, was ordered
yesterday in federal court to give
rights to existing patents on in-
cadescent lamps and their parts
to the public.
Federal Judge Phillip Forman
ordered the patents turned over
to the public in a judgment that
enforces his 1949 conviction of
GE on dharges of monopolizing the
incandescent lamp industry in the
United States.

* * *s
FORMAN TOLD'a reporter aft-
er filing the 105-page opinion he
believed "it is the first time in a
contested anti-trust case that ded-
ication of parents has been ord-
The order also applied to six
other lamp supply manufactur-
ers who were among eight firms
convicted in 1949 by Forman of
aiding GE to maintain a monop-
oly in the nation.
However, the judge turned down
a U. S. government plea to force
GE to divest itself of half its fa-
cilities for producing electric light
bulbs and their parts.
Forman said "divestiture of
General Electric is neither feasible
nor in the public interest."
* * *
IN OTHER provisions of the
judgment, GE was ordered to make
available to the industry its blue-
prints for lamp machinery.
Forman also decreed that GE
and the other defendants must
end contracts and agreements
with each other in the making
of the lamps.
Another provision restrains GE
or International General Electric
Co., Inc., from preventing their
"partially owned foreign com-
paniesfrom entering into compe-
tition in the lamp industry in the
United States."
In New York, a representative of
General Electric said in a state-
ment that thz ruling by Judge For-
man "goes further than we believe
the court had'the power to go un-
der Supreme Court decisions."


Erskine gathered in Joe Col-
lins'-soft tap to the mound and
threw to Gil Hodges for the final
out, the entire Dodger bench
erupted onto the field to slap
the back and wring the accom
plished right hand of their
On the way he struck out Mick-
ey Mantle and Joe Collins four
times each, only one short of a
series record. Going to the ninth
inning with 12, just one short of
the Ehmke high, he whizzed third
strikes past the swinging bats of
pinch-hitters Don Bollweg and
Johnny Mize. Then he walked
pinch-hitter Irv Noren before re-
tiring Collins to put it in the bank.
TIE 'DRAMA mounted steadily
throughout the bright, summery
afternoon with Erskine firing his
blazing fast ball and sharp curve
past the Yank hitters in a clutch
duel with Vic Raschi.
From the moment that Er-
skine shot a third strike past
lead off man Gil McDougald in
the first inning, it was obvious
he was a far different pitcher
from the wild, shaky man who
flopped so badly on opening day.
Ford Pledoes
Economic Aid
By The Associated Press
Henry Ford II delivering his first
speech as a United States delegate
to the United Nations yesterday
emphasized that "in the modern
world, no nation can go it alone,
in economics any more than in
Speaking before the General As-
sembly's economic committee, Ford
renewed a United States pledge
that America would put up 60 cents
for every 40 cents contributed by
other members of the UN Techni-
cal Assistance Program.

ed and five wounded in a similar
riot Thursday,
THE COMPOUNDS still seethed.
One; observer said the Chinese
marched about, shoutingand beat-
ing on tin cans..
Lt. Gen. K. S. Thimayya, In-
dian chairman of the commis-
sion, charged in a statement
that camp violence was the re-
sult of "well organized groups"
formed before the prisoners were
given over to Indian custody.
The General had just received
a letter from Brig. Gen. A. L. Ham-
blen, who handles prisoner mat-
ters for the United Nations Com-
mand, charging the commission
,would violate armistice rules if it
forced anti-Red prisoners to lis-
ten to explanation teams from the
Communist side.
THIMAYYA did not accuse the
UN Command of organizing the
groups. It is known, however, that
the UN'Command had encouraged
the prisoners to form strong anti-
Communist cores among the 7,800
Koreans and 14,500 Chinese re-
sisting return to Red rule.
Prisoners had been told while
in South Korean camps, he said,
that they would go to National-
ist Formosa at the end of their
detention but under the truce
terms they will go to a "neu-f
tral country."
Hamblen's letter was a formall
protest to the rules of explanations
which the commission unanimous-
ly adopted. Under these rules, pris-
oners must listen to repeated ar-
guments from Communist explan-
ation teams.
The UN Command argues that
prisoners may refuse to listen to
the explanations. Indian officials
have refused to discuss the possi-
bility that force will be used on
prisoners who have announced
they will not listen. But that is
implied in the commission rules.

-Daily-Dick Gaskili
ALUMNI CHAT-Wyeth Allen (left), President of Globe Union,
Inc., talks over the University that used to be with two other
prominent alumni-Edgar N. Eisenhower, Tacoma, Wash., attor.
ney and brother of the President, and University President Emeri.
tus Alexander G. Ruthven. The three alumni were among more
than 50 Development Council members who met last night at
the Union to begin laying plans for the University that will be.
A ir Force To Postpone
Deciston on Radulovich

By MARK READER member, said that they had also holl starting positions on
A three-man military tribunal never heard him utter a disloy- the line. Right tackle Bryan
reviewing the case of University ; al word. Burnthorne, a strapping 210-
senior Milo J. Radulovich accused According to an official spokes- pounder from Amite, Louisiana
of being a "poor security risk" by man for the 10th Air Force at and Tony Sardisco, another rug-
the Air Force has held up final Selfridge Air Force Base the de-. ged lineman from Bossier City
pronouncement of its decision on lay in announcing the board's have both been installed on the
the charges for at least a week. findings was not out of the or- first team due to fine showings
The second and closing hearing dinary. in the last two games.
in the incident of the 26 year-old The proceedings of both hear- The, weakness of the Tulane
physics major questioned in con- ings will be typed and submitted team appears to be its shortage of
nection with "closely associating" 'to defense lawyers for their ap- depth. One deep the Green Wave
with his allegedly Communistic proval as to the accuracy of the presents a formidable club, but
father and sister officially wound official transcript, the spokesman.
up at 10:15 a.m. yesterday. said.
* * ** * * T

backs Lester Kennedy and Max
McGee and fullback Ronnie Kent.
This quartet, one of the most ex-
perienced in the South, ran all
over Georgia last Saturday, but
had trouble keeping possession of
a wet football. The Bulldogs re-
covered two key fumbles in the
fourth quarter to stall the Green
Wave and preserve the narrow vic-
ALONG THE forward wall the
New Orleans club presents a solid
array anchored by all-Southern
hopeful Captain Al Robelot, a rug-
ggdy 200-pound senior guard.
Two highly touted sophomores


Co. for

CHARGES against Radu-
state that his father, a
at the Hudson Motor Car
many years, had tried to




among the other workers and that
he read the Daily Worker and a
Communist sympathizing Serbian'
language paper.
Two volunteer witnesses to-
day, Arvin Wheaton and Claude
Blande, members of Local 154,j
UAW of which Radulovich is a,

edell Smith in Detroit

AFTERWARD the board will
review the records and notify Ra-
dulovich of the findings before
releasing its decision to the public.
The verdict is automatically
subject to examination by the
Air Base Commander, the Con-
tinental Air Command and the
Secretary of the Air Force.
IFollowing the hearing Radulo- I
vich commented that publicity the
case attracted had done much to"
help him. He also indicated noti-
fication by the Air Force of its
final decision would be' forthcom-
ing within a week to 10 days.
Two other Air Force officers are
facing a possible discharge as
"poor security risks," a 10th Air
Force spokesman at Selfridge Air,
Force Base said yesterday.
A third officer received a dis-
charge "under honorable condi-
tions" two years ago, the spokes-
man added.
The two officers' cases are still
pending, making Lt. Milo Radulo-
vich the fourth such case to come
up within the past two years.

Cummins «




NEW YORK-(iP)-Rumdrs of
impending murder and mayhem
swept the strikebound East Coast
waterfront yesterday and rival
longshore leaders in New York
were put under protective police
The docks themselves, from
Maine to Virginia, were quietrin
the second day of an International
Longshoremen's Assn. strike for
higher wages. An estimated 60,000
dockers were idle.
THE NEW YORK Herald Trib-
une said last night that John L.
Lewis' United Mine Workers had
invited the beleaguered. ILA into
its fold. The report could not im-
mediately be confirmed, either
here or in Washington.
About 100 ships were caught
in the strike which began at
midnight Wednesday. The first
passenger liner to become a
strike casualty was the Ameri-
can Export Line's Constitution,
laid up in New York indefinitely.
Military ships were being work-
In New York, the FBI tipped
local police to a report that two
gunmen were on their way here
from Oregon to kill Joseph P.
Ryan, president of the orphaned
* * *
A 24-MOUR police guard was
placed on the private hospital
room, where the 69-year-old Ryan
has been, confined with an illness
for several days.
An unofficial police guard also
was placed on John Dwyer, a
leader in a grim struggle to drive
Ryan's ILA off the docks. Dwy-
er is an organizer for a new
AFL longshoremen's association.
Dwyer and his ILA Local 895
seceded from the old union before
the strike began.
He was up and down the water-
front during the day, exhorting
ILA pickets to bolt the union and
join the new AFL setup. Two de-
tectives were by his side.
s *w *
IN BALTIMORE, where 18 ships
are tied up by the strike, police
were alerted on a tip that machine
guns and rifles were moved from
one car to another near the water-
front. Rushed to the area, police
found nothing.
President Eisenhower Thursday
named a board of inquiry to pave
the way for a strike-ending Taft-
Hartley law injunction. The three-
man board meets today and its re-
port must be at the White House
no later than midnight' Monday.
Report Given
On Taft Death
WASHINGTON-()-The first
public statement on the probable
origin of the widespread cancer

there is a great lack
among the reserves,;

of experience
and with the

"I PERSONALLY believe," the }11
"I * 'U ~ d~ k' 'b. l U ~ ' 'T d' I C' I? 'U7^' C 'U U 7A.


World News Roundup


[ '
i m Y i rlli

automobile manufacturer who De OUVIC
joined the U. S. delegation for the
first time .this year continued,
"that it is essential for the nations In his first visit to Michigan s
here to find a way of working to- ant at Fort Custer during World
gether on terms that will give peo- Walter Bedell Smith attacked Ru
ple everywhere a real chance to yesterday, saying that peace is po
live and prosper in dignity and suits its actions to its words.
mutual respect." i Addressing Detroit's First Fri
The United States had pre-
viously promised $12,767,145 for possible to escape the conclusion
the Assistance Program in 1953. a conference confined to the Aust
Congress still must appropriate tactics of abfuscation to mask its
$4,700,000 of this, and only eight negative attitude."
and one half millions has been * * *
appropriated for 1954. SMITH CALLED the proposal
Ford promised that the United that Communist China be a mem-
States will put up every cent of ber of such a conference another
its share of this year's contripu- diversionary device.
tions. "Can anyone imagine what
Following the speech wifh in- possible interest Communist
terest were the Soviet delegates China could have in Ger nany's
who in previous years denounced internal affairs?" he asked.
the program as an imperialist ven- The Undersecretary told the
ture linked to the American Point club that there was nothing in*
Four program. However, recently any of Russia's proposals that a
the Russians pledged a ruble equiv- ' moderately cautious individual or
alent of one million dollars for a responsible government could
1954 and Poland and Red Czech- put any trust in.
oslovakia each promised about * * *
1$70,000. "AS STRESS' of suspicion, dis-'
S-trust and friction are eliminated,
SNew 1Tel'ckrses the United States is ready to work
concurrently towards arms reduc-



By The Associated Press
HANOI, Indochina-Remnants of a Vietminh brigade which'
once numbered 5,000 men maneuvered frantically in the Red River
Delta last night to avoid extinction by French Union forces.
A 10-day-old French drive appeared to be paying off.
A little Dunkerque may' develop as the Communist-led rebels
work their way eastward, village by village, from their old stamping

Temperatures in the 80's. partly
cloudy skies and the "world's larg-
est collection of bandsmen" will
greet an expected 55,000 football
fans at the Michigan-Tulane game
"Even John Phillip Sousa in his
' heyday didn't have 6,500 bands-
men to direct at one time," ac-
cording to George Cavender, as-
sistant director of the University

ince he served as an army lieuten-
d War I, Undersecretary of State
ssian evasion and dilatory tactics
ssible as soon as the Soviet Union
iday Club, Smith said, "It is im-
that the Kremlin seeks to avoid
trian-German question. It is using

weatherman predicting a warm
afternoon, Coach Wolf may be
forced to use some of his inex-
perienced players in order to spell
the regulars.
MICHIGAN, wh in showed tre-
mendous depth in its 50-0 rout of
Washington last week, will start
virtually the same lineup which
opened the season against the

Showi To Feature 6,500
from State High Schools

ground in the Hung Yen area, 30
the Gulf of Tonkin.

WASHINGTON --"Organized
labor might as well realize the
only way it will get the Taft-
Hartley law changed is to elect
a sympathetic Congress in 1954,"
John L. Lewis' union newspaper

miles southeast of Hanoi, toward
* * *
CHICAGO - A Lutheran
Church group yesterday called
upon the government to reduce
or remove what it called bar-
riers to the practical operation
of an act admitting displaced

more's "Ha, Ha, Ha," and Rich-
ard Rodgers' "Some Enchanted
Cracking down on youthful
Degrees Given
To Foresters

fence-cutters hoping for a free
entry into the Stadium today, lo-
cal police authorities have as-
signed two motorcycle officers and
10 policemen to patrol the area
inside the gates.
* * *
MUNICIPAL Judge Francis J.
O'Brien yesterday said that "the
entry to an athletic event without
payment of admission is a viola-



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