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See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
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VOL. LXIII, No. 82
_ __
Governor Asks
U Budget Cut
Suggrests Three Million Operating
udget Sash; Capital Outlay Pared
Gov. G. Mennen Williams has recommended a $17,866,050 Uni-
versity operating budget for 1953-54, slashing by nearly three million
dollars the original $20,631,283 request.
Capital outlay requests totalling $9,930,000 were pared down to
$1,915,000 in the Governor's detailed budget suggestions, made public
FACED WITH the State's dire financial condition, Governor Wil-
liams had last week asked a five per cent maximum increase in ap-
* * *
ludget Talk
plits State
Ce islature
LANSING--/A)--Gov. Williams'
aique plea for prompt, *ipartisan
ction by the legislature to avert
ate bankruptcy got a mixed re-
ction yesterday from the law-
Generally, the House expressed
ope and cautious confidence that
rilliams was sincere in wanting
>operation, while the Senate was
old and critical.
WILLIAMS' 3,000-word message,
elivered in person yesterday
.orning, was unique in that it
ropped all the usual gubernator-
.1 recommendations for legisla-
ve projects, and concentrated
lely on the theme:
"There is not a week or even
a day to be wasted in coming to
grips" with the state deficit, ex-
pected to reach $90,000,000 by
next June 3.
"The hour is very late," the gov-
ernor said. "Already we are suf-
fering some of the preliminary
symptoms of finaicial collapse."
s w s
HOUSE Republican leaders join-
ed in referring to Williams' ad-
dress as "constructive," "sincere,"
and in similar adjectives.
But it was another, story in
the senate.
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kal-
amazoo), the newly-elected GOP
spokesman in that chamber, de-
clared in-what was a Republican
"policy" ieply that the governor,
instead of "building Michigan"-
as he promised in his campaigns-
actually has "bankrupted Michi-
He charged that Williams'
speech was actually a hidden re-
newal of his demand for a corpora-
tion profits tax and a rejection of
so-called "consumer taxes."
propriations to state-supported'
colleges and universities. His,17
million recommendation is just
five per cent greater than the
1952-53 operating budget grant
of $16,930,000.
According to University vice-
president Marvin L. Niehuss, who
conferred yesterday with legis-
lators in Lansing, the Gov-
ernor's recommendations\ are
"quite inadequate. .
Niehuss said he had anticipated
a larger amount and will urge leg-
islative committees to increase the
Cuts in the operating budget, if
the State Legislature upholds the
Governor's recommended three
million dollar reduction, will af-
fect all areas of planned increases,
Niehuss said.
The University had asked an 18
per cent increase over last year's
appropriation for three main rea-
sons: increased operating costs;
the need to make salary and wage
adjustments for faculty and main-
tenance personnel; and expecta-
tions of higher future enrollment,
making additions to the teaching
staff necessary.
* * *
recommendations for capital out-
lay expenditures,. library expan-
siol came out with the top prior-
ity-$1,080,000. Also number one
on the University's request list,
library expansion funds will pro-
vide for planning and initial con-
struction of a stack building on
the North Campus as well as Gen-
eral Library rehabilitation.
A $660,000 sum is earmarked
for University Hospital remodel-
ing. Plans for a Medical Science
Bldg. will be financed by a
$100,000 fund under Gor. Wil-
liams recommendation.,
t The Governor also allotted $865,-
000 for Architecture Bldg. modern-
ization and $11,000 sum for addi-
tional expansion plans. A $950,-
000 request for improvement of
the University's inadequate heat-
ing system was reduced to $64,000.
Two items on the University's
request list -- expanded Music
School facilities and a fire sta-
tion on North Campus-were not
mentioned in Gov. Williams' re-
Last Issue
With this issue, The Daily
suspends publication for the
semester. The next issue will
appear Tuesday, Feb. 10.
'M' To Meet
In Ice Tilts'
Crucial Contests
For Wolverines
Back on the winning trail again
after a 10-2 rout of Michigan
State Wednesday night, the Wol-
verine pucksters are preparing to
meet their stiffest competition of
the season when they face the
Gophers of Minnesota in a two
game set at the Coliseum this
GOING INTO the 111th meet-
ing between the two schools, a
rivalry which dates back to 1922,
Michigan is resting in second
place in the Midwest Collegiate
Ice Hockey League, having a total
of eight points on five victories as
against a lone loss to Denver in
The Gophers, though in fifth
place in the league, have lost
only one more game than the
Wolverines. They have picked
up five points on four victories
and two setbacks.
Leading the Minnesota attack
will be Mariucci's high-scoring
combination of John Mayasich,
Gene Campbell, and Dick Dough-
erty. This trio holds down the
first three spots in the individual
scoring column in the league.
Mayasich, brilliant Eveleth
sophomore, is far ahead of his
1951-52 pace when he scored a
record total of 62 points. He is
currently leading the league with
37 points garnered on 20 goals
and 17 assists.
In addition to this top first
line, in goalie Jim Mattson, the
Gophers have one of the finest
net minders in the college ranks.
* * *
coach, has termed this series with
Minnesota a "must" series for the
To offset the potency of the
Minnesota trio, Heyliger plans
to use the Keyes line whenever
the Gophers send their top line
to the ice. The defensive abili-
ties of Captain John Matchefts,
Earl Keyes, and Doug Philpott
are just as strong as their of-
fensive talents.
This series will mark the fare-
well of Keyes as a Wolverine. The
ex-captain, who will long be re-
membered as one of the Michigan
greats, graduates at the end of
the current semester.
Ron Martinson's return to reg-
ular action will definitely aid the
Wolverines, weakened by the loss
of McKennell and now Keyes.
Martinson will take his regular
turn on the third linewith ,Doug
Mullen and Telly Mascarin.
Bert Dunn, who up to now has
played on this line will be cn-
verted into a defenseman in order
to lighten the load placed on Reg
Shave, Alex McClellan, and Lou
Paolatto since Jim Haas was con-
verted into a forward.
Michigan will have to win both
games this week-end to keep pace
with front running North Dakota,
who have piled up 10 points in
league play.
Book Swap
Collections for the Student
Legislau:-'e non-profit Stu-
dent Book Exchange will con-
tinue throughout the exam
period and when the exchange
opens Wednesday, Feb. 4.
Books may be taken to the
SL' Bldg. from 2 to 5:30 p.m.
daily or turned in at the dor-
mitories or affiliate houses.
In addition, collections will
take place from 11:30 a.m. to
2 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday next week in the
Business Administration Bldg.
lobby, and from noon to 5:30
p.m. Monday through Thurs-
day of the second week of
exams in the lobby of Haven
Hall and in the SL Bldg.
H"ST Cites.
Hope; Gives
Truman told the American people
last night they are on the way
to victory in the cold war with
Soviet Russia without an atomic
conflict that might "dig the grave
of the free world and communism
"We have set the course that
can win," he said.
address, broadcast from the White
House by coast-to-coast radio and
TV networks, the President de-
clared his belief that American in-
tervention in Korea has dashed
Russia's hope of easy conquest and
may have averted a third world
war "as far ahead as man can
And to those impatient with
the world-wide struggle against
communism-to those who ask,
"Why don't we get it over with?
Why don't we issue an ultimat-
um, make an all-out war, drop
the atomic bomb?"-Truman de-
"For most Americans, the an-
swer is quite simple: we are not
made that way. We are a moral
people. Peace is our goal, and jus-
tice and freedom. We cannot, of
our own free will, violate the very
principles that we are striving to
"The whole purpose of what we
are doing is to prevent the World
War III. Starting a war is no way
to make peace.
"But if anyone still thinks that
just this once, bad means can
bring good ends, then let me re-
mind you of this: we are living in
the eighth year of the atomic age.
We are not the only nation that is
learning to unleash the power of
the atom. A third world war might
dig the grave not only of our Com-
munist opponents but also of our
own society, our world as well as
U.S. Cracks Open
International Plot
ernment cracked open yesterday
what it called an international
plot, directed by a Soviet diplomat
here, to spy out American mili-
tary 'secrets.
* * * a
SIX ASSORTED wood poles, a
piece of rope and a strip of
orange canvas.
That's the impressionistic stage
set for "Catch the Gold Ring,"
last of a bill of three original one-
act plays to be presented by the
speech department at 8 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater,
The poles, rope and canvas,I
strategically placed py ChuckI
To Seize
* * *
Hoefler, Grad., are background forj
a story of the sordid life behind
the outer glitter of a travelling
Pictured above, the play's direc-
tor, Bette Ellis, Grad., urges more
forcefulness as James Umphrey,
Grad., (as a heel) encourages Car-
laine Baldruf, Grad., an aerialist,
to "come with me, baby."
Also on the student written, act-
ed and directed program are "The
-Daily-Alan Reid
* * *
Legend of the Cornsilk Doll" and
"The Party." "The Legend," is a
modern dance-drama integrating
music, dance and speech.
"The Party" tells what happens
to an aggressive woman who ig-
nores her two best friends while
trying to "social climb." There
will be no admission charge for
the presentation. Theater doors
open at 7:30 p.m. both nights.
Tidelands Oil
Entertainment Offered for Vacation
May Cancel
Truman Accused
Of Spite, Revenge
Truman touched off a major
storm yesterday with an eleventh-
hour decision to turn the great
oil wealth in offshore lands over
to the U. S. Navy.
Truman told his final news con-
ference that before leaving office
next Tuesday he will issue an
executive order setting aside the
offshore lands, often called the
tidelands, as a Navy petroleum re-
ON CAPITOL HILL, legislators
from coastal states affected by
such an order promptly set up a
roar of protest.
Sen. Price Daniel (D-Tex.),
former attorney general of Tex-
as, called it an act of "personal
spite and political revenge."
Several senators confidently pre-
dicted that President-elect Eisen-
hower will reverse Truman's pro-
jected order soon after taking the
oath of office.
During the campaign, Eisenhow-
er came out in favor of state con-
trol on off-shore oil. He won con-
siderable supporthparticularly In
Texas, by taking that stand in op-
position to the view advocated by
Gov. Adlai Stevenson, the Demo-
cratic nominee. Stevenson favor-
ed federal control.,
SOME INDUSTRY experts have
estimated that the tidelands oil
and gas resources have a potential
value of roughly 4 billion dollars.
The so-called tidelands are the
marginal regions lying between
low-tide line and the individual
state's seaward boundaries. The
latter usually extend to the
three-milt limit, but reach out
10 miles in the cases of Texas
and the Gulf coast of Florida
because of special circumstances
under which those states were
admitted to the Union.
Persistent reports had circulated
on Capitol Hill for the last 10 days
that Truman planned to set aside
the tidelands as a Navy reserve.
Anticipating such an order, Sen.
Watkins (R-Utah) said it would be
a "last-minute attempt by a lame
duck executivetosembarrass his
newly elected successor"
Rushing Ends;
IFC Discloses
IFC's informal rushing program
ends today for this semester with
fraternities reporting 63 pledges.
The program, inaugurated last
semester, has proved "very suc-
cessful," according to fraternity
counsellor William Zerman, as-
sistant to the Dean of Students.
Informal rushing will be contin-
ued next year after the close of
the formal rushing period.
Formal rushing begins Feb. 15
next semester.Interested men can
sign up for formal rushing be-
ginning Feb. 4 in Rm. 1020, Ad-
ministration Bldg., the fraternity
Acacia:Richard Ken Hodson
counsellor's office.
The list of campus fraternities
and their pledges is as follows:
Alpha Phi Alpha-Herman Low-
ell Hall, '56; Vaughn Phillips, '56;
Emile E. Riley, '56.
Alpha Tau Omega-Jas Edwin
McVicar, '56; Dan Walter, '56.
Chi Phi-Fred D. Baumgartner;
Henry A. Pominville.
Delta Chi-Bruce Barton Bjor-
seth, '54BAd.; Ai3hur William An-
good, '56: Richard Allen Bogg,
'56; Gary B. Skidmore, '55; Rich-
and S. Weinman -'56.
Deplta2Sigmna Phi: Bradley R.
Small Group
Elects Heads
Stephen Jaffe, '54, was selected
to head the campus UNESCO or-
ganization yesterday at an unex-
pectedly quiet meeting 'of the
Earlier rumors had indicated the
meeting would be packed by new
members, anxious to prevent in-
filtration of Labor Youth League
elements in top positions of UN-
ESCO. A secret report of LYL, re-
vealed to the public in The Daily,
indicated that Ethel Schectman,
an avowed LYL member, might be
a "shoo-in" for the group's pres-
However, only eight students
joined UNESCO yesterday prior
to elections. Only one person was
placed in nomination for each UN-
ESCO post.
b.* * *
A SPOKESMAN for the group
told The Daily he could "have giv-
en the new slate of officers a
week ago." He also indicated pub-
lication of the LYL report had
been influential in selection of of-
ficers for the spring semester.
Although there were only 19
voting UNESCO members pres-
ent, nearly 40 people gathered
at the meeting in anticipation of
In a itinn M P,.Pid+, Ja
"A great time of the year once
finals are over."
That's the general campus opin-
ion of the three week-between-
semesters lull when a flock of en-
tertainment is offered to students
on campus.
Owen Award
Goes To Vetter
The Wendy Owen Memorial
Award was presented to Eric Vet-
ter, '54, yesterday by the award
Set up in memory of Wendy
Owen, a former Daily Night Edi-
tor, who died in the summer of,
1951, the award is given annually
to a Daily staff member for con-
structivecontribution to the cam-
pus community.
This year the award amounted
to $150. The selection was made
by a committee composed of Dean
of Students, Erich A. Walter;
Dean of Women, Deborah Bacon;
Daily Managing Editor, Crawford
Young, '53; Daily Women's Edi-
tor, Lorraine Butler, '53, and Daily
Sports Editor, Ed Whipple, '53.
Vetter, a night editor, is an eco-
nomics major from Detroit. He is
a member of Sphinx, junior men's
honorary society, and Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity.a
THE PERENNIAL, favorite dur-
ing exam period are the "flicks."
In line with this, the Student Leg-
islature Cinema Guild is spon-
soring a movie this weekend and
will show Menotti's, "The Med-
ium," on Jan. 23 and 24; George
Steven's, "The Talk of the Town,"
on Jan. 30 and 31 and Feb. 1, and
George Bernard Shaw's, "Major
Barbara" on Feb. 6, 7, and 8.
Besides these presentations a
free "exam period" movie, "I
Married AWitch," is being
sponsored by the Union at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Union
The top social event on tap be-
tween semesters is the '53 J-Hop.
Legislator Makes Bid To Open
Secret Regent, MSC Meeig
A new bid was made yesterday to open the secret meetings of
the University Board of Regents and the Michigan State College gov-
erning body, the Board of Agriculture.
Sen. Harold M. Ryan (D-Detroit) introduced' a proposed consti-
tutional amendment in the State Senate which would require the two
boards to meet in open session whenever public property or funds are
involved in their discussions.
* * * *
AN ISSUE IN MANY Regents elections, the closed meetings con-
troversy made headlines last February when the Michigan Press As-
sociation started a campaign to
open the meetings of both groups. iTH
At a luncheon discussion with TALK THE
the Regents preceding their
March meeting last year, MPA
representatives presented theirH a c e
position and satisfactory" pro-a ter
gress was reported.
A MPA subcommittee met fur-
ther with the Regents, but no sub- The House Un-American Acti-
sequent action came of the talks. vities Committee probably will not
Similar MPA discussions with no visit or single out individual in-
concrete results came at Michigan stitutions in its investigation of
State d alleged Communist activities on
When the discussiois were in the nation's campuses, President
progress, the Regents emphasizedHaln.Htcesidytra.
that all information was made Harlan H. Hatcher said yesterday.
public by them after action had This was President Hatcher's in-
been taken. Post-meeting press terpretation of a telegram sent
,Featuring Tommy Dorsey
Express Train
Crashes in D.C.
press train, out of control
Ralph Marterie in the band-
stands, the dance is. expected toE
draw 1500 couples to the IM Build-
ing on Feb. 6. The theme this
year is "Grande Baroque" and the.
dance hall will be lavishly decor-
ated to carry out the theme.
* * *
ON THE sports scene the an-
nual exhibition hockey game be-
tween the World Champion De-
troit Red Wings and the Wolver-
ine sextet will take place on Feb.
3 in the Colliseum.
For theater goers the Arts Thea-
ter Club will run their current
production "Come of Age," by
Clemence Dane through Jan. 25.
Admission is by reservation to the
Club located at 2091/ E. Wash-
All in all it looks like a pleas-
ant vacation for those on cam-
pus after finals and during the
hectic orientation and registra-
tion periods.
Vienna Choir
To Perform
In Concert
The renown Vienna Choir Boys,
a musical organization over 450
years old will appear at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
THETROUPE of more than 20
boys, aged seven to twelve, are
members of an organization which
dates back to July 7, 1498 when
Maximilian I established the choir
by Imperial decree.
Subsidized by the Hapsburgs
until the first World War, the
group achieved fame through
Europe. Haydn and Schubert
were both members of the choir
until their voices changed.
For their Ann Arbor appearance,#
the Vienna Choir Boays will sing
with its horn blasting an ominous
warning, yesterday crashed into
Union Station and partially wreck-
ed the huge building in the shadow
of the U. S. Capitol.
No one was killed, but at least
41 persons were hurt, seven of
them seriously.
Reviews Probe, Budget Cuts
** * - - --- -
dents from various campuses may
be called for inquiry.
Commenting on Gov. Wil-
liams' budget recommendations
for the University (see columns
one and two above), President
Hatcher said that the substan-
tial cuts were not unexpected.
additional maintenance personnel,
he said.
But he also maintained that
additions to the teaching soff
will be impossible under the pro-
posed budget.
Capital outlay funds, which the
Governor wants reduced to about
-, .in.,