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December 18, 1952 - Image 1

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VOL. LXIII, No. 71




* * * *

Russian Reveals
Red Infiltratin
e 1 ra IOR
Investigating Committee Informed
Of Widespread Subversive Action
WASHINGTON --(A) - A former Russian official told inves-
tigating congressmen yesterday that he helped direct a calculated
Soviet program to infiltrate Communists into the American govern-
ment, educational foundations and other intellectual circles.
And now, Igor Bogolepov said, these Communists are barring
the entry into this country of hundreds of anti-Communist Rus-
sian intellectuals, including himself, who want to "help the American
people fight communism."
* * * *
BOGOLEPOV, who said he was formerly a Red Army colonel
and Foreign Office official, testified before a special House commit-

Ike Discuss
World Peace
NEW YORK - P) President-
elect Eisenhower and Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur discussed across a
luncheon table yesterday the
problem of how to achieve peace
in Korea and the rest of the world.
"We discussed the possibility of
peace in Korea with particular
reference to the world situation,
in which, of course, such Korean
peace would have to be deter-
mined," Eisenhower said after-
The meeting stemmed from a'
Dec. 5 speech in which MacArthur
said there "is a clear and definite
solution" to the stalemated Ko-
rean fighting.
* * *
THE President-elect described
the luncheon at John Foster
Dulles' home as "very enjoyable."
MacArthur said it was a "very
pleasant reunion with the Presi-
Neither Eisenhower nor Mac-
Arthur gave any details on the
views they exchanged nod did
they reveal whether they were
agreed on a course to follow to
achieve peace.
MacArthur told the cluster of
newsmen at the Dulles home that
the discussion centered around
"the problem of peace in Korea
and in the world in general."
The luncheon was arranged on
the initiative of Eisenhower, Hag-
erty said. He told newsmen that
Dulles extended *the invitation on
'behalf of , the President-elect.

-tee investigating tax-free educa-
tional and philanthropic founda-
tions to determine whether their
funds are being used for subyer-
sive purposes.
Earlier the investigators were
told that John Foster Dulles,
secretary of state-designate, had
heard reports that Alger Hiss
was "a sort of fellow traveler"
at the time he recommended
Hiss for president of the Car-
negie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace.
This testimony came from Al-
fred Kohlberg, a wealthy New
York importer and chairman of
the American China Policy Associ-
BOGOLEPOV told the commit-
tee the Soviets started a campaign
in the middle 1930s to capture the
"brains" of Western intellectuals
after Premier Stalin broke away
from one of the precepts of Karl
In his earlier testimony about
Dulles and Hiss, Kohlberg said
he obtained an interview with
Dulles early in January, 1947, right
after he learned Hiss had been
elected president of the Carnegie
Endowment. At that time Dulles
was one of the trustees.
NATO Nations
Slash Budget

Bus Trips
Students have from 1 to 4
p.m. today to sign up in the
Administration Bldg. for reser-
vations on the Wolverine Club
sponsored buses to Willow Run
Stuaii a r t Fenton, '56,ttrip
chairman, announced t h a t
another bus will leave the Un-
ion at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow, in
addition to those previously
scheduled at 12:15 p.m., 2:45
p.m., 4 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. He
said that students who signed
up for this bus should buy their
tickets today.
May Review
13raun CaseI
The smoldering case of Beet
Braun, '54, has been referred to
today's meeting of the Board of
Governors of Residence Hails,
Michigan House president Jim
Friedman, '54, said last night.
The affair of the former West
Quad Council member was turned
over to the Board by the Michigan
House Council which voted unan-
imously to ask them to recommend
an arbitrator for the Braun dis-
Walter, the Board's chairman,
said the Council's letter would be
read at today's session but he did
not know whether any action
would be taken.
The move followed Tuesday
night's decision by the Quad
Council to reject an offer by re-
tired Mens' Judiciary president
Joel Biller, '53L, that the judici-
ary serve as an impartial arbi-
trator between Braun and the
At their meeting last week, the
Inter-House Council decided to
allow Braun to serve as an alter-
nate representative from Michigan
House to the IHC.
Presentation of the controversy
to the Board coincided with pub-
lication of the Council's charges

SL Suggests
OSA Group
To Seek Rules
4 general policy statement rec-
ommending removal of the Uni-
versity driving ban won unanimous
approval by the Student Legisla-
ture last night.
At the same time legislators
authorized three representatives tc
serve on a-special committee which
Dean of Students Erich A. Walter
will set up to formulate a recom-
mendation on driving regulations
to be submitted to the Board of
Regents through the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Walter invited SL to send repre-
sentatives and expressed general
approval of the ideas outlined in
the proposal passed last night, ac-
cording to Ned Simon, '55, who
presented the recommendation.
SL's proposal will be submitted
to the OSA group as a general
suggestion for driving regula-
tions revision rather than as a
final, detailed plan.
This less formal step will en-
able the group to consider various
segments of the proposal rather
than approve or disapprove of it
as a whole, Simon explained.
Simon, Keith Beers, Grad., and
a member from the Men's Judi-
ciary Council were designated the
student representatives.
* * *
sets up a plan whereby students
would be allowed to drive on cam-
pus by obtaining a permit from
the Office of Student Affairs.
Guest permits would be issued to
those who planned to have a car
here only a few days.
Before permission would be
granted, the student would be
required to furnish parents' per-
mission if he were a minor. All
would-be drivers would have to
give information in regard to in-
surance on the automobile, li-
Icense plate number and driver's
license number.
The second section outlines a
plan by which the OSA would des-
ignate faculty, staff and other re-
stricted parking areas which would
be barred to students.
A general penalty system is de-
scribed in the third section, with
suggested punishment on offenses
ranging from fines to suspension
from school.
An all-campus ref rendum which
showed a majority of students in
favor of revision of present driv-
ing rules promted the SL proposal.
Concurrently, the OSA has been
studying the driving situation
here and in other schools.
Results of these studies will be
merged in the special committee
for presentation to the Regents.
* * *
Approve Big
'Ten CharterI
Student Legislature gave for-
mal approval last night to a con-
stitution for the Big Ten Student
Government Association.
Set up to "consider, coordinate
and integrate" activities and prob-

lems common to the Big Ten or-
ganizations, the Association will
be governed by a Big Ten Student
Body Presidents' Council.
The Council will elect a presi-
dent who would be charged with
responsibility for the group's ad-
ministrative work. Small yearly
levies will be collected from mem-
ber groups to support the organi-
* * *
ANOTHER item on the crowd-


-Daily-Alan Reid
* * * *

SL Plan Rejected
By ecture Bod
Proposal Now To Go To Regents;
Chances for Approval Held Slight
Daily City Editor
A five-year struggle to overhaul University policies on outside
speakers has been stopped cold, it was revealed last night.
At an unusually quiet Student Legislature meeting, SL President
Howard Willens, '53, told the group that recent talks with the Lecture
Committee on liberalizing speakers regulations had broken down.
* * .
THE ANNOUNCEMENT dashed hopes for eventual approval by
the Board of Regents of SL's plan for restricting the University's
"- * *

An Editoria

* 0 0

World News
By the Associated Press
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-Pre-
mier Marshal Tito's Communist
government cut diplomatic rela-
tions with the Vatican yesterday,
charging in effect that the recent
nomination of Archbishop Aloj-
zijc Stepinac torthesCollege of
Cardinals was a slap in the face.
* * *
Over last-minute opposition of
the United States, the UN Poli-
tical Committee yesterday called
on Franxce to open urgent talks
with Morocco on self-govern-
TOKYO-A handful of Sabre
jets fighting against high odds
clashed with the Communist Air
Force over Northwest Korea yes-
terday and sent one Red MIG
crashing in flames, the Air Force
LANSING - Gov. G. Mennen
Williams yesterday was certified
for his third consecutive term as
governor as a legal hassle loomed
over a $12,500 deposit put down by
Democrats in the recount.
a mur' * c .. ' -

PARIS - 0P) - In the face of against Braun in the West Quad
warnings from their military com- newspaper in which the Council
manders, North Atlantic diplo- revealed their stand for the first
matic and political leaders yester- time.
day cut to ribbons the proposed The article charged Braun had
428 million dollar Western defense "objected to the collection of Quad
building program for 1953. dues, despite its constitutional-
They said such a sum might ity and legality," had "attempted
wreck their nations' economic sta- to develop a rift between the var-
bility. ious quad councils in the matter
Informants reported the request of determining whether the wom-
by NATO's supreme commander, en of East Quad Council should
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, for serve on IHC" and had "ap-
428 millions to spend on building proached a representative on IHC'
air bases and ground defense had and asked him to collaborate with
been slashed to 210 millions. him to wreck the IHC."
Pollock Discusses New
Lecture Committee Rule

This is an epitaph.
Hopes for liberalizing the present outside speaker re-
strictions were buried as the Lecture Committee this week
rejected the Student Legislature plan for a compromise on
the issue.
Thus an apparently insurmountable barrier now
blocks further student efforts toward improving what is
an unsatisfactory situation for students, faculty and ad-
ministration alike. A dead end in a five-year era of
struggle to protect academic freedom in its real sense
on this campus has been reached.
The situation reached the crisis stage last spring, when'
the Lecture Committee entered a new phase of interpretation
of the Regents by-law on speakers by barring not only avowed
Communists, but also those who were under suspicion of
harboring Communist sympathies.
The basic criterion was membership in an organization
on the Attorney General's list of subversive groups.
The Student Legislature, in response to a 2-1 man-
date from the student body, last May undertook the
task of finding a compromise solution. to the problem.
SL on several occasions had gone on record against the
speakers regulation. Recognizing that there was no hope
for rescinding the by-law, the Legislature attempted to
work within the existing framework.
We believe that SL in its handling of the issue acted'
constructively, rationally and diplomatically. By attempting
to secure approval of the Lecture Committee and administra-
tion, it utilized the proper channels and deserves credit for
exploring every approach, yet refusing to completely vitiate
the ideal it was seeking to uphold.
The Lecture Committee must also be accorded full
credit for giving the plan a fair hearing and cooperating
with SL in attempting to work out a settlement.
And the Young Progressives, as usual, threw in a monkey
wrench by attempting to precipitate a crisis during the crucial
stages of the negotiations.
But the premises upon which the Lecture Committee,
the administration and the Board of Regents base their out-
look cannot pass unchallenged. Despite administration defini-
tions to the contrary, the issue of academic freedom and
freedom of speech is intimately involved in the question of
outside speakers at the University.
It cannot be denied that the exigencies of the cold "
war and the Korean conflict place our democratic ideals
under a peacetime stress which they have never before
But our system is also endangered by allowing the sphere
of free activity and inquiry to constantly shrink under the
impact of demagoguery and hysteria.
It is further illogical to contend that the problem is
solved by officially allowing Communists or "subversives"
to address secret meetings. This does not face the basic
issues involved.

power to ban "subversive speaK-
ers from campus appearances.
The Legislature's resolution,
first passed last May, was de-
signed to eliminate a University
body's previously determining
whether a speaker was likely to
violate a Regents' by-law prohib-
iting subversive talks.
The new plan would have called
for a guarantee by the sponsoring
student group that the lecturer
would obey the i'egulation. Joint
Judiciary, with the approval of
the University Sub-committee on
Discipline, would have acquired
the power to determine whether
the guarantees had been fulfilled
and mete out penalties accord-
IN HIS REPORT, Willens em-
phasized that the Lecture Com-
mittee in its talks with four stu-
dent representatives had given the
SD proposal "full and fair con-
sideration." However, he felt "it
was impossible to bridge the gap"
between alternative suggestions of-'
fered by Committee members and
the intent of the Legislature plan.
A letter from the SL chief to
Prof. James K. Pollock, Lecture
Committee chairman, stating
that "further discussion . . .
would be of no avail" was passed
on by the Legislature unani-
mously. A motion by Bob Perry,
'53E, to dispatch the letter evok-
ed no debate.
The letter read in part: "We
respect the opinions which were
raised questioning the meri~ts of
the SL proposal, although the
Legislature nevertheless reserves
its right to disagree with these
statements of opinion."
A reaffirmation of SL's position
on the speakers issue as contained
in its proposal was included in
the communication.
The resolution is still expect-
ed to go to the Regents for con-
sideration, but chances for its
passage are considered slight on
the heels of the impasse reached
with the Lecture Committee.
Former SL member Ted Fried-
man, '53, is presently preparing a
brief to be presented with the pro-
posal to a meeting of the Board
sometime next year.
K , ,
Lecture Committee conferences
became evident in a meeting Mon-
day, according to Willens. .
Most of the Committee mem-
bers maintained, he said, that if
student organizations did not
abide by the Attorney General's
list, a change in the existing
set-up could not be effected.
A compromise was put forth by
Prof. William W. Blume, Commit-
tee member, Willens said, which
called for a guarantee by the spon-
sor that the speaker is "not reput-
ed to be subversive and there is
nothing in his background to indi-
cate a likelihood he will violate
the standards of the Regents' by-
However, Willens reported the
suggestion as unacceptable to him-
self, Friedman, Dave Brown, '53,
and Phil Berry, Grad., student
representatives present at the con-
The majority of the Commit-
tee was described by Wilens as
viewing the barring of members
of subversive groups from cam-
pus speeches as justifiable for
the duration of the cold-war.

With the failure of the Student
Legislature's effort to remove from
the Lecture Committee its power
to review all outside campus speak-.
ers, the five-man board will con-
tinue to operate under policies it
has set during its 17-year exist-
Established in November, 1935,
to clarify jurisdictional confusion
over who should review petitions
for speakers, the committee has
found it necessary to broaden its
administrative functions to in-
lude a string of policy decisions
made under Regents' criteria.
* * *
POLICY-WISE, the Lecture
Committee was set up in 1935 to
administer Regents' policies "with
the understanding that (the pol-
icies) are designed to serve the
educational interests of the aca-
demic community rather than the
political interests of any party or
Chief point in the Regents'
policy statement was the provi-
sion that "timely and rational
discussion of topics" would be
encouraged "under guarantee
that . .. there shall be no vio-
latidn of the recognized rules
of hospitality no advocacy of
the subversion of the govern-
ment of .the United States. . ."
Prior to the organization of the
Lecture Committee, two speaking
events-a talk by British Com-
munist John Strachey and a de-
bate between Prof. Preston Slos-
son of the history department and
the Michigan Secretary of the
Communist Party - were barred
by a "Committee on Lecture Pol-
Because of partial jurisdiction
held at this time by a University
vice-president and the managers
of University buildings, a need for
clarification arose and the Lecture
Committee was set up.
bannings and made no policy de-
cisions from 1935 to 1947. In De-
cember of the latter year, it set
a precedent of banning openly
avowed Communists from talking
on campus. This policy held
through two bannings in 1948 and
was strengthened by one in 1950.
In the election year of 1948,
the Regents added to their by-
laws a provision that "speeches
in support of particular candi-
dates of any political party or
faction shall not be permitted."-
Known as the political speakers
ban," the by-law aroused heated
campus opposition until the Re-
gents relaxed it ten months later
and gave the Lecture Committee
full power to rule on speakers.
Operating under broadened jur-
isdiction, the committee last
spring widened its conception of
objectionable speakers to include
those who had been named "sub-
versive" on the Attorney General's
list, whether or not they were
openly avowed Communists.

Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment and the present chair-
man of the University Lecture
Committee, said yesterday in ref-
erence to the Committee's recent
ruling oncprivate meetings that "a
meeting ceases to be private when
it becomes a matter of public ag-
The Lecture Committee's new
ruling permits campus organiza-
tions to sponsor speakers of their
choice in private meetings without
prior approval of the Lecture Com-
came as a result of four questions
1 submitted to the Committee by
The Daily.
The questions were as follows:
1. May a campus organization

disciplinary action be taken
against the group?!
While Prof. Pollock declined to
answer these questions, he explain-
ed that the situation would be
judged by whether the student
group "was genuinely interested in
a private discussion or, on the
other hand, was trying to use the
University for selfish purposes."
chairman pointed to the statement
of the University Sub-Committee
on Discipline which was issued last
May after the Arthur McPhaul
dinner investigation.
This statement takes the Web-
ster's Dictionary definition of
the word "private" as "not pub-
licly known," "not open."
The McPhaul dinner was cited
as public and not private because
among other reasons a Daily re-

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