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September 30, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-30

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Ensian Issues New Call for Tryouts


A scholarship restricted to
"needy, worthy, young Christian
women of American ancestors who
are juniors or seniors" was receiv-
ed by the University Board of Re
gents at last Friday's meeting.
This scholarship, which is a
fund of $4,155.47, was donated
from the estate of the late Louis
L. Roberts of Ann Arbor.
The Ljean of Women's office ex-
plained yesterday to The Dai
that, t pyding to Ms. Roberts'
attorney, American ancestory" in-
cludes all students who are Ameri-
can citizens and whose parents
were ekher born in this country
or are now naturalized citizens.
University's policies in' accepting
scholarships, Arthur Brandon, di-
rector of university relations, said
that the Regents accept all offered
scholarships unless they are
"against some policy of the Uni-
Brandon added that there are
many scholarships with limita-
tions, especially with geographi-
cally stipulations. "We are al-
ways glad to receive scholar-
ships from certain geographic
areas," he said.
As to limitations on race, reli-
gion or nationality, Braidon point-
ed out that there aie fewer of
these typ scholarships than there
used to be.
"A policy of no discrimination
is usually followed," he explained
"The Loving Memorial is tan
exception to this rle"
However, as revealed in the
University pvblication on schol-
arships, there are three others
whichshave religious and racial
limitations. These are: the Em-
ma M. and Florence L. Abbott
scholarship open only to "Cau-
casian, Protestant women of
American parentage who nee
financial assistance"; the Crino
C. Smith Fund for "Worthy
young white men or women.."
the Winifred S. Gettemy Schol-
arship to be given to "White
junior or senior students maio-
ing in speech .."
As Brandon pointed out there
are also scholarships specifically
for American Indian student's,
Jewish students and Negroes.
IN THE introduction to the U1ri-
versity's booklet on Scholarships,
Fellowships and Prizes. it states
that "A scholarship is an outright
payment of money oy the Univer-
sity to a student wh. has been
selected s.onthe basis of one
or all of the following criteria;
(a) scholastic ability, (b) char-.
acter and () finanal need."
"Other and more specific cri-
teria of selection," ihe aticle con-
tinues," may be stated by donors."
Council Debates

"Tryouts!" is the call echoing
from the Michiganenian for its
first organization meeting today.
During the course of the meeting
being held at 4 p.m. in the Student
Publications Bldg., students in-
terested in joining either the 'En-
sion editorial or business staff will
be briefed on the various depart-
ments of the publication.
Opportunities are available on
both staffs in the fields of art,
World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-After a week-long
and sometimes bitter fight, rent
control was killed in Detroit yes-
The city council, by a five to four
vote, threw it out, leaving land-
lords free to set their own fees
starting Wednesday in the city of
1,750,000 population. Controls ex-
pire at midnight today.
SEOUL, Tuesday-Chinese Com-
munists hurled tanks, troops and
heavy artillery in eight concen-
trated attacks along a 10-mile
sector of the Korean central front
Monday and seized one hill today.
PARIS-Gen. Matthew B. Ridg-
way, NATO commander, said yes-
terday it will take more than a
year to build up enough military
reserve to protect free Europe.
Ridgway told newsmen, "We do
not and will not have in the next
12 months ablarge enough land
reserve available to move from
one end of the continent to an-
other. We are still short on mili-
tary protection."
* * *
WASHINGTON - Gen. Walter
Bedell Smith said yesterday he be-
lieves Communists have infiltrat-
ed every U. S. security organiza-
tion, including the hush-hush Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency which he
has headed for the past two years.
ger, Jr., Republican candidate for
governor, last night advocated add-
ing the deans of conservation
schools at the University and
Michigan State College to the
State Conservation Commission.
Truman lambasted Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower's political crusade yes-
terday as a campaign of "propa-
ganda, lies, slander" and said the
general is a front man for big
special-interest lobbies.
Wolverine Club
To PlanTrip'
The Wolverine Club yesterday
announced that a fleet of Grey-
hound buses will be available to
take Michigan football fans to1
Evanston for the Michigan-North-1
western game October 18.
Robin, Renfew, '55, urged stu-
dents to sign up as soon as pos-
sible at the Administration Bldg.
beginning October 5, 1 to 4 p.m.

creative writing, sports, organiza-
tions, photography, advertising,
publicity, promotions, office-man-
agemert. and financing.
* * *
"JOINING 'ENSIAN is an excel-
lent cpp rtunity for college men
and women to gain experience in
jourhabsm and at the same time
develop invaluable organizational
and leadership qualities," accord-
ing to Senior Editor, Bob Shrayer,
"Opportunities for advance..
ment are great," Shrayer fur-
ther asserts. The 'Ensian hier-
archy includes fifteen paid jun-
ior positions and eight senior
editor srots.
Having taken the fatal step, the
'Ensian tryout works with the in-
dividual Junior editors as they de-
velop their particular section of
the yearbook, at the same time be-
ing exposed to a general training
program. Through learning the
fundementals of layout engraving
and other basic aspects, the new
'Ensian staffer becomes acquainted
with the workings of the $50,000
The meeting is open to all stu-
dents in all classes and schools.
No previous experience is required
although "all students who have
worked ontheir high school year-
book are urged to p,4 their val-
uable talents to practice," Promo-
tion Manager, Bob Wells, '55, said.
Position Open
With the closing date for peti-
tions for the vcancy on the Board
in Control of Student Publications
set for October 1, Howard Willens,
'53, SL president, last night urged
scholastically eligible students to
The vacancy was created when
Leonard Wilcox was forced to re-
sign after being elected vice-presi-
dent of the National Student As-
sociation, in Philadeiphia, this
Those interested should submit
petitions stating their qualifica-
tions to Willens at the SL Bldg.,
512 S. State St.
The publications board has the
functiis of approving appoint-
ments to the various publication
staffs and exercising some finan-
cial supervision of the publications.
Auto Caravan
To Hear Ike
A special automobile caravan
will carry Ann Arbor residents, in-
cluding any interested students, to
Jackson tomorrow to hear presi--
dential candidate Dwight D. Eisen-
hower speak at a Founders Day
Cars will leave from local Re-
publican headquarters at 2:30
p.m., arriving in time to hear
Eisenhower's speech at 4 p.m. The
candidate is appearing in honor of
the 90th anniversary of the found-
ing of the Republican party at
"The Rock" in Jackson.

Marks Hit
New High
Last Term
Campus Average
Climbs to 2.58
University students' grades
reached a new high last year as the
all campus point average rose to
a record 2.58 during the 1951-52
academic year, Registrar Ira M.
Smith announced today.
The grade-point average, .01
point above the 1950-51 mark, was
the highest recoded in the 14
years since the point system of
computing grades replaced a per-
centage plan.
The-registrar said that the wom-
en undergraduate students, who
turned in a new record of 2.66,
were responsible for the new scho-
lastic mark since the men under-
graduates had a 2.53 average, the
same as in the 1950-51 year.
*, * *
system, which has been used in
computing scholastic averages
since 1938, an A is valued at four
points, a B counts three points, a
C is worth two points and a D is
counted as one point. A C average,
or 2.0, is required for graduation.
Taking the 14 student groups
as a whole, the highest average
was achieved by sororities with
a mark of 2.70, the highest for
the sororities since the grade-
point system has been in use.
Women also copped the next
three spots in the scholarship
chart with the 2.66 for all wom-
en ranking second followed by a
2.64 for independent women and
a 2.62 for women's residence hals.
All marks made by this first
six groups were higher than the
1950-51 marks.
* * *
RANKING eleventh in the schol-
arship chart were general fraterni-
ties with a 2.51 mark, an improve-
ment of .05 point from a year
ago. Freshmen held down the last
three places on the chart, all with
lower marks than achieved in
Freshman women scored 2.38,
.04 point lower; all freshmen re-
corded a 2.37 mark, a drop of .03
Point, while freshman men had
an average of 2.36, a decline of
.02 point.
All general student groups
earned averages well above the 2.0
required for graduation.
Martha Cook Building, which
houses junior and senior women
of previously demonstrated
scholastic ability, topped all of
the residence hall groups with
a 2.99 mark. Highest for the
residence halls for men was
Kelsey House with a 2.73.
Members of Sigma Pi fraternity
earned an average of 2.92 to lead
the fraternity group. Alpha Xi
Delta and Alpha Delta Pi tied for
top honors among the soroities
with grade-point averages of 2.83.
AMONG the co-operative
houses, Nelson International
House topped the list with a 2.76
grade-point average.
Rresidence groups and their
point-averages, in order from
highest to lowest, are:
Martha Cook Building, 2.99;
Sigma Pi 2.92; Kappa Nu, 2.91;
See SMITH, Page 6

Stevenson Says
Fund Use Honest
Adlai Unable To Influence Aids
Through Use of Extra Pay Fund
CHICAGO-(IP)-Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson said last night none
of the Illinois state officials whose pay he has supplemented could have
been improperly influenced.
Addressing a nation-wide television and radio audience, the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee said he gave the officials the supplementary
pay "and I could have discharged them any time."
* * * *
STEVENSON opened his address with a new defense of the fund
he used to help reduce what he termed the financial sacrifice which
men of "real competence"" make * *

-Daily-Alan Reid
NEW BIBLE-Prof. Leroy Waterman and the Bible he helped
*4 * * *
Revised Version of Bible
To Be Introduced Today11
One of the greatest events in religious history will be ushered in
throughout the country today when the Revised Standard Version of
the Holy Bible will be made public.
Dr. Harlan H. Hatcher will be the main speaker at special cere-
monies at 7:30 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium when the Bible will be
presented to the campus and to the city.
TOPIC OF THE ADDRESS will be "The Word of Life in Living
Language." President Hatcher's speech will be part of a program
which honors Leroy Waterman, Professor Emeritus of Semantics, who
was a member of the translation committee.
The new Bible has been worked on since 1935 according to
Prof. Waterman, and is the first of its kind whrch is not the
work of a single scholar or a small group.

Old Bibles
On Display
In Library
In conjunction with the publi-
cation of the newly-revised edi-
tion of the Bible, some of the old-
est Bibles still in existence are be-
ing displayed in the showcases
at the General Library.
MANUSCRIPTS in Greek, Lat-
in and Hebrew are among the
most ancient books in the dis-
play. Biblical scholars believe that
the original manuscripts of the
old testament were written in an
ancient square form of Hebrew .
It was thought that there
were no existing manuscripts of
the old testament written in He-
brew before the 9th century
A.D. until a discovery wyas made
in 1947 of the Dead Sea Scrolls
written in the 2nd century B.C.
containing the entire book of
Isaiah in Hebrel.
Among the Bibles in the showe-
cases is a copy of the second edi-
tion of the Tyndale Bible. Only
two copies of this edition, pub-
lished in 1534, are still extant.

I One of the main reasons for ie-
vision of the Bible is the change
in word meanings in the English
language. The new translation
contains more 'than 3,000 word
Since the King James version
of the Bible was writte a a number
of important discoveries have shed
Ii1-t on Hebrew and Greek manu-
scripts. One discovery occurred
when a Syrian peasant came upon
a sealed tomb while plowing.
Archeologists excavated the
site and found hundreds of clay
tablets with the distinctive,
wedge-shaped cuiform inscrip-
tions. When deciphered they
proved to be ancient Canaanite
writing. The Canaanites were
the rival tribe found by the Jews
in the wilderness, and their writ-
ings are of great importance in
dealing with Jewish history.
Sponsor of the new Bible is the
National Council of Churches of
Christ of the United States, a
group containing 40 of the major
Protestant denominations.
The Roman Catholic Church an-
nounced publication of a new edi-
tion of the first eight books of
the Old Testament yesterday. This
translation is an attempt at a
clearer, more accurate version than
the Douay Bible, which is based on
the 15th century old Latin Vul-
gate translation by St. Jerome.

when they leave private employ-
ment to enter-state service.
The fund to which the gover-
nor referred was made up of a
balance left over fromihis 1948
gubernatorial campaign, plus
subsequent contributions from a
group of Chicago businessmen.
Stevenson, in his speech Monday
night, recalled that in his inaug-
ural address as governor, in Jan-
uary, 1949, he said that a lot of
government positions don't pay
enough to attract the right kind
of men.
"TOO OFTEN," he declared at
that time, "the reward is abuse,
criticism, and ingratitude."
The Democratic nominee told
his TV-radio audience that some
of the men he has brought into
the state government came in
at great personal sacrifice from
the financial standpoint.
"At least four," he added, "have
had offers in private employment,
double or more the money they
could have earned in public em-
STEVENSON spoke from a clos-
ed studio at the Studebaker Thea-
ter. No audience was present.
He said that he long has felt
that candidates should disclose
their financial records so there
should be no misgivings about
their positions and whether they
are independent.
Stevenson said President Tru-
man had proposed more than a
year ago that high officials of all
branches of the government place
on the record each year their in-
comes from all sources.
Operation Garg
"I was a Corpuscle" will be
the topic of a lecture to be de-
livered today, in the Gargoyle
office, yet.
Lecturer, Don Malcontent,
orderly, promises that, "A
bloody good time," will be had
by all who attend the gath-
"You too, can learn to be a
Garg staffer in just one easy
lesion," he continued in a more
serious vein.
"Don't bacilli," art editor
Stew Roast sizzled.
"Aorta punch you right in
the nose," sputtered music edi-
tor, Janet Sex.
"Zde hlas republiki krasny,
opravdu!" observed translator.
Larry Scott, imperturbably.
The operation will begin at
3 p.m. sharp and is expected to
continue until the patient dies.
All tryouts must be properly
sterilized before attending.

To Disclose
Income Data
By The Associated Press
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower yes-
terday accepted Gov. Adlai .
Stevenson's challenge to bare his
personal financial position.
Just when the Republican Presi.
dential nominee will do so was not
EISENHOWER'S headquarters
said it wasrunlikely the statement
would be ready before he left for lmiS . oorwo h
Columbia, S. C., tomorrow on the
first leg of an 8,000-mile campaign
tour that will take him to the West
Stevenson, the Democratie
nominee, had put it up to Eisen-
hower to match his action by de-
claring all candidates for high
office shouldadisclose their per-
sonal financial condition dating
back over a period of years.
James C. Hagerty, the General's
press secretary, said- he did not
know details of what form Eisen-
hower's report would take.
* , *
HAGERTY declared that was all
he had to say at present, but under
further questioning confirmed that
the "statement" would be a fi-
nancial statement and that the"
public would be informed on Eisen-
hower's entire financial situation.
Meanwhile Sen. Richard Nix-
on's press secretary said yester-
day the Republican vice presi-
dential candidate does not plan
to make public his income tax
returns or further details of his
It was Nixon's own radio-TV
broadcast of his finances-which
did not include details of his in-
come tax returns-that evidently
prompted Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson
to tell Sunday night how much he
has earned and how much federal
income taxes he has paid in the
past 10 years.
Sen. John J. Sparkman, arriving
in New York for a speaking tour,
said yesterday he also plans to
make public his income tax record
"at the very first opportunity,
probably this week end in Wash-
New Campus
The third fraternity robbery of
last Friday morning was reported
yesterday by Chi Phi fraternity.
President Carl Ulbrich '53 said
that $118 In cash had been taken
from the men's wallets, appar-
ently sometime early last Friday.
Previously Theta Chi and Phi
Gamma Delta had reported the
loss of $210 in cash during the
same period of time. Members of
Phi Gamma Delta said only wal-
lets lying on top of bureaus in the
back of the house were touched.
The three fraternities are in the
vicinity of Hill and Washtenaw.
Assistant to the Dean of Stu-
dents, Bill Zerman, warned fra-
ternity men to, put away their
valuables at night and to lock
doors to their houses, if possible,
Alumni Groups
To Meet In West

Arts Theatre Announces Fall Season

With three new actors and an
expanded space to accommodate
them, the Arts Theatre is set to
open its third year of production
October 17.
Continuing its policy of present-
ing what one New I ork drama
writer called "plays out of the or-
dinary." the professional theater
greup has announced a group of
four contemporary plays written
by authors from France, Ireland,
Scotland and the United States
for their fall season.
THE CURRENT season will
open October 17 with "Cross Pur-
pose" by Albert Camus, which will
run for the usual three-week
In James Bridie's "Colonel

* * *

Young Man" by Gertrude Ste.,j,
the theater will conclude their fall
season with James Joyce's "Exiles "
PRIMARY ROLES in the diver-
sified group of plays will be hand-
led by returning menbers Dana
Elcar, Strowan Robertson a ad
Joyce Henry along with new re-
cruits Gerald Richar ,is and Beth
Laikin, '48and a returning first
season performer Joyce Edgar.
Richards brings experience in
Detroit radio stations and the
Detroit Actor's Company with
him. Miss Laikin has played in
stock companies in New Yorg
and recently won an American
National Theater Association
Mr.r .nrt narfn r

in'~ -~m

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