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January 10, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-01-10

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:YI e

ir An
Latest Deadline in the State






Two Clubs Face
Control by L YL
Red Front Seeks To Reclaim CLC;
May Gain Leadership of UNESCO
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with the Communist Party and Communist front organizations in
Ann Arbor and at the University. The series will continue Tuesday.)
Daily Feature Editor
Domination by the Labor Youth League faces two prominent
University student groups today.
Both the Civil Liberties Committee ands the campus UNESCO
Council may beicontrolled by Ann Arbor's leading Communist front
organization if officer elections :pet month come off as expected.
EVIDENCE CONTAINED in the League's secret report, part of
which The Daily released yesterday, proves the LYL and its Naefus
Club leaders regarded the establishment of the CLC and the Society
of Peaceful Alternatives, another University-recognized group, as a
"positive result of our work."
The confidential document also indicates the Karl Marx So-
ciety, now being organized on campus, is a League ispired or-
But establishment of the CLC backfired last spring when the
group's faculty adviser warned he would resign unless an amendment
was passed barring supporters of totalitarian organizations.
Result: close to 100 interested students jammed the March '9
meeting, dozens paying membership dues and passing the amendment
by a slim margin. Although since then the club has taken a liberal
course, its active membership has dwindled and it is widely feared
that LYL and its sympathizers will seize control next month.
THE LEAGUE'S second "outstanding accomplishment," the So-
ciety for Peaceful Alternatives, has not backfired.
From SPA's inception League "cadres" and their supporters have
formed a sizeable bloc within the Society, exerting a dominant in-
fluence through the regularity of their presence and the unity of
their votes.
As a matter of record, SPA's current membership list includes
all four "public" League members, along with LYL "adviser" Ed
Shaffer and half a dozen members of the League entourage.
The threat to UNESCO looms in the person of Ethel Schectman,
avowed LYL member, considered a shoo-in for the tottering group's
According to several worried UNESCO partisans, "Ethel kept
coming down with more and more of her friends and the other
kids have stopped coming."
Miss Schectman's "friends" are expected to put her in early
next n
THE YOUNG Progressives, warned last month by the Student
Afairs Committee to cease repeated "rresponsibilities" has long been
a favorite tool of LYL and is ridden with League members and fellow-
Significantly, the four perennial "public" LYL members are YP's
too, along with the ubiquitous Ed Shaffer and seven of the ever-
circulating personnel from the Society for Peaceful Alternatives.
Unlike most student groups the Young Progressives make use
of non-student members, apparently to comply with the 30-
member minimum required for SAC approval.
The non-student proviso was originally inserted in the University
regulations governing student organization membership to accommo-
date the non-student wives of veteran students. Since the rule was
not nade specific on this score, University officials feel that the YP
has violated its spirit if not its letter.
One such non-student member is Omar Kidwell, LYL organizer
from Jackson. Kidwell's efforts to establish a League unit at Jackson
Junior College fell through when government agents infiltrated the
club from the outset.

Hockey Wing
Draws Ban
For Season
McKennell Out
For Altercation
Daily Sports Editor
John McKennell has played his
last hockey game for Michigan.
The flashy left winger a 22-
year-old senior from Toronto, was
suspended for the rest of the sea-
son yesterday by Michigan's Ath-
letic Director H. . (Fritz) Criser
as the result of an altercation with
a referee December 23 in Denver
CRISLER ordered McKennell's
permanent suspension from
Washington, where Crisler is at-
tending the NCAA meetings. The
player had been "temporarily sus-
pended" immediately after the in-
cident upon the receipt of wired
protests from the Rocky Moun-
tain Hockey Officials Association
and the Board of Governors of the
American College Hockey Coaches
The Michigan Athletic Direc-
tor based his final decision on
statements he received yester-
day from Frank Devitt, head of
the Rocky Mountain Hockey Of-
cials Association, and Mike Yal-
ich, the referee.
Devitt's notarized statement de-
clared McKennell hit Yalich aft-
er the referee allowed a disputed
overtime goal to give Denver a 5-4
victory. Yalich made a sworn
statement hto support Devitt's
charges. Earlier Yalich had de-
clared he did not desire to press
charges against McKennell.
In his statement Criser assert-
ed, "After a review of the facts
concerning the incident that hap-
pened in the hockey game at Den-
ver, it is evident that John Mc-
Kennell's conduct was not in the
best interests of college hockey;
therefore, he is being suspended
for the remainder of the season."
MeKENNELL took the news of
his banishment without bitter-
ness, although he reiterated his
earler comments on the "undem-
ocr tic" way the whole thing was
He said the incident was di-
rectly the result of poor officiat-
ing that i' prevalent in Colorado
hockey, and unfair treatment
by Colorado newspapers. Crisler
had also blasted treatment of
the affair by all concerned.
Michigan's Athletic Director
said he was "unable to recall an
incident in college athletics as
badly handled."
McKennell said further he felt
has was the victim of a plot by
Cheddy Thompson, Colorado Col-
lege coach, to "get even" with
Heyliger. Thompson is President
of the American College Hockey
Coaches Association, the organi-
zation that made original protest
to Crisler.
Neither the Midwest League nor
the NCAA rules make any provi-
sion for penalties for striking of-
ficials. The coaches took action
under a sction of their code of
ethics which rcommends suspen-
sion for players who hit referees.
Vic Heyliger, Michigan coach,
said he thought the penalty "too
stiff," in view of the fact the inci-
dent was McKennell's first diffi-
culty of any sort in three seasons,
and also considering the conflict-
ing evidence left much doubt

whether McKennell actually 'hit
"This has ruined John's whole
college career," the Michigan men-
tor declared, adding it would have
been enough punishment for his
player to have missed five or six






The West Quad had a new
house for a few hours yester-
A notice on the Michigan
House bulletin board anounced
that six of the 11 court floor in
habitants were seceding to
form their own "Court House."
However, the disappearance
of the statement last night in-
dicated the enthusiasm to imi-
tate Michigan House's Wednes-
day secession move had been S~-:z : ::<;s: :;"., "k

I U'J Pledges
. A
Full University cooperation was
promised to the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee in its
forthcoming probe of alleged
Communist activity here in a tele-
gram President Harlan H. Hatcher
sent to the group yesterday.
Administration officials had
previously stated they would have
no comment on the reported probe
until President Hatcher's office re-
ceived formal notification from
the Committee.
* * *
ALTHOUGH President Hatcher
stated in his telegram to the
group that "we have not received
notice of your plans," a University
spokesman said that pressure from
several Regents and state news-
papers had called forth official
Clarence H .Hillberry, acting
president of Wayne University
which is reportedly on the Com-
mittee's itinerary, also pledged
cooperation with the House
group in a statement Wednes-
President Hatcher's telegram
said: "We read in the papers that
the University of Michigan is
named as one of the schools on
your list for investigation. Al-
though we have not received no-
tice of your plans, we wish to as-
sure you of our willingness to co-
operate with you to the fullest ex-
"The University is dedicated
to sound education and to the
safety and progress of the na-
tion. It has long been among the
leading institutions in its co-
operation with the Armed Forces
in the field of research and oth-
er services considered vital to
our national strength...
"These considerations have led
us to exercise all vigilance con-
sistent with American practice
against the possibility of subver-
sive activities, while preserving the
traditional freedom of scholarly
investigation upon which our na-
tional progress is based."
President Hatcher said yester-
day that it has not yet been de-
cided what the promised coopera-
tion with the Committee will spe-
cifically include.
Board Approves
New Appointments
The Board of Control of Stu-
dent Publications yesterday ap-
proved the appointments of Gene
Hartwig, '55, and Mark Reader,
'54, to positions of Assistant Night
Editor on The Daily.


-Daily-Alan Reid
* * *t*u c *nr * *
Icers Trounce Montreal, 13-2

Blasting home eight goals in
the first period, the Wolverine
hockey sextet coasted to an easy
13-2 victory over the Montreal.
Carabins at the Coliseum last
* * *
DOUG MULLEN and George
Chin each scored hat-tricks in
the high-scoring game which was
blasted wide open by the rampag-
ing Wolverines in the latter half
of the first period. In addition to
their three goals apiece, Chin
picked up two additional points
and Mullen one on assists.
Even with five points to his
credit, Chin was runner-up in
the scoring column to teammate
Pat Cooney, who bagged six
markers on two goals and four
assists. Jim Haas, converted de-
fenseman now playing on the
second line with Cooney and
Chin, also bagged five points on
a goal and four assists.
Chin started the scoring pa-
rade early in the first period when
he converted a pass-out from

The second Maize and Blue tal-
ly was a strange one in that it
was scored directly from a face-
off. Mullen shot the puck like a
bolt of lightning past stunned
Montreal goalie Cyrille Guevre-
mont in one sweep as the referee
dropped the puck to the ice.
* * *
teen minute mark of the period
the goal crazy Wolverines netted
two quick ones within a space of
10 seconds.
Just after Mullen bagged his
second of the evening, Captain
Johnny Matchefts took the
center face-off, skated right
around the Montreal defense
and deposited the puck behind
the amazed goal-keeper.
Earl Keyes, Cooney, and Bert
Dunn clicked -for additional goals
in the dying minutes of the per-
iod to make the score at the end
of the initial stanza, 8-0.

of left-winger Maurice Lamour-
The Wolverines came to life
again and matched the Montreal
marker with Mullen's third goal
of the night, which was quickly
followed by goals by Keyes and
Chin. Chin added his third and
Haas his first of the night in the
final stanza. Bouleau notched the
second Montreal goal in the final
period by netting the puck behind
See PUCK SQUAD, Page 3
Hatcher Plans
Annual Speech
To 'U'_Faculty
Continuing a precedent set last
year, President Harlan H. Hatcher
will address a general faculty
meeting on the state of the Uni-
versity at 4:15 p.m. Monday in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The meeting is open to all
members of the teaching staff,
including teaching assistants
and teaching fellows. It is ex-
pected that President Hatcher
will give a broad analysis of the
present condition of the Univer-
sity, covering both financial and
academic aspects.
The President inaugurated the
procedure of holding yearly talks
with the faculty in October, 1951.
At this time he called for in-
creased research and "teaching
with courtesy and appreciation of
the students."
University Vice-Presidents Wil-
bur K. Pierpont and Marvin L.
Niehuss also took part in the dis-
cussion. The three administration
officials agreed that University
policy for the next few years
should be one of long-range plan-
ning and evaluation.

Vow To Cut
$10 Billion
Ike Reportedly
President Truman bequeathed
the Eisenhower administration
yesterday what he called a tight
federal budget proposing to spend
$78,587,000,000 for "safety and
well-being" at home and for com-
batting the Communist scourge
abroad, the Associated Press re-
ported last night,
Republicans in Congress cried
"spendthrift" and vowed to slash
the figure. Some mentioned a cut
of at least 10 billion dollars.
LOCAL COMMENT on the bud-
get situation came from Prof.
Richard Musgrave of the econom-
ics department who said that
"Truman's request is no larger
than was expected and perhaps a
little smaller."
The University expert added
that if Congress does cut 10 bil-
lion dollars from the budget it
wvill have to come from the na-
tional security programs. He
pointed out that if 10 billion
were cut it would mean a "com-
plete collapse of our strong for-
eign policy and a drastic re-
vamping of the whole arma-
ment program."
The vast spending proposal for
the 1954 fiscal year starting July
1, 1953, contemplates a big boost
in foreign aid and a record peace-
time outlay to finance and equip
America's growing military force.
The President estimated it would
spell a federal deficit of nearly 10
billion dollars, increasing the na-
tional debt to a total of 274 bil-
THE NEW budget is about $6,-
800,000,000 less than the one Tru-
man submitted a year ago. At
that time he proposed spending
about $85,400,000,000 in the cur-
rent fiscal year. But Congress
changed some of his plans, and
others were altered by failure of
the defense program to meet pro-
duction schedules. So yesterday he
estimated that spending for the
present year would be about $74,-
600,000,000 instead of $85,400,000,-
The budget for next year as-
sumes that present prosperity
will hold at present levels, that
some taxes now on the books
will be allowed to die on sched-
ule, and that the incoming ad-
ministration will continue for-
eign aid and military spending
at a heavy rate.
* **
IN NEW YORK President-elect
Eisenhower reportedly renewed his
opposition to deficit spending yes-
terday at almost the same mom-
ent that President Truman Vas
submitting a deficit budget to
Rep. Coudert, New York Re-
publican, visited Eisenhower
and 'told newsmen the Presi-
dent-elect reaffirmed "he is
very much in favor of balanced
budgets and against deficit
Coudert said he was confident
the Eisenhower administration
would work with Republican Sen-
ate and House majorities to wipe
out waste and duplication and re-
duce expenditures "to enable us
to balance the budget with re-
duced taxes."

Drive Starts -.
For Tidelands
WASHINGTON - (.P) ---Forty
senators yesterday sponsored a
new drive for legislation to give
seaboard states control over oil-
rich tidelands adjacent to their

AFTER THE hectic


* * *


ANOTHER NON-STUDENT member is former University teach-
ing fellow David Luce, local Progressive Party candidate for Congress.
The Progressives nominee for the Senate, Prof. Emeritus John F.
Shepard, is the YP faculty adviser.
Two others are Larry Northwood and Betty Enfield. Northwood
was active in organizing the recent Progressive Party rally which
brought Paul Robeson and Vincent Hallinan to Ann Arbor.
See KARL MARX, Page 4
Wliamus' Recommendation
May Cause 'U' Budget Cut


Proposed increases in salaries and wages for University employees
as requested in the 1953-54 operating budget will be the last item to be
slashed if budget cutting is necessary, University vice-president Mar-
vin L. Niehuss said last night.
The possibility that the University's 20 million dollar budget will
be cut by the state legislature came up yesterday when Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams recommended a five per cent maximum increase in
state appropriations to colleges.

Haas and Cooney after a face-off
in the Montreal zone.
Health Service
To Give Free
anti-flu Shots
Free anti flu injections will be
given to students who want them
next week at Health Service, Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of
Health Service announced yester-
The shots will be given from 8
a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m.
beginning Tuesday and ending
Saturday noon. Students who want
the free shots should go in the
north entrance of the building
at these times, the doctor said.
No appointment is necessary.
Faculty members, University
employes and student wives and
busbands may receive shots at a
fee of one dollar each. They should:
enter at the south end of the
Health Service building so that
they may pay the fee at the cash-
ier's office before receiving in-
DR. FORSYTHE.has urged stu-
dents to get the free injections..
He noted that since any reaction
to the shots would last less than
a day, it would not interfere with
studying for finals.
He added, however, that those
persons who are sensitized par-
ticularly to eggs should not beI
injected unless by the special
attention of the allergist.

A' -1- TAl - - l i p cjull15g
period, the game seemed to settle
down when the players returned
to the ice. With Herve Belanger
now in the nets for the French-
men, the Canadian sextet settled
down and began an offensive of
their own.
After two brilliant saves on
hard shots by Carabin forwards
Albert Day and Pierre Perrault,
Wolverine net minder Willard
Ikola was finally nicked by a
point blank shot from the stick
J-Hop Tickets
Today marks the last day
that J-Hop reservations will be
Holders of reservations may
purchase tickets from 10:30
a.m. to noon today at the Ad-
ministration Building.

The University is asking an 18 REP
per cent increase over current ap- LACES COLL
However, Niehuss pointed out
that there were three possible in- IH C F irst J
terpretations of Gov. Williams'
recommended maximum increase.
It could apply, he said, to the (Editor's Note: This is the first in
giant Educational Bill Appropria- a series of -articles on the origin,
tion which providesfundsforallstructure and activities of the Inter-
ton- h h ro de s funds for all House council.)
state-supported c.olleges and uni-
versities. This would not necessar- By MIKE WOLFF
ily mean a cut in the University's The Inter-House Council is the
specific request. first major student body ever
The five per cent maximum formed on campus for the pur-
could also set a limit for the Uni- pose of representing and govern-
versity's total appropriation re- ing residence hall men only.
uet iner nn ahn ri- Its predecessors-the Associa-




Body To Head Ouads

.1 e-


a five-year existence high-lighted
by a study of the dormitory bond
retirement plan and investiga-
tions'of quad living conditions in
1949-50. Its collapse occurred as
a direct result of low attendance
and failure to reorganize the as-
sociation's internal structure.
However, in a notarized letter
sent last May to President Har-

in iembership and goals between
it and the inter-quad body.
* 4 * *
quad council were heard in the
fall of 1949 and led AIM to organ-
ize a joint house presidents' com-
mittee and seat representatives
from each house in the three


world News
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Recognizing the "poverty" of the state treasury Gov.
Williams yesterday presented to the incoming Legislature a 1953-54
budget request of $345,000,000, only $14,000,000 more than the law-
makers gave him for this year.
* * * -
. WASHINGTON - The United States and Britain yesterday were
reported planning to offer Egypt military support and a major po-
litical concession in an effort to bring the Arab states into the Middle
East Defense Organization.
** * *
MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica - Prime Minister Winston Churchill
arrived here late yesterday in President Truman's plane to. spend a
fortnight holidaying under the Jamaican sun.
* * * * - F


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