TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY9, 19S5 VP Ito ete By CRAWFORD YOUNG Daily Managing Editor IT WAS A tawdry drama that was enacted in Washington over vacation. Sen. Jos- eph McCarthy (R-Wis.) became a retro- active war hero, as it was announced that he had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with four stars. " It is only necessary to remark in pass- ing that the medal. award came at a pe- culiar time, coinciding as it did with the damning revelations by the Senate Sub- committee investigating the McCarthy fI- nances, and point to Drew Pearson's background material on the medals in an adjoining column. It was interesting, In addition to have the opportunity of hearing during the holi- days one who had served with McCarthy in the Pacific describe the "heroism and ex- traordinary achievement" for which he was cited. McCarthy, it seems, was qualified as an intelligence officer during his undistinguish- ed military career in the Marine Corps. In- telligence personnel do not fly; McCarthy's legendary feats as tail-gunner, which earn- ed him the monicker of "Rear-Gun Joe," were all on voluntary joy-rides he made on soft missions. McCarthy's actual combat record, it was recounted, consisted of one flight over an undefended Japanese airfield. Here an old Japanese airplane had been left sit- ting on the field; "Geronimo" McCarthy reports that there was nothing left of it after his machine gun artistry. Ouside of that, the only time he fired his famous rear gun outside the rifle range was, at miscellaneous cocoanut trees when the going was particularly dull. In all, his compatriot reported that Mc- Carthy tagged along on 17 missions, in con- trast to the 32 figure he peddles and the minimum of 20 required for legitimate claim to a Distinguished Flying Cross. And Mc- Carthy possessed not one whit of flying orders, which are required to get official accreditation for missions. In line with this it is interesting to note that in his autobiography in the 1947 Con- gressional Directory, McCarthy spilled forth with the bilge about 32 heroic missions as a rear gunner. In the latest version, after even his friends warned him to tone it down, he merely states more accurately that he served in the Marines. It is tragic that such a medal, which may be the only solace that thousands of gold-star parents or disabled veterans have for their sacrifice, should be so grossly debased. It is small wonder that many are returning their awards in dis- gust. Another shabby chapter has been written In the McCarthy epic of demagoguery. CURENT MOVIES Atthe Michigan.. .. THE STEEL TRAP, with Joseph Cotten and Teresa Wright. A MOVIE ABOUT a law-breaker could deal with, among other things, the motivating situation or the consequences following the anti-social act. The Steel Trap chooses to consider a rather superficial as- pect: how the mechanics of the crime are worked out. Joseph Cotten plays a minor bank of- ficial who decides to make off to Rio with the contents of his bank's vault. We learn that he has been working at the same place for eleven years, and is there- fore ready and eager to chuck the old rou- tine. Now, although several movies and plays have developed this theme recently, it doesn't necessarily follow that we must expect every businessman to be in such a dangerous state of 'mind. Cotten's only motivation, aside from the mild boredom he experiences, is his "obsession" with the idea of embezzlement. A mysterious pro- cess, getting obsessed, but it is offered without a qualm. By making his plans rather haphazardly, Cotten manages to undergo every possible close call. Combined with a good musical score by Dimitri Tiomkin, these make for a degree of suspense. But one narrow es- cape follows another so closely that their effect is thoroughly dissipated. At times, too, Cotten behaves himself with such hys- terical abandon that the forces of order seem to be cheating a little by purposely looking the other way. Anyway, it doesn't seem very important that he should either escape or be caught. Cotten's wife, played by Teresa Wright, is an innocent victim of these goings on. When she recognizes her husband's dup- licity, the naive script hits bottom. A de- bate on morality takes place approxi- mately on the level of a tot's class in Sun- day school. Assured by his wife that they "could never find happiness on stolen money," Cotten recalls to her the New Year's Eve he drove while drunk. Wasn't that breaking the law too? Adamant, Miss Wright replies that he has done "terribly, horribly, wrong." This convinces him, and IRREPRESSIBLE NATIONALI SM: Tunisia and Morocco "What We Want Is Sort Of A Digest Version" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of interpretive articles dealing with the highly-nationalistic Middle East and North Africa.) ON THE very first day of United Nations discussion on the question of Tunisian independence, Ferhat Hached, Tunisian labor leader and nationalist leader, was assassinated-a fashionable practice in that inflammable area. The French accused the nationalists. The nationalists accused the French. The Communists accused the French. And then the French accused the Communists. Riots immediately flared up, and num- erous nationalists were dragged into pris- on by the French police. The French resi- dent general clamped down on the na- tionalists, but Tunisia continued to fo- ment. Of late, tension has been mounting to the breaking point in that North African country, which France has held as a colonial protectorate since 1881. Neighboring Mor- rocco, also a French protectorate, has had its share of violent bloodshed in the past few months. Following close on the heels of the Hached affair, Casablanca was the scene of a riot in which more than 50 people were killed. As of now only Algeria is still relatively peaceful. Meanwhile France is precariously try- ing to maintain its tight hold on the North African colonies, which are still ripe as sources of raw materials and use- ful markets, not to mention air bases. The French" are holding back the prize of independence on the grounds that it would mean the destruction of the bal- ance between France and its colonies. Setting up French resident generals be- hind the facade of local puppet governments France has managed to pull the administra- tive strings in its North African colonies. In due time, the French claim they will ad- vance the Protectorates to the highest posi- tion in the French Union-the status of associated states. The colonies are strenuously tugging in the opposite direction, for local autonomy with no ties to france. Their ultimate goal is nothing short of complete independence, even if they have to resort to rebellion to attain it. The French maintain that the colonies will not be ready for independence until an adequately educated middle class has developed to take over the government of their own affairs. The issue of colonialism vs. nationalism reached a crisis last month when' a bloc of 13 Arab-Asian nation succeeded in raising the issue from a French colonial squabble to an international problem by putting it on the agenda of the United Nations. Torn between traditional belief in independence and hesitancy to step on the toes of its European ally, the United States has so far not committed itself to either side. ' Nationalist hopes were raised when the U. S. voted for placing the French North African issue on the agenda, but fell'again when this country opposed the Arab-Asian proposal calling for interference by the UN to "establish normal conditions and normal civil liberties." Deceptively identify- ing itself with the nationalist cause, Russia voted for the defeated measure. The motion, which was finally passed with the support of the U. S., tossed the whole problem back into the laps of the colonies and France and admonished them "to conduct their relations and to settle their disputes in the spirit of the Char- ter and to refrain from any acts or meas- ures likely to aggravate the present sit- uation. In this manner the UN closed the book on the Tunisian problem with a hands-off resolution affirming the status quo. France regarded the general assembly discussion as a flagrant interference into an issue which is of no concern to the or- ganization-quite a reversal from that na- tion's plea for aid in Indo-China. It also stubbornly refused to be present at the General Assembly meeting concerning French North Africa. The head-strong attitude of the French on this occasion nearly shook the very foundations of the United Nations, which ideally still upholds the principle that in- ternal strife in any country is subject to concern and, perhaps, action on the part of an international agency. France is still unable to comprehend the fact that the entire Near East and North Africa is in revolt against the skel- eton colonialism of the past. Patchwork reforms, such as the French forced on the Bey of Tunis against his will, cannot long placate the North African nationalists. It would seem that France has not yet learn- ed the lesson of Syria and Lebanon. If France ever realizes that the problem has grown too large for it to handle, a rea- sonable alternative-and a possible solution -would be the establishment of United Nations trusteeships for Tunisia and Mor- occo-with eventual independence as a goal. -Helene Simon WASHINGTON-Pentagon records show that Sen. Joe McCarthy is not the only politician to receive a decoration some time after the end of a war. Filed in the archives of the Army is a citation dated June 3, 1919-seven months after the armistice as compared with nine years after World War II for McCarthy-awarding Patrick J. Hurley a Silver Star. Hurley, who became Secretary of War and twice was can- didate for Senator from New Mexico, received this medal under interesting circumstances. In fact, the wording of the award in itself is interesting. It states that he medal is given for: "Volunarily making a reconnaissance under heavy fire on Nov. 11, 1918." Nov. 11, 1918, as everyone knows, was the day World War I ended. And about one hour before the end, when there was no "heavy fire." Here is what happened to Pat Hurley, as told by Col Wilbur Rogers of the 77th Field Artillery, 3rd Division. Rogers said that he was stationed 2,000 yards behind the front line when Lt. Col. Hurley and Col. E. St. John Grebel, both members of the judge advocate general's office, came up from the rear en route to the front, "I wondered what two members of the judge advocate genearl's office were doing up there and stopped them," Colonel Rogers re- calls. "I told them the war was about over and that no one was wanted up there, especially army lawyers. In fact, we had instruc- tions to keep sightseers away. "However, Hurley insister on going forward," says Rogers. "He wanted to see the end of the bog show." And seven months later, he got cited for "gallantry in ac- tion for voluntarily making a reconnaissance under heavy fire on Nov. 11, 1918." No wonder the Third Division association to whom Hurley ap- plied for membership refused to accept the ex-Secretary of War. * * * * MATTER OF FACT: Republican Vistas The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday.) FRIDAY, JANUAURY 9, 1953 Vol. LXIII, No. 76 Notices General Faculty Meeting on Mon., Jan. 12, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. All members of the instructional staff, including teaching assistants, teaching fellows, instructors, and mem- bers of all professorial grades, are in- vited to attend. Veterans. Fri., Jan. 16, 1953, has been established as the final date for the procurement of books, supplies, and equipment using veteran requisitions. No requisitions will be honored by the vendor subsequent to this date. Orientation Leaders. All experienced men wishing to be Orientation Leaders during the spring semester, may sign up at the Union Student Offices on Wed., Thurs., or Fri., of this week, from 3 to 5. Only men with previous exper- ience will be considered. Recreational Leaders. St. Francis Junior High School is interested in ob- taining the services of a college student to supervise a lunch and play period from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., daily. For further information contact the Bu- reau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, 3528 Administra- tion Building, telephone University extension 2614. Personnel Interviews. On Tues., Jan. 13, there will be a representative here from the Canada Life Assurance Company to interview both February and June men inter- ested in Life Insurance Sales. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Detroit will have a gen- tleman interviewing February and June graduates on Tues., Jan. 13. Those in- terested in Sales may make an ap- pointment by calling Ext. 371, Bureau of Appointments. Personnel Requests. The Wisconsin Civil Service an- nounces examination for Architect II and III. The work would be in connec- tion with plans and drawings for new state buildings at colleges, hospitals, institutions, and at the university. Employment Registration. Those seniors and graduate students who have not as yet registered at the Bureau of Appointments are urged to do. so .as soon. as possible. Assistance will be given to those who have placed their credentials in the office for em- ployment after graduating, after mili- tary service, or for future promotions in any of the following fields: Education, Business, Industry, Technical, and Government. The office is located in 3528 Administration Building and is open Monday through Friday, 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. For further information concerning Xetteo4 TO THE EDITOR Lecture Committee ... To the Editor: T HE WORD has gone round that the fight against the Lecture Committee and peremp- tory bannings of outside speakers has failed. The struggle has been lost, we.are. told, student govern- ment has proven ineffective, and much effort has been wasted in a hopeless cause. I do not think we have lost, re- gardless of the Regents decision. I am convinced that the intense eight months struggle against the Lecture Committee has not been wasted. Jefferson once said, "Whenever things get so wrong as to attract the peoples' notice they will set them right." Our job has been to attract that notice, and to give the issues clar- ification and unified support. I do not think we have failed in that job. I hope the work will go on and I am confident that in the long run we will set the super- structure right. Whether or not there is some future, practical, political victory we have already won the import- ant battle-the one for the hearts and minds of our fellow-students and future fellow-citizens. The awareness of and loyalty to a cer- tain set of ideals is more, import- ant than the reform of a particu- lar committee structure or pro- cedure. Every political club on campus, from the Young Republicans through the YP's actively attack- ed the five man faculty group. Last April two-thirds of the vot- ing student body offered their crit- icism of the restrictive powers of the Lecture Committee. The Student Legislature, de- spite delays and counter-propo- sals, stood steadfast to the cri- teria of individual guilt, judged after the act on specific evidence, and freedom of expression for po- litical ideas, no matter how un- popular or repulsive. We continue in our belief that at a university serving a democ- racy these ideals must be main- tained in working order. The fight the above openings call Ext. 371, Bu- reau of Appointments. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Thomas N. Johnson, Anatomy; thesis: "The Su- perior and Inferior Colliculi of the Mole (Scalopus aquaticus machrnus," Fri., Jan. 9, 4559 East Medical Building, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, E. C. Crosby. Doctoral Examination for Henry Klomp, English Language & Litera- ture; thesis: "The Idea of Aspiration In Early and Mid-victorian Literature," Sat., Jan. 10, 1953, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 9 a.m. Chairman, L. I. Bredvold. Doctoral Examination for John Fran- cis Castle, English; thesis: "The Mak- ing of An American Tragedy," Sat., Jan. 10, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, J. L, Da- vi s. Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Theory of Growth. There will be a meeting of all faculty members inter- ested in the interdisciplinary seminar in the theory of growth on Fri., Jan. 9, 4 p.m., in the west Conference Room of the Rackham Building. This seminar is offered in the second semester (Eco- nomics 353). Those interested should contact Mr. Boulding (Ext. 403). Psychology Colloquum meets Fri., Jan. 9, 4:15 p.m., in Auditorium D, Ma- son Hall. Dr. Charles E. Osgood, Pro- fessor of Psychology, University of - linois, will speak on "Aphasia and Lan- guage Theory." Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Jan. 9, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Speaker: Dr. F. D. Miller; Subject: "Two Recent Soviet Contributions to Galactic Dy- namics." Concerts University Symphony Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will be heard at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 11, In Hill Auditorium, with Leroy Anderson ap- pearing as guest conductor. The con- cert will be played in conjunction with the Eighth Annual Midwestern Music Conference, and will be open to 1the general public. It will include Rich- ards' Hail Miami, Bach's Prelude and Fugue in B-fiat minor, Rossini's Over- ture to "Italian in Algiers," and Jacob's Music for a Festival. After Intermis- sion the band will play Wagner's com- position "Elsa's Procession to the Ca- thedral from 'Lohngrin'" and five works by Leroy Anderson: The Phan- tom Regiment, Serenata, Trumperter's Lullaby, Belle of the Ball, and Sleigh Ride Events Today Wesley Foundation. Meet at Wesley Lounge at 7:30 to go to the Hockey Game. Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer- sity Museums, "OurnAnimal Neigh. bors," "Common Animals of the woods," and "Gray Squirrel. 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. No admission charge. SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15- 5:30 p.m. Canterbury Club, co-hostess. All students invited. Sophomore Cabaret Central Commit- tee meeting at 4 p.m., in the League. All chairman or their assistants should be there as important questions will have to be decided. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have a hockey party tonight. Meet in front of the Union at 7. Re- turn to the Student Center after the game. Hillel Foundation. Friday evening services at 7:45, alsoSaturday morning services at 9 a.m. Motion Picture, ausices of the Stu- dent Legislature-Cinema Guild, "All That Money Can Buy," Fri... and Sat, Janm- and9;450; 9S---7land- 95 p.m., and Sun., Jan. 11, 8-p~n. Architecture Auditorium. Coming Events Square Dance Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold Its January dance Saturday evening, Jan. 10, at the gymnasium of Tappan Junior High School. A 7:30 dessert and coffee -hour will precede the dance. Mr. M. Van Ameyde of Detroit will be the caller. Beacon. Lunch at noon Sat., Jan. 10, in League Cafeteria. Ajourn at 1:15 to Professor Price's studio in Burton Tow- er to read a play. Tryouts for the Annual French Play will take place on Tues., and Wed., Jan. 13 and 14, from 3 to 5:15 p.m. in 408 Romance language Building. Any student on the Campus with a cer- tain knowledge of the French lan- guage is eligible. . 1.Ig Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young . ..... . Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra . .... Editorial Director Zander Hollander .... Feature Editor Sid Klaus.....Associate City Editor Harland Britz ......... Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor Ed Whipple........ ..,...Sports Editor John Jenks .... Associate Sports Editor Dick Seweil Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler . Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Asoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green.......... . Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston .. Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg . FInance Manager rom Treeger ......Circulation Manager r: , . I '1 By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The new year will really begin, for America and for the West- ern World when Dwight D. Eisenhower takes his Presidential oath. That day, in his inaugural address, Eisenhower will summon Americans to a new unity and a new sense of their high task. Soon thereafter, he will reveal the broad outline of his practical program in his message on the State of the Union, which will be his first down-to-earth statement of policy. The two speeches, which Eisenhower has already decided to differentiate in this manner, will symbolize together the two great goals he has set for himself. In an atmosphere grown fetid with political squa- lor and political ugliness, he hopes to bring about a renewal of faith. And in a time when American policy sometimes seems to swing aimlessly, like a broken shutter in the wind, he hopes to achieve reinvigora- tion by works. One thing is clear, even now, about this great enterprise that Eisenhower is em- barking on. It is going to make 1953 a won- derfully busy and probably argumentative year. The range of activity, the variety of the already foreseeable causes of debate, are little short of stupendous., The State Department is to be reor- ganized again-John Foster Dulles has asked Donald B. Lourie, President of the Quaker Oats Company, to undertake this grisly job as a 'Second Under -Secretary of State. While the policy-making machinery is in mid-upheaval, the Korean problem is to be boldly tackled-certain of Eiseh- hower's advisors are now discussing the use of atomic weapons against the enemy ground forces there, which should pro- voke a major inter-Allied turmoil. Other great problems, like Indo-China, are also to be firmly attacked-and this can make trouble with the Congress, The defense budget is to be recast-among the Eisenhower-men there is much talkrof cancelling the bulk of the giant carrier pro- gram and otherwise "bringing the Navy forces' level into line with national strat- egy," which should touch off still a third resounding controversy. While the existing defense program is being turned upside down, it is also planned to grasp such huge nettles as the great issues raised by the hydrogen bomb and the vast and urgent A new relation between Congress and the White House must be hammered out-and it may be said on good authority that few Eisenhower men count on basing this re- lation on continued peaceful cooperation be- tween Dwight D. Eisenhower and Robert A. Taft. Taxes, inflation, wage and price con- trols, farm policy, internal security policy -all these must be revised or re-defined. And while all this is going on, the outside world will still be pressing ever new pro- posals and demands upon Eisenhower. It is only necessary to go down this ex- tremely incomplete list to see two things. First of all, the great numbers of people who hope the Eisenhower Administration will prove a sort of political golden age, are due for a sad disappointment. So many complex questions cannot be ventilated, so many vital decisions cannot be reached, without a good deal of friction. The con- cord that prevails today cannot prevail much longer, for very obvious practical reasons.-, Second, however, the very fact that Eis- enhower and his co-workers plan such an aggressive attack on so many fronts at once is in itself vastly encouraging. American government has too long been languid and palsied. The biggest trouble, at home and abroad, has been the loss of vigor and self- confidence. Yet with all their vigor, all their self- confidence, all their freshness of outlook, Eisenhower and his new men will also need to be wise in themselves and strengthened by the support of a united nation. This time that is beginning now is the time that must shape he future of America and of the world. It is the time that all the Chiefs of Staff in all the Western nations have chosen as the moment of greatest danger, by reason of the completion of the Soviet rearmament program. It is the time that will tell whether the Western alliance can hold together. It is the time that will tell whether this nation can do its job as the leader of the free world. No President, not even Abraham Lin- coln, has taken office with such a heavy burden of immediate responsibility, amid such dangers, or surrounded by such dif- ficulties. If Eisenhower fails, the last best hope will fail with him. But as the year 1953 opens, the signs are that Eisenhower will succeed. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) l r > t', --MC CARTHY'S MEDAL-- 0 SENATOR MC CARTHY certainly deserved his medal more than Hurley, and more than Maj. Gen. Harry Vaudhan deserved the various medals handed him by Dictator Peron and other foreign governments merely because he was the President's military aide. Because of the many queries received by this column regard- ing McCarthy's medal-especially since some veterans have been mailing their medals to the Senator-here are the exact facts about the McCarthy award as obtained from official sources: 1. The navy declined to give Senator McCarthy the Purple Heart for alleged wounds in action. The refusal was based on the fact that McCarthy was not wounded, but incurred a slight injury to his foot while being initiated by "King Neptune" in a bit of horseplay aboard the Navy seaplane tender Chandeleur as the ship crossed the equator. McCarthy was climbing down a ladder with a bucket tied to his ankle during the shellback initiation, when he slipped and broke a bone .in his foot. McCarthy has stated that he carried "ten pounds of shrapnel" in his leg. But he was never wounded and the Navy so found when they refused him the Purple Heart. 2. The Distinguished Flying Cross, when awarded by the Navy during the early part of the war, was given only for rare and heroic action under fire. However, the Navy found that the Army Air Corps was handing out Flying Crosses at a rate of 100 to 1 compared with the Navy. So, on Dec. 18, 1944, the Navy decided to award the Flying Cross automatically to any man who had floyn on 20 air missions, 3. McCarthy asked to be mustered out of the Marines in Octiber, 1944-even though the Pacific war was at its peak. Earlier he had got a leave of absence to run against Senator Wiley ofWisconsin though it was against the regulations to run for office -while on active duty. Defeated by Wiley, McCarthy then wanted to run again for a judgeship. So finally the Marines discharged him, and it was at about this time that McCarthy first applied for a Flying Cross. In sending in his application he stated "as an officer and a gentleman" that he had participated in 32 air missions. However, when Marine corps headquarters processed the application in Wash- ington, it was noted in McCarthy's file that he had flown only in 19 missions. Therefore his application was refused. 4. Last year, McCarthy reapplied for his medal, and through some of his friends in the Marine corps, got the application on the desk of assistant Secretary of the Navy Floberg, who OK'd it. Floberg is a former member of the Chicago Tribune law firm, a paper vigorously supporting McCarthy. This was in August, 1952. For some unexplained reason, however, the award was held up until just the other day. Just why it was signed in 1952 when re- fused in 1944, and just why it was held up from August until December remains a mystery. Naval officials would give no ex- planation, NOTE-McCarthy's claim of 32 air missions conflicts with one of his own campaign leaflets issued in Wisconsin in 1944, which re- ported: "McCarthy participated in 14 dive-bombing missions." Wis- consin campaign literature also gave him the nickname of "tail- gunner Joe," though naval records show that his trips were as an ,, ^y. R i , 14