PAGE FOUlt THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER18, 1952 IU - LETTERS FROM SCOTLAND: The Scottish Student MUSIC "Okay, Ike - Here It Is" MATTER OF FACT EDINBURG-H, Scotland-It is easy enough to point out physical differences between .a typical American university like Michigan, and Edinburgh. The proper study of man- kind, however, being other men, it is only fitting that some attempt, however ill- judged, be made toward characterizing the Scottish student. I might preface my remarks by saying that this subject has been the topic of innumerable lengthy discussions within 'the last month or so. No conclusions of an absolute nature were ever reached, and it doesn't appear likely that any will be. So my opinions cannot be regarded as unconsidered, but are quite likely to be swayed by certain unaccountable person- al biases. In many ways, the Scottish student (the Edinburgh student, that is, a catagory .which includes people from all over Britain) is basically more mature than his American equal. In the United States there has al- ways appeared to me to be a fairly well de- fined period of semi-maturity, lasting for two or three years, and falling between graduation from high school and a student's upper-class years of college. Generally speaking, this is a time devoted to social activities of an educative nature, to learning to get along in a world divorced from home, and, in many cases, to reach conclusions about what one wishes to do for the rest of his life. So far as I can determine, that period does not even exist here. By the time the Scottish student comes up to the uni- versity, at the age of 17 or 18, he is ex- pected to have made up his mind about a career, to have in fact begun preparigg himself for it, and is, in most respects, regarded as an adult. The effects of*this are far-reaching, and manifest themselves in ways which, at first sight, seem quite inexplicable to Americans. For example, one of the first things I heard spoken of here, with mild sniggers, was the Union Palais. This turned out to be a dance, held on Saturday night in the Men's Union ballroom, a rather gross ver- sion of a Freshman Mixer at Michigan. I was told that the same thing went on every Saturday night. Most of the dances given on campus, execpt for the large balls, are. stag affairs, and many resemble nothing so much as a post-football game "dime dance" at a high school back home. An American finds the Scottish student rather reserved, an attitude which he is liable to mistake at first for a total lack of enthusiasm. But effusion has never been a Scottish trait, and lack of it by no means denotes stolidity. I stress this point, because many things can be traced from it. The Brit- ish sense of humor, depending as it does on careful understatement, is an example. More important is the general absence of artifiiciality and sham is personal contacts, a factor all too prominent in American col- legiate life. In an earlier article, mention was made of the higher educational standards in ev- idence here. This, again, is rather a. mixed generalization. Since the British student must decide early what he intends to study, he is in effect concentrating the moment he gets to the university. Any "liberal education" he will have must be secured in secondary school, and if, for example, he wants to be a lawyer, he leads off in his first year with Roman law, jurisprudence, and public international law, to the exclusion, obviously, of every- thing else. So within one's own field, standards are higher. But, unless his secondary schooling was of a rather high caliber, the student is liable to be something of a clod in matters outside of his speciality. In all fairness, it should be said that in most cases, that schooling has provided a more effective "lib- eral education" than Michigan has ever been able to give. on the university level. Early maturity, and hence, early spec- ialization, while entirely laudable in many ways, tends to force out one element-- creativity, the exploring spirit. Subject- ed to the continual pressure of advanced academic work, presented in a thorough-, ly academic tradition, it is much simpler for the Scottish student to become a pedant than a thinker. Perhaps that is a natural concomitant of the system. But it is a little discouraging to see the mea- gerness of the bi-weekly student maga- zine, and to realize that no one would dream of teaching creative writing. Generalizations are the bane, but also the basis of an article like this. For that reason, I hope they will be excused. And if I may be further excused for making a. hackneyed observation, Britain and Ameri- ca have a lot to learn from each other. At this point in the world's affairs. we would both be perfect fools to be narrow. - Chuck Elliot At Hill Auditorium . . . CHRISTMAS CONCERT by the University of Michigan Choirs, under the direction of Maynard Klein. Soloists; Meredyth Manns, Joyce Thomas, lary Mattfeld, June Howe, Ruth Orr, Mary Tinkham, Joan St. Denis, Arthur Jones, Donald VanEvery, David Murray, Russell Christopher, Robert Kerns. Harpist; Margery Milks. Organist; Phillip Steinhaus. The tone of this concert was that of a Pop Concert, and taken as such it showed the usual shortcomings of these "light" presentations.bThe demandfor concerts of this type has been greatly increased in the past decade, partly because of their pop- ularity with the American public, but also because of the flooding-the-market, "isn't this nice, now buy it," tactics of the radio, phonograph and television.- This is not an accusation that Mr. Klein is guilty of gross commercialism. Rather it is a plea that choral concerts do not become overburdened with insubstantial music. This was the same choir that last year performed the "St. Matthew Passion," and that has for the past five years continually presented the campus with the best in choral music. But last night's concert demonstrated that the lack of significant music only leaves a concert incomplete. Christmas carols, like "Silent Night," or Gevaert's "Chanson Joyeuse de Noel" are perfectly delightful in themselves, and musically not slight. However when they are presented in too large a quantity, or coupled with slight arrangements, like the hybrid Holst version of "Christmas Day," or schmaltz compositions, Healy Willan's "The Three Kings" or Dale's "Rosa Mystica," then all their character is lost in a maze of triviality. The concert began on a note of optimism with three works by Gabrieli, Palestrina, and Bach. Perfomance here was uniformly good, though the tenors suffered from lack of vocal manpower and ability. The Palestrina was the apex of the program. Here is music simple in structure, yet profound in emo- tional depth. The choir sang it with facile clarity, and with a beautifully expressive tone. Following was the Britten, "Ceremony of Carols," which is an effective panorama of yuletide moods. After this the degeneration set in. An interesting addition, however, was the "Noe, Alleluia, Noe," by Hans T. David. It is a highly contrapuntal work, certainly choral in conception, but a bit too long. A more definite sense of direction as to cli- max would be desired. All in all, a large work of musical conse- quence would have aided the program im- measurably, and placed it on a par with the many other excellent choral concerts that Mr. Klein has given us. -Donald Harris DORIS FLEESON: Sen. Taft & GOP Controil ,.. d" s 4:n S :,Y ' :; ,,. : :. , a . . z .: " '"' °^.1 c.,." w -,, ' . _ . 1 F f :_ ' ,. yY A. ' - °f '' -< . : . _ . "' . t ' _. e , 't4s';'sHErt S tt,1GTO*t t' oS r ae... ON THE Washiton Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Now that Eisenhower Is back, more can be written about his Korean talks. Actually the talks consisted of a series of bull sessions at which military strategy was hashed over far into the night. Gen. James Van Fleet is a West Point classmate of Eisenhower's. Gen. Mark Clark served under him in North Africa. Gen. Omar Bradley is also a classmate. So they all sat around in the evenings, mulling over Korean problems and alter- natives. The sessions sometimes lasted until after midnight, which was one reason activity during the daytime was restricted. Eisen- hower told the military chiefs when he ar- rived that he was completely exhausted, has had no real rest for six months, that the so-called vacation at Augusta, Ga., was a bust. That was the chief reason, inci- dentally for the slow trip home by cruiser and the stopover in Hawaii. Some of the things that can be told about the Generals' bull sessions, without involving security, follow: y1. Van Fleet assured that UN forces were strong enough defensively to hold the Chi- nese armies no matter what force they threw against us. 2. General Clark offered three alterna- tives: A. Continue to pound the enemy within the present confines of the war, trying to chew up enemy forces and discourage them, but not advance.' B. Go into Manchuria by air and des- troy supply bases there. C. Go into Manchuria by air and si- multaneously advance to the border of Manchuria by land. Clark warned that he could give no as- surance the Chinese would not continue the war from Manchuria once we got up to the border. Eisenhower made no definite commitment on what course to follow. NOTE-General Clark suggested that Eis- enhower leave Korea after being there only two days. He feared a bombing attack by enemy planes. Ike said no, that he would stay three days. EISENHOWER PIPELINE THE POLITICAL orders radioed to Eisen- hower headquarters in New York from the Cruiser Helena in Mid-Pacific were signed not by Eisenhower, but by the man who will be his Attorney General-Herbert Brownell. In other words, Dewey's right- hand man will be the big political gun of the Eisenhower administration . . . Patronage Boss Brownell has made a concession to Brockbank, head of the National Association of Home Builders, to be Eisenhower's new head of Federal housing . . . . There are still plenty of hotel accommodations avail- able for people who want to see the inau- guration. If you want a room, contact the Republican national committee's housing enemy planes. Ike said no, that he would GOOD NEIGHBOR OSWALDO ARANHA, ex-foreign miriister of Brazil and this country's foremost friend south of the border, was talking to speaker-to-be Joe Martin of Massachusetts when Harold Stassen, mutual security boss- to-be, walked in. Aranha, who has a great sense of humor, poked some good-natured fun at Stassen regarding the fact that the United States has been neglecting its good neighbors, concentrating on Europe. "Yes, but we have the Point 4 program," remarked Stassen, who will probably take over the Point 4 program of aid to back- ward nations. "Yes, we have Point 4," shot back Aran- ha, "But I am waiting for Point 5. After you apply Point 4 to us we will be so bad off you will have to use the Marshall Plan to keep us alive, as you have Europe." NOTE-Dr. Aranha was, of course, partly joking. The Point 4 .program sends U.S. Technicians and experts to increase produc- tion, teach sanitation, health, new agricul- ture methods; etc. The Marshall Plan sent supplies and money. * , ,* WASHINGTON PIPELINE T RUMAN'S REMARKS about Eisenhower and MacArthur may patch up an an- cient rivalry, bring the two men together as nothing else could, not even Herbert Hoover ... The jet plane smoke trails sighted over Greenland by the Air Force last week show- ed that the supposed Russian plane was going away from the U.S.A., not toward it. In other words, if it was a Soviet jet, it had been reconnoitering over the northern hem- isphere and was on its way back . . . . Gen. Lucius Clay, top inside adviser to Eisenhow- er, has his fingers crossed about new Secre- tary of State John Foster Dulles . . . Rich- ard Arens, the man who drafted the Mc- Carran immigration act, is now pulling wires to become immigration commissioner under Eisenhower. Arens was close to Senator Revercomb of West Virginia who was boy- cotted by Tom Dewey because of his immi- gration views, now is close to McCarran. If he gets the job it will raise a fuior . . . Indiana's Senator Jenner is pulling wires for Arens' appointment, also wants to take l i0c i.L teto? the f*Michigan on 4. Soccer is a fascistic, bour- lege of mingling with the women 30Me SOCer .. .geois sport. Enlightened peoples of the University of Michigan on To the Editor: over the world do not partake of an equal basis at the Michigan such barbarism. Soccer will hence- Union. THE December 15 issue of News- forth not be played within the In other words our answer to week contained the following: glorious Peoples Democracies. these three very obstinate mem- "The Soviet soccer team which --Gene Preston bers of the very opposite sex is lost 3-1 to the Yugoslavs in the * * this: "So what's wrong with the Olympics has been disbanded and Women's League?" The Women's seven of its members arrested.', hooey on Youey League has been more than gra- Any enlightened mind will quick- To the Editor: cious to you. We have no 'front ly note the usual war-mongermng door policy' with back doors for tenor of this, another product of THIS LETTER is in regard to men. We do not conform to pre- capitalistic journalism. The truth the letter from 'old-timers' judices which would not allow men behind this incident is as follows: Mike Gale, '56, Steve Fishman, 56, to mingle with us on equal terms 1. The real score was 13-1. (The and Mike Bernstein, '56, who aie in the comfort of our cafeterias, 13 points were scored by the oppo- already talking about "tradition" nor do we have a back door for sition before competent members when they've been on campus for our guests. If there bappens to be of the illustrious Soviet Athletic only 13 weeks. They seem to con- a few men among you on this canl- Security Bureau discovered that tend that women are coming in pus who 'have seen the light' and the ball being used was manufac- the front door of the Union-and, who do escort women "within the tured in America and was of a what's more-are invading "one walls of this 'stag' room"-South definite capitalistic design. of the most popular meeting places Cafe-they should be commended 2. True followers of the Party on campus"-the Michigan Un? for returning the hospitality that do not disgrace themselves on the ion's cafeteria. They ask the ques- the Women's League affords. battleground of sports. (There- tion, "Is this traditionally man's Besides, are we to allow "tradi- fore, these athletes are not true room (South Cafe) becoming a tion" to rule us. In this modern followers of the Party and must be League annex?" They also "suggest day and age of progress, are we dealt with in the same manner the Union's Board of Directors to revert back to the dark ages of as the Slanskys.) take these matters into considera- unequal rights for women. Per- 3. The seven athletes were con- tion and return to the Michigan haps, these three "gentlemen" victed only after they had con- Union the tradition it rightfully would prefer to return to those fessed of their own free will in an deserves." times: to retrogress to the days open trial that they had suc- These "gentlemen" are absolute- before automobilesairplanes, ra- cumbed to the bribes of capital- ly correct. The Union's Board of dios, televisions, telephones, elec- istic agents from Wall Street Directors ought to "take these tricity, and etc. The privilege is all (called "bookies" in America) and matters into consideration" and theirs! had thrown the game in the man- give "to the Michigan Union the In other words - phooey on ner of American athletes. (Under tradition it rightfully deserves;" youey!!! Russian law "capitalistic bribing" that is: to allow the men of the -Marlene Rothenberg, '54 Ed. is a "capital offense.") University of Michigan the privi- Jessica Tanner, '55 LS&A DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Sign of Hope By JOSEPH ALSOP WASHINGTON - Returning from a tour of inquiry abroad is always a curious experience, for for there is a barrier of thought as well as an ocean barrier between Europe and America. Today, the experience is more strange than ever, for there is the added con- trast between the bleak certain- ties, the hard, inescapable reali- ties, of the great world problems, and the misty uncertainty, the still-fog-bound outlines of the new American administration. For almost the first time since the end of the war, however, the traveler abroad can note really solid progress of the kind that matters. There are the out- lines, at any rate, of a Western system that can survive, can go forward, and can repel the pres- sures of the Soviet system. there are the symptoms, at least, that this Western system is settling down for the long pull, which is the most important thing of all. The first thing to strike the traveler is the least definable-a change of atmosphere. There are plenty of ugly things in the at- mosphere of Europe today, such as increasing anti-Americanism. But the climate abroad has lost the hectic flavor of the post-war per- iod. No longer is everything im- provised. No longer are today's problems so pressing and alarming that it is quite impossible to think about tomorrow's. Governments and-individuals are settling into a kind of normality. And this feel- ing that a kind of normality is at last returning-that every familiar landmark is not any longer likely to be blown sky-high by some cri- sis or other-is a great balm in itself. This new feeling has been made possible, in turn, by the two central developments of these last years. Politically, Am- erica and her partner nations have organized a loose but ef- fective Western community or alliance, with commanding weight and power so long as it holds together. Strategically, America and her partner nations have moved, through this new Western community, to con- struct reasonable defenses for the free world as a whole. These defenses and this community, are, in effect, the great shields behind which economic and so- cial recovery are being achieved. As the chief mason of the fu- ture, President-elect Eisenhower's opportunity will be all the greater, precisely because he is Eisenhow- er. His campaign oratory may have disturbed certain of our allies who have forgotten what Ameri- can campaigns are like. But there is still a great fund of trust and confidence in Dwight Eisenhower, the man, in Britain and in Europe, There is also the feeling that a new hand at the helm, a new and more powerful impulse in policy making, a bolder and more imag-. inative leadership, will be good things. In the last year, one might al- most say that our partner na- tions felt comfortable with the Truman Administration because it was tired, and they are still rather tired too. At the same time, they resented the want of srong leadership from the a- knowledged leader.rFrom the Eisenhower Administration, they now hope for great things. This is the golden moment to streng- then and underpin the Western alliance, the Western commun- ity, the free world as a whole, Short-sightedness, wrong-head- edness, over-optimism can well cause all the ground so painfully gainedto be lost again, and all the foundations so laboriously built to crumble and fall. But if President- elect Eisenhower offers the same sort of leadership as Gen. Eisen- hower, one may hope that his ad- ministration will end like his com- mand in war, after many sore per- ils in final triumph. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) e 5 WASHINGTON-The public test of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's leadership will arrive on the day that Sen. Robert A. Taft explodes over a major Eisenhower proposal about as follows: "That's silly! We aren't going to do that!" Right now, the President-elect is explor- ing ways and means of averting such tests as long as possible. At his elbow is the shrewd and humorous Senator from Colo- rado, "Gene" Millikin, chairman of the conference of all Republican Senators. Senator Millikin is chairman of the fi- nance committee and ostensibly is discussing budget matters. It so happens, almost cer- tainly coincidentally, that no better guide exists to the complicated relationships among the members of the most exclusive gentle- men's club in the world, the U.S. Senate. Senator Taft, who will again be Republi- can policy chairman with his admirers in most key Senate positions, threw out an in- teresting hint recently that he might go on the foreign relations committee. Three Re- publican vacancies exist there; Mr. Taft cannot be hindered in such a design and probably can put his supporters in the other two places. It would be unlike the Senator from Ohio to move into a situation he cannot control but his prospects for direct con- trol of foreign relations are dim. He would certainly be resisted by Sen. Alexander Wiley, who is in line for chairman, and by Sen. Charles W. Tobey. Senator Tobey in fact exercised his seniority rights to get on the committee for the express pur- pose of thwarting .the Taft forces. There is, finally, the strong Dewey fac- tion with which the Senator must contend. So, in the end, it appears that Mr. Taft will have a difficult time controlling either Con- gress or the Eisenhower cabinet. (Continued from Page 2) established as the final date for the procurement of books, supplies, and equipment using veteran requisitions., No requisitions will be honored by the vendor subsequent to this date. Travel Bureau Escorts. The Hayes- Healy Travel Bureau is seeking col- lege students and graduates to con- duct tours to various parts of the world during thevsummer of 1953. They will be interviewing candidates for these positions during the Christmas holidays. If interested, contact the Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, Ext. 2614. Philosophy. The Bureau of Appoint- ments has been notified of the need of Professors of Philosophy at the College of Turkey, Ankara, 'Turkey, and also at the University of Wicwheers- rond, Johannesburg, South Africa. In- terested persons contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, telephone extension 2614. Personnel Interviews. The Russell Kelley Office Service, of Detroit, will have a representative at the Bureau ofhAppointments on Thurs., Dec. 18 to talk to individuals inter- ested in part-time Christmas office work in the Detroit area. Both men and women may make appointments. Personnel Requests. The Marathon Corporation, of Menasha, Wis., has openings for Sales Trainee, Production Control Trainee, Personnel Trainee, and Accounting Trainee. February graduates may make application, in addition to others in- terested. Detailed information is available. For further information concerning these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Building. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Eu-Phang Tsao, Pharaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "The Preparation of Analogs of Dem- erol, Amidone and Isoamidoneand the Reaction of Certain Nitrites with Grignard Reagents," Thurs., Dec. 18, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Doctoral Examination for Tung Hua Lin, Engineering Mechanics; thesis: "Response of Contact Accelerometer under Steady State and Transient Mo- tions," Thurs., Dec. 18, 1952. 406 West Engineering, at 3:30 p.m., Chairman, J. Ormondroyd. Doctoral Examination for Hugh Fer- dinand Schaefer, Chemistry; thesis: "Catalysis in Inorganic Hexammine Synthesis,"' Fri., Dec. 19, 1952, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 3 p.m. Chair- man, R. WV. Parry. Doctoral Examination for Heinrich Berthold Kessler, Physics; thesis: "An Investigation of the Characteristic In- frared Absorption Bands of the Pep- tide Link," Sat., Dec. 20, 2038 Randall Laborartoy at 10 a.m. Chairman, G. B. B. M. Sutherland. Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Applications of Mathe- matics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., Dec. 18, in 3409 Mason Hall at 4 p.m. Mr. Bruce Biddle of the Social Events Today Kappa Phi. Christmas party at 5:15. Please bring your finished project, and fifty cents worth of small gifts for children, wrapped. There will be car- oling after the meeting, ending with refreshments. The Arab Club will sponsor a panel discussion. "U.S. Policy and the Near East," at 7:30 p m., at theaInternational Center. Professors Slosson, Efimenco, and Ramzi will participate. The public is invited, Graduate Record Concert will be held at 7:45 in the East Lounge of Rackham; program: Bach, Cantata No. 140, Wa- chet auf! (Robert Shaw Chorale) ; Brit- ten, A Ceremony of Carols; Corelti, Christmas Concerto (Bruno Water- London Phil.). All grads cordially in- vited. Ukrainian Students Club. Meetingai all Ukrainian students at 7 p.m., Mad- elon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street. Christmas party. Club picture. Guests are welcome. The Modern Dance Club will meet at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasium. Will the members and all others interested in the club please attend. Lummie Carol Sing. All Freshmen Invited to participate. (Transportation and refreshments, twenty-five cents) Meet at Lane Hall, 8:30 p.m. La P'tite Causette will meet today from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe- teria of the Michigan Union. The Michigan Sailing Club will hold 1 r 1 f s t D 1 1 7 O1Og m~ir4gani&ilg Sixt y-Th~ird Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board is Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young......Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra..........Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman,....Associate Editor Ed 'Whipple..............Sports Editor John Jenks..A.ssociate Sports Editor Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........ Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green............. Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston..... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg .... Finance Manager rom Treeger.......Circulation Manager 4 I e