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September 25, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-25

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The GOP's 'Dual' Foreign Policy

began their full-fledged campaign, it
was thought that the question of foreign
policy would be a "me-too" issue.
With the nomination of Eisenhower the
GOP claimed that the "internationalist
faction of the party had triumphed over
the isolationists. It has now become clear,
however, that while the General may be
a type of Republican internationalist, the
men who surround him preach a foreign
policy which in the long run endangers
Peace and which smacks of both isola.
tionism and threatened aggression.
It is this curious GOP dualism, contradict-
ory in many respects, which has placed the
affable, politically-naive General in the po-
sition of a middle man being pulled two
Tnhe Fingers
Are Pointing
WASHINGTON -(RP) -The presidential
campaign, which is supposed to be a.
spber discussion of the issues, has been sud-
denly sideswiped and knocked into a ditch.
Fingerpointing is the main attraction
What Gen. Eisenhower and Gov. Stev-
enson have had to say in the past few days
on the issues must have sounded to most
voters like a small orchestra, offstage, while
charges and counter charges about expense
funds got the spotlight.
Personal business and private lives have
become so entangled in the campaign that
the original issues from now on will be only
part of the campaign. There's a chance this
may turn into one of the bitterest campaigns
in history.
Voters, many of them, who thought in
the beginning their only problem was
choosing between the candidates and par-
ties on those original issues, now will
find themselves influenced by attitudes,
personal revelations and perhaps more
public disclosureg. No one can predict the
turn they'll take.
Senator Nixon, at the very moment he
was pleading for his own political life Tues-
day night before a national TV audience,
did his best to drag Stevenson and his vice-
presidential running mate, Senator Spark-
man, into the flypaper.
As he- ended his own defense last night
Nixon at once shifted to the offense: Sug-
gesting that Stevenson and Sparkman
make their "financial history" public,
he said if they don't "it will be an admis-
sion they have something to hide."
This ought to keep things stirred up a
while, all by itself, since now everyone will
be watching to see what Stevenson and
Sparkman do and say, if anything.

The Taft faction is tugging on Eisenhow-
er's sleeve for an essentially isolationist
policy in Europe. It has been Taft and his
supporters who have consistently voted to
slash aid to Europe. Just two weeks ago, the
Ohio Senator prepared for Eisenhower the
usual penny-pinching scheme, which, if
followed, would mean another cut in Euro-
pean aid appropriations.
On the other hand, Eisenhower has but
to turn around to find John Foster Dulles
on his other side, anxious to mold an ag-
gressive policy and to free Eastern Europe.
In Eisenhower's speech before 'the Amer-
ican Legion he echoed the statements of
Dulles. In this speech Eisenhower depart-
ed from the containment policy of the
North Atlantic Treaty to advocate the
liberation of Eastern Europe. A few days
before in San Francisco, Dulles had pro-
claimed his "roll back" policy in which he
argued that the U.S. cannot rest until the
Russian satellites are freed and Russian
borders pushed back to pre-war lines.
To a European, such an anti-Communist
"crusade," though draped in vague terms,
is war talk. It must be remembered that the
European nations agreed to NATO with the
understanding that its policy was contain-
ment only. This new approach, instigated by
Dulles, is a threat to our European coalition
and certainly does little to further inter-
national understanding.
Republican policy in Asia is no less con-
fused. True to form, Taft completely con-
tradicts himself here, and is one of the
chief proponents of a more aggressive war
in Korea.
Joined by MacArthur and men like Cal-
ifornia's Knowland, "the Senator from For-
mosa," Taft would probably extend the war
in Korea to Manchuria and employ Na-
tionalist troops in the war.
Again-caught in a web of contradictions,
Eisenhower has rejected these policies and
has agreed with the Democrats that the
U.S. must stick strictly to a military con-
tainment in Asia, and that Nationalist
Troops should not b* used in Korea.
The Republican picture shapes up, then,
as one of utter confusion, with Eisenhower
being constantly forced into generalities
and ambiguities by the needling of the
two GOP factions. '
Judging by the men who will surround
and run Eisenhower, it se'ems safe to say
that the possibility of war will be greatly
increased if the General is elected-no mat-
ter which side pulls the hardest, isolation-
ist or "crusaders."
--Alice Bogdonoff
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

Bias Clause
nity and sorority constitutions have
been a subject of violent controversy at the
University over the past few years. The af-
filiated groups have been practically unani-
mous in demanding freedom to work the
problem out for themselves without outside
interference. Opponents of this view have
been equally vociferous in decrying bias
clauses as being against the spirit in which
the University was founded and have favor-
ed legislation making the removal of clauses
requisite for recognition of the chapters.
In the spring of 1951, a Student Legis-
lature-Student Affairs Committee motion
that fraternities be required to remove
their clauses by 1956 was vetoed by for-
mer University President Alexander G.
Ruthven. SL continued to study the prob-
lem and finally came up with a watered-
down proposal that fraternities be re-
quired to petition and actively urge re-
moval of their restrictive clauses before
their national conventions.
President Harlan H. Hatcher vetoed this
proposal last spring. After the SAC passed
a motion taking "strong exception" to Pre-
sident Hatcher's decision, school adjourned
for the summer leaving the triumphant fra-
ternities in a position to do as much or as
,little as they wished toward removing one
of the sore spots in their system.
As far as much of the campus was con-
cerned, this seemed to consist of rather
vague ideas about "studying" the situation
under the newly established Big Ten-IFC-.
Panhel Counseling and Information Service.
So far, only Acacia has asked this group for
help, although there has not been really
enough time to get it fully under way.
Yet, the results of 12 fraternity con-
ventions this summer, while not sensa-
tional, were certainly encouraging. Seven
of the Michigan chapters with clauses
took an active part in attempting to re-
move them. That their attempts were un-
successful this time was largely due to
the opposition of the Southern chapters
and alumni.
There is reason, however, for continuing
to have faith in the "gradualist" approach-
as President Hatcher put it last spring.
At one convention a larger number of
undergraduates voted for removal than ever
before; another house reported cooperation
-and some votes-from the Southern chap-
ters; one fraternity succeeded in having a
removal motion brought to the floor for
what is believed the first time; and another
house reported the formation of a study
group whose findings are expected to have
a strong effect on future bias clause action.
It should also be noted that during the
past five years six other fraternities have
succeeded in removing their clauses.
The important thing, however, is that
most of the local chapters appear to be tak-
ing an active interest in eventually remov-
ing their clauses and although a few have
expressed little, if any, interest in the prob-
lem, the others did about all they could at
this time-namely vote for removal.
While some Eastern fraternities have dra-
matically dropped out from clause-support-
ing nationals, most chapters would be re-
luctant to jeopardize their future in this
It is to be hoped that the fraternities
will continue to shoulder the responsibility
as they have demanded in the past and
as some of them attempted to do this
This will necessarily be a slow process--
one that may not appeal to idealists-but
the gains made this summer would seem
to indicate that it will eventually succeed
if the fraternities continue their efforts-

both through the IFC Counseling Service
and at their national conventions.
-Mike Wolff
To B-<e, or
Not o Be
WASHINGTON-With the notable ex-
ception of the candidates for President,
politicians are discussing the Nixon case in
terms of what solution will win or lose the
most votes.
This is guesswork, even when done by
national chairmen. What is interesting is
that most Republican politicos want the
Senator from California retained on the
ticket and so do most Democrats.
It thus appears that Republicans attach
the greater risk to upsetting the ticket now.
It also may be that they do not wish to
encou-rage General Eisenhower, whom they
do not know well anyway, to be one of
those strong, individualistic presidents the
Democrats have so long had to put up with.
As for the Democrats, to paraphrase
what Senator Taft said of the Eisenhower
forces during their convention quarrel
over the Southern delegations, they would
rather have the issue than a new vice
presidential opponent. They already con-
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The Daily welcomes commnuicanions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will pbhlish 1l et!ers ih are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Leters e e 1n 0 % xords in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and leters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Steve nnCh ( t .b
To The Editor:
N AN ARTICLE appsariu in
The Daily yesterday mornin,
columnist James Marlow called
the 1952 national political fight
"one of the most fascinating of
all presidential campaigns." The
course of the campaign thus far,
fought between two high-level
candidates would seem to vindi-
cate Marlow's belief.
No doubt many students on
campus who have decided to sup-
port Adlai Stevenson feel they
can do so only in a very limited

these students an opportunity to
actively enter the political arena.
The aroup, which is not affil-
ated with any political party, is
nade tp of students who are unit-
ed in the belief thamt Adlai Steven-
son is best qualified to serve as
the next President of the United
If you have been containing
your enthusiasm for Stevenson,
we urge you to attend the "Citi-
;ens for Stevenson" meeting at 8
p.m. tonight in Rm. 3A of the
Union. There will be a place for
you in the club even though your
time may be limnited. Just a few
hours work can mean a great deal
in swinging the pivotal state of

,oN _

l 42

X ,

manner. However the newly form- Michigan to Adlai Stevenson.
ed campus branch of the "Citi- -Jack Ringer, '55L
zens for Stevenson" now offers Al Blumrosen, '53L

- --- -- -AS' - -- -O' r- -- _



Democrats Load Ammunition
Over Nixon's Expense Fund

WASHINGTON-The Republicans have
IIhandled the matter of Sen. Richard
Nixon's spqcial fund badly. The Democrats
have handled the matter most astutely. And
the affair is bound to hurt Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower's chances, although no one
knows how seriously,. These are the con-
clusions reached by most of the reporters
who have been covering this campaign.
On the Republican side, the first and
worst offender was obviously Sen. Nixon
himself. Instead of responding calmly and
factually to the first published reports of
the fund, Nixon began shouting that he
had been "smeared" by "crooks and Com-
munists." Nixon thus helped to put the
whole story on page one, and keep it
there. He alienated many newspapers
which, while supporting the Republican
ticket, carried factual accounts of the epi-
sode. And, by protesting too much, he
automatically aroused public suspicions
that he had something to conceal.
The delay in settling the affair one way
or another, Moreover (it is not known as this
is written whether Nixon is to be replaced)
has obviously played straight into the Demo-
crats' hands. Last Friday, when the first
reports of the Nixon fund reached Eisen-
hower's train, a number of trusted pro-
Eisenhower correspondents were called on
for their advice. They urged unanimously
that Eisenhower immediately-that night-
call for Nixon's replacement, as a matter of
principle, at the same time stating that he
did not question Nixon's personal honesty.
This is precisely what Stevenson's advis-
ers feared Eisenhower would do, as one of
them told this reporter at the time. It was
reasoned by those around Stevenson that
Eisenhower would be built up in the public
mind as a man of decisive action and fana-
tical regard for principle, if he called im-
mediately for Nixon's resignation; and that
thus the whole affair might actually turn
out to be a net asset to the Eisenhower
The only politically palatable alternative
was for Gen. Eisenhower to back up Nixon
so flatly and unequivocally that speculation
about Nixon's being replaced would auto-
matically die. Instead, day after day, news-
paper stories have informed the voters that

after long hestitation simply for reasons
of political expediency. If Nixon is not re-
placed, the simple fact that Eisenhower
for several days considered asking him to
step out will cast a continuing shadow
over the Eisenhower campaign.
The Democrats, furthermore, thanks
largely to the shrewdness and sure-footed-
ness of Adlai Stevenson, will under any cir-
cumstances be in a perfect position to ex-
ploit the issue. Some of those around Stev-
enson wanted the Illinois Governor to jump
on Nixon immediately, with both feet. Sen.
Nixon, moreover, is one of President Tru-
man's pet hates, and when Truman heard
the news, he was all for rushing to the at-
tack. Stevenson himself, however, wisely
issued a moderate statement calling for a
suspended judgment. With this lead from
Stevenson, Truman succeeded in restrain-
ing his own combative instincts, at least
for the time being.
This preliminary moderation has an ad-
mirably judicious and non-partisan flavor.
At the same time, the Democrats are left
with a free hand to exploit the issue to
the utmost, at a time of their own choos-
How to do so most effectively is already
being discussed in the Stevenson entourage
and in the White House. The strategy cur-
rently favored is of a piece with the larger
Stevenson-Truman campaign strategy. Ste-
venson is expected to deal with the matter
only incidentally, and with dignity. It will
be left to Truman to lambast Nixon in his
familiar "give-'em-hell" manner, on his
forthcoming tour. Truman is said to be
positively rubbing his hands at the prospect,
especially since he has been the chief tar-
get of the Republican corruption drive, so
effective until now.
One of the contributors to the Nixon
fund, to whom this reporter has talked,
states that the fund was established sim-
ply to free Nixon from the pressure to
make money on the side, as many Sena,
tors must do; that all contributors were
warned that they "could not ask Nixon
for anything more than a match," and
that not a penny was used for Nixon's
personal needs.
If theseat-,enn hp vpm v1r.1p~ ,f nre

ASHINGTON-General Eisenhower is scheduled to speak in Balti-
more tonight in clarification of the reasons why he embraced
some of the isolationists of the Republican party and tolerated such
extremists as Senator Jenner of Indiana and Senator McCarthy of
The inside story of the General's relations with this wing
dates back to his first arrival in the U.S. shortly before the Chi-
cago convention. At that time his personal prejudices were vigor-
ously opposed to the GOP isolationists and extremists.
But his counselors, reminding. him that he was a novice at poli-
tics, urged that he antagonize no one, but concentrate only on the
goal of winning the nomination. After he was nominated, they said,
there would be time to do his political weeding.
That was why the General, in his maiden address at Abilene,
trod so delicately, embarced even the MacArthur wing of the party.
But in Denver last summer, Ike had another showdown with the
extremists-this time over McCarthyism.
His old friend Paul Roffman had been asked to testify
against McCarthy and in defense of General George Marshall in
the Benton-McCarthy libel suit. Hoffman asked Eisenhower if
the testimony would be embarrassing. Ike replied that it wouldn't,
He also indicated that he might testify against McCarthy himself.
* * *, *
rHIS LEAKED BACK to Arthur Summerfield, Republican national
chairman, who immediately went into a huddle with the General.
Summerfield pointed out that if Eisenhower opposed Mc-
Carthy he would also have to oppose Senator Jenner. And if he
opposed Jenner he would also have to oppose Senator Cain of
Washington, who has consistently sided with McCarthy.
Summerfield argued at length and convincingly, In the end Eis-
enhower concurred.
When Ike got to Indianapolis, home of Senator Jenner, he ex-
perienced one of the most awkward moments of his life.
Jenner had made a speech on the Senate floor Sept. 15, 1950,
calling George Marshall a "front man for traitors" and a "living lie."
"Either he is an unsuspecting stooge or an actual conspirator
with the most treasonable array of political cutthroats ever turned
loose in the executive branch of government," said the Senator from
Eisenhower no doubt remembered, as he arrived in Indian-
apolis, how this same George Marshall had taken him to a map
of North Africa early in World War II, without telling him any-
thing about the proposed North African invasion.
"What do you think of it?" Marshall asked.
"It looks O.K. to me," replied the younger man.
"You'd better think so," shot back Marshall, "you're going to be
in command."
MARSHALL, THEN Chief of Staff, had promoted Ike up from lieu-
tenant colonel to lieutenant general in the space of about a year,
sent him to North Africa, then on to England to command the great-
est invasion army in history. And during the tug-of-war between Eis-
enhower and MacArthur as to whether Europe or the Pacific should
get more material, Marshall always threw his weight to Eisenhower.'
So Ike, now running for President, was ushered into the same
room with the Senator from Indiana who had called his friend
and benefactor a "front for traitors" and a "living lie."
Marshall had been unable to defend himself when Jenner at-
tacked him, for speeches in the Senate are beyond the reach of the
courts or a libel suit. So Marshall's friends had hoped, that General
Eisenhower when he returned would utter some word in his defense.
However, he didn't. Perhaps he couldn't. Perhaps in the new role
of politician he was too anxious to please his mentors, the men who
coached him what to do and whom to greet.
The "gentleman from Indiana" made the most of the Gen-,
eral's embarrassment, holding up Ike's hand while the cameras
clicked, getting in front of the photographers at every oppor-
tunity. Ike moved over to another part of the platform, but Jen-
ner followed him. Finally the General sat down.
Speaking later, he endorsed "all" the ticket in Indiana.
NOTE-Most people don't know that the other senator who at-
tacked General Marshall, Joe McCarthy, also included Eisenhower in
his attack. McCarthy accused Marshall of being part of a "Commun-
ist conspiracy, the world-wide web of which has been spun from
Moscow." Marshall, he said, was "steeped in blood" . . . . his "every
important act has contributed to the prosperity of the enemy." Of
Eisenhower he said .... "in all these attitudes, Eisenhower was Mar-'
shall's firm supporter."hal'- t ,
Ike has another isolationist problem in Michigan, where Congress-
man Charles Potter, now running for the Senate, is just the opposite
of the late Senator Vandenberg, whose seat Potter is trying to win.
Congressman Potter voted against Eisenhower's mutual security funds
at the very time Ike was in Europe trying to build up the defense
asrningt 0nr rmmi m (_. rnrClhla f "AQa nn.> n-

(Continued from Page 2)
University Lecture, auspices of the
Departments of Physics and Aeronauti-
cal Engineering. "Temperature grad-
ience with centrifugal fluid field; theory
of the the Hilsch tube." Dr. F. Schultz-
Grunow, Professor of Aeronautical En-
gineering. Technische Hochschule, Aach-
en, German. Fri., Sept. 26, 4:15 p.m.,
1300 Chemistry Building,
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Near Eastern Studies.
"~The Desert versus the Sown." Carleton
S. Coon, Curator of Ethnology and Pro-
fessor of Anthropology, University of
Pennsylvania. Fri., Sept. 26, 4:15 p n.,
Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Medical College Admission Test, Appli-
cation blanks for the Nov. 3 adminis-
tration of the Medical College Admis-
sion Test are now available at 110 Rack
ham Building. Application blanks ar
due in Princeton, N.J., not later than
Oct. 20, 1952.
Law School Admission Test: Appia -
tion blanks for the Nov. 15 administma-
tion of the Law School Admission Test
are now available at 110 RaciLi Bid-
ing. Application blanks are due in
Princeton, N.J., not later than Nov. 5,
course 401, Interdisciplinary Semi-
nar on the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences will meet today
at 4 pam. in 3409 Mason Hall. Prof.
Clyde H. Coombs of the Psychology
Dept. will speak on "Decision Making
Under Uncertainty-Theory."
Political Science 52 Lecture, Tues.
and Thurs. at 9:00 now meeting in An-
gell Hall, Auditorium D.
English 201 will meet in 1402 Mason
Hall Mon., Wed., and Fri. at 9.
Biological Chemistry Seminar-Fri.,
day. Sept, 26, 4 p.m., 319 West Medical
Building. "Agene ad the Bleaching o
White Flour--Methionine Sulfoximine."
All interested are invited.
Mathematics 220 (Classical Groups)
will meet Thurs., Sept. 25, at 10 a.m.
in 3011 Angell Hall.
Philosophy 65. The list assigning stu-
dents to the three discussion sections
will be postedaoutside the Philosohy
Dept. Office and Mr. Ziff's office on
Thurs. at noon. All sections will have
a meeting this week,
The University Extension Service an-
nounces that its fall program of evenin
classes for adults is opening this week.
Registration may be made between 6:30
and 9:45 p.m. Monday through Thurs-
day, this week and next, 165 School of
Business Administration Building.
The following classes meet tonight:
Astronon for the Layman. Prof. Ha-
zel M. Losh has planned this course
for those who wish a knowledge of
the constellations and a survey of the
elementary facts of astronomy. Lee-
tures will be supplemented by lantern
slides, demonstrations with the plan-
etarium, telescopic observations, and
identification of constellations from
the sky. 7:30 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall. Eight
weeks, $6.
Design Principles in the Home. Part
of the University program in Family
Living, this course is offered for those
interested in the design and organiza-
tion of the modern home. Students wiI1l
be expected to work out assigned ele-
mentary problems illustrating basic
principles of line, space, color, tex-
ture, and form that can be applied to
home design and decoration. Planned
as a preparation for the further develop-
ment of living space. Prof. Herbert W.
Johe will be the instructor. 7:30 p.m.,
346 Architecture Building. Sixteen
weeks, $18.
Freehand Drawing. This course, con-
ducted by Prof. Gerome Kamrowski, is
open to those who are interested in do-
ing creative work in freehand drawing,
using still life, model, or freely chosen
subject matter. Designed for the be-
ginner as well as for the mature stu-
dent, the course will Include lectures,
group discussions, and studio activi-
ties. 7:30 p i, 415 Architecture Build-
ing. Sixteen weeks, $18.
Practical Public Speaking. (Speech 31,
two hours credit). Planned to meet the
need of the student who desires a
course devoted exclusively to training
in public speaking rather than a asic
course in the whole field of speech.
Study, analysis, practice, and criti-
cism designed to promote the acquisi-
tion of proficiency in extemporaaeous
speaking will be given by the instruc-
tor, Paul E. Cairns. The course may
be elected without credit if desired.
7:30 p.m., 4203 Angeli Hal. Sixteen
weeks, $18.

by Percival Price, University Caril-
lonneur. The program will iniuce mod-

burg No. 3 in G Major (Busch) De-
hussy, Nocturnes (Stokowski-Phla-
dephia); Mozart, Sonata in B Flat Ma-
jor, K.750 (Gieseking, piano).
Michigan Sailing Club. First meeting
7:30 p.m., 311 W. Eng. Bldg. Former
members are urged to attend. Plans
for the open meeting will be discussed.
Students for Stevenson Organization-
al meeting of student chapter of Na-
tional Citizens for Stevenson. 8 pm.,
3A, Mich. Union. Officers of Ann Ar-
bor Stevenson Committee will be pres-
ent. All interested studentsIndepend-
ents and Republicans alike-are urged
to attend.
Young Democrats Meeting, 8 p.m. in
the Union, Room 3B. Organizational
meeting, also discussion of Democratic
Party platform. All interested are wel-
International Students Association.
Hunting and Fishing in Brazil," hour-
and-a-half technicolor movie, 8 p.m.
International Center. Students, faculty
members, and townspeople are invited.
Literary College Conference, student
steering committee. Meeting, 4 p.m.,
1011 Angell Hall.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4-6 p.m.
La P'tite Causette will meet from 3:30
to 5 p.m. in the North Cafeteria of the
Michigan Union.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
4:15 p.m.
Arts Chorale and Women's 'Glee Club
at 7 p.m. in Lane Hall. All those Inter-
ested in joining either group may still
try out at this meeting.
The Student Legislautre meeting, 4
p.m., Student Legislature building, 512
S. State, for all those interested in
Joining the Administrative ing of the
Student Legislature.
Coming Events
School of Music Assembly Council
Used Music Sale. Bring used music,
textbooks, and scores to the School of
Music Office. Set your price for the
music you sell. Sale will be Fri., Sept.
26, 9:00 to 4:30. Please bring your music
as soon as possible.
Roger williams Guild. Members and
;ests will meet at 7 p.m., Fri., Sept.
26. to o as a group to the football pep
rally, which will be followed by a par-
ty in our new church educational
Staff and graduate students in the
Department of Mathematics will meet
to arrange the seminars on Fri., Sept.
26, 3:15 p.m., in 3011 Angeli Hall.
Near East Club. Organizational meet-
ing, Fri., Sept. 26, 7 p.m., in the League.
Carleton S. Coon will be the guest and
will discuss Near Eastern problems with
students and all those interested.
A Generation tryout meeting for peo-
ple interested in joining the Poetry,
Fiction, Drama, Music, Dance, Busi-
ness, Art staffs will be held Fri., Sept.
26, 4:30 p.m. in the Generation Office,
Student Publications Building.
Newman Club Mixer on Fri. evening,
8 to 12, Newman Club. Dancing, enter-
tainment, and refreshments. All Catho-
lic students and friendscordially invit-
Sixty-Third Year
Fedted and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young ...Managing Editor
Cal Samra..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander. Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz .........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell ....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler .......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz .......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg ..Finance Manager

To reger.ircultionanage

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