BEHIND THE LINES See Page 4 IYL Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t I CLOUDY AND COLD CLOUDY AND COLD . LXIII, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1953 SIX PAGES SIX PAGES House Un-American Activities Group To Probe U' * * * 4> * * * * * I Shifts in Red Line Reflecteda'U' YCL Seen as Direct Predecessor To Present Labor Youth League (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of interpretive articles dealing with the activities of the Communist Party and Communist-front r organizations in Ann Arbor and at the University.) By' ZANDER HOLLANDER Daily Feature Editor The Comhmunist Party "line" has taken many a shift and turn since the beginning of its organized attempt to indoctrinate American youth.I Every time Party leaders spoke echoes have been heard in Ann Arbor. The period which these articles cover begins with the Young Communist League and ends with YCL's direct descendant, the Labor Youth League. YCL first reared its head on campus in October of 1937, al- though it is reputed to have held irregular meetings for five years before that time. Though it reportedly reached a peak growth of 80 members, it obediently folded on Party orders in 1941. This paralleled the Party's own decision to "disband after a fashion-though reconstituting itself into the fairly innocuous Com- munist Political Association. Why? CONSIDER THE TIMS. The Soviet Union was fighting for its continued existence. The western democracies were under the Ger- man heel. Pearl Harbor was only months away. In a recent Daily interview, Balza Baxter, current state chair- mn of the LYL, gave the answer: "The Young Communist League dissolved itself in the interests of welding American youth into a united front against the Nazis." ' American Youth for Democracy was the "united front," Baxter admitted. r* * t * 3 DOMINATED BY FORMER big guns of the earlier Communist youth movement like Leon Wofsy, Mel Williamson and Joe Bucholt, AYD's state outlet was Michigan Youth for Democratic Action. Neither AYD nor MYDA was wholly subservient, to the Commu- nist cause, however. AYD's membership of more than 1300 college students in the state insured that. The University branch, apprqved by the Student Affairs Committee in January 1944, was one of the least tainted of more than 60 university chapters around the country. Buton November 29, 1945, the National 'Board of the Party decided to reclaim its own and the process of forcing and frightening non- Communists out of controlling ,posts in AYD began. In a "Memoran- dum on Youth Work and Policy," revealed to governmental authorities by FBI agent Matthew Cvetic, the Board stated: "In relation to AYD, the party should specifically give assist. ance through. (a) Improved guidance to Communists in the youth move- anent. (b) Training and assigning personnel, especially from among returning veterans to the youth movement.. . " Less than a year later, Edward Shaffer, then 23 years old and fresh from a hitch in Europe with the U.S. Army combat engineers, returned to the University, where he had studied under Army auspices during the war. Committee Sets Wayne Investigation Search for Reds In 25 Colleges By. BARNES CONNABLE Daily City Editor Alleged Communist activity a the University will undergo in vestigation by the House Un American Activities Committee, i was revealed yesterday. The re-constituted Committee to be headed by ex-FBI agen Rep. Harold H. Velde (R-Ill.), i expected to swing into action sometime this year on testimon by witnesses that Red cells have operated on the University cam pus. Michigan and Wayne Uni versity are included in a. list o 25 colleges to be probed in the near future. REP. VELDE said yesterday in Washington that investigations o: the two state institutions and Ford Local 600 (UAW-CIO) wil probably be held simultaneously either in Detroit or the nation's capitol. The gigantic CIO union was the chief target during two weeks of hearings in Detroit last Feb- ruary and March by a House sub-committee under the chair- manship of Rep. John S. Wood (D-Ga.) The packed District Court room also heard FBI undercover worker Bereniece "Toby"Baldwin cite three CP cells in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Baldwin and Bella V. Dodd, who named the University in testimony last September in Washington as harboring Com- munist faculty members, will be called as witnesses in the new investigation. No students or faculty members were subpoenaed by the Commit- tee last year. Chairman Wood told The Daily at that time his group had no information which would warrant looking into the Univer- sity. * * * FIVE UNIVERSITY alumni were called to testify during the hear- ings as to membership in the Com- munist Party. The former students, who refused to answer key ques- tions, were: Robert Cummins, Daily Asso- ciate Editor in 1936-37, cited for activities in Michigan Youth for Democratic Action; John Cher- veny, ex-president of MYDA's Detroit chapter; Lebrdn Sim- mons, who spoke in the off- campus genocide debate last spring; Raphael Haskell, re- ported as active in the now-de- funct Young Communist Lea- gue, and Elliott "Ace" Maraniss, Daily Editorial Director in 1939- 40. Jackson printer Wayne Salis- bury also cited alumnus Jack Gore, first state chairman of the Labor Youth League, as a Com- munist. Of the six, only Simmons' name does not appear in the Commit- tee's annual report. A petition to hear Simmons on campus last pring was granted by the Uni- versity Lecture Committee but he put in an off-campus appearance when fellow debater Ann Shore was banned. *, * * BEST KNOWN locally among hose who appeared before the ,ommittee was Arthur McPhaul, xecutive secretary of Michigan's ivil Rights Congress branch, who was banned from speaking here ast March. McPhaul has since been cited for ontempt of Congress as a result f his reluctance to reply to the louse group's queries in the Motor !ity.- Another un-cooperative wit- ness, student Lorraine Meisner, was suspended by Wayne Uni- versity. Twenty-three other wit- nesses also relied on the fifth amendment privilege. A "top-secret" cell at Lansing, evolving Michigan State teachers, vas cited at the hearings but MSC resident John A. Hannah quick- y denied the presence of any Com- nunist on the Spartan faculty. TRO A R S STALl OF UoS. TO Ic IGHT IC MSC Head To Assume 'Defense Job NEW YORK-(I)-President- elect Dwight D. Eisenhower today f named John A. Hannah, president of Michigan State College, to re- place Mrs. Anna Rosenberg as assistant secretary of defense in charge of manpower and person- f nel. The 51-year-old educator, of East Lansing, Mich., is taking a leave of absence from the college to accept the appointment, it was announced by James C. Hagerty, press secretary to tfle President- elect. * * * HANNAH, a Republican, will re- ceive a salary of $15,000. a year in the post. His appointment was an- nounced, Hagerty said, after Eis- enhower conferred with Charles E. Wilson, who will be secretary of defense in the new admin- istration. The educator had conferred with Eisenhower at the President-elect's Commodore Hotel headquarters last week. * * * A NATIVE of Grand Rapids, Mich., Hannah received his bach- elor of science degree from Mich- igan State College at East Lansing in 1923 and he has been connected with that institution ever since. He became president of the college in 1941. Hannah was president of the American Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities in 1949 and chairman of the as- sociation's executive committee in 1950 and 1951. Hannah also is a director of the Detroit branch of the Federal Re- serve Bank of Chicago and of the Michigan Bell Telephone Com- pany. During the spring of 1952, he served as chairman of the na- tional conference on international economicnand social development in Washington. State Treasurer Address YR's d D. Hale Brake, State Treasurer, will talk to campus Young Repub- licans at 8 p.m. today in the Un- ion on "Problems of the State of Michigan." Brake has served as State Treas- urer for five terms, and has just been elected to his sixth term. He is' also chief Republican on the State Administration Board. Before the meeting, YR offi- cers will hold a dinner for Brake1 and their faculty advisers. -Daily-Don Campbell DELUSION-Although this shot of campus from t he Union tower pictures Ann Arbor as somewhat of a winter wonderland, the weather bureau repor ts less than two inches of snow on the ground and no signs of the first heavy snowfall of the se ason. Michigan Pucksters Blank MSC, 6-0 O- See MYDA'S, Page 2 World News Roundup By the Associated Press NEW YORK - Old friends Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill last night held their third private conference in as many days-an hour and a half talk which ended without a clue as to what was discussed. * * * SEOUL - U.S. Sabre jets scored three , times yesterday against Communist MIGs while swarms of bombers riddled the ragged enemy rail network and blew up 80 Red trucks along the roads. WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Acheson in a farewell speech to American diplomats predicted yesterday that "wicked, unfound- ed" criticisms of the State De- partment would continue under President-elect Eisenhower's -ad- ministration, * * * SEATTLE - A chartered transport plane carrying 37 sol- diers on the last long leg of their homeward trip from the Far East was missing yesterday over mountainous country of Southeast Idaho or Wyoming. WASHINGTON-The Army has ordered immediate vaccinatipn for all United Nations troops in Korea and American forces in Europe in a move to offset the threat of widespread influenza. * * * Irate Michigan House To Quit QuadCouncil s Michigan House voted to secede r from the West Quad Council by a s vote of 33 to 14 late last night. f The move will automatically cosi them their seat on the Inter-House Council. The secession followed on t;ne heels of a vote by the IHC Tuesday night to establish a panel of two men from each quadrangle to re- solve the controversy over Michi- gan House's representative to the West Quad Council, Bert Braun, THE IHC's motion was passed over opposition from Michigan House representatives who favored referring their delegate's case to Men's Judiciary. Prior to this Men's Judiciary had offered to act as arbitrator in the case if both Michigan House and the West Quad Council would agree to abide by its decision. The Council would not agree to this arbitration. The Michigan House meeting was marked by strong debate on both the Braun case and the related question of secession. One faction felt that if no def- mite action were taken it would be giving in to certain- Quad Council leaders, Others voiced the opinion that the secession was being made be- cause of the principles and con- G t' n d ( s] I p t t c e) C C{ i Pr ly By PAUL GREENBERG special To The Daily EAST LANSING--The Wolver- ine hockey squad, playing with- out its star wing John McKennell, whitewashed an inept Michigan State sextet 6-0 here last night. TABLED: Vote Delayed On Filibuster WASHINGTON-UP)-The Sen- ate disposed of the filibuster issue, at least temporarily, yesterday as the 83rd Congress got ready f~r the incoming Eisenhower admin- istration and a new legislative pro- gram. A motion to change the Senate rules and make it harder to carry on time-consuming filibusters was tabled by a vote of 70 to 21. A bloc of 19 senators had tried to push the motion through in the opening days of the new session in order to clear the way for civil riglits measures, which Southern Democrats traditionally talk to death. Senate Majority Leader Taft of Ohio allowed the subject to be de- bated for two days and then, late yesterday afternoon, succeeded in having the motion tabled. Doug Mullen, Reg Shave, George Chin and Doug Philpott led Michigan's offense while goalie Willard Ikola burned in a mas- terful job in the nets, garnering his first shutout of the season. Both Mullen and Shave, the two redheads, got a pair of goals and an assist while Chin tied them for the evenings scoring honors with one score and two assists. Philpott got the last goal of the evening and picked up an assist on Shaves' second score. THE WIN pushed Michigan in- to a first-place tie in the Midwest Hockey League race with Denver University, both teams having racked up seven points. The Pio- neers have lost one more game, than the Wolverines who have captured four and lost one in league play. The Maize and Blue chances of moving up in the race for the bunting rests with a two game series that Denver plays with the rugged Sioux of North Dakota University. North Da- kota has won four straight in league play and is tied for third'' place with thrice-beaten Colo- rado College. Coach Vic Heyliger employed two makeshift lines in last night'sj game, the move being necessitat- ed by McKennell's temporary sus- pension. Philpott, erstwhile cen- ter on the second line, moved up to McKennell's left wing slot with Jim Haas switching over from the defense to center for wings Pat Cooney and Chin. * * .* HEYLIGER used Alex McClel- lan, Shave and Lou Paolatto on See ICERS, Page 3 CABINET: SL Appoints New Officer Elections and appointments cap- tured the main spotlight at last night's Student T,egiela ture meet- ing. Janet Netzer, '54, presently chairman of the Campus Actiun Committee won election to the re- cording secretary's post vacated Tuesday by Robin Glover, '53. Miss Netzer defeated Ruth Rossner, '55. Just before this election, Miss Rossner and veteran legislator Phil Berry, GAad., were approved. to fill SL seats caused by the resignations of Miss Glover and Sue Waldis, '53. SL vice-president Bob Nears, 54, was selected to sit as one of the two student representa- tives to the Lecture Committee. replacing Berry. Members also designated the Nov. 21 Ohio State game as Home- coming Game for 1953. Cites Recent Development Of 'Weapons Sees Russian Doom in War WASHINGTON-()-President Truman yesterday warned Soviet Premier Stalin to steer clear of war or risk destruction of"the Russian homeland by awesome new U. S. atomic weapons per- haps ,even dwarfing the hydrogen. "hell" bomb. And to the incoming Republican administration of President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, Truman bade Godspeed in coping with the grave problems that lie ahead. With it he coupled this admoni- tion: "We must stick to our guns and carry out our policies." IN A FAREWELL "state of the union" message to Congress, the President addressed himself di- rectly to Stalin as he cautioned the Soviet premier that vast strides in the development of American atomic weapons and growing West- ern military srength would doom Russia in the event of another great war. Bluntly, the President told Stalin that war between the East and West would spell "ruin for your regime and your home- land." Such a war is not possible for rational men, he said. He declared it ccguld send Western civilization down to ruin along with Russia. HINTING that the development of even more fearsome weapons than the H-bom may be. in the offing,,Truman told Congress: "Recently, in the thermonu- clear hydrogen bomb tests at Eniwetok, we have entered an- other stage in the world-shak- ing development of atomic energy. "We have no reason to think that the stage we have now reached will be the last. We are being hurried . forward, in our mastery of the atom, from one dis- covery to another, toward yet un- forseeable peaks of destructive power." THE PRESIDENT'S 10,000-word message, read aloud by clerks in both houses of Congress and broadcast by radio throughout the world, drew a mixed reception o Capitol Hill. Senator Ellender (D-La.) said he hoped it foreshadowed "the time when we can serve an ul- timatum on the Russians to halt the cold war and the war in Korea or fight." Ellender added: "I hope we can do that late this year." Senator 'waft (R-O.) comment- ed that the handling of foreign policy under Mr. Truman had been "so full of error" that the -Eisen- hower administration is left "with the most dangerous foreign prob- lem this country has ever faced." FEWER THAN 100 of the 433 House members were on hand as George Maurer, the reading clerk, read the text of the long mnessage. Many of the lawmakers paid no attention. Some read newspapers. Others chatted. High UTN Official Quits Under Fire UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(A) WAYNE PLEDGES COOPERATION: Inquiry Draws Faculty Skepticism By VIRGINIA VOSS and MARK READER j "The Committee won't find much Communist activity here." This was the reaction among University faculty members and students queried last night on re- ports that the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee will in- vestigate Communist influence on campus. * * * PRESIDENT Harlan H. Hatcher ..- n- rn,. . - At Wayne University, also men- tioned for House inquiry, acting president Clarence B. Hilberry said, "We will offer the committee our full cooperation, such as we have extended to any group try- ing to make an unbiased and ob- jective study of educational policy and procedure." * * * SEVERAL members of the fac- ulty claimed that an investiga- tion would be "an unwarranted in- trusionn." local Communist activity were "ac- curate," and that the Committee probably would not find any ad- ditional information. "Such an investigation is al- ways damaging to the atmosphere an educational institution ought to have," Emeritus Prof. John Shephard of the psychology de- partment and faculty adviser of campus Young Progressives com- mented. * * * vrATJfI'N nea d- A Q..,n School said that he was "not aware of any principle precluding fed- eral action "in the field, even though the State might have al- ready secured loyalty oaths. The inquiry is justifiable from a legal standpoint if the Commit- tee's aim is Congressional legis- lation, Prof. George Peek of the political science department noted. "If members of the student community are called upon by the Congressional committee, I .m nnni -on -h + a _ V _m nn