PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY °. iiux 6x),Ml, fJ{.+'x"obLji 2, lo;J2 -m _______________________________________________________ I ,_ .... Cihv noIte By CRAWFORD YOUNG strictions, a by-product of size, are less ob- Daily Managing Editor trusive. BY WAY OF a postscript to Tuesday's note On the other hand, fraternity selection to rushees, it would seem appropriate to policies have certain other ramifications. temper the remarks of the Greek apologists Certain of them still embrace rigid dis- with a few observations emanating from crimination policies; others are bound by lengthy, if not always intimate, fraternity national clauses that they are at present membership. powerless to purge themselves of. Reli- In the heat of the scramble for the 600 gious barriers have visibly crumbled in r so males enmeshed in the rushing pro the last year; this much is heartening, orssoe s sbut any reduction in the racial walls ap- cesses, there seems to be a chronic and pears distant. Bigotry is a rotten stand- probably inevitable tendency towards un- ard of selection. due embellishment of the benefits to be derived from association with one of the There also seems to develop a centrifugal 44 brotherhoods. To the rushee already tendency towards uniformity-social, in- perplexed by the multitude of value judg- tellectual and/or political. Lack of diversity ments thrust on him, with every phone call is a stagnating rather than a stimulating bringing a new dilemna, it becomes a dif- situation. ficult problem to successfully separate Affiliation can in no sense be considered truth from tripe. an intellectually traumatic experience. Too Perhaps the chief justification for frater- often an almost inpenetrable fog of com- nities is that over the years they have prov- placency settles over the house. Were it ed to be a reasonably successful social liv- not for the timely invention of the auto- ing unit. By maintaining enough vestiges of mobile, it is dubious whether the exalted the home as most college students knew it "bull sessions" would ever vary their con- before they put away childish things, the templation of the id and its expression. fraternity house provides a useful alterna- The rather narrow confines of the frater- tive to the highly institutionalized dormitary nity house are too often the limits of a living arrangements, where similarities to member's campus experience and perspec- the home are rather rudimentary. tive. Through restricting the membership in If this editorial has served to make any numbers, a group of manageable size is cre- rushee more wary of much of the hogwash ated. Over the course of the year, it is pos- served up by the fraternity system during sible to become personally acquainted with this bi-annual period, it will have achieved most of those who whisper the same Greek a certain purpose. In no sense do I mean words in darkened rooms. Day to day living to categorically condemn fraternities, but it is a trifle more comfortable, though a mite is important to realize that they often sail more expensive in the fraternity house. Re- under false colors. MATTER OF FACT: The Politics of Confusion-and Art of Character Assassination By STEWART ALSOP ST. LOUIS-It is amusing, and sometimes rather revealing, to try in the imagina- tion to explain an American political situa- tion, like that here in Missouri, to a Euro- pean visitor. W. Stuart Symington, formerly Presi- dent Truman's Secretary of the Air Force, is the Democratic candidate for the Senate here. He won the nomination over the public opposition of the President. ("Then, of course, Mr. Symington is op- posing the Truman administration?" "No, certainly not. You're getting it all wrong.") Symington is a close friend of the Repub- lican candidate for President, Dwight D. Eisenhower. He deeply admires Eisenhower, and has consistently supported the interna- tional policies for which Eisenhower stands. ("Then naturally Mr. Symington wishes that Gen. Eisenhower will be elected?" "Heavens no. He is strongly supporting Eisenhower's opponent, Gov. Adlai Steven- son.") Throughout his Senate service, the Re- publican incumbent, Sen. James P. Kem, has bitterly and consistently opposed just about everything Gen. Eisenhower stands for. Kem even voted against the North Atlantic Treaty. ("Then, one assumes, Kem is opposing Eisenhower and Eisenhower is opposing Kem?" "Don't be silly. When Eisenhower was in St. Louis some days ago, he roundly endorsed Sen. Kem, and Sen. Kem is, as we say in this country, hanging onto Eisenhow- er's coat-tails for dear life.") At this point, the imaginary European visitor is presumably cross-eyed with con- fusion, yet the situation described above (which is of course perfectly clear and sim- ple to any American) is nevertheless inter- esting, in that it is typical of a peculiar phenomenon of this campaign. Like a num- ber of other Republican candidates of the famous "class of 1946" (Sen. William Jenner of Indiana, for example, or Harry Cain of Washington) Sen. Kem's hopes of re-elec- tion are squarely based on two premises. The first is that the immensely popular Eisenhower will sweep the country, and sweep Kem back into the Senate in the process. Kem is therefore seizing every possible opportunity to identify himself with Eisenhower-with whom, of course, he has virtually nothing in common. The second premise is that the voters can also be rendered cross-eyed with confusion, so that they will conveniently forget Kem's voting record. Kem has therefore attacked Symington on so many fronts that the un- fortunate Symington, -who has never before had first-hand experience of an election, sometimes seems a trifle punch-drunk. One can hardly blame him. It must be an unpleasant experienee for a man of hitherto distinguished reputation to find himself simultaneously pictured as a blood-soaked war profiteer, a "golf-play- ing crony of Communists," and the cho- sen agent of British international bankers. These three charges against Symington provide typical examples of a political technique which is now widely practiced. The object of this technique is simply to confuse the voters, to raise "the big doubt" in their minds. Symington sold his stock in the Emerson Electric Company, of which he had been president, when he enteredpublic office. He did so in order to avoid charges of favoring his old company. But the stock had in- creased in value during Symington's term as president of the company-and so Sym- ington is a war profiteer. Symington is a crony of Communists, as well as a blood-soaked capitalist, because a Communist, one William Sentner, once headed the Emerson union local. Symington of course never played golf with Sentner. But, as president of Emerson Electric, he did deal with Sentner on labor matters. Le- gally, he had no choice. Such fine points, however, do not concern Sen. Kem, and they are not likely to concern Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, whom Kem has invited to campaign for him in Missouri. Symington is the stooge of British in- ternational bankers because he once rented a house from a British banker, one Sir William Wiseman. Wiseman is sup- posed to have selected Symington as his chosen instrument to "punish" Kem for his "pro-American" record. Actually, Sy mington never laid eyes on this "sinister figure." If the sort of thing described above be- comes accepted practice in American poli- tics, it will soon be impossible to persuade men of reputation and principle to run for public office. And this is not amusing. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Ike at Columbia (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Associated Press dispatch appeared in 1949, following a sharp editorial criticism of Dwight D. Eisen- hower by the Columbia University student newspaper. Eisenhower, then president of Co- lumbia, did not comment on the editorial. The AP dispatch is reprinted here merely as an item of interest.) NEW YORK-(P)-Columbia University's student newspaper has opened up with some caustic comments about the univer sity's president, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. In an editorial, the Columbia Daily Spectator leveled its main fire at a speech Eisenhower made last week before the St. Andrew's Society at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. "If the speech was a trial balloon," the newspaper said, "we think public reaction will soon flatten it." The general, in the speech, said he thought too much emphasis was being placed on personal security at the expense of indivi- dual liberty. He was quoted as saying per- haps people wanted champagne when they should have "hot dogs and beer." The student editorial commented: "Being content with beer and hot dogs has never been part of the American tra- dition we know. The one we know assures any citizen that he may some day eat champagne and caviar, and in the White House at that. We don't know, of course, but we are willing to bet beer and hot dogs weren't on the menu at the Waldorf- Astoria last Wednesday night, either." The editorial said, "We gather the gener- al believes the American people are unduly obsessed with a desire for security to the detriment of their personal liberties." The paper added that protection from foreign aggressors "is only one kind of security." "The American people have and still do seek other securities," the editorial said. "For one thing, they want continued secur- ity against the type of economic liberty which frustrated for so long minimum wage and hour legislation, the formation of la- bor unions, collective bargaining and which still denies the Federal Government the means for regulating child labor. "For another thing, Americans today want security against the type of liberty exercised by State and Federal loyalty re- view boards. The quest for securities of this nature can hardly lead to the "sloth- ful indolence" which the general de- plores." The campus paper referred to Eisenhower as the man "who doubles as president of the university." It noted his "many trips away from the campus" and added that 'perhaps in the near future our chief officer will have the time to meet some of us ..:" DORIS FLEESON: In Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS-Democrats in this state have little real hope of beating big, honest Ed Thye, a former governor, for re- election to the Senate. "Nobody's mad at Ed," they mourn. What they are trying hard to do is to beat the drums so loudly for Governor Stevenson they can elect with him their candidate for governor, Orville Freeman. Freeman, a close associate of Sen. Hubert Humphrey, will be remembered by TV fans for his "point of order" demands in the seating fight at the national conven- tion. When, later, he arose and nominated Senator Humphrey, one reporter declared: "He can talk. I thought all he could say was 'point of order'." A big enough Stevenson-Freeman vote, comparable to the nearly quarter-of-a- million pluralities achieved here in 1948 by both President Truman and Senator Hum- phrey, could conceivably rescue Thye's young opponent, Williams Carlson. Carlson is an interesting combination of a Scandinavian name (a vote-puller in Minnesota) and a Catholic-before entering politics he was a sociology professor at St. Thomas College. Thye is simply too well known and popula'r for a novice. This is one state where President Tru- man is more than welcome. After one good look at General Eisenhower's excel- lent crowds here last week, Senator Hum- phrey flew to Washington where he did two things-he told Democratic headquar- ters he couldn't make the 18-state tour they lined up for him bceause he was needed at home, and he begged Mr. Tru- man to come in and pour it on in his 1948 manner. The President made a start this morning at Breckenridge, a junction point where 500 people turned out for him at 7 a.m. Minne- sotans hope he will come back for a tour of the Iron Range, Duluth and vicinity where the steelworkers have promised to declare a holiday for him. "How can you do that, Mike?" a Demo- cratic emissary asked an Iron Range la- bor leader. "Easy," was the answer. "Just tell us Truman's coming." Democrats are by no means sure that Governor Stevenson enjoys such popularity with labor and other blocs. They are the more determined to keep Mr. Truman on the road. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) "EVERY SORT OF'energy and endurance, of courage and capacity for handling life's evils, is set free in those who have religious faith. For this reason, the strenu- ous type of character will on the battlefield of human history always outwar the easy- ygr . ' f trr, d J (/F rf ' 1jYfN(t .'f' Qd' S 8Px i C < F i t ; (C ( i A. . f) 4 INIEVwF ,..AqI @ e~ XettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. D ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The Eisenhower-Nixon talk was an extremely healthy thing from the point of view of Republican harmony, because signs of bad blood had been developing between the two top GOP running-mates. Newspapermen covering the Nixon trip either ignored it or played the story down. However, Nixon's aides were boiling at Eisenhower for even entertaining the thought that he be dropped from the ticket. That was why Nixon deliberately ignored the General's telegram requesting him to see him "at once." Instead, the potential next vice-president of the United States flew not to the Eisenhower train but to Missoula, Mont. And when newsmen queried the Nixon entourage in Los Angeles as to why he wasn't going to see Ike immediately, Nixon's press secretary James Bassett bluntly replied: "We are going to Montana." Nixon's strategy was first to show that he was not a boy candidate to be pushed around; second, to let public sentiment build up in favor of keeping him on the ticket. Furthermore, it was no accident that Nixon asked his listeners to send telegrams to the Republican national committee, not to the Gen- eral. He knew its members, most of them professionals, would be much more sympathetic. Also Nixon's staff made it all too clear to the newspapermen around them that they bitterly resented the Gen- eral's telegram from Cleveland that "my personal decision will be based on a personal conclusion." PERSONAL MEETING PRESS SECRETARY Basset has been one of the most zealous Nixon aides, and was one of those who virtually took the telephone away from his chief in Portland, Ore., to tell Senator Seaton of Nebraska aboard the Eisenhower train that Ike advisers should get some back- bone. This was why Bassett was brought into the picture when the two candidates finally met at Wheeling. Originally it was arranged for Eisenhower and Nixon to meet in rooms 782 and 784 in Wheeling's McClure hotel. Mrs. Eisen- hower and her elderly mother, Mrs. Dowd, were down the hall in rooms 790-792, while the security guard was in room 780 next to the General. However, when the two candidates learned of the crowds outside the hotel, the two men went to the special train instead. There they talked for an hour. They did not, however, discuss the $18,000 expense fund which had set the politics of the nation almost on its ear. Not a word was said about it. Their main decision, was to concentrate the campaigns on what they decided to call the "big three"-Korea, Communism and corruption. BETTER PRESS RELATIONS ONLY WAY IN which the $18,000 fund was touched upon indirectly was because Eisenhower had been provoked at Nixon for not clearing his first statements. He urged closer press cooperaiton. And since Ike had an early whistle-stop appearance, Senator Seaton of Nebraska paternally insisted he go to bed. NOTE-There have been other cases where the president and vice-president, though members of the same party, clashed. Most famous is probably the case of Calvin Coolidge and Vice-President Charley Dawes. Dawes was even suspected of arriving late for an im- portant tie vote in the Senate in order to thwart his chief in the White House. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI Dawson Backers.. .. To the Editor: H AS THE scope of your interest . in the present political cam- paign been limited to watchifig the hamming of some politicos on TV? Are you vitallyinterested in the welfare of the country, as well as, your own welfare? I challenge you to meet a man tonight who would be a welcome addition to our Con- gress in anyone's book. His work as a government administrator has given him both the experience and insight in foreign and national policy that his opponent lacks. Here is your chance to help place a good man in government. He is John P. Dawson who is that out- standing law professor of the Uni- versity of Michigan Law School. The law students know him bet- ter than most students on campus. Ask any law student about Jack Dawson. Ask them about the great strides he has made in the field of law. Ask them about his dyna- mic personality, his extraordinary ability to grasp the full scope of problems and intelligently discuss their solutions. After you have asked any law student about this truly great person, then decide that your work for him be your contribution to the constant bet- terment of this country and its government. It matters not what school you are in, what party you are closest to, or how little time you have. Plan now to be in Rm. 3R in the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. to- night. Listen to Jack Dawson for yourself. Then if you have a few hours some evening to help him, you will be doing your part in this great election year. -Marvin L. Failer, '53L Irate MSC Student*... To the Editor: Re: Ed Whipple's "Sports Slants," Sept. 27. As I SAT here in one of the dormitories of your fine school, I could hardly find room for com- plete agreement with Ed Whip- ple's article in the Saturday issue of the college paper. I hope you have sufficient perseverance to struggle through a letter from a State student, as I see much room for improvement in your lines of thought. Although Mr. Cohane may not fully understand "The Michigan State of Affairs," I am inclined to doubt whether you understand them any better. During the many decades when the University of Michigan had an iron hand in the scholastic and athletic doings of the state, very little complaining was heard from any of the other educational institutions. Now that your position is being threatened by what you try to regard as a "cow college" you are trying to degrade M.S.C. in every way pos- sible. Any school that wants to go into big time football has a right to do so. Dr. John Hannah has done a wonderful job of building M.S.C. into one of the best schools in the country, as you so reluctantly ad- mit, and he is going to continue to do so. By your references about cow colleges, you seem to think that no agricultural schools have a place in institutions of higher learning. A typical prejudiced re- mark from a fallen coward. There are many newspapers that are gloating over Michigans recent topple in football. And justly so. . . Politics and Prosperity ... Through the eyes of two cartoonists "Can't Stand The Altitude, Eh, Boy?" . . 41 The New Bible .,.. To the Editor: WE ARE now in receipt of the Revised Standard Version of The Holy Bible. Before the fires consuming the discredited King James Version have blazed too brightly, and be- -fore the new commodity, borne aloft by theologians and scholars, has been consecrated on the altar of Modern Science, let me say at least one "hosanna" for the 1611 Version. For all its faults and all its er- rors, the King James Version has served Protestant Christendom well for some 340 years, and will, I hope, continue to do so. Scholars of as great reputation as the now celebrated 31 Translators are still quite willing to say the King James Version of the Bible is more con- sistently great literature than any other book in the language. While that alone is quite a sig- nificant bit of criticism, it does not begin to suggest that as a primer for future literary artists the King James Version was un- surpassed until at least 1850. Near- ly every literary figure of lasting significance up to that time re- veals in his work his familiarity with the 1611 Version. Certainly this has not been an unimportant function of the Ring James Ver- sion. This influence might have per- vaded to our own day had it not been thatfor the most part, Eng- lish-speaking peoples became too lazy, intellectually and morally, to read the Bible. The difference in language the current translators have emphasized so continually had little to do with disuse of the Bible; those who lived during the first half of the 19th century spoke more like we do than they did like the peoples of the first half of the 17th century. I hope such influence as the Ring James Version ultimately had does not follow this publish- ing event. If it should, future lit- erary artists familiar with the RSV may sound like the authors of textbooks: well-grounded in se- mantics, but lacking in all that truly significant and important imprecision. Does Shakespeare go before the 31 next? -R. C. Gregory Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young .......Managing Editor Cal Samra ..........Editorial. Director Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor Sid Klaus .....Associate City Editor Harland Britz.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associat.Editor Ed Whipple .............Sports Editor John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell ....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler ........Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green ............Business Manager Milt Goetz .......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg....Finance Manager Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager t x 3, --Courtesy: GOP National Committee R CRRENT MOVIES At The State ... THE DEVIL MAKES THREE, with Gene Kelly and Pier Angeli. PERHAPS the most striking thing about this picture is the fact that Gene Kelly neither dances nor tries to sing. While his singing could easily be forgotten, somehow it doesn't seem right that he shouldn't kick up his heels just a little bit. After all, as this picture will testify, he is primarily a dancer; his acting usually appears to be just a concession to the script writers. "The Devil Makes Three" is set in the picturesque area around Munich and Salz- burg, and concerns the attempts of the Kelly portrays an army captain, a nice American sort of hero just bursting with kindness and optimism. He consistently re- fuses to believe (1) that a former friend (Pier Angeli) has become, through force of circumstances, a call girl in a Munich bar; (2) that she is involved in a new Nazi up- rising; and (3) that such an unrising even exists. The truth of it all comes to him when he is finally captured by the new crop of storm troopers and taken to their head- quarters, ironically located at Berehtes- gaden. When the light has dawned Kelly becomes the very picture of anxious activ- ity, and practically single-handed routs out the Nazis and chases their leader (who might easily be taken for the escaped Mar- (Continued from Page 2) Michigan Sailing Club will have an open meeting at 7:15, Michigan Union. Movies, refreshments. Everyone invited. Michigan Crib, pre-law society, first meeting tolay at 8 p.m., League. Dean Stason of the Law School will speak on pre-law courses; Jerry Warren, freshman law student, will tell of his first days in Law School; Al Kidston will speak on the Case Clubs. Everyone cordially invited. La P'tite Causett'e will meet today from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe- teria of the Michigan Union. Alpha Phi Omega. Everyone interested in joining the Alpha Phi Omega Na- tional Service Fraternity is invited to attend an open meeting from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Union. All active mem- hers please attend. Dean Walter will be guest speaker. Refreshments. Generation Drama Staff will meet to- today at 4 o'clock in the League coffee Building, 1429 Hill Street. There will be refreshments and entertainment, Inter-Cultural Outing, Sat. and Sun., Pickerel Lake. Leave Lane Hall, 2:00 p.m., Sat. Phone Lane Hall, 3-1511J Ext. 2851, for reservations by Fri. noon. International Relations Club. There will be a meeting of all old members at 7:30, Rm. 3N, Union. An ele'tion of president and the planning of a pro- gram will take place. Arts Chorale and Women's Glee Club. Regular rehearsal 7:00 p.m., Lane Hall. New members welcome, Coming Events UNESCO Council organizational meet- ing, Fri., Oct. 3, 8 p.m., Main Lounge, Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill St. Speaker: Dr. Preston W. Slosson, "The History of Nationalism." All interested students, faculty, and Ann Arborites cordially invited. t x