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January 14, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-01-14

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9A 'Golden Mean' Society
By CAL SAMRA fiction in their spare time. (Perhaps this
Daily Editorial Director objectionable practice merits a separate
W HAT WITH its being fashionable now- investigation.)
adays to be an extremist of one sort 2-Zoology professors spend their extra-
or another, the most reasonable suggestion curricular time at the General Library, try-
this writer has yet heard is a plan to or- ing to discover mention of their names in
ganize a "Golden Mean Society" on campus, scientific periodicals. (This information
Such an organization would reportedly comes from a reliable source.)
embrace both conservatives and liberals-- 3-Political Science professors occasional-
Republicans, Democrats and non-parti- ly quote "Das Kapital."
sans-excluding those with Red and Black-
colorations. Its function would be to ex- -LET'S NOT GET CARRIED AWAY-
amine the pressing issues of the times SINCE THE first article exposing the clan-
with a rational perspective divorced from destine activities of the Labor Youth
dogma. At the same time, it would be on League came out, a number of anxious stu-
the look-out for attacks from either the dents have descended on The Daily office
Left or the Right. gwith offers of information or requests for
Of course those who feel that the Gov- favors.
ernment should do nothing more than run One such lad was really concerned.
the mail and those who feel that the Gov- (The word "hysterical" is getting rather
ernment should provide social security for trite.) He feverishly related that he had
prostitutes won't like it. overheard a couple of radical "Commun-
But, at any rate, it sound like a good idea. ists" and "Socialists" plotting to write a
Perhaps some courageous Aristotelian will letter to the editor accusing The Daily
have enough enterprise to start an organi- of cheap journalism and profligacy,
zatioxi pledged to restoring a bit of political among other things. Seems that they said
sanity around campus. they were going to sign his name to the
THIS WRITER is going to venture to pre- "If you get the letter," he implored,
dict that, if and when the House Un- "scratch my name off it. My old man works
American Activities Committee makes its for the government."
debut on campus it will find the University As The Daily pointed out when the
faculty of unquestionable loyalty. series was inaugurated, we do not sub-
It will also discover that: scribe to hysteria. It's hardly necessary to
I-English professors, by and large, pre- look under your bed at night.
fer reading detective stories and science And, as the poet said, "Down, boy."
Conant Appointment

"Maybe Ill Stick Around And Watch This"


T HE APPOINTMENT of Harvard Univer-
sity President James B. Conant as the
United States High Commissioner in Ger-
many should prove to be an asset to boIta
President-Elect Eisenhower's Administra-
tion and to the welfare of Germany.
Conant, a brilliant scholar, brings to the
position a record of government service
which includes special assignments by
Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Harry S. Truman in London and Moscow.
He served on several government boards
during World War II and since 1947 he
has served on a general advisory commit-
tee to the Atomic Energy Commission.
Long recognized as an outstanding edu-
cator, Conant had turned down. a' similar
offer by President Truman, but with his
pending retirement from Harvard and sub-
ject to pressure from Eisenhower and John
Foster Dulles, he consented.

Conant's thoroughness and his experience
in both domestic and foreign affairs should
serve him in good stead in Germany. His
strong stand on Universal Military Training
may see him push for the lagging Western
German defense army.
Because of the universal respect for
Conant, his appointment will also help
raise U. S. foreign policy in Europe from
the low ebb it reached during the Truman
What undoubtedly influenced Eisenhower
and Dulles in their decision was the grav-
ity of the problem of Germany today. To
most observers, Germany is the key to the
safety of all of Western Europe. In Conant,
a man of great ability and intellect, Eisen-
hower found a leader qualified to assume
the responsibility.
-Eric Vetter

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-By a narrow margin, the
dynamic foreign policy of the Eisen-
hower administration is not, after all, to be
enriched by the celebrated comedian, Ar-
thur Godfrey. Judging by the Hooper rat-
ings, the appointment would have been pop-
ular. By any test, it would have been spec-
tacular. But it's not to go through.
Even so, the incident is not without
interest. In brief, President-Elect Eisen-
hower and his Secretary of State-desig-
nate, John Foster Dulles, are getting to-
gether a special committee to consider the
problems of psychological warfare. There
has been much talk of reaching out to the
peoples behind the Iron Curtain. The
committee is to decide what to do about
The first two proposed members of the
new committee were William Jackson, form-
er Deputy Director of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency, and C. D. Jackson, publisher
of "Fortune" magazine. The question then
arose of Defense Department representation.
The nature of the projected committee was
explained to Defense Secretary-designate C.
E. Wilson, and he was asked to name a man
to speak for him. He proposed Godfrey, on
the theory that "Godfrey knows how to
reach the mass mind."
Considerable consternation was caused by
the idea of co-opting a. public entertainer,
however popular and admirable, for this
sort of assignment. In the end, the God-
frey idea was dropped. Other members of
the committee, as of now, are likely to be
Robert Cutler, the Boston lawyer-banker
turned aide to Eisenhower; former Secre-
tary of the Army Gordon Gray; Abbott
Washburn, of the Committee for a Free
Europe, and Barklie McKee Henry.
The intention to develop the projected
committee's program in a very active way
is indicated by other personnel plans. In
brief, William Jackson is likely to go on
from the projected committee to the di-
rectorship of the Psychological Strategy
Board, or whatever substitute body the
new committee proposes. C. D. Jackson
will quite probably become an Assistant
Secretary of State with special duties
concerning the Soviet and satellite areas.
And there is talk that Washburn will be
named a White House Administrative
All this is interesting enough. But the
Godfrey story, though sadly abortive, is cer-
tainly the most interesting plum in the
whole pudding. It has, broadly speaking, two
different kinds of meaning.
First, Godfrey himself is certainly a
splendid entertainer, and by all report a
courageous, decent and sensible man. The
fact remains that his experience of the
complex problems of foreign policy is, to
say the least, pretty limited. In proposing
Godfrey, one cannot' help but feel that
Secretary of Defense-designate Wilson
showed himself a sufferer from the Bryan
This is a view of the human require-
ments of national policy-making that was
once voiced by the late William Jennings
Bryan. With his voice grating with rage,
Old Sen. Carter Glass used to tell the
story: "Do you know what that fellow
Bryan once said to me? He once' said
that any man with real goodness of heart
could write a banking act." The Bryan
illusion, if it creeps into defense or for-
eign policy, can produce very odd, not to
say very horrible consequences.
Second, the suggestion of Godfrey also
betrayed another rather common error, best
described as BBD&Oism, if one may bor-
row the initials of some deservedly famous
hucksters. BBD&Oism is the notion that
democracy can be peddled to less enlight-
ened breeds of men by the same brilliant
techniques which serve to sell soap flakes,
deodorants, tea, automobiles and other
necessities and semi-necessities of the
American way of life.
Unfortunately, this is not true. Democ-
racy cannot be peddled like soap flakes.
There are, moreover, a series of highly dif-
ficult and delicate questions involved in

the kind of program the new committee is
to draw up. From the standpoint of simple
communications, for instance, the Kremlin
is strengthening the Iron Curtain every day
and every week. Are the vast expenditures
worthwhile, that are needed to overcome
the Soviet radio jamming, microwave trans-
mission and other Iron Curtain measures?
Again, it is wise to make a great, im-
mediate effort to promote resistance
movements in the Iron Cureain countries,
when resistants who are discovered will
only be condemned to the dreadful fate
of the Poles in the premature Warsaw
uprising against Hitler? And suppose there
is Tito-ism in one of the satellites--say
Czechoslovakia. It is now known, quite
positively, that the Red Army will move
to stamp out the next satellite govern-
ment that shows Tito-ist tendencies. Are
we prepared to move our forces too, in
order to protect these new Tito-ists?
These are not questions that can be ans-
wered by the techniques prevalent in ad-
vertising agencies. These are not difficul-
ties that can be overcome by "reaching the
mass mind" of the enslaved people in the
way that Arthur Godfrey reaches many
American families. It is naive, amazingly
naive, to make such suppositions. And this
kind of Naivete can be dangerous in the

goo ,


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V g


WASHINGTON -- President-Elect Eisen-
hower has now lined up most of his
important diplomatic appointments. How-
ever, he has run into a minor delay in get.
ting clearances from foreign governments.
When he announced the appointment of
Winthrop. Aldrich of the Chase Bank to
be ambassador to Great Britain, the Brit-
ish were miffed. They had nothing against
Aldrich, but according to diplomatic pro-
tocol, the government to which an am-
bassador is appointed is supposed to be
sounded out first to see if he is acceptable.
This was not done in the case of Ald-
Since then, Eisenhower. has been up
against the fact that he cannot make any-
more announcements of political posts with-
out seeking an "agreement" from the gov-
ernments concerned; and since he had de-
cided that he cannot cooperate with the
Truman administration, it's a bit embar-
rassing to ask the State Department to
take up these "agreements" for him.
That's why, although Eisenhower has
sounded out Douglas Dillon, the Wall
Street banker, to be ambassador to France,
the French have not been notified. Dillon
is the son of Clarence Dillon, founder of
the investment banking firm of Dillon,
Read & Co.
Selection of Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce,
wife of the Time, Life, Fortune Publisher,
as ambassadress to Italy, has also been
kept under official wraps for the same
Other ambassadorships which Eisenhower
has pretty well firmed up follow:
JAPAN-John Allison, now assistant Sec-
retary of State in charge of the Far East,
has been offered the post of ambassador to
Japan or ambassador to Indonesia by his
new boss,-John Foster Dulles. Allison, who
helped Dulles write the Japanese peace
treaty, would like to remain in Washington
as assistant secretary, but Dulles told him
that Eisenhower wanted no holdovers from
the old Acheson regime. Therefore, Alli-
son will probably become ambassador to
Tokyo. '
GERMANY-Robert Murphy, now ambas-
sador to Japan, will be the new high com-
missioner to Germany. Murphy was the
State Department officer attached to Eisen-
hower when he landed in North Africa,
and worked out the deal with Admiral Dar-
Ian for French cooperation. Later Murphy
worked with Eisenhower in Germany. They
are old friends.

on Russia, Charles E. Bohlen, an expert
Russian linguist and now counselor at the
State Department, also is in the Dulles dog-
house. He will be offered the ambassador-
ship to Belgium.
Ralph Bunche, the Negro educator, is
under consideration as ambassador to Mos-
cow. His appointment would automatically
counteract Moscow's propaganda that
lynchings 're as common as football in
the 'United States.
Houghton of Red Oak, Iowa, former pres-
ident of the General Federation of Wo-
men's Clubs, is in line to be ambassador to
The Hague. In view of the fact that Hol-
land has been governed by two women-
Queen Wilhelmina and now Queen Juliana
--it is believed appropriate to send a wo-
man there as ambassador.
Incidentally, Eisenhower is expected to
keep Mrs. Perle Mesta in Luxembourg for
the time being. When he was stationed
in Paris, he used to visit Mrs. Mesta, en-
joyed cooking in her kitchen. Mrs. Mesta,
though a close friend of Truman's also
did a little quiet boosting for Eisenhower
during the campaign.
BRAZIL-Lt. Gen. Willis D. Crittenberg-
er, former commander of Governor's Island,
is slated to be ambassador in Rio De Jan-
eiro. He and Ike served in the War Depart-
ment together as young officers-Critten-
berger in press relations, Eisenhower writ-
ing speeches for General MacArthur.
S * * *
CALIFORNIA will have three Senate of-
fices on Capitol Hill until January 20.
Senator Nixon will be allowed to keep his
office, though he has no official status
until he is sworn in as Vice President two
weeks hence . . . There will be a drive tg
drastically modify the Sherman Anti-Trust
Act at a result of the antitrust crackdown
on the Kansas City Star. ...Joseph Fluet
of Boston is slated to be an Eisenhower
appointee to the Civil Aeronautics Board.
He is the CAB's chief accident investigator
at Idlewild, N. Y., a good man for the job.
... President Truman's first order of busi-
ness after he leaves the White House is to
sift through his vast stack of records and
start writing his memoirs. He has told
friends he'll do nothing "political" for at
least six months after leaving Washington.
.. .Despite industry pressure OPS will not

.-- . ' 3


(Continued from Page 2)
The Bureau of Appointments has re-
ceived a request for a Secretary to a
Personnel Director in an industrial firm
in this area. Shorthand is required for
the position and a college degree and
experience is preferred.
The Kellogg Company, of Battle Creek,
Mich., has openings for students grad-
uating this year in their Production
Division (developing into supervision
and Mechanical Engineers, or Business
Administration students preferred for
positions); Engineering Division (Me-.
chanical, Electrical, Civil, Architec-
tural, and Chemical Engineers); and
The City of Flint had openings for
a City Planning Assistant (Civil En-
gineer) and also for a Chemist. The for-
mer position would involve profession-
al community planning work and the
latter makes and interprets the re-
sults of a wide variety of chemical, bac-
teriological, and physical determina-
tions and analyses of water samples,
The Young Men's Christian Associa-
tion, of Chicago, has openings for young
men as Assistant Physical Director (2
positions open) and Boys' Physical Di-
rector. There are also openings for
women as Assistant women and Girls
Secretary (3 positions available).
The Kellogg Company, of Battle
Creek, Mich., has available openings for
Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior stu-
dents of the Business Administration,
Economics, Industrial, Mechanical, Elec-
trical, and Chemical Engineering
schools. The work would be general in
nature throughout the plant and would
not be confined to specialized fields.
Those interested must have their ap-
plications mailed to the company no
later than Feb. 15. 1953.
For further information concerning
the above openings, contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Building, Ext. 371.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Biological Chemistry,
"The Hormones of the Posterior Pitui-
tary Gland," Dr. Vincent Du Vigneaud,
Professor of Biochemistry, Cornell Uni-
verSity Medical School, New York City,
Thurs., Jan. 14, 4:15 p.m., Rackham
The Jerome Lectures. General topic,
"Manpower in the Western Roman Em-
pire," Fifth lecture: "Manpower and
the Fall of the Roman Empire in the
west," Dr. Arthur E. R. Boak, Richard
Hudson Professor of Ancient History,
Wed., Jan. 14, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am-
Senator Paul Douglas and Congress-
man Walter Judd will be presented to-
night at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the
fourth number on the 1952-53 Lecture;
Course. Recognized as two of the most
respected and influential members of
the national legislative body, Senator
Douglas and Dr. Judd will offer a stim-
ulating and informative discussion
"Our Foreign Policy, Right or Wrong?"
Tickets are on sale today at the Audi-
torium box office from 10 to 1 and 2 to
8:30 p.m.
Sigma Xi Lecture by John Hogg on'
"Cortisone" on Wed., Jan. 14, at 8 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John Clif-
fordHerbst, Geography; thesis: "The
Naugatuck Valley," Fri., Jan. 16, 210
Angell Hall, at 4 p.m. Chairman, S. D.
Doctoral Examination for Harriet Wil-
son Foster, Psychology; thesis: "Stim-
ulus Predifferentation in Transfer of
Training," Thurs., Jan. 15, 7611 Haven
Hall, at 10:30 a.m. Chairman, D. G. Mar-
Doctoral Examination for Patricia
Joyce Spaulding, Psychology; thesis:
"An Investigation of the Relationships
Between Ocular Muscle Balance and
Intelligence and Auditory Memory var-
iables," Mon., Jan. 19, 7611 Haven Hall,
at 11 a.m. Chairman, A. S. Elonen.
Doctoral Examination for George Cass
DeLong, Geography; thesis: "The North-
eastern Illinois Dairy Region," Mon.,
Jan. 26, 15 Angell Hail, at 4 p.m. Chair-
man, K. C. McMurry
Seminar on Methods of Machine
Computation. Dr. Franz Alt, Assistant
Chief of the Computation Laboratory,
National Bureau of Standards, Wash-
ington, D.C., will speak to a special
session of the Interdepartmental Semi-
nar on Machine Methods of Computa-
tion Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 14, in;
429 Mason Hall at 4:30 p.m.. on "Somee

matics Department will speak on "Dom-
inance Relations and Sociometric Mat-
Geometry Seminar. Wed., Jan. 14, 4:10
p.m., 3001 A. H. Prof. K. Leisenring will
speak on "Pappus theorem in higher
The vienna Choir Boys will be heard
in AnnsArbor for the third time, under
the auspices of the University Musical
Society, Fri., Jan. 16, at 8:30 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium. They will present the
following program:
Repleti sunt................ Gallus
Virga Jesse ............... Bruckner
117 Psalm.................Hedding
"The Calif's Goose"..........Mozart
(operetta in costume)
Die Nacht............ .. Schubert
Tritsch-Tratsch Polka.. Johann Strauss
Kaiserwalzer......... Johann Strauss
Tickets are on sale at the office of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower daily; and will also be on
sale on the night of the concert at the
Hill Auditorium box office, after 7
May Festival. The University Musical
Society announces the following par-
ticipants in the May Festival of six
concerts, April 30 through May 3, in
Hill Auditorium:
ZINKA MILANOV, Dramatic Soprano.
pane; and
CESARE SIEPI, Bass-ail stars of the
Metropolitan Opera Association.
KENNETH SMITH, Baritone; and
HAROLD HAUGH, Tenor-American or-
atorio singers.
NY, Pianists.
GUERITE HOOD, conductors.
Orders for season tickets (6 concerts)
-$11.00, $9.00 and $8.00 each; are be-
ing accepted at the officers of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, and filed in
Events Today
Last Tryouts for the Annual French
Play will take place today from 3 to 5:15
p.m. in 408 Romance Language Build-
ing. Any student on the campus with
a certain knowledge of the French
language is eligible.
Undergraduate Botany Club meets
at 7:30 p.m. for an informal party at
the home of Dr. K. L. Jones, 607 W.
Davis. Transportation will be provid-
ed. Those needing rides please meet
at the parking lot between Chemistry
and Natural Science Buildings by 7
Ski Club. There will be a meeting to-
night in Room L of the Union at 7:30.
All students interested in taking part
in a five-day ski trip to Boyne Moun-
tain should attend. A deposit of $5.00
will be necessary at this time, A movie
will also be shown about skiing in
Aspen, Colorado.
Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin
Worship, Wed., 7:30-7:50; Mid-week
Refresher Tea, 4:00-5:30.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Mid-
week Meditation in Douglas Chapel,
5:05-5:30. Supper Discussion: This will
be a planning session for next term. If
you are interested, you are invitedto
come and help chose a subject. Please
phone reservation for the supper at
5:45, or just come and talk at 6:30.
Delta Sigma Pi. There will be a pro-
fessional meeting tonight at the Chap-
ter House at 7:15 p.m. Professor Wil-
ford J. Eteman, of the School of Busi-
ness Administration, will be the guest
Coming Events
UNESCO Council business meeting
Thurs., Jan. 15, at 4 p.m. in Room 3-D
of the Union. Agenda: election of offi-
cers for the spring semester.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North
Cafeteria of the Mirhian TTninn

J-Hop and Cell Blocks
To the Editor:
HAVE been mulling over the
recent lists of regulations gov-
erning student activity during the
J.Hop weekend. I was at once
struck by the similarity between
these regulations and rules con-
cerning the recent Spring Soirre
given by the Women's Reforma-
tory at Framingham, Massachu-
setts. Excerpts from the rules fol-
The dance will take place in
the prisoners' exercise area from
9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday night.
Prisoners may not re-enter the
area after once leaving.
Cell blocks housing men guests
will be closedto womenpafter 2
p.m. Friday, but will open at 2
a.m. when a breakfast will be
Women may reenter the cell
blocks after 1 p.m. Saturday at
which time all men are to be lined
up for transportation back to
Charlestown State Prison.
Any woman wearing a corsage
to the dance will be ineligible for
the wall-scaling contest.
Two chaperones are required
for each cell block. It is suggested
that they be chosen from such
groups as the State Police, Prison
Guards, Parole Board, or former
prison inmates who will be willing
to cooperate to assure that prison
regulations are observed.
I might add that the Soirre was
a great success and Prison offi-
cials have decided to make it an
annual event.
--Persse O'Reilly
On Lattimore .,..
To the Editor:
Lattimore marks a new low in
our government's attempt to scare
off intelligent criticism of its for-
eign policy.
Lattimore's consistently anti-
Communist record did not protect
him from the stated charge of per-
juring himself in denying he had
"pro-Communist" sympathies. For
McCarthy and the Formosa-first-
ers had long been out to "get" him,
and the frightening fact today is
that when the government goes
out to silence a man or an opin-
ion, it has the means and ruth-
lessly employs them.
Lattimore 's sin was to have al-
lowed his researches on the Far
East (he is without doubt one of
the world's foremost authorities
on Central Asia) to bring him to
a position in disagreement with
Chiang Kai-Shek's China lobby.
Lattimore'did not let his opposition
to Communism blunt his schol-
ar's objectivity. He recognized the
complete inability of Chiang Kai-
shek's regime to deal with the
forces making for social revolution
in China. He believed, and be-
lieves, that American foreign poli-
cy must be based on a realistic
recognition of facts, not on myths
and jingoism. For this, the accu-
sations of McCarthy, the investi-
gations, the headlines, and the in-
dictment for alleged "perjury."
These are days when one is sup-
posed to accept, in authoritarian
submission, that which the gov-
ernment decrees. One is not to
look into a matter with an inde-
pendent mind-as, e.g., one is not
to lift an eyebrow at McCarthy's
"star witness," the professional
informer Louis Budenz, his fabu-
lous tales, or his elastic memory.
But the~e also are days when, out
of sheer self-interest (to say noth-
ing of moral obligation), one must
maintain an independent mind,
and make that opinion effective.

We in the academic community
particularly have a stake in seeing
to it that the harassment of men
like Lattimore comes to a halt.
We cannot afford legalistic illu-
sions, and we cannot afford si-
lence. The vindication of Owen
Lattimore will be the vindication
of the scholar's right to indepen-
dence, of the citizen's right to'
criticize and oppose.
-David R. Luce
* * * *
'Liberal c'rusade' . ,.
To the Editor:
T HE YOUNG Democrats are not
the only victims of the "liber-
al" crusade against the rights of
minorities to express their view-
Last Thursday, Dave Cargo and
his "I-call-the-que tion" cohorts
succeeded in terminating debate
on a motion before the Young Re-
publicans without one minute
of discussion. The day before
that, in the United States Senate,
the "liberals" were again trying
to curb Senate minority expres-

HOLLANDER'S series on sub-
versive fronts reflect a cer-
tain degree of political naivete.
His extractions from House Un-
American Activities Committee
hearings and cloak and dagger
descriptions of Stalinist campus
activities are very amusing. One
might wonder if Hollander had
belonged to one of the groups
criticized in the articles and is
now attempting to clear his rec-
ord by splashing this particular
type patriotism across the front
pages of The Daily.
What is he trying to accom-
plish? Maybe The Daily, Admin-
istration and Regents are worried
about'the impending arrival of
Potter's Circus though-without
Chuck, of course. I would expect
Hollander's type of journalism in
one of the Detroit dailies, where
articles written on a fourteen year
level are more appropriate.
-John Leggett
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Hollander Is
not, and has never been a member of
any of the groups mentioned in his
articles. His sole affiliation is with
The Daily.)
* * *
Red Series ..
To the Editor:
THE COMING investigation by
the superpatriots (paid for by
you and I) and the recent parti-
san articles of Zander Hollander
(presumably designed to out-
sleuth, the sleuths) are a clear
threat to the cause of liberalism,
principally because it is in the
liberal interest that Marxists go
unmolested in the land.
The presence of active and un-
purged reds on campus benefits
the liberal in at least three ways:
(1) As long as the reds are free,
we are assured that a measure of
civil liberty still exists for every-
one; (2) the agitation of the reds
serves to highlight the danger of
incipient native fascism, the
greatest menace to our historic
liberties since Hitler himself; (3)
dealing with reds on the Idcal
level is of great aid in the educa-
tion of the liberal.
Marxism, this greatest of all
contemporary illusions, has se-
duced some of the finest minds of
our time, and thus requires in-
telligent exposition and refuta-
tion. Without Marxists around to
be refuted, it is unlikely that this
would be done.
In conclusion, may we hope
against hope that, for the' next
nine months, The Daily will direct
its inquisitorial zeal toward a rev-
elation of the influence of con-
servative economic interests upon
university policy.
-Jack Danielson
R d * * *
Red Series .. .
To the Editor:
YD, AYD, YR, etc., "Nay, if
you come to that, Sir, have not
the wisest of men in all ages, not
excepting Solomon himself-have
they not had their Hobby-Horses
- their running horses - their
coins and their cockle-shells, their
drums and their trumpets, their
fiddles, their pallets-their mag-
gots and their buterflies? And so
long as a man rides his Hobby-
Horse peaceably and quietly along
the King's highway, and neither
compels you or me to get up be-
hind him-pray, Sir, what have
either you or I to do with it?"
-Paul D. Hellenga
.~ 4r*

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed oy the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the






Red Series .. .
To the Editor:




Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable............City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz......... Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman..Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager




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