EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4, Sw i gau Latest Deadline in the State :43a-tt, e; e n 0 FAIR AND WARIER v r r vrv v_ " n - VOJL. LXIV, INo. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1953 Cinr ermip i Zxa rtAtit; ;N Radulovich Faces Final 7 Test Today Former Major Lashes Hearing By MARK READER The case of University senior Milo J. Radulovich is expected to redan abrupt conclusion today when the Air Force hands down a final decision on the reservist's "security" standing. However, statements made yes- terday by a man claiming to be a former Air Force major opened a possibility that security prob- lems at Selfridge Base may have more implications than have pre- viously been reported. RADULOVICH is slated to ap- pear at 9 a.m. today before a three-man tribunal which is hear- ing charges that close association with his father and sister-charg- ed with Communist affiliations- have made him unfit for further rservice. "We will try to wind up as soon as possible," Radulovich in- dicated last night. "We plan to call a union official, Claude Bland of CIO Local 154, who will act as a character witness for my father." "But something else is stirring," he said. Radulovich was referring to charges leveled by Stephen Jur- kowic who claims to have been "railroaded" out of the service. Jurkowic identified himself to re- porters as a former security offi- cer at Selfridge. TENTH Air Force officials de- clined comment on the accusation until they have investigated whether or not Jurkowic had ac- tually served with that group. Jurkowic lashed the "lax se- curity" at the base and claimed that the case against Radulovich was "ridiculous in view of these lax measures everywhere else at Selfridge." He claims accepting an honor- able discharge from the service on Sept. 17 against his will because a superior officer was angered over. an arrest for speeding in which Jurkowic was involved in 1952. After the incident, Jurkowic went on, the superior was "cool" toward suggestions on tighter se- curity enforcement. Today's hearing concerning Radulovich will be held behind closed doors although the de- fendant has tried through his civilian counsel to open the In- vestigation to the public. The 26-year-old physics major has not been charged with any dis- loyalty himself. The Air Force is basing its base on the degree of' political intimacy Radulovich has had with his family. YD Hears Talk' By Blackford Sen. Joseph McCarthy is a "per- sonal menace to the country, an in-fighter who has the earmarks of nazism," the Young Democrats were told last night by Frank *. Blackford, legislative assistant to Gov. G. Mennen Williams. Blackford warned the YD's against the danger of underesti- mating Sen. McCarthy as an op- ponent. He cited several examples of the Senator's effect on the na-. tion such as the decline in thet number of states celebrating Unit-a ed Nations Day from 47 threet years ago to less than 20 this1 year. In answer to a question as to - whether Gov. Williams will run _ for Senator next year Blackford said he did not believe the Gover- nor had made up his mind. He also commented that al- though some compromises might be reached between Northern Democrats and Southern membersf of the party he did not thinkt such compromises would be ona fundamental issues.I Mantle Hit Cops Ike Studying Yanks Second Peace Pact SPossibilities Ike Invokes Taft-Hartley Law; Strike Expected To Continue Blast Breaks Open Pitching Battle Between Ed Lopat, Preacher Roe NEW YORK - () - Mickey Mantle, the New York Yankees' 21- year-old glamor boy, powered a 375-foot home run with Hank Bauer on base in the eighth inning yesterday for a second straight World Series victory over Brooklyn, 4-2, before 66,786 fans. Mantle's blast, soaring through the warm sunshine far over Jackie Robinson's head into the left field stands, broke open a brilliant pitching battle between lefthanders Eddie Lopat of the Yanks and - Preacher Roe, Dodger veteran. Stevenson, Dulles Discuss Policy WASHINGTON --(M)- Adlai E. Stevenson reported yesterday Pres- ident Eisenhower is "very much interested" in the idea of a non- aggression pact with Russia as a means 'of relieving tension in Europe. Dockhands' Strike Ties UpEast Coast NEW YORK - (4") - The great port of New York lay paralyzed yesterday as President Eisenhower invoked the Taft-Hartley law against a multi-million dollar East Coast waterfront strike. At best, however, the strike of 60,000 longshoremen is expected to run into next week-at an estimated cost to the shipping industry-of 11 million dollars a day. 'Egypt Court' Sentences 11adi To Die CAIRO, Egypt - () - Ex-P e- mier Ibrahim Abdel Hadi, who rose to power and riches under King Farouk I, was sentenced yesterday to die on the gallows for "high treason and conspiracy with a for- eign power against the security of the state." A special three-man court, set up by President Gen. Mohamed Naguib's revolutionary government in nzid-September, pronounced the sentence on the 57-year-old former Saadist party leader after a three-day trial, held partly in secret. IN A TWO-HOUR session held in complete secret, the court con- demned Ahmad Mohamed Awad, an Egyptian electrician formerly employed by the British garrison in the Suez Canal zone, to death by hanging on similar charges of treason and conspiracy. Though the details were not disclosed, high officials declared last month there was a plot, in- spired from abroad, to over throw the government and re- store to Farouk the throne he lost July 26, 1952. The foreign power has never been publicly identified. Unoffi- cial speculation has centered var- iously on Britain, Russia and "an eastern Mediterranean country re- lated with NATO." The British Foreign Office said last week Egypt had assured it that Britain was not involved. Hadi and Awad were the first to be tried among about two dozen persons rounded up for hearings before the court, head- ed by War Minister Abdel Latif Baghdady. There is no appeal from the sen- tences, but they are subject to the approval of Naguib's Revolution- ary Council, the governing power. Hadi was indicted and convicted on six counts, of which the con- spiracy charge was first. In the public phases of the trial, the pros- ecution emphasized charges of corruption and terrorism during the defendant's tenure as chief of Farouk's royal Cabinet and later as head of the government. HADI WAS accused, along with Farouk and the late Premier Ma- hmoud Fahmy Nokrashy, of send- ing the Egyptian army unprepared into the 1948 Palestine war. Defective arms and poor sup- plies remain a sore point to Egyptian veterans of that cam- paign, in which Naguib himself was wounded. Coupled with the hanging ver- dict was an order confiscating more than 14 million dollars of Hadi's assets. The court allowed the ex-Premier, who has a wife and two sons, to keep possession of 48 acres of land left to him by his father. * ~' OUTHIT by the Dodgers, nine The 1952 Democratic Presiden- to five, the rallying Yanks tied the tial candidate had lunch at the score on Billy Martin's homer in White House and said afterward> the seventh. Then Mantle's blast, Eisenhower was giving close study following a single by Bauer, to the possibilities of an east- brought The Preach crashing down west non-aggression agreement,;.. to his first series defeat, along with other methods of abat-} Roe, mixing his slow breaking ing the cold war. stuff with an occasional fast ball, * * * had a two-hitter for the first six STEVENSON proposed a non- innings. One of the hits, a see- agrsson pact in his recent Chi- ond -inning double by Phil Riz- cago speech and brought the sub- zuto almost was caught by Carl ject up again when he called on Furillo. -The other was a bloop the President to report on thek single by Martin in the fourth. world tour he took earlier this Rolling along with a 2-1 lead, year. Secretary of State Dulles built by Billy Cox's double that also was present. chased home Gil Hodges and Fu- I rillo in the fourth, Roe appeared If Russia was unwilling to ito be in complete control. accept the proposal," Stevenson K= esaid, "it would be rather appar- MARTIN LED off the seventh ent that her peaceful profes- with a high fly that Robinson ap- sions aren't as sincere as they peared to misjudge temporarily, might seem."j Finding the ball in the sun, Jackie dashed back to the left lungeI It would put the Russians on thez among the customers. spot with respect to their inten-f The ball disappeared, then tions, he added. He then went on bounced back on the playing to say he thought Eisenhower feels' field as Frank Dascoli, umpire somewhat the same way about it. on the left field foul line, sig- Stevenson spent half an hour PAINTERS TO THE HEI nalled home run. That tied the with the President and Dulles, and -touch up window cas score, 2-2. then sat down to a stag luncheon designs on the front of An THE WHITE HOUSE set up a board of inquiry, giving it until Monday to report back. Then the way would be clear for a strike- ending court injunction. The rackets-ridden ILA-kick- ed out of the AFL only last week -launched the strike at mid- r f u h night Wednesday to backup wage demands on deep water shippers. The union's very future To Testify was at stake. Union leaders promised to re- turn to work "if and when there's an injunction." "Until that time the strike will continue," said Patrick J. Connol- ly, ranking ILA official since Presi- dent Joseph P. Ryan was hospi- talized a few days ago. * * * IT WAS the first time in his eight months in office that President Ei- senhower had made use of the Taft-Hartley law, to ward off a peril to national health and safety. President Truman invoked the law 10 times-once against the ILA in 1948. By land and by sea, ILA, -Daily-Malcolm Shatz GHTS-Painters mount their ladders seents and elaborate exterior building ngell Hall as part of a general campus When Joe Collins drove a long in nis honor attended by the fly to right field to open the President and 16 other high gov- eighth, there were hints that Roe ernment officials. might be tiring. Bauer followed. Stevenson said Eisenhower with a line single to left. whom he found "very alert to Roe was two-thirds of the way the problems confronting our out of the jam when Yogi Berra country around the world," asked flied deep to Duke Snider in cen- a number of questions regarding ter, bringing up Mantle. individual areas Stevenson visited. BALL ONE was low and outside. Another curve went to the same MEANWHILE, the President re- Oa .r,,1,41a 'M'ifg,.,-.*i,- 'PH rni..c.ported that Russian possession of I pique win e anuie wa ced. hen came the pitch that the Yank center fielder sent soaring into the lower left field seats. Roe allowed 27 home runs dur- ing the regular season. The old gopher ball proved his undoing yesterday. The Dodgers, wno left 12 on base Wednesday, stranded 10 more yes- terday. They went down in order only once, in the third inning. Union Opera BudgetPassed Concerned mostly with Union Opera business, the Union Board of Directors met for the first time this semester last night. First on the agenda, a budget of $10,300 for the local showing of the Opera was accepted. Later in the meeting, James B. Shortt, assistant to the director of Uni- versity relations, was named toI the hydrogen bomb makes it more important than ever to find out what her intentions are. The possibility of learning something on this point at high level conferences was quickly re- cognized after Winston Church. ill made his suggestion last May. It was just about the only point at which clinical observers thought there was a possibility of concrete results. It was also recognized that Rus- sia would not go into a conference unless she had definite objectives of her own and a real hope of carrying ..them out, and that, re- cognizing the Western objective, she would '-make every effort to baffle it with a false display of sweetness and light. V. Crisler Discusses Sale of Rosters up-keep program. pickets roamed the desolate 350 miles of New York piers, where MASS BREAKOUT: bustling activity had given way. to eerie quiet and sun-splashed loneliness. Only military ships were being t Vu ll O.,worked-. IlThe ILA was fighting for its very . R ioPsu j i life in the first major Eastern atOP an m un jo seaboard dock tieup since the wild- cat strike of 1951. The orphaned union demand- PANMUNJOM -- (P)-- Five hundred North Korean anti-Com- ed a 13 cents an hour wage- munist prisoners, rioting at the sight of Red Polish and Czech medical welfare package from 170 East inspectors inside their stockades, were quelled, by gunfire yesterday Coast shippers. The employers in what the Indian guards called a "mass breakout" attempt. offered eight and one-half cents. One North Korean was killed and at least five wounded" in the The present basis dock wage is first shooting incident since some 23,000 Chinese and North Korean 2.27 an hour.' prisoners who renounced communism were turned over to neutral cus- Besides the shippers, the strik- tody last month. ers were pitted against a new _un- ion, chartered by the AFL in a SOME INDIAN guards were injured by prisoners attacking them bold bid to wrest control of the _._______.._ with stones, sticks and tent poles, waterfronts from the old, discred- ited ILA leaders. The AFL ousted an Indian statement said. the ILA for its failure to cleanse DLieveto InBefore the 60-minute demon- itself of racketeers. stration ended, guards hustled _ o rdl To H old l away five medical inspectors in- Michigan Deer eluingtwodoctors from Iron Curtain countries. First ileet g Reports of the shooting caused Season lie "ins somesurprise among diplomats at the *UN in New York. They had , By The Associated Press Work of the University Develop- been assured only Monday by In-' An estimated 200,000 who open- ment Council will get formally; dia's delegate, V. K. Kirshna Men- ed Michigan's first major hunting underway tomorrow morning when on, that Indian guards were un- season of the year yesterday found f the Council's board of directors I armed. the weather too hot and the foli- holds its organizational meeting Originally set to begin last Sat- age too thick. at the Union. urday, the explanations were post- State-wide seasons on waterfowl A reception and dinner is plan- poned until yesterday and then and deer by bow and arrow and ned tonight to bring the group delayed again for an indefinite pe- the northern lower peninsula sea- together informally before they ; rod. son on upland game got underway. begin consideration of the pro- UN Command and Communists The weather dulled the ardor posed 1953-54 operating plan for have refused to go ahead with the of grouse and Oeer hunters for the Council. interviews until each side relocates !walking around in the woods and builds better "explanation cen- much. Foliage which has not be- FORMED TO coordinate the ters" for persuaders" to talk to the gun to fall materially also ham- University's special fund-raising prisoners. pered the upland hunters. Following in the wake of o- cal book-banning and censorship controversies last , spring, Prof. John F. Muehl of the English de- partment will testify at a court trial in defense of Robert Lowry' "Find Me in Fire" Tuesday in De- troit. The Detroit Police Department's License and Censor Bureau brought court charges of obscenity against distribution of the book by a na- tional pocket book firm. PROF. Muehl pointed out that the book will be tried on the ba- sis of federal statute to discover whether the over-all effect of the novel is pornographic. "My job is to summarize Low- ry's work, to describe the inten- tion of the author and the nov- el's effect on the reader," he ex- plained. Prof. Muehl felt that no "serious critic would call it pornographic. Lowry doesn't come close to a lot of current book club selections," he said. Terming Lowry "a good serious author," Prof. Muehl declared it is a good thing for the publisher to bring a book under censorship- fire to court. Editors are ordinarily anxious to bring cases to trial because they feel this is a fairer hearing than allowing this power to remain in the hands of police "censors, ac- cording to Prof. Muehl. "When publishers get the chance to take the stand with a piece of literature, they take advantage of it," he explained. d IHC Levies Dues, Elects Two Officers Sandy Hoffman, '56, was elect- ed Inter-House Council secretary and Jack Steinhelper, '54, treasur- er, at the IHC meeting last night. Miss Hoffman and Steinhelper will serve one-year terms. Fred Hicks, '54, withdrew an amendment which included an equal assessment of each quad- rangle council when it was pointed out that the IHC con- stitution requires all levies to be on quad residents. The individual house councils will be responsible for collection of dues under the accepted mo- tion. In practice, however, they will vote the money from their house treasuries rather than try to collect a dime from each men's quad resident. Revenues from a successful I- Hop, s'cheduled for Saturday, Oct. i10 plus the dues should enable IHC to buy some used office furn- iture and take care of minimum operating expenses, according to IHC president Roger Kidsten, '56L. Acting Dean of Students Walter B. Rea. scheduled to discuss rea- accompany the upe xvaionitsiroad A meeting between Prof. Herb- trip after the Ann Arbor show- ert 0. "Fritz" Crisler, Director of ing dEvans, who dircted the Athletics, and two amateur foot- FedEasarwasoagie ed heball program makers, Laurence Opera last year, was again named Wellman, '57M, and Ronald Kai'p, director for the show which opens '54, was held yesterday to discuss locally Dec. 9. He will arrive on the controversy over selling dime Oct. 26 and serve for 10 weeks, go- football rosters in competition ing along on the road tour of the with the official Michigan football Opera. program. Union Opera chairman Mike Crisler reported "the two con- Scherer, '54, said almost $1,400 has flicting points of view were pre- been placed in the road show fund, 'sented, and the effects each would and added about $200 more will have with respect to the Univer- probably be forthcoming. sity, but no conclusion was ar- Robert Baker, '56L, was elected rived at." to the board, replacing Robert We have not yet decided," said Perry, '53E, who graduated in Wellman and Karp, "what our June. I plans for future games will be." 'DUE NOTICE: Drinking Rules Publicized on Campus In a news release from the Of- erages can be similarly punished. number of students upon be- fice of Student Affairs circulated While minors presenting false ing brought before the court to all residence halls, fraternity identification to make such pur- charged with this offense state and sorority houses today, stu- chases can be tried on criminal that they are not aware that this dents were served "due notice" charges, DeVine commented. was a violation or an offense of about University and State drink- Under Michigan law it is con- a serious nature. ing regulations. sidered a misdemeanor for per- "The most serious point of alla The page-long statement con- sons to furnish intoxicants to mi- lies in the fact that a conviction' taied comments from University, nors whether or not they them- upon this charge attaches to the cityselves are under 21 years old. individual a criminal record in- Aty and countyoofficials on xist- A pr.-l~H- a-}11C V1no1-.D t hnrlain' oc 1-.c-. programs and to assist in publicI 1 relations and long-range plan- ning, the Council received official sanction from the Regents lastj June 30. Included in its membership are such prominent University alumni as Secretary of the Treasury George H. Humphrey, '12; vice-president of the Chi- cago Tribune Chesser M. Camp- bell, '21; Edgar N. Eisenhower, '14:hGeneralElectric vice-presi- dent Chester H. Lang, '14; and Nash-Kelvinator president George W. Mason, '13. Also numberec among its 36t members are University President Harlan H. Hatcher and two stu- dent members, Virginia Voss, '54, and Richard Balzhiser, '54E. Led erle May Get .. I By The Associated Presv WASHINGTON-Democratic protests welled up yesterday against any move by the Eisenhower administration to impose a manufacturers tax in its search for new revenue. WASHINGTON-Chairman Lewis L. Strauss yesterday announc- ed the resignation of Marion W. Boyer as general manager of the, Atomic Energy Commission, effective Nov. 1. - Boyer will be succeeded by Maj. Gen. Kenneth D. Nichols. 45 years old, a longtime expert on atomic weapons and former chief of the World News Roundup armed forces special weapons projec VATICAN CITY - The Ro- man Catholic Church's penalty of ex-communication lay yes- terday upon all who have "sac- rilegeously raised their hands" against Stefan Cardinal Wyszyn- sky, Primate of Poland, and im-. DETROIT - Former Vice- President Alben W. Barkley said yesterday he had been mention- ed in Democrat circles as a pos- sible U. S. Senate candidate from Kentucky.. ' But he added. Idntwn Wolverines To Sell Buttons, Balloons Otr o e r oe olV, " on'thm h e o u . peded him in his religious duties. to make any announcement * now." Gov. G .Mennen Williams is con- WASHINGTON - Gov. Earl ** Warren of California on Mon- MARGATE, Eng.-The Labor