-FOUR' THE MICHIGAN DAILY 11 r.)Lr A1', Y1Lr iIkikt Z4, 19;i * ___________________________________ U _____________________________________________________ U MMMMMM r Lifting the Driving Ban RECENTLY, SOME sentiment in favor of lifting the driving ban was expressed by the Office of Student Affairs. The plan now awaits a thorough airing in the Board of Regents. On first appearance, removal of the ban seems like a great idea .. . footsore students visualize happy days ahead when a car will again be their main means of transportation. However, they fail. to see the big problem in their pipedream. Ann Arbor is notoriously an overcrowded city and the entire town is already faced with a parking problem. The situation has been alleviated some- what in the downtown area by construc- tion of a municipal parking lot structure. But, the campus is still badly congested. The 31 University lots can take care of only 1,000 cars, and there is just "no place else to put a lot," according to Assistant Vice President Herbert G. Watkins. Even the more than 2,000 students who' are now granted permits because they really need cars cannot be accommodated by the present University lots. There are other reasons for maintaining the ban. Prior to the 1927 ruling, about four or five students were killed each year while operating automobiles. During the 25-year existence of the ban, only two students were killed while driving on campus. The ban has also helped to establish a more democratic atmosphere on campus, lifting the definite social distinction cre- ated between the Cadillac convertible own- er and the pedestrian. From this standpoint, students cannot fail to recognize that the driving ban is es- sential. Tighter enforcement of existing rules, possibly through closer work with the local police force, may even be needed. -Diane Decker The Nixon Miasma THE REVELATION of Senator Nixon's special $18,000 expense fund, derived from a California committee, has undoubt- edly dealt a serious blow to the chances of the GOP ticket in November. No matter how convincing the Senator's explanations may seem, the seriousness of the charge will not be easily forgotten by the elector- ate. Though Nixon may be legally in the right and may not have used any of the funds for personal expenses, his method of paying office and campaign costs deserves condemnation. Nixon has defended his position by say- ing that he has not used the franking privilege for campaign material nor hired any of his family on government funds. These are two prevalent congressional practices. But the senator's special fund testifies to a questionable sense of ethics for a govern- ment official. Moreover, the Senator used extremely bad judgment when he did not reveal the existence of the fund to Repub- lican leaders at the time he was being con- sidered for the nomination. Corruption in government has been the strongest Republican issue up to now, but it will lose its impact unless Senator Nixon resigns from the ticket and a new candi- date is named by the National Committee. This action would give weight to Eisen- hower's pledge to remove all scandal from the government, no matter what the con- sequences might be to the GOP. If Nixon remains on the ticket, corrup- tion will be a dead issue and the GOP may well lose the election. --Harry Lunn and Jon Sobeloff Death Of A Salesman A Lovable Tramp Gets Trampled MATTER OF FACT "LNDONERS HAVEN'T changed a Charlie Chaplin told a swarm of Englishmen gathered to welcome him to his homeland. But Americans apparently had. bit," 1.000 back Spokesmen of a country which had once laughed up Chaplin movies at the rate of one a week decided a few days ago that Chaplin would have to do more than be incomparably funny if he were to be allowed to remain here, He would probably have to answer charg- esof "subversive" tendencies made by an inquiring group ordered by Attorney Gen- eral McGranery before he could return to this country from his European pleasure trip. Chaplin was understandably bewildered by it all. He expected newsmen aboard JAMES MARLOW: The Contest Gets Hotter WASHINGTON--0P)-This is becoming one of the most fascinating of all presidential campaigns for a number of reasons, although the most obvious hasn't been mentioned by the candidates. It's. this: The campaign is unfolding like a good play, moving with increasing intensity toward a climax which even the experts, so wrong in 1948, don't want to try to forecast. . And Senator Nixon's predicament, sensa- tional as it is, seems like only one act in the drama, no matter whether he stays or exits. For in the past day, in addition to the Nixon case, the campaign took a turn which indicates a deepening bitterness. In 1948 everyone was so convinced Gov. Dewey had President Truman whipped there wasn't much suspense and when the surprise came it seemed almost as unreal as an O. Henry ending. Not this time in the struggle where Gov. Stevenson, almost unknown in the begin ning, is trying to subdue Gen. Eisenhower, a national hero. Stevenson is not a modern David, equip- ped only with ambition and a slingshot. Starting out, he had in his corner the big Democratic organization. But even there, in the South, there is uncertainty. It is an uncertainty Eisenhower has tried to turn to his own advantage with his ef- forts to win the South. But, while wrestling with Stevenson, he has had to patch up differences in his own party. As these struggles continued behind their own lines, the two men set forth on a back- breaking campaign that must leave both of them exhausted when it's over. Eisenhower, feeling that men react to "emotion and sentiment far more than to logic and statistics," said he believes in "spirit" and "far more in the heart than I do in the mind." At the opposite pole, Stevenson told the American Federation of Labor yesterday: "I would rather make you think than make you roar." Some of his people fear he's been talking over audience heads. The needles which Stevenson began jab- bing into Eisenhower almost from the be- ginning were humorously gentle when he first tried them. They gave way to thrusts that were acid-tipped. Some of them must have made Eisen- hower quiver with anger, particularly when Stevenson, who writes his own speeches, de- rided Eisenhower by suggesting the general had to have his ghosted. Sticking to his promise not to use names in the campaign, Eisenhower became per- sonal with Stevenson in a statement say- ing "we are tired of aristocratic explana- tions in Harvard accents." If Eisenhower pursues this line Stevenson will have a -hance to demonstrate whether he can keep his temper or reply in kind, which is something he said he won't do. although Eisenhower may feel he's done it already. "R ENUNCIATION OF thinking is an ad- his ship to England to pop the $64 ques- tion, and he had his answer all ready: "I have never been a member of the Com- munist party And I am not a member of the Communist party." Whether reporters were merely too em- barassed to ask the question or whether they preferred to leave it up to U.S. officials is debatable. Perhaps they realized that stick- ing a subversive label on Chaplin was more than a little ridiculous, and even though no one would pretend that humorists were to- tally removed from political situations, in this case the issues were being confused. At any rate, the little comedian who had overwhelmed moviegoers with his semi-humorous, semi-pathetic character- izations was placed in a situation which was pathetic enough but which in no way seemed funny. It is too bad that neither of two campus film groups-the SL Cinemna Guild or the Gothic Film Society-have Chaplin pictures scheduled this fall. It would be reassuring to have an opportunity to affirm a strong opinion that Chaplin's skilled cinematics are enough to justify his being around. --Virginia Voss Ike Proving a Sound GOP Investment By JOSEPH ALSOP ABOARD THE IKE SPECIAL-There are two important reasons why Eisenhower is proving a sound Republican investmept. First, he is, so to speak, a nationally advertised product, well-known to all, competing with a Democratic candidate who is not at all well-known to the mass of voters. Second, with the sole exception of a small min- ority of Sen. Robert A. Taft's bitter-ender admirers, Eisenhower is held in warm affection by all classes and groups. People liked him as a general. They are anxious to like him and to vote for him as a candidate. They were a bit bothered by the fumbling uncertainty that marked his early appearances in his new political role. But as soon as he began to hit his stride on his southern tour, the pro- duct-acceptance, as the advertising people call it, started to soar again. The noise of the southerners' cheers for Ike encouraged great numbers of other people all over the country t' join in the applause. The cheering has gone on, and has grown ever since. No one can judge, of course, whether Eisenhower will be able to win the election just because "they like Ike," and because so many voters feel that "it's time for a change." Yet these have been the main ingredients of Eisenhower's success to date. His farm speech stands alone, thus far, as his only reasonably specific, full-dress discussion of a major national issue. For the farm speech, Eisenhower leapt off the Republican platform and took his stand squarely on the Democratic farm plank. Senator Taft has laconically commented that, for his part, he still prefers the Republican plank, favoring flexible farm par- ity instead of the high, fixed parities advocated by Eisenhower and the Democrats. How much will this sort of thing hurt Eisenhower with the farm- ers, who are already so suspicious of Republican intentions? One does not know. Again, when Eisenhower has ventured to be specific in his press conferences and question periods with Republican leaders, he hap sometimes cut the ground from under many of his own adherents. For instance, Sen. William E. Jenner of Indiana, is building his whole campaign for re-election around violent attacks on the Korean war as a wicked and useless "meat-grinder" for "our boys." But Eisenhower has merely observed that earlier American blunders invited the Soviet aggression in Korea. He has sup. ported President Truman's response to the Kroean challenge. He has flatly refused to promise an easy or early end to the fight- ing, and he has just as flatly rejected the MacArthur strategy of extending the fighting beyond the Korean border. Concerning another Republican King Charles' head, Chiang Kat- shek's troops on Formosa, Eisenhower has also been unorthodox. He has said, in fact, that Chiang's troops had better be left on Formosa, to defend Chiang's main base while we build up South Korean divi- sions for use in Korea. Will these difficulties eventually trip up the General, or can he get by until Election Day with his effective but far from spe- cific attacks on "the mess in Washington?" Again, one does not know. As of now, however, what stands out is the big advantage Gen- eral Eisenhower is deriving from universal awareness of him, and the almost universal liking for him. In effect, Eisenhower has started a whole lap ahead of Adlai Stevenson in this rather short electoral race. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) 1w~~ ON THE WASHINGTON ME R RY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: DIANE DECKER "GROWTH ITSELF is the only moral end." John Dewey Campaign Funds &cMuckrakers (EDITOR'S NOTE: Several weeks ago, while Drew Pearson was on vacation, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, Democrat-Minn., wrote a column on campaign funds. In view of the present furore over the Nixon expense funds, The Daily is reprinting the article, hoping that it might shed some light on a dark issue.) By SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.-Campaigning is big business. Millions upon millions of dollars will be spent by both major partiesj this year to elect their candidates to office. Hundreds of thousands more were spent by many of the major contenders for the pre- sidential nomination. Though abuses are uncovered in every campaign, the significant problem is the appalling cost of legitimate and necessary expenditures such as those for radio and TV time. Just half an hour of "Class A" time-between the hours of 6 and 11 p.m. or on week ends-cost $30,365 on one major TV network. General Eisenhower's Abilene homecoming speech, broadcast over all radio and TV networks is said to have cost some $130,000. A witness before the Senate subcommittee on privileges and elections testified last fall that it would cost at least $450,000 to distribute .just one piece of campaign literature to 10,000,000 homes. In any campaign, the issues have to be brought before the people. Our parties are performing a public service liy conducting a thorough briefing of the American people on the many issues of our times. Through 16,000,000 TV sets, 102,000,000 radio sets, daily and weekly newspapers with a com- bined circulation of 68,000,000 and vast numbers of books and magazines, party viewpoints and positions are brought into every American home. controls. In 1950, Fortune estimated that $100,000,000 of industry's advertising but get was put into the free enterprise cam- paign. And Fortune itself drew the obvious conclusion that this money was spent for a Republican victory. "Research foundations" have also been used by both' business and labor to cover lobbying and electioneering activities. Of course, most research founda- tions are just what the name implies and have no political significance whatsoever. But the loopholes and ambiguities in our tax laws relating to foundations are large enough for a whole political party to get through and it is small wonder that they are being used. . * * WHENEVER TAX-EXEMPT expenditures are made for political purposes, the people pay. Whether in or out of politics, therefore, we should ask ourselves if this manner of spending gives us our money's worth. Would it not be better to change our whole system of campaign and political expenditures to bring it closer to the people? Would it be feasible for the government to make certain facilities such as free mailing privileges or radio and TV time available to all bona fide candidates on an equal basis? Would it not be better for political parties to charge mo- dest dues for the privilege of membership? If everybody voting in a presidential primary this year had sent a dollar to the party or candidate of his choice enough money would have been raised to finance a large share of campaign and expenditures without raising the touchy moral and ethical questions of the obli- gations a candidate has to his financial backers. These and other ideas are worth thinking about. But first we need the information on what is really going on. That is why I intro- duced a resolution in the Senate for a full- scale investigation into the sources of cam- paign funds, the manner in which they are spent and the obligations candidates have had to assume as a result of their cam- paigns. Let's get these cards out in the open and then study them. Let's find out if the presidency can be had only by the weal- thy or those whom the wealthy support. Let's find out how to keep political oppor- tunities open for all qualified people. Then let's act to make it possible. The American people can afford many things-but we cannot afford a price tag on political offices. "DID THE white races have a right to col- onize Africa? No, said Schweitzer, if they regarded the colored races merely as a raw material for their industries. Yes, if they felt a responsibility for the moral health of the subject races and their growth toward a better order. With his eye on the warm humanitarianism of his favorite cen- tury, Schweitzer drew up a list of the funda- mental rights of man which the Negro might WASHINGTON-A lot of people have been wondering how dynamic TVDick Nixon, 39 years old and a newcomer in politics, managed to latch on to the No. 2 spot on the Republican ticket at Chicago. The story is one of an extremely astute and opportunistic young man plus the hit-and-miss habits of a political convention in picking its candidates-especially the vice-president. Nixon, a resident of Whittier, California, near Pasadena, had come to know an automobile salesman in Pasadena, Paul Hoffman, who later became president of Studebaker and took over the most important reconstruction job in the world-head of the Marshall Plan. Last winter Hoffman became one of the three top advisers to General Eisenhower and head of the Citizens for Eisenhower Com- mittee. Prior to the Chicago convention, Eisenhower cohorts were casting around for a way to wean the powerful California delegation away from Governor Warren and over to Ike. Nixon Was approached by Hoffman as to how this could be done. Naive at politics, Hoffman even suggested that Nixon himself run for president in the California primary, with the idea of weakening Warren's hold on California's 76 votes. Howeve-, Nixon, not anxious to buck either Governor Warren or Congressman Tom Werdell, who had already been drafted by Old-Guard Republicans to run against the governor, declined. Instead he suggested thatthe would become a delegaterfrom Cali- fornia and work from within to switch Warren delegates over to Eisenhower on the second ballot Nixon figured that as a senator, he would be given the courtesy of picking ten delegates, and with this as a nucleus he could make sure that California was in Eisenhower's column before the balloting had gone more than one round. In order to stir up Eisenhower sentiment in California, Nixon sent out 25,000 letters to registered GOP voters, asking: "Who is your choice for president, assuming that Governor Warren is not nomi- nated?" This mailing job may have been one expense to which the so-+ called millionaires' club donated. Governor Warren, however, got wind? of the Nixon plebiscite, and never having cared much for the ambi- tious young senator from California, a mutual friend, Bernard Bren- nan, also a member of the millionaires' club, put the quietus on Nix- on's vote-results. However, Nixon arrived at Chicago with a tacit understanding from Paul Hoffman that he would do his best for Ike inside the California delegation and that Ike, in turn, would give him favorable consideration for the vice presidency. At Chicago, Nixon more than kept his word. It was he who swung California over to the Eisenhower point of view when it came to the debate over the Langlie amendment, and it was he who literally grabbed the microphone away from Senator Knowland, when it came to the hot debate over seatingj the Georgia delegation. After Ike was nominated, Paul Hoffman kept his word. So with Hoffman backing him and a friendly nod from Governor Dewey, plus Dick's record on Hiss and the plan to open up on Governor Steven- son's deposition for Hiss, the young senator from California had the number 2 spot on the Republican ticket in the bag. CONTRACTS AND GIFTS ONE DANGER a senator risks if he accepts "expense" money fromf outsiders is that some of his benefactors may have contracts with, the government and that he in turn may make representations to the government on their behalf. This is against the law., For instance, some of Nixon's benefactors, or their attorneys, did have government contracts as follows: . K. T. Norris, president of the Norris Stamping Co., has a con-s tract with the Defense Department for making shells and cart- ridges estimated at around $25,000,000. Earl Adams, is attorney for Guy Atkinson, a builder with larger government contracts.I In somewhat different category is Norman Chandler, publisher of the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Mirror, who is also thet largest stockholder in the Title Insurance and Trust Co., which has underwritten all titles of the oil companies operating in the tidelands oil area. These underwriting policies total $48,000,000 and should thee government finally take over tidelands oil wells, Mr. Chandler's com- pany might be stuck with indemnifying the oil companies $48,000,000.s Senator Nixon, of course, voted consistently and vigorously for tidelands oil. Undoubtedly he would have done so whether Chandler had contributed to his expense fund or not, because California sentiment is predominantly that way. However, no senator can afford to be in the position of having his vote underI suspicion-especially when he's running for vice president.e It is quite possible furthermore that Senator Nixon might maket representations at the Defense Department regarding the Norrisa Stamping Co., not knowing that K. T. Norris had contributed to his expense fund. If so, then he would be in violation of the criminal FDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. (Continued from Page 2) Ceramics. Beginning course on the materials and forms of pottery. Basic ceramic design applied to the patter's wheel and simple uses of glazes. De- signed for students who have had no previous work in ceramics. Instructor will be Prof. Thomas F. McClure. 7:30 p.m., 125 Architecture. Sixteen weeks, $18; laboratory fee, $5. Economic and Financial Problems of the Family (Economics 91. two hours credit). Part of the University program of courses in family living, this is an introduction to problems and methods in budgeting and spending the con- sumer's money and effort. Among oth- er topics are consumer cooperation. insurance, and other security measures. Enrollment is open to all interested persons. This course may be elected for credit but does not admit to ad- vanced courses in economics. George R. Anderson, lecturer in economics, will be the instructor. 7:30 p.m., 65 Business Administration. Sixteen weeks, $18. Great Books. This University of Mich- igan Great Books course is an intro- duction to and an analysis of books that havetaffected Western civiliza- tion. Selections are made from many periods of history and types of writ- ing, their literary merit as well as their significance for Western thought and action being discussed. Instructor is John E. Bingley. Section I, open to beginners, begins tonight and will meet on alternate Wednesdays; Section II, open to those who elected the Great Books extension course last year, will begin on Wed., Oct. 1, and meet on al- ternate weeks. 7:30 p.m., 69 Business Administration. Eight sessions, $8. Parliamentary Procedure. Under the direction of Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, the principles of parliamentary procedure and the rules for conducting business meetings of clubs, associations, and conventions will be explained. Demo- cratic group action through pariamen- tary procedure will be emphasized. Practice will be given in presiding and ruling on points of order. '7:30 p.m., 177 Business Administration. Eight weeks, $6. Practical Gardening. This survey course in methods and techniques of planting, transplanting, pruning, soil management, and problems of manage- ment will be given by Ruth Mosher Place, lecturer for the Extension Serv- ice. 7:30 p.m., 176 Business Administra- tion. Eight weeks, $8. Workshop in Creative Writing. This workshop will offer beginners and those who have already done some writing an opportunity to write stories, poems. critical essays, and expository articles. Dr. Sheridan W. Baker, Jr., is the in- structor. 7:30 p.m., 171 Business Admin- istration. Sixteen weeks, $18. Concert Carillon Recital. Thurs., Sept. 25, 7:15 p.m., by Percival Price, University Caril- lonneur. The program will include mod- ern American carillon compositions by Curry, Pinkham, Glauser, Barber, Rus- terholz, Magnuson, Vaichoitis, Lefevere, and Lawson. 911 1 IfC l,/1 17 ' nity. First meeting of semester at new chapter house, 927 Forest, 7:30 p.m. All faculty members and alumni are invited. The Student Legislature. First meeting of the semester. 7:30 p.m., Strauss House dining room, East Quad. Coming Events Literary College Conference, student steering committee. Meeting, Thurs., 4 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall. Young Democrats Meeting Thurs., Sept. 25, 8 p.m. in the Union, Room 3B. Organizational meeting, also discus- sion of Democratic Party platform. All terested are welcome. students for Stevenson, Organization- al meeting of student- chapter of Na- tional Citizens for Stevenson, Thurs. night, 3A, Mich. Union. Officers of Ann Arbor Stevenson Committee will be present.. All interested students-Inde- pendents and Republicans alike-are urged to attend, International Center weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4-6 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 25. International Students Association. "Hunting and Fishing in Brazil," hour- and-a-half technicolor movie, Thurs.. Sept. 25, 8 p.m., International Center. Students, faculty members, and towns- people are invited. Michigan Sailing Club. First meeting Thurs., Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Eng. Bldg. Former members are urged to attend. Plans for the open meeting will be discussed. A1w Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff CrawfordYoung .Managing Editor Cal Samra ..........Editorial Director Zander Hollander...Feature Editor Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell ....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler .....women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green ..........Business Manager Milt Goetz Advertising Manager Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg .....Finance Manager Tom Treeger . ....Circulation Manager I The scale and the scope of these cam- paigns have long made the limitations on campaign expenditures in the corrupt practices act and other laws both ridicu- lous and meaningless. In 1896, Mark Hanna literally assessed banks and business corporations a specifiv percentage of their assets in order to raise funds for the McKinley campaign. John D. Rockefeller alone contributed $280,000. Even at that time, it seems, Democratic victories were regarded as the death knell of free enterprise by certain owners of large mon- eybags. * * * BUT IT WAS not until 1907 that the brazen partnership of the corporate giants and the Republican party was dealt with by legislation. Thanks to the work of the muck- rackers and of the national campaign pub- licity association, Congress passed a law prohibiting corporations and national banks from contributing to election campaign. Later restrictions on big business and big businessmen were added by the corrupt practices act-the basic legislation in this field-in 1925, the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and the Hatch Act of 1940. I% v