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January 13, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t t .


VOL. LXIII, No. 79




State L YL Head
Avowed Aims Conflict with Secret
Report; Reveal Local Red Cell Link
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with Communist Party and Communist-front groups in Ann Arbor
and at the University.)
, Daily Feature Editor
For someone who wants to understand the nature of the Labor
Youth League a few hours with Balza Baxter, State LYL Chairman,
is an illuminating experience.
Baxter is a "volunteer organizer," the only one in the state.
Though he claims to be unsalaried he admits to being supported by
"contributions from friends and sympathizers."
* * * *
"I GET ENOUGH to live off of," he said.
Repeated Daily requests that some LYL member be deputized to
act as spokesman for the group, Ann Arbor's leading Communist-front,
brought no result. It appears that no local member will accept respon-
sibility for answering The Daily's questions-thus Baxter was asked
to do the job.
Although Baxter, a former Flint laundryman, refused to an-
swer some key questions, here are the answers The Daily did get:
There are 13 LYL clubs in the state, six of them in Detroit. Baxter
refused to locate the remainder. While he .did not dispute recent
testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee that
Michigan's total membership was 210, he bragged that a membership
drive completed four months ago had increased its numbers by one-
t , * ,
OF PARTICULAR interest among Baxter's remarks was his
reply to the question: why didr't the Communist Party revive the
Young Communist League after the war?
"The independence of young people was necessary-young
people require freedom from control and have a certain uniqueness
of interests. They aren't willing to join the Party and to accept
Its discipline, or, they may not agree with all its principles."
Baxter's statement is substantially at variance with the testimony
of Harvey M. Matusow, New York LYL organizer and FBI undercover
agent. Matusow explains the switch thus:
"The Party members were quite unhappy about it (the formation
of a Labor Youth League) because they wanted the name 'Communist
League.' .. . The Party explained that 'we are not using Young Com-
munist League because that would leave us open for indictment under
the Smith Act.... The Party leaders became the same leaders in the
Labor Youth League."
* S S S
THUS THE SAME PERSONNEL, such as Leon Wofsy, Lou Diskin,
Mel Williamson, Joe Bucholt and Roosevelt Ward-all officials in
the Communist youth movement and American Youth for Democ-
racy, wartime Party youth front-became the national heads of LYL.
Ward, incidentally, left the University in 1949, and has since
been convicted of failing to comply with the Selective Service Act.
Significant in reference to the local Naefus Club- YL relation-
ship is Matusow's statement that Commhunist Party' leaders met
with and directed LYL leaders on a "comparable level." Thus section
organizers of the Party met with League section heads, and so on
down the line.
THE LOCAL League apparatus reportedly works like this: Party
members within the LYL confer privately prior to the regular League
meeting, which includes non-Party personnel. After receiving the
Party-line from their liaison man with the Naefus Club they, in
turn, present a united front to the League membership.
The Naefus Club, contrary to general assumption, does not
receive "the line" from Detroit Party headquarters. Members of
the cell make periodic trips to Chicago for this purpose, contact-
ng a major cell in the Communist network there.
Miscellaneous data on the LYL:
1--Dues-35 cents per month from college members.
2-Numbers-around 6,000 nationally.
3-Meetings-roughly every two weeks, when 20-30 people
congregate in a Party member's apartment.
What, then, is the object of this f

Juniors, seniors and graduate
students may purchase tickets
to the '53 J-Hop from 10:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the Ad-
ministration Bldg. Tomorrow
through Friday all remaining
tickets for the dance will be
placed on sale. Tickets are $7
per couple.
Holds Talks
With Aides
NEW YORK - (P) -- President-
elect Eisenhower interrupted a
busy day of policy talks yesterday
for an historic shape-up luncheon
with his new Cabinet and his key
Theysmulled over foreign and
domestic problems awaiting them
Jan. 20, when the general takes
AS THE 41/2 hour conference
broke up for the day, James C.
agerty Eisenhower's press sec-
retary, told newsmen:
"There was a discussion of the
future duties of the administra-
tion, foreign and domestic. The
conferences will continue tomor-
Earlier Eisenhower again talked
patronage with Sen. Robert A.
Taft (R-Ohio) and others, and
discussed government reorganiza-
tion with Rep. Brown (R-Ohio)
and Sen. Ferguson (R-Mich).
The President-elect also
found time to choose Dr. James
Bryant Conant, president of Har-
vard University since 1933,' as
new United State high commis-.
sioner for Germany.
Conant was chosen with the
knowledge and approval of the
new secretary of state, John Fos-
ter Dulles.
Japan Raps
Tres passing
TOKYO-A)-Japan early to-
day protested violations of its ter-
ritorial air by planes of a foreign
power-presumably Soviet Russia
-and warned that Japan and the
U. S. would take steps to repel
intruding aircraft.
The Japanese government in a
statement said "violations of our
territorial air over Hokkaido by
foreign military planes have of
late become increasingly frequent.
"Such trespasses are not only
forbidden under international
law but they constitute also a
grave menace to the security of
Hokkaido is the northernmost
main island, separated by only a
few miles from the Russian-occu-
pied Kuriles and Sakhalin.

British Rift
Causes New
Suez Crisis
Premier Naguib
Hints at Violence
'LONDON - (P) -- Egypt's
strongman premier Maj. Gen. Mo-
hamed Naguib stood up the Brit-
ish ambassador in Cairo yester-
day and a sudden new crisis arose
in the Middle East over the Su-
dan and Suez Canal.
Instead of meeting Sir Ralph
Stevenson to discuss the thorny
Sudan question, Naguib addressed
a students' meeting and said that
"only over our dead bodies" will
British troops remain in the Nile
* * *
THE FOREIGN Office here also
was shocked and surprised to dis-
cover that over the weekend Na-
guib had scored a major victory by
persuading a pro-British political
party in the Sudan to switch its
loyalty on a crucial constitutional
There was a possibility that
Anglo-Egyptian talks may break
Ambassador Stevenson hd
hoped to present to Naguib a draft
covering points so far agreed to
between Britain and Egypt on pro-
posals to give the eight million Su-
danese the right to choose between
unity with Egypt and complete in-
dependence before the end of 1955.
The students' meeting was called
to commemorate "martyrs" killed
in the Suez Canal zone fighting
against the British in 1951 and
1952. Several thousand heard
Naguib declare:
"We will not permit any for-
eign soldier to remain among us.
Only over ourdeadbodies will
they do that."
He promised to allow the stu-
dents to fight in the front lines
"when the time of fighting comes."
Britain has offered to pull her
troops out only if Egypt agrees to
join a Middle East defense organ-
ization projected by the main
Western powers and to allow the
Allies to reoccupy the bases in time
of war.
Flu Injections
Begin Today
Anti flu injections will be given
to students free of charge, begin-
ning at 8 a.m. today in Health
Students may get the shots
from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1
to 5 p.m. every day this week
ending Saturday noon.
Faculty members, University
employees and student wives
and husbands may also get in-
jections for a one dollar fee.
Those persons who are particu-
larly sensitized to eggs have been
warned not to get a shot except
with the attention of the allergist.
Students should enter the north
door of Health Service for the
free injections. All others should
go in the south entrance so that
they may pay their fee at the
cashier's office.
Senior Notice
Sehiors graduating in Febru-
ary who plan to participate in
commencement ceremonies in
June may make arrangements

for commencement announce-
ments and caps and gowns from
1 to 5 p.m. today at a special
booth in the Administration
Bldg. lobby.

R epor
Velde Reply
By Hatcher
Cites 'General'
Nature of Probe
Rep. Harold H. Velde (R- I.)
has notified the University that
the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee's forthcoming in-
vestigation of alleged Communist
activities on the nation's cam-
puses will not be "directed at speci-
fic institutions."
President Harlan H. Hatcher
yesterday read to a general fac-
ulty meeting the statement sent
to him by Rep. Velde, who is slated
to head the House Committee
under the incoming administra-
tion. ,
THE SHORT telegram expressed
appreciation for President Hatch-
er's telegram of Friday which
promised full University coopera-
tion with the Committee. It also
said: "Our investigation will be
general in character rather than
directed at specific institutions."
President Hatcher cited Rep.
Velde's statement as a "proper
way" of approaching the inves-
tigations. He said he felt that
the new administration would
be a "stabilizing force" and
that Eisenhower's voice "would
supplant that of McCarthy's."
Indicating that the University
has nothing to hide from any in-
quiry, President Hatcher stated "I
do not fear the future, least of all
for the University of Michigan."
-* * *
Committee investigation was one
of four topics President Hatcher
discussed yesterday in the second
annual President-faculty meeting
which he said he intetids to es-
tablish as a custom.
Commenting on the 20 million
dollar operating budget request
to be put before the State Leg-
islature, President Hatcher said
he was certain "we will not get
what is necessary but we will
get some increase."
Because the University seriously
needs more faculty members, in-
creased salaries and funds to
make cost-of-living adjustments
in material purchases, it has ask-
ed for a three million budget in-
crease "knowing that the State'
was not in a healthy financial.
condition," President Hatcher
pointed out.
Other than operating budget
needs, "the only rational way to
get ready for the future is by
regular installments of capital
outlay-a few million a year,"
the President said.
Capital outlay requests for 1953-
54, totalling $7,640,000, include'
funds for expanded library facili-
ties, a new School of Music, in-
itial construction for a Medical
Science Bldg. and several rehabili-
tation programs.
Noting that the University was

already out of a "breathing space"
and into an upward enrollment
curve, President Hatcher warned
faculty members "we must be cer-
tain to preserve the quality of our






Daily-Don Campbell
* ** *
Wolverines' Late, Surge
Edges. Hawke yes, 66=61

Down-trodden Michigan staged a dramatic
ht to overcome Iowa, 66-61, and vacate the

States Urged
To Remove
Say Hundreds
In U.S. Schools
By The Associated Press
The Senate internal security
subcommittee said yesterday there
are hundreds of American school
teachers who- are Communists
and who must be rooted out to
protect future generations.
In a 13-page report, the sub-
committee recommended further
investigation of Red influences in
the nation's schools and colleges.
"DESPITE THE unquestioned
loyalty and self-sacrificing devo-
tion to duty of the preponderent
bulk of America's teachers," the
senators said, "there are yet many
hundreds of teachers who are
The Senate group proposed
that state legislatures probe the
'situation and urged that boards
of education take steps, to re-
moveteachers whose loyalty Is
proved to be questionable.
In addition, the subcommittee
specifically recommended that it
be empowered to continue its own
inquiry in the educational field.
IT WAS still not clear how the
new Congress will handle its Com-
munist investigations, although
Senate Republican leader Robert
A. Taft of Ohio said last night in
Washington that the lines of jur-
isdiction will be staked out be-
tween committees to prevent over-
lappingby the Senate's GOP pol-
icy committee.
Taft said it has not been de-
cided whether McCarthy wil be
given the major investigative
role. He said he favored a search
for subversives in colleges but
only where there was evidence
of organized Communist groups.
He wouldn't investigate individ-
ual professors, he said.
The Senate report said that tes-
timony had indicated specifically
that Communist activity took
place among teachers in Philadel-
phia, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffal'
and Madison, Wis.
In Detroit, meanwhile, the City
Loyalty Investigating Committee
promised yesterday to study pos-
sible communist influence in the
city schools if requested to do s
by the Board of Education.
*5 *' *
Three Deans
In Agreement
On Red Issue
"There should be no Commun-
ists on the University faculty."
Three members of the Univer-
sity community agreed on this
point when questioned last nighi
as to whether Communists should
be allowed to teach in the schools
Two members disagreed.
The somewhat touchy . issu
came up yesterday as a result di
a statement. by the Senate inter-
nal security subcommittee whic
read: "A Communist is not a fi
person to be placed or retained i
a position to influence the mind
of the youth of America."'

last-ditch rally last
Big Ten basketball

Coach Bill Perigo's fired-up- Wolverines came with a rush from
seven points off the pace to chalk up their second conference win in
eight starts, dumping idle Purdue into the league basement in the
y THE DESPERATION Maize and Blue surge came with less than
five minutes remaining in the action-packed contest. Iowa had opened
up a 52-45 gap early in the final

complex of Party headquarters,
liasion men, front groups and LYL
members? According to Baxter the
immediate projects of LYL are:
1-Peace-"only in a world of
peace can the needs of young
people be satisfied."
2-Elimination of inequality.
3-An improved GI bill for
returning veterans.
However Baxter's version of the
LYL program does not iltogether
jibe with the capsulization of aims
which completes the League's sec-
ret directive to members.
These are:
"Advance our collective work!
"Strive for collective leader-
"Learn from our mistakes and
"No more servility to Jim
"Double the membership!
"Master Marxism-Leninism!"
It is this disparity between
public and private pronounce-
ments which governmental auth-.
orities feel makes the LYL worth
North Koreans
Hurl Big Attack
SEOUL - P) - North Korean

McEwen Ends Record
Setting Track Career
Don McEwen, Michigan's fabulous distance runner, hung up his
spikes for good yesterday when he announced he would accept a job
in his native Canada after graduation this month.
McEwen thus closes the books on three years of college competi-
tion which saw him establish two world's distance records and a hand-
ful of American, Big Ten and Michigan collegiate records.
Michigan's track coach, Don Canham, called the Canadian
thinclad the "best college distance runner in history." Canham
pointed out that McEwen's college records and his remarkable
consistancy place him ahead of other college greats who went
on to set track records after <>

Army To Call-
my said yesterday that ROTC
graduates who complete training
this winter will be ordered to ac-
tive duty within 60 days after grad-
uation because sufficient funds
have been found to finance the
The Army had said previously
that all reserve officer graduates,
except those commissioned in the
engineers, would wait until the
summer to start their tour of
active duty.
Captain William Langworthy
of the University's Army ROTC
said yesterday that only one
student here will be immediately
affected by the decision.
However, approximately 50 sen-
iors now in the ROTC will receive
their degrees and commissions in
June, and, under the new plan,
will be called into active service
within 60 days.

period, but that was whittled down
to 59-54 with 5:15 left.
Sharpshooting guard Don
Eaddyrbegan the fireworks with
a pair of accurate one-handers
that came within 40 seconds of
one another- and narrowed the
deficit to one point, The clock
showed four minutes and 10 sec-
onds to go,
Reserve forward Brue Allen tap-
ped in the clincher, making it 60-
59 at the 3:20 mark, but the fast-
breaking Wolverines were still not
Michigan went into a mild freeze
that ended abruptly after 45 sec-
onds when Eaddy was fouled,
drawing an automatic pair of char-
ity tosses. Eaddy canned both of
them as the Maize and Blue wid-
ened its margin to 62-59 at 2:15.
* * *
AFTER CENTER Paul Groffsky
netted a free throw, his 19th tally
of the evening, Hawkeye guard
Chuck Jarnagin buoyed Hawkeye
hopes with a long one-hander to
make it 63-61 with little more than
a minute to play.
Iowa immediately stole the
ball in a scramble under its own
basket and broke down the
court, but a jump shot by Dea-
See GROFFSKY, Page 3
Nino In at l c

Among McEwen's marks are legs
on the world's indoor and outdoor
distance medley relay teams, the
world's indoor two mile record,
the nationalrcollegiate two and
four mile outdoor records and the
Big Ten outdoor mile record.

IHC Handles Numerous Ac

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of articles on the origin,
structureand activities of the Inter-
House Council.)
A recent Daily poll indicated the
affair of Bert Braun, '54, was the
main incident quad residents could
recall when queried about Inter-
House Council activities.
Although the removal of the

However, the talks collapsed
after IHC representatives Sam
Alfieri, '54A, and Ted Bohuszew-
icz, '54A, rejected an IFC trial
plan allowing Greeks in quad
common lounges and Club 600
during formal rushing.
In a report submitted yesterday
to Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter, quad leaders called for de-

ness Manager of Residence Halls,
to invite University Vice-president
Wilbur K. Pierpont and Francis
C. Shiel, Manager of Service En-
terprises, to a joint discussion of
the problem.
In addition, IHC leaders co-
operated with Schaadt to in-
crease the pay of quad bus boysj
from 75 cents to 80 cents an

to ua u DEAN BLYTHE Stason of the
" ' " Law School maintained that "a
eiv ti eS e Prel s Communist is not a seeker after
truth but is governed by precepts
that are handed down by what he
- considers a higher authority, and
Chuck Weber, '52, said the results four new princes were added to therefore is not fit to hold a posi-
of a current telephone company the College of Cardinals yesterday tion on any level of the school
survey of the situation will be re- in the richly colorful traditions of system."
leased to the IHC before any ac- the Roman Catholic church. Concuring with Dean Stason,
tion is taken by the Administra- The majesty of the ritual was Marvin L. Niehuss, University
tion. tempered by sorrow, with Pope vice president and Dean of Fac-
In the realm of public rela- Pius XII expressing his grief that ulties added that "a dismissal
tions, IHC leaders met wih IFC two of the new cardinals were un- of a faculty member should ap-
officers in September to discuss able to leave Communist-domin- ply only in cases of proven ac-
mutual problems such as rush- ated lands to receive their honors tive membership in the Com-
ing and the possibility of issu- in person. munist Party."




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