PAGE lF'QU I jjjHE±ivfCriGAtA uAiLY 'I~ .~ .. ir" i ( f L1. 1' /al.. a. f JJJJ t : ;: (4itor 7kte By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor FTER BEING harassed all year by eager publicists bearing reams of dull copy on "Dog and Cat Week," "National Copper and Brass Week" and other equally uninspiring insti- tutional celebrations, newspaper publishers turned the tables yesterday with the open- ing of national newspaper week. Falling into the stock pattern of the oth- er groups who dedicate a "week" to them- selves each year, the publishers opened their celebration in an aura of self glori- fication with "warm greetings" from President Eisenhower who praised them as "custodians of a majestic trust." Behind the public relations haze, however, publishers undoubtedly are casting a long reflective look over the changing role of news- papers in the United States and quiet pos- sibly are somewhat disquieted over what they see. The uneasiness comes from a knowledge that more and more they no long- er are the sole custodians of the "majestic trust" and charges arising in the wake of last year's elections that the trust was being somewhat perverted. Though radio news coverage posed a se- rious competitive threat to the newspaper, radio broadcasters could never bring the pictorial image of a news photo or the oth- er graphic methods used by the press. But television brought these in and soon sur- passed newspaper photographic coverage with film and on-the-spot news reporting. In a way, the growth of television as a competitive threat means finer newspa- per for the country, for eidtors have had increasingly to emphasize interpretive writing and sharper, more complete report- ing to hold the reading public. The trend toward increased interpretation and dis- cussion of major news events creates a po- tentiality for a better ejucated reading public. Througftout the last year it has also been F interesting to watch newspaper reactions to charges that a one-party sympathy not only dominated editorial pages, but got into the news columns as well. Recently it was rumored that former Senator Blair Moody was gathering capital to set up a Democrat- ic paper to compete with Detroit's three Re- publican papers. Forthwith, the Detroit Free Psess add- ed several Democnatic columnists to ex- pand their editorial page into a "forum" for current political and social discussion. How much influence the potential Moody competition or the delcarations against a "one party press" had to do with the, Free Press policy change can only be con- jectured, but the innovation could be com- mended to tne nation's press, particularly in metropolitan areas. Ratner than heading toward an era of diminished restige and readership, the na- tion's newspapers can retain and increase their standing by facing the competition of teleVision through providing the very thor- ough coverage which television cannot con- tinually approximate, reflecting a greater impartiality in reporting and permitting a wider diversity of edtorial opnion. SAC and the Man-Woman Ratio IN AN EFFORT to equalize the ratio be- tween men and women students on the student Affairs Committee the Board of Regents has taken a step which could make able student representation more difficult to achieve. At last Friday's Regents meeting the by-law provision that both the Chairmany of Joint Judiciary and the Chairman of Women's Judiciary sit on the SAC was changed. Under the new ruling if the Chairman of Joint Judiciary is a woman then the Council's seat on the SAC goes to the Vice-Chairman. In view of the fact that student repre- sentatives on the SAC are supposed to be the seven most experienced students on campus it is difficult to see why the ratio of men to women should enter into the appor- tioning of these seats at all. But if maintenance of this ratio is the real reason behind the change in the Re- gents by-laws a far better way to accom- plish this would be to seat both the Chair- man and the Vice-Chairman of Joint Judic on SAC. Such a move would equalize the male- female ratio since the Joint Judic Consti- tution provides that if the Chairman is a woman the Vice-Chairman would be a man and vice versa. Furthermore, since the powers of Joint Judic far outweigh those of Women's Ju- + BOC THE FAR COMMAND by Elinor Cham- berlain. Winner of the Hopwood Award for fiction in 1951 as THE BAMBOO PLOW. Ballantine Books, N.Y., 256 pp. Publication date: August 24, 1953. By ANNE STEVENSON T HERE IS notthing in Elinor Chamber- lain's Hopwood winning novel, The Far Command, to indicate that anything re- markable has occured in the development of the novel since the cheerful, boistrous, pre-decadent days of James Fenimore Cooper. Miss Chamberlain has turned out a speedy get-the-bandits-and-the-girl-in- the-bargain tale of a 1902 variety of Leath- er Stocking stationed in the Philippines. It is his task to reconcile American and Fili- pino temperaments, restore happiness and prosperity to a people miserably exploited by the Spanish, (now delivered into the steadier and presumably more benevolent hands of the Americans), and more speci- fically, to put down the insurrections of the "pulajanes" or bands of Filipino outlaws who prey liberally and without racial or political prejudice on natives and Americans alike. Captain Morrow-not, after all. to be confused with Captain Marvel in spite of their rather noticeable similarity-is sent from the American Headquarters in Man- ila to the backward, outlaw-infested is- land of Samar to command the Filipino Constabulary, a body of Filipino soldiers under American leadership. His instruc- tions are to search out, wipe up and sweep away a particularly obnoxious band of "pulajanes," responsible for the massacre of his predecessor, Captain Pearson. How- ever, his real problem turns out to be the die it would certainly seem that the for- mer organization is more deserving of re- presentation on the University's highest body containing student representatives. Joint ludic has four importantpowers: 1. It conducts hearings in all cases con- cerning violation of University rules which are referred to it by the Offices of the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women. 2. It has jurisdiction over all-campus elections. 3. It serves as an appellate court for resi- dence hall cases. 4. It settles disputes between student or- ganizations. The two important powers of Women's Judic are: 1. Coordination and review of the work of the House Judiciary Councils and the Lea- gue-House Judiciary Council. 2. Conducting hearings in all cases re- ferred to it by the Women's Panel, and the House Judiciary Councils named above. In view of the difference in importance between Joint Judic and Women's Judic the Regents might have solved the problem of maintaining an equal male-female ratio and at the same time achieved a fairerrre- presentation of the student community by seating both the Chairman and the Vice- Chairman of Joint Judic on the SAC. --Phyllis Lipsky )KS + ageously sets off on a crusade for honesty, new sewers and the aquisition of unmitti- gated Filipino confidence. Needless to day, he accomplishes, to his consunmate glory, all he strives for, and, with the help of con- stant danger, good luck, a hand quick on the trigger, a shrewd little Filipino Sergeant named Ramos, not to mention the uncom- promising partisanship of Miss Chamber- lain, he successfully wins the faith and hearts of the islanders. It might be mentioned in passing that he also wins the faith and heart of a lovely, ra- diant and resilient young school teacher named Lucy who has migrated to Samar in order to carry on the work of her lately massacred fiancee, Tom Horton, to whom she remains unflinchingly faithful until she meets 1) Harry Palmer, the villain, who falls in love and tells her, and 2) Captain Morrow, who falls in love and doesn't tell her. Because of this noble but uncomfort- ably embarrassing reticence, she is hard put, for a while, to tell the difference be- tween good and evil, especially as her "confidente," the curiously adhesive, half insane Emerald Sands, wishes her to mar- ry Palmer. However, Lucy finally comes around. At the end of 224 pages of jungle creeping, bolo warring, rifle popping and mosquito swatting excitement, the out- laws, the islanders, Palmer and Lucy are all appropriately subdued. As there is no attempt made either to crystallize a fluent literary style or to un- dertake a penetrating analysis of character, the novel depends for its effectiveness en- A 'Political' A ppointment THE APPOINTMENT OF a Chief Justice must be a political appointment. ' Politically, the appointment of Gov. Earl Warren of California to head the nation's highest court is certainly a good one. War- ren is a Republican, he comes from the im- portant state of California, he threw his support to Ike in the convention. But the appointment of a chief justice is also political in another, larger sense. The Supreme Court, like the Congress and the Executive, is a political body, which, if it does not "follow the election returns," does exert great influence in determining what the law is. Governor Warren will bring to the Court 30 years of political experience, experience that will be invaluable in his ne wjob. Warren, a lawyer and former prosecutor and state attorney-general, has a legal background which gives him the technical knowledge necessary for a Chief Justice. Perhaps others of the men mentioned for the appointment were better "legal schol- ars," but Warren's other abilities far out- weigh any possible lack of brilliance in this area. And Warren was certainly well res- pected as a lawyer and attorney-general. Many have commented on the fact that Warren has had no judicial expecience. But many good Supreme Court justices before have been entirely or almost entirely with- out this kind of experience when they were appointed. The Chief Justice must also be a good administrator. He is responsible for as- signing the writing of opinions to the other justices and signing numerous court orders. More important, he must keep the court working together harmoniously, acting as conciliator in disputes that arise. Warren's administrative ability and ex- perience, together with his friendliness, qualify him in this respect. It is also said by some that one of the present justices should have been appoint- ed Chief Justice. But elevation of the only really likely candidate, Justice Jackson, would have been unwise because of his long feud, now somewhat cooled, with Justice Black. Warren is politically a liberal to middle- of-the-roader. On civil rights, he stood for loyalty oaths for those in posts involving national security but fought against an oath for college professors. One of the first deci- sions he must make on the court will be on the issue of segregation, and his views on this subject are typical of Republican liber- als. Removed from the pressure of having to please the voters, Warren may show him- self to be even more liberally inclined. His appointment should be a good thing for the Court and the country. -Jon Sobeloff The 'Small Force' In History EVER SINCE 1914, everybody conscious of trends in the world has been deeply troubled by what has seemed like a fated and predetermined march toward ever great- er disaster. Many serious people have come to feel that nothing can be done to avert the plunge towards ruin. They see the human race, like the hero of a Greek tragedy, driv- en on by angry gods and no longer the master of fate. I think this view is at once lazy and superstitious. Misfortunes can be imagined for which men, individually and collectively, would be not responsible: if the sun were to explode, we could not iS1ame the government. But the misfortunes of the human race since .1914, and those much greater misfortunes with which it is threat- ened, are not of this order. They are brought on by human volition, by the passions of'the mdny and the decisions of the few. It is the custom nowadays to under- estimate the importance of the decisions of the few, and to attribute all great events to the passions of the many. This is a partial analysis designed, as a rule sulb- consciously, to make the course of history seem less irrational than it is. It is true that great events depend upon- passions felt by many. But, in most' cases, there are opposite passions which might have pre- vailed, and often the decisive factor in de- termining which shall prevail is some very small force supplied by an individual. So it has been since 1914. Unfortunately, the small fortuitous force has, by a run of bad luck, always been applied in the wrong direction ..,. In the world of today there are two enor- mous popular forces: one is the hostility be- tween Communists and non-Communists; the other is the wish to avoid another world war . . . This is exactly the sort of situation in which something small and apparently trivial may give the victory to one force or the other. It is easy to imagine small events that would unleash the war . . . It is not quite so easy to imagine events giving added strength to the desire for peace; but I think it is possible, and I think that, if it is pos- sible, to do so would be at the present time the greatest benefit that could be conferred upon mankind. --Bertrand Russell ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-BOUND WITH DREW PEARSON i -- -------- __.- c WASHINGTON-The Joint Chiefs of Staff held a highly significant secret meeting last week to determine the basic question of mili- tary preparedness against the hydrogen bomb. Result: they came up with the same old time-honored solution-the "balanced force." In nonmilitary language this means that the Army, Navy and Air Force will balance their strength. They will carve up military appropriations between them more or less even-Stephen. Regard- less of whether Russia is stronger in the air or on the land, the American Army, Navy and Air Force will continue to be such competitors between themselves with each wanting to be just as strong as the other. This vital, basic question was brought up in last week's meeting by Gen. Nathan Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff. Twining argued that the Joint Chiefs couldn't start allocating men and materials to the three services until they had decided on the over-all "concept" or strategy. They must face the fact that Russia has the hydrogen bomb, General Twining pleaded, and this must drastically change the old concept of 1954 military needs. * * * * Spain & Franco... To the Editor:t IT WOULD seem puerile to cri-r ticize Mrs. Silver's editorial inr The Daily about the recent Am- t erican-Spanish agreement, exceptt for the terminology she uses in1 describing the present situation of that Iberic country. The words used in that editorial have been manufactured by Drew Pearson and his associates, including the1 news agencies and the Evangelicalt Council of Churches. To call Spain "Franco Spain" is something like calling this country Eisen- hower's States, and it is equally shocking to write it and to hear it." Perhaps it takes some knowledge of History to know that Spain was3 the greatest country in the World five centuries ago; and its tradi- tional culture can only be compar- ed with those of Greece and Rome. Therefore, no government and no temporary political disease, can take possession of the tradi- tion that belongs to the great Spanish people.; Franco's government is not de- mocratic, and I myself can not agree with its political basis. But to say that the present Spanish regime has a record of "corrup- tion, graft and dishonesty" is something that very few people DAILY OFFICI AIR FORCE LOSES TWINING, HOWEVER, was snowed under with protests from the Army and Navy. Gen. Matt Ridgway, efficient, eloquent Army chief, argued: "We can't give up traditional but tested old weapons for untested new weapons." Adm. Arthur Radford, new chairman of the Joint Chiefs, joined him. It's always remotely possible that ato- mic weapons may be outlawed, Radford argued, just as mustard gas was outlawed after World War I: This would eliminate the whole ato- mic arsenal in one stroke, said Radford, and leave the U.S. short- handed if conventional weapons are abandoned. In the end, Twining was overruled, and the Joint Chiefs fell back on tihe usual solution-namely, to split the military budget three ways, giving the Army, Navy and Air Force an equal share of the men and materials. NOTE-"Ths kind of military planning," Robert Nathan, genius of the old war production board, once remarked when battling with the generals, "is like a tailor who cuts up a bolt of cloth and uses as much cloth for sleeves as for pants. A tailor who did that couldn't stay in business. Yet our military have been doing it for years." BRITISH JUNK SYSTEM THE BRITISH Joint Chiefs of Staff have taken the lead in junking the old "balanced force" concept of an equal-strength Army, Navy and Air Force. Instead, they have put more of their military dollars into air power and atomic weapons. - "It would bankrupt us to keep all three of our services built up to the same size," one British general told American friends the other day. "The Russians have no Navy to speak of except submarines. Therefore, why should we spend a fortune on build- ing up our Navy-except for submarines. "We can use the money on air defenses, the bomber fleet and an atomic arsenal." British point out that the French generals got caught napping in World War II when they placed too much defense hope on the Magi- not Line. The Germans promptly developed a new concept of war- the blitzkrieg-and sent Panzer divisions with fast-moving troops right around the Maginot Line, conquering France in a few days. The British Joint Chiefs point out that they don't want to get caught relying on the tactics of the last war to meet the threat of the hydrogen bomb. They also point out that just as England dominated the seas in the 18th century, so the nation that dominates the air'today will do- minate the world. Yet Secretary of Defense Wilson took out most of the U.S. defense cuts on the Air Force, then tried to sell the public the fantastic myth that the Air Force would be stronger than ever with $5,000,000,000 less. The Harvest Moon etteiJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. (Continued from Page 2) Applications for Phoenix Project Re- search Grants. Faculty members who wish to apply for grants from the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project Re- search Funds to support research in peacetime applications and implica- tions of nuclear energy should file ap- plications in the Office of the Graduate School by Mon., Oct. 12, 1953. Applica- tion forms will be mailed on request or can be obtained at 1006 Rackham Build- ing. Telephone 2560. The Selective Service College Quali- fication Test will be given hereaon Thurs., Nov. 19. Application :deadline Nov. 2. It is recommended that all men who have not previously taken the test make application for it at Ann Arbor Selec- tive Service Board No. 85, 208 West Washington. The Selective Service Board will then notify applicants of time and place. The result of this test is used by your local draft board for determining col-, lege deferment. The test will be given again on April 22,1954. Personnel Requests. The Kellogg Com- pany in Battle Creek, Mich., is inter- sted in hearing from students work- ing toward a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. de- gree in Physical Chemistry. The firm is looking for a Physical Chemist with the potential of becoming a future executive in research activities. For further information contact the Bur- eau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg., Ext. 371. The Art Print Loan Collection. The remainder of the prints for rental will be available to students on Mon., Oct. 5, in 517 Administration Building in the basement. ID cards must be pre- sented eW the attendent and arental fee of fifty cents per picture is charg- ed. Hours-8:30-12:00 and 1:00-5:00. The Following Student Sponsored So- cial Events are approved for the com- ing week-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Monday prior to the event. October 2, 1953- Delta Theta Phi Martha Cook Phi Delta Phi October 3, 1953- Acacia Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Epsilon Pi Alpha Kappa Kappa Alpha Omega Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta Pi Chi Phi Delta Sigma Delta Delta Tau Delta Delta Theta Phi Delta Upsilon Gamma Phi Beta would believe outside the U.S. Spain has been able to overcome the crisis created by World War II, and its own Civil War, without much outside help; while millions of dollars have been poured in other European and Asiatic coun- tries. This obviously can not hap- pen with a corrupted and dishon- est government. Economically, Spain is a poor country not because of Franco, but because it doesn't have the natural resources and the dollars to develop a great economy. Be- sides, there has been too much Reader's Digest literature over emphasizing the empty stomach of the Spanish gypsies. If this were true I would certainly glorify Franco for not having a Commun- ist Party in Spain while in France and Italy, and everywhere else, empty stomachs have been the al- lies of the Kremlin. Spain is still alive, and its great spiritual resources are more im- portant than its strategic position. If Franco is politically ill, let's be sure that the Spanish people are not, and that in relation to dis- honesty, any resemblance between today's Spain and Chiang Kai Shek is a matter of pure imagi- nation, created by Drew Pearson and all of his associates. --J. Teran AL BULLETINJ Study of the Relationship of the De- velopment of the Child as a Whole at the Elementary Level to High School Achievement and Activity Participa- tion," Fri., Oct. 2. 1439 University Ele- mentary School, at 8 a.m. Chairman, W. C. Morse. Doctoral Examination for Edwin Ben- jamins, Chemistry; thesis: "A Ther- modynamic Study of the System Am- monium Monohydrogen Difuoride- Ammonium Fluoride," Sat., Oct. 3, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 10 a.m. Chair- man, E. F. Westrum. Events Today Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup- per hike at 5 p.m. Meet at Guild House. Episcopal Student Foundation. Fri- day Lecture Series, Dr. Leonard E. Himler, Director of Mercywood Sani- tarium, will speak on "Religion and the Emotional Life" at 7:30 p.m. fol- lowed by Gbffee Hour at Canterbury House. Tea from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House. Psychology Club. First meeting of the year will be a discussion and plan- ning for future activities, at 3:15 p.m., in the Psychology Graduate Lounge, 3417 Mason, Hall. All students inter- ested in psychology are invited. Roger Williams Guild. Meet at the Guild House this evening at 8 o'clock to go on a hike and weiner roast. Wear your old clothes. Lane Hall Coffee Hour. Drop in be- tween 4:15 and 6 p.m. Special .guests this week include faculty and stu- dents of the School of Nursing and members of the Lane Hall Board of GUVernors. Inter-Guild Council Meeting, Lane Hall, 4 p.m. Coming Events Congregational-Disciples Guild. Open house at Guild House after the game Saturday. - t f I UT 4 ** * * CAVALRY STILL GOOD INSIDE FACT is that Wilson got his advice from Army generals and Navy admirals. What we didn't realize is that these two branches of the service have always stuck to their traditional weapons, and frequently it has taken Congress to change them. In 1928 it was Congressman Ross Collins of Mississippi, a member of the Military Appropriations Committee, who insisted that the Army begin using modern tanks. He actually inserted an appropriation in the military budget by which the Army had to build tanks even though many generals were opposed, still clung to the infantry. As late as this year one cavalry general still claimed the Korean war proved what a horrible mistake it had been to abandon the cav- alry. In 1914 Gen. Arthur Murray of the coast artillery wanted the Army to take over the submarine instead of the Navy because the de- fense of the U.S. coastline was the job of the coast artillery. Again in 1936 it was Congressman Collins who put an appro- priation in the military budget requiring the Air Corps to build Fly- ing Fortresses, .the forerunner of the long-range bomber. As late as 1940, just before Pearl Harbor, the Army's general staff wanted only six of these bombers. NOTE 1-In Europe, Gen. Al Gruenther, Supreme Comman- der of NATO, leans toward the British viewpoint of unbalanced force, though he hasn't officially expressed himself. NOTE 2-One reason speech-writer Emmett Hughes was unhappy and left the White House was because he was called upon to write a speech justifying Secretary Wilson's position that you could cut $5,000,000,000 out of the Air Force and still imake it more powerful. s >. : t Gomberg House Hayden Muse Huber Kappa Sigma- Kelsey House Lambda Chi Alpha Michigan Christian 'pellowship Phi Chi Phi Delta Epsilon Phi Delta Phi Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Tau Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Delta x Phi Sigma Kappa Reeves House Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Tau Delta Phi Theta Xi Triangle Zeta Beta Tau October 4, 1953- Delta Theta Phi Phi Delta Phi Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students ol the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board th Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..,......Managing Editor Eric Vetter.................City Editor virginia Voss........ Editorial Director Mike Wolff ...Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. . Assoc. Editorial Director Diane. Decker..........Associate Editor Helene Simon.........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assbc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell:....Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell...Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager william Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hanin . Assoc. Business Mgr. william Seiden......Finance Manager James Sharp.... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member , , x I _ ,