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September 26, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-26

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______________________________________________________________________ U H

. ...

The Case for The GOP


LED BY THEIR party head and chief jes-
ter, Adlai Stevenson, the Democrats are
conducting a campaign for re-election that
.is designed to evade the charges brought
against the Administration and to ridicule
their opponents. Rather than face and re-
buke accusations made against them, they
have resorted to glib phrases and a mock-
ing manner that avoids the seriousness of
the times.
Corruption is the most generally evaded
issue. Investigations and revelations have
shown the Justice, Interior, and Agricul-
ture Departments and Internal Revenue
Bureau to be infested with dishonest and
incompetent men.
Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark was
given his present position when it became
evident that the Attorney General's office
was riddled with corruption while he was
at the helm. His successor, J. Howard Mc-
Grath stayed in office long enough to aid
in concealing crime and corruption revolving
around the Administration. Our present top
law officer, James McGrannery, is continu-
ing the policy of procrastination in weeding
out venal influences.
Tales of numerous kidkbacks and deals in.
the Internal Revenue bureau are of such a
volume that they have taken their place be-
side the unfolding story of RFC loans, deep
freezes, mink coats, and five percenters. The
cases of dishonesty in government is appall-
ing, and it is certain that they are only a
small percentage of the shady deals that
have taken place. Responsibility for the
mess in Washington rests with the Ad-
ministration and the Democratic party. j
If Stevenson is elected, Americans may
be sure that the same clique of influence-
peddlers will be thrown in with him. The
men who will be seeking favors for de-
livering votes are those who hushed up
the crooked voting in Kansas City, the
ones who have had security from arrest
while carrying op illegal operations for
the past four years, and those who have
enjoyed years of high living at Govern-
mene expense. Even an honest man like
Stevenson knows the power of political
bosses-the iron hand rule of his poli-
tical godfather Jack Arvey in Chicago.
The Alger Hiss case is another instance
of an Administration whitewash. President
Truman labeled the case a red herring when
Hiss was proved to have perjured himself
before a Senate investigating committee.
Truman, Secretary of State Acheson and
Stevenson were all taken in by Hiss. Yet
poor security risks continue to occupy key
positions in the Democratic bureaucracy.
Economically, increased taxation and the
higher cost of living face the nation at every
turn. The buying power of the dollar is at
a new low. Inflation is running unchecked,
and the Administration has yet to come up
with a solution. In four years, we have had
an Administration which does little more
than hdnd out Labor Department statistics
to the public each month.

Our defense production has stalled,
sputtered and gone nowhere since mo-
bilization began. Government contracts
are issued, but go-ahead signals and ma-
terial allocations are delayed by a web of
red tape. We are short of planes and ma-
terials in Korea. Chicago, Detroit and
Cleveland are defended from the air by
less than two dozen jet planes stationed
outside Detroit.
Government duplication, inefficiency and
waste has reached an all time high. Little
concern is shown for the taxpayers' dol-
lars by the entrenched bureaucratic heads
in Washington. Meanwhile, the national
debt climbs to heretofore unheard-of pro-
The nations economy almost suffered a
complete breakdown during the summer due
to the prolonged steel strike. As a solution
the Administrationi tried to un-constitution-
ally seize the industry. Coupled with a
threat to draft railway workers a few years
ago the seizure attempt reached a new low
in solving labor problems.
tY M j*
ASIDE FROM the domestic angles, the
Administration's bungling foreign pol-
icy has resulted in the United States, once
the strongest nation on earth, now bowing
and cooing in all corners of the earth. It
all started at Yalta, where East Germany,
Poland, and the Balkans were sold out to
the Soviets.
As regards China, we followed two dif-
ferent paths, at times supporting the
Communists, at other times, the Nation-
alists. Today, there are some 450,000 peo-
ple in the Red camp.
In 1949, Acheson announced publicly that
Korea was outside our defense perimeter.
The following year, the Communists took
him to his word, and today we have over
180,000 casualties. The truce talks drag on
while the Administration remains indeci-
Today, we have no definite program for
the Middle East. Egypt and Iran simmer
with signs of Communist activity, and the
Reds continue to gain ideological ground
in that crucial area.
In Europe, the State Department admit-
tedly notes mounting "anti-American" re-
sentment-even after the flood of money
which has gone over the Atlantic to sub-
sidize the Continent. We have fair-weather
European friends, but few real allies.
The upshot of the past Administration
is a state of low morale in the nation.
The President and Administration are not
respected, our strength is doubted, and
our future is indeed bleak.
The election of Eisenhower, on the other
hand, will give the nation a tremendous
moral boost. As a capable administrator, a
man of international stature, Ike is well-
qualified to lead the country back onto the
road to financial stability and peace.
-Eric Vetter

* Panty Raids

The Captivating Campaign -
... As Two Cartoonists View It

Daily Editorial Director
THE CAMPUS panty raids which exploded
throughout the country last year were
amusing in some respects, but when a re-
currence of them threatens to jeopardize the
entire college deferment system, it's time to
consider the matter in a more sober light.
In retrospect, it didn't take long for
public opinion, backed up by several news-
papers and magazines, to yell for the bra-
bound scalps of those responsible for the
raids. Parents could put up with gold-
fish swallowing, but when it got to the
point when deferred collegiates were fri-
vosly making off with unmentionables
while their sons were dying in Korea, the
paternal ire was aroused-perhaps justi-
fiably. A flood of indignant letters came
in to Congressmen, up for re-election, and
it was quite reasonably suggested that the
college student could also learn to play
with a gun.
The frightening angle was that the many
were judge by the few, and every college
student was identified as an irresponsible
hedonist. It has now become virtually im-
possible to convince the public that the
college student is, generally speaking, a ser-
ious-minded animal, not customarily given
to serenading girls and then depriving them
of their basic needs.
It goes without saying that another
chain of similar outbreaks is bound to
cement this mistaken impression in the
public mind; further, that Congress will
hardly put up with another year of panty
The college deferment scheme could con-
ceivably collapse under pressure, a possi-
bility which isn't to be taken lightly.
* * u
AT A TIME when the Middle East looms
as one of the most critical areas in the
world, it is encouraging to note that the
University's Near Eastern Studies depart-
ment is continuing its program to cultivate
a better understanding of the Arab world.
The two Middle East Institutes spon-
sored by the department during the last
two summers were indeed highly educa-
tional. Now, for the 1952-53 year, the de-
partment has expanded its curricula to
include courses in the economics, culture,
literature, and politics of the Middle East.
If and when such broad programs are
inaugurated at other institutions, perhaps
the day is not far off when Americans will
regard the Middle East as a region posses-
sing something more than harems, beys,
pashas, and camel-dung patties.
ON THE EVE of the big game, it would
be unseemly not to accord due recognition
to the well-trained brigade of farmers who
intend to do a bit of milking down here
this weekend.
Michigan State's fine football team is des-
tined to go places, according to some 20,-
000 astute sports writers, and they deserve
a word of good luck.
One wonders, however, whether MSC
President John P. Hannah, who thoroughly
denounced bowl games last year as chair-
man of the College President's Conference
investigating athletics "over-emphasis," will
weep again this year if his team wins 9
straight and is still barred from the Rose
The Nixon
WASHINGTON - It may be questioned
whether General Eisenhower really in-
tended to turn Senator Nixon's explanations
of the Nixon dowry into the ordeal by fire
it became. A principle of some importance
exists in the situation-the principle of
whether any senator, no matter how noble,
ought to accept private help from anyone,

no matter how pure.
In insisting that his running-mate must
come clean, clean as a hound's tooth, the
General perhaps did not foresee that,
whatever his private opinions about the
senator, it might be necessary to let him
go. In such contingency, it would be
useful to have the principle to fall back
on; certainly it would be very much
kinder to Nixon.
But General Eisenhower did not prepare
his retreat, at least not in any manner that
could save the Senator embarrassment. Here,
again, he has showed a lack of that instinc-
tive political skill which any number of
people were prepared to swear he possessed
when he was a supreme commander of mili-
tary forces.
Aboard the Eisenhower train it is becom-
ing known that the General realizes that he
is making tactical mistakes. He now knows,
for example, that he did not put a firm
hand on his famous love-seat meeting with
Senator Taft which Governor Stevenson
is exploiting with telling effect. It was a
propaganda mistake to let Taft march out
with the same long statement he took in


Long-Distance Fishing



-------_ -__ ----- - ---- - - -f1


Wanted: A YI Club

OF THE THREE political clubs on campus
-Young Democrats, Young Republi-
cans, and Young Progressives-there is not
a single organization which will present the
mnbiased truth on any given issue.
Political allegiance is justifiable, even
desirable, and it is only natural that any
organization dedicated to some specific
cause will do everything in its power to
promote that cause. But to the intelli-
gent independent voter in search of the
facts, one herd's narrow poppycock, no
matter how vigorously it is espoused, can
be as meaningless as another's.
For example, the YD's might be trying to
convince the student body that the moon
is green, the YR's claiming that it is red,
and the YP's asserting that it is blue. On
closer examination, however, we might find
that it is actually yellow.

The campus needs another group of stu-
dents who would organize to dig up facts
rather than to push dogmatic party goals.
Such an organization could undoubtedly be
of value in clarifying campaign issues-
claims and counter claims-as well as in
aiding undecided voters decide which candi-
date or party they will support.
An organization such as this might eas-
ily expose the distortion of truth which is
the inevitable result of such common.
party practices as concealing some facts
while at the same time stressing others.
Perhaps there is definite need for a YI
Club, comprising young political indepen
dents who will refuse to be taken in by po-
litical noise but will examine the facts ob-
jectively, and on this basis form their opin-
Perry Logan

WASHINGTON-General Eisenhower's period of indecision regard-
ing his vice-presidential running-mate was due largely to the
fact that he was torn between a crossfire of advice from two groups
of backers.
One was the professional politicians who accompanied him
on the train. These, led by GOP national chairman A-thur
Summerfield, fought hard to keep Nixon on the ticket. With him
were Senator Seaton of Nebraska, Congressman Hugh Scott of
Philadelphia; while Milton Eisenhower, the General's brother, a
non-professional, was emphatically in favor of dropping Nixon
and General Wilton Persons, one of Ike's old military friends,
was on the fence.
But the enthusiastic amateurs who got on the train during its
stops en route urged that Nixon be taken off. These were the leaders
who had rounded up the big write-in votes for Eisenhower during
the primaries, who sometimes had voted Democratic and who repre-
sented the independent bloc which can swing an election.
They felt that the General must give an example to the Nation,
must show that he meant business right at the start by cleaning out
any taint or even suspicion of corruption. They argued that if the
Nixon "expense gifts" had been known at Chicago he would not have
been nominated, and that if the General put action to words the
election would be in the bag.
ONE FACTOR which hampered Eisenhower's decision was the fact
that his advisers kept the Nixon news from him for 18 hours.
Though they got the first query on the New York Post story via the
United Press on Thursday afternoon, they did not tell the General
about, it until next morning.
And since the General seldom reads the newspapers carefully,
he did not learn the bad news-even though his advisers sat up
until 3 a.m. at Omaha trying to decide what to do while the man
chiefly concerned slept peacefully in the next car, blissfully ignor-
ant that the worst political storm in fifty years of presidential
campaigns was about to break over his head.
Nixon, when reached by telephone, had some strong opinions.
He asked that no action be taken until he could give a full statement,
and he put some of his staff on the phone to tell of the big crowds
he'd been getting. They indicated that the people around Eisenhower
had buck fever. The thing to do, they urged, was to play down the
story and proceed as if nothing had happened.
THAT NIGHT, at the Muehlebach Hotel in Harry Truman's home
town, the General called a staff conference in "the little white
house," the penthouse used by President Truman when he comes
back to Missouri. Truman's picture had been removed, though the
piano on which he sometimes plays the "Missouri Waltz" remained.
At the meeting were chairman Summerfield, Gov. Adams,
Milton Eisenhower, president of Penn State College; Jim Hagerty,
press secretary; Senator Seaton, Maj. Gen. "Slick" Persons, Brig.
Gen. Robert Cutler and Eisenhower himself. They decided to have
the General make another statement, then wait for Nixon to
explain all. It was also decided that the General himself should
meet the press in an off-the-record conference and reiterate his
determination for honesty in government. Next day this was done.
In doing so, the General, by pure coincidence, used the same
expression used by President Harding in defending some of his as-
sociates-"clean as a hound's tooth."
Meanwhile Senator Taft was really sore at the General for not
backing Nixon at the start. Taft thought that Eisenhower's tight-
rope walking was what made the Nixon affair a big headline and a
big issue.
- IKE'S IRK --
THE GENERAL meanwhile was irked not only at his own staff for
not telling him of the Nixon "gifts" when the news first broke, but
also sore at Nixon himself because he had shot off to the press with-
out clearing with him. The General especially didn't like Nixon's first
statement blaming "Communists and Crooks" for the newspaper
One voice which kept urging the General to drop Nixon was
that of Bert Andrews, ace political writer for the New York Herald
Tribune who originally introductd Nixon to Eisenhower. Andrews
felt that Nixon's position had materially hurt the ticket and that
the General would be sure of election if he showed he was against
any suspicion of unethical conduct
On the other hand, the General was boiling mad at chairman
Summerfield for stating that Nixon would definitely remain on the
ticket. Since Summerfield made the statement after Eisenhower had
already said he was going to make up his mind only after Nixon told
his story, he didn't like Summerfield's word to the contrary.
When word of Summerfield's precipitous statement reached
the General, he snapped:
"Summerfield may be Renublican national chairman but he

what did our handsome h ero o

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason arenot in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Young Sen. Nixon .. with the $18,000 donated him-
~ Sen Nix n... and why?
To the Editor: -Leo D. Vichules
JR ADIO HAS added another great Chapli
to the long list of Old Mal n
Perkins, Just Plain Bill and Back- To the Editor:
stage Wife-Senator Nixon. The WHAT PROOF does Miss Voss
hero, a ruddy faced young Califor- ("A Lovable Tramp Gets
nian, spent a length of time (and Trampled," Michigan Daily, Sep-
not one cent of the taxpayers' tember 24, 1952) have that stick-
money-Hear! hear!) sketching in ing a subversive label on Charlie
the usual background: the family Chaplin is "more than a little ri-
grocery store, working his way diculous?" Even if Mr. Chaplin is
through college, a "modest" war able to prove his good citizenship,
record, the hardships of a young Miss Voss' logic, "that Chaplin's
couple (Pat was born on Saint skilled cinematics are enough to
Patrick's Day-she won't quit!), justify his being around," is not
the cocker spaniel puppy and two sound. Don't you think the wel-
mortgages (2-count them-2). fare of our country is more im-
Missing were sweet violins in the portant than someone's '"skilled
background-or did I hear Pat cinematics?"
sob? Also missing, but not for long In Mr. Chaplin's particular case,
I am sure, a sponsor-may I sug- this country has been more than
gest Flub, the amazing new wash- good to him; he thus has an ob-
day discovery, it does nothing. ligation to fulfill by being more
This young chap-PROUD, I re- than a good citizen. If he can't
peat, PROUD to be what he is- prove his good citizenship, then he
will be an inspirational character has no right to return to his
to stumbling young Americans. adopted homeland, no matter how
Will he unearth another whole, skilled he has been and is in cine-
live Communist? Will he gain the matics.
vice presidency? These and other --Mitchell G. Drake
questions can only be answered by
careful attention to-Young Sen- "MAN shall be educated for war,
ator Nixon. and woman for the recrea-
O n e particularly interesting tion of the warrior; everything else
question yet unanswered is-just is folly."




-Frriedrich Nietzsce

(Continued from Page 21


At Hill Auditorium .. .
' MY MAN GODFREY, with Carole Lom-
bard and William Powell; and VOLPONE,
with Harry Bauer and Louis Jouvet.
AS ITS FIRST offering of the year the
Cinema Guild has chosen to present a
Y double feature, a phenomenon usually to be
found at the second-run downtown thea-
ters; apparently that is where it belongs.
Individually these two pictures are better
than average, and certainly merit a come-
back showing such as this. But coupled they
provide a program of more than three hours,
' which is just too much for anything less
than the most exceptional films.
"My Man Godfrey" is the story of a rich,
post-depression family which has much
more than its share of crackpots. At a
scavenger party one of the daughtres, Carole
Lombard, manages to collect, and fall in
love with, a "forgotten man," played by Wil-

murderous renditions of "Dark Eyes" and
agonized Weltschmerz sighings. The only
stabilizing factor is the father, Eugene
Pallette, whose patience seems endless.
As a strict farcical comedy the movie rolls
along nicely up until the very end, when
the affair takes on a humanitarian aspect
which threatens to wreck the whole effect.
Only the best efforts of Miss Lombard pre-
vent the film from leaving a bitter memory.
"Volpone" is a French adaptation of
the Ben Jonson play, which had as its
goal the caricaturing of the scoundrels
who ruined the Venetian republic in the
sixteenth century. On celluloid the story
becomes a hilarious character study. The
ludicrous grovelings of the greedy men
after Volpone's fortune are especially
comic, and, in a way, revealing. Natur-
ally, however, Vopone himself stands out
as the most humorous.
Sadly, because of the length of the pro-
gram, I was not able to see the completion
of the picture;. but if it is as funny as the

University Lecture, auspices of the
Departments of Physics and Aeronauti-
cal Engineering. "Temperature grad-
tence with centrifugal fluid field; theory
of the the Hilsch tube." Dr. F. Schultz-
Grunow, Professor of Aeronautical En-
gineering. Technische Hochschule, Aach-
en, German. Fri., Sept. 26, 4:15 p.m.,
1300 Chemistry Building.
University Lecture, auspices -of the
Department of Near Eastern Studies.
"The Desert versus the Sown." Carleton
S. Coon, Curator of Ethnology and Pro-
fessor of Anthropology, University of
Pennsylvania. Fri., Sept. 26, 4:15 p m.,
Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Nov. 15 administra-
tion of the Law School Admission Test
are now available at 110 Rackham Build-
ing. Application blanks are due in
Princeton, N.J., not later than Nov. 5,
Philosophy 65. The list assigning stu-
dents to the three discussion sections
will be posted outside the Philosophy
Dept. Office and Mr. Ziff's office. All
sections will have a meeting this week.
English 201 will meet in 1402 Mason
Hall Mon., Wed., and Fri. at 9.
Biological Chemistry Seminar - Fri.~
Sept. 26. 4 p.m., 319 West Medical
Building. "Agene and Bleaching of
White Flour-Methionine Sulfoximine."
All interested are invited.
Aero 190 (NE100). Elements of Nu-
clear Engineering. Class will meet on
Tues., Thurs., and Sat. at 11 in Room
2076 East Engineering. In case of con-
flicts, see Prof. M. H. Nichols.
Events Today
A Generation tryout meeting for peo-
ple interested in joining the Poetry,
Fiction, Drama, Music, Dance,aBusi-
ness, Art Staffs will be held at 4:30
p.m. in the Generation Office, Student
Publications Building.
Newman Club Mixer tonight from
8 to 12, Newman Club. Dancing, enter-
tainment, and refreshments. All Catho-
lic students and friends cordially invit-
School of Music Assembly Council

Near East Club. Organisational meet*
ing at 7 p.m. in the League. Carleton
S. Coon will be the guest and will dis-
cuss Near Eastern problems with stu-
dents and all those interested.
S.R.A. Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15-
5:30 p.m. All students invited.
Hillel. Evening services followed by
social hour, 7:45, Hillel House.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Im-
portant meeting for all members and
interested students, 7:30 p.m., Fireside
Room, Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Hillel. Sabbath morning services, 9
a.m., Hillel House.
Hillel. Day of Atonement services,
Sun., 8 p.m., Mon. 10 a.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
Newman Club. Free dunkers' hour
after the victory on Sat., Newman
Clubrooms, St. Mary's Chapel. All Cath-
olic students, friends, and families are
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young .....Managing Editor
Cal Samra ..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus .......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz .........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell . . .Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green ...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg....Finance Manager
Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager


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