THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1952 UNBIASED SERVICE: Counselors Aid Fraternity Rushees By MIKE WOLFF Will fraternity life affect my studying-How will it affect my pocketbook? These are the most common questions asked by more than 600 men of the Interfraternity Coun- cil's 44 rushing counselors since the end of Orientation week. THE IFC'S rushing advisor sys- tem was established last year to inform potential rushees about rushing procedure and to answer their questions concerning indi- vidual fraternities. Each counselor is provided with a complete report on the activities and financial status of every fraternity. As he is not allowed to participate in his fraternity's rushing, or even to mention the name of his fra- ternity, he is enabled to give as complete and unbaised informa- tion as possible, according to IFC co-rushing chairman, Bill Capitan, '54. IFC president Pete Thorpe, '53, pointed out that on no other cam- pus is such a system organized to the point of requiring every fra- ternity to provide a rushing coun- selor or face a $50 fine. THE PROGRAM is carried out by having all freshman and trans- fer students fill out cards during Orientation week indicating their rushing plans and whether they wish to meet with a counselor, Capitan explained. This year some 1000 men indi- cated they wanted to meet with a rushing advisor, but so far the counselors have had their hands full just contacting 600, * he said. Capitan believed it would be hard to estimate the effectiveness of the program until all the cards had been studied and the number of men actually helped by the counseling had been tabulated. Scholarship Applicants To Attend Meeting A meeting for all single male University students interested in applying for Rhodes scholarships for two years' study at England's famed Oxford University will be held at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, in Rm. 2013 Angell Hall. Candidates for the scholarships must be between the ages of 19 and 25 and have obtained at least junior standing in their col- lege. In addition, each applicant must present three professional photographs of himself, his birth certificate, three copies of his school record, and cetrification from a reputable physician stating that he is in good health. STUDENTS ATTENDING the University may apply as residents of Michigan, of their home state, or of any state in which they have received at least two years of col- lege training. Students attending the Univer- sity must have the recommenda- tion of President Harlan H. Hatcher, which is given to deserv- ing students upon suggestion from the University's Committee of Se- lection. Applications for the prized scholarships, due October 15, may be obtained in Rm. 2026 Angell Hall. .'r{.:.^@ :r::v"iy ; .:.::~:rC . ;'..:v{... v:.". -Daily-Ken Tootenl COUNSEL-Interfraternity Council rushing advisor Frank Spen- cer, '54 BAd. (right) provides Pete Barhydt, '56E, with informa- tion on rushing procedure and the fraternity system in general. 17 ---- Welcome All, Michigan Students You Will Find Nationally Known Merchandise Such As MANHATTAN and VAN HEUSEN Shirts - Pajamas - Sportswear MacGREGOR Sportswear, Sweaters, etc. WEMBLEY and BEAU BRUMMEL Neckwear ALLIGATOR Rainwear HANSEN Gloves HYDE PARK, WINSTON, and CLOTHCRAFT Suits, Topcoats, Overcoats MALLORY Hats CAMPUS CALENDAR EVENTS TODAY Dr. Hirsch Hootkins, the gradu- during a nation-wide broadcast SDA- ate school language examiner for at 8 p.m. EST tomorrow. The Students for Democratic the doctorate will discuss require- The program will feature "The Action will hold their organiza- Victors" and Stanford's, "The Car- tional meeting at 7:30 tonight in ments, the nature of the examina- dinal Is Waving." Rm. 3B, Union. All interested stu- tion and the best methods of pre- * * . dents are invited to attend, accord- paring for it. WELCOME- ing to chairman Ted Friedman, * * * Newly arrived foreign students '53. STEERING COMMITTEE-- at the University will be given IF* * Petitions may still be picked up their official welcome at 8 p.m. in The Iterfraternity house pres- today at 1010 Angell Hall for sev- Rackham Lecture Hall. The pro- ident's assembly will meet at :30 eral positions open on the student gram will feature an address on p.m. today (Tuesday) in Rm. 3A steering committee of the literary behalf of the University by Dean of the Union. college conference. They should be Charles E. Odegaard of the liter- h returned by Thursday. ary college. GRADUATE STUDENTS- All graduate students who are COMING' EVENTS ORGAN RECITAL- working for the doctor of philoso-. Organ music of Johann Sebas- phy' degree or plan to do so are BROADCAST tian Bach will be presented at 4:15 invited to attend a meeting at 8 The University of Michigan and p.m. Oct. 5 in Hill Auditorium in p.m. today in Rackham Amphi- Stanford University will be salut- a public recital given by University theater. ed on the Vaughan Monroe Show Organist Robert Noehnen. TUESDAY SPECIAL TODAY ONLY... Fall Sport Shirts I Your Choice of Store :j20% OFF Your unrestricted choice of any sport shirt in the store. Beautiful large stocks to choose from. GABARDINES CORDUROYS RAYONS NYLON ACETATES FLANNELS WOOLS COTTONS Everything in the Sport Shirt family is here ; * . in Plain. and Patterns. PABIDEAUI.iLIARRIS "Where the Good Clothes Come Frort 119 South Main Street Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Daily a 1 I STORE HOURS: Daily 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. THE DOWNTOWN STORE FOR MICHIGAN MEN 309 SOUTH MAIN STREET "Where Smart Style Meets Moderate Price" . L ;wm- CHESTERFIELD A. LI TO OFFER BOTH REGULAR & KING-SIZE YOU may be an undiscovered star Here's your chance to shine in VARSITY NIGHT Sponsored by the University Bands October 24, 8:15 P.M. Hill Auditorium if you are a Dancer - Singer -Comedian Snake Charmer " Acrobat Prestidigitator AUDITION AT HARRIS HALL fC :?'' + f: '+ti S :i :i yyr, fi; <:;'. i ji {, G;:? {:;: :,": '": .... .,:;. ,} ?? ;:; Jh ; r k . 1 "'i {ti iii '."A .' ' .h ti nti{ Rf :l. \% " } * 'I i 9 f