v THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1953 U I I Israel Stability Without Peace (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in at series of interpretive editorials dealin with the highly nationalistic Middle East. An rticle on Iran will follow. Today: Israel's position.) SURROUNDED by unfriendly countries, and beset with growing social and eco- nomic problems that will not be easily solv- ed, the still fledgling state of Israel, with the exception of Turkey, is an anamoly in the turbulant Near East-a stable demo- cratic Westernized country thrown among states in the process of upheaval and change. Israel's immediate problems are two- fold-improving its economy and its rela- tions with its Arab neighbors. Israel needs money to realize extensive industrial schemes with which it hopes to raise the country's living standards. In the past tPe Israeli have received Point Four and Iport-Export Bank loans. But in order to correct an unfavorable trade bal- ance and develop an industry built mainly around precision products, Israel has float- ed a bond issue in this country which has met with moderate success. In addition, the reparations settlement with Germany in- volving much needed capital equipment, and several private bank loans have helped con- siderably. Meanwhile discovery of copper in the Negev desert and the possibility of oil under its sands may be a boon to a country under a severe austerity program. However, the biggest block to Israel's economic welfare still lies in the fact that Israel cannot trade with its Arab neigh- bors. The members of the Arab League have maintained a fairly effective embar- go on Israeli goods for the last few years- --forcing Israel to turn from its natural market and compete in South America and Europe with more highly industrial- ized states. Trade between Israel and the Arab states cannot be resumed until a peace treaty is signed. Central to the entire situation and ren- dering it particularly difficult of solution is the problem of the 800,000 Palestinian Arabs displaced by the Israelis during the war of independence. These Arabs, after fleeing Israel, created a severe problem in the Arab states and are now living in camps where they have proved fruitful pickings for Communist agitators and a source of anti-Israeli propoganda. Because most Arabs feel that not only the refugees have suffered a grave injustice but that all Arabs had a stake in the con- flict, the Arab states have refused to ne- gotiate a peace treaty until the refugee problem has been settled. /They demand what Israel can never grant - either full + Al THE FARE at the University Museum of Art this month is light and easily di- gestible, and should prove stimulating to the palate. Three displays of prints will adorn the galleries at Alumni Memorial Hall through January 27th, hours 9 to 5 on week-days, Sundays 2 to 5. Hiroshi Yoshida's work, in the North Gallery, shows some evidence of occident- al influences, acquired during his exten- sive travels. "Hodaka Yama," for example, is reminiscent of Van Gogh, allowing am- ply for the differences in media, and for the Japanese artist's reduction from Van Gogh's swirling freedom to a simple and rigidly stylized design. In this instance, Yoshida's coloring also resembles Van Gogh's, especially in his use of yellow. There are some foreign scenes included in this selection, but apart from a few traces here and there, Yoshida doesn't depart much from the traditions of his ancestors. Generally both scene and treatment are quiet: "Sunrise," a majestic rendering from "Ten Views of Fuji" and "Kumoi Cherry" are among his best in this vein. Two noteworthy exceptions are his tur- bulent "Rapids," full of motion and linear intricacies, and his luminously eerie "0'- Hara Beach," which he presents another de- parture from the Japanese style, especially in the coloring. 'According to the ifforma- tion provided, Yoshida supervised every step of the process very carefully, and ex- perimented a great deal (another occidental trait), but it wants a keener and more practised eye than mine to discover serious deviation' from earlier schools of Japanese print-making. A contrast may more profitably be drawn between Yoshida and the much earlier Chinese prints directly across the mezzanine. The 25 each from two series, "Ten Bamboo" and "Mustard Seed Gar- den," differ significantly and character- istically from Japanese work, even when the same subject is portrayed. Essentially. the Chinese are less meticu- lous in their technique, and they make no particular * concessions to the woodblock as a medium apart from the brush or pen. Consequently, their work is less exact and less complex, but at the same time more vigorous and free, than that of their cousins across the water. On the whole, Chinese prints delight me the more for these rea- sons, but dissenters may consider this a compepsation to or complete resettlement of all Palestinian Arabs displaced by the war in Israeli. The Israelis in turn argue that they did not start the war and that it was the Arab nations that asked the Palestinian Arabs to leave the country, not Israel. Israel, however, is willing to negotiate a peace treaty immediately. Meanwhile, the fact remains that the Arab states have done little to help their brethren, outside of allowing them to re- main in their-countries. Israel has offered to share part of the responsibility of relief if 'the Arab countries will join them. Mean- while, the United Nations has assumed some of the burden of aiding the refugees, Because of the hatred of the Arab people toward Israel and their fear that it has expansionist aims, none of the Arab League's new strong men, such as Naguib of Egypt and Shishakly of Syria, who have put through extensive reforms and promise to revolutionize -their backward countries, is willing to risk popular disapproval through the rapproachment with Israel which the United Nations has recently recommended. The incoming Eisenhower administra- tion will have a difficult time in bringing both Israel and the Arab state together in a Middle Eastern Defense Organization. While the Arab states, particularly Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria, "are indispensible to MEDO, our new government cannot afford to rebuff Israel, which is, to a large de- gree, an embodiment of all that the U.S. represents. Besides, it occupies a strategic area along the Levant seaboard and has as strong an army as any in the area. However, Israel has refused to join MEDO, fearing the possibility of rearmed Arab states renewing hostilities. To compound difficulties, the Arab countries refuse to join a defensive organization which includes a state which they do not recognize. Any policy the U.S. may follow which is based on the contingency of a peace treaty being signed is therefore unrealistic. What will probably turn the trick is a MEDO excluding Israel, and then a sep- arate agreement with that state which .would accord Israel military aid from the United States. Such an arrangement would go far to protect our interests in that vital region against possible encroachment from Russia and, by diverting their interest against a common- enemy, would perhaps provide a basis for an eventual peace settlement lead- ing to a stronger, more prosperous Middle East. -Jerry Helman The prints from "Ten Bamboo" are all garden scenes, including many birds, ap- proximately half of them in color. Those from "Mustard Seed Garden" are also hor- ticultural studies, some with insects and birds as the central subject, and all colored. The coloring is more subdued and the stylis- tic understatement greater than the Jap- anese- again, characteristically - even al- lowing for the chronological gulf separating the two. In the West Gallery is 4 generous sam- pling of contemporary Italian prints. The most famous (and most expensive) name among the artists is de Chirico, but there are easily a dozen unfamiliars whose of- ferings I would prefer on my walls. All of these items are for sale at from $10 up, average price between $20 and $30, depending on the size. Although not in the same league with the last show to grace these same prem- ises-natural enough, since the lithogra- phers represented not one country only, but the western world at large-this exhibit includes many fine pieces and will amply reward you for your visit. The permanent Oriental Gallery has been gotten in shape, and is decked out with three exquisite Chi- nese scroll-paintings, a series of Japanese prints, and quite a few pieces of ceramic ware, to provide an extra fillip, all of which should help to relieve the tedium of studying for finals. --Siegfried Feller Books at the Library ALLEN, Frederick Lewis - The Big change; America Transforms Itself 1900-1950. New York, Harper, 1952. Dodds, John W.-The Age of Paradox; A biography of England 1841-1851. New York, Rinehart & Co., 1952. Franklin, Sidney - Bullfighter from Brooklyn. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1952. 2 Peattie, Donald Culross-- Sportsman's Country. Illustrated with drawings by Henry B. Kane. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1952. Thomas, Benjamin P.-Abraham Lin- coln: A Biography. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1952. Waugh, Evelyn-Men at Arms. Boston, Little, Brown, 1952. JUSTICE BRANDEIS was quite right when MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The key faces are being painted into the collective portrait of the staff who will make American foreign policy in the new administration. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, now direc- tor of the Central Intelligence Agency, has been asked to serve as Under Secre- tary of State in charge of policy. The present Deputy Under Secretary, H. Free- man Matthews, is to continue in his pres- ent post, as is the Assistant Secretary in charge of Far Eastern Affairs, John Alli- son. Henry Byroade, Assistant Secretary for another vital and troubled area, the Middle East, is also likely to be retained. But Douglas MacArthur, a foreign service officer who is the nephew of the General, is currently slated to replace Charles E. Bohlen as counselor of the department. Appointments of equal interest' are also in the wind abroad. The ambassadorship to Italy was at first offered to Connecticut's Governor, John Lodge. He refused, and at his suggestion the place is now to go to Clare Boothe Luce, wife of the publisher of "Time" and a powerful personality in her own right. Mrs. Luce in Rome will hold by far the most important foreign policy post given to a woman. The ambassadorship to Germany has meanwhile been offered to President James Bryant Conant of Harvard University. The motive here was a desire to confide the dif- ficult German problem to the strongest possible man, who would command the maximum of respect. It was also desired not to name a big businessman in this in- stance. It seems hardly possible, nonethe- less, that President Conant will agree to leave his present post. , The choice of the young New York banker, Douglas Dillon, as Ambassador to Paris, is not quite final as yet, owing to political objections in New Jersey. But the transfer to Madrid of the present Ambassador to Paris, James Dunn, is likely in any case. Dr. Ralph Bunche is understood to be under consideration both for the Ambassadorship to Moscow and the post in New Delhi; and the former Ambassador to MVoscow, George F. Ken- nan, is being tipped as the replacement of Jefferson Caffery in Egypt, These names should be enough to con- vey an - impression. The most interesting aspect of the* general picture is undoubtedly in the State Department itself,, concerning which the future Secretary, John Foster Dulles, has gradually altered his views. In choosing Smith, who was Eisenhower's Chief of Staff in the war, Dulles has plainly signified a desire to have a State Depart- ment team that can work as well with Eisenhower as with himself. The same im- pression is conveyed by the choice of Doug- las MacArthur, whose service as political adviser to SHAPE also brought him into close contact with President-elect Eisen- hower. The Smith appointment has other meanings as well. By now, indeed, it would be hard to name any man in the .American government with quite the equal of Gen. Smith's experiences. Finally, all these appointments-of Smith, Matthews, MacArthur and the rest of the State Department staff, and of the various new ambassadors, clearly imply that there is to be a high degree of continuity in our foreign policy, as well as the new look that is so often demanded. All in all, if all these planned appointments go through as hoped, John Foster Dulles has got off to a strong start. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) CURRENT MOVIES At the State . . THE HAPPY TIME, with Charles Boyer, Bobby Driscoll, and Louis Jordan. UCH OF THIS movie's charm lies in its outspoken attitude toward relations be- tween the sexes. Occasionally it seems to mince along the limiting line too finely, but mainly its gaiety is genuine and refreshing. An excellent cast does justice to well- drawn characters. Charles Boyer, as the head of a French Canadian family, serves as a point of normalcy around which his more aberrant relatives revolve. He man- ages to be sage and kindly without falling into the pater familias stereotype. His son, Bobby Driscoll, plays an awakening youth who must be set straight. The boy's enlightenment is complicated by the worldly personalities of some of his elders. One uncle, a delightful variation on the Falstaff tradition, drinks wine from a watercooler and is afraid of butterflies. Another, Louis Jordan, is suave, garter col- lecting travelling salesman. And grand- father is a rake of the old school. In the accepted pattern for comedy, the movie juggles two romances and in- terweaves them freely. Jordan dailies with the pretty family maid who has been. rescued from an evil vaudeville magician, and Bobby Driscoll has the girl next door, with braces on her teeth. But, far from seeming contrived, the story is worked out with a sovereign touch of humor that makes for a lively naturalness. The Gallic overtones provide, of course, just the right sort of atmosphere for this particular situation. In a way, the script is a1most too clever for a movie: it's just "Ready?" f t < P l - rr OI -~ ~kO " am .-." XettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general Interest, and will publish all letters which are signed wy the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. T lt a °1 a p a a i r ON THE WASHINGTON a ' MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON! g W'ASHINGTON-While Winston Churchill and Eisenhower debate whether to send Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist troops from For- a mosa to Korea, it is no secret to military leaders that guerrilla war-S fare against the Chinese Communists has been under way for several o months. Guerrilla ctivity has been so successful, in fact, that a small s island, Nanjeh, not far from the Chinese mainland was captured n recently and held for three days before a Communist task force was able to retake it. This may be why the Communists have diverted an estimatedo 500,000 troops to fortify the Chinese mainland. t President-elect Eisenhower doubtless got a briefing on the guer-t rilla operations while in Korea. So did President Truman recently c from Congressman Sam Yorty of Los Angeles, who interviewed the I guerrilla leaders during a trip to the Far East. Yorty reported that the guerrillas unquestionably were get-p ting supplies from Chiang, though there was no open liaison, the t guerrillas were well fed and had a high morale, Yorty told Tru-b man. Their headquarters is on the island of Kinmen, about 80f miles from Formosa.t The attack on Nanjeh was launched by several thousand men in a motorized junks on the eve of a Chinese holiday.r a --FCC CHAIRMAN t CALIFORNIA REPUBLICANS are pushing the appointment of Lewis t Allen Weiss, former general manager of the Don Lee network ont the West Coast, to be chairman of the Federal Communications Com- f mission, the body which polices the radio and TV industry. It so happens, however, that Weiss is one of the few radi' executives ever publicly and officially reprimanded by the same FCC which he would preside over if made chairman. The FCC, considering renewal ofDon Lee radio stations on Dee-' 18, 1949, issued a scathing rebuke to Weiss. Specifically singling out the head of the network by name, it concluded: "Weiss clearly ad- mitted that he did not believe in the enforcement of commission reg-4 ulations ... it is apparent that violations of regulations were either deliberate or the result of complete indifference." The report contains page after page of harsh criticism of the man now considered for chairman of te FCC. Despite this, ViceP President-elect Nixon is pushing for Weiss's appointment, and unlesst someone around Ike takes the trouble to read the record, he may v get the job.p -EISENHOWER AND ZHUKOV- GENERAL EISENHOWER, who is famed for his ability to get along with people, was reminiscing the other day about his ability to get along well with Russia's Marshal Zhukov after V-E day-a rela- tionship which Ike's political enemies tried unsuccessfully to use against him and which Zhukov's enemies successfully used against him. "We liked each other," mused Ike. "Unfortunately our friend- ship proved disastrous to Zhukov. I remember him well. He didn't like, or trust, Field Marshal Montgomery, the British mem- ber of our Allied team. Zhukov was suspicious of every proposalb Montgomery made and would find excuse after excuse to block every ideaMontgomery presented. "After hours of haggling over one of Montgomery's schemes, Zhukov would glance at me out of the corner of his eye and if I liked the proposal I'd wink my eye. He trusted me and that's all he needed. He'd immediately end the bickering with the one English word he knew 'Hokay."t NOTE-For a time Zhukov's cooperation with Eisenhower put him in Stalin's doghouse, but he is now reported back in favor. -VOICE OF AMERICA- SENATOR WILLIAM Fulbright of Arkansas, veteran member of the - Foreign Relations Committee, will, advocate some sweeping re- forms in our foreign propaganda to combat Russia's heavily financedx "Hate America" campaign. Fulbright, who has just returned from a probe of our infor- t . mation services in Europe, will recommend: 1. That Congress appropriate more money to counteract Soviet lies, both in Free Europe and behind the iron curtain. Need for in-x creased funds is especially evident in Berlin and Vienna, where the Russians are spending on a lavish scale.x 2. That the Voice of America program be reduced and revamped, using more localized "truth" broadcasts in Europe with American help and less emphasis on blanket broadcasts.< In addition, Fulbright will urge that "canned" U. S. movies for European distribution be restricted. The Senator learned that a major theme of these movies-how good we have it in the U. S.- is distasteful to European ears. Hard-up Europeans are getting c tired of hearing 'about the automobiles, television sets, and elec-f tric refrigerators of our working classes. 3-That Congress encourage more "people-to-people" diplomacy z in the battle of ideas. Fulbright found that the least criticized ands most effective thing we are doing to promote peace and understanding between nations is the exchange of students, labor leaders. college t professors, news reporters, and so on.I STEAM-ROLLER BRINGS YELP OP Congressman Clare Hoffman of Michigan sized up the House Republican caucus with 100 per cent accuracy when GOP congres- , mpf fn +o h-i nnfa.i in , na-cf *n..n a 9rACn n'.-A 0 nn +uin s+ I-Iat LYL Statement . . . American English newspapers to condemn British brutality in Ken- To The Editor. ya. The subject matter dealt spe- W E WELCOME a discussion of cifically with that part of the the LYL and its program. But continent. in the present series, our program Unfortunate indeed that this and its merits is not being discuss- student should ignore entirely the °d in a serious way. Rather, the contents of my letter and instead author, with the air of a detective, scrutinize with anthropological prefers to reveal "secrets" which curiosity, the racial dissimilari- are already common knowledge or ties between the African ("black") are available in League publica- and myself (Asian) to cast a spur- tions. ious reflection on my citizenship. Naming names, making well- I would have certainly welcomed known things look mysterious, a reply based on the merits of the etc.-these are the tactics of Mc- letter. Carthy. Zander Hollander, ac- In the first place, I am primar- cepting these tactics, plays the ily concerned with the events in role of informer, serves the Un- South Africa. And I do believe. American Committee, and pre- that a voteless minority (or a pares himself as a "friendly" majority for that matter), rele- witness. gated to sub-human status by vir- What is the purpose of "red" in- tual denial of the most elementary vestigatiohs? Is it to identify democratic rights, is perfectly jus- Communists? No, it is primarily tifled in appealing to the con- to intimdate ordnary people, to science of the world for moral deter them from expressing the support. But why should New slightest criticism, to bulldoze Delhi be left out? them into accepting the word and Ninety percent of the Indians in policy of the authorities without South Africa are native born. And question. I am sure the same applies to the Why is the Un-American Corn- majority of the "whites." Of mittee planning to investigate course, the figures may not be as Universities? Not because there high percentwise for the latter are many Communists there. But group since citizenship is acquired because Universities are the birth- through naturalization for immi- places of ideas, and ideas are the grants, limited for Europeans deadly enemy of authoritarianism. only. Therefore, your theorizing The program of the Un-Americans about Indians is irrelevant. demands that the American peo- In case Rhoda Barry is little ple conform to their ideas without behind the news, it might interest question. They dread the least her to know that Dr. J. L. "Z. ndependence of thought. With Njongwe, President African Na- an enlightened people, the Un- tional Congress stated, "The great- A~mericans know they can never est achievement of our Defiance succeed in destroying our heritage Campaign has been the welding of human rights. of a common South African out- Supervision of thought, re- look between Indians and Afri- search, study, etc., is one of the cans." Need I say more on the most repugnant ideas to the vast matter? majority of Americans. Students The slogan, "Africa for the Af- will never sdbmit to the indignity ricans" is appropriate, to the' of having some committee tell point and means just what it says. them what to study and what to Surely Miss Barry does not expect think. They will never tolerate the Africans to adopt, "Africa for conditions of study under which 'whites' only!" investigators snoop around the The future of that Continent classrooms. lies, not as my South African The Un-Americans do not ex- friend claims, "in the laps of the pect to frighten us, members of gods," but right in our laps-her's,' the LYL. This they cannot do, mine and approximately 200,000,- because we are confident of the 000 other Africans. future. They do wish to frighten those workers, teachers, students and others whom they hope will panic, forget their own strength, and overestimate the strength of the snoopers. There is no doubt this will not be the case, but that the students and faculty will de- fend their own interests by say- ng, Hands off! No tampering with education! --Mike Sharpe Ethel Schechtman Steve Smale Bob Schor For the Labor Youth League * * a . South Africa . . To The Editor: N THE LETTER to the Chicago Daily News to which Rhoda Barry, South African student at he University of Illinois refers when publicly attempting to "un- Africanize" me, I quoted several ir- DAILY OFFICI (Continued from Page 2) Orders for season tickets (6 concerts) -$11.00, $9.00 and $8.00 each; are being accepted at the officers of the Uni- versity Musical Society, and field in sequence. Exhibitions Musueum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall Contemporary Italian Prints, Prints by Hiroshi Yoshida, and "Ten Bamboo" ahd "Mustard Seed Garden" Prints. Jan. 6Jan. 27. Weekdays 9 to 5. Sundasys 2 to 5. The public is invited. Events Today Congregational Disciples Guild. 7 p.m., Congregational Church: Students who attended the USCC Conference in Baltimore over vacation will share their experiencesand lead a discus- sion on the ideas they brought back. Michigan Christian Fellowship. Dis- cussion of "What Christ Means to Me" by student panel, 4 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Everyone welcome. Refresh- ments. Evangelical and Reformed Guild. 7 p.m., Lane Hall. Discussion: Why Spend Our Time and Money on Them?" Ko- dachrome starters. Wesleyan Guild. 9 a.m., Discussion class: Understanding the Christian Faith-The Atonement. 5:30 p.m., Fel- lowship supper. 6:45 p.m., Discussion on American Friends Service Committee film-A Time for Greatness- which will be shown. Lutheran Student Association: 7 p.m., Lutheran Student 9enter. Colored slides of Medieval Europe will be shown and explained. Westminister Guild: 10:30 a.m., Bi- ble Seminar in the Music Room. 6:30 p.m., Dr. Wayne Whittaker will speak on the "North Atlantic Union." Coming Events -L. V. Naidoo * ,* *, Flint, not Detroit . . To the Editor: IN YOUR Thursday issue, you stated that your picture of Ad- lai Stevenson in "A Review of 1952" was taken in Detroit on La- bor Day. We believe that a close check will reveal that the picture was taken at Flint Park in Flint, Michigan, by a Flint Journal pho- tographer, Bill Gallagher. --Jim MacVicar Jack Frazer Dan Walter, from Flint ((EDITOR'S NOTE: As one of its senior editors, who was then working as a reporter for the Flint Journal, was standing directly behind Ste- venson when Gallagher took the pic- ture, The Daily stands corrected on this score. 'The Daily does not wish to take any thing away from an ex- cellent photographer and a great city.) IAL BULLETIN].j Slide Rule Ball Committee. The ini- tial meeting for engineers interested in planning the annual Slide Rule Ball will be held Tues., Jan. 13, 7 p.m., Michigan Technic office, 205 West En- gin. Annex. Everyone is welcome. The. dance is scheduled for March 13. La P'tite Causette will meet tomor- row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North" Cafeteria of the Michigan Union. U. of M. Rifle Club will meet Tues., Jan. 13, at 7:15 p.m., R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. Motion Picture. Twenty-minute film,' "Alaska, Eskimo Hunters," shown Mon. through Fri. at 10.30, 12:30, 3 and 4 o'clock,4th floor, University Museums Building. ,Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by studenti of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control 'a Student Publications. Editorial Staf. Crawford Young......Managing Editor Barnes Connable.......City Editor Cal Sam ra..........Editorial Director. Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor Harland Brits........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler......Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor :4 Business Staff Al Green..............Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Tom Treeger.. Circulation Manager TetAer.a 7.3-4-1