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VOL. LXIII, No. 78



Clemency Asked.
By Rosenbergs
Filing of Appeal by Convicted Atom
Spies Achieves Stay of Execution
WASHINGTON-(P)-Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the convicted
atom spies, appealed to President Truman yesterday to spare their
They have been sentenced to die in the electric chair at New York's
Sing Sing Prison Wednesday for conspiring to give atom secrets to
A REPRESENTATIVE of defense counsel filed the plea for presi-
dential clenency at the Justice Department at 9:30 yesterday morning.
> Federal Judge Irving R. Kauf-

Detroit Area
*May Draw
Atomic Plant
DETROIT - (P) - Construction
of an atomic power plant in the
Detroit area may be started with-
in a year if the Atomic Energy
Commission gives its approval.
It would be a pilot plant to teat
theories worked out by nuclear en-
This was disclosed yesterday by
a spokesman for the Detroit Edi-
son Co. in a progress report on an
atomic plant project.
* * *
A FORCE OF 20 Edison nuclear
engineers has completed the first
studies of atomic energy and is
now engaged in a "reference de-
sign project aimed at solving the
technical problems of an actual
power plant.
Arthur S. Griswold, assistant
to Edison's president, Walker L.
Cisler, said that project .should
be completed by the end of the
year. The Commission then will
be asked for permission to build
the first plant.
The plant would feed electricity
into normal power lines. 'Its fuel
would be raw uranium-measured
in pounds instead of the thous-
ands of tons of coal now needed
for the same power output. Its
cost probably would be "competi-
tive" with that of power from the
common fuels of coal, oil or gas.
The Atomic Energy Commission
has authorized Edison, with Dow
Chemical Corp., Midland, Mich.,
to do research work toward pri-
vate power plants. It has given
the same permission to four other
pairs of companies.
Rescuers Hunt
Ship Survivors
PUSAN, Korea---()-More than
30 rescue craft combed the rough
waters outside this big port yes-
terday in search of survivors from
tl-e ill-fated Korean ship Chang
Yung Ho but they found only five
bodies of passengers.
There were 244 others still miss-
ing and feared dead.

man of New York had given
them until yesterday to file the
petition. He said its filing would
automatically mean a' stay of
execution until five days after
the President announces his de-
cision on the clemency appeal.
The Rosenbergs, husband and
wife, have lost all their court ap-
peals and the appeal to the Pres-
ident was their last resort.
* * *
A JUSTICE Department official
said the appeal goes now to the
department's pardon attorneys
who will review the whole case.
They will make their recommenda-
tion to Attorney General McGran-
ery and he in turn will give his to
the President.
Rosenberg, 34, and his wife
Ethel, 36, were convicted March
29, '1951, of conspiring to turn
America's atom bomb secrets ov-
er to Russia.
The Rosenbergs have main-
tained they are innocent.
The argument used unsuccess-
fully by the defense in court ap-
peals had three main points:
(1) That the pre-trial publicity
was prejudical to the accused, (2)
that the government used "per-
jured" testimony and (3) that the
information the Rosenbergs alleg-
edly passed to the Russians was
"public knowledge and not secret."
If President Truman does not
act before he goes out of office
Jan, 20 the life-or-death question
for the Rosenbergs will be up to
President-Elect Eisenhower and
his attorney general, Herbert
MacA rthur
Hits Truman
NEW YORK-(P)-Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur last night heatedly
blamed any excessive American
military desertions on what he
called President Truman's "poli-
cies of appeasement."
It was a new peak in the feud
between the Chief Executive and
the man he fired as Far Eastern
commander of United Nations
forces fighting in Korea. .,
MacArthur used the most biting
language he has yet applied in
answering Truman's charge that
the General, whom he called "in-
subordinate," helped increase de-
sertions that lately have run to

Wildcat Five
Turns Back
'M' Loses, 84-57
Remains in Cellar
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON -Michigan's bas-
ketball squad sank deeper into the
Big Ten cellar last night when it
was handed its fourth straight
loss, an 84-57 thumping by North-
western at the new McCaw Me-
morial Stadium.
The Wildcats. went wild in the
final quarter netting 17 markers
while the Wolverines were blank-
ed to cinch their victory.
* * *
LED BY Captain Larry Dele-
field, and second-string center Hal
Grant, who scored 21 and 19 points
points respectively, the Wildcats
grabbed the advantage, 5-4, early
in the first period on a basket by
Don Blaha and continued to widen
the margin through the remainder
of the game.
Dellefield had played the role
of spoiler before against the
Wolverines, notching 17 and 18
points in two contests with them
last year.
Surprisingly enough Northwest-
ern's big threat Frank Petrancek
went scoreless until the middle of
the second period when he was
replaced by Grant.
The Wildcats held a 26-23 edge
at the time, and it was Grant,1
coming into his own, who sparked
them as they pulled away from
KEEPING within an approxi-
mate ten point margin for three
quarters, Michigan was behind
38-26 at the half and, in the only
quarter which it outscored North-
western, it moved to a 60-50 defi-
Don Eaddy dropped in a lay-
up to start the final session,
making it 60-52 and Frank Eh.
mann came back with a marker
off the fast break. Bob Topp,
coming i for the first time, was
fouled and made good on the
free throw. The score was 62-53.
It was at this point that the!
Wildcats caught fire. With their
fast break working and Grant's
hook shots snapping the nets, they
piled up 17 straight points to take
a commanding 79-53 lead and put
the game on ice.
Grand and sophomore Jim Bra-
giel each contributed three field
goals as spearheads of the rally.
WITH THREE minutes remain-
ing in the game John Codwell
threw in a basket to break North-!
western's streak. Codwell counted
sixc points in the final minutes as
the Wolverines played even with
Wildcat second-stringers who al-1
so sank three field goals.
Hitting on his set shots Don
Eaddy chalked up 17 points to
pace Michigan scorers but did
not equal the totals of Delle-
field, Grant or Larry Kurka, who
scored 18.
Nine of Eaddy's markers came
in the third period during which
Northwestern was outscored 24-22.
See EADDY, Page 3
Hatcher Talk
President Harlan H. Hatcher
will give a talk on the state of
the University before a general
faculty meeting at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Rackham Lecture

The meeting, second of the
President's annual addresses to
the faculty, is open to all mem-
bers of the teaching staff, in-
cluding teaching assistants and
teaching fellows.

'M' Goal Thwarted

Storms Paralyze
Parts of Nation;
Thirty-Eight Die
By The Associated Press
A new storm brewed in the Pacific Northwest yesterday on th
heels of abi.ing winter turbulence which brought death to at lea.
38 persons in storm-stricken parts of the nation.
The rising Northwest storm was not expected to reach in intensit
the severness of the harsh blow which hit the area Friday, but.t1
weather bureau warned of gusts up to 50 miles an hour.
* * * *
THE SNOW, wind, sleet and rain storms which slugged scattere
sections of the country steadily weakened yesterday although ther
was prospect of a two-fisted.
weather wallop for the Northeast.
The weather bureau said the JT r
Northeast was in for more freezing * K

-Daily-Don Campbell
* * * M l tM c:I * * *2
Monr eal StunRs MichiganIcernen, 2-1

An aroused Montreal hockey
team, still smarting from a 13-2
defeat at the hands of Michigan
the night before, upset the favored
Wolverines, 2-1, last night before
a full house at the Coliseum.
- The Maize and Blue, possibly
expecting another easy victory,
knew they werb in for a rough
night before many minutes were
gone. Two Wolverine offsensive
thrusts in the first three minutes
of the game were broken up by
the Montreal defense, which play-
ed superior hockey the whole night.
FOR THE REST of the period
the Flying Frenchmen proceded to
outpass and outdefend the Wolver-
ines. They reached paydirt at
18:00 when, the Michigan's Alex
McClellan sitting out a slashing
penalty, Bernard Boileau took a
Names Two
Top Officials
NEW YORK - ()- President-
elect Eisenhower"chose two more
Cabinet Under-Secretaries yester-
day-a long-time friend who held
high posts in the Truman Admin-
istration and another AFL offi-
He named Gen. Walter Bedell
Smith as Under-Secretary of State
and Lloyd A. Mashburn, Cali-
fornia laboi commissioner and a
member of the AFL wood, wire
and metal lathers union, as Un-
der Secretary of Labor.
** *
SMITH is chief of the Central
Intelligence Agency and served
for three years as Ambassador in
Moscow after World War II. He
was Eisenhower's chief of staff in
Europe during the war.
James C. Hagerty, Eisenhow-
er's press secretary, said he did
not know Smith's political affil-
Mashburn is a Republican, un-
like Martin P. Durkin, Secretary
of Labor-designate, whose ap-
pointment was described by Sen.
Taft of Ohio as "incredible."

short pass from Maurice Lamour-
eaux and beat goalie Willard Ikola.
The Carabins got their second
and winning goal at 2:15 of the
second period as Claude Dagen-
ais scored from 30 feet.
Doug Philpott put the Wolver-
ines back in the game when he
teamed with Johnny Matchefts
and Alex McClellan on a three
man break at 11:09 of the third
Joint JUdic
(lead Picked
By Council
Pete Lardner, '53E, was elected
chairman of the Men's Judiciary
Council and the Joint Judiciary
Council yesterday.
IElected by the Men's Council,
Lardner automatically serves as
chairman of the Joint Council un-
til May. At that tim6 the chair-
man of Women's Judiciary takes
* *

stanza. Philpott, who had to be
helped off the ice in the first per-
iod, had little trouble in netting
tb e puck on a short shot.'
The Wolverines took heart from
Philpott's goal and poured it on
for the rest of the game, but as
game as the Michigan offense
was, the Montreal defense was
gamer. Three times the Carabins
found themselves a man short and
three times they held fast.
s .
WITH LESS than a minute to
go, Coach Vic Heyliger yanked
Ikola in favor of another forward,
but the Carabin defense refused to
Goalie Cyrill Guevremint
kicked out 17 shots in the final
session alone a the losers threw
everything but the kitchen sink
at hin. On more than one occa-
sion, a Michigan icer lost the
range with an open goal in front
of him.
The story was the same for the
Wolverines in the second period.
For a few seconds they even had
a two man advantage on their
Canadian opponents, but a stub-
born defense wouldn't give way.
Throughout the game, everytime
the Wolverines controlled the puck
on a fast break, a Montreal de-
fender was able to get his stick in
the way just enough to bust up or
delay the play.
JEAN VERNIER, Carabin de-
fenseman, was especially brilliant
in stopping Wolverine rushes with
a one man advantage.
Early in the first period he
gave a hint of things to come by
single handedly breaking up a
quick surge by Pat Cooney and
Jim Haas that looked like a sure
scoring threat.
Unlike the tired, trip weary
squad that took the ice less than
three hours after the long train
ride from Montreal Friday night,
the Carabin sextet of last night
See VISITING, Page 3

rain and heavy snow.
Locally officials at the Wil-
low Run Weather Bureau re-
ported no such severe storms in
store for Ann Arbor and the
lower Michigan area generally.
The worst to be expected are
temperatures varying in the,
twenties today, tomorrow and pos-
sibly Tuesday with only occasion-
al light snow flurries.'
THE STORMS-centered in thej
Northeast, Southeast and North
Pacific coast states-dumped up
to three inches of ice on some"
transcontinental highways and
cut off power in about 100,000'
Twenty-two persons died In
New England, where up to 20+
inches of snow fell. Seven died in
New Jersey, three in upstate
New York.
And even as workmen labored to
restore power to almost 100,000
homes, word came that the end+
was not in sight. More heavy snow
and freezing rain was forecast.
Almost 50,000 homes were with-'
out power in ice-coated New Jer-
sey, and 15,000 telephones were
cut off.
Some 17,000 homes were without
power in Westchester County,
N.Y., just north of New York City.
Huge wages lashed the South-
ern' California coast, beaching
lasrge boats, washing out streets
and forcing 32 families from their
homes in one beach community.
Europe Plan
Under .Debate
By the Associated Press
The six-nation Schuman Plan
Common Assembly convened last
night to debate an ambitious
scheme for an annual billion dol-
lar European steel and coal de-
velopment program. .
Jean Monnet of France, chair-
man of the plan's executive auth-
ority, has proposed that the As-
sembly undertake yearly large
scale investments, including pos-
sibly loans from the United States,
to boost steel and coal production
20 per cent by 1958 and 35 per
cent in ten years.
Meanwhile in Washington, an
implied notice to France and Ger-
many that Congress will slash for-
eign aid if they continue delays in
building the European defense
community came yesterday from
Sen. Alexander Wiley (R-Wis.),
who will head' the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee in the new

Delay in UN
The United States has called on
the UN to delay appointment of
any more American citizens to its
staff 'until they have been screened
for loyalty-
The request, disclosed here yes-
terday, was made to UN Secretary-
General Trygve Lie in a letter
from Warren Austin, retiring U. Si
chief delegate. The note officially
informed Lie of President Tru-
man's executive order Friday call-
ing for loyalty checks of U. S.
citizens employed or considered
for employment by the UN.
* * *
THE LETTER asked Lie not to
hire any Americans until the U. S.
government started the procedures
called for in the Truman order.
It offered to send representatives
to work out details with Lie at his
It was reported that Lie will
meet tomorrow with these civil
service commission representa-
tives and that the invstgation
will stiirt as soon as the Secre-
tary-Gen1al supplies the m 'ames
and job classifications of the
Americans now working with the
Austin's letter said: "My gov-
ernment wishes to initiate at once
the procedures provided by the
order, and its representatives
would like to work out the details
of the necessary arrangement with
your designees at the earliest con-
venience. In the meantime, my
government requests that appoint-
ment action be withheld on all
pending appointments of United
States citizens."
It could not be learned hew
many applications were pending.
The UN headquarters employed
1,810 American citizens as of last
Oct. 31.
World News
By the Associated Press
DETROIT - Police drove on
yesterday in the dogged attempt
to solve 18-year-old Joann Carol
Gillespie's sadistic slaying.'
But there was evidently little
new to go on in the eighth day of
the immense task.
ST. LOUIS - "I'd give any-
thing to be in the Senate at the
present time."
This was how President Tru-
man expressed his feelings in an
interview with Raymond P.
Brandt, Chief Washington Cor-
respondent of the St. Louis Post-
Dispatch, in a copyrighted story
published last night.
TOKYO - A U.S. Officer re
ported yesterday that 16 U.S. Ar-
tillerymen were killed in a straf-
ing and bombing attack by an uni-
dentified plane on a service unit
behind the Western Korea front
last Thursday.
*~ **
NEW YORK. - Sen. Herbert
Lehman (D, Lib-NY) said last
night he believes more members
of Congress are ready to join op-
position to the McCarran act this
year-but not yet enough to wipe
out the law.
WASHINGTON - Four states

Symphony Band Concert
Features Leroy Anderson
Conpositions of the well-known composer, Leroy Anderson, will
be featured in the last half of the University Symphony Band's con-
cert at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The concert will open with Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor of
the band, directing a new march, "Hial Miani" by J. J. Richards, a
contemporary composer.
Next on the program will be "Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Minor,"
by Bach, followed by Rossini's

-Daily-Alan Reid
. . . new Judic chairman



"Italian in Algiers."
.. *
GORDON JACOB'S music, com-
posed for the Great Festival of
Britain will also be played by the
band. They will do his "Music
for a Festival," consisting of elev-
en short movements.
r Following intermission, the
band will play "Elsa's Procession
to the Cathedral" from Wag-
ner's "Lohengrin."
Anderson will then mount the
podium to conclude the program
with a number of his own com-
positions. Former music director
and arranger for the Harvard
Band, Anderson wrote symphonic
arrangements of college songs for
the band that are still being
"I A V 4~

IHC OperatesUnder Tentactive Rules!

over the post under the rotating
chairmanship system.
The 20 year old senior from
Moline, Ill. has served on Men's
Judic and concurrently on Joint
Judic since his appointment last
fall. B
A member of the Engineering Rep.J
Honor Council for three semes- man of
ters, he is currently chairman of House W
the group. He is also president of tee, told
Sigma Phi fraternity and a mem- Gov. G.
ber of Vulcans, engineering hon- mended
orary society. . increase
} Before yesterday's Men's Judi- versities
ciary meeting, Dave Brown, '53, individuo
resigned his post on - the Council. Rep. V
Brown has served on the Council correct,
for several semesters. sitv's

Tarner Thinks School
aind Limit Will Hit U'

(EDITOR'S NOTh: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles on the ori-
gin, structure and activities of the
Inter-House Council.)
The Inter-House Council cur-
rently operates under tentative
articles of organization which
permit it to function while the
body. seeks to determine its final
However, the numerous organi-
zational problems confronting the

ed temporary voting privileges
until an IHC constitution is.
Meetings are rotated among the
quads, and the president of the
quadrangle at which the particu-
lar meeting is being held acts as
host and chairman.
Sam Alfieri, '54A, Rodger Kid-
ston, '54, and Chuck Weber, '53,
presidents of West, East and South
Quads respectively, are the lead-

the individual quad councils to
aid in establishing communica-
tion between the IHC and dorm
Continuity between the IHC
Executive Council and the quad
administration is increased by
meetings held twice a month with
the three quad resident directors,
Assistant Dean of the Men's Res-
idence Halls, Peter A.- Ostafin,
West Quad director Raymond J.

Joseph E. Warner, chair-I
the State Legislature
Nays and Means Commit-
The Daily yesterday that
Mennen Williams' recom-
five per cent maximum
in appropriations to uni-
will probably apply to
al schools.
Warner's interpretation, if
means that the Univer-
million dollar operating
request for 1953=54 will
be cut more than two mil-
ars. The University had
or an 18 per cent ($3,-

seven state-supported colleges
and universities.
Rep. Warner said that the form-;
er interpretation was more likely
to be correct, since he felt thatE
each school should be guaranteed
a "definite increase over what it
received ,last year."
The schools would not be as-
sured of an increase if Gov. Wil-
liams' five per cent limit applied{
to all colleges and universities col-
HOWVE* * *
HOWEVER, Rep. Warner noted
;hat he has not yet received a
copy of the governor's recommen-,

Air Force Blasts
Fniz R ail Ygrt

have to t
lion doll
asked fo



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