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January 07, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-01-07

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Latest Deadline in the State


See Page 4


. LXIII, No. '74



Series To Unveil
SRedFronts Here
Communists Still Active on Campus;
LYL Seen as Leading Party Link
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series. of interpretive articles
dealing with the activities of the Communist Party and Communist-front
organizations in Ann Arbor and at the University. For a fuller explanation
see EDITOR'S NOTE, Page 4.)
Daily Feature Editor
This will not be a pleasant story.
In the course of its telling it will reveal that Communists have
been and are now active at the University, that they carry on as
Party groups and covertly as front organizations, that their number,
although small, is greater than is .generally assumed and that the
number of fellow travelers-both willing and duped-is greater still.
It will go on to sketch the lines of communication between
local Party and front units and the national and international
leaders of the Communist Party.
It will set existing campus organizations into the pattern, in-
dicating the extent of Communist and fellow-traveler infiltration into
these groups.
In the course of things it will name more than a few names,
will recount much of the local and national history of the sub-
versive fringe of our youthful body politic.
It will attempt to weave a coherent account out of the many
activities-overt and obscure-of the known Party-directed organiza-
tions operative locally.p
THE EMPHASIS on Communist Party "Front" groups and fellow
travelers cannot be overdone when discussing the local scene. The
Party, in Ann Arbor and at the University, conducts most of its
"public" activities through one such front, the Labor Youth League.
These are "public" only in that the League's name is openly
associated with some ventures.
An example is the leaflet slipped under student doors of the
East Quadrangle between 4 and 5 a.m. on December 3, 1950, exhorting
students to "Silence the war mongers! bemand an end to the blood-
shed in Korea! Stop World War III!"
This mimeographed propaganda sheet, titled "13 Steps to World
Suicide," was typical of LYL moves in its surreptitious distributon.
It was attributed only to "the Labor Youth League of Michigan."
* * * *
THIS PATTERN has persisted since the League's local inception,
revealed in The Daily on March 23, 1950. When Daily editors Leon
Jaroff and Don McNeil charged LYL with being "hopelessly Russo-
phile" and with adopting "cloak and dagger methods" of secrecy, its
local chairman Hy Bershad retorted in the letters columns:
"The League is not a secretive organization-we invite and
welcome the participation of all interested persons in our group
discussions and meetings. We intend to apply for recognition as
a campus organization this semester."
The Labor Youth League made no effort to gain recognition as a
campus organization that semester or afterward. In any case, it is
dotbtful whether the University would have accorded recognized
status to LYL at the time.
PRESIDENT ALEXANDER G. Ruthven, only three years before,
had banned its direct antecedent, Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action from the University campus after the Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation reported Its national affiliate, American Youth for Democ-
racy, was a Communist front.
Certainly the League hasn't a glimmer of a chance of securing
recognition today. For it should be noted here that the University of
Michigan has not been easy pickings for the Communists or their
front. Its faculty and administration, all fully' aware of the danger
from this direction and University authorities, have consistently held
Communist activities under surveillance.
LYL's obsession with secrecy has not abated either. The
League refuses to make public its membership lists, the number
of members, time or place of meetings, local structure and lead-
ership, sources of income other than dues or activities.
Bershad, one of a handful of avowed members of the group dodged
the "Russophile" charge with the assertion thatwhile League views
often coincided with the Party's, this did not legally constitute Com-
munist direction. The same tack is occasionally taken by League offi-
cials today-but it is becoming increasingly difficult to support and
thus less common.
THE VIEWS OF governmental agencies-executive and congres-
sional-are more explicit. Here are two:
""*.. a Communist front which 'has taken the place of the
two prior organizations,' Young Communist League and American
Youth for Democracy, as the organization for young Communists
. .. bears the same designation as a Communist organization."
See LYL, Page 6
World News Roundu

By The Associated Press
LA PAZ, Bolivia-Loyal troops yesterday foiled an attempted
revolt which President Victor Paz Estenssoro blamed on traitors within
his own ruling party.
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-Economist David Weintraub, accused
by the U. S. State Department of being a Communist or under Com-
munist discipline, yesterday quit his high UN post.
He said he resigned to save the world organization any em-
WASHINGTON-Rep. Velde (R-Ill.) said yesterday a House
Un-American Activities Committee investigation in the field of educa-

New Outpatient Clinic

Senate Filibuster Rule
Fight Showdown Due;



'U'eHosp1tal Clinic Unveiled

Interior details of the newly-
constructed three million dollar
Outpatient Clinic were unveiled
yesterday by University Hospital
Newest addition to the Univer-
sity's rapidly expanding medical
center, the blinic was opened for
business Monday.
The seven-story brick and ma-
sonry building, located northeast
of the University Hospital, has
taken more than two years and a
state appropriation of $3,726,000
to build.
MODERNIZED and expanded
over the hospital's old outpatient
facilities, the streamlined clinic is

designed to provide faster and bet-
ter service for patients not con-
fined to a hospital bed, plus more
extensive outpatient training for
medical students.
Everywhere in the new clinic,
the accent is on comfort and
The building includes 24 spe-
cialty clinics, 196 examining rooms
and nine classrooms, plus space
for carrying on office work. Spa-
cious waiting rooms are situated
near thevarious clinics. In addi-
tion, a 160-car parking lot is lo-
cated near the clinic for the ex-
clusive use of the patients.
NUMEROUS new medical de-

IHC Sets Up Quad Discipline
Committee, Braun Case Panel


The Inter-House Council voted
last night to establish a panel of
two men from each quadrangle to
resolve the controversy over Bert
Braun, '54.
The motion was passed over op-
position from Michigan House rep-
resentatives who favored referring
their delegate's case to Men's Ju-
IMPETUS for the body came
from the Residence Halls' Board
of Governors which sent the case
back to the IHC for arbitration
after it had been appealed to the
Board by Michigan House shortly
before Christmas vacation.
The panel is due to report
their decision to the IHC at the
group's second meeting next se-
The IHC's representative to the
Board of Governors, Ted Bo-
huszewicz, '54A, also announced
the board had set up a committee
to "study and determine the re-
J-Hop Tickets
Reservation holders may pur-
chase tickets for J-Hop from
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today
at the Administration Bldg.
Tickets, which are seven dol-
lars per couple, will be sold to
students having reservations to-
day through Saturday.

sponsibility and jurisdiction con-
cerning disciplinary problems in
Men's Residences."
Under the chairmanship of
Prof. John P. Dawson of the
Law School, the group will con-
sider problems that arise among
the residents and also discuss
cases that involve students who
may be visiting the residence
Other members of the commit-
tee include Dean of WomenDeb-
orah Bacon, Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea, Assistant Dean of the
Men's Residence Halls Peter A.
Ostafin and four student repre-
* * *
IT WAS also announced at last
night's meeting that a confiden-
tial report of the IHC's proposals
for resolving the frequent contro-
versy over fraternity men enter-
ing the residence halls during the
two-week formal rushing periods
would be given to Dean of Stu-
dents Erich A. Walter sometime
this week.
Quad leaders refused to reveal
its contents although the report
was read earlier at the individual
quad council meetings.
However, it was learned from a
reliable source that the plan calls
for deferring fraternity pledging
until the spring semester when the
quadrangle common lounges and
Club 600 would be opened for for-
mak rushing activities.

vices have also been installed. Ex-
amination tables, which include
places for storage, arm-rests and
other useful attachments were es-
pecially designed and built for the
"Roving consultants" keep to a
minimum the amount of walkingI
a patient has to do. Instead of
making the patient go from clin-
ic to clinic for consultations, a
number of "roving" specialists are
available to go to the patients.
The hospital has also begun
a 24-hour-a-day emergency
service with the opening of
the clinic. The air-conditioned
emergency suite includes four
minor operating rooms and a
first-aid room. Nearby are a cast
room and X-ray facilities.
Thus far the number of patients"
who have come to the clinic has
averaged about 700 a day. Hos-
pital officials said that about 1000
patients can be comfortably han-
dled in the building each day.
The clinic, as a branch of the
hospital. will be operated on the
same referral basis as the parent
institution, with most of the pa-
tients being referred' to it from
practicing physicians in the state.
The clinic also serves a number
of "pay patients" who enter on
their own initiative and patients
for whom the state or county pays.
Bond Election
Date Changed
In a special meeting held last
night the Ann Arbor Board of
Education moved unanimously to
hold the $7,650,000 school build-
ing bond election Feb. 24, instead
of the tentatively set date of Feb.
Legal complications arising from
holding the election at the same
time of the city primary caused
the board to abandon the Feb. 16
date, according to Otto W. Hais-
ley, school superintendent.
Glover Resigns
Robin Glover. '53, resigned her"
position as Student Legislature re-
cording secretary and her seat on
SL yesterday because of otherout-
side duties.
A member of the Legislature for
nearly two years, Miss Glover has
previously served one term as re-
cording secretary.

IKe Assigns
Major Post
To Lourie
Dulles To Have
NEW YORK - R) - President-
elect Eisenhower yesterday named
an undersecretary of state whose
duties will, among other things,
include reorganization of the oft-
criticized State Department.
Chosen for the post was Donald
B. Lourie of Peru, Ill., 53-year-old
president of the Quaker Oats Com-
pany, a Republican and an All-
America football player at Prince-
ton in 1920.
appointment said the purpose of
his job is to relieve John Foster
Dulles, secretary of state-desig-
nate, and his policy advisers "from
the burden of reorganization and
No further details were given.
Eisenhower named a Wash-
ington newspaperman as an as-
sistant secretary of state who
will head the "Voice of America"
broadcast operations - another
State Department facility which
has at times drawn fire.
Selected for this position was
Carl W. McCardle, a veteran news-
paperman who now is in charge of
the Washington bureau of the
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin..
The announcement came at the
end of a day in which Eisenhow-
er scheduled a pre-inauguration
meeting of his Cabinet and a full
roster of his other top officials
here Monday and Tuesday.
Bombers Hit
Red Supplies
SEOUL-()-More than 100 Al-
lied fighter-bombers blasted a big
Communist troop and supply con-
centration in Northwest Korea
yesterday 30 miles from Man-
churia destroying at least 28 build-
ings, the Air Force reported.
Communist MIGs from nearby
Manchurian bases did not chal-
lenge the massive air strike, but
Sabre pilots claimed two Red jets
were damaged earlier in .the day.
On the ground, action slackened
after stiff Red blows at United
Nations positions late Monday and
early yesterday ended a holiday
lull in the fighting.
Planes from four fighter-bomber
wings roared more than 150 miles
behind the front lines in hitting
the Red supply center, which is
near Kanggye.
Mayer Becomes
French Premier
PARIS - (") - Rene Mayer, a
leader of the Radical Socialist
Conservative party, yesterday was
confirmed as France's 18th pre-
mier since World War II.
The vote ended a 16-day govern-
ment crisis that followed the res-
ignation of Antoine Pinay as pre-

... artist dies at 44
+ * *.
Prof. Lopez
A4t Age 44
One of the University's most
renowned artists, Prof. Carlos Lo-
pez of the College of Architecture
and Design, died of heart failure
yesterday at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Death came to the 44-year-old
painter at 6:45 p.m. according to
attending physician, Dr. Alexand-
er Gotz. He had been ill for sev-
eral weeks.
,* * *
NATIONALLY recognized for
his drawings and paintings. Prof.
Lopez had exhibited all over tne
country and held one-man shows
in New York, Detroit, Ann Ar-
bor and at the University of Wis-
On the drawing and painting
staff of the architecture and de-
sign college since 1945, he re-
portedly won more prizes in
Detroit shows within the past
10 years than any other artist.
His work was termed "primarily
expressionistic and possibly ro-
mantic in some ways" by one of
his colleagues, Prof. Donald B.:
Gooch of the architecture college.
SHORTLY before his death
Prof. Lopez wrote in an autobio-
graphical sketch that he was "Cu-
ban by birth, Spanish by inheri-
tance and American by choice."
Living in Cuba less than two
years after his birth, the artist
spent his boyhood in Spain and
came to this country in 1919.
After studying three years at
the Chicago Art Institute he en-
rolled in the Detroit Art Academy
in 1930 where he studied for four
years. Later he was to teach at
the school and was director at one
Mime. He also instructed at the
Meinzinger Art School.
At the beginning of the second
world war he received a govern-
ment commission to do a pictorial
record of the Detroit factories
which were then being converted
to war work.
TRIBUTES from his colleagues
last night drew attention to the
artist's dually outstanding career
as painter and teacher.
Dean Wells I. Bennett of the
College of Architecture and De-
sign called him "a brilliant
painter professionally and, more
than that, a very warm person
in dealing with students."
"We regret his passing-it will
be very hard to replace him," Dean
Bennett said.
A fellow artist and exhibitor,
Prof. Jean Paul Slusger of the
architecture college, said "Carlos
Lopez was equally gifted both as
a painter and a teacher, and the
cause of art, not only at the Uni-
versity, but in the larger world
outside has suffered a grievious
loss in his untimely passing."
"le was one of the best loved
o a o nh m - -" ---nr4ine -o

Taft, Jenner
Pledge Later
Con gress Counts
Votes; Ike Wins
ran quietly through the routine of
pronouncing Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower's election official yes-
.terday and then the Senate tied
into a fight over the burning fili-
buster issue.
Two GOP leaders, Senators Taft
of Ohio and Jenner of Indiana,
promised to try later on this year
to push through a rule making
it easier to halt filibusters--a pro-
posal 'which itself would be sub-
ject to a filibuster before it could
be adopted. Sen. Dirksen R-Ill.)
swung along with the idea, too.
BUT A SMALL, outnumbered
coalition of Democrats and a
handful of Republicans put on a
strenuous though apparently los-
ing battle to change the rules
The Senate rolled through
hours of debate about the fili-
buster, the device, Southern
Democrats have used to talk -to
death fair employment practices
and other civil rights legisla-
tion, but a showdown was held
off until today.
Around congressional committee
rooms and offices meanwhile:
The House Armed Services Com-
mittee held the first hearing of
the new Congress and heard Air
Force officials and generals testi-
fy the recent series of Air Force
crashes apparently is due largely
to human and mechanicl fail-
ures and weather.
Maj. Gen. Victor E. Bertrandias,
deputy inspector general of the
Air Force, said there was "no tan-
gible indication that sabotage was
a factor."
SEN. JOSEPH R. McCarthy (R-
Wis.) turned loose what he said
were photographs of letters from
President Truman and Sen. Mon-
roney (D-Okla.) thanking shad-
owy Henry "The Dutchman"
Grunewald for assistance in elec-
tion campaigns.
Meanwhile, Republican lead-
ers in Washington announced
they have worked out a plan
that would preveit Sen. Wayne
Morse of Oregon from holding
the balance of power in any
t Senate committee.
Under the plan, Morse would be
placed with the Democratic mi-
nority as far as committee influ-
ence is concerned. The Oregon sen-
ator bolted the Republican party
in the recent presidential cam-
paign, and now calls himself an
The proposed plan calls for the;
realignment of most Senate com-
mittees. Two members would be
added to each of 10 major com-
mittees and two would be sub-
tracted from each of five less im-
portant ones.
Dulles Talks
To Churchill
In New York

NEW YORK-(IPR-John Foster
Dulles, the nation's .next- secre-
tary of state, visited with British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
for nearly two hours yesterday,
but what they talked about was a
Following up meetings between
Churchill and President - elect
Dwight D. Eisenhower Monday,
Dulles was accompanied by Win-
throp W. Aldrich designated to
become ambassador to the Brit-
ish court.
T. ma m 1.. ... .. .la r - i

Arts Theater Announces'Spring Plays

Mrs. Feller Still
On Critical List
Mrs. Velma Feiler, victim of a,
schoolboy neighbor's apparent
impulse shooting, remained in
critical condition yesterday at
University Hospital as an investi-

tion is not aimed toward any par-
ticular universities.
"The Investigations have been
made in the past without refer-
ence to any particular university
or college," he added, "and as far
as I am concerned they will cou-
tinue to be made impartially and
without any idea in mind of ex-
posing any one particular univer-
* -* *


Shakespeare, Sophocles, Synge
and Ibsen all will be presented in
the Arts Theater Club's spring
season of four presentations, it f
was announced yesterday. I
Memberships in the theater, a
non-profit, local professional com-'
pany. are now available for five
dollars at the thater 90914 F.

list is "The Playboy of the West-
ern World," by John Millington
Synge. The unsophisticated com-
edy of Irish country life will be-
gin its two-week run March 20.
A timely drama of ideals on
trial, Ibsen's "Rosmersholm,"
starting April 10, will round out
fh on-- I-, n^ ril -


** *

in the 1950-51 Arts Theater sea-
son will return. Also, Len Rosen-
son will travel from New York to
appear as Benedick in "Much Ado
About Nothing." Rosenson scored
a success here as Thomas Beckett
in the Inter-Arts Union presenta-
tion of T. S. Eliot's "Murder in
tho Onholal ',,


a. ..

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