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January 08, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-01-08

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_____________________________________________________________________________________________ I I

11 1 1 "V


Middle East Defense Command -

1M ii

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a
series of interpretive editorials dealing with the
highly-nationalistic Middle East. Articles on
North Africa, Iran, and Israel will follow.
Today: Egypt and MEDO.)
Daily Editorial Director
WHILE THE out-going Truman Admin-
istration was successful in cementing
a North Atlantic Treaty Organization, os-
tensibly little progress has been made in
engineering a Middle East Defense Pact.
As a 'result, one of the first tasks of the
Eisenhower Administration will be to grap-
ple with the problem of establishing a de-
fensive bastion in that vital area.
The stakes are high. In the past four
years the Soviets have made considerable
headway among the Arab states, and the
possibility of a major explosion-perhaps
in Iran-is an excruciating thought to
State Department and British diplomats.
Arabs, oil, the Suez Canal, trade, warm-
water ports, air-lines-all hang in the
balance. But the salient importance of
the area is its strategic location as the
right flank of NATO.
Egypt is still the key to the problem of
erecting a MEDO.defensive structure. Prior
to the ouster of the incompetent Farouk,
the State Department had joined H. M.
Government in overtures to the Egyptian
Government, designed to create a MEDO
for purposes of mutual defense against pos-
sible Russian aggression. The lengthy nego-
tiations broke down repeatedly as a result
of Britain's refusal to make concessions to
the Egyptian Government on the Suez Canal
and the Sudan.
Nearly half a year has now passed since
the dolt-king was spirited off to Italy, the
victim of a masterful coup by General Mo-
hammed Naguib and a group of young army
officers. What has happened in Egypt since
Naguib assumed power bears very favorably
on the MEDO scheme.
Naguib seems to have taken on the
stature of another Ataturk. Reports from.
Egypt indicate that the General and his
reform program have been remarkably
popular with the Egyptian people, Land
re(orm is being facilitated, and last week
the government inaugurated a five-year
plan to improve economic conditions in
that poverty-stricken country. Meanwhile,
the corruption-ridden Wafd party and
the government itself have been purged

of their more venal leaders. At present, a
thorough overhauling of the rather fossil-
ized Egyptian constitution is also being
Naguib, it would seem, can in nb way be
compared with the usual stereotype of the
Arab politician, who will ordinarily prom-
ise the sun without procuring a mote. Un-
like his fat predecessor, Naguib appears to
be a realist with whom the West can bar-
gain. Fortunately, he is also an implacable
anti-Communist, realizing as he does the
threat to his country from the northeast.
Yet the General is a nationalist, and as
such, a man who will have to be handled
with the utmost of diplomatic acumen. At
this crucial stage, the West will be able to
bargain with Naguib only if it is willing to
recognize the legitmate national aspirations
of Egypt.
The two imposing obstacles to be hurd-
led are (1) the future of the Sudan and
(2) the Suez Canal. Egypt, ever sensi-
tive about the. source of its life-blood-
the Nile, is still demanding British with-
drawal from the Sudan. Weary,of years
of British interference in Egyptian af-
fairs, Egypt is also insisting on the re-
moval of British troops from the Canal
zone. To date Britain remains adamant
on both counts.
There are, of course, cogent arguments to
be recognized on both sides. Without the
Suez Canal, Britain might well be choked
economically. As regards the Sudan, it is
of great importance that the Sudanese are
satisfied with any new arrangement. Un-
fortunately, the situation has been com-
pounded by the irrevocable bungling of the
past, and reconciliation will, at best, be
But whatever its complexity, the situation
has all the makings of a compromise. What
form that compromise might take is not yet
clear, but it is certain that concessions will
have to be made on both sides.
Egypt, as the leader of the Arab states,
must be reconciled to MEDO before a de-
fensive alliance can be set up in the Near
East. Once the Eisenhower Administra-
tion recognizes this, it will be obligated to
press for the immediate resolution of the
differences between our European ally
and our prospective Near Eastern ally.
There is no place for petty power politics
when the interests of both the Middle East
and the West demand a unified command
in that fomenting region.

Eisenhower-Stalin Meeting

In Memoriam
N THE DEATH of Prof. Carlos Lopez
both the University and the world
of art have suffered a great -loss. Na-
tionally recognized for his powerful
paintings and drawings, the professor
was well known on this campus as a
warm, friendly person who was admired
by both his students and colleagues.
Prof. Lopez's untimely death at the
age of 44 came at a time when he was
reaching new heights in his power of
psychological .penetration, .which .laid
bare the minds and hearts of the people
in his canvasses,
An extremely versatile artist, Prof.
Lopez was represented with high honors
in many major exhibits and has several
murals in government buildings. During
World War II he won praise as a chroni-
cler of the battlefront for Life Magazine.
His wide circle of friends and admirers
will long mourn the loss of an extremely
sensitive teacher whose intense feeling
and artistry were cut short in their
-Harry Lunn
NEW YORK - () .- Everyone yearns to
leave a modest hoofprint in the sands of
There are two ways to do this:
1) Do something in the world yourself to
put your mark upon it. (This-method is
for the restless, two-ulcer, go-getter type
of individual, such as Napoleon or the peo-
ple who climb to the top of the Washing-
ton Monument just to scratch their initials
2) Keep a diary. Then after generations
will honor you, not for your great personal
deeds but because your shrewd insight has
given the real inside story of your time.
As the average man is born with a strong
inclination to rest on his oars while he crit-
icizes the other fellow's rowing, most peo-
ple at one period of life or another start a
diary with the secret hope it will win them
ultimate fame.
Since I early developed an utter appetite
for leisure, that is the path to renown I
choose. I suppose I have started and stopped
. my diary 20 times. Any future historian who
reads it and tries to figure out what life in
the 20th century was like will have a lot
of gaps to fill in from somebody else's diary.
The earliest entries are marked by a sure
judgment and a keen observation:
"Agnes Stubble is the ugliest girl in the
class . . . Old Man Robbins came home
drunk again last night. Ha, ha, ha!"
Then came the dawning of the old strug-
gle between love and friendship:
"Harry Banting wouldn't stay and play
marbles after school. He is goofy over a
girl in the fourth grade, and he's in the fifth
grade. A cradle snatcher, eh?"
A lot of the entries are followed by that
wod-"eh?" In the books I was reading
then somebody was always saying something
like, "So that's your little game, eh?"
In my last year in grammar school I
joined an organization called the SSGP
-for "Secret Service Girl Protectors." The
entries are in code. The code consisted of
substituting the numer "1" for the letter
"A," " for "B"-and so on through the
The most significant entry I can now deci-
pher by counting on my fingers-to crack
the old code-says:
"Bill and I trailed three girls home from
school today. Everything OK. Following
three more tomorrow."

In the diary of my freshman year at high
school there is a notation that clearly shows
the growing disillusion of American ybuth
in the prohibition era:
"Algebra, ugh! What good is it?"
Another entry in my senior year indicates
the questioning spirit of those faraway days :
"Why was I put upon this turning globe
at all since Mary (last name censored)
loves another?"
A brief scribble during my sophomore year
at college reveals the exalted grasp of poetry
common to the more thoughtful student
"Ah. the moon is a wound against the sky
tonight. It looks like a cold sore on a piece
of black velvet."
The impact of the depression of the early
1930's on a fine, sensitive mind is shown in
the following:
"Dad says a college graduate without a
job still has to earn his keep, so I must pass
out handbills for his grocery store tomorrow.
Ah, Shakespeare. Ah, Shelley. Did you have
to pass out handbills for your bread?"
The scattered diary entries in the years
since I went to work merely mirror the de-
veloping sordidness of a sorry world:
"What a day this has been-trouble,
trouble, trouble! . . . Tomorrow is my
birthday . . . That tooth has been both-
ering me again ... When am I going to
have the guts to ask the boss for more
Gradually the diary just dwindled away
in a sea of blank white pages. Maybe it won't
tell much to the historians of an after age,

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"Happy Ho'neymoon, You-All"

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FOR THE FUTURE, there is a lot of in-
terest in the idea of an Eisenhower-
Stalin meeting, which has so suddenly been
injected into the news. As a matter of fact,
it can be said on good authority that both
the new President and his future Secretary
of State, John Foster Dulles, had been
weighing this same idea before Generalis-
simo Stalin indicated he, was not opposed
to it.
In the State Department, moreover, the
thinking of the foremost American dip-
lomatic experts has been running on the
same lines. These future advisors of Dulles
and Eisenhower reason that it will be
cruelly difficult to limit the Korean war,
if a grand offensive is launched. They
admit that the only way to end the war
is to make it hurt the other side more,
so long negotiations seem hopeless. Yet
they do not believe that either the Rus-
sians or the Chinese desire to risk an
unlimited war in the Far East.
Hence they argue that there may be a
good chance of a peaceful settlement in
Korea, if President-elect Eisenhower and
Generalissimo Stalin get together to "talk
cold turkey."
In these circumstances, it is a proof of
the sound political judgment of the new
President and the new Secretary of State
that they are still inclined to give priority
to the problem of Europe. In Europe at the
moment, the Western alliance is showing
signs of a very great and terrible strain. If
these strains reach the breaking point--if
Eisenhower meets Stalin with the Western
alliance divided and -dissolving in his rear
-he will not have a bargaining leg to stand
on. In such circumstances, Stalin will only
be interested in playing a waiting game, in
order to see what prizes he may grab from
the ruins of the West.
Hence it can be said on the highest
authority that the present plan is for
John Foster Dulles to go to Europe, and
to meet with the Allied leaders, as soon as
he has taken his oath as Secretary of
The need, as forecast soie time ago in
reports from Europe in this space, is urgent.
The NATO plan for European defense, orig-
inally drawn by Eisenhower himself, is be-
ing chopped down. Both in France and
Germany, opposition is rising to the project
for a European army, including the Ger-
man contribution.of twelve divisions that is

The new President and Secretary of
State were always conscious of this grow-
ing danger, despite their quite proper in-
itial preoccupation with the problem of
Korea. Their concern seems to have been
crystallized into. a decision to take action,
however, by an informal appeal from the
old friend and co-worker of both men, John
J. McCloy.
As American High Commissioner in
Germany, McCloy collaborated intimately
with Eisenhower at all times. He had a
special role moreover, in Eisenhower's
vital decision to support the European
army project, which Eisenhower at first
regarded as impractical'
When all hung in the balance, it was
McCloy who brought together Eisenhower
and the brilliant Frenchman, Jean Monnet,
for a discussion of the proposed European
army that lasted for almost an entire day.
And it was immediately after this crucial
meeting, in turn, that Eisenhower delivered
his historic speech at the London Guildhall
-the finest and clearest call for European
union that has been heard since the war.
Many European leaders know this back-
ground. Many are also close friends of
McCloy. For several of them, therefore,
McCloy was a natural confidant. Both
Jean Monnet and Germany's Chancellor
Conrad Adenauer are known to have been
among those who sent McCloy informal
i warning of the trouble in Europe, com-
bined with pleas for Eisenhower to turn .
his attention to the European problem.
These informal messages were transmitted
at the meeting between Eisenhower, Dulles
and McCloy in New York on Dec. 15. The
nmere news of this meeting caused a signif-
icant improvement in the political tone in
Germany, where McCloy's name carries so
much weight. From this fact one can gauge
the potential effect of a journey to Europe
by John Foster Dulles, when newly clothed
with the authority of Secretary of State,
and backed by the commanding authority
of the new President.
Dulles may have a very hard time. The
French political crisis, for instance, will
certainly complicate the matter of the
European army and the German divisions.
Yet if Dulles and Eisenhower can guide
American policy safely around this nasty
corner, a new perspective can well open.
With a Western alliance again united
and confirmed in its purposes, Eisenhower
will then be able to speak to Stalin with
the most unchallengeable authority. That
is the kind of tone of voice that the Russian

WASHINGTON-One of the most sensational aspects of the Mc-
Carthy investigation was not known even to the Senate elec-
tions committee members themselves. It was the sudden flight from
the U. S. of a key witness and friend of McCarthy's-wealthy di-
vorcee Arvilla Bentley.
Mrs. Bentley, formerly married to the new GOP congress-
man from Michigan, Alvin Bentley, skipped out of the country
under the assumed name of Mary Peterson. Reason for her hur-
ried exit was because she had officially given $7,000 to Mc-
Carthy, which is more than the legal limit; in addition to which
she told friends that she and her ex-husband had actually given
around $75,000.
Naturally, she didn't want to be crdss-examined by the Senate
elections committee.
Mrs. Bentley is a society lady living next door to Averill Harri-
man on swank Foxhall Road in Washington. For a time her husband
was in the State Department. For a time also, both he and Mrs.
Bentley were great friends of McCarthy's. Now divoiced, she is still
a friend.
When the Senate elections committee got hold of some of
Mrs. Bentley's canceled checks, they telephoned her, asked to
see her. But she flew the coop before a subpoena could be served.
Boarding an Eastern airlines plane at 1 a.m. Nov. 28, she arrived
in Miami, transferred to Pan American airlines, and arrived
in Nassau that afternoon.
Meanwhile, her Washington lawyer, Joseph Rafferty, claimed
he didn't know where she was, though actually she was in touch
with him and asked him to get certain records of cancelled checks
from the Riggs National Bank.
Mrs. Bentley was escorted to the Bahanas by a professional
ex-Communist, Harvey Matusow, who then returned to New York,
but flew back to the Bahamas after the storm had blown over in
order to pick her up and escort her back to Washington.
It was $10,000 of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley's money given to
McCarthy that the Senate elections committee found was care-
fully withdrawn by Jean Kerr, his secretary, then deposited
through circuitous channels in Wisconsin where it was used to
speculate on soy beans.
Congressman Bentley, when interviewed by the Senate elec-
tions committee, emphatically stated that he had not given the
money to McCarthy to be used by him personally.
SAM RAYBURN, the redoubtable Texan who celebrated his 71st
birthday this week, was heartbroken when the Democrats lost
last November. For a time he was determined to resigni from Con-
gress altogether and retire to Bonham, Texas, where he is building
a library to house his books, the records of some twenty congresses,
and the gavels he has wielded when Churchill, the Queen of Eng-
land, MacArthur, Eisenhower et al. addressed Congress.
But his old friends and brother-in-law, Judge Marvin Jones
of Amarillo, finally cheered Sam up, persuaded him not to resign.
And the other day, when Sam stepped down as speaker and took
the humble position of minority leader, he delivered a fighting
pep talk to the closed-door session of House Democrats.
"The recent election was not a victory for the Republican party,"
declared the ex-speaker. "All it demonstrated was that a nationally
advertised product, whose place in the sun was made possible largely
by two Democratic Presidents, is the national hero he's cracked up
to be.
"It was a personal victory for Eisenhower rather than the Re-
publican party.
"Aside from Ike's 'great personal popularity with the people,'"
Rayburn continues, "I don't think 40 years in the military service
automatically qualifies a man for the most important civil job
in the land, any more than my 40 years in legislative work qual-
ifies me to be a military leader.
"But I hope the General will learn fast, that he will take..
advice and that he will get good advice."
VREPUBLICANS WILL HAVE a tough time finding a better program
to replace the Democratic reforms for the welfare of farm and
city people, continued Rayburn.
"They are going to learn the difference between construc-
tion and obstruction," he added. "Any jackass can kick a barn
down, but it took a carpneter to build it."
Rayburn emphasized, however, that "the Republicans are en-
titled to their chance at the helm of government and I hope for the
welfare of the country that they do a good job.
As for Democrats, now that we are the minority party we
should show the country that we are big enough to support the
Republicans when they offer anything that is good for the na-
tional welfare. As minority leader I intend to follow that policy
and will not oppose the majority party just for the sake of
"But if they threaten to abolish the good things we Demo-
crats have done for the people, things that are basic to our economy
and prosperity, then it's time for us to become a fighting minority."
ERIC RIOS BRIDOUX, the Bolivian pilot who crashed into an
Eastern Airlines plane, killing 55 persons near the Washington
airport three years ago, almost made the headlines again last week.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed oy the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
present Senate rule may have its
defenders but to my way of think-
To the Editor: ing has very little defense. True
to vote without provision and op-
T WAS A disappointment to me portunity for debate would, be
to see the majority of the both unwise and undemocratic;
members of my Party in the U. S. but to debate at length without
Senate vote in caucus not to sup- them voting, or making equitable
port a change in Senate Rule 22 provisions whereby a vote could
concerning closure. For persons be forced, seems to me to be pure
like Taft and Dirksen it was a lunacy and completely ridiculous.
sharp reversal in their previous I might add by way of note that
piositions on the issue and for the Democratic Caucus didn't
Senate Republicans generally, choose to even recognize closure
with such commendable excep- as an issue and then proceeded to
tions as Ives, Duff, Smith, Tobey, elect a complete slate of anti-
and Morse, it was a repudiation of civil rights Southerners to con-
their Party's historic position on stitute their leadership in the
Civil Rights legislation. next congress.
The proposal to continue the -David Cargo

(Continued from Page 2)
Five students (women) placed on so-
cial probation for one week anda
warned; four students (women) placed'
on social probation for two weeks and
For drinking by minor and using
false idenkification to purchase liquor:
One student fined $20.00 ($10.00 for each
offense) and warned.
For drinking in automobile and pro-
viding minor with intoxicants: One
student fined $25.60 (second offense)
and warned.
For participating it unauthorized
party and providing minor with intox-
icants: One student suspended indef-
initely (repeated offenses); one student
fined $20.00 and warned.
For participating in unauthorized
party and driving after drinking: One
student fined $25.00 and warned.
For participating In unauthorized
party: Two students fined $10.00 and
For contributing to the delinquency
of minors: one student fined $10.00 and
For conduct unbecoming a student
and aiding in the violation of a state
law by accepting and consuming intox-
icating liquor as a minor: One student
(woman) assigned counseling and
.warned; one student (woman) placed
on social probation for one week and
For misconduct: One student warned.
For drinking in student residence and
disturbing the peace: two students fined
$10.00 and warned.
For drinking in student residence,
disturbing the peace and having un-
chaperoned women in room: One stu-
dent fined $10.00 and strongly warned.
One group case was heard and the
following disciplinary action recom-
mended by the Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil was ordered by the Sub-Committee
on Discipline:
For holding unauthorized party at
which alcoholic beverages were sup-
plied and served by the fraternity: one
fraternity fined $500.00 and warned,
placed on social probation for balance
of school year; and officers ordered to
Sub-Committee on Discipline
Personnel Interviews.
On Wed., Jan. 14, there will be a
representative at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments from the Budd Company of
Detroit to interview February gradu-
ates in Accounting for their Training
The Lambert Company, of Jersey
City, N.J., will have a gentleman here
on wed., Jan. 14, to talk to February
men, single and not draftable for
their Sales Training Program. Business
Administration or LSA students may
make an appointment for an Interview.
This company makes Listerine Anti-
septic, tooth paste, and toothbrushes.
Wimsatt Brothers, of Detroit, will
be here on Thurs., Jan. 15, to inter-
view February and June men for sales
positions. The work would be in the
Detroit area and would be connected.
with wholesale building supplies.
The American Airlines will have, a
representative at the Sheraton-Cadillac
Hotel in Detroit on Thurs. and Fri.,
Jan. 15 and 16, to talk to women in-
terested -In becoming stewardesses.
Personnel Requests.
The Wisconsin Civil Service an-
nounces examination for Architect II
and III. The work would be in connec-
tion with plans and drawings for new
state buildings at colleges, hospitals,
institutions, and at the university.
The Ingersoll Milling Machine Co.,
of Rockford Ill., has openings for
Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.
both those with a Bachelor's degree and
those with graduate degrees who have
had some experience may make ap-
The New York State Civil Service
examination for Professional and Tech-
nical Assistant will be given on Sat.,
Jan. 10, at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Those students who made ap-
plication for the examination should
call the Bureau of Appointments, Ext.
Harvard University, of Cambridge,
Mass., has openings for Electronic En-
gineers (experience In circuit design
and development for digital computer
equipment would be helpful); and Ap-
plied Mathematician to prepare prob-
lems for introduction to "the comput-
ing machines.
For further information concerning
these and other openings contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istratio Bunildig, Ext. 371.
cussion of the subject, "The Govern-
The Jerome Lectures. General topic,
"Manpower in the Western Roman Em-
pire." Fourth lecture: round table dis-
ment services," Dr. Arthur E. R. Boak,
Richard Hudson Professor of Ancient
History, Thurs., Jan. 8, 4:15 p.m. West

Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Academic Notices

Thurs., Jan. 8, 3003 Chemistry Building,
at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, L. O. Brock-
Doctoral Examination for Thomas N'.
Johnson, Anatomy; thesis: "The Su-
perior and Inferior Colliculi of the
Mole (Scalopus aquaticus mnachxrlnus),"
Fri., Jan. 9, 4559 East Medical Building,
at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, E. C. Crosby.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Jan.
9, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Speaker:
Dr. F. D. Miller; Subject: "Two Recent
Soviet Contributions to Galactic Dy-
Psychology Colloquium meets Fri.,
Jan. 9, 4:15 p.m., in Auditorium D, Ma-
son Hall. Dr. Charles E. Osgood, Pro-
fessor of Psychology, University of Il-
linois, will speak on "Aphasia and Lan-
guage Theory."
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Meet-
ing Thurs., Jan. 8, at 4 p.m., in 247
West Engineering Building. I. Marx will
speak on "Recurrence Relations for
Spheroidal Wave Fnctions."
Course 401. The lecture previously
scheduled for Course 401 will not be giv-
en due to the illness of Dr. L. Hurwicz.
Dr. L. Klein. of the Economics Depart-
ment, will talk on "Measurement Prob-
lems in the Cost of Living Index." The
seminar will be held in 3409 Mason
Hall, at 4 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 8.
Events Today
Between-Semester Project of the Sen-
for Board. Those people who have been
contacted will meet with the Senior
Board in regard to the high school
speaking project which will be con-
ducted between semesters. The meet-
ing will be in the League at 7:30 p.m.
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold a
meeting at 7:30 in West Engineering
Building. Plans for ice boating will be
Arts Chorale and Women's Glee Club
regular rehearsal at 7 p.m., Lane Hall.
Modern Dance Club will meet tonight
at 7:30 in Barbour Gym. Will every
member of the club please attend? It
is especially important that those 'who
participated in the Christmas program
be present.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
at 4-6 p.r.
Kappa Phi. Supper and program
Thursday at 5:15 for all actives and
pledges. This will be the last meeting
this semester, so be sure to be there.
Coming Events
wesley Foundation. Meet at Wesley
Lounge at 7:30 on Fri., Jan. 9, to go to
the Hockey Game.
Motion' Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "Our Animal Neighbors,"
"Common Animals of the Woods," and
"Gray Squirrel, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Jan. 9,
Kellogg Auditorium. No admission


Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra.... ......Editorial' Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman .... .Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewely....Associate 6ports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz.........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehniberg ... .Finance Manager
Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager

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